/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 The ScummVM project * * The ReInherit Engine is (C)2000-2003 by Daniel Balsom. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #ifndef SAGA_H #define SAGA_H #include "common/stdafx.h" #include "common/scummsys.h" #include "base/engine.h" #include "base/gameDetector.h" #include "base/plugins.h" #include "common/stream.h" #include "common/rect.h" #include "saga/text.h" #include "saga/gfx.h" #include "saga/list.h" namespace Saga { class SndRes; class Sound; class Music; class Anim; class Render; class IsoMap; class Gfx; class Script; class Actor; class Font; class Sprite; class Scene; class Interface; class Console; class Events; class PalAnim; class Puzzle; #define MIN_IMG_RLECODE 3 #define MODEX_SCANLINE_LIMIT 200 #define SAGA_IMAGE_DATA_OFFSET 776 #define SAGA_IMAGE_HEADER_LEN 8 #define MAXPATH 512 //TODO: remove #define SAVE_TITLE_SIZE 28 #define MAX_SAVES 96 #define MAX_FILE_NAME 256 #define IS_BIG_ENDIAN ((_vm->getFeatures() & GF_BIG_ENDIAN_DATA) != 0) #define ID_NOTHING 0 #define ID_PROTAG 1 #define OBJECT_TYPE_SHIFT 13 #define OBJECT_TYPE_MASK ((1 << OBJECT_TYPE_SHIFT) - 1) #define OBJ_SPRITE_BASE 9 #define memoryError(Place) error("%s Memory allocation error.", Place) struct RSCFILE_CONTEXT; struct StringList; enum ERRORCODE { MEM = -2,//todo: remove FAILURE = -1, SUCCESS = 0 }; enum SAGAGameType { GType_ITE, GType_IHNM }; enum GameObjectTypes { kGameObjectNone = 0, kGameObjectActor = 1, kGameObjectObject = 2, kGameObjectHitZone = 3, kGameObjectStepZone = 4 }; enum ScriptTimings { kScriptTimeTicksPerSecond = (728L/10L), kRepeatSpeedTicks = (728L/10L)/3, kNormalFadeDuration = 320, // 64 steps, 5 msec each kQuickFadeDuration = 64, // 64 steps, 1 msec each kPuzzleHintTime = 30000000L // 30 secs. used in timer }; enum Directions { kDirUp = 0, kDirUpRight = 1, kDirRight = 2, kDirDownRight = 3, kDirDown = 4, kDirDownLeft = 5, kDirLeft = 6, kDirUpLeft = 7 }; enum HitZoneFlags { kHitZoneEnabled = (1 << 0), // Zone is enabled kHitZoneExit = (1 << 1), // Causes char to exit // The following flag causes the zone to act differently. // When the actor hits the zone, it will immediately begin walking // in the specified direction, and the actual specified effect of // the zone will be delayed until the actor leaves the zone. kHitZoneAutoWalk = (1 << 2), // When set on a hit zone, this causes the character not to walk // to the object (but they will look at it). kHitZoneNoWalk = (1 << 2), // zone activates only when character stops walking kHitZoneTerminus = (1 << 3), // Hit zones only - when the zone is clicked on it projects the // click point downwards from the middle of the zone until it // reaches the lowest point in the zone. kHitZoneProject = (1 << 3) }; enum PanelButtonType { kPanelButtonVerb = 1, kPanelButtonArrow = 2, kPanelButtonConverseText = 4, kPanelButtonInventory = 8, kPanelButtonOption = 0x10, kPanelButtonOptionSlider = 0x20, kPanelButtonOptionSaveFiles = 0x40, kPanelButtonOptionText = 0x80, kPanelButtonQuit = 0x100, kPanelButtonQuitText = 0x200, kPanelButtonLoad = 0x400, kPanelButtonLoadText = 0x800, kPanelButtonSave = 0x1000, kPanelButtonSaveText = 0x2000, kPanelButtonSaveEdit = 0x4000, kPanelAllButtons = 0xFFFFF }; enum TextStringIds { kTextWalkTo, kTextLookAt, kTextPickUp, kTextTalkTo, kTextOpen, kTextClose, kTextUse, kTextGive, kTextOptions, kTextTest, kTextDemo, kTextHelp, kTextQuitGame, kTextFast, kTextSlow, kTextOn, kTextOff, kTextContinuePlaying, kTextLoad, kTextSave, kTextGameOptions, kTextReadingSpeed, kTextMusic, kTextSound, kTextCancel, kTextQuit, kTextOK, kTextMid, kTextClick, kText10Percent, kText20Percent, kText30Percent, kText40Percent, kText50Percent, kText60Percent, kText70Percent, kText80Percent, kText90Percent, kTextMax, kTextQuitTheGameQuestion, kTextLoadSuccessful, kTextEnterSaveGameName }; struct IMAGE_HEADER { int width; int height; }; struct StringsTable { byte *stringsPointer; int stringsCount; const char **strings; const char *getString(int index) const { if ((stringsCount <= index) || (index < 0)) error("StringList::getString wrong index 0x%X", index); return strings[index]; } void freeMem() { free(strings); free(stringsPointer); memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } StringsTable() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } ~StringsTable() { freeMem(); } }; struct CLICKAREA { int n_points; Point *points; }; enum GameIds { // Dreamers Guild GID_ITE_DEMO_G = 0, GID_ITE_DISK_G, GID_ITE_CD_G, GID_ITE_MAC_G, // TODO // Wyrmkeep GID_ITE_CD, // data for Win rerelease is same as in old DOS GID_ITE_MACCD, GID_ITE_LINCD, GID_ITE_MULTICD, // Wyrmkeep combined Windows/Mac/Linux version GID_ITE_WINDEMO1, // older Wyrmkeep windows demo GID_ITE_MACDEMO1, // older Wyrmkeep mac demo GID_ITE_LINDEMO, GID_ITE_WINDEMO2, GID_ITE_MACDEMO2, // German GID_ITE_DISK_DE, GID_ITE_AMIGACD_DE, // TODO GID_ITE_OLDMAC_DE, // TODO GID_ITE_AMIGA_FL_DE,// TODO GID_ITE_CD_DE, // reported by mld. Bestsellergamers cover disk GID_ITE_AMIGA_AGA_DEMO, // TODO GID_ITE_AMIGA_ECS_DEMO, // TODO GID_IHNM_DEMO, GID_IHNM_CD, GID_IHNM_CD_DE // reported by mld. German retail }; enum GameFileTypes { GAME_RESOURCEFILE = 1 << 0, GAME_SCRIPTFILE = 1 << 1, GAME_SOUNDFILE = 1 << 2, GAME_VOICEFILE = 1 << 3, GAME_DEMOFILE = 1 << 4, GAME_MUSICFILE = 1 << 5, GAME_MUSICFILE_GM = 1 << 6, GAME_MUSICFILE_FM = 1 << 7, GAME_PATCHFILE = 1 << 8 }; enum GameSoundTypes { GAME_SOUND_PCM = 0, GAME_SOUND_VOC, GAME_SOUND_WAV, GAME_SOUND_VOX }; enum GameFeatures { GF_VOX_VOICES = 1 << 0, GF_BIG_ENDIAN_VOICES = 1 << 1, GF_BIG_ENDIAN_DATA = 1 << 2, GF_MAC_RESOURCES = 1 << 3, GF_LANG_DE = 1 << 4, GF_WYRMKEEP = 1 << 5, GF_CD_FX = 1 << 6 }; struct GameSoundInfo { int res_type; long freq; int sample_size; int stereo; }; struct GameFontDescription { uint32 fontResourceId; }; struct GameResourceDescription { uint32 sceneLUTResourceId; uint32 moduleLUTResourceId; uint32 mainPanelResourceId; uint32 conversePanelResourceId; uint32 optionPanelResourceId; uint32 mainSpritesResourceId; uint32 mainPanelSpritesResourceId; uint32 defaultPortraitsResourceId; uint32 mainStringsResourceId; uint32 actorsStringsResourceId; }; struct GameFileDescription { const char *fileName; uint16 fileType; }; struct PanelButton { PanelButtonType type; int xOffset; int yOffset; int width; int height; int id; uint16 ascii; int state; int upSpriteNumber; int downSpriteNumber; int overSpriteNumber; }; struct GameDisplayInfo { int logicalWidth; int logicalHeight; int pathStartY; int sceneHeight; int clippedSceneHeight; int statusXOffset; int statusYOffset; int statusWidth; int statusHeight; int statusTextY; int statusTextColor; int statusBGColor; int saveReminderXOffset; int saveReminderYOffset; int saveReminderWidth; int saveReminderHeight; int saveReminderFirstSpriteNumber; int saveReminderSecondSpriteNumber; int verbTextColor; int verbTextShadowColor; int verbTextActiveColor; int leftPortraitXOffset; int leftPortraitYOffset; int rightPortraitXOffset; int rightPortraitYOffset; int inventoryUpButtonIndex; int inventoryDownButtonIndex; int inventoryRows; int inventoryColumns; int mainPanelXOffset; int mainPanelYOffset; int mainPanelButtonsCount; PanelButton *mainPanelButtons; int converseUpButtonIndex; int converseDownButtonIndex; int conversePanelXOffset; int conversePanelYOffset; int conversePanelButtonsCount; PanelButton *conversePanelButtons; int optionSaveFilePanelIndex; int optionSaveFileSliderIndex; uint optionSaveFileVisible; int optionPanelXOffset; int optionPanelYOffset; int optionPanelButtonsCount; PanelButton *optionPanelButtons; int quitPanelXOffset; int quitPanelYOffset; int quitPanelWidth; int quitPanelHeight; int quitPanelButtonsCount; PanelButton *quitPanelButtons; int loadPanelXOffset; int loadPanelYOffset; int loadPanelWidth; int loadPanelHeight; int loadPanelButtonsCount; PanelButton *loadPanelButtons; int saveEditIndex; int savePanelXOffset; int savePanelYOffset; int savePanelWidth; int savePanelHeight; int savePanelButtonsCount; PanelButton *savePanelButtons; }; struct GameDescription { const char *name; SAGAGameType gameType; GameIds gameId; const char *title; GameDisplayInfo *gameDisplayInfo; int startSceneNumber; GameResourceDescription *resourceDescription; int filesCount; GameFileDescription *filesDescriptions; int fontsCount; GameFontDescription *fontDescriptions; GameSoundInfo *soundInfo; uint32 features; GameSettings toGameSettings() const { GameSettings dummy = { name, title, features }; return dummy; } }; struct SaveFileData { char name[SAVE_TITLE_SIZE]; uint slotNumber; }; struct SaveGameHeader { uint32 type; uint32 size; uint32 version; char name[SAVE_TITLE_SIZE]; }; inline int ticksToMSec(int tick) { return tick * 1000 / kScriptTimeTicksPerSecond; } inline int clamp(int minValue, int value, int maxValue) { if (value <= minValue) { return minValue; } else { if (value >= maxValue) { return maxValue; } else { return value; } } } inline int integerCompare(int i1, int i2) { return ((i1) > (i2) ? 1 : ((i1) < (i2) ? -1 : 0)); } inline int objectTypeId(uint16 objectId) { return objectId >> OBJECT_TYPE_SHIFT; } inline int objectIdToIndex(uint16 objectId) { return OBJECT_TYPE_MASK & objectId; } inline uint16 objectIndexToId(int type, int index) { return (type << OBJECT_TYPE_SHIFT) | (OBJECT_TYPE_MASK & index); } DetectedGameList GAME_ProbeGame(const FSList &fslist); class SagaEngine : public Engine { void errorString(const char *buf_input, char *buf_output); protected: int go(); int init(GameDetector &detector); public: SagaEngine(GameDetector * detector, OSystem * syst); virtual ~SagaEngine(); void shutDown() { _quit = true; } void save(const char *fileName, const char *saveName); void load(const char *fileName); uint32 getCurrentLoadVersion() { return _saveHeader.version; } void fillSaveList(); char *calcSaveFileName(uint slotNumber); SaveFileData *getSaveFile(uint idx); uint getSaveSlotNumber(uint idx); uint getNewSaveSlotNumber(); bool locateSaveFile(char *saveName, uint &titleNumber); bool isSaveListFull() const { return _saveFilesMaxCount == _saveFilesCount; } uint getSaveFilesCount() const { return isSaveListFull() ? _saveFilesCount : _saveFilesCount + 1; } int _soundEnabled; int _musicEnabled; SndRes *_sndRes; Sound *_sound; Music *_music; Anim *_anim; Render *_render; IsoMap *_isoMap; Gfx *_gfx; Script *_script; Actor *_actor; Font *_font; Sprite *_sprite; Scene *_scene; Interface *_interface; Console *_console; Events *_events; PalAnim *_palanim; Puzzle *_puzzle; /** Random number generator */ Common::RandomSource _rnd; private: int decodeBGImageRLE(const byte *inbuf, size_t inbuf_len, byte *outbuf, size_t outbuf_len); int flipImage(byte *img_buf, int columns, int scanlines); int unbankBGImage(byte *dest_buf, const byte *src_buf, int columns, int scanlines); uint32 _previousTicks; public: int decodeBGImage(const byte *image_data, size_t image_size, byte **output_buf, size_t *output_buf_len, int *w, int *h); const byte *getImagePal(const byte *image_data, size_t image_size); void loadStrings(StringsTable &stringsTable, const byte *stringsPointer, size_t stringsLength); const char *getObjectName(uint16 objectId); public: TEXTLIST *textCreateList(); void textDestroyList(TEXTLIST *textlist); void textClearList(TEXTLIST *textlist); int textDrawList(TEXTLIST *textlist, SURFACE *ds); TEXTLIST_ENTRY *textAddEntry(TEXTLIST *textlist, TEXTLIST_ENTRY *entry); int textDeleteEntry(TEXTLIST *textlist, TEXTLIST_ENTRY *entry); int textSetDisplay(TEXTLIST_ENTRY *entry, int val); int textDraw(int font_id, SURFACE *ds, const char *string, int text_x, int text_y, int color, int effect_color, int flags); int textProcessList(TEXTLIST *textlist, long ms); int transitionDissolve(byte *dst_img, int dst_w, int dst_h, int dst_p, const byte *src_img, int src_w, int src_h, int src_p, int flags, int x, int y, double percent); int processInput(void); const Point &mousePos() const { return _mousePos; } const bool leftMouseButtonPressed() const { return _leftMouseButtonPressed; } const bool rightMouseButtonPressed() const { return _rightMouseButtonPressed; } const bool mouseButtonPressed() const { return _leftMouseButtonPressed || _rightMouseButtonPressed; } private: Common::String _targetName; uint _saveFilesMaxCount; uint _saveFilesCount; SaveFileData _saveFiles[MAX_SAVES]; bool _saveMarks[MAX_SAVES]; SaveGameHeader _saveHeader; Point _mousePos; bool _leftMouseButtonPressed; bool _rightMouseButtonPressed; bool _quit; RSCFILE_CONTEXT **_gameFileContexts; //current game description int _gameNumber; GameDescription *_gameDescription; GameDisplayInfo _gameDisplayInfo; public: int initGame(void); RSCFILE_CONTEXT *getFileContext(uint16 type, int param); bool isBigEndianFile(const char *filename); public: const GameResourceDescription *getResourceDescription() { return _gameDescription->resourceDescription; } const GameSoundInfo *getSoundInfo() { return _gameDescription->soundInfo; } const GameFontDescription *getFontDescription(int index) { assert(index < _gameDescription->fontsCount); return &_gameDescription->fontDescriptions[index]; } int getFontsCount() const { return _gameDescription->fontsCount; } int getGameId() const { return _gameDescription->gameId; } int getGameType() const { return _gameDescription->gameType; } uint32 getFeatures() const { return _gameDescription->features; } int getGameNumber() const { return _gameNumber; } int getStartSceneNumber() const { return _gameDescription->startSceneNumber; } int getDisplayWidth() const { return _gameDisplayInfo.logicalWidth; } int getDisplayHeight() const { return _gameDisplayInfo.logicalHeight;} int getSceneHeight() const { return _gameDisplayInfo.sceneHeight; } int getClippedSceneHeight() const { return _gameDisplayInfo.clippedSceneHeight; } const GameDisplayInfo & getDisplayInfo() { return _gameDisplayInfo; } const char *getTextString(int textStringId); void getExcuseInfo(int verb, const char *&textString, int &soundResourceId); private: int loadGame(int gameNumber); }; // FIXME: Global var. We use it until everything will be turned into objects extern SagaEngine *_vm; } // End of namespace Saga #endif