/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 The ScummVM project * * The ReInherit Engine is (C)2000-2003 by Daniel Balsom. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ // Background animation management module #include "saga/saga.h" #include "saga/gfx.h" #include "saga/console.h" #include "saga/events.h" #include "saga/render.h" #include "saga/animation.h" namespace Saga { Anim::Anim(SagaEngine *vm) : _vm(vm) { uint16 i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_ANIMATIONS; i++) _animations[i] = NULL; } Anim::~Anim(void) { reset(); } void Anim::load(uint16 animId, const byte *animResourceData, size_t animResourceLength) { AnimationData *anim; if (animId >= MAX_ANIMATIONS) { error("Anim::load could not find unused animation slot"); } anim = _animations[animId] = new AnimationData(animResourceData, animResourceLength); MemoryReadStreamEndian headerReadS(anim->resourceData, anim->resourceLength, IS_BIG_ENDIAN); anim->magic = headerReadS.readUint16LE(); // cause ALWAYS LE anim->screenWidth = headerReadS.readUint16(); anim->screenHeight = headerReadS.readUint16(); anim->unknown06 = headerReadS.readByte(); anim->unknown07 = headerReadS.readByte(); anim->maxFrame = headerReadS.readByte() - 1; anim->loopFrame = headerReadS.readByte() - 1; anim->start = headerReadS.readUint16BE(); anim->start += headerReadS.pos(); if (_vm->getGameType() == GType_ITE) { // Cache frame offsets anim->frameOffsets = (size_t *)malloc((anim->maxFrame + 1) * sizeof(*anim->frameOffsets)); if (anim->frameOffsets == NULL) { memoryError("Anim::load"); } fillFrameOffsets(anim); } else { anim->cur_frame_p = anim->resourceData + SAGA_FRAME_HEADER_LEN; // ? len - may vary anim->cur_frame_len = anim->resourceLength - SAGA_FRAME_HEADER_LEN; } // Set animation data anim->currentFrame = 0; anim->completed = 0; anim->cycles = anim->maxFrame; anim->frameTime = DEFAULT_FRAME_TIME; anim->flags = 0; anim->linkId = -1; anim->state = ANIM_PAUSE; } void Anim::link(int16 animId1, int16 animId2) { AnimationData *anim1; AnimationData *anim2; anim1 = getAnimation(animId1); anim1->linkId = animId2; if (animId2 == -1) { return; } anim2 = getAnimation(animId2); anim2->frameTime = anim1->frameTime; } void Anim::setCycles(uint16 animId, int cycles) { AnimationData *anim; anim = getAnimation(animId); anim->cycles = cycles; } void Anim::play(uint16 animId, int vectorTime, bool playing) { EVENT event; BUFFER_INFO buf_info; byte *displayBuffer; const byte *nextf_p; size_t nextf_len; uint16 frame; int frameTime; int result; AnimationData *anim; AnimationData *linkAnim; anim = getAnimation(animId); _vm->_render->getBufferInfo(&buf_info); displayBuffer = buf_info.bg_buf; if (playing) { anim->state = ANIM_PLAYING; } if (anim->state == ANIM_PAUSE) { return; } if (anim->completed < anim->cycles) { frame = anim->currentFrame; if (_vm->getGameType() == GType_ITE) { // FIXME: if start > 0, then this works incorrectly ITE_DecodeFrame(anim, anim->frameOffsets[frame], displayBuffer, _vm->getDisplayWidth() * _vm->getDisplayHeight()); } else { if (anim->cur_frame_p == NULL) { warning("Anim::play: Frames exhausted"); return; } result = IHNM_DecodeFrame(displayBuffer, _vm->getDisplayWidth() * _vm->getDisplayHeight(), anim->cur_frame_p, anim->cur_frame_len, &nextf_p, &nextf_len); if (result != SUCCESS) { warning("Anim::play: Error decoding frame %u", anim->currentFrame); anim->state = ANIM_PAUSE; return; } anim->cur_frame_p = nextf_p; anim->cur_frame_len = nextf_len; } anim->currentFrame++; if (anim->completed != 65535) { anim->completed++; } if (anim->currentFrame > anim->maxFrame) { anim->currentFrame = anim->loopFrame; if (_vm->getGameType() == GType_IHNM) { // FIXME: HACK. probably needs more testing for IHNM anim->cur_frame_p = anim->resourceData + SAGA_FRAME_HEADER_LEN; anim->cur_frame_len = anim->resourceLength - SAGA_FRAME_HEADER_LEN; } if (anim->flags & ANIM_STOPPING || anim->currentFrame == -1) { anim->state = ANIM_PAUSE; } } } else { // Animation done playing if (anim->linkId != -1) { // If this animation has a link, follow it anim->currentFrame = 0; anim->completed = 0; anim->state = ANIM_PAUSE; } else { // No link, stop playing anim->currentFrame = anim->maxFrame; anim->state = ANIM_PAUSE; if (anim->flags & ANIM_ENDSCENE) { // This animation ends the scene event.type = ONESHOT_EVENT; event.code = SCENE_EVENT; event.op = EVENT_END; event.time = anim->frameTime + vectorTime; _vm->_events->queue(&event); } return; } } if (anim->state == ANIM_PAUSE && anim->linkId != -1) { // If this animation has a link, follow it linkAnim = getAnimation(anim->linkId); debug(5, "Animation ended going to %d", anim->linkId); linkAnim->currentFrame = 0; linkAnim->completed = 0; linkAnim->state = ANIM_PLAYING; animId = anim->linkId; frameTime = 0; } else { frameTime = anim->frameTime + vectorTime; } event.type = ONESHOT_EVENT; event.code = ANIM_EVENT; event.op = EVENT_FRAME; event.param = animId; event.time = frameTime; _vm->_events->queue(&event); } void Anim::stop(uint16 animId) { AnimationData *anim; anim = getAnimation(animId); anim->state = ANIM_PAUSE; } void Anim::finish(uint16 animId) { AnimationData *anim; anim = getAnimation(animId); anim->state = ANIM_STOPPING; } void Anim::resume(uint16 animId, int cycles) { AnimationData *anim; anim = getAnimation(animId); anim->cycles += cycles; play(animId, 0, true); } void Anim::reset() { uint16 i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_ANIMATIONS; i++) { if (_animations[i] != NULL) { delete _animations[i]; _animations[i] = NULL; } } } void Anim::setFlag(uint16 animId, uint16 flag) { AnimationData *anim; anim = getAnimation(animId); anim->flags |= flag; } void Anim::clearFlag(uint16 animId, uint16 flag) { AnimationData *anim; anim = getAnimation(animId); anim->flags &= ~flag; } void Anim::setFrameTime(uint16 animId, int time) { AnimationData *anim; anim = getAnimation(animId); anim->frameTime = time; } int16 Anim::getCurrentFrame(uint16 animId) { AnimationData *anim; anim = getAnimation(animId); return anim->currentFrame; } void Anim::ITE_DecodeFrame(AnimationData *anim, size_t frameOffset, byte *buf, size_t bufLength) { FRAME_HEADER fh; byte *write_p; uint16 magic; uint16 xStart; uint16 yStart; uint32 screenWidth; uint32 screenHeight; int mark_byte; byte data_byte; int new_row; uint16 control_ch; uint16 param_ch; uint16 runcount; int x_vector; uint16 i; screenWidth = anim->screenWidth; screenHeight = anim->screenHeight; if ((screenWidth * screenHeight) > bufLength) { // Buffer argument is too small to hold decoded frame, abort. error("ITE_DecodeFrame: Buffer size inadequate"); } MemoryReadStream readS(anim->resourceData + frameOffset, anim->resourceLength - frameOffset); // Check for frame magic byte magic = readS.readByte(); if (magic == SAGA_FRAME_END) { return; } if (magic != SAGA_FRAME_START) { error("ITE_DecodeFrame: Invalid frame offset %x", frameOffset); } fh.xStart = readS.readUint16BE(); if (_vm->getFeatures() & GF_BIG_ENDIAN_DATA) fh.yStart = readS.readUint16BE(); else fh.yStart = readS.readByte(); readS.readByte(); /* Skip pad byte */ fh.xPos = readS.readUint16BE(); fh.yPos = readS.readUint16BE(); fh.width = readS.readUint16BE(); fh.height = readS.readUint16BE(); xStart = fh.xStart; yStart = fh.yStart; #if 1 #define VALIDATE_WRITE_POINTER \ if ((write_p < buf) || (write_p >= (buf + screenWidth * screenHeight))) { \ error("VALIDATE_WRITE_POINTER: write_p=%x buf=%x", write_p, buf); \ } #else #define VALIDATE_WRITE_POINTER #endif // Setup write pointer to the draw origin write_p = (buf + (yStart * screenWidth) + xStart); VALIDATE_WRITE_POINTER; // Begin RLE decompression to output buffer do { mark_byte = readS.readByte(); switch (mark_byte) { case SAGA_FRAME_LONG_UNCOMPRESSED_RUN: // Long Unencoded Run runcount = readS.readSint16BE(); for (i = 0; i < runcount; i++) { data_byte = readS.readByte(); if (data_byte != 0) { *write_p = data_byte; } write_p++; VALIDATE_WRITE_POINTER; } continue; break; case SAGA_FRAME_LONG_COMPRESSED_RUN: // Long encoded run runcount = readS.readSint16BE(); data_byte = readS.readByte(); for (i = 0; i < runcount; i++) { *write_p++ = data_byte; VALIDATE_WRITE_POINTER; } continue; break; case SAGA_FRAME_ROW_END: // End of row x_vector = readS.readSint16BE(); if (_vm->getFeatures() & GF_BIG_ENDIAN_DATA) new_row = readS.readSint16BE(); else new_row = readS.readByte(); // Set write pointer to the new draw origin write_p = buf + ((yStart + new_row) * screenWidth) + xStart + x_vector; VALIDATE_WRITE_POINTER; continue; break; case SAGA_FRAME_REPOSITION: // Reposition command x_vector = readS.readSint16BE(); write_p += x_vector; VALIDATE_WRITE_POINTER; continue; break; case SAGA_FRAME_END: // End of frame marker return; break; default: break; } // Mask all but two high order control bits control_ch = mark_byte & 0xC0U; param_ch = mark_byte & 0x3FU; switch (control_ch) { case SAGA_FRAME_EMPTY_RUN: // 1100 0000 // Run of empty pixels runcount = param_ch + 1; write_p += runcount; VALIDATE_WRITE_POINTER; continue; break; case SAGA_FRAME_COMPRESSED_RUN: // 1000 0000 // Run of compressed data runcount = param_ch + 1; data_byte = readS.readByte(); for (i = 0; i < runcount; i++) { *write_p++ = data_byte; VALIDATE_WRITE_POINTER; } continue; break; case SAGA_FRAME_UNCOMPRESSED_RUN: // 0100 0000 // Uncompressed run runcount = param_ch + 1; for (i = 0; i < runcount; i++) { data_byte = readS.readByte(); if (data_byte != 0) { *write_p = data_byte; } write_p++; VALIDATE_WRITE_POINTER; } continue; break; default: // Unknown marker found - abort error("ITE_DecodeFrame: Invalid RLE marker encountered"); break; } } while (mark_byte != 63); // end of frame marker } int Anim::IHNM_DecodeFrame(byte *decode_buf, size_t decode_buf_len, const byte *thisf_p, size_t thisf_len, const byte **nextf_p, size_t *nextf_len) { int in_ch; int decoded_data = 0; int cont_flag = 1; int control_ch; int param_ch; byte data_pixel; int x_origin = 0; int y_origin = 0; int x_vector; int new_row; uint16 runcount; uint16 c; size_t in_ch_offset; MemoryReadStreamEndian readS(thisf_p, thisf_len, !IS_BIG_ENDIAN); // RLE has inversion BE<>LE byte *outbuf_p = decode_buf; byte *outbuf_endp = (decode_buf + decode_buf_len) - 1; size_t outbuf_remain = decode_buf_len; *nextf_p = NULL; for (; cont_flag; decoded_data = 1) { in_ch_offset = readS.pos(); in_ch = readS.readByte(); switch (in_ch) { case 0x0F: // 15: Frame header { int param1; int param2; int param3; int param4; int param5; int param6; if (thisf_len - readS.pos() < 13) { warning("0x%02X: Input buffer underrun", in_ch); return FAILURE; } param1 = readS.readUint16(); param2 = readS.readUint16(); readS.readByte(); // skip 1? param3 = readS.readUint16(); param4 = readS.readUint16(); param5 = readS.readUint16(); param6 = readS.readUint16(); x_origin = param1; y_origin = param2; outbuf_p = decode_buf + x_origin + (y_origin * _vm->getDisplayWidth()); if (outbuf_p > outbuf_endp) { warning("0x%02X: (0x%X) Invalid output position. (x: %d, y: %d)", in_ch, in_ch_offset, x_origin, y_origin); return FAILURE; } outbuf_remain = (outbuf_endp - outbuf_p) + 1; continue; } break; case SAGA_FRAME_LONG_UNCOMPRESSED_RUN: // Long Unencoded Run runcount = readS.readSint16(); if (thisf_len - readS.pos() < runcount) { warning("0x%02X: Input buffer underrun", in_ch); return FAILURE; } if (outbuf_remain < runcount) { warning("0x%02X: Output buffer overrun", in_ch); return FAILURE; } for (c = 0; c < runcount; c++) { data_pixel = readS.readByte(); if (data_pixel != 0) { *outbuf_p = data_pixel; } outbuf_p++; } outbuf_remain -= runcount; continue; break; case 0x1F: // 31: Unusued? if (thisf_len - readS.pos() < 3) { warning("0x%02X: Input buffer underrun", in_ch); return FAILURE; } readS.readByte(); readS.readByte(); readS.readByte(); continue; break; case SAGA_FRAME_LONG_COMPRESSED_RUN: // Long compressed run if (thisf_len - readS.pos() <= 3) { warning("0x%02X: Input buffer underrun", in_ch); return FAILURE; } runcount = readS.readSint16(); data_pixel = readS.readByte(); for (c = 0; c < runcount; c++) { *outbuf_p++ = data_pixel; } outbuf_remain -= runcount; continue; break; case SAGA_FRAME_ROW_END: // End of row if (thisf_len - readS.pos() <= 4) { return FAILURE; } x_vector = readS.readSint16(); new_row = readS.readSint16(); outbuf_p = decode_buf + ((y_origin + new_row) * _vm->getDisplayWidth()) + x_origin + x_vector; outbuf_remain = (outbuf_endp - outbuf_p) + 1; continue; break; case SAGA_FRAME_REPOSITION: // Reposition command if (thisf_len - readS.pos() < 2) { return FAILURE; } x_vector = readS.readSint16(); if (((x_vector > 0) && ((size_t) x_vector > outbuf_remain)) || (-x_vector > outbuf_p - decode_buf)) { warning("SAGA_FRAME_REPOSITION: Invalid x_vector"); return FAILURE; } outbuf_p += x_vector; outbuf_remain -= x_vector; continue; break; case SAGA_FRAME_END: // Frame end marker debug(1, "SAGA_FRAME_END: Frame end marker"); if (decoded_data && (thisf_len - readS.pos() > 0)) { *nextf_p = thisf_p + readS.pos(); *nextf_len = thisf_len - readS.pos(); } else { *nextf_p = NULL; *nextf_len = 0; } cont_flag = 0; continue; break; default: break; } control_ch = in_ch & 0xC0; param_ch = in_ch & 0x3f; switch (control_ch) { case SAGA_FRAME_EMPTY_RUN: // Run of empty pixels runcount = param_ch + 1; if (outbuf_remain < runcount) { return FAILURE; } outbuf_p += runcount; outbuf_remain -= runcount; continue; break; case SAGA_FRAME_COMPRESSED_RUN: // Run of compressed data runcount = param_ch + 1; if ((outbuf_remain < runcount) || (thisf_len - readS.pos() <= 1)) { return FAILURE; } data_pixel = readS.readByte(); for (c = 0; c < runcount; c++) { *outbuf_p++ = data_pixel; } outbuf_remain -= runcount; continue; break; case SAGA_FRAME_UNCOMPRESSED_RUN: // Uncompressed run runcount = param_ch + 1; if ((outbuf_remain < runcount) || (thisf_len - readS.pos() < runcount)) { return FAILURE; } for (c = 0; c < runcount; c++) { data_pixel = readS.readByte(); if (data_pixel != 0) { *outbuf_p = data_pixel; } outbuf_p++; } outbuf_remain -= runcount; continue; break; default: break; } } return SUCCESS; } void Anim::fillFrameOffsets(AnimationData *anim) { uint16 currentFrame; byte mark_byte; uint16 control; uint16 runcount; uint16 magic; int i; MemoryReadStreamEndian readS(anim->resourceData, anim->resourceLength, IS_BIG_ENDIAN); readS.seek(12); readS._bigEndian = !IS_BIG_ENDIAN; // RLE has inversion BE<>LE for (currentFrame = 0; currentFrame <= anim->maxFrame; currentFrame++) { anim->frameOffsets[currentFrame] = readS.pos(); magic = readS.readByte(); if (magic == SAGA_FRAME_END) { if (currentFrame != anim->maxFrame) { error("currentFrame != anim->maxFrame"); } break; } if (magic != SAGA_FRAME_START) { error("Frame sync failure. Magic Number not found"); } // skip header readS.seek(SAGA_FRAME_HEADER_LEN, SEEK_CUR); // For some strange reason, the animation header is in little // endian format, but the actual RLE encoded frame data, // including the frame header, is in big endian format. */ do { mark_byte = readS.readByte(); // debug(7, "_pos=%x mark_byte=%x", readS.pos(), mark_byte); switch (mark_byte) { case SAGA_FRAME_END: // End of frame marker continue; break; case SAGA_FRAME_REPOSITION: // Reposition command readS.readSint16BE(); continue; break; case SAGA_FRAME_ROW_END: // End of row marker readS.readSint16BE(); if (_vm->getFeatures() & GF_BIG_ENDIAN_DATA) readS.readSint16BE(); else readS.readByte(); continue; break; case SAGA_FRAME_LONG_COMPRESSED_RUN: // Long compressed run marker readS.readSint16BE(); readS.readByte(); continue; break; case SAGA_FRAME_LONG_UNCOMPRESSED_RUN: // (16) 0001 0000 // Long Uncompressed Run runcount = readS.readSint16BE(); for (i = 0; i < runcount; i++) readS.readByte(); continue; break; default: break; } // Mask all but two high order (control) bits control = mark_byte & 0xC0; switch (control) { case SAGA_FRAME_EMPTY_RUN: // Run of empty pixels continue; break; case SAGA_FRAME_COMPRESSED_RUN: // Run of compressed data readS.readByte(); // Skip data byte continue; break; case SAGA_FRAME_UNCOMPRESSED_RUN: // Uncompressed run runcount = (mark_byte & 0x3f) + 1; for (i = 0; i < runcount; i++) readS.readByte(); continue; break; default: error("Encountered unknown RLE marker"); break; } } while (mark_byte != SAGA_FRAME_END); } } void Anim::animInfo() { uint16 animCount; uint16 i; animCount = getAnimationCount(); _vm->_console->DebugPrintf("There are %d animations loaded:\n", animCount); for (i = 0; i < MAX_ANIMATIONS; i++) { if (_animations[i] == NULL) { continue; } _vm->_console->DebugPrintf("%02d: Frames: %u Flags: %u\n", i, _animations[i]->maxFrame, _animations[i]->flags); } } } // End of namespace Saga