/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2001 Ludvig Strigeus * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Change Log: * $Log$ * Revision 1.6 2001/10/11 08:00:42 strigeus * Dump scripts by using DUMP_SCRIPTS as a compile option instead. * * Revision 1.5 2001/10/10 10:02:33 strigeus * alternative mouse cursor * basic save&load * * Revision 1.4 2001/10/09 19:02:28 strigeus * command line parameter support * * Revision 1.3 2001/10/09 18:35:02 strigeus * fixed object parent bug * fixed some signed/unsigned comparisons * * Revision 1.2 2001/10/09 17:38:20 strigeus * Autodetection of endianness. * * Revision 2001/10/09 14:30:12 strigeus * initial revision * */ #include "scummsys.h" #define SWAP(a,b) do{int tmp=a; a=b; b=tmp; } while(0) #define BYPASS_COPY_PROT struct Scumm; struct Actor; typedef void (Scumm::*OpcodeProc)(); #pragma START_PACK_STRUCTS struct Point { int x,y; }; struct AdjustBoxResult { int16 x,y; uint16 dist; }; #define SIZEOF_BOX 20 struct Box { /* file format */ int16 ulx,uly; int16 urx,ury; int16 llx,lly; int16 lrx,lry; byte mask; byte flags; uint16 scale; }; struct VerbSlot { int16 x,y; int16 right, bottom; int16 oldleft, oldtop, oldright,oldbottom; uint8 verbid; uint8 color,hicolor,dimcolor,bkcolor,type; uint8 charset_nr,curmode; uint8 saveid; uint8 key,center; uint8 field_1B; uint16 imgindex; }; struct VirtScreen { uint16 unk1; uint16 topline; uint16 width,height; uint16 size; byte alloctwobuffers; byte fourlinesextra; uint16 xstart; byte tdirty[40]; byte bdirty[40]; }; struct ActorWalkData { int16 destx,desty; byte destbox; byte destdir; byte curbox; byte field_7; int16 x,y,newx,newy; int32 XYFactor, YXFactor; uint16 xfrac,yfrac; }; struct CostumeData { uint16 hdr; uint16 animCounter1; byte animCounter2; byte x_1; uint16 a[16], b[16], c[16], d[16]; }; struct MouseCursor { int8 hotspot_x, hotspot_y; byte colors[4]; byte data[32]; }; struct ScriptSlot { uint32 offs; int32 delay; uint16 number; byte status; byte type; byte unk1,unk2,freezeCount,didexec; byte cutsceneOverride; byte unk5; }; struct NestedScript { uint16 number; uint8 type; uint8 slot; }; struct ResHeader { uint32 size; }; class ObjectData { public: uint32 offs_obim_to_room; uint32 offs_obcd_to_room; uint16 cdhd_10, cdhd_12; uint16 obj_nr; byte x_pos; byte y_pos; byte numstrips; byte height; byte actordir; byte parentstate; byte parent; byte ownerstate; byte fl_object_index; byte unk_3; }; struct RoomHeader { uint32 tag, size; uint16 width,height; uint16 numObjects; }; struct CodeHeader { /* file format */ uint32 id; uint32 size; uint16 obj_id; byte x,y,w,h; byte flags; byte unk1; uint16 unk2; uint16 unk3; byte unk4; }; struct ImageHeader { /* file format */ uint32 id; uint32 size; uint16 obj_id; }; #pragma END_PACK_STRUCTS struct PathNode { uint index; struct PathNode *left, *right; }; struct PathVertex { PathNode *left; PathNode *right; }; struct SaveLoadEntry { uint16 offs; uint8 type; uint8 size; }; enum { sleByte = 1, sleInt16 = 2, sleUint16 = 3, sleInt32 = 4, sleUint32 = 5 }; enum ScummVars { VAR_UNK_ACTOR = 1, VAR_WALKTO_OBJ = 38, VAR_OVERRIDE = 5, VAR_NUM_ACTOR = 8, VAR_OBJECT_LO = 15, VAR_OBJECT_HI = 16, VAR_CURRENTDRIVE = 10, VAR_TALK_ACTOR = 25, VAR_DEBUGMODE = 39, VAR_VERSION = 75, VAR_FIXEDDISK = 51, VAR_CURSORSTATE = 52, VAR_USERPUT = 53, VAR_SOUNDCARD = 48, VAR_VIDEOMODE = 49, VAR_HEAPSPACE = 40, VAR_MOUSEPRESENT = 67, VAR_SOUNDPARAM = 64, VAR_SOUNDPARAM2 = 65, VAR_SOUNDPARAM3 = 66, VAR_GAME_LOADED = 71, VAR_VIRT_MOUSE_X = 20, VAR_VIRT_MOUSE_Y = 21, VAR_PERFORMANCE_1 = 68, VAR_PERFORMANCE_2 = 69, VAR_ROOM_FLAG = 70, VAR_HAVE_MSG = 3, VAR_ENTRY_SCRIPT = 28, VAR_ENTRY_SCRIPT2 = 29, VAR_EXIT_SCRIPT = 30, VAR_EXIT_SCRIPT2 = 31, VAR_VERB_SCRIPT = 32, VAR_SENTENCE_SCRIPT = 33, VAR_LAST_SOUND = 23, VAR_HOOK_SCRIPT = 34, VAR_CUTSCENE_START_SCRIPT = 35, VAR_CUTSCENE_END_SCRIPT = 36, VAR_SCROLL_SCRIPT = 27, VAR_CAMERA_MIN = 17, VAR_CAMERA_MAX = 18, VAR_CAMERA_FAST = 26, VAR_CAMERA_CUR_POS = 2, VAR_NEW_ROOM = 72, VAR_ROOM = 4, VAR_ROOM_RESOURCE = 22, VAR_MOUSE_X = 44, VAR_MOUSE_Y = 45, VAR_TIMER = 46, VAR_TIMER_NEXT = 19, VAR_TMR_1 = 11, VAR_TMR_2 = 12, VAR_TMR_3 = 13, VAR_TMR_4 = 47, VAR_DRAWFLAGS = 9, VAR_SOUNDRESULT = 56, VAR_PLAYBACKTIMER = 19, VAR_TALK_STRING_Y = 54, VAR_CHARFLAG = 60, VAR_CHARINC = 37, VAR_RESTART_KEY = 42, VAR_PAUSE_KEY = 43, VAR_CUTSCENEEXIT_KEY = 24, VAR_TALKSTOP_KEY = 57, VAR_SAVELOADDIALOG_KEY = 50, }; #define _maxRooms res.num[1] #define _maxScripts res.num[2] #define _maxCostumes res.num[3] #define _maxInventoryItems res.num[5] #define _maxCharsets res.num[6] #define _maxStrings res.num[7] #define _maxVerbs res.num[8] #define _maxActorNames res.num[9] #define _maxBuffer res.num[10] #define _maxScaleTable res.num[11] #define _maxTemp res.num[12] #define _maxFLObject res.num[13] #define _maxMatrixes res.num[14] #define _maxBoxes res.num[15] #define _baseRooms res.address[1] #define _baseScripts res.address[2] #define _baseInventoryItems res.address[5] #define _baseFLObject res.address[13] #define _roomFileOffsets res.roomoffs[1] struct CharsetRenderer { Scumm *_vm; int _top; int _drawTop; int _left, _left2; byte _center; int _right; byte _color; bool _hasMask; int _strLeft, _strRight, _strTop, _strBottom; int _mask_bottom, _mask_right, _mask_top, _mask_left; byte _curId; byte _bufPos; byte _unk12,_disableOffsX; byte *_ptr; byte _unk2, _bpp; byte _invNumBits; uint32 _charOffs; byte *_charPtr; int _width, _height; int _offsX,_offsY; byte _bitMask, _revBitMask; int _bottom; int _virtScreenHeight; byte _ignoreCharsetMask; byte *_bg_ptr, *_where_to_draw_ptr; byte *_mask_ptr; byte _colorMap[16]; byte _buffer[256]; void drawBits(); void printChar(int chr); int getStringWidth(int a, byte *str, int pos); void addLinebreaks(int a, byte *str, int pos, int maxwidth); }; struct CostumeRenderer { Scumm *_vm; byte *_ptr; byte _numColors; byte *_dataptr; byte *_frameptr; byte *_srcptr; byte *_where_to_draw_ptr, *_bg_ptr, *_mask_ptr, *_mask_ptr_dest; int _actorX, _actorY; byte _zbuf; uint _scaleX, _scaleY; int _xmove, _ymove; bool _mirror; byte _maskval; byte _shrval; byte _width2; int _width; byte _height2; int _height; int _xpos, _ypos; int _scaleIndexXStep; int _scaleIndexYStep; byte _scaleIndexX; /* must wrap at 256*/ byte _scaleIndexY, _scaleIndexYTop; int _left,_right; int _dir2; int _top,_bottom; int _ypostop; uint _vscreenheight; int _ypitch; byte _docontinue; int _imgbufoffs; byte _repcolor; byte _replen; byte _palette[32]; byte _transEffect[0x100]; void proc6(); void proc5(); void proc4(); void proc3(); void proc2(); void proc1(); byte mainRoutine(Actor *a, int slot, int frame); void ignorePakCols(int num); void loadCostume(int id); byte drawOneSlot(Actor *a, int slot); byte drawCostume(Actor *a); byte animateOneSlot(CostumeData *cd, int slot); byte animate(CostumeData *cd); }; struct Actor { int x,y,top,bottom; int elevation; uint width; byte number; byte facing; byte costume; byte room; byte talkColor; byte scalex,scaley; byte charset,sound; byte newDirection; byte moving; byte ignoreBoxes; byte neverZClip; byte initFrame,walkFrame,standFrame,talkFrame1,talkFrame2; bool needRedraw, needBgReset,costumeNeedsInit,visible; uint speedx,speedy; byte data8; /* unused */ byte animIndex; byte walkbox; byte mask; byte animProgress, animSpeed; ActorWalkData walkdata; CostumeData cost; byte palette[32]; }; struct CameraData { int16 _destPos, _curPos, _lastPos; int16 _leftTrigger, _rightTrigger; byte _follows, _mode; uint16 _movingToActor; }; struct Scumm { int _lastLoadedRoom; int _roomResource; byte _encbyte; void *_fileHandle; char *_exe_name; int _saveLoadSlot; bool _dynamicRoomOffsets; byte _resFilePathId; char *_resFilePrefix; char *_resFilePath; int _keyPressed; uint8 *_roomFileIndexes; byte *_objectFlagTable; uint32 *_classData; byte _numGlobalScriptsUsed; uint16 _maxNrObjects; uint16 _numZBuffer; uint32 _randSeed1; uint32 _randSeed2; uint16 _screenB, _screenH; uint16 dseg_3A76; uint16 _defaultTalkDelay; uint16 _lightsValueA,_lightsValueB; byte _haveMsg; byte _newEffect; uint16 _fullRedraw; uint16 dseg_3DB6; uint16 dseg_2456; /* lastDrawnRoom */ uint16 dseg_4E8A; uint16 _soundParam,_soundParam2,_soundParam3; uint16 dseg_4F8C; byte _switchRoomEffect2, _switchRoomEffect; uint16 dseg_4AC2; uint16 dseg_4F8A; uint16 _drawBmpX; uint16 dseg_719E; uint16 _drawBmpY; uint16 dseg_4174; byte dseg_4E3C; uint16 _lastXstart; uint16 dseg_4EA0; bool _keepText; int16 _talkDelay; int16 _shakeMode; int16 _virtual_mouse_x, _virtual_mouse_y; byte _charsetColor; uint32 _localScriptList[0x39]; uint16 _inventory[0x50]; uint16 _debugMode; byte *_messagePtr; byte _numNestedScripts; byte _unkTabIndex; byte _currentScript; byte _currentRoom; byte _numObjectsInRoom; byte _actorToPrintStrFor; int16 _screenStartStrip; int16 _screenEndStrip; int16 _scummTimer; byte _playBackFile; byte _fastMode; uint16 _completeScreenRedraw; byte _saveLoadFlag; int8 _userPut; int8 _cursorState; uint16 _mouseButStat; byte _leftBtnPressed, _rightBtnPressed; int _numInMsgStack; VerbSlot verbs[102]; VirtScreen virtscr[4]; uint32 _ENCD_offs, _EXCD_offs; uint32 _CLUT_offs, _EPAL_offs; uint32 _IM00_offs; int _drawObjectQueNr; byte _drawObjectQue[0xC8]; uint16 _currentDrive; uint16 _soundCardType; uint16 _videoMode; uint16 _heapSpace; byte _mousePresent; int16 _palManipStart; int16 _palManipEnd; int16 _palManipCounter; struct { byte mode[16]; uint16 num[16]; uint32 tags[16]; const char *name[16]; byte **address[16]; byte *flags[16]; byte *roomno[16]; uint32 *roomoffs[16]; } res; struct { int16 vars[801]; byte bitvars[256]; uint32 cutScenePtr[5]; byte cutSceneScript[5]; int16 cutSceneData[5]; int16 cutSceneScriptIndex; byte cutSceneStackPointer; ScriptSlot slot[20]; NestedScript nest[15]; int16 localvar[20*17]; } vm; struct { int16 x,y; } mouse; struct { int16 x[6]; int16 y[6]; int16 center[6]; int16 overhead[6]; int16 right[6]; int16 color[6]; int16 charset[6]; } textslot; struct { byte *readPtr; uint16 readOffs; uint16 drawY; uint16 drawHeight; uint16 drawWidth; uint16 draw8xPos; int16 virtScreen; uint16 drawBottom; uint16 drawTop; int8 unk4; byte numLinesToProcess; byte tempNumLines; byte currentX; byte hotspot_x; byte hotspot_y; int16 drawMouseX; int16 drawMouseY; byte currentCursor; byte mouseColors[4]; byte mouseColor; byte mouseClipMask1, mouseClipMask2, mouseClipMask3; byte mouseColorIndex; byte mouseMask[0x200]; byte *mouseMaskPtr; byte *smap_ptr; byte *bg_ptr; byte *where_to_draw_ptr; byte *mask_ptr; byte *mask_ptr_dest; byte *z_plane_ptr; byte decomp_shr, decomp_mask; byte transparency; uint16 vertStripNextInc; byte *backupIsWhere; // byte mouseBackup[16*24]; } gdi; Actor actor[13]; uint16 actorDrawBits[160]; struct { int upperLeftX; int upperRightX; int lowerLeftX; int lowerRightX; int upperLeftY; int upperRightY; int lowerLeftY; int lowerRightY; } box; CharsetRenderer charset; byte _charsetData[10][16]; byte _resourceMapper[128]; byte **_lastCodePtr; int _numSoundTags; byte *_soundTagTable; int16 _bootParam; uint32 _fileOffset; byte _fileReadFailed; byte _fileMode; uint32 _whereInResToRead; byte *_scriptPointer, *_scriptOrgPointer; byte *_scriptPointerStart; byte _opcode; int _xPos, _yPos; byte _dir; CameraData camera; int _resultVarNumber; uint16 _imgBufOffs[4]; byte _sentenceIndex; byte _sentenceTab[6]; byte _sentenceTab2[6]; uint16 _sentenceTab3[6]; uint16 _sentenceTab4[6]; byte _sentenceTab5[6]; uint16 _stringOverhead[6]; uint16 _stringCenter[6]; uint16 _stringRight[6]; uint16 _stringColor[6]; int16 _stringXpos[6]; int16 _stringYpos[6]; uint16 _stringCharset[6]; int16 _stringXpos2[6]; int16 _stringYpos2[6]; CostumeRenderer cost; ObjectData objs[184]; int16 _soundQuePos; int16 _soundQue[0x100]; byte _soundQue2Pos; byte _soundQue2[10]; int16 _vararg_temp_pos[16]; uint16 _curExecScript; int _scrWidthIn8Unit; int _scrHeight; byte _currentPalette[0x300]; int _palDirtyMin, _palDirtyMax; byte _saveLoadData; uint16 _colorCycleDelays[17]; uint16 _colorCycleCounter[17]; uint16 _colorCycleFlags[17]; byte _colorCycleStart[17]; byte _colorCycleEnd[17]; byte dseg_4E3B; uint32 _findResSize, _findResHeaderSize; byte *_findResPos; uint32 _findResSize2, _findResHeaderSize2; byte *_findResPos2; bool _BgNeedsRedraw; int _stringXPos[4], _stringYPos[4]; int16 _localParamList[16]; uint16 _verbMouseOver; int16 _foundPathX; int16 _foundPathY; uint16 _lastKeyHit; int _scummStackPos; int16 _scummStack[0x15]; int _maxBoxVertexHeap; byte *_boxMatrixPtr4, *_boxMatrixPtr1, *_boxMatrixPtr3; int _boxPathVertexHeapIndex; int _boxMatrixItem; byte *_msgPtrToAdd; void openRoom(int room); void deleteRoomOffsets(); void readRoomsOffsets(); void askForDisk(); void readIndexFile(int i); bool openResourceFile(const char *filename); void fileClose(void *file); void *fileOpen(const char *filename, int mode); void fileSeek(void *file, long offs, int whence); void fileRead(void *handle, void *ptr, uint32 size); bool fileEof(void *handle); int fileReadByte(); uint32 fileReadDwordLE(); uint32 fileReadDwordBE(); #if defined(SCUMM_LITTLE_ENDIAN) uint32 fileReadDword() { return fileReadDwordLE(); } #elif defined(SCUMM_BIG_ENDIAN) uint32 fileReadDword() { return fileReadDwordBE(); } #endif uint fileReadWordLE(); uint fileReadWordBE(); byte *alloc(int size); void free(void *mem); void readResTypeList(int id, uint32 tag, const char *name); void allocResTypeData(int id, uint32 tag, int num, const char *name, int mode); void initThings(); void initRandSeeds(); uint getRandomNumber(uint max); void loadCharset(int i); void nukeCharset(int i); void initScreens(int a, int b, int w, int h); void setShake(int mode); void setCursor(int cursor); void clearDrawObjectQueue(); byte *createResource(int type, int index, uint32 size); void initScummVars(); void getGraphicsPerformance(); void nukeResource(int type, int i); byte *getResourceAddress(int type, int i); void ensureResourceLoaded(int type, int i); int loadResource(int type, int i); int getResourceRoomNr(int type, int index); int readSoundResource(int type, int index); void setResourceFlags(int type, int index, byte flag); void validateResource(const char *str, int type, int index); void initVirtScreen(int slot, int top, int height, bool twobufs, bool fourextra); void setDirtyRange(int slot, int a, int height); void unkVirtScreen2(); void updateDirtyScreen(int slot); void unkVirtScreen4(int a); void unkVirtScreen5(int a); void drawStripToScreen(); void restoreMouse(); void initActor(Actor *a, int mode); bool checkFixedDisk(); void setActorWalkSpeed(Actor *a, uint speed1, uint speed2); int calcMovementFactor(Actor *a, int newx, int newy); int actorWalkStep(Actor *a); int getProgrDirChange(Actor *a, int mode); bool checkXYInBoxBounds(int box, int x, int y); void setupActorScale(Actor *a); void checkRange(int max, int min, int no, const char *str); bool fileReadFailed(void *handle); void clearFileReadFailed(void *handle); bool getClass(int obj, int cls); void putClass(int obj, int cls, bool set); int getState(int obj); void putState(int obj, int state); int getOwner(int obj); void putOwner(int obj, int owner); void main(); uint distanceFromPt(int x, int y, int ptx, int pty); Point closestPtOnLine(int ulx, int uly, int llx, int lly, int x, int y); bool getSideOfLine(int x1,int y1, int x2, int y2, int x, int y, int box); void getBoxCoordinates(int box); byte getMaskFromBox(int box); Box *getBoxBaseAddr(int box); byte getBoxFlags(int box); int getBoxScale(int box); byte getNumBoxes(); byte *getBoxMatrixBaseAddr(); void startAnimActor(Actor *a, int frame, byte direction); void initActorCostumeData(Actor *a); void fixActorDirection(Actor *a, byte direction); void decodeCostData(Actor *a, int frame, uint mask); void scummInit(); void scummMain(int argc, char **argv); void runScript(int script, int a, int b, int16 *lvarptr); void stopScriptNr(int script); int getScriptSlot(); void runScriptNested(int script); void updateScriptPtr(); void getScriptBaseAddress(); void getScriptEntryPoint(); void executeScript(); byte fetchScriptByte(); int fetchScriptWord(); void ignoreScriptWord(); void ignoreScriptByte(); int getVarOrDirectWord(byte mask); int getVarOrDirectByte(byte mask); int readVar(uint var); void getResultPos(); void setResult(int result); int getObjectIndex(int object); void o_actorFollowCamera(); void o_actorFromPos(); void o_actorSet(); void o_actorSetClass(); void o_add(); void o_and(); void o_animateActor(); void o_badOpcode(); void o_breakHere(); void o_chainScript(); void o_cursorCommand(); void o_cutscene(); void o_debug(); void o_decrement(); void o_delay(); void o_delayVariable(); void o_divide(); void o_doSentence(); void o_drawBox(); void o_drawObject(); void o_dummy(); void o_endCutscene(); void o_equalZero(); void o_expression(); void o_faceActor(); void o_findInventory(); void o_findObject(); void o_freezeScripts(); void o_getActorCostume(); void o_getActorElevation(); void o_getActorFacing(); void o_getActorMoving(); void o_getActorRoom(); void o_getActorScale(); void o_getActorWalkBox(); void o_getActorWidth(); void o_getActorX(); void o_getActorY(); void o_getAnimCounter(); void o_getClosestObjActor(); void o_getDist(); void o_getInventoryCount(); void o_getObjectOwner(); void o_getObjectState(); void o_getRandomNr(); void o_getScriptRunning(); void o_getVerbEntrypoint(); void o_ifClassOfIs(); void o_increment(); void o_isActorInBox(); void o_isEqual(); void o_isGreater(); void o_isGreaterEqual(); void o_isLess(); void o_isNotEqual(); void o_isSoundRunning(); void o_jumpRelative(); void o_lessOrEqual(); void o_lights(); void o_loadRoom(); void o_loadRoomWithEgo(); void o_matrixOps(); void o_move(); void o_multiply(); void o_notEqualZero(); void o_or(); void o_overRide(); void o_panCameraTo(); void o_pickupObject(); void o_print(); void o_printEgo(); void o_pseudoRoom(); void o_putActor(); void o_putActorAtObject(); void o_putActorInRoom(); void o_quitPauseRestart(); void o_resourceRoutines(); void o_roomOps(); void o_saveRestoreVerbs(); void o_setCameraAt(); void o_setObjectName(); void o_setOwnerOf(); void o_setState(); void o_setVarRange(); void o_soundKludge(); void o_startMusic(); void o_startObject(); void o_startScript(); void o_startSound(); void o_stopMusic(); void o_stopObjectCode(); void o_stopObjectScript(); void o_stopScript(); void o_stopSound(); void o_stringOps(); void o_subtract(); void o_verbOps(); void o_wait(); void o_walkActorTo(); void o_walkActorToActor(); void o_walkActorToObject(); void stopObjectCode(); void stopObjectScript(int script); void putActor(Actor *a, int x, int y, byte room); void clearMsgQueue(); void adjustActorPos(Actor *a); void hideActor(Actor *a); void showActor(Actor *a); void showActors(); void turnToDirection(Actor *a, int newdir); int whereIsObject(int object); int getObjectOrActorXY(int object); void addSoundToQueue(int sound); void addSoundToQueue2(int sound); bool isScriptLoaded(int script); int getActorXYPos(Actor *a); void getObjectXYPos(int object); AdjustBoxResult adjustXYToBeInBox(Actor *a, int x, int y); int getWordVararg(int16 *ptr); int getObjActToObjActDist(int a, int b); void unkSoundProc22(); bool inBoxQuickReject(int box, int x, int y, int threshold); AdjustBoxResult getClosestPtOnBox(int box, int x, int y); void setCameraAt(int dest); void stopTalk(); void restoreCharsetBg(); void setCameraFollows(Actor *a); void runHook(int i); void startScene(int room, Actor *a, int b); void freezeScripts(int scr); void unfreezeScripts(); void runAllScripts(); int findObject(int x, int y); void stopCycle(int i); void killScriptsAndResources(); void runExitScript(); void runEntryScript(); void unkResourceProc(); void initRoomSubBlocks(); void loadRoomObjects(); void setPaletteFromRes(); void initCycl(byte *ptr); void initBGBuffers(); void setDirtyColors(int min, int max); byte *findResource(uint32 tag, byte *searchin); byte *findResource2(uint32 tag, byte *searchin); void setScaleItem(int slot, int a, int b, int c, int d); void cyclePalette(); void moveMemInPalRes(int start, int end, byte direction); void redrawBGAreas(); void drawRoomObjects(int arg); void redrawBGStrip(int start, int num); void drawObject(int obj, int arg); void drawBmp(byte *ptr, int a, int b, int c, const char *str, int objnr); void decompressBitmap(); int hasCharsetMask(int x, int y, int x2, int y2); void draw8ColWithMasking(); void clear8ColWithMasking(); void clear8Col(); void decompressMaskImgOr(); void decompressMaskImg(); void GDI_UnkDecode1(); void GDI_UnkDecode2(); void GDI_UnkDecode3(); void GDI_UnkDecode4(); void GDI_UnkDecode5(); void GDI_UnkDecode6(); void GDI_UnkDecode7(); void restoreBG(int left, int top, int right, int bottom); void updateDirtyRect(int virt, int left, int right, int top, int bottom, uint16 dirtybits); int findVirtScreen(int y); void unkScreenEffect6(); void unkScreenEffect5(int a); void playSound(int sound); void decreaseScriptDelay(int amount); void processKbd(); void clearUpperMask(); void redrawVerbs(); void checkExecVerbs(); void checkAndRunVar33(); void CHARSET_1(); void walkActors(); void moveCamera(); void fixObjectFlags(); void clear_fullRedraw(); void palManipulate(); void screenEffect(int effect); void clearClickedStatus(); void verbMouseOver(int verb); int checkMouseOver(int x, int y); void playActorSounds(); void processDrawQue(); void setActorRedrawFlags(); void resetActorBgs(); void processActors(); void drawVerb(int verb, int mode); void runInputScript(int a, int cmd, int mode); void cameraMoved(); void walkActor(Actor *a); int checkKeyHit(); int getPathToDestBox(int from, int to); int findPathTowards(Actor *a, int box, int box2, int box3); void setActorCostPalette(Actor *a); void drawActorCostume(Actor *a); void actorAnimate(Actor *a); int getActorFromPos(int x, int y); void restoreVerbBG(int verb); void drawString(int a); void drawVerbBitmap(int vrb, int x, int y); void setActorCostume(Actor *a, int c); void loadPtrToResource(int type, int i, byte *ptr); void stackPush(int a); int stackPop(); void walkActorTo(Actor *a, int x, int y, int direction); void setCursorImg(int cursor, int img); void setCursorHotspot(int cursor, int x, int y); void initCharset(int charset); void addObjectToDrawQue(int object); int getVerbEntrypoint(int obj, int entry); int unkSoundProc23(int a); void startWalkActor(Actor *a, int x, int y, int dir); void setBoxFlags(int box, int val); void setBoxScale(int box, int b); void createBoxMatrix(); void addObjectToInventory(int obj, int room); void removeObjectFromRoom(int obj); void decodeParseString(); void pauseGame(int i); void shutDown(int i); void lock(int type, int i); void unlock(int type, int i); void heapClear(int mode); void unkHeapProc2(int a, int b); void unkResProc(int a, int b); void setPalColor(int index, int r, int g, int b); void unkRoomFunc2(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e); void unkRoomFunc3(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e); void unkRoomFunc4(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e); int getVerbSlot(int id, int mode); void killVerb(int slot); byte *getObjectAddress(int obj); byte *getObjOrActorName(int obj); void clearOwnerOf(int obj); void runVERBCode(int script, int entry, int a, int b, int16 *vars); void unkSoundProc1(int a); void setVerbObject(int room, int object, int verb); void unkMessage1(); void unkMessage2(); void actorTalk(); byte *addMessageToStack(byte *msg); void unkAddMsgToStack2(int var); void unkAddMsgToStack3(int var); void unkAddMsgToStack4(int var); void unkAddMsgToStack5(int var); byte *getActorName(Actor *a); uint32 getOBCDOffs(int object); byte isMaskActiveAt(int l, int t, int r, int b, byte *mem); int getInventorySlot(); int getKeyInput(int a); void convertKeysToClicks(); OpcodeProc getOpcode(int i); void drawBox(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int color); void drawMouse(); void GDI_drawMouse(); void GDI_removeMouse(); void dumpResource(char *tag, int index, byte *ptr); FILE *_saveLoadStream; bool _saveOrLoad; bool saveState(const char *filename); bool loadState(const char *filename); void saveOrLoad(FILE *inout, bool mode); void saveLoadBytes(void *b, int len); void saveLoadResource(int type, int index); bool isResourceLoaded(int type, int index); void saveLoadEntries(void *d, const SaveLoadEntry *sle); void saveUint32(uint32 d); void saveWord(uint16 d); void saveByte(byte b); byte loadByte(); uint16 loadWord(); uint32 loadUint32(); Actor *derefActor(int id) { return &actor[id]; } Actor *derefActorSafe(int id, const char *errmsg); Actor *getFirstActor() { return actor; } void setupCostumeRenderer(CostumeRenderer *c, Actor *a); PathVertex *unkMatrixProc1(PathVertex *vtx, PathNode *node); PathNode *unkMatrixProc2(PathVertex *vtx, int i); bool areBoxesNeighbours(int i, int j); void addToBoxMatrix(byte b); PathVertex *addPathVertex(); void *addToBoxVertexHeap(int size); void parseCommandLine(int argc, char **argv); void showHelpAndExit(); }; void waitForTimer(Scumm *s); void outputdisplay2(Scumm *s, int disp); extern const byte revBitMask[8]; void blitToScreen(Scumm *s, byte *src, int x, int y, int w, int h); void NORETURN CDECL error(const char *s, ...); void CDECL warning(const char *s, ...); void CDECL debug(int level, const char *s, ...); void checkHeap(); void initGraphics(Scumm *s); void updateScreen(Scumm *s); void drawMouse(Scumm *s, int x, int y, int color, byte *mask, bool visible);