/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2001 Ludvig Strigeus * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "scumm/scumm.h" #include "scumm/actor.h" #include "scumm/akos.h" #include "scumm/boxes.h" #include "scumm/charset.h" #include "scumm/costume.h" #include "scumm/resource.h" #include "scumm/saveload.h" #include "scumm/sound.h" #include "scumm/usage_bits.h" namespace Scumm { byte Actor::kInvalidBox = 0; ScummEngine *Actor::_vm = 0; void Actor::initActorClass(ScummEngine *scumm) { _vm = scumm; if (_vm->_features & GF_SMALL_HEADER) { kInvalidBox = 255; } } Actor::Actor() { assert(_vm != 0); top = bottom = 0; number = 0; needRedraw = needBgReset = costumeNeedsInit = visible = false; flip = false; speedx = 8; speedy = 2; frame = 0; walkbox = 0; animProgress = 0; skipLimb = false; memset(animVariable, 0, sizeof(animVariable)); memset(palette, 0, sizeof(palette)); memset(sound, 0, sizeof(sound)); memset(&cost, 0, sizeof(CostumeData)); memset(&walkdata, 0, sizeof(ActorWalkData)); walkdata.point3.x = 32000; walkScript = 0; initActor(1); } void Actor::initActor(int mode) { if (mode == 1) { costume = 0; room = 0; _pos.x = 0; _pos.y = 0; facing = 180; } else if (mode == 2) { facing = 180; } elevation = 0; skipLimb = false; width = 24; talkColor = 15; talkPosX = 0; talkPosY = -80; scaley = scalex = 0xFF; charset = 0; memset(sound, 0, sizeof(sound)); targetFacing = facing; if (walkScript) _vm->stopScript(walkScript); moving = 0; shadow_mode = 0; layer = 0; setActorWalkSpeed(8, 2); animSpeed = 0; ignoreBoxes = false; forceClip = 0; ignoreTurns = false; flip = 0; talkFrequency = 256; talkPan = 64; if (_vm->_version <= 2) { initFrame = 2; walkFrame = 0; standFrame = 1; talkStartFrame = 5; talkStopFrame = 4; } else { initFrame = 1; walkFrame = 2; standFrame = 3; talkStartFrame = 4; talkStopFrame = 5; } walkScript = 0; talkScript = 0; _vm->_classData[number] = (_vm->_version >= 7) ? _vm->_classData[0] : 0; } void Actor::stopActorMoving() { if (walkScript) _vm->stopScript(walkScript); moving = 0; startAnimActor(standFrame); } void Actor::setActorWalkSpeed(uint newSpeedX, uint newSpeedY) { if (newSpeedX == speedx && newSpeedY == speedy) return; speedx = newSpeedX; speedy = newSpeedY; if (moving) { calcMovementFactor(walkdata.next); } } int ScummEngine::getAngleFromPos(int x, int y) const { if (_gameId == GID_DIG || _gameId == GID_CMI) { double temp = atan2((double)x, (double)-y); return normalizeAngle((int)(temp * 180 / 3.1415926535)); } else { if (abs(y) * 2 < abs(x)) { if (x > 0) return 90; return 270; } else { if (y > 0) return 180; return 0; } } } int Actor::calcMovementFactor(Common::Point next) { Common::Point actorPos(_pos); int diffX, diffY; int32 deltaXFactor, deltaYFactor; if (actorPos == next) return 0; diffX = next.x - actorPos.x; diffY = next.y - actorPos.y; deltaYFactor = speedy << 16; if (diffY < 0) deltaYFactor = -deltaYFactor; deltaXFactor = deltaYFactor * diffX; if (diffY != 0) { deltaXFactor /= diffY; } else { deltaYFactor = 0; } if ((uint) abs((int)(deltaXFactor >> 16)) > speedx) { deltaXFactor = speedx << 16; if (diffX < 0) deltaXFactor = -deltaXFactor; deltaYFactor = deltaXFactor * diffY; if (diffX != 0) { deltaYFactor /= diffX; } else { deltaXFactor = 0; } } walkdata.cur = actorPos; walkdata.next = next; walkdata.deltaXFactor = deltaXFactor; walkdata.deltaYFactor = deltaYFactor; walkdata.xfrac = 0; walkdata.yfrac = 0; targetFacing = _vm->getAngleFromPos(deltaXFactor, deltaYFactor); return actorWalkStep(); } int Actor::remapDirection(int dir, bool is_walking) { int specdir; byte flags; bool flipX; bool flipY; // FIXME - It seems that at least in The Dig the original code does // check ignoreBoxes here. However, it breaks some animations in Loom, // causing Bobbin to face towards the camera instead of away from it // in some places: After the tree has been destroyed by lightning, and // when entering the dark tunnels beyond the dragon's lair at the very // least. Possibly other places as well. // // The Dig also checks if the actor is in the current room, but that's // not necessary here because we never call the function unless the // actor is in the current room anyway. if (!ignoreBoxes || (_vm->_gameId == GID_LOOM || _vm->_gameId == GID_LOOM256)) { specdir = _vm->_extraBoxFlags[walkbox]; if (specdir) { if (specdir & 0x8000) { dir = specdir & 0x3FFF; } else { specdir = specdir & 0x3FFF; if (specdir - 90 < dir && dir < specdir + 90) dir = specdir; else dir = specdir + 180; } } flags = _vm->getBoxFlags(walkbox); flipX = (walkdata.deltaXFactor > 0); flipY = (walkdata.deltaYFactor > 0); // FIXME - this special cases for the class might be necessary // for other games besides Loom! // Check for X-Flip if ((flags & kBoxXFlip) || isInClass(kObjectClassXFlip)) { dir = 360 - dir; flipX = !flipX; } // Check for Y-Flip if ((flags & kBoxYFlip) || isInClass(kObjectClassYFlip)) { dir = 180 - dir; flipY = !flipY; } switch (flags & 7) { case 1: if (_vm->_version >= 7) { if (dir < 180) return 90; else return 270; } else { if (is_walking) // Actor is walking return flipX ? 90 : 270; else // Actor is standing/turning return (dir == 90) ? 90 : 270; } case 2: if (_vm->_version >= 7) { if (dir > 90 && dir < 270) return 180; else return 0; } else { if (is_walking) // Actor is walking return flipY ? 180 : 0; else // Actor is standing/turning return (dir == 0) ? 0 : 180; } case 3: return 270; case 4: return 90; case 5: return 0; case 6: return 180; } } // OR 1024 in to signal direction interpolation should be done return normalizeAngle(dir) | 1024; } int Actor::updateActorDirection(bool is_walking) { int from; int dirType; int dir; bool shouldInterpolate; if ((_vm->_version == 6) && ignoreTurns) return facing; dirType = (_vm->_version >= 7) ? _vm->akos_hasManyDirections(costume) : false; from = toSimpleDir(dirType, facing); dir = remapDirection(targetFacing, is_walking); if (_vm->_version >= 7) // Direction interpolation interfers with walk scripts in Dig; they perform // (much better) interpolation themselves. shouldInterpolate = false; else shouldInterpolate = (dir & 1024) ? true : false; dir &= 1023; if (shouldInterpolate) { int to = toSimpleDir(dirType, dir); int num = dirType ? 8 : 4; // Turn left or right, depending on which is shorter. int diff = to - from; if (abs(diff) > (num >> 1)) diff = -diff; if (diff > 0) { to = from + 1; } else if (diff < 0){ to = from - 1; } dir = fromSimpleDir(dirType, (to + num) % num); } return dir; } void Actor::setBox(int box) { walkbox = box; setupActorScale(); } int Actor::actorWalkStep() { int tmpX, tmpY; Common::Point actorPos; int distX, distY; int nextFacing; needRedraw = true; nextFacing = updateActorDirection(true); if (!(moving & MF_IN_LEG) || facing != nextFacing) { if (walkFrame != frame || facing != nextFacing) { startWalkAnim(1, nextFacing); } moving |= MF_IN_LEG; } actorPos = _pos; if (walkbox != walkdata.curbox && _vm->checkXYInBoxBounds(walkdata.curbox, actorPos.x, actorPos.y)) { setBox(walkdata.curbox); } distX = abs(walkdata.next.x - walkdata.cur.x); distY = abs(walkdata.next.y - walkdata.cur.y); if (abs(actorPos.x - walkdata.cur.x) >= distX && abs(actorPos.y - walkdata.cur.y) >= distY) { moving &= ~MF_IN_LEG; return 0; } tmpX = (actorPos.x << 16) + walkdata.xfrac + (walkdata.deltaXFactor >> 8) * scalex; walkdata.xfrac = (uint16)tmpX; actorPos.x = (tmpX >> 16); tmpY = (actorPos.y << 16) + walkdata.yfrac + (walkdata.deltaYFactor >> 8) * scaley; walkdata.yfrac = (uint16)tmpY; actorPos.y = (tmpY >> 16); if (abs(actorPos.x - walkdata.cur.x) > distX) { actorPos.x = walkdata.next.x; } if (abs(actorPos.y - walkdata.cur.y) > distY) { actorPos.y = walkdata.next.y; } _pos = actorPos; return 1; } void Actor::setupActorScale() { if (_vm->_features & GF_NO_SCALING) { scalex = 0xFF; scaley = 0xFF; return; } if (ignoreBoxes) return; // For some boxes, we ignore the scaling and use whatever values the // scripts set. This is used e.g. in the Mystery Vortex in Sam&Max. // Older games used the flag 0x20 differently, though. if (_vm->_version >= 6 && (_vm->getBoxFlags(walkbox) & kBoxIgnoreScale)) return; uint16 scale = _vm->getScale(walkbox, _pos.x, _pos.y); assert(scale <= 0xFF); scalex = scaley = (byte)scale; } void Actor::startAnimActor(int f) { if (_vm->_version >= 7) { switch (f) { case 1001: f = initFrame; break; case 1002: f = walkFrame; break; case 1003: f = standFrame; break; case 1004: f = talkStartFrame; break; case 1005: f = talkStopFrame; break; } frame = f; if (costume != 0) { animProgress = 0; needRedraw = true; if (f == initFrame) cost.reset(); _vm->akos_decodeData(this, f, (uint) - 1); } } else { switch (f) { case 0x38: f = initFrame; break; case 0x39: f = walkFrame; break; case 0x3A: f = standFrame; break; case 0x3B: f = talkStartFrame; break; case 0x3C: f = talkStopFrame; break; } assert(f != 0x3E); frame = f; if (isInCurrentRoom() && costume != 0) { animProgress = 0; cost.animCounter = 0; needRedraw = true; // V1 - V2 games don't seem to need a cost.reset() at this point. // Causes Zak to lose his body in several scenes, see bug #771508 if (_vm->_version >= 3 && f == initFrame) cost.reset(); if (_vm->_features & GF_NEW_COSTUMES) _vm->akos_decodeData(this, f, (uint) - 1); else _vm->cost_decodeData(this, f, (uint) - 1); } } } void Actor::animateActor(int anim) { int cmd, dir; if (_vm->_version >= 7) { if (anim == 0xFF) anim = 2000; cmd = anim / 1000; dir = anim % 1000; } else { cmd = anim / 4; dir = oldDirToNewDir(anim % 4); // Convert into old cmd code cmd = 0x3F - cmd + 2; } switch (cmd) { case 2: // stop walking stopActorMoving(); break; case 3: // change direction immediatly moving &= ~MF_TURN; setDirection(dir); break; case 4: // turn to new direction turnToDirection(dir); break; default: if (_vm->_version <= 2) startAnimActor(anim / 4); else startAnimActor(anim); } } void Actor::setDirection(int direction) { uint aMask; int i; uint16 vald; // Do nothing if actor is already facing in the given direction if (facing == direction) return; // Normalize the angle facing = normalizeAngle(direction); // If there is no costume set for this actor, we are finished if (costume == 0) return; // Update the costume for the new direction (and mark the actor for redraw) aMask = 0x8000; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++, aMask >>= 1) { vald = cost.frame[i]; if (vald == 0xFFFF) continue; if (_vm->_features & GF_NEW_COSTUMES) _vm->akos_decodeData(this, vald, aMask); else _vm->cost_decodeData(this, vald, aMask); } needRedraw = true; } void Actor::putActor(int dstX, int dstY, byte newRoom) { if (visible && _vm->_currentRoom != newRoom && _vm->talkingActor() == number) { _vm->clearMsgQueue(); } // HACK: The green transparency of the tank in the Hall of Oddities is // is positioned one pixel too far to the left. This appears to be a // bug in the original game as well. if (_vm->_gameId == GID_SAMNMAX && newRoom == 16 && number == 5 && dstX == 235 && dstY == 236) dstX++; _pos.x = dstX; _pos.y = dstY; room = newRoom; needRedraw = true; if (_vm->VAR(_vm->VAR_EGO) == number) { _vm->_egoPositioned = true; } if (visible) { if (isInCurrentRoom()) { if (moving) { startAnimActor(standFrame); moving = 0; } adjustActorPos(); } else { hideActor(); } } else { if (isInCurrentRoom()) showActor(); } } int Actor::getActorXYPos(int &xPos, int &yPos) const { if (!isInCurrentRoom()) return -1; xPos = _pos.x; yPos = _pos.y; return 0; } AdjustBoxResult Actor::adjustXYToBeInBox(int dstX, int dstY) { const uint thresholdTable[] = { 30, 80, 0 }; AdjustBoxResult abr; int16 tmpX, tmpY; int tmpDist, bestDist, threshold, numBoxes; byte flags, bestBox; int box; const int firstValidBox = (_vm->_features & GF_SMALL_HEADER) ? 0 : 1; abr.x = dstX; abr.y = dstY; abr.box = kInvalidBox; if (ignoreBoxes) return abr; for (int tIdx = 0; tIdx < ARRAYSIZE(thresholdTable); tIdx++) { threshold = thresholdTable[tIdx]; numBoxes = _vm->getNumBoxes() - 1; if (numBoxes < firstValidBox) return abr; bestDist = 0xFFFF; if (_vm->_version <= 2) bestDist *= 8*2; // Adjust for the fact that we multiply x by 8 and y by 2 bestBox = kInvalidBox; // We iterate (backwards) over all boxes, searching the one closest // to the desired coordinates. for (box = numBoxes; box >= firstValidBox; box--) { flags = _vm->getBoxFlags(box); // Skip over invisible boxes if (flags & kBoxInvisible && !(flags & kBoxPlayerOnly && !isPlayer())) continue; // For increased performance, we perform a quick test if // the coordinates can even be within a distance of 'threshold' // pixels of the box. if (threshold > 0 && _vm->inBoxQuickReject(box, dstX, dstY, threshold)) continue; // Check if the point is contained in the box. If it is, // we don't have to search anymore. if (_vm->checkXYInBoxBounds(box, dstX, dstY)) { abr.x = dstX; abr.y = dstY; abr.box = box; return abr; } // Find the point in the box which is closest to our point. tmpDist = _vm->getClosestPtOnBox(box, dstX, dstY, tmpX, tmpY); // Check if the box is closer than the previous boxes. if (tmpDist < bestDist) { abr.x = tmpX; abr.y = tmpY; if (tmpDist == 0) { abr.box = box; return abr; } bestDist = tmpDist; bestBox = box; } } // If the closest ('best') box we found is within the threshold, or if // we are on the last run (i.e. threshold == 0), return that box. if (threshold == 0 || threshold * threshold >= bestDist) { abr.box = bestBox; return abr; } } return abr; } void Actor::adjustActorPos() { AdjustBoxResult abr; abr = adjustXYToBeInBox(_pos.x, _pos.y); _pos.x = abr.x; _pos.y = abr.y; walkdata.destbox = abr.box; setBox(abr.box); walkdata.dest.x = -1; moving = 0; cost.soundCounter = 0; if (walkScript) _vm->stopScript(walkScript); if (walkbox != kInvalidBox) { byte flags = _vm->getBoxFlags(walkbox); if (flags & 7) { turnToDirection(facing); } } } void Actor::faceToObject(int obj) { int x2, y2, dir; if (!isInCurrentRoom()) return; if (_vm->getObjectOrActorXY(obj, x2, y2) == -1) return; dir = (x2 > _pos.x) ? 90 : 270; turnToDirection(dir); } void Actor::turnToDirection(int newdir) { if (newdir == -1 || ignoreTurns) return; moving &= ~MF_TURN; if (newdir != facing) { if (_vm->_version <= 3) moving = MF_TURN; else moving |= MF_TURN; targetFacing = newdir; } } void Actor::hideActor() { if (!visible) return; if (moving) { startAnimActor(standFrame); moving = 0; } visible = false; cost.soundCounter = 0; needRedraw = false; needBgReset = true; } void Actor::showActor() { if (_vm->_currentRoom == 0 || visible) return; adjustActorPos(); _vm->ensureResourceLoaded(rtCostume, costume); if (costumeNeedsInit) { startAnimActor(initFrame); if (_vm->_version <= 2) { startAnimActor(standFrame); startAnimActor(talkStopFrame); } costumeNeedsInit = false; } // FIXME: Evil hack to work around bug #770717 if (!moving && _vm->_version <= 2) startAnimActor(standFrame); moving = 0; visible = true; needRedraw = true; } // V1 Maniac doesn't have a ScummVar for VAR_TALK_ACTOR, and just uses // an internal variable. Emulate this to prevent overwriting script vars... int ScummEngine::talkingActor() { if (_gameId == GID_MANIAC && _version == 1) return _V1_talkingActor; else return VAR(VAR_TALK_ACTOR); }; void ScummEngine::talkingActor(int value) { if (_gameId == GID_MANIAC && _version == 1) _V1_talkingActor = value; else VAR(VAR_TALK_ACTOR) = value; }; void ScummEngine::showActors() { int i; for (i = 1; i < _numActors; i++) { if (_actors[i].isInCurrentRoom()) _actors[i].showActor(); } } void ScummEngine::walkActors() { int i; for (i = 1; i < _numActors; i++) { if (_actors[i].isInCurrentRoom()) if (_version <= 3) _actors[i].walkActorOld(); else _actors[i].walkActor(); } } /* Used in Scumm v5 only. Play sounds associated with actors */ void ScummEngine::playActorSounds() { int i; for (i = 1; i < _numActors; i++) { if (_actors[i].cost.soundCounter && _actors[i].isInCurrentRoom() && _actors[i].sound) { _currentScript = 0xFF; _sound->addSoundToQueue(_actors[i].sound[0]); for (i = 1; i < _numActors; i++) { _actors[i].cost.soundCounter = 0; } return; } } } Actor *ScummEngine::derefActor(int id, const char *errmsg) const { if (id == 0) debugC(DEBUG_ACTORS, "derefActor(0, \"%s\") in script %d, opcode 0x%x", errmsg, vm.slot[_curExecScript].number, _opcode); if (id < 0 || id >= _numActors || _actors[id].number != id) { if (errmsg) error("Invalid actor %d in %s", id, errmsg); else error("Invalid actor %d", id); } return &_actors[id]; } Actor *ScummEngine::derefActorSafe(int id, const char *errmsg) const { if (id == 0) debugC(DEBUG_ACTORS, "derefActorSafe(0, \"%s\") in script %d, opcode 0x%x", errmsg, vm.slot[_curExecScript].number, _opcode); if (id < 0 || id >= _numActors || _actors[id].number != id) { debugC(DEBUG_ACTORS, "Invalid actor %d in %s (script %d, opcode 0x%x)", id, errmsg, vm.slot[_curExecScript].number, _opcode); return NULL; } return &_actors[id]; } static int compareDrawOrder(const void* a, const void* b) { const Actor* actor1 = *(const Actor *const*)a; const Actor* actor2 = *(const Actor *const*)b; int diff; // The actor in the higher layer is ordered lower diff = actor1->layer - actor2->layer; if (diff < 0) return +1; if (diff > 0) return -1; // The actor with higher y value is ordered higher diff = actor1->_pos.y - actor2->_pos.y; if (diff < 0) return -1; if (diff > 0) return +1; // The qsort() function is not guaranteed to be stable (i.e. it may // re-order "equal" elements in an array it sorts). Hence we use the // actor number as tie-breaker. This is needed for the Sam & Max intro, // and possibly other cases as well. See bug #758167. return actor1->number - actor2->number; } void ScummEngine::processActors() { int numactors = 0; // TODO : put this actors as a member array. It never has to grow or shrink // since _numActors is constant within a game. Actor** actors = new Actor * [_numActors]; // Make a list of all actors in this room for (int i = 1; i < _numActors; i++) { if (_version == 8 && _actors[i].layer < 0) continue; if (_actors[i].isInCurrentRoom() && _actors[i].costume) actors[numactors++] = &_actors[i]; } if (!numactors) { delete [] actors; return; } // Sort actors by position before we draw them (to ensure that actors in // front are drawn after those "behind" them). qsort(actors, numactors, sizeof (Actor*), compareDrawOrder); Actor** end = actors + numactors; // Finally draw the now sorted actors for (Actor** ac = actors; ac != end; ++ac) { Actor* a = *ac; CHECK_HEAP a->drawActorCostume(); CHECK_HEAP a->animateCostume(); } delete [] actors; } // Used in Scumm v8, to allow the verb coin to be drawn over the inventory // chest. I'm assuming that draw order won't matter here. void ScummEngine::processUpperActors() { int i; for (i = 1; i < _numActors; i++) { if (_actors[i].isInCurrentRoom() && _actors[i].costume && _actors[i].layer < 0) { CHECK_HEAP _actors[i].drawActorCostume(); CHECK_HEAP _actors[i].animateCostume(); } } } void Actor::drawActorCostume() { if (!needRedraw) return; needRedraw = false; setupActorScale(); BaseCostumeRenderer* bcr = _vm->_costumeRenderer; bcr->_actorID = number; bcr->_actorX = _pos.x - _vm->virtscr[0].xstart; bcr->_actorY = _pos.y - elevation; if (_vm->_version <= 2) { // HACK: We have to adjust the x position by one strip (8 pixels) in // V2 games. However, it is not quite clear to me why. And to fully // match the original, it seems we have to offset by 2 strips if the // actor is facing left (270 degree). // V1 games are once again slightly different, here we only have // to adjust the 270 degree case... if (facing == 270) bcr->_actorX += 16; else if (_vm->_version == 2) bcr->_actorX += 8; } bcr->_scaleX = scalex; bcr->_scaleY = scaley; bcr->_shadow_mode = shadow_mode; if (_vm->_features & GF_SMALL_HEADER) bcr->_shadow_table = NULL; else bcr->_shadow_table = _vm->_shadowPalette; bcr->setCostume(costume); bcr->setPalette(palette); bcr->setFacing(this); if (_vm->_version >= 7) { bcr->_zbuf = forceClip; if (bcr->_zbuf == 100) { bcr->_zbuf = _vm->getMaskFromBox(walkbox); if (bcr->_zbuf > _vm->gdi._numZBuffer-1) bcr->_zbuf = _vm->gdi._numZBuffer-1; } bcr->_draw_top = top = 0x7fffffff; } else { if (forceClip) bcr->_zbuf = forceClip; else if (isInClass(kObjectClassNeverClip)) bcr->_zbuf = 0; else { bcr->_zbuf = _vm->getMaskFromBox(walkbox); if (bcr->_zbuf > _vm->gdi._numZBuffer-1) bcr->_zbuf = _vm->gdi._numZBuffer-1; } bcr->_draw_top = top = 0xFF; } bcr->_draw_bottom = bottom = 0; bcr->_skipLimb = (skipLimb != 0); // If the actor is partially hidden, redraw it next frame. // Only done for pre-AKOS, though. if (bcr->drawCostume(_vm->virtscr[0], cost) & 1) { needRedraw = !(_vm->_version >= 7); } // Record the vertical extent of the drawn actor top = bcr->_draw_top; bottom = bcr->_draw_bottom; } void Actor::animateCostume() { if (costume == 0) return; animProgress++; if (animProgress >= animSpeed) { animProgress = 0; if (_vm->_features & GF_NEW_COSTUMES) { byte *akos = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtCostume, costume); assert(akos); if (_vm->akos_increaseAnims(akos, this)) { needRedraw = true; } } else { LoadedCostume lc(_vm); lc.loadCostume(costume); if (lc.increaseAnims(this)) { needRedraw = true; } } } } void Actor::animateLimb(int limb, int f) { // This methods is very similiar to animateCostume(). // However, instead of animating *all* the limbs, it only animates // the specified limb to be at the frame specified by "f". if (!f) return; animProgress++; if (animProgress >= animSpeed) { animProgress = 0; if (costume == 0) return; const byte *aksq, *akfo; uint size; byte *akos = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtCostume, costume); assert(akos); aksq = _vm->findResourceData(MKID('AKSQ'), akos); akfo = _vm->findResourceData(MKID('AKFO'), akos); size = _vm->getResourceDataSize(akfo) / 2; while (f--) { if (cost.active[limb] != 0) _vm->akos_increaseAnim(this, limb, aksq, (const uint16 *)akfo, size); } // needRedraw = true; // needBgReset = true; } } void ScummEngine::setActorRedrawFlags() { int i, j; if (_fullRedraw) { for (j = 1; j < _numActors; j++) { _actors[j].needRedraw = true; } } else { for (i = 0; i < gdi._numStrips; i++) { int strip = _screenStartStrip + i; if (testGfxAnyUsageBits(strip)) { for (j = 1; j < _numActors; j++) { if (testGfxUsageBit(strip, j) && testGfxOtherUsageBits(strip, j)) { _actors[j].needRedraw = true; } } } } } } void ScummEngine::resetActorBgs() { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < gdi._numStrips; i++) { int strip = _screenStartStrip + i; clearGfxUsageBit(strip, USAGE_BIT_DIRTY); clearGfxUsageBit(strip, USAGE_BIT_RESTORED); for (j = 1; j < _numActors; j++) { if (testGfxUsageBit(strip, j) && ((_actors[j].top != 0xFF && _actors[j].needRedraw) || _actors[j].needBgReset)) { clearGfxUsageBit(strip, j); if ((_actors[j].bottom - _actors[j].top) >= 0) gdi.resetBackground(_actors[j].top, _actors[j].bottom, i); } } } for (i = 1; i < _numActors; i++) { _actors[i].needBgReset = false; } } int ScummEngine::getActorFromPos(int x, int y) { int i; if (!testGfxAnyUsageBits(x / 8)) return 0; for (i = 1; i < _numActors; i++) { if (testGfxUsageBit(x / 8, i) && !getClass(i, kObjectClassUntouchable) && y >= _actors[i].top && y <= _actors[i].bottom) { if (_version > 2 || i != VAR(VAR_EGO)) return i; } } return 0; } void ScummEngine::actorTalk() { Actor *a; _msgPtrToAdd = _charsetBuffer; _messagePtr = addMessageToStack(_messagePtr); assert((int)(_msgPtrToAdd - _charsetBuffer) < (int)(sizeof(_charsetBuffer))); // FIXME: Workaround for bugs #770039 and #770049 if (_gameId == GID_LOOM || _gameId == GID_LOOM256) { if (!*_charsetBuffer) return; } if (_actorToPrintStrFor == 0xFF) { if (!_keepText) stopTalk(); talkingActor(0xFF); } else { int oldact; // FIXME: Workaround for bug #770724 if (_gameId == GID_LOOM && _roomResource == 23 && vm.slot[_currentScript].number == 232 && _actorToPrintStrFor == 0) { _actorToPrintStrFor = 2; // Could be anything from 2 to 5. Maybe compare to original? } a = derefActor(_actorToPrintStrFor, "actorTalk"); if (!a->isInCurrentRoom() && !(_features & GF_NEW_COSTUMES)) { oldact = 0xFF; } else { if (!_keepText) stopTalk(); talkingActor(a->number); if (!_string[0].no_talk_anim) { a->startAnimActor(a->talkStartFrame); _useTalkAnims = true; } oldact = talkingActor(); } if (oldact >= 0x80) return; } if (((_gameId == GID_MANIAC) && (_version == 1)) || talkingActor() > 0x7F) { _charsetColor = (byte)_string[0].color; } else { a = derefActor(talkingActor(), "actorTalk(2)"); _charsetColor = a->talkColor; } _charsetBufPos = 0; _talkDelay = 0; _haveMsg = 0xFF; VAR(VAR_HAVE_MSG) = 0xFF; if (VAR_CHARCOUNT != 0xFF) VAR(VAR_CHARCOUNT) = 0; CHARSET_1(); } void ScummEngine::stopTalk() { int act; _sound->stopTalkSound(); _haveMsg = 0; _talkDelay = 0; act = talkingActor(); if (act && act < 0x80) { Actor *a = derefActor(act, "stopTalk"); if ((a->isInCurrentRoom() && _useTalkAnims) || (_features & GF_NEW_COSTUMES)) { a->startAnimActor(a->talkStopFrame); _useTalkAnims = false; } if (!(_features & GF_NEW_COSTUMES)) talkingActor(0xFF); } if (_features & GF_NEW_COSTUMES) talkingActor(0); _keepText = false; _charset->restoreCharsetBg(); } void ScummEngine::clearMsgQueue() { _messagePtr = (const byte *)" "; stopTalk(); } void Actor::setActorCostume(int c) { int i; if ((_vm->_features & GF_HUMONGOUS) && (c == -1 || c == -2)) { skipLimb = (c == -1); needRedraw = true; return; } costumeNeedsInit = true; if (_vm->_features & GF_NEW_COSTUMES) { cost.reset(); memset(animVariable, 0, sizeof(animVariable)); costume = c; if (visible) { if (costume) { _vm->ensureResourceLoaded(rtCostume, costume); } } startAnimActor(initFrame); } else { if (visible) { hideActor(); cost.reset(); costume = c; showActor(); } else { costume = c; cost.reset(); } } // V1 zak uses palette[] as a dynamic costume color array. if (_vm->_version == 1) return; if (_vm->_features & GF_NEW_COSTUMES) { for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) palette[i] = 0xFF; } else if (_vm->_features & GF_OLD_BUNDLE) { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) palette[i] = i; } else { for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) palette[i] = 0xFF; } skipLimb = false; } void Actor::startWalkActor(int destX, int destY, int dir) { AdjustBoxResult abr; if (_vm->_version <= 3) { abr.x = destX; abr.y = destY; } else { abr = adjustXYToBeInBox(destX, destY); } if (!isInCurrentRoom()) { _pos.x = abr.x; _pos.y = abr.y; if (!(_vm->_version == 6 && ignoreTurns) && dir != -1) setDirection(dir); return; } if (ignoreBoxes) { abr.box = kInvalidBox; walkbox = kInvalidBox; } else { if (_vm->checkXYInBoxBounds(walkdata.destbox, abr.x, abr.y)) { abr.box = walkdata.destbox; } else { abr = adjustXYToBeInBox(abr.x, abr.y); } if (moving && walkdata.destdir == dir && walkdata.dest.x == abr.x && walkdata.dest.y == abr.y) return; } if (_pos.x == abr.x && _pos.y == abr.y) { turnToDirection(dir); return; } walkdata.dest.x = abr.x; walkdata.dest.y = abr.y; walkdata.destbox = abr.box; walkdata.destdir = dir; moving = (moving & MF_IN_LEG) | MF_NEW_LEG; walkdata.point3.x = 32000; walkdata.curbox = walkbox; } void Actor::startWalkAnim(int cmd, int angle) { if (angle == -1) angle = facing; /* FIXME: (yazoo/fingolfin): using the walk script is buggy in Dig, * troubles while walking. It's disabled until we can figure out how * to fix this properly. * Note: walk scripts aren't required to make the game * work as usual */ #if 1 if (walkScript != 0) { int args[16]; memset(args, 0, sizeof(args)); args[0] = number; args[1] = cmd; args[2] = angle; _vm->runScript(walkScript, 1, 0, args); } else #endif { switch (cmd) { case 1: /* start walk */ setDirection(angle); startAnimActor(walkFrame); break; case 2: /* change dir only */ setDirection(angle); break; case 3: /* stop walk */ turnToDirection(angle); startAnimActor(standFrame); break; } } } void Actor::walkActor() { int new_dir, next_box; Common::Point foundPath; if (_vm->_version >= 7) { // FIXME - this is kind of a hack right now but it fixes the // walk scripts in The Dig. if (moving & MF_FROZEN) { if (moving & MF_TURN) { new_dir = updateActorDirection(false); if (facing != new_dir) setDirection(new_dir); else moving &= ~MF_TURN; } return; } } if (!moving) return; if (!(moving & MF_NEW_LEG)) { if (moving & MF_IN_LEG && actorWalkStep()) return; if (moving & MF_LAST_LEG) { moving = 0; setBox(walkdata.destbox); startWalkAnim(3, walkdata.destdir); return; } if (moving & MF_TURN) { new_dir = updateActorDirection(false); if (facing != new_dir) setDirection(new_dir); else moving = 0; return; } setBox(walkdata.curbox); moving &= MF_IN_LEG; } moving &= ~MF_NEW_LEG; do { if (walkbox == kInvalidBox) { setBox(walkdata.destbox); walkdata.curbox = walkdata.destbox; break; } if (walkbox == walkdata.destbox) break; next_box = _vm->getPathToDestBox(walkbox, walkdata.destbox); if (next_box < 0) { walkdata.destbox = walkbox; moving |= MF_LAST_LEG; return; } walkdata.curbox = next_box; if (findPathTowards(walkbox, next_box, walkdata.destbox, foundPath)) break; if (calcMovementFactor(foundPath)) return; setBox(walkdata.curbox); } while (1); moving |= MF_LAST_LEG; calcMovementFactor(walkdata.dest); } /* void Actor::walkActorV12() { Common::Point foundPath, tmp; int new_dir, next_box; if (moving & MF_TURN) { new_dir = updateActorDirection(false); if (facing != new_dir) setDirection(new_dir); else moving = 0; return; } if (!moving) return; if (moving & MF_IN_LEG) { actorWalkStep(); } else { if (moving & MF_LAST_LEG) { moving = 0; startWalkAnim(3, walkdata.destdir); } else { setBox(walkdata.curbox); if (walkbox == walkdata.destbox) { foundPath = walkdata.dest; moving |= MF_LAST_LEG; } else { next_box = _vm->getPathToDestBox(walkbox, walkdata.destbox); if (next_box < 0) { moving |= MF_LAST_LEG; return; } // Can't walk through locked boxes int flags = _vm->getBoxFlags(next_box); if (flags & kBoxLocked && !(flags & kBoxPlayerOnly && !isPlayer())) { moving |= MF_LAST_LEG; } walkdata.curbox = next_box; _vm->getClosestPtOnBox(walkdata.curbox, x, y, tmp.x, tmp.y); _vm->getClosestPtOnBox(walkbox, tmp.x, tmp.y, foundPath.x, foundPath.y); } calcMovementFactor(foundPath); } } } */ void Actor::walkActorOld() { Common::Point p2, p3; // Gate locations int new_dir, next_box, loopCtr = 0; if (!moving) return; if (!(moving & MF_NEW_LEG)) { if (moving & MF_IN_LEG && actorWalkStep()) return; if (moving & MF_LAST_LEG) { moving = 0; startWalkAnim(3, walkdata.destdir); return; } if (moving & MF_TURN) { new_dir = updateActorDirection(false); if (facing != new_dir) setDirection(new_dir); else moving = 0; return; } if (walkdata.point3.x != 32000) { if (calcMovementFactor(walkdata.point3)) { walkdata.point3.x = 32000; return; } walkdata.point3.x = 32000; } setBox(walkdata.curbox); moving &= MF_IN_LEG; } moving &= ~MF_NEW_LEG; do { loopCtr++; if (walkbox == kInvalidBox) { setBox(walkdata.destbox); walkdata.curbox = walkdata.destbox; break; } if (walkbox == walkdata.destbox) break; next_box = _vm->getPathToDestBox(walkbox, walkdata.destbox); if (next_box < 0) { moving |= MF_LAST_LEG; return; } // Can't walk through locked boxes int flags = _vm->getBoxFlags(next_box); if (flags & kBoxLocked && !(flags & kBoxPlayerOnly && !isPlayer())) { moving |= MF_LAST_LEG; // FIXME: Work in progress // walkdata.destdir = facing; return; } walkdata.curbox = next_box; if (_vm->_version <= 2) { _vm->getClosestPtOnBox(walkdata.curbox, _pos.x, _pos.y, p2.x, p2.y); _vm->getClosestPtOnBox(walkbox, p2.x, p2.y, p3.x, p3.y); // FIXME: Work in progress // calcMovementFactor(p3); // return; } else { findPathTowardsOld(walkbox, next_box, walkdata.destbox, p2, p3); if (p2.x == 32000 && p3.x == 32000) { break; } if (p2.x != 32000) { if (calcMovementFactor(p2)) { walkdata.point3 = p3; return; } } } if (calcMovementFactor(p3)) return; // FIXME: Fingolfin changed the destbox to curbox, matching walkActor. // Motivation for this was comparision with some MI EGA disasm... // However, that caused a regression in Indy3 (bug #809547). // On the other hand, curbox is needed to fix bug #830106... if (_vm->_version >= 3) setBox(walkdata.destbox); else setBox(walkdata.curbox); // FIXME: Ender added this recursion counter as a hack around // a infinite loop in Maniac V1 - see bug #862245 if (loopCtr > 10000) { moving |= MF_LAST_LEG; return; } } while (1); moving |= MF_LAST_LEG; calcMovementFactor(walkdata.dest); } byte *Actor::getActorName() { byte *ptr = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtActorName, number); if (ptr == NULL) { warning("Failed to find name of actor %d", number); } return ptr; } void Actor::remapActorPaletteColor(int color, int new_color) { const byte *akos, *akpl; int akpl_size, i; byte akpl_color; akos = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtCostume, costume); if (!akos) { warning("Can't remap actor %d, costume %d not found", number, costume); return; } akpl = findResource(MKID('AKPL'), akos); if (!akpl) { warning("Can't remap actor %d, costume %d doesn't contain an AKPL block", number, costume); return; } //get num palette entries akpl_size = RES_SIZE(akpl) - 8; //skip resource header akpl = RES_DATA(akpl); for (i = 0; i < akpl_size; i++) { akpl_color = *akpl++; if (akpl_color == color) { palette[i] = new_color; return; } } } void Actor::remapActorPalette(int r_fact, int g_fact, int b_fact, int threshold) { const byte *akos, *rgbs, *akpl; int akpl_size, i; int r, g, b; byte akpl_color; if (!isInCurrentRoom()) { warning("Remap actor %d not in current room", number); return; } if (costume < 1 || costume >= _vm->_numCostumes - 1) { // in FT costume 0 is a normal situation if (_vm->_gameId == GID_FT && !costume) return; warning("Remap actor %d invalid costume %d", number, costume); return; } akos = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtCostume, costume); if (!akos) { warning("Can't remap actor %d, costume %d not found", number, costume); return; } akpl = findResource(MKID('AKPL'), akos); if (!akpl) { warning("Can't remap actor %d, costume %d doesn't contain an AKPL block", number, costume); return; } //get num palette entries akpl_size = RES_SIZE(akpl) - 8; //skip resource header akpl = RES_DATA(akpl); rgbs = findResource(MKID('RGBS'), akos); if (!rgbs) { warning("Can't remap actor %d costume %d doesn't contain an RGB block", number, costume); return; } // skip resource header rgbs = RES_DATA(rgbs); for (i = 0; i < akpl_size; i++) { r = *rgbs++; g = *rgbs++; b = *rgbs++; akpl_color = *akpl++; // allow remap of generic palette entry? if (!shadow_mode || akpl_color >= 16) { if (r_fact != 256) r = (r * r_fact) >> 8; if (g_fact != 256) g = (g * g_fact) >> 8; if (b_fact != 256) b = (b * b_fact) >> 8; palette[i] = _vm->remapPaletteColor(r, g, b, threshold); } } } void Actor::classChanged(int cls, bool value) { if (cls == kObjectClassAlwaysClip) forceClip = value; if (cls == kObjectClassIgnoreBoxes) ignoreBoxes = value; } bool Actor::isInClass(int cls) { return _vm->getClass(number, cls); } bool Actor::isPlayer() { if (_vm->_version <= 2) return _vm->VAR(42) <= number && number <= _vm->VAR(43); else return isInClass(kObjectClassPlayer); } const SaveLoadEntry *Actor::getSaveLoadEntries() { static const SaveLoadEntry actorEntries[] = { MKLINE(Actor, _pos.x, sleInt16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, _pos.y, sleInt16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, top, sleInt16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, bottom, sleInt16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, elevation, sleInt16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, width, sleUint16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, facing, sleUint16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, costume, sleUint16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, room, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, talkColor, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, talkFrequency, sleInt16, VER(16)), MKLINE(Actor, talkPan, sleInt16, VER(24)), MKLINE(Actor, scalex, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, scaley, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, charset, sleByte, VER(8)), MKARRAY(Actor, sound[0], sleByte, 8, VER(8)), MKARRAY(Actor, animVariable[0], sleUint16, 8, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, targetFacing, sleUint16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, moving, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, ignoreBoxes, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, forceClip, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, initFrame, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, walkFrame, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, standFrame, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, talkStartFrame, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, talkStopFrame, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, speedx, sleUint16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, speedy, sleUint16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, cost.animCounter, sleUint16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, cost.soundCounter, sleByte, VER(8)), // Actor palette grew from 64 to 256 bytes MKARRAY_OLD(Actor, palette[0], sleByte, 64, VER(8), VER(9)), MKARRAY(Actor, palette[0], sleByte, 256, VER(10)), MK_OBSOLETE(Actor, mask, sleByte, VER(8), VER(9)), MKLINE(Actor, shadow_mode, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, visible, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, frame, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, animSpeed, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, animProgress, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, walkbox, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, needRedraw, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, needBgReset, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, costumeNeedsInit, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, talkPosY, sleInt16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, talkPosX, sleInt16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, ignoreTurns, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, layer, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, talkScript, sleUint16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, walkScript, sleUint16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, walkdata.dest.x, sleInt16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, walkdata.dest.y, sleInt16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, walkdata.destbox, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, walkdata.destdir, sleUint16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, walkdata.curbox, sleByte, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, walkdata.cur.x, sleInt16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, walkdata.cur.y, sleInt16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, walkdata.next.x, sleInt16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, walkdata.next.y, sleInt16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, walkdata.deltaXFactor, sleInt32, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, walkdata.deltaYFactor, sleInt32, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, walkdata.xfrac, sleUint16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, walkdata.yfrac, sleUint16, VER(8)), MKARRAY(Actor, cost.active[0], sleByte, 16, VER(8)), MKLINE(Actor, cost.stopped, sleUint16, VER(8)), MKARRAY(Actor, cost.curpos[0], sleUint16, 16, VER(8)), MKARRAY(Actor, cost.start[0], sleUint16, 16, VER(8)), MKARRAY(Actor, cost.end[0], sleUint16, 16, VER(8)), MKARRAY(Actor, cost.frame[0], sleUint16, 16, VER(8)), MKEND() }; return actorEntries; } } // End of namespace Scumm