/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 The ScummVM project * * The ReInherit Engine is (C)2000-2003 by Daniel Balsom. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ // Scripting module private header #ifndef SAGA_SCRIPT_H #define SAGA_SCRIPT_H #include "saga/text.h" #include "saga/list.h" namespace Saga { #define COMMON_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 // Why 1024? #define S_LUT_ENTRYLEN_ITECD 22 #define S_LUT_ENTRYLEN_ITEDISK 16 #define SCRIPT_TBLENTRY_LEN 4 #define SCRIPT_MAX 5000 #define SCRIPTLIST_HDR 12 #define SCRIPT_STRINGLIMIT 255 #define TAB " " #define S_ERROR_PREFIX "SError: " #define S_WARN_PREFIX "SWarning: " #define SCRIPT_FUNCTION_MAX 104 #define DEFAULT_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 256 enum AddressTypes { kAddressCommon = 0, // offset from global variables kAddressStatic = 1, // offset from global variables kAddressModule = 2, // offset from start of module kAddressStack = 3, // offset from stack kAddressThread = 4 // offset from thread structure /* kAddressId = 5, // offset from const id object kAddressIdIndirect = 6, // offset from stack id object kAddressIndex = 7 // index from id*/ }; enum VerbTypes { kVerbNone = 0, kVerbPickUp = 1, kVerbLookAt = 2, kVerbWalkTo = 3, kVerbTalkTo = 4, kVerbOpen = 5, kVerbClose = 6, kVerbGive = 7, kVerbUse = 8, kVerbOptions = 9, kVerbEnter = 10, kVerbLeave = 11, kVerbBegin = 12, kVerbWalkOnly = 13, kVerbLookOnly = 14, kVerbTypesMax = kVerbLookOnly + 1 }; #define STHREAD_TIMESLICE 8 enum ThreadVarTypes { kThreadVarObject = 0, kThreadVarWithObject = 1, kThreadVarAction = 2, kThreadVarActor = 3, kThreadVarMax = kThreadVarActor + 1 }; enum ThreadFlags { kTFlagNone = 0, kTFlagWaiting = 1, // wait for even denoted in waitType kTFlagFinished = 2, kTFlagAborted = 4, kTFlagAsleep = kTFlagWaiting | kTFlagFinished | kTFlagAborted // Combination of all flags which can halt a thread }; enum ThreadWaitTypes { kWaitTypeNone = 0, // waiting for nothing kWaitTypeDelay = 1, // waiting for a timer kWaitTypeSpeech = 2, // waiting for speech to finish kWaitTypeDialogEnd = 3, // waiting for my dialog to finish kWaitTypeDialogBegin = 4, // waiting for other dialog to finish kWaitTypeWalk = 5, // waiting to finish walking kWaitTypeRequest = 6, // a request is up kWaitTypePause = 7, kWaitTypePlacard = 8 }; enum OpCodes { opNextBlock = 1, opDup = 2, opDrop = 3, opZero = 4, opOne = 5, opConstint = 6, //... opStrlit = 8, //... opGetFlag = 0xB, opGetInt = 0xC, //... opPutFlag = 0xf, opPutInt = 0x10, //... opPutFlagV = 0x13, opPutIntV = 0x14, //... opCall = 0x17, opCcall = 0x18, opCcallV = 0x19, opEnter = 0x1A, opReturn = 0x1B, opReturnV = 0x1C, opJmp = 0x1D, opJmpTrueV = 0x1E, opJmpFalseV = 0x1F, opJmpTrue = 0x20, opJmpFalse = 0x21, opJmpSwitch = 0x22, //... opJmpRandom = 0x24, opNegate = 0x25, opNot = 0x26, opCompl = 0x27, opIncV = 0x28, opDecV = 0x29, opPostInc = 0x2A, opPostDec = 0x2B, opAdd = 0x2C, opSub = 0x2D, opMul = 0x2E, opDiv = 0x2F, opMod = 0x30, //... opEq = 0x33, opNe = 0x34, opGt = 0x35, opLt = 0x36, opGe = 0x37, opLe = 0x38, //... opRsh = 0x3F, opLsh = 0x40, opAnd = 0x41, opOr = 0x42, opXor = 0x43, opLAnd = 0x44, opLOr = 0x45, opLXor = 0x46, //... opSpeak = 0x53, opDialogBegin = 0x54, opDialogEnd = 0x55, opReply = 0x56, opAnimate = 0x57 }; enum CycleFlags { kCyclePong = 1 << 0, kCycleOnce = 1 << 1, kCycleRandom = 1 << 2, kCycleReverse = 1 << 3 }; enum WalkFlags { kWalkBackPedal = 1 << 0, kWalkAsync = 1 << 1, kWalkUseAngle = 1 << 2, kWalkFace = 1 << 5 }; enum ReplyFlags { kReplyOnce = 1 << 0, kReplySummary = 1 << 1, kReplyCondition = 1 << 2 }; struct EntryPoint { uint16 nameOffset; uint16 offset; }; struct VoiceLUT { uint16 voicesCount; uint16 *voices; void freeMem() { free(voices); } }; struct ModuleData { bool loaded; // is it loaded or not? int scriptResourceId; int stringsResourceId; int voicesResourceId; byte *moduleBase; // all base module uint16 moduleBaseSize; // base module size uint16 staticSize; // size of static data uint staticOffset; // offset of static data begining in _commonBuffer uint16 entryPointsTableOffset; // offset of entrypoint table in moduleBase uint16 entryPointsCount; EntryPoint *entryPoints; StringsTable strings; VoiceLUT voiceLUT; void freeMem() { strings.freeMem(); voiceLUT.freeMem(); free(moduleBase); free(entryPoints); memset(this, 0x0, sizeof(*this)); } }; class ScriptThread { public: uint16 *_stackBuf; uint16 _stackSize; // stack size in uint16 uint16 _stackTopIndex; uint16 _frameIndex; uint16 _threadVars[kThreadVarMax]; byte *_moduleBase; // uint16 _moduleBaseSize; byte *_commonBase; // byte *_staticBase; // VoiceLUT *_voiceLUT; // StringsTable *_strings; // int _flags; // ThreadFlags int _waitType; // ThreadWaitTypes uint _sleepTime; void *_threadObj; // which object we're handling int16 _returnValue; uint16 _instructionOffset; // Instruction offset public: byte *baseAddress(byte addrMode) { switch (addrMode) { case kAddressCommon: return _commonBase; case kAddressStatic: return _staticBase; case kAddressModule: return _moduleBase; case kAddressStack: return (byte*)&_stackBuf[_frameIndex]; case kAddressThread: return (byte*)_threadVars; default: return _commonBase; } } int16 stackTop() { return (int16)_stackBuf[_stackTopIndex]; } uint pushedSize() { return _stackSize - _stackTopIndex - 2; } void push(int16 value) { if (_stackTopIndex <= 0) { error("ScriptThread::push() stack overflow"); } _stackBuf[--_stackTopIndex] = (uint16)value; } int16 pop() { if (_stackTopIndex >= _stackSize) { error("ScriptThread::push() stack underflow"); } return (int16)_stackBuf[_stackTopIndex++]; } // wait stuff void wait(int waitType) { _waitType = waitType; _flags |= kTFlagWaiting; } void waitWalk(void *threadObj) { wait(kWaitTypeWalk); _threadObj = threadObj; } void waitDelay(int sleepTime) { wait(kWaitTypeDelay); _sleepTime = sleepTime; } ScriptThread() { memset(this, 0xFE, sizeof(*this)); _stackBuf = NULL; } ~ScriptThread() { free(_stackBuf); } }; typedef SortedList ScriptThreadList; #define SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS ScriptThread *thread, int nArgs class Script { public: StringsTable _mainStrings; Script(SagaEngine *vm); ~Script(); void CF_script_togglestep(); void loadModule(int scriptModuleNumber); void freeModules(); bool isInitialized() const { return _initialized; } bool isVoiceLUTPresent() const { return _voiceLUTPresent; } void doVerb(); void showVerb(int statusColor = -1); void setVerb(int verb); int getCurrentVerb() const { return _currentVerb; } void setPointerVerb(); void whichObject(const Point& mousePoint); void hitObject(bool leftButton); void playfieldClick(const Point& mousePoint, bool leftButton); void setLeftButtonVerb(int verb); int getLeftButtonVerb() const { return _leftButtonVerb; } void setRightButtonVerb(int verb); int getRightButtonVerb() const { return _rightButtonVerb; } void setNonPlayfieldVerb() { setRightButtonVerb(kVerbNone); _pointerObject = ID_NOTHING; _currentObject[_firstObjectSet ? 1 : 0] = ID_NOTHING; } void setNoPendingVerb() { _pendingVerb = kVerbNone; _currentObject[0] = _currentObject[0] = ID_NOTHING; setPointerVerb(); } void scriptInfo(); void scriptExec(int argc, const char **argv); private: SagaEngine *_vm; bool _initialized; bool _voiceLUTPresent; RSCFILE_CONTEXT *_scriptContext; uint16 _modulesLUTEntryLen; ModuleData *_modules; int _modulesCount; protected: friend class SagaEngine; byte *_commonBuffer; uint _commonBufferSize; private: uint _staticSize; ScriptThreadList _threadList; ScriptThread *_conversingThread; //verb bool _firstObjectSet; bool _secondObjectNeeded; uint16 _currentObject[2]; int16 _currentObjectFlags[2]; int _currentVerb; int _stickyVerb; int _leftButtonVerb; int _rightButtonVerb; public: uint16 _pendingObject[2]; int _pendingVerb; uint16 _pointerObject; bool _skipSpeeches; bool _abortEnabled; int _dbg_singlestep; int _dbg_dostep; ScriptThread *_dbg_thread; TEXTLIST_ENTRY *_dbg_txtentry; public: ScriptThread *createThread(uint16 scriptModuleNumber, uint16 scriptEntryPointNumber); int executeThread(ScriptThread *thread, int entrypointNumber); int executeThreads(uint msec); int SThreadDebugStep(); void completeThread(void); void abortAllThreads(void); void wakeUpActorThread(int waitType, void *threadObj); void wakeUpThreads(int waitType); void wakeUpThreadsDelayed(int waitType, int sleepTime); private: void loadModuleBase(ModuleData &module, const byte *resourcePointer, size_t resourceLength); void loadModuleVoiceLUT(ModuleData &module, const byte *resourcePointer, size_t resourceLength); // runThread returns true if we should break running of other threads bool runThread(ScriptThread *thread, uint instructionLimit); void setThreadEntrypoint(ScriptThread *thread, int entrypointNumber); public: void finishDialog(int replyID, int flags, int bitOffset); private: typedef void (Script::*ScriptFunctionType)(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); struct ScriptFunctionDescription { ScriptFunctionType scriptFunction; const char *scriptFunctionName; }; const ScriptFunctionDescription *_scriptFunctionsList; void setupScriptFuncList(void); int SDebugPrintInstr(ScriptThread *thread); void sfPutString(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfWait(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfTakeObject(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfIsCarried(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfStatusBar(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfMainMode(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfScriptWalkTo(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfScriptDoAction(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfSetActorFacing(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfStartBgdAnim(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfStopBgdAnim(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfLockUser(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfPreDialog(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfKillActorThreads(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfFaceTowards(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfSetFollower(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfScriptGotoScene(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfSetObjImage(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfSetObjName(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfGetObjImage(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void SF_getNumber(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfScriptOpenDoor(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfScriptCloseDoor(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfSetBgdAnimSpeed(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void SF_cycleColors(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfDoCenterActor(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfStartBgdAnimSpeed(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfScriptWalkToAsync(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfEnableZone(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfSetActorState(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfScriptMoveTo(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfSceneEq(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfDropObject(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfFinishBgdAnim(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfSwapActors(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfSimulSpeech(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfScriptWalk(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfCycleFrames(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfSetFrame(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfSetPortrait(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfSetProtagPortrait(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfChainBgdAnim(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfScriptSpecialWalk(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfPlaceActor(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfCheckUserInterrupt(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfScriptWalkRelative(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfScriptMoveRelative(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfSimulSpeech2(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfPlacard(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfPlacardOff(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfSetProtagState(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfResumeBgdAnim(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void SF_throwActor(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfWaitWalk(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfScriptSceneID(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void SF_changeActorScene(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void SF_climb(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfSetDoorState(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void SF_setActorZ(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void SF_text(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void SF_getActorX(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void SF_getActorY(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void SF_eraseDelta(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfPlayMusic(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void SF_pickClimbOutPos(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void SF_tossRif(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void SF_showControls(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void SF_showMap(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfPuzzleWon(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfEnableEscape(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfPlaySound(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void SF_playLoopedSound(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfGetDeltaFrame(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfShowProtect(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfProtectResult(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void sfRand(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void SF_fadeMusic(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void SF_playVoice(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); void SF_stub(SCRIPTFUNC_PARAMS); }; } // End of namespace Saga #endif