/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2002-2006 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "common/stdafx.h" #include "base/engine.h" #include "common/config-manager.h" #include "common/file.h" #include "common/system.h" #include "common/timer.h" #include "common/util.h" #include "scumm/bomp.h" #include "scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse.h" #include "scumm/imuse.h" #include "scumm/scumm.h" #include "scumm/sound.h" #include "scumm/smush/channel.h" #include "scumm/smush/chunk_type.h" #include "scumm/smush/chunk.h" #include "scumm/smush/smush_font.h" #include "scumm/smush/smush_mixer.h" #include "scumm/smush/smush_player.h" #include "scumm/insane/insane.h" #include "sound/mixer.h" #include "sound/vorbis.h" #include "sound/mp3.h" #ifdef DUMP_SMUSH_FRAMES #include #endif #ifdef USE_ZLIB #include #endif namespace Scumm { const int MAX_STRINGS = 200; class StringResource { private: struct { int id; char *string; } _strings[MAX_STRINGS]; int _nbStrings; int _lastId; const char *_lastString; public: StringResource() : _nbStrings(0), _lastId(-1) { }; ~StringResource() { for (int32 i = 0; i < _nbStrings; i++) { delete []_strings[i].string; } } bool init(char *buffer, int32 length) { char *def_start = strchr(buffer, '#'); while (def_start != NULL) { char *def_end = strchr(def_start, '\n'); assert(def_end != NULL); char *id_end = def_end; while (id_end >= def_start && !isdigit(*(id_end-1))) { id_end--; } assert(id_end > def_start); char *id_start = id_end; while (isdigit(*(id_start - 1))) { id_start--; } char idstring[32]; memcpy(idstring, id_start, id_end - id_start); idstring[id_end - id_start] = 0; int32 id = atoi(idstring); char *data_start = def_end; while (*data_start == '\n' || *data_start == '\r') { data_start++; } char *data_end = data_start; while (1) { if (data_end[-2] == '\r' && data_end[-1] == '\n' && data_end[0] == '\r' && data_end[1] == '\n') { break; } // In Russian Full Throttle strings are finished with // just one pair of CR-LF if (data_end[-2] == '\r' && data_end[-1] == '\n' && data_end[0] == '#') { break; } data_end++; if (data_end >= buffer + length) { data_end = buffer + length; break; } } data_end -= 2; assert(data_end > data_start); char *value = new char[data_end - data_start + 1]; assert(value); memcpy(value, data_start, data_end - data_start); value[data_end - data_start] = 0; char *line_start = value; char *line_end; while ((line_end = strchr(line_start, '\n'))) { line_start = line_end+1; if (line_start[0] == '/' && line_start[1] == '/') { line_start += 2; if (line_end[-1] == '\r') line_end[-1] = ' '; else *line_end++ = ' '; memmove(line_end, line_start, strlen(line_start)+1); } } _strings[_nbStrings].id = id; _strings[_nbStrings].string = value; _nbStrings ++; def_start = strchr(data_end + 2, '#'); } return true; } const char *get(int id) { if (id == _lastId) { return _lastString; } debugC(DEBUG_SMUSH, "StringResource::get(%d)", id); for (int i = 0; i < _nbStrings; i++) { if (_strings[i].id == id) { _lastId = id; _lastString = _strings[i].string; return _strings[i].string; } } warning("invalid string id : %d", id); _lastId = -1; _lastString = "unknown string"; return _lastString; } }; static StringResource *getStrings(ScummEngine *vm, const char *file, bool is_encoded) { debugC(DEBUG_SMUSH, "trying to read text ressources from %s", file); ScummFile theFile; vm->openFile(theFile, file); if (!theFile.isOpen()) { return 0; } int32 length = theFile.size(); char *filebuffer = new char [length + 1]; assert(filebuffer); theFile.read(filebuffer, length); filebuffer[length] = 0; if (is_encoded) { enum { ETRS_HEADER_LENGTH = 16 }; assert(length > ETRS_HEADER_LENGTH); Chunk::type type = READ_BE_UINT32(filebuffer); if (type != TYPE_ETRS) { delete [] filebuffer; return getStrings(vm, file, false); } char *old = filebuffer; filebuffer = new char[length - ETRS_HEADER_LENGTH + 1]; for (int32 i = ETRS_HEADER_LENGTH; i < length; i++) { filebuffer[i - ETRS_HEADER_LENGTH] = old[i] ^ 0xCC; } filebuffer[length - ETRS_HEADER_LENGTH] = '\0'; delete []old; length -= ETRS_HEADER_LENGTH; } StringResource *sr = new StringResource; assert(sr); sr->init(filebuffer, length); delete []filebuffer; return sr; } void SmushPlayer::timerCallback(void *refCon) { ((SmushPlayer *)refCon)->parseNextFrame(); #ifdef _WIN32_WCE ((SmushPlayer *)refCon)->_inTimer = true; ((SmushPlayer *)refCon)->_inTimerCount++; #endif } SmushPlayer::SmushPlayer(ScummEngine_v6 *scumm, int speed) { _vm = scumm; _version = -1; _nbframes = 0; _smixer = 0; _strings = NULL; _sf[0] = NULL; _sf[1] = NULL; _sf[2] = NULL; _sf[3] = NULL; _sf[4] = NULL; _base = NULL; _frameBuffer = NULL; _specialBuffer = NULL; _seekPos = -1; _skipNext = false; _subtitles = ConfMan.getBool("subtitles"); _dst = NULL; _storeFrame = false; _compressedFileMode = false; _width = 0; _height = 0; _IACTpos = 0; _soundFrequency = 22050; _initDone = false; _speed = speed; _insanity = false; _middleAudio = false; _skipPalette = false; _IACTstream = NULL; #ifdef _WIN32_WCE _inTimer = false; _inTimerCount = 0; _inTimerCountRedraw = ConfMan.getInt("Smush_force_redraw"); #endif } SmushPlayer::~SmushPlayer() { release(); } void SmushPlayer::init() { _frame = 0; _alreadyInit = false; _vm->_smushVideoShouldFinish = false; _vm->setDirtyColors(0, 255); _dst = _vm->virtscr[0].getPixels(0, 0); // HACK HACK HACK: This is an *evil* trick, beware! // We do this to fix bug #1037052. A proper solution would change all the // drawing code to use the pitch value specified by the virtual screen. // However, since a lot of the SMUSH code currently assumes the screen // width and pitch to be equal, this will require lots of changes. So // we resort to this hackish solution for now. _origPitch = _vm->virtscr[0].pitch; _origNumStrips = _vm->gdi._numStrips; _vm->virtscr[0].pitch = _vm->virtscr[0].w; _vm->gdi._numStrips = _vm->virtscr[0].w / 8; _smixer = new SmushMixer(_vm->_mixer); Common::g_timer->installTimerProc(&timerCallback, 1000000 / _speed, this); _initDone = true; } void SmushPlayer::release() { if (!_initDone) return; _vm->_timer->removeTimerProc(&timerCallback); _vm->_smushVideoShouldFinish = true; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { delete _sf[i]; _sf[i] = NULL; } delete _strings; _strings = NULL; if (_smixer) _smixer->stop(); delete _smixer; _smixer = NULL; delete _base; _base = NULL; free(_specialBuffer); _specialBuffer = NULL; free(_frameBuffer); _frameBuffer = NULL; _vm->_mixer->stopHandle(_compressedFileSoundHandle); _vm->_mixer->stopHandle(_IACTchannel); _IACTstream = 0; _vm->_fullRedraw = true; // WORKAROUND bug #1035739: This is hack to workaround some ugly palette // issues, see the mentioned bug report for details. _vm->_doEffect = false; // HACK HACK HACK: This is an *evil* trick, beware! See above for // some explanation. _vm->virtscr[0].pitch = _origPitch; _vm->gdi._numStrips = _origNumStrips; _initDone = false; } void SmushPlayer::checkBlock(const Chunk &b, Chunk::type type_expected, uint32 min_size) { if (type_expected != b.getType()) { error("Chunk type is different from expected : %x != %x", b.getType(), type_expected); } if (min_size > b.getSize()) { error("Chunk size is inferior than minimum required size : %d < %d", b.getSize(), min_size); } } void SmushPlayer::handleSoundBuffer(int32 track_id, int32 index, int32 max_frames, int32 flags, int32 vol, int32 pan, Chunk &b, int32 size) { debugC(DEBUG_SMUSH, "SmushPlayer::handleSoundBuffer(%d, %d)", track_id, index); // if ((flags & 128) == 128) { // return; // } // if ((flags & 64) == 64) { // return; // } SmushChannel *c = _smixer->findChannel(track_id); if (c == NULL) { c = new SaudChannel(track_id, _soundFrequency); _smixer->addChannel(c); } if (_middleAudio || (index == 0)) { c->setParameters(max_frames, flags, vol, pan, index); } else { c->checkParameters(index, max_frames, flags, vol, pan); } _middleAudio = false; c->appendData(b, size); } void SmushPlayer::handleSoundFrame(Chunk &b) { checkBlock(b, TYPE_PSAD); debugC(DEBUG_SMUSH, "SmushPlayer::handleSoundFrame()"); int32 track_id = b.getWord(); int32 index = b.getWord(); int32 max_frames = b.getWord(); int32 flags = b.getWord(); int32 vol = b.getByte(); int32 pan = b.getChar(); if (index == 0) { debugC(DEBUG_SMUSH, "track_id:%d, max_frames:%d, flags:%d, vol:%d, pan:%d", track_id, max_frames, flags, vol, pan); } int32 size = b.getSize() - 10; handleSoundBuffer(track_id, index, max_frames, flags, vol, pan, b, size); } void SmushPlayer::handleSkip(Chunk &b) { checkBlock(b, TYPE_SKIP, 4); int32 code = b.getDword(); debugC(DEBUG_SMUSH, "SmushPlayer::handleSkip(%d)", code); if (code >= 0 && code < 37) _skipNext = _skips[code]; else _skipNext = true; } void SmushPlayer::handleStore(Chunk &b) { debugC(DEBUG_SMUSH, "SmushPlayer::handleStore()"); checkBlock(b, TYPE_STOR, 4); _storeFrame = true; } void SmushPlayer::handleFetch(Chunk &b) { debugC(DEBUG_SMUSH, "SmushPlayer::handleFetch()"); checkBlock(b, TYPE_FTCH, 6); if (_frameBuffer != NULL) { memcpy(_dst, _frameBuffer, _width * _height); } } void SmushPlayer::handleIACT(Chunk &b) { checkBlock(b, TYPE_IACT, 8); debugC(DEBUG_SMUSH, "SmushPlayer::handleImuseAction()"); /* int code = */ b.getWord(); int flags = b.getWord(); int unknown = b.getShort(); int track_flags = b.getWord(); assert(flags == 46 && unknown == 0); int track_id = b.getWord(); int index = b.getWord(); int nbframes = b.getWord(); int32 size = b.getDword(); int32 bsize = b.getSize() - 18; if (_vm->_gameId != GID_CMI) { int32 track = track_id; if (track_flags == 1) { track = track_id + 100; } else if (track_flags == 2) { track = track_id + 200; } else if (track_flags == 3) { track = track_id + 300; } else if ((track_flags >= 100) && (track_flags <= 163)) { track = track_id + 400; } else if ((track_flags >= 200) && (track_flags <= 263)) { track = track_id + 500; } else if ((track_flags >= 300) && (track_flags <= 363)) { track = track_id + 600; } else { error("ImuseChannel::handleIACT(): bad track_flags: %d", track_flags); } debugC(DEBUG_SMUSH, "SmushPlayer::handleIACT(): %d, %d, %d", track, index, track_flags); SmushChannel *c = _smixer->findChannel(track); if (c == 0) { c = new ImuseChannel(track, _soundFrequency); _smixer->addChannel(c); } if (index == 0) c->setParameters(nbframes, size, track_flags, unknown, 0); else c->checkParameters(index, nbframes, size, track_flags, unknown); c->appendData(b, bsize); } else { byte output_data[4096]; byte *src = (byte *)malloc(bsize); b.read(src, bsize); byte *d_src = src; byte value; while (bsize > 0) { if (_IACTpos >= 2) { int32 len = READ_BE_UINT16(_IACToutput) + 2; len -= _IACTpos; if (len > bsize) { memcpy(_IACToutput + _IACTpos, d_src, bsize); _IACTpos += bsize; bsize = 0; } else { memcpy(_IACToutput + _IACTpos, d_src, len); byte *dst = output_data; byte *d_src2 = _IACToutput; d_src2 += 2; int32 count = 1024; byte variable1 = *d_src2++; byte variable2 = variable1 / 16; variable1 &= 0x0f; do { value = *(d_src2++); if (value == 0x80) { *dst++ = *d_src2++; *dst++ = *d_src2++; } else { int16 val = (int8)value << variable2; *dst++ = val >> 8; *dst++ = (byte)(val); } value = *(d_src2++); if (value == 0x80) { *dst++ = *d_src2++; *dst++ = *d_src2++; } else { int16 val = (int8)value << variable1; *dst++ = val >> 8; *dst++ = (byte)(val); } } while (--count); if (!_IACTstream) { _IACTstream = makeAppendableAudioStream(22050, Audio::Mixer::FLAG_STEREO | Audio::Mixer::FLAG_16BITS, 400000); _vm->_mixer->playInputStream(Audio::Mixer::kSFXSoundType, &_IACTchannel, _IACTstream); } _IACTstream->append(output_data, 0x1000); bsize -= len; d_src += len; _IACTpos = 0; } } else { if (bsize > 1 && _IACTpos == 0) { *(_IACToutput + 0) = *d_src++; _IACTpos = 1; bsize--; } *(_IACToutput + _IACTpos) = *d_src++; _IACTpos++; bsize--; } } free(src); } } void SmushPlayer::handleTextResource(Chunk &b) { int pos_x = b.getShort(); int pos_y = b.getShort(); int flags = b.getShort(); int left = b.getShort(); int top = b.getShort(); int right = b.getShort(); /*int32 height =*/ b.getShort(); /*int32 unk2 =*/ b.getWord(); const char *str; char *string = NULL, *string2 = NULL; if (b.getType() == TYPE_TEXT) { string = (char *)malloc(b.getSize() - 16); str = string; b.read(string, b.getSize() - 16); } else { int string_id = b.getWord(); if (!_strings) return; str = _strings->get(string_id); } // if subtitles disabled and bit 3 is set, then do not draw if ((!_subtitles) && ((flags & 8) == 8)) return; SmushFont *sf = _sf[0]; int color = 15; while (*str == '/') { str++; // For Full Throttle text resources } byte transBuf[512]; if (_vm->_gameId == GID_CMI) { _vm->translateText((const byte *)str - 1, transBuf); while (*str++ != '/') ; string2 = (char *)transBuf; // If string2 contains formatting information there probably // wasn't any translation for it in the language.tab file. In // that case, pretend there is no string2. if (string2[0] == '^') string2[0] = 0; } while (str[0] == '^') { switch (str[1]) { case 'f': { int id = str[3] - '0'; str += 4; sf = _sf[id]; } break; case 'c': { color = str[4] - '0' + 10 *(str[3] - '0'); str += 5; } break; default: error("invalid escape code in text string"); } } // HACK. This is to prevent bug #1310846. In updated Win95 dig // there is such line: // // ^f01^c001LEAD TESTER // Chris Purvis // ^f01 // ^f01^c001WINDOWS COMPATIBILITY // Chip Hinnenberg // ^f01^c001WINDOWS TESTING // Jim Davison // Lynn Selk // // i.e. formatting exists not in the first line only // We just strip that off and assume that neither font // nor font color was altered. Proper fix would be to feed // drawString() with each line sequentally char *string3 = NULL, *sptr2; const char *sptr; if (strchr(str, '^')) { string3 = (char *)malloc(strlen(str) + 1); for (sptr = str, sptr2 = string3; *sptr;) { if (*sptr == '^') { switch (sptr[1]) { case 'f': sptr += 4; break; case 'c': sptr += 5; break; default: error("invalid escape code in text string"); } } else { *sptr2++ = *sptr++; } } *sptr2++ = *sptr++; // copy zero character str = string3; } assert(sf != NULL); sf->setColor(color); if (_vm->_gameId == GID_CMI && string2[0] != 0) { str = string2; } // flags: // bit 0 - center 1 // bit 1 - not used 2 // bit 2 - ??? 4 // bit 3 - wrap around 8 switch (flags & 9) { case 0: sf->drawString(str, _dst, _width, _height, pos_x, pos_y, false); break; case 1: sf->drawString(str, _dst, _width, _height, pos_x, MAX(pos_y, top), true); break; case 8: // FIXME: Is 'right' the maximum line width here, just // as it is in the next case? It's used several times // in The Dig's intro, where 'left' and 'right' are // always 0 and 321 respectively, and apparently we // handle that correctly. sf->drawStringWrap(str, _dst, _width, _height, pos_x, MAX(pos_y, top), left, right, false); break; case 9: // In this case, the 'right' parameter is actually the // maximum line width. This explains why it's sometimes // smaller than 'left'. // // Note that in The Dig's "Spacetime Six" movie it's // 621. I have no idea what that means. sf->drawStringWrap(str, _dst, _width, _height, pos_x, MAX(pos_y, top), left, MIN(left + right, _width), true); break; default: error("SmushPlayer::handleTextResource. Not handled flags: %d", flags); } if (string != NULL) { free (string); } if (string3 != NULL) { free (string3); } } const char *SmushPlayer::getString(int id) { return _strings->get(id); } bool SmushPlayer::readString(const char *file) { const char *i = strrchr(file, '.'); if (i == NULL) { error("invalid filename : %s", file); } char fname[260]; memcpy(fname, file, i - file); strcpy(fname + (i - file), ".trs"); if ((_strings = getStrings(_vm, fname, false)) != 0) { return true; } if ((_strings = getStrings(_vm, "digtxt.trs", true)) != 0) { return true; } return false; } void SmushPlayer::readPalette(byte *out, Chunk &in) { in.read(out, 0x300); } static byte delta_color(byte org_color, int16 delta_color) { int t = (org_color * 129 + delta_color) / 128; if (t > 255) t = 255; if (t < 0) t = 0; return (byte)t; } void SmushPlayer::handleDeltaPalette(Chunk &b) { checkBlock(b, TYPE_XPAL); debugC(DEBUG_SMUSH, "SmushPlayer::handleDeltaPalette()"); if (b.getSize() == 0x300 * 3 + 4) { b.getWord(); b.getWord(); for (int i = 0; i < 0x300; i++) { _deltaPal[i] = b.getWord(); } readPalette(_pal, b); setDirtyColors(0, 255); } else if (b.getSize() == 6) { b.getWord(); b.getWord(); b.getWord(); for (int i = 0; i < 0x300; i++) { _pal[i] = delta_color(_pal[i], _deltaPal[i]); } setDirtyColors(0, 255); } else { error("SmushPlayer::handleDeltaPalette() Wrong size for DeltaPalette"); } } void SmushPlayer::handleNewPalette(Chunk &b) { checkBlock(b, TYPE_NPAL, 0x300); debugC(DEBUG_SMUSH, "SmushPlayer::handleNewPalette()"); if (_skipPalette) return; readPalette(_pal, b); setDirtyColors(0, 255); } void smush_decode_codec1(byte *dst, const byte *src, int left, int top, int width, int height, int pitch); #ifdef USE_ZLIB void SmushPlayer::handleZlibFrameObject(Chunk &b) { if (_skipNext) { _skipNext = false; return; } int32 chunkSize = b.getSize(); byte *chunkBuffer = (byte *)malloc(chunkSize); assert(chunkBuffer); b.read(chunkBuffer, chunkSize); unsigned long decompressedSize = READ_BE_UINT32(chunkBuffer); byte *fobjBuffer = (byte *)malloc(decompressedSize); int result = uncompress(fobjBuffer, &decompressedSize, chunkBuffer + 4, chunkSize - 4); if (result != Z_OK) error("SmushPlayer::handleZlibFrameObject() Zlib uncompress error"); free(chunkBuffer); byte *ptr = fobjBuffer; int codec = READ_LE_UINT16(ptr); ptr += 2; int left = READ_LE_UINT16(ptr); ptr += 2; int top = READ_LE_UINT16(ptr); ptr += 2; int width = READ_LE_UINT16(ptr); ptr += 2; int height = READ_LE_UINT16(ptr); ptr += 2; if ((height == 242) && (width == 384)) { if (_specialBuffer == 0) _specialBuffer = (byte *)malloc(242 * 384); _dst = _specialBuffer; } else if ((height > _vm->_screenHeight) || (width > _vm->_screenWidth)) return; // FT Insane uses smaller frames to draw overlays with moving objects // Other .san files do have them as well but their purpose in unknown // and often it causes memory overdraw. So just skip those frames else if (!_insanity && ((height != _vm->_screenHeight) || (width != _vm->_screenWidth))) return; if (!_alreadyInit) { _codec37.init(width, height); _codec47.init(width, height); _alreadyInit = true; } if ((height == 242) && (width == 384)) { _width = width; _height = height; } else { _width = _vm->_screenWidth; _height = _vm->_screenHeight; } switch (codec) { case 1: case 3: smush_decode_codec1(_dst, fobjBuffer + 14, left, top, width, height, _vm->_screenWidth); break; case 37: _codec37.decode(_dst, fobjBuffer + 14); break; case 47: _codec47.decode(_dst, fobjBuffer + 14); break; default: error("Invalid codec for frame object : %d", (int)codec); } if (_storeFrame) { if (_frameBuffer == NULL) { _frameBuffer = (byte *)malloc(_width * _height); } memcpy(_frameBuffer, _dst, _width * _height); _storeFrame = false; } free(fobjBuffer); } #endif void SmushPlayer::handleFrameObject(Chunk &b) { checkBlock(b, TYPE_FOBJ, 14); if (_skipNext) { _skipNext = false; return; } int codec = b.getWord(); int left = b.getWord(); int top = b.getWord(); int width = b.getWord(); int height = b.getWord(); if ((height == 242) && (width == 384)) { if (_specialBuffer == 0) _specialBuffer = (byte *)malloc(242 * 384); _dst = _specialBuffer; } else if ((height > _vm->_screenHeight) || (width > _vm->_screenWidth)) return; // FT Insane uses smaller frames to draw overlays with moving objects // Other .san files do have them as well but their purpose in unknown // and often it causes memory overdraw. So just skip those frames else if (!_insanity && ((height != _vm->_screenHeight) || (width != _vm->_screenWidth))) return; if (!_alreadyInit) { _codec37.init(width, height); _codec47.init(width, height); _alreadyInit = true; } if ((height == 242) && (width == 384)) { _width = width; _height = height; } else { _width = _vm->_screenWidth; _height = _vm->_screenHeight; } b.getWord(); b.getWord(); int32 chunk_size = b.getSize() - 14; byte *chunk_buffer = (byte *)malloc(chunk_size); assert(chunk_buffer); b.read(chunk_buffer, chunk_size); switch (codec) { case 1: case 3: smush_decode_codec1(_dst, chunk_buffer, left, top, width, height, _vm->_screenWidth); break; case 37: _codec37.decode(_dst, chunk_buffer); break; case 47: _codec47.decode(_dst, chunk_buffer); break; default: error("Invalid codec for frame object : %d", (int)codec); } if (_storeFrame) { if (_frameBuffer == NULL) { _frameBuffer = (byte *)malloc(_width * _height); } memcpy(_frameBuffer, _dst, _width * _height); _storeFrame = false; } free(chunk_buffer); } void SmushPlayer::handleFrame(Chunk &b) { checkBlock(b, TYPE_FRME); debugC(DEBUG_SMUSH, "SmushPlayer::handleFrame(%d)", _frame); _skipNext = false; uint32 start_time, end_time; start_time = _vm->_system->getMillis(); if (_insanity) { _vm->_insane->procPreRendering(); } while (!b.eof()) { Chunk *sub = b.subBlock(); switch (sub->getType()) { case TYPE_NPAL: handleNewPalette(*sub); break; case TYPE_FOBJ: handleFrameObject(*sub); break; #ifdef USE_ZLIB case TYPE_ZFOB: handleZlibFrameObject(*sub); break; #endif case TYPE_PSAD: if (!_compressedFileMode) handleSoundFrame(*sub); break; case TYPE_TRES: handleTextResource(*sub); break; case TYPE_XPAL: handleDeltaPalette(*sub); break; case TYPE_IACT: // FIXME: check parameters if (_insanity) _vm->_insane->procIACT(_dst, 0, 0, 0, *sub, 0, 0); else { if (!_compressedFileMode) handleIACT(*sub); } break; case TYPE_STOR: handleStore(*sub); break; case TYPE_FTCH: handleFetch(*sub); break; case TYPE_SKIP: if (_insanity) _vm->_insane->procSKIP(*sub); else handleSkip(*sub); break; case TYPE_TEXT: handleTextResource(*sub); break; default: error("Unknown frame subChunk found : %s, %d", Chunk::ChunkString(sub->getType()), sub->getSize()); } b.reseek(); if (sub->getSize() & 1) b.seek(1); delete sub; } if (_insanity) { _vm->_insane->procPostRendering(_dst, 0, 0, 0, _frame, _nbframes-1); } end_time = _vm->_system->getMillis(); if (_width != 0 && _height != 0) { #ifdef _WIN32_WCE if (!_inTimer || _inTimerCount == _inTimerCountRedraw) { updateScreen(); _inTimerCount = 0; } #else updateScreen(); #endif } _smixer->handleFrame(); debugC(DEBUG_SMUSH, "Smush stats: FRME( %03d ), Limit(%d)", end_time - start_time, _speed); _frame++; } void SmushPlayer::handleAnimHeader(Chunk &b) { checkBlock(b, TYPE_AHDR, 0x300 + 6); debugC(DEBUG_SMUSH, "SmushPlayer::handleAnimHeader()"); _version = b.getWord(); _nbframes = b.getWord(); b.getWord(); if (_skipPalette) return; readPalette(_pal, b); setDirtyColors(0, 255); } void SmushPlayer::setupAnim(const char *file) { int i; char file_font[11]; if (_insanity) { if (!((_vm->_features & GF_DEMO) && (_vm->_platform == Common::kPlatformPC))) readString("mineroad.trs"); } else readString(file); if (_vm->_gameId == GID_FT) { if (!((_vm->_features & GF_DEMO) && (_vm->_platform == Common::kPlatformPC))) { _sf[0] = new SmushFont(_vm, true, false); _sf[1] = new SmushFont(_vm, true, false); _sf[2] = new SmushFont(_vm, true, false); _sf[3] = new SmushFont(_vm, true, false); _sf[0]->loadFont("scummfnt.nut"); _sf[1]->loadFont("techfnt.nut"); _sf[2]->loadFont("titlfnt.nut"); _sf[3]->loadFont("specfnt.nut"); } } else if (_vm->_gameId == GID_DIG) { if (!(_vm->_features & GF_DEMO)) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sprintf(file_font, "font%d.nut", i); _sf[i] = new SmushFont(_vm, i != 0, false); _sf[i]->loadFont(file_font); } } } else if (_vm->_gameId == GID_CMI) { for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if ((_vm->_features & GF_DEMO) && (i == 4)) break; sprintf(file_font, "font%d.nut", i); _sf[i] = new SmushFont(_vm, false, true); _sf[i]->loadFont(file_font); } } else { error("SmushPlayer::setupAnim() Unknown font setup for game"); } } void SmushPlayer::parseNextFrame() { Common::StackLock lock(_mutex); Chunk *sub; if (_vm->_smushPaused) return; if (_seekPos >= 0) { if (_smixer) _smixer->stop(); if (_seekFile.size() > 0) { delete _base; _base = new FileChunk(_seekFile); if (_seekPos > 0) { assert(_seekPos > 8); // In this case we need to get palette and number of frames sub = _base->subBlock(); checkBlock(*sub, TYPE_AHDR); handleAnimHeader(*sub); delete sub; _middleAudio = true; _seekPos -= 8; } else { // We need this in Full Throttle when entering/leaving // the old mine road. tryCmpFile(_seekFile.c_str()); } _skipPalette = false; } else { _skipPalette = true; } _base->seek(_seekPos, FileChunk::seek_start); _frame = _seekFrame; _seekPos = -1; } assert(_base); if (_base->eof()) { _vm->_smushVideoShouldFinish = true; return; } sub = _base->subBlock(); switch (sub->getType()) { case TYPE_AHDR: // FT INSANE may seek file to the beginning handleAnimHeader(*sub); break; case TYPE_FRME: handleFrame(*sub); break; default: error("Unknown Chunk found at %x: %x, %d", _base->tell(), sub->getType(), sub->getSize()); } delete sub; _base->reseek(); if (_insanity) _vm->_sound->processSound(); _vm->_imuseDigital->flushTracks(); } void SmushPlayer::setPalette(const byte *palette) { memcpy(_pal, palette, 0x300); setDirtyColors(0, 255); } void SmushPlayer::setPaletteValue(int n, byte r, byte g, byte b) { _pal[n * 3 + 0] = r; _pal[n * 3 + 1] = g; _pal[n * 3 + 2] = b; setDirtyColors(n, n); } void SmushPlayer::setDirtyColors(int min, int max) { if (_palDirtyMin > min) _palDirtyMin = min; if (_palDirtyMax < max) _palDirtyMax = max; } void SmushPlayer::warpMouse(int x, int y, int buttons) { _warpNeeded = true; _warpX = x; _warpY = y; _warpButtons = buttons; } void SmushPlayer::updateScreen() { #ifdef DUMP_SMUSH_FRAMES char fileName[100]; // change path below for dump png files sprintf(fileName, "/path/to/somethere/%s%04d.png", _vm->getBaseName(), _frame); FILE *file = fopen(fileName, "wb"); if (file == NULL) error("can't open file for writing png"); png_structp png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, 0, 0, 0); if (png_ptr == NULL) { fclose(file); error("can't write png header"); } png_infop info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); if (info_ptr == NULL) { fclose(file); error("can't create png info struct"); } if (setjmp(png_ptr->jmpbuf)) { fclose(file); error("png jmpbuf error"); } png_init_io(png_ptr, file); png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, _width, _height, 8, PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_DEFAULT); png_colorp palette = (png_colorp)png_malloc(png_ptr, PNG_MAX_PALETTE_LENGTH * sizeof (png_color)); for (int i = 0; i != 256; ++i) { (palette + i)->red = _pal[i * 3 + 0]; (palette + i)->green = _pal[i * 3 + 1]; (palette + i)->blue = _pal[i * 3 + 2]; } png_set_PLTE(png_ptr, info_ptr, palette, PNG_MAX_PALETTE_LENGTH); png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); png_set_flush(png_ptr, 10); png_bytep row_pointers[480]; for (int y = 0 ; y < _height ; y++) row_pointers[y] = (png_byte *) (_dst + y * _width); png_write_image(png_ptr, row_pointers); png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr); png_free(png_ptr, palette); fclose(file); png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr); #endif uint32 end_time, start_time = _vm->_system->getMillis(); _updateNeeded = true; end_time = _vm->_system->getMillis(); debugC(DEBUG_SMUSH, "Smush stats: updateScreen( %03d )", end_time - start_time); } void SmushPlayer::insanity(bool flag) { _insanity = flag; } void SmushPlayer::seekSan(const char *file, int32 pos, int32 contFrame) { Common::StackLock lock(_mutex); _seekFile = file ? file : ""; _seekPos = pos; _seekFrame = contFrame; } void SmushPlayer::tryCmpFile(const char *filename) { if (_compressedFile.isOpen()) { _vm->_mixer->stopHandle(_compressedFileSoundHandle); _compressedFile.close(); } _compressedFileMode = false; const char *i = strrchr(filename, '.'); if (i == NULL) { error("invalid filename : %s", filename); } #if defined(USE_MAD) || defined(USE_VORBIS) char fname[260]; #endif #ifdef USE_MAD memcpy(fname, filename, i - filename); strcpy(fname + (i - filename), ".mp3"); _compressedFile.open(fname); if (_compressedFile.isOpen()) { int size = _compressedFile.size(); _compressedFileMode = true; _vm->_mixer->playInputStream(Audio::Mixer::kSFXSoundType, &_compressedFileSoundHandle, makeMP3Stream(&_compressedFile, size)); return; } #endif #ifdef USE_VORBIS memcpy(fname, filename, i - filename); strcpy(fname + (i - filename), ".ogg"); _compressedFile.open(fname); if (_compressedFile.isOpen()) { int size = _compressedFile.size(); _compressedFileMode = true; _vm->_mixer->playInputStream(Audio::Mixer::kSFXSoundType, &_compressedFileSoundHandle, makeVorbisStream(&_compressedFile, size)); return; } #endif } void SmushPlayer::play(const char *filename, int32 offset, int32 startFrame) { // Verify the specified file exists ScummFile f; _vm->openFile(f, filename); if (!f.isOpen()) { warning("SmushPlayer::play() File not found %s", filename); return; } f.close(); _updateNeeded = false; _warpNeeded = false; _palDirtyMin = 256; _palDirtyMax = -1; // Hide mouse bool oldMouseState = _vm->_system->showMouse(false); // Load the video _seekFile = filename; _seekPos = offset; _seekFrame = startFrame; _base = 0; setupAnim(filename); init(); for (;;) { if (_warpNeeded) { _vm->_system->warpMouse(_warpX, _warpY); _warpNeeded = false; } _vm->parseEvents(); _vm->processKbd(true); if (_palDirtyMax >= _palDirtyMin) { byte palette_colors[1024]; byte *p = palette_colors; for (int i = _palDirtyMin; i <= _palDirtyMax; i++) { byte *data = _pal + i * 3; *p++ = data[0]; *p++ = data[1]; *p++ = data[2]; *p++ = 0; } _vm->_system->setPalette(palette_colors, _palDirtyMin, _palDirtyMax - _palDirtyMin + 1); _palDirtyMax = -1; _palDirtyMin = 256; } if (_updateNeeded) { uint32 end_time, start_time; start_time = _vm->_system->getMillis(); _vm->_system->copyRectToScreen(_dst, _width, 0, 0, _width, _height); _vm->_system->updateScreen(); _updateNeeded = false; #ifdef _WIN32_WCE _inTimer = false; _inTimerCount = 0; #endif end_time = _vm->_system->getMillis(); debugC(DEBUG_SMUSH, "Smush stats: BackendUpdateScreen( %03d )", end_time - start_time); } if (_vm->_smushVideoShouldFinish || _vm->_quit || _vm->_saveLoadFlag) break; _vm->_system->delayMillis(10); } release(); // Reset mouse state _vm->_system->showMouse(oldMouseState); } } // End of namespace Scumm