/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 The ScummVM project * * The ReInherit Engine is (C)2000-2003 by Daniel Balsom. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ // Isometric level module - private header #ifndef SAGA_ISOMAP_H_ #define SAGA_ISOMAP_H_ #include "saga/actor.h" namespace Saga { #define SAGA_ISOTILEDATA_LEN 8 #define SAGA_ISOTILE_WIDTH 32 #define SAGA_ISOTILE_BASEHEIGHT 15 #define SAGA_TILE_NOMINAL_H 16 #define SAGA_MAX_TILE_H 64 #define SAGA_TILEPLATFORMDATA_LEN 136 #define SAGA_PLATFORM_W 8 #define SAGA_MAX_PLATFORM_H 16 #define SAGA_TILEMAP_LEN 514 #define SAGA_TILEMAP_W 16 #define SAGA_TILEMAP_H 16 #define SAGA_METATILEDATA_LEN 36 #define SAGA_MULTI_TILE (1 << 15) #define SAGA_SCROLL_LIMIT_X1 32 #define SAGA_SCROLL_LIMIT_X2 64 #define SAGA_SCROLL_LIMIT_Y1 8 #define SAGA_SCROLL_LIMIT_Y2 32 #define SAGA_DRAGON_SEARCH_CENTER 24 #define SAGA_DRAGON_SEARCH_DIAMETER (SAGA_DRAGON_SEARCH_CENTER * 2) #define SAGA_SEARCH_CENTER 15 #define SAGA_SEARCH_DIAMETER (SAGA_SEARCH_CENTER * 2) #define SAGA_SEARCH_QUEUE_SIZE 128 #define SAGA_IMPASSABLE ((1 << kTerrBlock) | (1 << kTerrWater)) #define SAGA_STRAIGHT_NORMAL_COST 4 #define SAGA_DIAG_NORMAL_COST 6 #define SAGA_STRAIGHT_EASY_COST 2 #define SAGA_DIAG_EASY_COST 3 #define SAGA_STRAIGHT_HARD_COST 9 #define SAGA_DIAG_HARD_COST 10 #define SAGA_MAX_PATH_DIRECTIONS 256 enum TerrainTypes { kTerrNone = 0, kTerrPath = 1, kTerrRough = 2, kTerrBlock = 3, kTerrWater = 4, kTerrLast = 5 }; enum TileMapEdgeType { kEdgeTypeBlack = 0, kEdgeTypeFill0 = 1, kEdgeTypeFill1 = 2, kEdgeTypeRpt = 3, kEdgeTypeWrap = 4 }; struct IsoTileData { byte height; int8 attributes; size_t offset; uint16 terrainMask; byte FGDBGDAttr; int8 GetMaskRule() const { return attributes & 0x0F; } byte GetFGDAttr() const { return FGDBGDAttr >> 4; } byte GetBGDAttr() const { return FGDBGDAttr & 0x0F; } uint16 GetFGDMask() const { return 1 << GetFGDAttr(); } uint16 GetBGDMask() const { return 1 << GetBGDAttr(); } }; struct TilePlatformData { int16 metaTile; int16 height; int16 highestPixel; byte vBits; byte uBits; int16 tiles[SAGA_PLATFORM_W][SAGA_PLATFORM_W]; }; struct TileMapData { byte edgeType; int16 tilePlatforms[SAGA_TILEMAP_W][SAGA_TILEMAP_H]; }; struct MetaTileData { uint16 highestPlatform; uint16 highestPixel; int16 stack[SAGA_MAX_PLATFORM_H]; }; struct MultiTileEntryData { int16 offset; byte u; byte v; byte h; byte uSize; byte vSize; byte numStates; byte currentState; }; class IsoMap { public: IsoMap(SagaEngine *vm); ~IsoMap() { freeMem(); } void loadImages(const byte * resourcePointer, size_t resourceLength); void loadMap(const byte * resourcePointer, size_t resourceLength); void loadPlatforms(const byte * resourcePointer, size_t resourceLength); void loadMetaTiles(const byte * resourcePointer, size_t resourceLength); void loadMulti(const byte * resourcePointer, size_t resourceLength); void freeMem(); void draw(Surface *ds); void drawSprite(Surface *ds, SpriteList &spriteList, int spriteNumber, const Location &location, const Point &screenPosition, int scale); void adjustScroll(bool jump); void tileCoordsToScreenPoint(const Location &location, Point &position) { position.x = location.u() - location.v() + (128 * SAGA_TILEMAP_W) - _viewScroll.x + 16; position.y = -(location.uv() >> 1) + (128 * SAGA_TILEMAP_W) - _viewScroll.y - location.z; } void screenPointToTileCoords(const Point &position, Location &location); void placeOnTileMap(const Location &start, Location &result, int16 distance, uint16 direction); void findDragonTilePath(ActorData* actor, const Location &start, const Location &end, uint16 initialDirection); bool findNearestChasm(int16 &u0, int16 &v0, uint16 &direction); void findTilePath(ActorData* actor, const Location &start, const Location &end); bool nextTileTarget(ActorData* actor); void setTileDoorState(int doorNumber, int doorState); Point getMapPosition() { return _mapPosition; } void setMapPosition(int x, int y); int16 getTileIndex(int16 u, int16 v, int16 z); private: void drawTiles(Surface *ds, const Location *location); void drawMetaTile(Surface *ds, uint16 metaTileIndex, const Point &point, int16 absU, int16 absV); void drawSpriteMetaTile(Surface *ds, uint16 metaTileIndex, const Point &point, Location &location, int16 absU, int16 absV); void drawPlatform(Surface *ds, uint16 platformIndex, const Point &point, int16 absU, int16 absV, int16 absH); void drawSpritePlatform(Surface *ds, uint16 platformIndex, const Point &point, const Location &location, int16 absU, int16 absV, int16 absH); void drawTile(Surface *ds, uint16 tileIndex, const Point &point, const Location *location); int16 smoothSlide(int16 value, int16 min, int16 max) { if (value < min) { if (value < min - 100 || value > min - 4) { value = min; } else { value += 4; } } else { if (value > max) { if (value > max + 100 || value < max + 4) { value = max; } else { value -= 4; } } } return value; } int16 findMulti(int16 tileIndex, int16 absU, int16 absV, int16 absH); void pushPoint(int16 u, int16 v, uint16 cost, uint16 direction); void pushDragonPoint(int16 u, int16 v, uint16 direction); bool checkDragonPoint(int16 u, int16 v, uint16 direction); void testPossibleDirections(int16 u, int16 v, uint16 terraComp[8], int skipCenter); IsoTileData *getTile(int16 u, int16 v, int16 z); byte *_tileData; size_t _tileDataLength; uint16 _tilesCount; IsoTileData *_tilesTable; uint16 _tilePlatformsCount; TilePlatformData *_tilePlatformList; uint16 _metaTilesCount; MetaTileData *_metaTileList; uint16 _multiCount; MultiTileEntryData *_multiTable; uint16 _multiDataCount; int16 *_multiTableData; TileMapData _tileMap; Point _mapPosition; // path finding stuff uint16 _platformHeight; struct DragonPathCell { uint8 visited:1,direction:3; }; struct DragonTilePoint { int8 u, v; uint8 direction:4; }; struct PathCell { uint16 visited:1,direction:3,cost:12; }; public: struct TilePoint { int8 u, v; uint16 direction:4,cost:12; }; private: struct DragonSearchArray { DragonPathCell cell[SAGA_DRAGON_SEARCH_DIAMETER][SAGA_DRAGON_SEARCH_DIAMETER]; DragonTilePoint queue[SAGA_SEARCH_QUEUE_SIZE]; DragonTilePoint *getQueue(uint16 i) { assert(i < SAGA_SEARCH_QUEUE_SIZE); return &queue[i]; } DragonPathCell *getPathCell(uint16 u, uint16 v) { assert((u < SAGA_DRAGON_SEARCH_DIAMETER) && (v < SAGA_DRAGON_SEARCH_DIAMETER)); return &cell[u][v]; } }; struct SearchArray { PathCell cell[SAGA_SEARCH_DIAMETER][SAGA_SEARCH_DIAMETER]; TilePoint queue[SAGA_SEARCH_QUEUE_SIZE]; TilePoint *getQueue(uint16 i) { assert(i < SAGA_SEARCH_QUEUE_SIZE); return &queue[i]; } PathCell *getPathCell(uint16 u, uint16 v) { assert((u < SAGA_SEARCH_DIAMETER) && (v < SAGA_SEARCH_DIAMETER)); return &cell[u][v]; } }; int16 _queueCount; int16 _readCount; SearchArray _searchArray; DragonSearchArray _dragonSearchArray; byte _pathDirections[SAGA_MAX_PATH_DIRECTIONS]; int _viewDiff; Point _viewScroll; Rect _tileClip; SagaEngine *_vm; }; } // End of namespace Saga #endif