/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2001 Ludvig Strigeus * Copyright (C) 2001-2005 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "common/config-manager.h" #include "scumm/actor.h" #include "scumm/charset.h" #include "scumm/intern.h" #include "scumm/object.h" #include "scumm/resource.h" #include "scumm/resource_v7he.h" #include "scumm/scumm.h" #include "scumm/sound.h" #include "scumm/util.h" namespace Scumm { #define OPCODE(x) _OPCODE(ScummEngine_v80he, x) void ScummEngine_v80he::setupOpcodes() { static const OpcodeEntryV80he opcodes[256] = { /* 00 */ OPCODE(o6_pushByte), OPCODE(o6_pushWord), OPCODE(o72_pushDWord), OPCODE(o6_pushWordVar), /* 04 */ OPCODE(o72_addMessageToStack), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_wordArrayRead), /* 08 */ OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_wordArrayIndexedRead), /* 0C */ OPCODE(o6_dup), OPCODE(o6_not), OPCODE(o6_eq), OPCODE(o6_neq), /* 10 */ OPCODE(o6_gt), OPCODE(o6_lt), OPCODE(o6_le), OPCODE(o6_ge), /* 14 */ OPCODE(o6_add), OPCODE(o6_sub), OPCODE(o6_mul), OPCODE(o6_div), /* 18 */ OPCODE(o6_land), OPCODE(o6_lor), OPCODE(o6_pop), OPCODE(o72_isAnyOf), /* 1C */ OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), /* 20 */ OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), /* 24 */ OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), /* 28 */ OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), /* 2C */ OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), /* 30 */ OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), /* 34 */ OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), /* 38 */ OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), /* 3C */ OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), /* 40 */ OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_writeWordVar), /* 44 */ OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o80_loadSBNG), OPCODE(o80_getFileSize), OPCODE(o6_wordArrayWrite), /* 48 */ OPCODE(o80_stringToInt), OPCODE(o80_getSoundVar), OPCODE(o80_localizeArrayToRoom), OPCODE(o6_wordArrayIndexedWrite), /* 4C */ OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o80_readConfigFile), OPCODE(o80_writeConfigFile), OPCODE(o6_wordVarInc), /* 50 */ OPCODE(o72_resetCutscene), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o72_findObjectWithClassOf), OPCODE(o6_wordArrayInc), /* 54 */ OPCODE(o72_getObjectImageX), OPCODE(o72_getObjectImageY), OPCODE(o72_captureWizImage), OPCODE(o6_wordVarDec), /* 58 */ OPCODE(o72_getTimer), OPCODE(o72_setTimer), OPCODE(o72_getSoundElapsedTime), OPCODE(o6_wordArrayDec), /* 5C */ OPCODE(o6_if), OPCODE(o6_ifNot), OPCODE(o72_startScript), OPCODE(o6_startScriptQuick), /* 60 */ OPCODE(o72_startObject), OPCODE(o72_drawObject), OPCODE(o72_printWizImage), OPCODE(o72_getArrayDimSize), /* 64 */ OPCODE(o72_getNumFreeArrays), OPCODE(o6_stopObjectCode), OPCODE(o6_stopObjectCode), OPCODE(o6_endCutscene), /* 68 */ OPCODE(o6_cutscene), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_freezeUnfreeze), OPCODE(o80_cursorCommand), /* 6C */ OPCODE(o6_breakHere), OPCODE(o6_ifClassOfIs), OPCODE(o6_setClass), OPCODE(o6_getState), /* 70 */ OPCODE(o80_setState), OPCODE(o6_setOwner), OPCODE(o6_getOwner), OPCODE(o6_jump), /* 74 */ OPCODE(o70_startSound), OPCODE(o6_stopSound), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_stopObjectScript), /* 78 */ OPCODE(o6_panCameraTo), OPCODE(o6_actorFollowCamera), OPCODE(o6_setCameraAt), OPCODE(o6_loadRoom), /* 7C */ OPCODE(o6_stopScript), OPCODE(o6_walkActorToObj), OPCODE(o6_walkActorTo), OPCODE(o6_putActorAtXY), /* 80 */ OPCODE(o6_putActorAtObject), OPCODE(o6_faceActor), OPCODE(o6_animateActor), OPCODE(o6_doSentence), /* 84 */ OPCODE(o70_pickupObject), OPCODE(o6_loadRoomWithEgo), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_getRandomNumber), /* 88 */ OPCODE(o6_getRandomNumberRange), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_getActorMoving), OPCODE(o6_isScriptRunning), /* 8C */ OPCODE(o70_getActorRoom), OPCODE(o6_getObjectX), OPCODE(o6_getObjectY), OPCODE(o6_getObjectOldDir), /* 90 */ OPCODE(o6_getActorWalkBox), OPCODE(o6_getActorCostume), OPCODE(o6_findInventory), OPCODE(o6_getInventoryCount), /* 94 */ OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_beginOverride), OPCODE(o6_endOverride), OPCODE(o6_setObjectName), /* 98 */ OPCODE(o6_isSoundRunning), OPCODE(o6_setBoxFlags), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o70_resourceRoutines), /* 9C */ OPCODE(o72_roomOps), OPCODE(o72_actorOps), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_getActorFromXY), /* A0 */ OPCODE(o72_findObject), OPCODE(o6_pseudoRoom), OPCODE(o6_getActorElevation), OPCODE(o6_getVerbEntrypoint), /* A4 */ OPCODE(o72_arrayOps), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o80_drawBox), OPCODE(o6_pop), /* A8 */ OPCODE(o6_getActorWidth), OPCODE(o60_wait), OPCODE(o6_getActorScaleX), OPCODE(o6_getActorAnimCounter1), /* AC */ OPCODE(o80_drawWizPolygon), OPCODE(o6_isAnyOf), OPCODE(o70_quitPauseRestart), OPCODE(o6_isActorInBox), /* B0 */ OPCODE(o6_delay), OPCODE(o6_delaySeconds), OPCODE(o6_delayMinutes), OPCODE(o6_stopSentence), /* B4 */ OPCODE(o6_printLine), OPCODE(o6_printCursor), OPCODE(o6_printDebug), OPCODE(o6_printSystem), /* B8 */ OPCODE(o6_printActor), OPCODE(o6_printEgo), OPCODE(o72_talkActor), OPCODE(o72_talkEgo), /* BC */ OPCODE(o72_dimArray), OPCODE(o6_stopObjectCode), OPCODE(o6_startObjectQuick), OPCODE(o6_startScriptQuick2), /* C0 */ OPCODE(o72_dim2dimArray), OPCODE(o72_traceStatus), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), /* C4 */ OPCODE(o6_abs), OPCODE(o6_distObjectObject), OPCODE(o6_distObjectPt), OPCODE(o6_distPtPt), /* C8 */ OPCODE(o72_kernelGetFunctions), OPCODE(o70_kernelSetFunctions), OPCODE(o6_delayFrames), OPCODE(o6_pickOneOf), /* CC */ OPCODE(o6_pickOneOfDefault), OPCODE(o6_stampObject), OPCODE(o72_drawWizImage), OPCODE(o72_unknownCF), /* D0 */ OPCODE(o6_getDateTime), OPCODE(o6_stopTalking), OPCODE(o6_getAnimateVariable), OPCODE(o6_invalid), /* D4 */ OPCODE(o6_shuffle), OPCODE(o72_jumpToScript), OPCODE(o6_band), OPCODE(o6_bor), /* D8 */ OPCODE(o6_isRoomScriptRunning), OPCODE(o60_closeFile), OPCODE(o72_openFile), OPCODE(o72_readFile), /* DC */ OPCODE(o72_writeFile), OPCODE(o72_findAllObjects), OPCODE(o72_deleteFile), OPCODE(o72_rename), /* E0 */ OPCODE(o80_unknownE0), OPCODE(o72_getPixel), OPCODE(o60_localizeArrayToScript), OPCODE(o80_pickVarRandom), /* E4 */ OPCODE(o6_setBoxSet), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), /* E8 */ OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o70_seekFilePos), OPCODE(o72_redimArray), OPCODE(o60_readFilePos), /* EC */ OPCODE(o70_copyString), OPCODE(o70_getStringWidth), OPCODE(o70_getStringLen), OPCODE(o70_appendString), /* F0 */ OPCODE(o70_concatString), OPCODE(o70_compareString), OPCODE(o72_checkGlobQueue), OPCODE(o72_readINI), /* F4 */ OPCODE(o72_writeINI), OPCODE(o70_getStringLenForWidth), OPCODE(o70_getCharIndexInString), OPCODE(o6_invalid), /* F8 */ OPCODE(o80_getResourceSize), OPCODE(o72_setFilePath), OPCODE(o72_setWindowCaption), OPCODE(o70_polygonOps), /* FC */ OPCODE(o70_polygonHit), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), OPCODE(o6_invalid), }; _opcodesV80he = opcodes; } void ScummEngine_v80he::executeOpcode(byte i) { OpcodeProcV80he op = _opcodesV80he[i].proc; (this->*op) (); } const char *ScummEngine_v80he::getOpcodeDesc(byte i) { return _opcodesV80he[i].desc; } void ScummEngine_v80he::o80_loadSBNG() { // Loads SBNG sound resource byte subOp = fetchScriptByte(); switch (subOp) { case 27: //loadSBNG(_heSBNGId, pop(); pop(); break; case 217: //loadSBNG(_heSBNGId, -1); break; case 232: _heSBNGId = pop(); break; case 255: // dummy case break; default: error("o80_loadSBNG: default case %d", subOp); } debug(1,"o80_loadSBNG stub (%d)",subOp); } void ScummEngine_v80he::o80_getFileSize() { byte filename[256]; copyScriptString(filename, sizeof(filename)); File f; if (f.open((char *)filename) == false) { push(-1); return; } f.seek(0, SEEK_END); push(f.pos()); f.close(); } void ScummEngine_v80he::o80_stringToInt() { int id, len, val; byte *addr; char string[100]; id = pop(); addr = getStringAddress(id); if (!addr) error("o80_stringToInt: Reference to zeroed array pointer (%d)", id); len = resStrLen(getStringAddress(id)) + 1; memcpy(string, addr, len); val = atoi(string); push(val); } void ScummEngine_v80he::o80_getSoundVar() { // Checks sound variable int var = pop(); int snd = pop(); int rnd = _rnd.getRandomNumberRng(1, 3); checkRange(27, 0, var, "Illegal sound variable %d"); push (rnd); debug(1,"o80_getSoundVar stub (snd %d, var %d)", snd, var); } void ScummEngine_v80he::o80_localizeArrayToRoom() { int slot = pop(); localizeArray(slot, 0xFF); } void ScummEngine_v80he::o80_readConfigFile() { byte name[128], section[128], filename[256]; int type; // we pretend that we don't have .ini file copyScriptString(section, sizeof(section)); copyScriptString(name, sizeof(name)); copyScriptString(filename, sizeof(filename)); type = fetchScriptByte(); switch (type) { case 43: // HE 100 case 6: // number push(0); break; case 77: // HE 100 case 7: // string writeVar(0, 0); defineArray(0, kStringArray, 0, 0, 0, 0); writeArray(0, 0, 0, 0); push(readVar(0)); // var ID string break; default: error("o80_readConfigFile: default type %d", type); } debug(0, "o80_readConfigFile: Filename %s Section %s Name %s", filename, section, name); } void ScummEngine_v80he::o80_writeConfigFile() { byte filename[256], section[256], name[256], string[1024]; int type, value; // we pretend that we don't have .ini file type = fetchScriptByte(); switch (type) { case 43: // HE 100 case 6: // number value = pop(); copyScriptString(section, sizeof(section)); copyScriptString(name, sizeof(name)); copyScriptString(filename, sizeof(filename)); debug(1,"o80_writeConfigFile: Filename %s Section %s Name %s Value %d", filename, section, name, value); break; case 77: // HE 100 case 7: // string copyScriptString(string, sizeof(string)); copyScriptString(section, sizeof(section)); copyScriptString(name, sizeof(name)); copyScriptString(filename, sizeof(filename)); debug(1,"o80_writeConfigFile: Filename %s Section %s Name %s String %s", filename, section, name, string); break; default: error("o80_writeConfigFile: default type %d", type); } } void ScummEngine_v80he::o80_cursorCommand() { int a, i; int args[16]; byte subOp = fetchScriptByte(); switch (subOp) { case 0x13: case 0x14: a = pop(); loadWizCursor(a); break; case 0x3C: pop(); a = pop(); loadWizCursor(a); break; case 0x90: // SO_CURSOR_ON Turn cursor on _cursor.state = 1; break; case 0x91: // SO_CURSOR_OFF Turn cursor off _cursor.state = 0; break; case 0x92: // SO_USERPUT_ON _userPut = 1; break; case 0x93: // SO_USERPUT_OFF _userPut = 0; break; case 0x94: // SO_CURSOR_SOFT_ON Turn soft cursor on _cursor.state++; if (_cursor.state > 1) error("Cursor state greater than 1 in script"); break; case 0x95: // SO_CURSOR_SOFT_OFF Turn soft cursor off _cursor.state--; break; case 0x96: // SO_USERPUT_SOFT_ON _userPut++; break; case 0x97: // SO_USERPUT_SOFT_OFF _userPut--; break; case 0x9C: // SO_CHARSET_SET initCharset(pop()); break; case 0x9D: // SO_CHARSET_COLOR getStackList(args, ARRAYSIZE(args)); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) _charsetColorMap[i] = _charsetData[_string[1]._default.charset][i] = (unsigned char)args[i]; break; default: error("o80_cursorCommand: default case %x", subOp); } VAR(VAR_CURSORSTATE) = _cursor.state; VAR(VAR_USERPUT) = _userPut; } void ScummEngine_v80he::o80_setState() { int state = pop(); int obj = pop(); state &= 0x7FFF; putState(obj, state); removeObjectFromDrawQue(obj); } void ScummEngine_v80he::o80_drawBox() { int x, y, x2, y2, color; color = pop(); y2 = pop(); x2 = pop(); y = pop(); x = pop(); if (color & 0x8000) color &= 0x7FFF; drawBox(x, y, x2, y2, color); } void ScummEngine_v80he::o80_drawWizPolygon() { WizImage wi; wi.x1 = wi.y1 = pop(); wi.resNum = pop(); wi.state = 0; wi.flags = kWIFIsPolygon; displayWizImage(&wi); } void ScummEngine_v80he::unknownE0(int x1, int y1, int x, int unk1, int unk2, int type, int id) { debug(0,"unknownE0: x1 %d y1 %d x %d unk1 %d, unk2 %d type %d id %d", x1, y1, x, unk1, unk2, type, id); int eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi; int var_4, var_8, var_C, y; if (unk2 < 0) { unk2 = -unk2; } if (unk2 == 0) { unk2 = 1; } var_4 = unk1 - y1; var_8 = x - x1; x = x1; y = var_4; esi = var_8; if (var_4 > var_8) { esi = var_4; } if (type == 2) { Actor *a = derefActorSafe(id, "unknownE0"); a->drawActorToBackBuf(x1, y1); } else if (type == 3) { WizImage wi; wi.flags = 0; wi.y1 = y1; wi.x1 = x1; wi.resNum = id; wi.state = 0; displayWizImage(&wi); } else { unknownE0Helper(x1, y1, id); } x1 = 0; ebx = 0; edx = 0; var_C = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= esi; i++) { ecx = x1; eax = y; ebx += var_8; ecx += eax; eax ^= eax; x1 = ecx; if (ebx > esi) { edx = var_8; edx -= esi; eax = 1; if (edx >= 0) { x++; } else { x--; } } if (ecx > esi) { eax = var_4; x1 -= esi; if (eax >= 0) { y++; } else { y--; } } else { if (eax == 0) continue; } ecx = var_C; eax = ecx; eax /= unk2; ecx++; var_C = ecx; if (edx != 0 && esi != i) continue; if (type == 2) { Actor *a = derefActorSafe(id, "unknownE0"); a->drawActorToBackBuf(x, y); } else if (type == 3) { WizImage wi; wi.flags = 0; wi.y1 = y; wi.x1 = x; wi.resNum = id; wi.state = 0; displayWizImage(&wi); } else { unknownE0Helper(x, y, id); } } } void ScummEngine_v80he::unknownE0Helper(int x, int y, int flags) { VirtScreen *vs; if (x < 0 || x > 639) return; if (y < 0) return; if ((vs = findVirtScreen(y)) == NULL) return; markRectAsDirty(vs->number, x, y, x, y + 1); // TODO flags if (flags & 0x4000) { } else if (flags & 0x2000) { } else if (flags & 0x8000) { } } void ScummEngine_v80he::o80_unknownE0() { int id, unk1, unk2, x, x1, y1, type; unk2 = pop(); id = pop(); unk1 = pop(); x = pop(); y1 = pop(); x1 = pop(); byte subOp = fetchScriptByte(); switch (subOp) { case 55: type = 2; unknownE0(x1, y1, x, unk1, unk2, type, id); break; case 63: type = 3; unknownE0(x1, y1, x, unk1, unk2, type, id); break; case 66: type = 1; unknownE0(x1, y1, x, unk1, unk2, type, id); break; default: error("o80_unknownE0: default case %d", subOp); } } void ScummEngine_v80he::o80_pickVarRandom() { int num; int args[100]; int32 dim1end; num = getStackList(args, ARRAYSIZE(args)); int value = fetchScriptWord(); if (readVar(value) == 0) { defineArray(value, kDwordArray, 0, 0, 0, num); if (value & 0x8000) localizeArray(readVar(value), 0xFF); else if (value & 0x4000) localizeArray(readVar(value), _currentScript); if (num > 0) { int16 counter = 0; do { writeArray(value, 0, counter + 1, args[counter]); } while (++counter < num); } shuffleArray(value, 1, num); writeArray(value, 0, 0, 2); push(readArray(value, 0, 1)); return; } num = readArray(value, 0, 0); ArrayHeader *ah = (ArrayHeader *)getResourceAddress(rtString, readVar(value)); dim1end = FROM_LE_32(ah->dim1end); if (dim1end < num) { int16 var_2 = readArray(value, 0, num - 1); shuffleArray(value, 1, dim1end); num = 1; if (readArray(value, 0, 1) == var_2 && dim1end >= 3) { int16 tmp = readArray(value, 0, 2); writeArray(value, 0, num, tmp); writeArray(value, 0, 2, var_2); } } writeArray(value, 0, 0, num + 1); push(readArray(value, 0, num)); } void ScummEngine_v80he::o80_getResourceSize() { const byte *ptr; int size, type; int resid = pop(); byte subOp = fetchScriptByte(); switch (subOp) { case 13: push (getSoundResourceSize(resid)); return; case 14: type = rtRoomImage; break; case 15: type = rtImage; break; case 16: type = rtCostume; break; case 17: type = rtScript; break; default: error("o80_getResourceSize: default type %d", subOp); } ptr = getResourceAddress(type, resid); assert(ptr); size = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr + 4) - 8; push(size); } } // End of namespace Scumm