/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 The ScummVM project * * The ReInherit Engine is (C)2000-2003 by Daniel Balsom. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "base/gameDetector.h" #include "base/plugins.h" #include "backends/fs/fs.h" #include "common/file.h" #include "common/config-manager.h" #include "common/system.h" #include "sound/mixer.h" #include "saga/saga.h" #include "saga/gfx.h" #include "saga/rscfile_mod.h" #include "saga/render.h" #include "saga/actor.h" #include "saga/animation.h" #include "saga/console.h" #include "saga/events.h" #include "saga/font.h" #include "saga/interface.h" #include "saga/isomap.h" #include "saga/puzzle.h" #include "saga/script.h" #include "saga/scene.h" #include "saga/sndres.h" #include "saga/sprite.h" #include "saga/sound.h" #include "saga/music.h" #include "saga/palanim.h" #include "saga/objectmap.h" static const GameSettings saga_games[] = { {"ite", "Inherit the Earth", 0}, {"ite-demo", "Inherit the Earth (Demo)", 0}, {"ihnm", "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream", GF_DEFAULT_TO_1X_SCALER }, {"ihnm-demo", "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (Demo)", GF_DEFAULT_TO_1X_SCALER }, {0, 0, 0} }; static const char *interfaceTextStrings[][42] = { { "Walk to", "Look At", "Pick Up", "Talk to", "Open", "Close", "Use", "Give", "Options", "Test", "Demo", "Help", "Quit Game", "Fast", "Slow", "On", "Off", "Continue Playing", "Load", "Save", "Game Options", "Reading Speed", "Music", "Sound", "Cancel", "Quit", "OK", "Mid", "Click", "10%", "20%", "30%", "40%", "50%", "60%", "70%", "80%", "90%", "Max", "Quit the Game?", "Load Successful!", "Enter Save Game Name" }, // German { "Gehe zu", "Schau an", "Nimm", "Rede mit", "\231ffne", "Schlie$e", "Benutze", "Gib", "Optionen", "Test", "Demo", "Hilfe", "Spiel beenden", "S", "L", "An", "Aus", "Weiterspielen", "Laden", "Sichern", "Spieleoptionen", "Lesegeschw.", "Musik", "Sound", "Abbr.", "Beenden", NULL, "M", "Klick", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "Quit the Game?", "Load Successful!", "Enter Save Game Name" } }; GameList Engine_SAGA_gameList() { GameList games; const GameSettings *g = saga_games; while (g->name) { games.push_back(*g); g++; } return games; } DetectedGameList Engine_SAGA_detectGames(const FSList &fslist) { return Saga::GAME_ProbeGame(fslist); } Engine *Engine_SAGA_create(GameDetector *detector, OSystem *syst) { return new Saga::SagaEngine(detector, syst); } REGISTER_PLUGIN(SAGA, "SAGA Engine") namespace Saga { #define MAX_TIME_DELTA 100 SagaEngine *_vm = NULL; SagaEngine::SagaEngine(GameDetector *detector, OSystem *syst) : Engine(syst), _targetName(detector->_targetName) { _leftMouseButtonPressed = _rightMouseButtonPressed = false; _console = NULL; _gameFileContexts = NULL; _quit = false; _sndRes = NULL; _events = NULL; _font = NULL; _sprite = NULL; _anim = NULL; _script = NULL; _interface = NULL; _actor = NULL; _palanim = NULL; _scene = NULL; _isoMap = NULL; _gfx = NULL; _console = NULL; _render = NULL; _music = NULL; _sound = NULL; _puzzle = NULL; // The Linux version of Inherit the Earth puts all data files in an // 'itedata' sub-directory, except for voices.rsc Common::File::addDefaultDirectory(_gameDataPath + "itedata/"); // The Windows version of Inherit the Earth puts various data files in // other subdirectories. Common::File::addDefaultDirectory(_gameDataPath + "graphics/"); Common::File::addDefaultDirectory(_gameDataPath + "music/"); Common::File::addDefaultDirectory(_gameDataPath + "sound/"); // Mac CD Wyrmkeep Common::File::addDefaultDirectory(_gameDataPath + "patch/"); // Setup mixer if (!_mixer->isReady()) { warning("Sound initialization failed."); } _mixer->setVolumeForSoundType(Audio::Mixer::kSFXSoundType, ConfMan.getInt("sfx_volume")); _mixer->setVolumeForSoundType(Audio::Mixer::kMusicSoundType, ConfMan.getInt("music_volume")); _vm = this; } SagaEngine::~SagaEngine() { int i; if (_scene->isSceneLoaded()) { _scene->endScene(); } delete _puzzle; delete _sndRes; delete _events; delete _font; delete _sprite; delete _anim; delete _script; delete _interface; delete _actor; delete _palanim; delete _scene; delete _isoMap; delete _render; delete _music; delete _sound; delete _gfx; delete _console; if (_gameFileContexts != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < _gameDescription->filesCount; i++) { RSC_DestroyContext(_gameFileContexts[i]); } } free(_gameFileContexts); } void SagaEngine::errorString(const char *buf1, char *buf2) { strcpy(buf2, buf1); } int SagaEngine::init(GameDetector &detector) { _soundEnabled = 1; _musicEnabled = 1; // Add some default directories // Win32 demo & full game Common::File::addDefaultDirectory("graphics"); Common::File::addDefaultDirectory("music"); Common::File::addDefaultDirectory("sound"); // Linux demo Common::File::addDefaultDirectory("itedata"); // Mac demos & full game Common::File::addDefaultDirectory("patch"); // Process command line // Detect game and open resource files if (initGame() != SUCCESS) { return FAILURE; } // Initialize engine modules _sndRes = new SndRes(this); _events = new Events(this); _font = new Font(this); _sprite = new Sprite(this); _anim = new Anim(this); _script = new Script(this); _interface = new Interface(this); // requires script module _actor = new Actor(this); _palanim = new PalAnim(this); _scene = new Scene(this); _isoMap = new IsoMap(this); _puzzle = new Puzzle(this); if (!_scene->initialized()) { warning("Couldn't initialize scene module"); return FAILURE; } // System initialization _previousTicks = _system->getMillis(); // Initialize graphics _gfx = new Gfx(_system, getDisplayWidth(), getDisplayHeight(), detector); // Graphics driver should be initialized before console _console = new Console(this); // Graphics should be initialized before music int midiDriver = MidiDriver::detectMusicDriver(MDT_NATIVE | MDT_ADLIB | MDT_PREFER_NATIVE); bool native_mt32 = (ConfMan.getBool("native_mt32") || (midiDriver == MD_MT32)); bool adlib = false; MidiDriver *driver = MidiDriver::createMidi(midiDriver); if (!driver) { driver = MidiDriver_ADLIB_create(_mixer); adlib = true; } else if (native_mt32) driver->property(MidiDriver::PROP_CHANNEL_MASK, 0x03FE); _music = new Music(_mixer, driver, _musicEnabled); _music->setNativeMT32(native_mt32); _music->setAdlib(adlib); if (!_musicEnabled) { debug(0, "Music disabled."); } _render = new Render(this, _system); if (!_render->initialized()) { return FAILURE; } // Initialize system specific sound _sound = new Sound(this, _mixer, _soundEnabled); if (!_soundEnabled) { debug(0, "Sound disabled."); } _interface->converseInit(); _script->setVerb(kVerbWalkTo); return SUCCESS; } int SagaEngine::go() { int msec = 0; _previousTicks = _system->getMillis(); if (ConfMan.hasKey("save_slot")) { // First scene sets up palette _scene->changeScene(getStartSceneNumber(), 0, kTransitionNoFade); _events->handleEvents(0); // Process immediate events char *fileName; fileName = calcSaveFileName(ConfMan.getInt("save_slot")); load(fileName); _interface->setMode(kPanelMain); } else { _scene->startScene(); } uint32 currentTicks; while (!_quit) { if (_console->isAttached()) _console->onFrame(); if (_render->getFlags() & RF_RENDERPAUSE) { // Freeze time while paused _previousTicks = _system->getMillis(); } else { currentTicks = _system->getMillis(); // Timer has rolled over after 49 days if (currentTicks < _previousTicks) msec = 0; else { msec = currentTicks - _previousTicks; _previousTicks = currentTicks; } if (msec > MAX_TIME_DELTA) { msec = MAX_TIME_DELTA; } // Since Puzzle is actorless, we do it here if (_puzzle->isActive()) { _actor->handleSpeech(msec); } else if (!_scene->isInDemo() && getGameType() == GType_ITE) { if (_interface->getMode() == kPanelMain || _interface->getMode() == kPanelConverse || _interface->getMode() == kPanelNull) _actor->direct(msec); } _events->handleEvents(msec); _script->executeThreads(msec); } // Per frame processing _render->drawScene(); _system->delayMillis(10); } return 0; } void SagaEngine::loadStrings(StringsTable &stringsTable, const byte *stringsPointer, size_t stringsLength) { uint16 stringsCount; size_t offset; int i; stringsTable.stringsPointer = (byte*)malloc(stringsLength); memcpy(stringsTable.stringsPointer, stringsPointer, stringsLength); MemoryReadStreamEndian scriptS(stringsTable.stringsPointer, stringsLength, IS_BIG_ENDIAN); offset = scriptS.readUint16(); stringsCount = offset / 2; stringsTable.strings = (const char **)malloc(stringsCount * sizeof(*stringsTable.strings)); i = 0; scriptS.seek(0); while (i < stringsCount) { offset = scriptS.readUint16(); if (offset == stringsLength) { stringsCount = i; stringsTable.strings = (const char **)realloc(stringsTable.strings, stringsCount * sizeof(*stringsTable.strings)); break; } if (offset > stringsLength) { error("SagaEngine::loadStrings wrong strings table"); } stringsTable.strings[i] = (const char *)stringsTable.stringsPointer + offset; debug(9, "string[%i]=%s", i, stringsTable.strings[i]); i++; } stringsTable.stringsCount = stringsCount; } const char *SagaEngine::getObjectName(uint16 objectId) { ActorData *actor; ObjectData *obj; const HitZone *hitZone; switch (objectTypeId(objectId)) { case kGameObjectObject: obj = _actor->getObj(objectId); return _script->_mainStrings.getString(obj->nameIndex); break; case kGameObjectActor: actor = _actor->getActor(objectId); return _actor->_actorsStrings.getString(actor->nameIndex); break; case kGameObjectHitZone: hitZone = _scene->_objectMap->getHitZone(objectIdToIndex(objectId)); return _scene->_sceneStrings.getString(hitZone->getNameIndex()); } warning("SagaEngine::getObjectName name not found for 0x%X", objectId); return NULL; } const char *SagaEngine::getTextString(int textStringId) { const char *string; int lang = getFeatures() & GF_LANG_DE ? 1 : 0; string = interfaceTextStrings[lang][textStringId]; if (!string) string = interfaceTextStrings[0][textStringId]; return string; } void SagaEngine::getExcuseInfo(int verb, const char *&textString, int &soundResourceId) { textString = NULL; // TODO: i18n it ! switch (verb) { case kVerbPickUp: textString = "I can't pick that up."; soundResourceId = RID_BOAR_VOICE_007; break; case kVerbLookAt: textString = "I see nothing special about it."; soundResourceId = RID_BOAR_VOICE_006; break; case kVerbOpen: textString = "There's no place to open it."; soundResourceId = RID_BOAR_VOICE_000; break; case kVerbClose: textString = "There's no opening to close."; soundResourceId = RID_BOAR_VOICE_002; break; case kVerbUse: textString = "I don't know how to do that."; soundResourceId = RID_BOAR_VOICE_005; break; } } } // End of namespace Saga