/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2001 Ludvig Strigeus * Copyright (C) 2001/2002 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #ifndef SCUMM_H #define SCUMM_H #include "common/engine.h" #include "common/timer.h" #include "common/file.h" class GameDetector; class NewGui; class Dialog; class Scumm; class IMuse; class IMuseDigital; class Actor; class Sound; class Bundle; struct ScummDebugger; struct Serializer; struct FindObjectInRoom; typedef void (Scumm::*OpcodeProc)(); // Use g_scumm from error() ONLY extern Scumm *g_scumm; /* System Wide Constants */ enum { NUM_MIXER = 4, NUM_SCRIPT_SLOT = 40, NUM_LOCALSCRIPT = 60, NUM_SHADOW_PALETTE = 8, MAX_ACTORS = 30, KEY_SET_OPTIONS = 3456 // WinCE }; enum { kDefaultMasterVolume = 192, kDefaultSFXVolume = 192, kDefaultMusicVolume = 192 }; struct ScummPoint { int x, y; }; struct MemBlkHeader { uint32 size; }; struct VerbSlot { int16 x, y; int16 right, bottom; int16 oldleft, oldtop, oldright, oldbottom; uint8 verbid; uint8 color, hicolor, dimcolor, bkcolor, type; uint8 charset_nr, curmode; uint8 saveid; uint8 key; bool center; uint8 field_1B; uint16 imgindex; }; class ObjectData { public: uint32 offs_obim_to_room; uint32 offs_obcd_to_room; int16 walk_x, walk_y; uint16 obj_nr; int16 x_pos; int16 y_pos; uint16 width; uint16 height; byte actordir; byte parent; byte parentstate; byte state; byte fl_object_index; }; struct ScriptSlot { uint32 offs; int32 delay; uint16 number; uint16 delayFrameCount; byte status; byte where; byte unk1, unk2, freezeCount, didexec; byte cutsceneOverride; byte unk5; }; struct NestedScript { uint16 number; uint8 where; uint8 slot; }; enum ResTypes { rtFirst = 1, rtRoom = 1, rtScript = 2, rtCostume = 3, rtSound = 4, rtInventory = 5, rtCharset = 6, rtString = 7, rtVerb = 8, rtActorName = 9, rtBuffer = 10, rtScaleTable = 11, rtTemp = 12, rtFlObject = 13, rtMatrix = 14, rtBox = 15, rtObjectName = 16, rtRoomScripts = 17, rtLast = 17, rtNumTypes = 18 }; enum { LIGHTMODE_dark = 0, LIGHTMODE_actor_base = 1, LIGHTMODE_screen = 2, LIGHTMODE_flashlight = 4, LIGHTMODE_actor_color = 8 }; enum { MBS_LEFT_CLICK = 0x8000, MBS_RIGHT_CLICK = 0x4000, MBS_MOUSE_MASK = (MBS_LEFT_CLICK | MBS_RIGHT_CLICK), MBS_MAX_KEY = 0x0200 }; #define _maxRooms res.num[rtRoom] #define _maxScripts res.num[rtScript] #define _maxCostumes res.num[rtCostume] #define _maxInventoryItems res.num[rtInventory] #define _maxCharsets res.num[rtCharset] #define _maxStrings res.num[rtString] #define _maxVerbs res.num[rtVerb] #define _maxActorNames res.num[rtActorName] #define _maxBuffer res.num[rtBuffer] #define _maxScaleTable res.num[rtScaleTable] #define _maxTemp res.num[rtTemp] #define _maxFLObject res.num[rtFlObject] #define _maxMatrixes res.num[rtMatrix] #define _maxBoxes res.num[rtBox] #define _baseRooms res.address[rtRoom] #define _baseScripts res.address[rtScript] #define _baseInventoryItems res.address[rtInventory] #define _baseFLObject res.address[rtFlObject] #define _baseArrays res.address[rtString] #define _roomFileOffsets res.roomoffs[rtRoom] struct CharsetRenderer { Scumm *_vm; int _top; int _drawTop; int _left, _left2; byte _center; int _right; byte _color; bool _hasMask; bool _blitAlso; int _strLeft, _strRight, _strTop, _strBottom; byte _curId; int _xpos2, _ypos2; int _bufPos; byte _unk12, _disableOffsX; byte *_ptr; // FIXME: This field is *NOT* used - remove next time save game format changes byte _unk2, _bpp; byte _invNumBits; uint32 _charOffs; byte *_charPtr; int _width, _height; int _offsX, _offsY; int _bottom; int _virtScreenHeight; byte _ignoreCharsetMask; byte *_backbuff_ptr, *_bgbak_ptr; byte *_mask_ptr; byte *_dest_ptr; byte _colorMap[16]; byte _buffer[512]; void drawBits(); void printChar(int chr); void printCharOld(int chr); int getSpacing(byte chr, byte *charset); int getStringWidth(int a, byte *str, int pos); void addLinebreaks(int a, byte *str, int pos, int maxwidth); }; #define ARRAY_HDR_SIZE 6 struct ArrayHeader { int16 dim1_size; int16 type; int16 dim2_size; byte data[1]; }; struct SentenceTab { byte unk5; byte unk2; uint16 unk4; uint16 unk3; int8 unk; byte pad; }; // TODO / FIXME: next time save game format changes, Fingolfin would like to // revise StringTab. In particular, all t_* fields can be removed, making some // code a bit cleaner & easier to understand. struct StringTab { int16 t_xpos, t_ypos; int16 t_right; int16 xpos, ypos; int16 right; byte color, t_color; byte charset, t_charset; bool center, t_center; bool overhead, t_overhead; bool no_talk_anim, t_no_talk_anim; }; enum GameId { GID_TENTACLE = 1, GID_MONKEY2 = 2, GID_INDY4 = 3, GID_MONKEY = 4, GID_SAMNMAX = 5, GID_MONKEY_EGA = 6, GID_LOOM256 = 7, GID_ZAK256 = 8, GID_INDY3_256 = 9, GID_LOOM = 10, GID_FT = 11, GID_DIG = 12, GID_MONKEY_VGA = 13, GID_CMI = 14, //GID_MANIAC = 15; //GID_ZAK = 16; /* Simon the Sorcerer */ GID_SIMON_FIRST = 20, GID_SIMON_LAST = GID_SIMON_FIRST + 4, }; enum GameFeatures { GF_NEW_OPCODES = 1, GF_AFTER_V6 = 2, GF_AFTER_V7 = 4, GF_HAS_ROOMTABLE = GF_AFTER_V7, GF_USE_KEY = 8, GF_NEW_COSTUMES = GF_AFTER_V7, GF_USE_ANGLES = GF_AFTER_V7, GF_DRAWOBJ_OTHER_ORDER = 16, GF_DEFAULT = GF_USE_KEY, GF_SMALL_HEADER = 32, GF_EXTERNAL_CHARSET = GF_SMALL_HEADER, GF_SMALL_NAMES = 64, GF_OLD_BUNDLE = 128, GF_16COLOR = 256, GF_OLD256 = 512, GF_AUDIOTRACKS = 1024, GF_NO_SCALLING = 2048, GF_ADLIB_DEFAULT = 4096, GF_AMIGA = 8192, GF_HUMONGOUS = 16384, GF_AFTER_V8 = 32768 }; enum WhereIsObject { WIO_NOT_FOUND = -1, WIO_INVENTORY = 0, WIO_ROOM = 1, WIO_GLOBAL = 2, WIO_LOCAL = 3, WIO_FLOBJECT = 4 }; enum MouseButtonStatus { msDown = 1, msClicked = 2 }; #include "gfx.h" #include "boxes.h" class Scumm : public Engine { public: /* Put often used variables at the top. * That results in a shorter form of the opcode * on some architectures. */ IMuse *_imuse; IMuseDigital *_imuseDigital; uint32 _features; VerbSlot *_verbs; ObjectData *_objs; ScummDebugger *_debugger; Bundle * _bundle; Timer * _timer; Sound * _sound; struct { byte mode[rtNumTypes]; uint16 num[rtNumTypes]; uint32 tags[rtNumTypes]; const char *name[rtNumTypes]; byte **address[rtNumTypes]; byte *flags[rtNumTypes]; byte *roomno[rtNumTypes]; uint32 *roomoffs[rtNumTypes]; } res; struct { uint32 cutScenePtr[5]; byte cutSceneScript[5]; int16 cutSceneData[5]; int16 cutSceneScriptIndex; byte cutSceneStackPointer; ScriptSlot slot[NUM_SCRIPT_SLOT]; NestedScript nest[15]; int16 localvar[NUM_SCRIPT_SLOT][17]; } vm; struct { int16 x, y; } mouse; /* Init functions, etc */ byte _fastMode; /* system call object */ /* Scumm main loop */ void mainRun(); /* _insane vars */ int _insaneFlag; bool _insaneState; bool _videoFinished; void scummInit(); void scummMain(int argc, char **argv); // is it still used ? int scummLoop(int delta); void initScummVars(); void pauseGame(bool user); void shutDown(int i); void setOptions(void); // GUI NewGui *_newgui; Dialog *_pauseDialog; Dialog *_optionsDialog; Dialog *_saveLoadDialog; void runDialog(Dialog *dialog); void pauseDialog(); void saveloadDialog(); void optionsDialog(); // Misc startup/event functions void main(); void parseCommandLine(int argc, char **argv); void showHelpAndExit(); bool detectGame(); void processKbd(); int checkKeyHit(); void convertKeysToClicks(); /* Random number generation */ uint32 _randSeed1, _randSeed2; void initRandSeeds(); uint getRandomNumber(uint max); uint getRandomNumberRng(uint min, uint max); /* Core variable definitions */ byte _gameId; /* Core class/array definitions */ Gdi gdi; Actor *_actors; // Has MAX_ACTORS elements uint16 *_inventory; byte *_arrays; uint16 *_newNames; int16 *_vars; int16 _varwatch; byte *_bitVars; /* Global resource tables */ int _numVariables, _numBitVariables, _numLocalObjects; int _numGlobalObjects, _numArray, _numVerbs, _numFlObject; int _numInventory, _numRooms, _numScripts, _numSounds; int _numCharsets, _numCostumes, _numNewNames, _numGlobalScripts; int NUM_ACTORS; char *_audioNames; int32 _numAudioNames; /* Current objects - can go in their respective classes */ byte _curActor; int _curVerb; int _curVerbSlot; int _curPalIndex; byte _currentRoom; VirtScreen *_curVirtScreen; bool _egoPositioned; int _keyPressed; uint16 _lastKeyHit; uint16 _mouseButStat; byte _leftBtnPressed, _rightBtnPressed; int16 _virtual_mouse_x, _virtual_mouse_y, _bootParam; uint16 _debugMode, _currentDrive, _soundCardType; byte _mousePresent; /* Not sure where this stuff goes */ byte isMaskActiveAt(int l, int t, int r, int b, byte *mem); void startScene(int room, Actor *a, int b); void setupScummVarsOld(); // Both of these will simply be one void setupScummVarsNew(); // 'setupScummVars' in each Scumm_Vx byte *_objectOwnerTable, *_objectRoomTable, *_objectStateTable; byte _numObjectsInRoom; int8 _userPut; int _resourceHeaderSize; void setScaleItem(int slot, int a, int b, int c, int d); void clearClickedStatus(); void startManiac(); /* GUI class */ void drawString(int a); int getKeyInput(int a); /* Save/Load class - some of this may be GUI */ byte _saveLoadFlag, _saveLoadSlot; bool _doAutosave; bool _saveLoadCompatible; char _saveLoadName[32]; bool saveState(int slot, bool compat); bool loadState(int slot, bool compat); void saveOrLoad(Serializer *s); bool getSavegameName(int slot, char *desc); void makeSavegameName(char *out, int slot, bool compatible); void saveLoadResource(Serializer *ser, int type, int index); /* Heap and memory management */ uint32 _maxHeapThreshold, _minHeapThreshold; void checkRange(int max, int min, int no, const char *str); void lock(int type, int i); void unlock(int type, int i); void heapClear(int mode); void unkHeapProc2(int a, int b); /* Script VM - should be in Script class */ uint32 _localScriptList[NUM_LOCALSCRIPT]; byte *_scriptPointer, *_scriptOrgPointer, *_scriptPointerStart; byte _opcode, _numNestedScripts, _currentScript; uint16 _curExecScript; const OpcodeProc *_opcodes; const char **_opcodes_lookup; byte **_lastCodePtr; int _resultVarNumber, _scummStackPos; int16 _localParamList[16], _scummStack[150]; OpcodeProc getOpcode(int i) { return _opcodes[i]; } void initializeLocals(int slot, int16 *vars); int getScriptSlot(); void runScript(int script, int a, int b, int16 *lvarptr); void stopScriptNr(int script); void runScriptNested(int script); void executeScript(); void updateScriptPtr(); void getScriptBaseAddress(); void getScriptEntryPoint(); byte fetchScriptByte(); int fetchScriptWord(); void ignoreScriptWord() { fetchScriptWord(); } void ignoreScriptByte() { fetchScriptByte(); } int getVarOrDirectWord(byte mask); int getVarOrDirectByte(byte mask); void getResultPos(); void setResult(int result); int readVar(uint var); void writeVar(uint var, int value); void push(int a); int pop(); void runHook(int i); bool isScriptInUse(int script); int getStringLen(byte *ptr); void freezeScripts(int scr); void unfreezeScripts(); void runAllScripts(); void setupOpcodes(); void setupOpcodes2(); void cutscene(int16 *args); void endCutscene(); void exitCutscene(); void runExitScript(); void runEntryScript(); void beginOverride(); void endOverride(); void killScriptsAndResources(); void checkAndRunVar33(); void decreaseScriptDelay(int amount); bool isScriptRunning(int script); bool isRoomScriptRunning(int script); void arrayop_1(int a, byte *ptr); void copyString(byte *dst, byte *src, int len); void doSentence(int c, int b, int a); int popRoomAndObj(int *room); int getWordVararg(int16 *ptr); void decodeParseString(); void decodeParseString2(int a, int b); /* Script VM or Object class? */ void stopObjectCode(); void stopObjectScript(int script); /* Should be in Resource class */ byte _encbyte; File _fileHandle; char *_resFilePrefix, *_resFilePath; uint32 _fileOffset; char *_exe_name; // This is the name we use for opening resource files char *_game_name; // This is the game the user calls it, so use for saving bool _dynamicRoomOffsets; byte _resourceMapper[128]; uint32 _allocatedSize; byte _expire_counter; void allocateArrays(); void openRoom(int room); void deleteRoomOffsets(); void readRoomsOffsets(); void askForDisk(const char *filename); bool openResourceFile(const char *filename); void loadPtrToResource(int type, int i, byte *ptr); void readResTypeList(int id, uint32 tag, const char *name); char *resTypeFromId(int id); void allocResTypeData(int id, uint32 tag, int num, const char *name, int mode); byte *createResource(int type, int index, uint32 size); void nukeResource(int type, int i); byte *getResourceAddress(int type, int i); byte *getStringAddress(int i); byte *getStringAddressVar(int i); void ensureResourceLoaded(int type, int i); int loadResource(int type, int i); int getResourceRoomNr(int type, int index); int readSoundResource(int type, int index); int readSoundResourceSmallHeader(int type, int index); void setResourceCounter(int type, int index, byte flag); bool validateResource(const char *str, int type, int index); void increaseResourceCounter(); bool isResourceInUse(int type, int i); bool isResourceLoaded(int type, int index); void initRoomSubBlocks(); void loadRoomObjects(); void loadRoomObjectsSmall(); void readArrayFromIndexFile(); void readMAXS(); bool isGlobInMemory(int type, int index); virtual void readIndexFile(); virtual void loadCharset(int i); void nukeCharset(int i); int _lastLoadedRoom, _roomResource; byte _resFilePathId, _fileReadFailed; byte *findResourceData(uint32 tag, byte *ptr); int getResourceDataSize(byte *ptr); int getArrayId(); void nukeArray(int a); int defineArray(int a, int b, int c, int d); int readArray(int array, int index, int base); void writeArray(int array, int index, int base, int value); void resourceStats(); void expireResources(uint32 size); void freeResources(); void destroy(); void dumpResource(char *tag, int index, byte *ptr); /* Should be in Object class */ byte OF_OWNER_ROOM; int getInventorySlot(); void SamInventoryHack(int obj); // FIXME: Sam and Max hack int findInventory(int owner, int index); int getInventoryCount(int owner); void setupRoomObject(ObjectData *od, byte *room); void removeObjectFromRoom(int obj); void loadFlObject(uint object, uint room); void nukeFlObjects(int min, int max); int findFlObjectSlot(); void addObjectToInventory(uint obj, uint room); void fixObjectFlags(); bool getClass(int obj, int cls); void putClass(int obj, int cls, bool set); int getState(int obj); void putState(int obj, int state); void setObjectState(int obj, int state, int x, int y); int getOwner(int obj); void putOwner(int obj, int owner); void setOwnerOf(int obj, int owner); void clearOwnerOf(int obj); int getObjectRoom(int obj); int getObjX(int obj); int getObjY(int obj); void getObjectXYPos(int object, int &x, int &y) { int dir; getObjectXYPos(object, x, y, dir); } void getObjectXYPos(int object, int &x, int &y, int &dir); int getObjOldDir(int obj); int getObjNewDir(int obj); int getObjectIndex(int object); int whereIsObject(int object); int findObject(int x, int y); void findObjectInRoom(FindObjectInRoom *fo, byte findWhat, uint object, uint room); int getObjectOrActorXY(int object, int &x, int &y); // Object and Actor... int getObjActToObjActDist(int a, int b); // Not sure how to handle byte *getObjOrActorName(int obj); // these three.. void addObjectToDrawQue(int object); void clearDrawObjectQueue(); void processDrawQue(); uint32 getOBCDOffs(int object); byte *getOBCDFromObject(int obj); int getDistanceBetween(bool is_obj_1, int b, int c, bool is_obj_2, int e, int f); /* Should be in Costume class */ void cost_decodeData(Actor *a, int frame, uint usemask); int cost_frameToAnim(Actor *a, int frame); /* Should be in Verb class */ uint16 _verbMouseOver; int _inventoryOffset; void redrawVerbs(); void checkExecVerbs(); void verbMouseOver(int verb); int checkMouseOver(int x, int y); void drawVerb(int verb, int mode); void runInputScript(int a, int cmd, int mode); void restoreVerbBG(int verb); void drawVerbBitmap(int verb, int x, int y); int getVerbEntrypoint(int obj, int entry); int getVerbSlot(int id, int mode); void killVerb(int slot); void runVerbCode(int script, int entry, int a, int b, int16 *vars); void setVerbObject(uint room, uint object, uint verb); /* Should be in Actor class */ Actor *derefActor(int id); Actor *derefActorSafe(int id, const char *errmsg); Actor *getFirstActor() { return _actors; } void showActors(); uint32 *_classData; int getAngleFromPos(int x, int y); void walkActors(); void playActorSounds(); void setActorRedrawFlags(bool fg, bool bg); void resetActorBgs(); void processActors(); int getActorFromPos(int x, int y); void faceActorToObj(int act, int obj); void actorFollowCamera(int act); bool isCostumeInUse(int i); /* Actor talking stuff */ byte _actorToPrintStrFor; int _sentenceNum; SentenceTab _sentence[6]; StringTab _string[6]; void actorTalk(); void stopTalk(); /* Akos Class */ bool akos_increaseAnims(byte *akos, Actor *a); bool akos_increaseAnim(Actor *a, int i, byte *aksq, uint16 *akfo, int numakfo); void akos_queCommand(byte cmd, Actor *a, int param_1, int param_2); bool akos_compare(int a, int b, byte cmd); void akos_decodeData(Actor *a, int frame, uint usemask); int akos_frameToAnim(Actor *a, int frame); bool akos_hasManyDirections(Actor *a); /* Should be in Graphics class? */ uint16 _screenB, _screenH; int _scrHeight, _scrWidth, _realHeight, _realWidth; VirtScreen virtscr[4]; // Virtual screen areas CameraData camera; // 'Camera' - viewport ColorCycle _colorCycle[16]; // Palette cycles uint32 _ENCD_offs, _EXCD_offs; uint32 _CLUT_offs, _EPAL_offs; uint32 _IM00_offs, _PALS_offs; //ender: fullscreen bool _fullRedraw, _BgNeedsRedraw, _shakeEnabled, _verbRedraw; bool _screenEffectFlag, _completeScreenRedraw; int _cursorHotspotX, _cursorHotspotY, _cursorWidth, _cursorHeight; byte _cursorAnimate, _cursorAnimateIndex, _grabbedCursor[2048]; int8 _cursorState; byte _newEffect, _switchRoomEffect2, _switchRoomEffect; bool _doEffect; uint16 _flashlightXStrips, _flashlightYStrips; bool _flashlightIsDrawn; void getGraphicsPerformance(); void initScreens(int a, int b, int w, int h); void initVirtScreen(int slot, int number, int top, int width, int height, bool twobufs, bool scrollable); void initBGBuffers(int height); void initCycl(byte *ptr); // Color cycle void createSpecialPalette(int16 a, int16 b, int16 c, int16 d, int16 e, int16 colorMin, int16 colorMax); void drawObject(int obj, int arg); void drawRoomObjects(int arg); void drawRoomObject(int i, int arg); void drawBox(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int color); void drawBomp(BompDrawData *bd, int param1, byte *dataPtr, int param2, int param3); void restoreBG(int left, int top, int right, int bottom); void redrawBGStrip(int start, int num); void redrawBGAreas(); void moveCamera(); void cameraMoved(); void setCameraAtEx(int at); void setCameraAt(int pos_x, int pos_y); void panCameraTo(int x, int y); void setCameraFollows(Actor *a); void clampCameraPos(ScummPoint *pt); byte *getPalettePtr(); void setPalette(int pal); void setPaletteFromPtr(byte *ptr); void setPaletteFromRes(); void setPalColor(int index, int r, int g, int b); void setDirtyColors(int min, int max); byte *findPalInPals(byte *pal, int index); void swapPalColors(int a, int b); void copyPalColor(int dst, int src); void cyclePalette(); void stopCycle(int i); void palManipulateInit(int start, int end, int string_id, int time); void palManipulate(); void unkRoomFunc3(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e); int remapPaletteColor(int r, int g, int b, uint threshold); void moveMemInPalRes(int start, int end, byte direction); void setupShadowPalette(int slot, int rfact, int gfact, int bfact, int from, int to); void darkenPalette(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e); void setShake(int mode); void setCursor(int cursor); void setCursorImg(uint img, uint room, uint imgindex); void setCursorHotspot2(int x, int y); void grabCursor(int x, int y, int w, int h); void grabCursor(byte *ptr, int width, int height); void makeCursorColorTransparent(int a); void setupCursor() { _cursorAnimate = 1; } void decompressDefaultCursor(int index); void useIm01Cursor(byte *im, int w, int h); void useBompCursor(byte *im, int w, int h); void updateDirtyRect(int virt, int left, int right, int top, int bottom, uint32 dirtybits); void setDirtyRange(int slot, int a, int height); void drawDirtyScreenParts(); void updateDirtyScreen(int slot); VirtScreen *findVirtScreen(int y); void setVirtscreenDirty(VirtScreen *vs, int left, int top, int right, int bottom); void drawFlashlight(); void fadeIn(int effect); void fadeOut(int effect); void unkScreenEffect1(); void unkScreenEffect2(); void unkScreenEffect3(); void unkScreenEffect4(); void unkScreenEffect5(int a); void unkScreenEffect6(); void transitionEffect(int a); void dissolveEffect(int width, int height); void scrollEffect(int dir); void blit(byte *dst, byte *src, int w, int h); void decompressBomp(byte *dst, byte *src, int w, int h); uint _shakeFrame; int _screenStartStrip, _screenEndStrip; int _screenLeft, _screenTop; uint16 _enqueue_b, _enqueue_c, _enqueue_d, _enqueue_e; int _enqueuePos; BlastObject _enqueuedObjects[128]; void enqueueObject(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h, int mode); void clearEnqueue() { _enqueuePos = 0; } void drawBlastObjects(); void drawBlastObject(BlastObject *eo); void removeBlastObjects(); void removeBlastObject(BlastObject *eo); int _drawObjectQueNr; byte _drawObjectQue[200]; byte _palManipStart, _palManipEnd; uint16 _palManipCounter; byte *_palManipPalette; byte *_palManipIntermediatePal; uint32 gfxUsageBits[240]; byte *_shadowPalette; int _shadowPaletteSize; byte _currentPalette[0x300]; byte _proc_special_palette[256]; int _palDirtyMin, _palDirtyMax; byte _bkColor; uint16 _lastXstart; byte _haveMsg; bool _useTalkAnims; uint16 _defaultTalkDelay; bool _use_adlib; int tempMusic; bool _silentDigitalImuse; int _saveSound; uint16 _soundParam, _soundParam2, _soundParam3; int current_cd_sound, _cd_loops, _cd_frame, _cd_track, _cd_end; /* Walkbox / Navigation class */ int _maxBoxVertexHeap, _boxPathVertexHeapIndex, _boxMatrixItem; byte *_boxMatrixPtr4, *_boxMatrixPtr1, *_boxMatrixPtr3; uint16 _extraBoxFlags[65]; PathNode *unkMatrixProc2(PathVertex *vtx, int i); bool areBoxesNeighbours(int i, int j); void addToBoxMatrix(byte b); bool compareSlope(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, int X3, int Y3); void *addToBoxVertexHeap(int size); PathVertex *addPathVertex(); bool checkXYInBoxBounds(int box, int x, int y); uint distanceFromPt(int x, int y, int ptx, int pty); ScummPoint closestPtOnLine(int ulx, int uly, int llx, int lly, int x, int y); void getBoxCoordinates(int boxnum, BoxCoords *bc); byte getMaskFromBox(int box); Box *getBoxBaseAddr(int box); byte getBoxFlags(int box); int getBoxScale(int box); byte getNumBoxes(); byte *getBoxMatrixBaseAddr(); int getPathToDestBox(byte from, byte to); bool findPathTowards(Actor *a, byte box, byte box2, byte box3, int16 &foundPathX, int16 &foundPathY); void findPathTowardsOld(Actor *a, byte box, byte box2, byte box3, ScummPoint gateLoc[5]); void getGates(int trap1, int trap2, ScummPoint gateA[2], ScummPoint gateB[2]); bool inBoxQuickReject(int box, int x, int y, int threshold); AdjustBoxResult getClosestPtOnBox(int box, int x, int y); int getSpecialBox(int param1, int param2); void setBoxFlags(int box, int val); void setBoxScale(int box, int b); void createBoxMatrix(); /* String class */ CharsetRenderer charset; byte _charsetColor; bool _noSubtitles; // Skip all subtitles? byte _charsetData[15][16]; void initCharset(int charset); void restoreCharsetBg(); int hasCharsetMask(int x, int y, int x2, int y2); void CHARSET_1(); void description(); void drawDescString(byte *msg); byte *_msgPtrToAdd; byte *addMessageToStack(byte *msg); void addIntToStack(int var); void addVerbToStack(int var); void addNameToStack(int var); void addStringToStack(int var); void unkMessage1(); void unkMessage2(); void clearMsgQueue(); int _numInMsgStack; byte *_messagePtr; int16 _talkDelay; bool _keepText; bool _existLanguageFile; char *_languageBuffer; void loadLanguageBundle(); void translateText(char * text, char * trans_buff); char transText[200]; bool checkFixedDisk(); #if defined(SCUMM_LITTLE_ENDIAN) uint32 fileReadDword() { return _fileHandle.readUint32LE(); } #elif defined(SCUMM_BIG_ENDIAN) uint32 fileReadDword() { return _fileHandle.readUint32BE(); } #endif /* Version 5 script opcodes */ void o5_actorFollowCamera(); void o5_actorFromPos(); void o5_actorSet(); void o5_add(); void o5_and(); void o5_animateActor(); void o5_badOpcode(); void o5_breakHere(); void o5_chainScript(); void o5_cursorCommand(); void o5_cutscene(); void o5_debug(); void o5_decrement(); void o5_delay(); void o5_delayVariable(); void o5_divide(); void o5_doSentence(); void o5_drawBox(); void o5_drawObject(); void o5_dummy(); void o5_endCutscene(); void o5_equalZero(); void o5_expression(); void o5_faceActor(); void o5_findInventory(); void o5_findObject(); void o5_freezeScripts(); void o5_getActorCostume(); void o5_getActorElevation(); void o5_getActorFacing(); void o5_getActorMoving(); void o5_getActorRoom(); void o5_getActorScale(); void o5_getActorWalkBox(); void o5_getActorWidth(); void o5_getActorX(); void o5_getActorY(); void o5_getAnimCounter(); void o5_getClosestObjActor(); void o5_getDist(); void o5_getInventoryCount(); void o5_getObjectOwner(); void o5_getObjectState(); void o5_getRandomNr(); void o5_getScriptRunning(); void o5_getVerbEntrypoint(); void o5_ifClassOfIs(); void o5_increment(); void o5_isActorInBox(); void o5_isEqual(); void o5_isGreater(); void o5_isGreaterEqual(); void o5_isLess(); void o5_isNotEqual(); void o5_ifState(); void o5_isSoundRunning(); void o5_jumpRelative(); void o5_lessOrEqual(); void o5_lights(); void o5_loadRoom(); void o5_loadRoomWithEgo(); void o5_matrixOps(); void o5_move(); void o5_multiply(); void o5_notEqualZero(); void o5_or(); void o5_overRide(); void o5_panCameraTo(); void o5_pickupObject(); void o5_print(); void o5_printEgo(); void o5_pseudoRoom(); void o5_putActor(); void o5_putActorAtObject(); void o5_putActorInRoom(); void o5_quitPauseRestart(); void o5_resourceRoutines(); void o5_roomOps(); void o5_saveRestoreVerbs(); void o5_setCameraAt(); void o5_setClass(); void o5_setObjectName(); void o5_setOwnerOf(); void o5_setState(); void o5_setVarRange(); void o5_soundKludge(); void o5_startMusic(); void o5_startObject(); void o5_startScript(); void o5_startSound(); void o5_stopMusic(); void o5_stopObjectCode(); void o5_stopObjectScript(); void o5_stopScript(); void o5_stopSound(); void o5_stringOps(); void o5_subtract(); void o5_verbOps(); void o5_wait(); void o5_walkActorTo(); void o5_walkActorToActor(); void o5_walkActorToObject(); void o5_oldRoomEffect(); void o5_pickupObjectOld(); /* Version 6 script opcodes */ int getStackList(int16 *args, uint maxnum); void setStringVars(int i); void unkMiscOp9(); void o6_setBlastObjectWindow(); void o6_pushByte(); void o6_pushWord(); void o6_pushByteVar(); void o6_pushWordVar(); void o6_invalid(); void o6_byteArrayRead(); void o6_wordArrayRead(); void o6_byteArrayIndexedRead(); void o6_wordArrayIndexedRead(); void o6_dup(); void o6_zero(); void o6_eq(); void o6_neq(); void o6_gt(); void o6_lt(); void o6_le(); void o6_ge(); void o6_add(); void o6_sub(); void o6_mul(); void o6_div(); void o6_land(); void o6_lor(); void o6_kill(); void o6_writeByteVar(); void o6_writeWordVar(); void o6_byteArrayWrite(); void o6_wordArrayWrite(); void o6_byteArrayIndexedWrite(); void o6_wordArrayIndexedWrite(); void o6_byteVarInc(); void o6_wordVarInc(); void o6_byteArrayInc(); void o6_wordArrayInc(); void o6_byteVarDec(); void o6_wordVarDec(); void o6_byteArrayDec(); void o6_wordArrayDec(); void o6_jumpTrue(); void o6_jumpFalse(); void o6_jump(); void o6_startScriptEx(); void o6_startScript(); void o6_startObject(); void o6_setObjectState(); void o6_setObjectXY(); void o6_stopObjectCode(); void o6_endCutscene(); void o6_cutScene(); void o6_stopMusic(); void o6_freezeUnfreeze(); void o6_cursorCommand(); void o6_breakHere(); void o6_ifClassOfIs(); void o6_setClass(); void o6_getState(); void o6_setState(); void o6_setOwner(); void o6_getOwner(); void o6_startSound(); void o6_stopSound(); void o6_startMusic(); void o6_stopObjectScript(); void o6_panCameraTo(); void o6_actorFollowCamera(); void o6_setCameraAt(); void o6_loadRoom(); void o6_stopScript(); void o6_walkActorToObj(); void o6_walkActorTo(); void o6_putActorInRoom(); void o6_putActorAtObject(); void o6_faceActor(); void o6_animateActor(); void o6_doSentence(); void o6_pickupObject(); void o6_loadRoomWithEgo(); void o6_getRandomNumber(); void o6_getRandomNumberRange(); void o6_getActorMoving(); void o6_getScriptRunning(); void o6_getActorRoom(); void o6_getObjectX(); void o6_getObjectY(); void o6_getObjectOldDir(); void o6_getObjectNewDir(); void o6_getActorWalkBox(); void o6_getActorCostume(); void o6_findInventory(); void o6_getInventoryCount(); void o6_getVerbFromXY(); void o6_beginOverride(); void o6_endOverride(); void o6_setObjectName(); void o6_isSoundRunning(); void o6_setBoxFlags(); void o6_createBoxMatrix(); void o6_resourceRoutines(); void o6_roomOps(); void o6_actorSet(); void o6_verbOps(); void o6_getActorFromXY(); void o6_findObject(); void o6_pseudoRoom(); void o6_getActorElevation(); void o6_getVerbEntrypoint(); void o6_arrayOps(); void o6_saveRestoreVerbs(); void o6_drawBox(); void o6_getActorWidth(); void o6_wait(); void o6_getActorScaleX(); void o6_getActorAnimCounter1(); void o6_soundKludge(); void o6_isAnyOf(); void o6_quitPauseRestart(); void o6_isActorInBox(); void o6_delay(); void o6_delayLonger(); void o6_delayVeryLong(); void o6_stopSentence(); void o6_print_0(); void o6_print_1(); void o6_print_2(); void o6_print_3(); void o6_printActor(); void o6_printEgo(); void o6_talkActor(); void o6_talkEgo(); void o6_dim(); void o6_runVerbCodeQuick(); void o6_runScriptQuick(); void o6_dim2(); void o6_abs(); void o6_distObjectObject(); void o6_distObjectPt(); void o6_distPtPt(); void o6_dummy_stacklist(); void o6_miscOps(); void o6_delayFrames(); void o6_pickOneOf(); void o6_pickOneOfDefault(); void o6_jumpToScript(); void o6_isRoomScriptRunning(); void o6_kernelFunction(); void o6_getAnimateVariable(); void o6_drawBlastObject(); void o6_getActorPriority(); void o6_unknownCD(); /* Scumm Vars */ byte VAR_EGO; byte VAR_CAMERA_POS_X; byte VAR_HAVE_MSG; byte VAR_ROOM; byte VAR_OVERRIDE; byte VAR_MACHINE_SPEED; byte VAR_ME; byte VAR_NUM_ACTOR; byte VAR_CURRENT_LIGHTS; byte VAR_CURRENTDRIVE; byte VAR_TMR_1; byte VAR_TMR_2; byte VAR_TMR_3; byte VAR_MUSIC_FLAG; byte VAR_ACTOR_RANGE_MIN; byte VAR_ACTOR_RANGE_MAX; byte VAR_CAMERA_MIN_X; byte VAR_CAMERA_MAX_X; byte VAR_TIMER_NEXT; byte VAR_VIRT_MOUSE_X; byte VAR_VIRT_MOUSE_Y; byte VAR_ROOM_RESOURCE; byte VAR_LAST_SOUND; byte VAR_CUTSCENEEXIT_KEY; byte VAR_OPTIONS_KEY; byte VAR_TALK_ACTOR; byte VAR_CAMERA_FAST_X; byte VAR_SCROLL_SCRIPT; byte VAR_ENTRY_SCRIPT; byte VAR_ENTRY_SCRIPT2; byte VAR_EXIT_SCRIPT; byte VAR_EXIT_SCRIPT2; byte VAR_VERB_SCRIPT; byte VAR_SENTENCE_SCRIPT; byte VAR_HOOK_SCRIPT; byte VAR_CUTSCENE_START_SCRIPT; byte VAR_CUTSCENE_END_SCRIPT; byte VAR_CHARINC; byte VAR_WALKTO_OBJ; byte VAR_DEBUGMODE; byte VAR_HEAPSPACE; byte VAR_RESTART_KEY; byte VAR_PAUSE_KEY; byte VAR_MOUSE_X; byte VAR_MOUSE_Y; byte VAR_TIMER; byte VAR_TMR_4; byte VAR_SOUNDCARD; byte VAR_VIDEOMODE; byte VAR_SAVELOADDIALOG_KEY; byte VAR_FIXEDDISK; byte VAR_CURSORSTATE; byte VAR_USERPUT; byte VAR_SOUNDRESULT; byte VAR_TALKSTOP_KEY; byte VAR_59; byte VAR_SOUNDPARAM; byte VAR_SOUNDPARAM2; byte VAR_SOUNDPARAM3; byte VAR_MOUSEPRESENT; byte VAR_PERFORMANCE_1; byte VAR_PERFORMANCE_2; byte VAR_ROOM_FLAG; byte VAR_GAME_LOADED; byte VAR_NEW_ROOM; byte VAR_VERSION; byte VAR_V5_DRAWFLAGS; byte VAR_MI1_TIMER; byte VAR_V5_OBJECT_LO; byte VAR_V5_OBJECT_HI; byte VAR_V5_TALK_STRING_Y; byte VAR_V5_CHARFLAG; byte VAR_V6_SCREEN_WIDTH; byte VAR_V6_SCREEN_HEIGHT; byte VAR_V6_EMSSPACE; byte VAR_V6_RANDOM_NR; byte VAR_STRING2DRAW; byte VAR_CAMERA_POS_Y; byte VAR_CAMERA_MIN_Y; byte VAR_CAMERA_MAX_Y; byte VAR_CAMERA_THRESHOLD_X; byte VAR_CAMERA_THRESHOLD_Y; byte VAR_CAMERA_SPEED_X; byte VAR_CAMERA_SPEED_Y; byte VAR_CAMERA_ACCEL_X; byte VAR_CAMERA_ACCEL_Y; byte VAR_CAMERA_DEST_X; byte VAR_CAMERA_DEST_Y; byte VAR_CAMERA_FOLLOWED_ACTOR; byte VAR_LEFTBTN_DOWN; byte VAR_RIGHTBTN_DOWN; byte VAR_LEFTBTN_HOLD; byte VAR_RIGHTBTN_HOLD; byte VAR_UNK_SCRIPT; byte VAR_UNK_SCRIPT_2; byte VAR_DEFAULT_TALK_DELAY; byte VAR_CHARSET_MASK; byte VAR_CUSTOMSCALETABLE; byte VAR_VIDEONAME; byte VAR_V6_SOUNDMODE; void launch(); Scumm(GameDetector *detector, OSystem *syst); virtual ~Scumm(); void go(); byte getDefaultGUIColor(int color); void waitForTimer(int msec_delay); void updateCursor(); void animateCursor(); void updatePalette(); }; class Scumm_v2 : public Scumm { public: Scumm_v2(GameDetector *detector, OSystem *syst) : Scumm(detector, syst) {} virtual void readIndexFile(); }; class Scumm_v3 : public Scumm { public: Scumm_v3(GameDetector *detector, OSystem *syst) : Scumm(detector, syst) {} void readIndexFile(); virtual void loadCharset(int no); }; class Scumm_v4 : public Scumm_v3 { public: Scumm_v4(GameDetector *detector, OSystem *syst) : Scumm_v3(detector, syst) {} void loadCharset(int no); }; class Scumm_v5 : public Scumm { public: Scumm_v5(GameDetector *detector, OSystem *syst) : Scumm(detector, syst) {} }; class Scumm_v6 : public Scumm { public: Scumm_v6(GameDetector *detector, OSystem *syst) : Scumm(detector, syst) {} }; class Scumm_v7 : public Scumm { public: Scumm_v7(GameDetector *detector, OSystem *syst) : Scumm(detector, syst) {} }; // This is a constant lookup table of reverse bit masks extern const byte revBitMask[8]; /* Direction conversion functions (between old dir and new dir format) */ int newDirToOldDir(int dir); int oldDirToNewDir(int dir); int normalizeAngle(int angle); int fromSimpleDir(int dirtype, int dir); int toSimpleDir(int dirtype, int dir); #endif