/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2001 Ludvig Strigeus * Copyright (C) 2001-2005 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "common/str.h" #include "scumm/dialogs.h" #include "scumm/imuse.h" #include "scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse.h" #include "scumm/intern.h" #include "scumm/object.h" #include "scumm/resource.h" #include "scumm/scumm.h" #include "scumm/sound.h" #include "scumm/util.h" #include "scumm/verbs.h" #include "sound/mididrv.h" // Need MD_ enum values namespace Scumm { extern const char *resTypeFromId(int id); static uint16 newTag2Old(uint32 newTag); static const byte *findResourceSmall(uint32 tag, const byte *searchin); /* Open a room */ void ScummEngine::openRoom(const int room) { int room_offs; bool result; char buf[128]; char buf2[128] = ""; byte encByte = 0; debugC(DEBUG_GENERAL, "openRoom(%d)", room); assert(room >= 0); /* Don't load the same room again */ if (_lastLoadedRoom == room) return; _lastLoadedRoom = room; /* Room -1 means close file */ if (room == -1) { deleteRoomOffsets(); _fileHandle->close(); return; } const int diskNumber = (room == 0 ? 0 : res.roomno[rtRoom][room]); /* Either xxx.lfl or monkey.xxx file name */ while (1) { room_offs = room ? res.roomoffs[rtRoom][room] : 0; if (room_offs == -1) break; if (room_offs != 0 && room != 0 && _heversion < 98) { _fileOffset = res.roomoffs[rtRoom][room]; return; } if (_version <= 3) { sprintf(buf, "%.2d.lfl", room); // Maniac Mansion demo has .man instead of .lfl if (_gameId == GID_MANIAC) sprintf(buf2, "%.2d.man", room); encByte = (_features & GF_USE_KEY) ? 0xFF : 0; } else if (_features & GF_SMALL_HEADER) { if (room == 0 || room >= 900) { sprintf(buf, "%.3d.lfl", room); encByte = 0; if (openResourceFile(buf, encByte)) { return; } askForDisk(buf, diskNumber); } else { sprintf(buf, "disk%.2d.lec", diskNumber); encByte = 0x69; } } else { if (_heversion >= 70) { // Windows titles if (_heversion >= 98) { int disk = 0; if (_heV7DiskOffsets) disk = _heV7DiskOffsets[room]; switch(disk) { case 2: sprintf(buf, "%s.%s", _gameName.c_str(), "(b)"); break; case 1: sprintf(buf, "%s.%s", _gameName.c_str(), "(a)"); break; default: sprintf(buf, "%s.%s", _gameName.c_str(), "he0"); } } else sprintf(buf, "%s.he%.1d", _gameName.c_str(), room == 0 ? 0 : 1); } else if (_version >= 7) { if (room > 0 && (_version == 8)) VAR(VAR_CURRENTDISK) = diskNumber; sprintf(buf, "%s.la%d", _gameName.c_str(), diskNumber); sprintf(buf2, "%s.%.3d", _gameName.c_str(), diskNumber); } else if (_features & GF_HUMONGOUS) { sprintf(buf, "%s.he%.1d", _gameName.c_str(), diskNumber); } else { sprintf(buf, "%s.%.3d", _gameName.c_str(), diskNumber); if (_gameId == GID_SAMNMAX) sprintf(buf2, "%s.sm%.1d", _gameName.c_str(), diskNumber); } encByte = (_features & GF_USE_KEY) ? 0x69 : 0; } // If we have substitute if (_substResFileNameIndex > 0 && !(_features & GF_NES)) { char tmpBuf[128]; generateSubstResFileName(buf, tmpBuf, sizeof(tmpBuf)); strcpy(buf, tmpBuf); generateSubstResFileName(buf2, tmpBuf, sizeof(tmpBuf)); strcpy(buf2, tmpBuf); } result = openResourceFile(buf, encByte); if ((result == false) && (buf2[0])) { result = openResourceFile(buf2, encByte); // We have .man files so set demo mode if (_gameId == GID_MANIAC) _demoMode = true; } if (result) { if (room == 0) return; deleteRoomOffsets(); readRoomsOffsets(); _fileOffset = res.roomoffs[rtRoom][room]; if (_fileOffset != 8) return; error("Room %d not in %s", room, buf); return; } askForDisk(buf, diskNumber); } do { sprintf(buf, "%.3d.lfl", room); encByte = 0; if (openResourceFile(buf, encByte)) break; askForDisk(buf, diskNumber); } while (1); deleteRoomOffsets(); _fileOffset = 0; // start of file } void ScummEngine::closeRoom() { if (_lastLoadedRoom != -1) { _lastLoadedRoom = -1; deleteRoomOffsets(); _fileHandle->close(); } } /** Delete the currently loaded room offsets. */ void ScummEngine::deleteRoomOffsets() { for (int i = 0; i < _numRooms; i++) { if (res.roomoffs[rtRoom][i] != 0xFFFFFFFF) res.roomoffs[rtRoom][i] = 0; } } /** Read room offsets */ void ScummEngine::readRoomsOffsets() { int num, room; debug(9, "readRoomOffsets()"); if (_features & GF_SMALL_HEADER) { _fileHandle->seek(12, SEEK_SET); // Directly searching for the room offset block would be more generic... } else { _fileHandle->seek(16, SEEK_SET); } num = _fileHandle->readByte(); while (num--) { room = _fileHandle->readByte(); if (res.roomoffs[rtRoom][room] != 0xFFFFFFFF) { res.roomoffs[rtRoom][room] = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); } else { _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); } } } bool ScummEngine::openFile(BaseScummFile &file, const char *filename) { bool result = false; if (!_containerFile.isEmpty()) { file.close(); file.open(_containerFile.c_str()); assert(file.isOpen()); result = file.openSubFile(filename); } if (!result) { file.close(); result = file.open(filename); } return result; } bool ScummEngine::openResourceFile(const char *filename, byte encByte) { debugC(DEBUG_GENERAL, "openResourceFile(%s)", filename); if (openFile(*_fileHandle, filename)) { _fileHandle->setEnc(encByte); return true; } return false; } void ScummEngine::askForDisk(const char *filename, int disknum) { char buf[128]; if (_version == 8) { char result; _imuseDigital->stopAllSounds(); #ifdef MACOSX sprintf(buf, "Cannot find file: '%s'\nPlease insert disc %d.\nPress OK to retry, Quit to exit", filename, disknum); #else sprintf(buf, "Cannot find file: '%s'\nInsert disc %d into drive %s\nPress OK to retry, Quit to exit", filename, disknum, _gameDataPath.c_str()); #endif result = displayMessage("Quit", buf); if (!result) { error("Cannot find file: '%s'", filename); } } else { sprintf(buf, "Cannot find file: '%s'", filename); InfoDialog dialog(this, (char*)buf); runDialog(dialog); error("Cannot find file: '%s'", filename); } } void ScummEngine::readIndexFile() { uint32 blocktype, itemsize; int numblock = 0; int i; bool stop = false; debugC(DEBUG_GENERAL, "readIndexFile()"); closeRoom(); openRoom(0); if (_version <= 5) { // Figure out the sizes of various resources while (!_fileHandle->eof()) { blocktype = fileReadDword(); itemsize = _fileHandle->readUint32BE(); if (_fileHandle->ioFailed()) break; switch (blocktype) { case MKID('DOBJ'): _numGlobalObjects = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); itemsize -= 2; break; case MKID('DROO'): _numRooms = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); itemsize -= 2; break; case MKID('DSCR'): _numScripts = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); itemsize -= 2; break; case MKID('DCOS'): _numCostumes = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); itemsize -= 2; break; case MKID('DSOU'): _numSounds = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); itemsize -= 2; break; } _fileHandle->seek(itemsize - 8, SEEK_CUR); } _fileHandle->clearIOFailed(); _fileHandle->seek(0, SEEK_SET); } while (!stop) { blocktype = fileReadDword(); if (_fileHandle->ioFailed()) break; itemsize = _fileHandle->readUint32BE(); numblock++; switch (blocktype) { case MKID('DCHR'): case MKID('DIRF'): readResTypeList(rtCharset, MKID('CHAR'), "charset"); break; case MKID('DOBJ'): debug(9, "found DOBJ block, reading object table"); readGlobalObjects(); break; case MKID('RNAM'): // Names of rooms. Maybe we should put them into a table, for use by the debugger? if (_heversion >= 80) { for (int room; (room = _fileHandle->readUint16LE()); ) { char buf[20]; i = 0; for (byte s; (s = _fileHandle->readByte()); ) { buf[i++] = s; } buf[i] = 0; debug(5, "Room %d: '%s'", room, buf); } } else { for (int room; (room = _fileHandle->readByte()); ) { char buf[10]; _fileHandle->read(buf, 9); buf[9] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) buf[i] ^= 0xFF; debug(5, "Room %d: '%s'", room, buf); } } break; case MKID('DLFL'): i = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _fileHandle->seek(-2, SEEK_CUR); _heV7RoomOffsets = (byte *)calloc(2 + (i * 4), 1); _fileHandle->read(_heV7RoomOffsets, (2 + (i * 4)) ); break; case MKID('DIRM'): readResTypeList(rtImage, MKID('AWIZ'), "images"); break; case MKID('DIRT'): readResTypeList(rtTalkie, MKID('TLKE'), "talkie"); break; case MKID('SVER'): _fileHandle->seek(itemsize - 8, SEEK_CUR); warning("SVER index block not yet handled, skipping"); break; case MKID('DISK'): i = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _heV7DiskOffsets = (byte *)calloc(i, 1); _fileHandle->read(_heV7DiskOffsets, i); break; case MKID('INIB'): _fileHandle->seek(itemsize - 8, SEEK_CUR); debug(2, "INIB index block not yet handled, skipping"); break; case MKID('DIRI'): readResTypeList(rtRoomImage, MKID('RMIM'), "room image"); break; case MKID('ANAM'): // Used by: The Dig, FT debug(9, "found ANAM block, reading audio names"); _numAudioNames = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _audioNames = (char*)malloc(_numAudioNames * 9); _fileHandle->read(_audioNames, _numAudioNames * 9); break; case MKID('DIRR'): case MKID('DROO'): readResTypeList(rtRoom, MKID('ROOM'), "room"); break; case MKID('DRSC'): readResTypeList(rtRoomScripts, MKID('RMSC'), "room script"); break; case MKID('DSCR'): case MKID('DIRS'): readResTypeList(rtScript, MKID('SCRP'), "script"); break; case MKID('DCOS'): case MKID('DIRC'): readResTypeList(rtCostume, MKID('COST'), "costume"); break; case MKID('MAXS'): readMAXS(itemsize); allocateArrays(); break; case MKID('DIRN'): case MKID('DSOU'): readResTypeList(rtSound, MKID('SOUN'), "sound"); break; case MKID('AARY'): readArrayFromIndexFile(); break; case MKID('LECF'): _fileHandle->seek(itemsize - 8, SEEK_CUR); debug(2, "LECF index block not yet handled, skipping"); break; default: error("Bad ID %04X('%s') found in index file directory!", blocktype, tag2str(blocktype)); return; } } // if (numblock!=9) // error("Not enough blocks read from directory"); closeRoom(); } void ScummEngine::readArrayFromIndexFile() { error("readArrayFromIndexFile() not supported in pre-V6 games"); } void ScummEngine::readResTypeList(int id, uint32 tag, const char *name) { int num; int i; debug(9, "readResTypeList(%s,%s,%s)", resTypeFromId(id), tag2str(TO_BE_32(tag)), name); if (_version == 8) num = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); else num = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); if (num != res.num[id]) { error("Invalid number of %ss (%d) in directory", name, num); } if (_features & GF_SMALL_HEADER) { for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { res.roomno[id][i] = _fileHandle->readByte(); res.roomoffs[id][i] = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); } } else { for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { res.roomno[id][i] = _fileHandle->readByte(); } for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { res.roomoffs[id][i] = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); if (id == rtRoom && _heversion >= 70) _heV7RoomIntOffsets[i] = res.roomoffs[id][i]; } if (_heversion >= 70) { for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { res.globsize[id][i] = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); } } } } void ScummEngine::allocResTypeData(int id, uint32 tag, int num, const char *name, int mode) { debug(9, "allocResTypeData(%s/%s,%s,%d,%d)", resTypeFromId(id), name, tag2str(TO_BE_32(tag)), num, mode); assert(id >= 0 && id < (int)(ARRAYSIZE(res.mode))); if (num >= 8000) error("Too many %ss (%d) in directory", name, num); res.mode[id] = mode; res.num[id] = num; res.tags[id] = tag; res.name[id] = name; res.address[id] = (byte **)calloc(num, sizeof(void *)); res.flags[id] = (byte *)calloc(num, sizeof(byte)); if (mode) { res.roomno[id] = (byte *)calloc(num, sizeof(byte)); res.roomoffs[id] = (uint32 *)calloc(num, sizeof(uint32)); } if (_heversion >= 70) { res.globsize[id] = (uint32 *)calloc(num, sizeof(uint32)); if (id == rtRoom) _heV7RoomIntOffsets = (uint32 *)calloc(num, sizeof(uint32)); } } void ScummEngine::loadCharset(int no) { int i; byte *ptr; debugC(DEBUG_GENERAL, "loadCharset(%d)", no); /* FIXME - hack around crash in Indy4 (occurs if you try to load after dieing) */ if (_gameId == GID_INDY4 && no == 0) no = 1; /* for Humongous catalogs */ if (_heversion >= 70 && _numCharsets == 1) { warning("not loading charset as it doesn't seem to exist?"); return; } assert(no < (int)sizeof(_charsetData) / 16); checkRange(_numCharsets - 1, 1, no, "Loading illegal charset %d"); ptr = getResourceAddress(rtCharset, no); for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) { _charsetData[no][i + 1] = ptr[i + 14]; } } void ScummEngine::nukeCharset(int i) { checkRange(_numCharsets - 1, 1, i, "Nuking illegal charset %d"); res.nukeResource(rtCharset, i); } void ScummEngine::ensureResourceLoaded(int type, int i) { void *addr = NULL; debugC(DEBUG_RESOURCE, "ensureResourceLoaded(%s,%d)", resTypeFromId(type), i); if ((type == rtRoom) && i > 0x7F && _version < 7 && _heversion <= 71) { i = _resourceMapper[i & 0x7F]; } // FIXME - TODO: This check used to be "i==0". However, that causes // problems when using this function to ensure charset 0 is loaded. // This is done for many games, e.g. Zak256 or Indy3 (EGA and VGA). // For now we restrict the check to anything which is not a charset. // Question: Why was this check like that in the first place? // Answer: costumes with an index of zero in the newer games at least. // TODO: determine why the heck anything would try to load a costume // with id 0. Is that "normal", or is it caused by yet another bug in // our code base? After all we also have to add special cases for many // of our script opcodes that check for the (invalid) actor 0... so // maybe both issues are related... if (type != rtCharset && i == 0) return; if (i <= res.num[type]) addr = res.address[type][i]; if (addr) return; loadResource(type, i); if (_version == 5 && type == rtRoom && i == _roomResource) VAR(VAR_ROOM_FLAG) = 1; } int ScummEngine::loadResource(int type, int idx) { int roomNr; uint32 fileOffs; uint32 size, tag; debugC(DEBUG_RESOURCE, "loadResource(%s,%d)", resTypeFromId(type),idx); if (type == rtCharset && (_features & GF_SMALL_HEADER)) { loadCharset(idx); return (1); } roomNr = getResourceRoomNr(type, idx); if (idx >= res.num[type]) error("%s %d undefined %d %d", res.name[type], idx, res.num[type], roomNr); if (roomNr == 0) roomNr = _roomResource; if (type == rtRoom) { if (_version == 8) fileOffs = 8; else if (_heversion >= 70) fileOffs = _heV7RoomIntOffsets[idx]; else fileOffs = 0; } else { fileOffs = res.roomoffs[type][idx]; if (fileOffs == 0xFFFFFFFF) return 0; } openRoom(roomNr); _fileHandle->seek(fileOffs + _fileOffset, SEEK_SET); if (_features & GF_OLD_BUNDLE) { if ((_version == 3) && !(_features & GF_AMIGA) && (type == rtSound)) { return readSoundResourceSmallHeader(type, idx); } else { size = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _fileHandle->seek(-2, SEEK_CUR); } } else if (_features & GF_SMALL_HEADER) { if (_version == 4) _fileHandle->seek(8, SEEK_CUR); size = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); tag = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _fileHandle->seek(-6, SEEK_CUR); if ((type == rtSound) && !(_features & GF_AMIGA) && !(_features & GF_FMTOWNS)) { return readSoundResourceSmallHeader(type, idx); } } else { if (type == rtSound) { return readSoundResource(type, idx); } tag = fileReadDword(); if (tag != res.tags[type] && _heversion < 70) { error("%s %d not in room %d at %d+%d in file %s", res.name[type], idx, roomNr, _fileOffset, fileOffs, _fileHandle->name()); } size = _fileHandle->readUint32BE(); _fileHandle->seek(-8, SEEK_CUR); } _fileHandle->read(res.createResource(type, idx, size), size); // dump the resource if requested if (_dumpScripts && type == rtScript) { dumpResource("script-", idx, getResourceAddress(rtScript, idx)); } if (!_fileHandle->ioFailed()) { return 1; } res.nukeResource(type, idx); error("Cannot read resource"); } int ScummEngine::getResourceRoomNr(int type, int idx) { if (type == rtRoom && _heversion < 70) return idx; return res.roomno[type][idx]; } int ScummEngine::getResourceSize(int type, int idx) { byte *ptr = getResourceAddress(type, idx); MemBlkHeader *hdr = (MemBlkHeader *)(ptr - sizeof(MemBlkHeader)); return hdr->size; } byte *ScummEngine::getResourceAddress(int type, int idx) { byte *ptr; CHECK_HEAP if (!res.validateResource("getResourceAddress", type, idx)) return NULL; if (!res.address[type]) { debugC(DEBUG_RESOURCE, "getResourceAddress(%s,%d), res.address[type] == NULL", resTypeFromId(type), idx); return NULL; } if (res.mode[type] && !res.address[type][idx]) { ensureResourceLoaded(type, idx); } if (!(ptr = (byte *)res.address[type][idx])) { debugC(DEBUG_RESOURCE, "getResourceAddress(%s,%d) == NULL", resTypeFromId(type), idx); return NULL; } res.setResourceCounter(type, idx, 1); debugC(DEBUG_RESOURCE, "getResourceAddress(%s,%d) == %p", resTypeFromId(type), idx, ptr + sizeof(MemBlkHeader)); return ptr + sizeof(MemBlkHeader); } byte *ScummEngine::getStringAddress(int i) { byte *addr = getResourceAddress(rtString, i); return addr; } byte *ScummEngine_v6::getStringAddress(int i) { byte *addr = getResourceAddress(rtString, i); if (addr == NULL) return NULL; return ((ScummEngine_v6::ArrayHeader *)addr)->data; } byte *ScummEngine::getStringAddressVar(int i) { return getStringAddress(_scummVars[i]); } void ResourceManager::increaseResourceCounter() { int i, j; byte counter; for (i = rtFirst; i <= rtLast; i++) { for (j = num[i]; --j >= 0;) { counter = flags[i][j] & RF_USAGE; if (counter && counter < RF_USAGE_MAX) { setResourceCounter(i, j, counter + 1); } } } } void ResourceManager::setResourceCounter(int type, int idx, byte flag) { flags[type][idx] &= ~RF_USAGE; flags[type][idx] |= flag; } /* 2 bytes safety area to make "precaching" of bytes in the gdi drawer easier */ #define SAFETY_AREA 2 byte *ResourceManager::createResource(int type, int idx, uint32 size) { byte *ptr; CHECK_HEAP debugC(DEBUG_RESOURCE, "res.createResource(%s,%d,%d)", resTypeFromId(type), idx, size); if (!validateResource("allocating", type, idx)) return NULL; nukeResource(type, idx); expireResources(size); CHECK_HEAP ptr = (byte *)calloc(size + sizeof(MemBlkHeader) + SAFETY_AREA, 1); if (ptr == NULL) { error("Out of memory while allocating %d", size); } _allocatedSize += size; address[type][idx] = ptr; ((MemBlkHeader *)ptr)->size = size; setResourceCounter(type, idx, 1); return ptr + sizeof(MemBlkHeader); /* skip header */ } ResourceManager::ResourceManager(ScummEngine *vm) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(ResourceManager)); _vm = vm; // _allocatedSize = 0; } bool ResourceManager::validateResource(const char *str, int type, int idx) const { if (type < rtFirst || type > rtLast || (uint) idx >= (uint)num[type]) { warning("%s Illegal Glob type %s (%d) num %d", str, resTypeFromId(type), type, idx); return false; } return true; } void ResourceManager::nukeResource(int type, int idx) { byte *ptr; CHECK_HEAP if (!address[type]) return; assert(idx >= 0 && idx < num[type]); if ((ptr = address[type][idx]) != NULL) { debugC(DEBUG_RESOURCE, "nukeResource(%s,%d)", resTypeFromId(type), idx); address[type][idx] = 0; flags[type][idx] = 0; _allocatedSize -= ((MemBlkHeader *)ptr)->size; free(ptr); } } const byte *ScummEngine::findResourceData(uint32 tag, const byte *ptr) { if (_features & GF_OLD_BUNDLE) error("findResourceData must not be used in GF_OLD_BUNDLE games"); else if (_features & GF_SMALL_HEADER) ptr = findResourceSmall(tag, ptr); else ptr = findResource(tag, ptr); if (ptr == NULL) return NULL; return ptr + _resourceHeaderSize; } int ScummEngine::getResourceDataSize(const byte *ptr) const { if (ptr == NULL) return 0; if (_features & GF_OLD_BUNDLE) return READ_LE_UINT16(ptr) - _resourceHeaderSize; else if (_features & GF_SMALL_HEADER) return READ_LE_UINT32(ptr) - _resourceHeaderSize; else return READ_BE_UINT32(ptr - 4) - _resourceHeaderSize; } void ResourceManager::lock(int type, int i) { if (!validateResource("Locking", type, i)) return; flags[type][i] |= RF_LOCK; } void ResourceManager::unlock(int type, int i) { if (!validateResource("Unlocking", type, i)) return; flags[type][i] &= ~RF_LOCK; } bool ScummEngine::isResourceInUse(int type, int i) const { if (!res.validateResource("isResourceInUse", type, i)) return false; switch (type) { case rtRoom: return _roomResource == (byte)i; case rtRoomScripts: return _roomResource == (byte)i; case rtScript: return isScriptInUse(i); case rtCostume: return isCostumeInUse(i); case rtSound: return _sound->isSoundInUse(i); default: return false; } } void ResourceManager::expireResources(uint32 size) { int i, j; byte flag; byte best_counter; int best_type, best_res = 0; uint32 oldAllocatedSize; if (_expireCounter != 0xFF) { _expireCounter = 0xFF; increaseResourceCounter(); } if (size + _allocatedSize < _maxHeapThreshold) return; oldAllocatedSize = _allocatedSize; do { best_type = 0; best_counter = 2; for (i = rtFirst; i <= rtLast; i++) if (mode[i]) { for (j = num[i]; --j >= 0;) { flag = flags[i][j]; if (!(flag & RF_LOCK) && flag >= best_counter && address[i][j] && !_vm->isResourceInUse(i, j)) { best_counter = flag; best_type = i; best_res = j; } } } if (!best_type) break; nukeResource(best_type, best_res); } while (size + _allocatedSize > _minHeapThreshold); increaseResourceCounter(); debugC(DEBUG_RESOURCE, "Expired resources, mem %d -> %d", oldAllocatedSize, _allocatedSize); } void ResourceManager::freeResources() { int i, j; for (i = rtFirst; i <= rtLast; i++) { for (j = num[i]; --j >= 0;) { if (isResourceLoaded(i, j)) nukeResource(i, j); } free(address[i]); free(flags[i]); free(roomno[i]); free(roomoffs[i]); free(globsize[i]); } } void ScummEngine::loadPtrToResource(int type, int resindex, const byte *source) { byte *alloced; int i, len; res.nukeResource(type, resindex); len = resStrLen(source) + 1; if (len <= 0) return; alloced = res.createResource(type, resindex, len); if (!source) { alloced[0] = fetchScriptByte(); for (i = 1; i < len; i++) alloced[i] = *_scriptPointer++; } else { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) alloced[i] = source[i]; } } bool ResourceManager::isResourceLoaded(int type, int idx) const { if (!validateResource("isResourceLoaded", type, idx)) return false; return address[type][idx] != NULL; } void ResourceManager::resourceStats() { int i, j; uint32 lockedSize = 0, lockedNum = 0; byte flag; for (i = rtFirst; i <= rtLast; i++) for (j = num[i]; --j >= 0;) { flag = flags[i][j]; if (flag & RF_LOCK && address[i][j]) { lockedSize += ((MemBlkHeader *)address[i][j])->size; lockedNum++; } } debug(1, "Total allocated size=%d, locked=%d(%d)", _allocatedSize, lockedSize, lockedNum); } void ScummEngine_v5::readMAXS(int blockSize) { debug(9, "readMAXS: MAXS has blocksize %d", blockSize); _numVariables = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); // 800 _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); // 16 _numBitVariables = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); // 2048 _numLocalObjects = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); // 200 _numArray = 50; _numVerbs = 100; // Used to be 50, which wasn't enough for MI2 and FOA. See bugs // #933610, #936323 and #941275. _numNewNames = 150; _objectRoomTable = NULL; _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); // 50 _numCharsets = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); // 9 _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); // 100 _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); // 50 _numInventory = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); // 80 _numGlobalScripts = 200; _shadowPaletteSize = 256; _numFlObject = 50; if (_shadowPaletteSize) _shadowPalette = (byte *)calloc(_shadowPaletteSize, 1); } void ScummEngine_v8::readMAXS(int blockSize) { debug(9, "readMAXS: MAXS has blocksize %d", blockSize); _fileHandle->seek(50, SEEK_CUR); // Skip over SCUMM engine version _fileHandle->seek(50, SEEK_CUR); // Skip over data file version _numVariables = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); // 1500 _numBitVariables = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); // 2048 _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); // 40 _numScripts = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); // 458 _numSounds = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); // 789 _numCharsets = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); // 1 _numCostumes = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); // 446 _numRooms = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); // 95 _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); // 80 _numGlobalObjects = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); // 1401 _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); // 60 _numLocalObjects = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); // 200 _numNewNames = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); // 100 _numFlObject = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); // 128 _numInventory = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); // 80 _numArray = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); // 200 _numVerbs = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); // 50 _objectRoomTable = (byte *)calloc(_numGlobalObjects, 1); _numGlobalScripts = 2000; _shadowPaletteSize = NUM_SHADOW_PALETTE * 256; _shadowPalette = (byte *)calloc(_shadowPaletteSize, 1); } void ScummEngine_v7::readMAXS(int blockSize) { debug(9, "readMAXS: MAXS has blocksize %d", blockSize); _fileHandle->seek(50, SEEK_CUR); // Skip over SCUMM engine version _fileHandle->seek(50, SEEK_CUR); // Skip over data file version _numVariables = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numBitVariables = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numGlobalObjects = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numLocalObjects = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numNewNames = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numVerbs = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numFlObject = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numInventory = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numArray = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numRooms = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numScripts = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numSounds = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numCharsets = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numCostumes = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _objectRoomTable = (byte *)calloc(_numGlobalObjects, 1); if ((_gameId == GID_FT) && (_features & GF_DEMO) && (_features & GF_PC)) _numGlobalScripts = 300; else _numGlobalScripts = 2000; _shadowPaletteSize = NUM_SHADOW_PALETTE * 256; _shadowPalette = (byte *)calloc(_shadowPaletteSize, 1); } void ScummEngine_v6::readMAXS(int blockSize) { debug(9, "readMAXS: MAXS has blocksize %d", blockSize); _numVariables = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numBitVariables = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numLocalObjects = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numArray = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numVerbs = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numFlObject = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numInventory = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numRooms = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numScripts = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numSounds = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numCharsets = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numCostumes = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numGlobalObjects = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); _numNewNames = 50; _objectRoomTable = NULL; _numGlobalScripts = 200; if (_heversion >= 70) { _objectRoomTable = (byte *)calloc(_numGlobalObjects, 1); } _shadowPaletteSize = 256; _shadowPalette = (byte *)calloc(_shadowPaletteSize, 1); } void ScummEngine::readGlobalObjects() { int i; int num = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); assert(num == _numGlobalObjects); _fileHandle->read(_objectOwnerTable, num); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { _objectStateTable[i] = _objectOwnerTable[i] >> OF_STATE_SHL; _objectOwnerTable[i] &= OF_OWNER_MASK; } _fileHandle->read(_classData, num * sizeof(uint32)); #if defined(SCUMM_BIG_ENDIAN) // Correct the endianess if necessary for (i = 0; i != num; i++) _classData[i] = FROM_LE_32(_classData[i]); #endif } void ScummEngine_v8::readGlobalObjects() { int i; int num = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); assert(num == _numGlobalObjects); char buffer[40]; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { _fileHandle->read(buffer, 40); if (buffer[0]) { // Add to object name-to-id map _objectIDMap[buffer] = i; } _objectStateTable[i] = _fileHandle->readByte(); _objectRoomTable[i] = _fileHandle->readByte(); _classData[i] = _fileHandle->readUint32LE(); } memset(_objectOwnerTable, 0xFF, num); } void ScummEngine_v7::readGlobalObjects() { int num = _fileHandle->readUint16LE(); assert(num == _numGlobalObjects); _fileHandle->read(_objectStateTable, num); _fileHandle->read(_objectRoomTable, num); memset(_objectOwnerTable, 0xFF, num); _fileHandle->read(_classData, num * sizeof(uint32)); #if defined(SCUMM_BIG_ENDIAN) // Correct the endianess if necessary for (int i = 0; i != num; i++) _classData[i] = FROM_LE_32(_classData[i]); #endif } void ScummEngine::allocateArrays() { // Note: Buffers are now allocated in scummMain to allow for // early GUI init. _objectOwnerTable = (byte *)calloc(_numGlobalObjects, 1); _objectStateTable = (byte *)calloc(_numGlobalObjects, 1); _classData = (uint32 *)calloc(_numGlobalObjects, sizeof(uint32)); _newNames = (uint16 *)calloc(_numNewNames, sizeof(uint16)); _inventory = (uint16 *)calloc(_numInventory, sizeof(uint16)); _verbs = (VerbSlot *)calloc(_numVerbs, sizeof(VerbSlot)); _objs = (ObjectData *)calloc(_numLocalObjects, sizeof(ObjectData)); _roomVars = (int32 *)calloc(_numRoomVariables, sizeof(int32)); _scummVars = (int32 *)calloc(_numVariables, sizeof(int32)); _bitVars = (byte *)calloc(_numBitVariables >> 3, 1); if (_features & GF_HUMONGOUS) _arraySlot = (byte *)calloc(_numArray, 1); allocResTypeData(rtCostume, (_features & GF_NEW_COSTUMES) ? MKID('AKOS') : MKID('COST'), _numCostumes, "costume", 1); allocResTypeData(rtRoom, MKID('ROOM'), _numRooms, "room", 1); allocResTypeData(rtRoomImage, MKID('RMIM'), _numRooms, "room image", 1); allocResTypeData(rtRoomScripts, MKID('RMSC'), _numRooms, "room script", 1); allocResTypeData(rtSound, MKID('SOUN'), _numSounds, "sound", 2); allocResTypeData(rtScript, MKID('SCRP'), _numScripts, "script", 1); allocResTypeData(rtCharset, MKID('CHAR'), _numCharsets, "charset", 1); allocResTypeData(rtObjectName, MKID('NONE'), _numNewNames, "new name", 0); allocResTypeData(rtInventory, MKID('NONE'), _numInventory, "inventory", 0); allocResTypeData(rtTemp, MKID('NONE'), 10, "temp", 0); allocResTypeData(rtScaleTable, MKID('NONE'), 5, "scale table", 0); allocResTypeData(rtActorName, MKID('NONE'), _numActors, "actor name", 0); allocResTypeData(rtVerb, MKID('NONE'), _numVerbs, "verb", 0); allocResTypeData(rtString, MKID('NONE'), _numArray, "array", 0); allocResTypeData(rtFlObject, MKID('NONE'), _numFlObject, "flobject", 0); allocResTypeData(rtMatrix, MKID('NONE'), 10, "boxes", 0); allocResTypeData(rtImage, MKID('AWIZ'), _numImages, "images", 1); allocResTypeData(rtTalkie, MKID('TLKE'), _numTalkies, "talkie", 1); } void ScummEngine::dumpResource(const char *tag, int idx, const byte *ptr, int length) { char buf[256]; File out; uint32 size; if (length >= 0) size = length; else if (_features & GF_OLD_BUNDLE) size = READ_LE_UINT16(ptr); else if (_features & GF_SMALL_HEADER) size = READ_LE_UINT32(ptr); else size = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr + 4); #if defined(MACOS_CARBON) sprintf(buf, ":dumps:%s%d.dmp", tag, idx); #else sprintf(buf, "dumps/%s%d.dmp", tag, idx); #endif out.open(buf, File::kFileWriteMode); if (out.isOpen() == false) return; out.write(ptr, size); out.close(); } ResourceIterator::ResourceIterator(const byte *searchin, bool smallHeader) : _ptr(searchin), _smallHeader(smallHeader) { assert(searchin); if (_smallHeader) { _size = READ_LE_UINT32(searchin); _pos = 6; _ptr = searchin + 6; } else { _size = READ_BE_UINT32(searchin + 4); _pos = 8; _ptr = searchin + 8; } } const byte *ResourceIterator::findNext(uint32 tag) { uint32 size = 0; const byte *result = 0; if (_smallHeader) { uint16 smallTag = newTag2Old(tag); do { if (_pos >= _size) return 0; result = _ptr; size = READ_LE_UINT32(result); if ((int32)size <= 0) return 0; // Avoid endless loop _pos += size; _ptr += size; } while (READ_LE_UINT16(result + 4) != smallTag); } else { do { if (_pos >= _size) return 0; result = _ptr; size = READ_BE_UINT32(result + 4); if ((int32)size <= 0) return 0; // Avoid endless loop _pos += size; _ptr += size; } while (READ_UINT32(result) != tag); } return result; } const byte *ScummEngine::findResource(uint32 tag, const byte *searchin) { uint32 curpos, totalsize, size; debugC(DEBUG_RESOURCE, "findResource(%s, %lx)", tag2str(tag), searchin); if (!searchin) { if (_heversion >= 70) { searchin = _resourceLastSearchBuf; totalsize = _resourceLastSearchSize; curpos = 0; } else { assert(searchin); return NULL; } } else { searchin += 4; _resourceLastSearchSize = totalsize = READ_BE_UINT32(searchin); curpos = 8; searchin += 4; } while (curpos < totalsize) { if (READ_UINT32(searchin) == tag) { _resourceLastSearchBuf = searchin; return searchin; } size = READ_BE_UINT32(searchin + 4); if ((int32)size <= 0) { error("(%s) Not found in %d... illegal block len %d", tag2str(tag), 0, size); return NULL; } curpos += size; searchin += size; } return NULL; } const byte *findResourceSmall(uint32 tag, const byte *searchin) { uint32 curpos, totalsize, size; uint16 smallTag; smallTag = newTag2Old(tag); if (smallTag == 0) return NULL; assert(searchin); totalsize = READ_LE_UINT32(searchin); searchin += 6; curpos = 6; while (curpos < totalsize) { size = READ_LE_UINT32(searchin); if (READ_LE_UINT16(searchin + 4) == smallTag) return searchin; if ((int32)size <= 0) { error("(%s) Not found in %d... illegal block len %d", tag2str(tag), 0, size); return NULL; } curpos += size; searchin += size; } return NULL; } uint16 newTag2Old(uint32 newTag) { switch (newTag) { case (MKID('RMHD')): return (0x4448); // HD case (MKID('IM00')): return (0x4D42); // BM case (MKID('EXCD')): return (0x5845); // EX case (MKID('ENCD')): return (0x4E45); // EN case (MKID('SCAL')): return (0x4153); // SA case (MKID('LSCR')): return (0x534C); // LS case (MKID('OBCD')): return (0x434F); // OC case (MKID('OBIM')): return (0x494F); // OI case (MKID('SMAP')): return (0x4D42); // BM case (MKID('CLUT')): return (0x4150); // PA case (MKID('BOXD')): return (0x5842); // BX case (MKID('CYCL')): return (0x4343); // CC case (MKID('EPAL')): return (0x5053); // SP default: return (0); } } const char *resTypeFromId(int id) { static char buf[100]; switch (id) { case rtRoom: return "Room"; case rtScript: return "Script"; case rtCostume: return "Costume"; case rtSound: return "Sound"; case rtInventory: return "Inventory"; case rtCharset: return "Charset"; case rtString: return "String"; case rtVerb: return "Verb"; case rtActorName: return "ActorName"; case rtBuffer: return "Buffer"; case rtScaleTable: return "ScaleTable"; case rtTemp: return "Temp"; case rtFlObject: return "FlObject"; case rtMatrix: return "Matrix"; case rtBox: return "Box"; case rtObjectName: return "ObjectName"; case rtRoomScripts: return "RoomScripts"; case rtRoomImage: return "RoomImage"; case rtImage: return "Image"; case rtTalkie: return "Talkie"; case rtNumTypes: return "NumTypes"; default: sprintf(buf, "%d", id); return buf; } } } // End of namespace Scumm