#include "stdafx.h" #include "scumm.h" #include "sound.h" #include "actor.h" #include "debugger.h" #include "common/util.h" // The new debugger doesn't actually have the guts for text console coded yet ;) #define USE_CONSOLE // Choose between text console or ScummConsole #ifdef USE_CONSOLE #include "gui/console.h" #define Debug_Printf _s->_debuggerDialog->printf #else #define Debug_Printf printf #endif ScummDebugger::ScummDebugger() { _s = 0; _frame_countdown = 0; _dvar_count = 0; _dcmd_count = 0; _detach_now = false; } // Initialisation Functions void ScummDebugger::attach(Scumm *s) { if (_s) detach(); _s = s; s->_debugger = this; _frame_countdown = 1; _detach_now = false; if (_dvar_count < 1) { // We need to register our variables DVar_Register("debug_countdown", &_frame_countdown, DVAR_INT, 0); DVar_Register("scumm_speed", &_s->_fastMode, DVAR_INT, 0); DVar_Register("scumm_room", &_s->_currentRoom, DVAR_INT, 0); DVar_Register("scumm_roomresource", &_s->_roomResource, DVAR_INT, 0); DVar_Register("scumm_vars", &_s->_vars, DVAR_INTARRAY, _s->_numVariables); DVar_Register("scumm_gamename", &_s->_game_name, DVAR_STRING, 0); DVar_Register("scumm_exename", &_s->_exe_name, DVAR_STRING, 0); DVar_Register("scumm_gameid", &_s->_gameId, DVAR_INT, 0); } if (_dcmd_count < 1) { // We need to register our commands DCmd_Register("exit", &ScummDebugger::Cmd_Exit); DCmd_Register("quit", &ScummDebugger::Cmd_Exit); DCmd_Register("room", &ScummDebugger::Cmd_Room); DCmd_Register("loadgame", &ScummDebugger::Cmd_LoadGame); DCmd_Register("savegame", &ScummDebugger::Cmd_SaveGame); } } void ScummDebugger::detach() { #ifdef USE_CONSOLE if (_s->_debuggerDialog) _s->_debuggerDialog->setInputeCallback(0, 0); #endif _s->_debugger = NULL; _s = NULL; _detach_now = false; } // Temporary execution handler void ScummDebugger::on_frame() { if (_frame_countdown == 0) return; --_frame_countdown; if (!_frame_countdown) { // Pause sound output bool old_soundsPaused = _s->_sound->_soundsPaused; _s->_sound->pauseSounds(true); // Enter debugger enter(); _s->_sound->pauseSounds(old_soundsPaused); // Resume previous sound state if (_detach_now) // Detach if we're finished with the debugger detach(); } } // Console handler #ifdef USE_CONSOLE bool ScummDebugger::debuggerInputCallback(ConsoleDialog *console, const char *input, void *refCon) { ScummDebugger *debugger = (ScummDebugger *)refCon; return debugger->RunCommand((char*)input); } #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Now the fun stuff: // Command/Variable registration functions void ScummDebugger::DVar_Register(const char *varname, void *pointer, int type, int optional) { assert(_dvar_count < (int)sizeof(_dvars)); strcpy(_dvars[_dvar_count].name, varname); _dvars[_dvar_count].type = type; _dvars[_dvar_count].variable = pointer; _dvars[_dvar_count].optional = optional; _dvar_count++; } void ScummDebugger::DCmd_Register(const char *cmdname, DebugProc pointer) { assert(_dcmd_count < (int)sizeof(_dcmds)); strcpy(_dcmds[_dcmd_count].name, cmdname); _dcmds[_dcmd_count].function = pointer; _dcmd_count++; } // Main Debugger Loop void ScummDebugger::enter() { #ifdef USE_CONSOLE if (!_s->_debuggerDialog) { _s->_debuggerDialog = new ConsoleDialog(_s->_newgui, _s->_realWidth); Debug_Printf("Debugger started, type 'exit' to return to the game\n"); } _s->_debuggerDialog->setInputeCallback(debuggerInputCallback, this); _s->_debuggerDialog->runModal(); #else printf("Debugger entered, please switch to this console for input.\n"); // while(1) { // ; // } #endif } // Command execution loop bool ScummDebugger::RunCommand(char *input) { int i = 0, num_parms = 0; char parm[255][255]; // Parse out any params char *tok = strtok(input, " "); if (tok) { do { strcpy(parm[num_parms++], tok); } while ((tok = strtok(NULL, " ")) != NULL); } else strcpy(parm[0], input); for(i=0; i < _dcmd_count; i++) { if (!strcmp(_dcmds[i].name, parm[0])) { DebugProc cmd; cmd = _dcmds[i].function; return (this->*cmd)(parm); } } // It's not a command, so things get a little tricky for variables. Do fuzzy matching to ignore things like subscripts. for(i = 0; i < _dvar_count; i++) { if (!strncmp(_dvars[i].name, parm[0], strlen(_dvars[i].name))) { if (num_parms > 1) { // Alright, we need to check the TYPE of the variable to deref and stuff... the array stuff is a bit ugly :) switch(_dvars[i].type) { // Integer case DVAR_INT: *(int *)_dvars[i].variable = atoi(parm[1]); Debug_Printf("(int)%s = %d\n", parm[0], *(int *)_dvars[i].variable); break; // Integer Array case DVAR_INTARRAY: { char *chr = strchr(parm[0], '['); if (!chr) { Debug_Printf("You must access this array as %s[element]\n", parm[0]); } else { int element = atoi(chr+1); int16 *var = *(int16 **)_dvars[i].variable; if (element > _dvars[i].optional) { Debug_Printf("%s is out of range (array is %d elements big)\n", parm[0], _dvars[i].optional); } else { var[element] = atoi(parm[1]); Debug_Printf("(int)%s = %d\n", parm[0], var[element]); } } } break; default: Debug_Printf("Failed to set variable %s to %s - unknown type\n", _dvars[i].name, parm[1]); break; } } else { // And again, type-dependent prints/defrefs. The array one is still ugly. switch(_dvars[i].type) { // Integer case DVAR_INT: Debug_Printf("(int)%s = %d\n", parm[0], *(int *)_dvars[i].variable); break; // Integer array case DVAR_INTARRAY: { char *chr = strchr(parm[0], '['); if (!chr) { Debug_Printf("You must access this array as %s[element]\n", parm[0]); } else { int element = atoi(chr+1); int16 *var = *(int16 **)_dvars[i].variable; if (element > _dvars[i].optional) { Debug_Printf("%s is out of range (array is %d elements big)\n", parm[0], _dvars[i].optional); } else { Debug_Printf("(int)%s = %d\n", parm[0], var[element]); } } } break; // String case DVAR_STRING: Debug_Printf("(string)%s = %s\n", parm[0], *(char **)_dvars[i].variable); break; default: Debug_Printf("%s = (unknown type)\n", parm[0]); break; } } return true; } } Debug_Printf("Unknown command or variable\n"); return true; } // Commands bool ScummDebugger::Cmd_Exit(char _parameter[255][255]) { _detach_now = true; return false; } bool ScummDebugger::Cmd_Room(char _parameter[255][255]) { int room = atoi(_parameter[1]); _s->_actors[_s->_vars[_s->VAR_EGO]].room = room; _s->startScene(room, 0, 0); _s->_fullRedraw = 1; return true; } bool ScummDebugger::Cmd_LoadGame(char _parameter[255][255]) { int slot = atoi(_parameter[1]); _s->_saveLoadSlot = slot; _s->_saveLoadFlag = 2; _s->_saveLoadCompatible = false; _detach_now = true; return false; } bool ScummDebugger::Cmd_SaveGame(char _parameter[255][255]) { int slot = atoi(_parameter[1]); _s->_saveLoadSlot = slot; _s->_saveLoadFlag = 1; _s->_saveLoadCompatible = false; _detach_now = true; return false; }