/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter
 * Copyright (C) 2001  Ludvig Strigeus
 * Copyright (C) 2001-2005 The ScummVM project
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 * $Header$

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "scumm/actor.h"
#include "scumm/imuse.h"
#include "scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse.h"
#include "scumm/scumm.h"
#include "scumm/saveload.h"
#include "scumm/sound.h"

#include "common/config-manager.h"
#include "common/system.h"
#include "common/timer.h"
#include "common/util.h"

#include "sound/audiocd.h"
#include "sound/mididrv.h"
#include "sound/mixer.h"
#include "sound/mp3.h"
#include "sound/voc.h"
#include "sound/vorbis.h"
#include "sound/flac.h"

namespace Scumm {

struct MP3OffsetTable {					/* Compressed Sound (.SO3) */
	int org_offset;
	int new_offset;
	int num_tags;
	int compressed_size;

Sound::Sound(ScummEngine *parent)
	_sfxMode(0) {
	memset(_soundQue, 0, sizeof(_soundQue));
	memset(_soundQue2, 0, sizeof(_soundQue2));
	memset(_mouthSyncTimes, 0, sizeof(_mouthSyncTimes));

Sound::~Sound() {
	delete _sfxFile;

void Sound::addSoundToQueue(int sound, int heOffset, int heChannel, int heFlags) {
	_vm->VAR(_vm->VAR_LAST_SOUND) = sound;
	// HE music resources are in separate file
	if (sound <= _vm->_numSounds)
		_vm->ensureResourceLoaded(rtSound, sound);
	addSoundToQueue2(sound, heOffset, heChannel, heFlags);

void Sound::addSoundToQueue2(int sound, int heOffset, int heChannel, int heFlags) {
	if ((_vm->_features & GF_HUMONGOUS) && _soundQue2Pos) {
		int i = _soundQue2Pos;
		while (i--) {
			if (_soundQue2[i].sound == sound)

	assert(_soundQue2Pos < ARRAYSIZE(_soundQue2));
	_soundQue2[_soundQue2Pos].sound = sound;
	_soundQue2[_soundQue2Pos].offset = heOffset;
	_soundQue2[_soundQue2Pos].channel = heChannel;
	_soundQue2[_soundQue2Pos].flags = heFlags;

void Sound::processSoundQues() {
	int i = 0, num;
	int snd, heOffset, heChannel, heFlags;
	int data[16];


	if (_vm->_features & GF_DIGI_IMUSE)

	while (_soundQue2Pos) {
		snd = _soundQue2[_soundQue2Pos].sound;
		heOffset = _soundQue2[_soundQue2Pos].offset;
		heChannel = _soundQue2[_soundQue2Pos].channel;
		heFlags = _soundQue2[_soundQue2Pos].flags;
		if (snd)
			playSound(snd, heOffset, heChannel, heFlags);

	while (i < _soundQuePos) {
		num = _soundQue[i++];
		if (i + num > _soundQuePos) {
			warning("processSoundQues: invalid num value");
		memset(data, 0, sizeof(data));
		if (num > 0) {
			for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
				data[j] = _soundQue[i + j];
			i += num;

			debugC(DEBUG_IMUSE, "processSoundQues(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)",
						data[0] >> 8, data[0] & 0xFF,
						data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7]);

			if (_vm->_imuse) {
				_vm->VAR(_vm->VAR_SOUNDRESULT) = (short)_vm->_imuse->doCommand (num, data);
	_soundQuePos = 0;

void Sound::setOverrideFreq(int freq) {
	_overrideFreq = freq;

void Sound::playSound(int soundID, int heOffset, int heChannel, int heFlags) {
	byte *ptr;
	char *sound;
	int size = -1;
	int rate;
	byte flags = SoundMixer::FLAG_UNSIGNED | SoundMixer::FLAG_AUTOFREE;
	bool music = false;
	if (_vm->_heversion >= 70 && soundID > _vm->_numSounds) {
		debug(0, "playSound #%d", soundID);

		int music_offs, total_size;
		uint tracks, skip = 0;
		char buf[32];
		File musicFile;

		sprintf(buf, "%s.he4", _vm->getGameName());
		if (musicFile.open(buf) == false) {
			warning("playSound: Music file is not open");
		musicFile.seek(4, SEEK_SET);
		total_size = musicFile.readUint32BE();
		musicFile.seek(+8, SEEK_CUR);
		tracks = musicFile.readUint32LE();

		if (soundID >= 8500)
			skip = (soundID - 8500);
		else if (soundID >= 8000)
			skip = (soundID - 8000);
		else if	(soundID >= 4000)
			skip = (soundID - 4000);
		if (skip > tracks - 1)
			skip = 0;

		musicFile.seek(+28, SEEK_CUR);
		if (musicFile.readUint32LE() == TO_LE_32(MKID('SGEN'))) {
			// Skip to correct music header
			skip *= 21;

			// Skip to offsets
			musicFile.seek(+8, SEEK_CUR);
		} else {
			// Rewind
			musicFile.seek(-28, SEEK_CUR);

			// Skip to correct music header
			skip *= 25;

		musicFile.seek(+skip, SEEK_CUR);
		music_offs = musicFile.readUint32LE();
		size = musicFile.readUint32LE();

		if (music_offs > total_size || (size + music_offs > total_size) || size < 0) {
			warning("playSound: Invalid music offset (%d) in music %d", soundID);

		musicFile.seek(music_offs, SEEK_SET);
		ptr = (byte *)malloc(size);
		musicFile.read(ptr, size);

		_currentMusic = soundID;
		music = true;
		if (_vm->_heversion == 70) {
			// Allocate a sound buffer, copy the data into it, and play
			_vm->_mixer->playRaw(&_musicChannelHandle, ptr, size, 11025, flags, soundID);
	} else {
		debugC(DEBUG_SOUND, "playSound #%d (room %d)", soundID, 
			_vm->getResourceRoomNr(rtSound, soundID));

		ptr = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtSound, soundID);

	if (!ptr) {

	// Support for SFX in Monkey Island 1, Mac version
	// This is rather hackish right now, but works OK. SFX are not sounding
	// 100% correct, though, not sure right now what is causing this.
	else if (READ_UINT32(ptr) == MKID('Mac1')) {

		// Read info from the header
		size = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr+0x60);
		rate = READ_BE_UINT16(ptr+0x64);

		// Skip over the header (fixed size)
		ptr += 0x72;

		// Allocate a sound buffer, copy the data into it, and play
		sound = (char *)malloc(size);
		memcpy(sound, ptr, size);
		_vm->_mixer->playRaw(NULL, sound, size, rate, flags, soundID);
	// Support for Putt-Putt sounds - very hackish, too 8-)
	else if (READ_UINT32(ptr) == MKID('DIGI') || READ_UINT32(ptr) == MKID('TALK') || READ_UINT32(ptr) == MKID('HSHD')) {
		if (READ_UINT32(ptr) == MKID('HSHD')) {
			rate = READ_LE_UINT16(ptr + 14);
			ptr += READ_BE_UINT32(ptr + 4);
		} else {
			rate = READ_LE_UINT16(ptr + 22);
			ptr += 8 + READ_BE_UINT32(ptr + 12);

		if (READ_UINT32(ptr) == MKID('SBNG')) {
			ptr += READ_BE_UINT32(ptr + 4);
			warning("playSound: Skipped SBNG block");

		if (READ_UINT32(ptr) != MKID('SDAT')) {
			warning("playSound: Invalid sound %d", soundID);
			return;	// abort

		size = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr+4) - 8;
		if (heOffset < 0 || heOffset > size) {
			warning("playSound: Invalid sound offset (%d) in sound %d", heOffset, soundID);
			heOffset = 0;
		size -= heOffset;

		if (_overrideFreq) {
			// Used by the piano in Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise
			rate = _overrideFreq;
			_overrideFreq = 0;

		// TODO: Set sound channel based on heChannel
		if (heFlags & 1)
			flags |= SoundMixer::FLAG_LOOP;

		// Allocate a sound buffer, copy the data into it, and play
		sound = (char *)malloc(size);
		memcpy(sound, ptr + heOffset + 8, size);

		if (music == true) {
			_vm->_mixer->playRaw(&_musicChannelHandle, sound, size, rate, flags, soundID);
		} else
			_vm->_mixer->playRaw(NULL, sound, size, rate, flags, soundID);
	else if (READ_UINT32(ptr) == MKID('MRAW')) {
		// pcm music in 3DO humongous games
		ptr += 8 + READ_BE_UINT32(ptr+12);
		if (READ_UINT32(ptr) != MKID('SDAT'))

		size = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr+4) - 8;
		rate = 22050;
		flags = SoundMixer::FLAG_AUTOFREE;

		// Allocate a sound buffer, copy the data into it, and play
		sound = (char *)malloc(size);
		memcpy(sound, ptr + 8, size);
		_currentMusic = soundID;
		_vm->_mixer->playRaw(&_musicChannelHandle, sound, size, rate, flags, soundID);
	// Support for sampled sound effects in Monkey Island 1 and 2
	else if (READ_UINT32(ptr) == MKID('SBL ')) {
		debugC(DEBUG_SOUND, "Using SBL sound effect");
		// SBL resources essentially contain VOC sound data.
		// There are at least two main variants: in one,
		// there are two subchunks AUhd and AUdt, in the other
		// the chunks are called WVhd and WVdt. Besides that,
		// the two variants seem pretty similiar.
		// The first subchunk (AUhd resp. WVhd) seems to always
		// contain three bytes (00 00 80) of unknown meaning.
		// After that, a second subchunk contains VOC data.
		// Two real examples:
		// 53 42 4c 20 00 00 11 ae  |SBL ....|
		// 41 55 68 64 00 00 00 03  |AUhd....|
		// 00 00 80 41 55 64 74 00  |...AUdt.|
		// 00 11 9b 01 96 11 00 a6  |........|
		// 00 7f 7f 7e 7e 7e 7e 7e  |...~~~~~|
		// 7e 7f 7f 80 80 7f 7f 7f  |~.......|
		// 7f 80 80 7f 7e 7d 7d 7e  |....~}}~|
		// 7e 7e 7e 7e 7e 7e 7e 7f  |~~~~~~~.|
		// And from the non-interactive Sam & Max demo:
		// 53 42 4c 20 00 01 15 6e  |SBL ...n|
		// 57 56 68 64 00 00 00 03  |WVhd....|
		// 00 00 80 57 56 64 74 00  |...WVdt.|
		// 01 15 5b 01 56 15 01 a6  |..[.V...|
		// 00 80 80 80 80 80 80 80  |........|
		// 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80  |........|
		// 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80  |........|
		// 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80  |........|

		size = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr + 4) - 27;
		ptr += 27;

		// Fingolfin says: after eyeballing a single SEGA
		// SBL resource, it would seem as if the content of the
		// data subchunk (AUdt) is XORed with 0x16. At least
		// then a semi-sane VOC header is revealed, with
		// a sampling rate of ~25000 Hz (does that make sense?).
		// I'll add some code to test that theory for now.

		// Check if the resource has already been demangled
		if ((_vm->_gameId == GID_MONKEY_SEGA) && (ptr[0] != 1))	{
			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)   {
				ptr[i] ^= 0x16;
				if (ptr[i] >= 0x7F)   {
				  ptr[i] = 0xFE - ptr[i];
				  ptr[i] ^= 0x80;
		// TODO: It would be nice if we could use readVOCFromMemory() here.
		// We'd have to add the 'Creative Voice File' header for this, though,
		// or make readVOCFromMemory() less strict.

		VocBlockHeader &voc_block_hdr = *(VocBlockHeader *)ptr;
		assert(voc_block_hdr.blocktype == 1);
		size = voc_block_hdr.size[0] + (voc_block_hdr.size[1] << 8) + (voc_block_hdr.size[2] << 16) - 2;
		rate = getSampleRateFromVOCRate(voc_block_hdr.sr);
		assert(voc_block_hdr.pack == 0);

		// Allocate a sound buffer, copy the data into it, and play
		sound = (char *)malloc(size);
		memcpy(sound, ptr + 6, size);
		_vm->_mixer->playRaw(NULL, sound, size, rate, flags, soundID);
	else if ((_vm->_features & GF_FMTOWNS && _vm->_version == 3) || READ_UINT32(ptr) == MKID('SOUN') || READ_UINT32(ptr) == MKID('TOWS')) {

		bool tows = READ_UINT32(ptr) == MKID('TOWS');
		if (_vm->_version == 3) {
			size = READ_LE_UINT32(ptr);
		} else {
			size = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr + 4) - 2;
			if (tows)
				size += 8;
			ptr += 2;

		rate = 11025;
		int type = *(ptr + 0x0D);
		int numInstruments;

		if (tows)
			type = 0;

		switch (type) {
		case 0:	// Sound effect
			numInstruments = *(ptr + 0x14);
			if (tows)
				numInstruments = 1;
			ptr += 0x16;
			size -= 0x16;

			while (numInstruments--) {
				int waveSize = READ_LE_UINT32(ptr + 0x0C);
				int loopStart = READ_LE_UINT32(ptr + 0x10) * 2;
				int loopEnd = READ_LE_UINT32(ptr + 0x14) - 1;
				rate = READ_LE_UINT32(ptr + 0x18) * 1000 / 0x62;
				ptr += 0x20;
				size -= 0x20;
				if (size < waveSize) {
					warning("Wrong wave size in sound #%i: %i", soundID, waveSize);
					waveSize = size;
				sound = (char *)malloc(waveSize);
				for (int x = 0; x < waveSize; x++) {
					int b = *ptr++;
					if (b < 0x80)
						sound[x] = 0x7F - b;
						sound[x] = b;
				size -= waveSize;

				if (loopEnd > 0)
					flags |= SoundMixer::FLAG_LOOP;

				_vm->_mixer->playRaw(NULL, sound, waveSize, rate, flags, soundID, 255, 0, loopStart, loopEnd);
		case 1:
		case 255:	// 255 is the type used in Indy3 FM-TOWNS
			// Music (Euphony format)
			if (_vm->_musicEngine)
		case 2: // CD track resource
			ptr += 0x16;

			if (soundID == _currentCDSound)
				if (pollCD() == 1)

				int track = ptr[0];
				int loops = ptr[1];
				int start = (ptr[2] * 60 + ptr[3]) * 75 + ptr[4];
				int end = (ptr[5] * 60 + ptr[6]) * 75 + ptr[7];

				playCDTrack(track, loops == 0xff ? -1 : loops, start, end <= start ? 0 : end - start);

			_currentCDSound = soundID;
		default: // Unsupported sound type
			warning("Unsupported sound sub-type %d", type);
	else if ((_vm->_gameId == GID_LOOM) && (_vm->_features & GF_MACINTOSH))  {
		// Mac version of Loom uses yet another sound format
		playSound #9 (room 70)
		000000: 55 00 00 45  73 6f 00 64  01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00   |U..Eso.d........|
		000010: 00 05 00 8e  2a 8f 2d 1c  2a 8f 2a 8f  2d 1c 00 28   |....*.-.*.*.-..(|
		000020: 00 31 00 3a  00 43 00 4c  00 01 00 00  00 01 00 64   |.1.:.C.L.......d|
		000030: 5a 00 01 00  00 00 01 00  64 00 00 01  00 00 00 01   |Z.......d.......|
		000040: 00 64 5a 00  01 00 00 00  01 00 64 5a  00 01 00 00   |.dZ.......dZ....|
		000050: 00 01 00 64  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 07  00 00 00 64   |...d...........d|
		000060: 64 00 00 4e  73 6f 00 64  01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00   |d..Nso.d........|
		000070: 00 05 00 89  3d 57 2d 1c  3d 57 3d 57  2d 1c 00 28   |....=W-.=W=W-..(|
		playSound #16 (room 69)
		000000: dc 00 00 a5  73 6f 00 64  01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00   |....so.d........|
		000010: 00 05 00 00  2a 8f 03 e8  03 e8 03 e8  03 e8 00 28   |....*..........(|
		000020: 00 79 00 7f  00 85 00 d6  00 01 00 00  00 19 01 18   |.y..............|
		000030: 2f 00 18 00  01 18 32 00  18 00 01 18  36 00 18 00   |/.....2.....6...|
		000040: 01 18 3b 00  18 00 01 18  3e 00 18 00  01 18 42 00   |..;.....>.....B.|
		000050: 18 00 01 18  47 00 18 00  01 18 4a 00  18 00 01 18   |....G.....J.....|
		000060: 4e 00 10 00  01 18 53 00  10 00 01 18  56 00 10 00   |N.....S.....V...|
		000070: 01 18 5a 00  10 00 02 28  5f 00 01 00  00 00 00 00   |..Z....(_.......|
	else if ((_vm->_features & GF_MACINTOSH) && (_vm->_gameId == GID_INDY3) && (ptr[26] == 0)) {
		size = READ_BE_UINT16(ptr + 12);
		rate = 3579545 / READ_BE_UINT16(ptr + 20);
		sound = (char *)malloc(size);
		int vol = ptr[24] * 4;
		memcpy(sound,ptr + READ_BE_UINT16(ptr + 8), size);
		_vm->_mixer->playRaw(NULL, sound, size, rate, SoundMixer::FLAG_AUTOFREE, soundID, vol, 0);
	else {
		if (_vm->_gameId == GID_MONKEY_VGA || _vm->_gameId == GID_MONKEY_EGA
			|| (_vm->_gameId == GID_MONKEY && _vm->_features & GF_MACINTOSH)) {
			// Sound is currently not supported at all in the amiga versions of these games
			if (_vm->_features & GF_AMIGA) {
				int track = -1;
				if (soundID == 50)
					track = 17;
				else if (ptr[6] == 0x7F && ptr[7] == 0x00 && ptr[8] == 0x80) {
					static const char tracks[16] = {13,14,10,3,4,9,16,5,1,8,2,15,6,7,11,12};
					if (ptr[9] == 0x0E)
						track = 18;
						track = tracks[ptr[9] - 0x23];
				if (track != -1) {
					playCDTrack(track,((track < 5) || (track > 16)) ? 1 : -1,0,0);
					_currentCDSound = soundID;
			// Works around the fact that in some places in MonkeyEGA/VGA,
			// the music is never explicitly stopped.
			// Rather it seems that starting a new music is supposed to
			// automatically stop the old song.
			if (_vm->_imuse) {
				if (READ_UINT32(ptr) != MKID('ASFX'))
		if (_vm->_musicEngine) {

void Sound::processSfxQueues() {

	if (_talk_sound_mode != 0) {
		if (_talk_sound_mode & 1)
			startTalkSound(_talk_sound_a1, _talk_sound_b1, 1);
		if (_talk_sound_mode & 2)
			startTalkSound(_talk_sound_a2, _talk_sound_b2, 2, &_talkChannelHandle);
		_talk_sound_mode = 0;

	const int act = _vm->getTalkingActor();
	if ((_sfxMode & 2) && act != 0) {
		Actor *a;
		bool finished;

		if (_vm->_imuseDigital) {
			finished = !isSoundRunning(kTalkSoundID);
		} else {
			finished = !_talkChannelHandle.isActive();

		if ((uint) act < 0x80 && ((_vm->_version == 8) || (_vm->_version <= 7 && !_vm->_string[0].no_talk_anim))) {
			a = _vm->derefActor(act, "processSfxQueues");
			if (a->isInCurrentRoom()) {
				if (isMouthSyncOff(_curSoundPos) && !_mouthSyncMode) {
					if (!_endOfMouthSync)
					_mouthSyncMode = 0;
				} else  if (isMouthSyncOff(_curSoundPos) == 0 && !_mouthSyncMode) {
					_mouthSyncMode = 1;

				if (_vm->_version <= 6 && finished)

		if ((!ConfMan.getBool("subtitles") && finished && _vm->_version <= 6) || (finished && _vm->_talkDelay == 0)) {
			if (!(_vm->_version == 8 && _vm->VAR(_vm->VAR_HAVE_MSG) == 0))

	if (_sfxMode & 1) {
		if (isSfxFinished()) {
			_sfxMode &= ~1;

static int compareMP3OffsetTable(const void *a, const void *b) {
	return ((const MP3OffsetTable *)a)->org_offset - ((const MP3OffsetTable *)b)->org_offset;

void Sound::startTalkSound(uint32 offset, uint32 b, int mode, PlayingSoundHandle *handle) {
	int num = 0, i;
	int size = 0;
	byte *sound;
	int id = -1;

	if (_vm->_gameId == GID_CMI) {
		_sfxMode |= mode;
	} else if (_vm->_gameId == GID_DIG) {
		_sfxMode |= mode;
		if (!(_vm->_features & GF_DEMO))

		char filename[30];
		char roomname[10];

		if (offset == 1)
			strcpy(roomname, "logo");
		else if (offset == 15)
			strcpy(roomname, "canyon");
		else if (offset == 17)
			strcpy(roomname, "pig");
		else if (offset == 18)
			strcpy(roomname, "derelict");
		else if (offset == 19)
			strcpy(roomname, "wreck");
		else if (offset == 20)
			strcpy(roomname, "grave");
		else if (offset == 23)
			strcpy(roomname, "nexus");
		else if (offset == 79)
			strcpy(roomname, "newton");
		else {
			warning("startTalkSound: dig demo: unknown room number: %d", offset);

		sprintf(filename, "audio/%s.%d/%d.voc", roomname, offset, b);
		_vm->openFile(*_sfxFile, filename);
		if (!_sfxFile->isOpen()) {
			sprintf(filename, "%d.%d.voc", offset, b);
			_vm->openFile(*_sfxFile, filename);
		if (!_sfxFile->isOpen()) {
			warning("startTalkSound: dig demo: voc file not found");
	} else {

		if (!_sfxFile->isOpen()) {
			warning("startTalkSound: SFX file is not open");

		if (_vm->_features & GF_HUMONGOUS) {
			int extra = 0;
			_sfxMode |= mode;

			// Skip the TALK (8) and HSHD (24) chunks
			_sfxFile->seek(offset + 32, SEEK_SET);

			if (_sfxFile->readUint32LE() == TO_LE_32(MKID('SBNG'))) {
				warning("startTalkSound: Skipped SBNG block");
				// Skip the SBNG, so we end up at the SDAT chunk
				extra = _sfxFile->readUint32BE();
				_sfxFile->seek(extra - 4, SEEK_CUR);
				size = _sfxFile->readUint32BE() - 8;
			} else {
				_sfxFile->seek(+4, SEEK_CUR);
				size = b - 40;

			sound = (byte *)malloc(size);
			_sfxFile->read(sound, size);
			_vm->_mixer->playRaw(handle, sound, size, 11000, SoundMixer::FLAG_UNSIGNED | SoundMixer::FLAG_AUTOFREE);

		// Some games frequently assume that starting one sound effect will
		// automatically stop any other that may be playing at that time. So
		// that is what we do here, but we make an exception for speech.

		if (mode == 1 && (_vm->_gameId == GID_TENTACLE || _vm->_gameId == GID_SAMNMAX)) {
			id = 777777 + _talk_sound_channel;

		if (b > 8) {
			num = (b - 8) >> 1;

		if (_offsetTable != NULL) {
			MP3OffsetTable *result = NULL, key;
			key.org_offset = offset;
			result = (MP3OffsetTable *)bsearch(&key, _offsetTable, _numSoundEffects,
													sizeof(MP3OffsetTable), compareMP3OffsetTable);

			if (result == NULL) {
				warning("startTalkSound: did not find sound at offset %d !", offset);
			if (2 * num != result->num_tags) {
				warning("startTalkSound: number of tags do not match (%d - %d) !", b,
				num = result->num_tags;
			offset = result->new_offset;
			size = result->compressed_size;
		} else {
			offset += 8;
			size = -1;

		_sfxFile->seek(offset, SEEK_SET);

		assert(num + 1 < (int)ARRAYSIZE(_mouthSyncTimes));
		for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
			_mouthSyncTimes[i] = _sfxFile->readUint16BE();
		_mouthSyncTimes[i] = 0xFFFF;
		_sfxMode |= mode;
		_curSoundPos = 0;
		_mouthSyncMode = true;

	if (!_soundsPaused && _vm->_mixer->isReady()) {
		AudioStream *input = NULL;
		switch (_soundMode) {
		case kMP3Mode:
	#ifdef USE_MAD
			assert(size > 0);
			input = makeMP3Stream(_sfxFile, size);
		case kVorbisMode:
	#ifdef USE_VORBIS
			assert(size > 0);
			input = makeVorbisStream(_sfxFile, size);
		case kFlacMode:
	#ifdef USE_FLAC
			assert(size > 0);
			input = makeFlacStream(_sfxFile, size);
			input = makeVOCStream(*_sfxFile);
		if (!input) {
			warning("startSfxSound failed to load sound");
		if (_vm->_imuseDigital) {
			_vm->_imuseDigital->startVoice(kTalkSoundID, input);
		} else {
			_vm->_mixer->playInputStream(SoundMixer::kSFXAudioDataType, handle, input, id);

void Sound::stopTalkSound() {
	if (_sfxMode & 2) {
		if (_vm->_imuseDigital) {
		} else {
		_sfxMode &= ~2;

bool Sound::isMouthSyncOff(uint pos) {
	uint j;
	bool val = true;
	uint16 *ms = _mouthSyncTimes;

	_endOfMouthSync = false;
	do {
		val = !val;
		j = *ms++;
		if (j == 0xFFFF) {
			_endOfMouthSync = true;
	} while (pos > j);
	return val;

int Sound::isSoundRunning(int sound) const {
	if (_vm->_imuseDigital)
		return (_vm->_imuseDigital->getSoundStatus(sound) != 0);

	if (sound == _currentCDSound)
		return pollCD();

	if (_vm->_features & GF_HUMONGOUS) {
		if (sound == -2 || sound >= 10001) {
			// Maybe checks sound channel?
			return !isSfxFinished();
		} else if (sound == -1 || sound == 10000) {
			// getSoundStatus(), with a -1, will return the
			// ID number of the first active music it finds.
			if (_vm->_heversion >= 70 || _currentMusic)
				return (_musicChannelHandle.isActive()) ? 1 : 0;
			else if (_vm->_imuse)
				return (_vm->_imuse->getSoundStatus(sound));
		} else if (sound > _vm->_numSounds) {
			return _vm->_mixer->isSoundIDActive(sound);

	if (_vm->_mixer->isSoundIDActive(sound))
		return 1;

	if (isSoundInQueue(sound))
		return 1;

	if (!_vm->isResourceLoaded(rtSound, sound))
		return 0;

	if (_vm->_musicEngine)
		return _vm->_musicEngine->getSoundStatus(sound);

	return 0;

 * Check whether the sound resource with the specified ID is still
 * used. This is invoked by ScummEngine::isResourceInUse, to determine
 * which resources can be expired from memory.
 * Technically, this works very similar to isSoundRunning, however it
 * calls IMuse::get_sound_active() instead of IMuse::getSoundStatus().
 * The difference between those two is in how they treat sounds which
 * are being faded out: get_sound_active() returns true even when the
 * sound is being faded out, while getSoundStatus() returns false in
 * that case.
bool Sound::isSoundInUse(int sound) const {

	if (_vm->_imuseDigital)
		return (_vm->_imuseDigital->getSoundStatus(sound) != 0);

	if (sound == _currentCDSound)
		return pollCD() != 0;

	if (isSoundInQueue(sound))
		return true;

	if (!_vm->isResourceLoaded(rtSound, sound))
		return false;

	if (_vm->_imuse)
		return _vm->_imuse->get_sound_active(sound);

	return false;

bool Sound::isSoundInQueue(int sound) const {
	int i, num;

	i = _soundQue2Pos;
	while (i--) {
		if (_soundQue2[i].sound == sound)
			return true;

	i = 0;
	while (i < _soundQuePos) {
		num = _soundQue[i++];

		if (num > 0) {
			if (_soundQue[i + 0] == 0x10F && _soundQue[i + 1] == 8 && _soundQue[i + 2] == sound)
				return true;
			i += num;
	return false;

void Sound::stopSound(int sound) {
	int i;

	if (_vm->_features & GF_HUMONGOUS) {
		if (sound == -2 || sound >= 10001) {
			// TODO: Stop sound channel (sound - 100000)
		} else if (sound == -1 || sound == 10000) {
			// Stop current music
			if (_vm->_heversion >= 70  || _currentMusic)
			else if (_vm->_imuse)

	if (sound != 0 && sound == _currentCDSound) {
		_currentCDSound = 0;

	if (!(_vm->_features & GF_DIGI_IMUSE))

	if (_vm->_musicEngine)

	for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_soundQue2); i++) {
		if (_soundQue2[i].sound == sound) {
			_soundQue2[i].sound = 0;
			_soundQue2[i].offset = 0;
			_soundQue2[i].channel = 0;
			_soundQue2[i].flags = 0;

void Sound::stopAllSounds() {
	if (_currentCDSound != 0) {
		_currentCDSound = 0;

	// Clear the (secondary) sound queue
	_soundQue2Pos = 0;
	memset(_soundQue2, 0, sizeof(_soundQue2));

	if (_vm->_musicEngine) {
	if (_vm->_imuse) {
		// FIXME: Maybe we could merge this call to clear_queue()
		// into IMuse::stopAllSounds() ?

	// Stop all SFX
	if (!_vm->_imuseDigital) {

void Sound::soundKludge(int *list, int num) {
	int i;

	if (_vm->_imuseDigital) {
		_vm->_imuseDigital->parseScriptCmds(list[0], list[1], list[2], list[3], list[4],
												list[5], list[6], list[7]);

	if (list[0] == -1) {
	} else {
		_soundQue[_soundQuePos++] = num;
		for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
			_soundQue[_soundQuePos++] = list[i];

void Sound::talkSound(uint32 a, uint32 b, int mode, int channel) {
	if (mode == 1) {
		_talk_sound_a1 = a;
		_talk_sound_b1 = b;
		_talk_sound_channel = channel;
	} else {
		_talk_sound_a2 = a;
		_talk_sound_b2 = b;

	_talk_sound_mode |= mode;

/* The sound code currently only supports General Midi.
 * General Midi is used in Day Of The Tentacle.
 * Roland music is also playable, but doesn't sound well.
 * A mapping between roland instruments and GM instruments
 * is needed.

void Sound::setupSound() {
	delete _sfxFile;
	_sfxFile = openSfxFile();

	if (_vm->_gameId == GID_FT)
		_vm->VAR(_vm->VAR_VOICE_BUNDLE_LOADED) = _sfxFile->isOpen();

void Sound::pauseSounds(bool pause) {
	if (_vm->_imuse)

	// Don't pause sounds if the game isn't active
	// FIXME - this is quite a nasty hack, replace with something cleaner, and w/o
	// having to access member vars directly!
	if (!_vm->_roomResource)

	_soundsPaused = pause;

	if (_vm->_imuseDigital) {


	if ((_vm->_features & GF_AUDIOTRACKS) && _vm->VAR(_vm->VAR_MUSIC_TIMER) > 0) {
		if (pause)

ScummFile *Sound::openSfxFile() {
	struct SoundFileExtensions {
		const char *ext;
		SoundMode mode;
	static const SoundFileExtensions extensions[] = {
		{ "sou", kVOCMode },
	#ifdef USE_FLAC
		{ "sof", kFlacMode },
	#ifdef USE_VORBIS
		{ "sog", kVorbisMode },
	#ifdef USE_MAD
		{ "so3", kMP3Mode },
		{ 0, kVOCMode }

	char buf[256];
	ScummFile *file = new ScummFile();
	_offsetTable = NULL;
	/* Try opening the file <_gameName>.sou first, e.g. tentacle.sou.
	 * That way, you can keep .sou files for multiple games in the
	 * same directory */
	const char *basename[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
	basename[0] = _vm->getGameName();
	basename[1] = "monster";
	for (int j = 0; basename[j] && !file->isOpen(); ++j) {
		for (int i = 0; extensions[i].ext; ++i) {
			sprintf(buf, "%s.%s", basename[j], extensions[i].ext);
			if (_vm->openFile(*file, buf)) {
				_soundMode = extensions[i].mode;

	if (!file->isOpen()) {
		if (_vm->_heversion >= 70)
			sprintf(buf, "%s.he2", _vm->getGameName());
			sprintf(buf, "%s.tlk", _vm->getGameName());
		if (file->open(buf) && _vm->_heversion <= 72) 
		_soundMode = kVOCMode;
	if (_soundMode != kVOCMode) {
		/* Now load the 'offset' index in memory to be able to find the MP3 data

		   The format of the .SO3 file is easy :
		   - number of bytes of the 'index' part
		   - N times the following fields (4 bytes each) :
		   + offset in the original sound file
		   + offset of the MP3 data in the .SO3 file WITHOUT taking into account
		   the index field and the 'size' field
		   + the number of 'tags'
		   + the size of the MP3 data
		   - and then N times :
		   + the tags
		   + the MP3 data
		int size, compressed_offset;
		MP3OffsetTable *cur;
		compressed_offset = file->readUint32BE();
		_offsetTable = (MP3OffsetTable *) malloc(compressed_offset);
		_numSoundEffects = compressed_offset / 16;

		size = compressed_offset;
		cur = _offsetTable;
		while (size > 0) {
			cur->org_offset = file->readUint32BE();
			cur->new_offset = file->readUint32BE() + compressed_offset + 4; /* The + 4 is to take into accound the 'size' field */
			cur->num_tags = file->readUint32BE();
			cur->compressed_size = file->readUint32BE();
			size -= 4 * 4;

	return file;

bool Sound::isSfxFinished() const {
	return !_vm->_mixer->hasActiveChannelOfType(SoundMixer::kSFXAudioDataType);

// We use a real timer in an attempt to get better sync with CD tracks. This is
// necessary for games like Loom CD.

static void cd_timer_handler(void *refCon) {
	ScummEngine *scumm = (ScummEngine *)refCon;

	// FIXME: Turn off the timer when it's no longer needed. In theory, it
	// should be possible to check with pollCD(), but since CD sound isn't
	// properly restarted when reloading a saved game, I don't dare to.

	scumm->VAR(scumm->VAR_MUSIC_TIMER) += 6;

void Sound::startCDTimer() {
	int timer_interval;

	// The timer interval has been tuned for Loom CD and the Monkey 1
	// intro. I have to use 100 for Loom, or there will be a nasty stutter
	// when Chaos first appears, and I have to use 101 for Monkey 1 or the
	// intro music will be cut short.

	if (_vm->_gameId == GID_LOOM256)
		timer_interval = 100;
		timer_interval = 101;

	_vm->_timer->installTimerProc(&cd_timer_handler, 1000 * timer_interval, _vm);

void Sound::stopCDTimer() {

void Sound::playCDTrack(int track, int numLoops, int startFrame, int duration) {
	// Reset the music timer variable at the start of a new track
	_vm->VAR(_vm->VAR_MUSIC_TIMER) = 0;

	// Play it
	if (!_soundsPaused)
		AudioCD.play(track, numLoops, startFrame, duration);

	// Start the timer after starting the track. Starting an MP3 track is
	// almost instantaneous, but a CD player may take some time. Hopefully
	// playCD() will block during that delay.

void Sound::stopCD() {

int Sound::pollCD() const {
	return AudioCD.isPlaying();

void Sound::updateCD() {

const SaveLoadEntry *Sound::getSaveLoadEntries() {
	static const SaveLoadEntry soundEntries[] = {
		MKLINE(Sound, _currentCDSound, sleInt16, VER(35)),
		MKLINE(Sound, _currentMusic, sleInt16, VER(35)),

	return soundEntries;

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark --- Sound resource handling ---
#pragma mark -

 * TODO: The way we handle sound/music resources really is one huge hack.
 * We probably should reconsider how we do this, and maybe come up with a 
 * better/cleaner solution. Even if we keep the existing code, it really
 * could stand a thorough cleanup!

int ScummEngine::readSoundResource(int type, int idx) {
	uint32 pos, total_size, size, tag, basetag, max_total_size;
	int pri, best_pri;
	uint32 best_size = 0, best_offs = 0;

	debugC(DEBUG_RESOURCE, "readSoundResource(%d)", idx);

	pos = 0;

	max_total_size = _fileHandle.readUint32BE() - 8;
	basetag = fileReadDword();
	total_size = _fileHandle.readUint32BE();

	debugC(DEBUG_RESOURCE, "  basetag: %s, total_size=%d", tag2str(TO_BE_32(basetag)), total_size);

	if (basetag == MKID('MIDI') || basetag == MKID('iMUS')) {
		if (_midiDriver != MD_PCSPK && _midiDriver != MD_PCJR) {
			_fileHandle.seek(-8, SEEK_CUR);
			_fileHandle.read(createResource(type, idx, total_size + 8), total_size + 8);
			return 1;
	} else if (basetag == MKID('SOU ')) {
		best_pri = -1;
		while (pos < total_size) {
			tag = fileReadDword();
			size = _fileHandle.readUint32BE() + 8;
			pos += size;

			pri = -1;

			switch (tag) {
			case MKID('TOWS'):
				pri = 16;
			case MKID('SBL '):
				pri = 15;
			case MKID('ADL '):
				pri = 1;
				if (_midiDriver == MD_ADLIB)
					pri = 10;
			case MKID('AMI '):
				pri = 3;
			case MKID('ROL '):
				pri = 3;
				if (_native_mt32)
					pri = 5;
			case MKID('GMD '):
				pri = 4;
			case MKID('MAC '):
				pri = 2;
			case MKID('SPK '):
				pri = -1;
//				if (_midiDriver == MD_PCSPK)
//					pri = 11;

			if ((_midiDriver == MD_PCSPK || _midiDriver == MD_PCJR) && pri != 11)
				pri = -1;

			debugC(DEBUG_RESOURCE, "    tag: %s, total_size=%d, pri=%d", tag2str(TO_BE_32(tag)), size, pri);

			if (pri > best_pri) {
				best_pri = pri;
				best_size = size;
				best_offs = _fileHandle.pos();

			_fileHandle.seek(size - 8, SEEK_CUR);

		if (best_pri != -1) {
			_fileHandle.seek(best_offs - 8, SEEK_SET);
			_fileHandle.read(createResource(type, idx, best_size), best_size);
			return 1;
	} else if (basetag == MKID('Mac0')) {
		_fileHandle.seek(-12, SEEK_CUR);
		total_size = _fileHandle.readUint32BE() - 8;
		byte *ptr = (byte *)calloc(total_size, 1);
		_fileHandle.read(ptr, total_size);
//		dumpResource("sound-", idx, ptr);
		convertMac0Resource(type, idx, ptr, total_size);
		return 1;
	} else if (basetag == MKID('Mac1')) {
		_fileHandle.seek(-12, SEEK_CUR);
		total_size = _fileHandle.readUint32BE();
		_fileHandle.read(createResource(type, idx, total_size), total_size - 8);
		return 1;
	} else if (basetag == MKID('HSHD')) {
		_fileHandle.seek(-12, SEEK_CUR);
		total_size = _fileHandle.readUint32BE();
		_fileHandle.read(createResource(type, idx, total_size), total_size - 8);
		return 1;
	} else if (basetag == MKID('TALK')) {
		_fileHandle.seek(-12, SEEK_CUR);
		total_size = _fileHandle.readUint32BE();
		_fileHandle.read(createResource(type, idx, total_size), total_size - 8);
		return 1;
	} else if (basetag == MKID('DIGI')) {
		_fileHandle.seek(-12, SEEK_CUR);
		total_size = _fileHandle.readUint32BE();
		_fileHandle.read(createResource(type, idx, total_size), total_size - 8);
		return 1;
	} else if (basetag == MKID('FMUS')) {
		// Used in 3DO version of puttputt joins the parade and probably others
		// Specifies a separate file to be used for music from what I gather.
		int tmpsize;
		File dmuFile;
		char buffer[128];
		debugC(DEBUG_SOUND, "Found base tag FMUS in sound %d, size %d", idx, total_size);
		debugC(DEBUG_SOUND, "It was at position %d", _fileHandle.pos());
		_fileHandle.seek(4, SEEK_CUR);
		// HSHD size
		tmpsize = _fileHandle.readUint32BE();
		// skip to size part of the SDAT block
		_fileHandle.seek(tmpsize - 4, SEEK_CUR);
		// SDAT size
		tmpsize = _fileHandle.readUint32BE();
		// SDAT contains name of file we want
		_fileHandle.read(buffer, tmpsize - 8);
		// files seem to be 11 chars (8.3) unused space is replaced by spaces
		*(strstr(buffer, " ")) = '\0';
		debugC(DEBUG_SOUND, "FMUS file %s", buffer);
		if (dmuFile.open(buffer) == false) {
			warning("Can't open music file %s*", buffer);
			res.roomoffs[type][idx] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
			return 0;
		dmuFile.seek(4, SEEK_SET);
		total_size = dmuFile.readUint32BE();
		debugC(DEBUG_SOUND, "dmu file size %d", total_size);
		dmuFile.seek(-8, SEEK_CUR);
		dmuFile.read(createResource(type, idx, total_size), total_size);
		return 1;
	} else if (basetag == MKID('Crea')) {
		_fileHandle.seek(-12, SEEK_CUR);
		total_size = _fileHandle.readUint32BE();
		_fileHandle.read(createResource(type, idx, total_size), total_size - 8);
		return 1;
	} else if (FROM_LE_32(basetag) == max_total_size) {
		_fileHandle.seek(-12, SEEK_CUR);
		total_size = _fileHandle.readUint32BE();
		_fileHandle.seek(-8, SEEK_CUR);
		_fileHandle.read(createResource(type, idx, total_size), total_size);
		return 1;
	} else {
		warning("Unrecognized base tag 0x%08x in sound %d", basetag, idx);
	res.roomoffs[type][idx] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	return 0;

// Adlib MIDI-SYSEX to set MIDI instruments for small header games.
static byte ADLIB_INSTR_MIDI_HACK[95] = {
	0x00, 0xf0, 0x14, 0x7d, 0x00,  // sysex 00: part on/off
	0x00, 0x00, 0x03,              // part/channel  (offset  5)
	0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 
	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf7,
	0x00, 0xf0, 0x41, 0x7d, 0x10,  // sysex 16: set instrument
	0x00, 0x01,                    // part/channel  (offset 28)
	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
	0x00, 0x00, 0xf7,
	0x00, 0xb0, 0x07, 0x64        // Controller 7 = 100 (offset 92)
static const byte map_param[7] = {
	0, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 0,

static const byte freq2note[128] = {
	/*128*/	6, 6, 6, 6,  
	/*132*/ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
	/*139*/ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
	/*148*/ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
	/*157*/ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
	/*166*/ 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11,
	/*176*/ 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
	/*186*/ 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13,
	/*197*/ 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
	/*209*/ 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,
	/*222*/ 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
	/*235*/ 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
	/*249*/ 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18
static const uint16 num_steps_table[] = {
	1, 2, 4, 5,
	6, 7, 8, 9,
	10, 12, 14, 16,
	18, 21, 24, 30,
	36, 50, 64, 82,
	100, 136, 160, 192,
	240, 276, 340, 460,
	600, 860, 1200, 1600

int ScummEngine::convert_extraflags(byte * ptr, byte * src_ptr) {
	int flags = src_ptr[0];

	int t1, t2, t3, t4, time;
	int v1, v2, v3;

	if (!(flags & 0x80))
		return -1;

	t1 = (src_ptr[1] & 0xf0) >> 3;
	t2 = (src_ptr[2] & 0xf0) >> 3;
	t3 = (src_ptr[3] & 0xf0) >> 3 | (flags & 0x40 ? 0x80 : 0);
	t4 = (src_ptr[3] & 0x0f) << 1;
	v1 = (src_ptr[1] & 0x0f);
	v2 = (src_ptr[2] & 0x0f);
	v3 = 31;
	if ((flags & 0x7) == 0) {
	  v1 = v1 + 31 + 8;
	  v2 = v2 + 31 + 8;
	} else {
	  v1 = v1 * 2 + 31;
	  v2 = v2 * 2 + 31;
	/* flags a */
	if ((flags & 0x7) == 6)
		ptr[0] = 0;
	else {
		ptr[0] = (flags >> 4) & 0xb;
		ptr[1] = map_param[flags & 0x7];

	/* extra a */
	ptr[2] = 0;
	ptr[3] = 0;
	ptr[4] = t1 >> 4;
	ptr[5] = t1 & 0xf;
	ptr[6] = v1 >> 4;
	ptr[7] = v1 & 0xf;
	ptr[8] = t2 >> 4;
	ptr[9] = t2 & 0xf;
	ptr[10] = v2 >> 4;
	ptr[11] = v2 & 0xf;
	ptr[12] = t3 >> 4;
	ptr[13] = t3 & 0xf;
	ptr[14] = t4 >> 4;
	ptr[15] = t4 & 0xf;
	ptr[16] = v3 >> 4;
	ptr[17] = v3 & 0xf;

	time = num_steps_table[t1] + num_steps_table[t2]
		+ num_steps_table[t3 & 0x7f] + num_steps_table[t4];
	if (flags & 0x20) {
		int playtime = ((src_ptr[4] >> 4) & 0xf) * 118 + 
			(src_ptr[4] & 0xf) * 8;
		if (playtime > time)
			time = playtime;
	time = ((src_ptr[4] >> 4) & 0xf) * 118 + 
		(src_ptr[4] & 0xf) * 8;
	return time;

#define kMIDIHeaderSize		46
static inline byte *writeMIDIHeader(byte *ptr, const char *type, int ppqn, int total_size) {
	uint32 dw = TO_BE_32(total_size);
	memcpy(ptr, type, 4); ptr += 4;
	memcpy(ptr, &dw, 4); ptr += 4;
	memcpy(ptr, "MDhd", 4); ptr += 4;
	ptr[0] = 0; ptr[1] = 0; ptr[2] = 0; ptr[3] = 8;
	ptr += 4;
	memset(ptr, 0, 8), ptr += 8;
	memcpy(ptr, "MThd", 4); ptr += 4;
	ptr[0] = 0; ptr[1] = 0; ptr[2] = 0; ptr[3] = 6;
	ptr += 4;
	ptr[0] = 0; ptr[1] = 0; ptr[2] = 0; ptr[3] = 1; // MIDI format 0 with 1 track
	ptr += 4;
	*ptr++ = ppqn >> 8;
	*ptr++ = ppqn & 0xFF;

	memcpy(ptr, "MTrk", 4); ptr += 4;
	memcpy(ptr, &dw, 4); ptr += 4;

	return ptr;

static inline byte *writeVLQ(byte *ptr, int value) {
	if (value > 0x7f) {
		if (value > 0x3fff) {
			*ptr++ = (value >> 14) | 0x80;
			value &= 0x3fff;
		*ptr++ = (value >> 7) | 0x80;
		value &= 0x7f;
	*ptr++ = value;
	return ptr;

static inline byte Mac0ToGMInstrument(uint32 type, int &transpose) {
	transpose = 0;
	switch (type) {
	case MKID('MARI'): return 12;
	case MKID('PLUC'): return 45;
	case MKID('HARM'): return 22;
	case MKID('PIPE'): return 19;
	case MKID('TROM'): transpose = -12; return 57;
	case MKID('STRI'): return 48;
	case MKID('HORN'): return 60;
	case MKID('VIBE'): return 11;
	case MKID('SHAK'): return 77;
	case MKID('PANP'): return 75;
	case MKID('WHIS'): return 76;
	case MKID('ORGA'): return 17;
	case MKID('BONG'): return 115;
	case MKID('BASS'): transpose = -24; return 35;
		error("Unknown Mac0 instrument %s found", tag2str(type));

void ScummEngine::convertMac0Resource(int type, int idx, byte *src_ptr, int size) {
	From Markus Magnuson (superqult) we got this information:
	   4 bytes - 'SOUN'
	BE 4 bytes - block length
		   4 bytes  - 'Mac0'
		BE 4 bytes  - (blockLength - 27)
		   28 bytes - ???
		   do this three times (once for each channel):
			  4 bytes  - 'Chan'
		   BE 4 bytes  - channel length
			  4 bytes  - instrument name (e.g. 'MARI')
			  do this for ((chanLength-24)/4) times:
				 2 bytes  - note duration
				 1 byte   - note value
				 1 byte   - note velocity
			  4 bytes - ???
			  4 bytes - 'Loop'/'Done'
			  4 bytes - ???
	   1 byte - 0x09
	Instruments (General Midi):
	"MARI" - Marimba (12)
	"PLUC" - Pizzicato Strings (45)
	"HARM" - Harmonica (22)
	"PIPE" - Church Organ? (19) or Flute? (73) or Bag Pipe (109)
	"TROM" - Trombone (57)
	"STRI" - String Ensemble (48 or 49)
	"HORN" - French Horn? (60) or English Horn? (69)
	"VIBE" - Vibraphone (11)
	"SHAK" - Shakuhachi? (77)
	"PANP" - Pan Flute (75)
	"WHIS" - Whistle (78) / Bottle (76)
	"ORGA" - Drawbar Organ (16; but could also be 17-20)
	"BONG" - Woodblock? (115)
	"BASS" - Bass (32-39)
	Now the task could be to convert this into MIDI, to be fed into iMuse.
	Or we do something similiar to what is done in Player_V3, assuming
	we can identify SFX in the MI datafiles for each of the instruments
	listed above.

#if 0
	byte *ptr = createResource(type, idx, size);
	memcpy(ptr, src_ptr, size);
	const int ppqn = 480;
	byte *ptr, *start_ptr;
	int total_size = 0;
	total_size += kMIDIHeaderSize; // Header
	total_size += 7;               // Tempo META
	total_size += 3 * 3;           // Three program change mesages
	total_size += 22;              // Possible jump SysEx
	total_size += 5;               // EOT META
	int i, len;
	byte track_instr[3];
	byte *track_data[3];
	int track_len[3];
	int track_transpose[3];
	bool looped = false;

	src_ptr += 8;
	// TODO: Decipher the unknown bytes in the header. For now, skip 'em
	src_ptr += 28;

	// Parse the three channels
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		assert(*((uint32*)src_ptr) == MKID('Chan'));
		len = READ_BE_UINT32(src_ptr + 4);
		track_len[i] = len - 24;
		track_instr[i] = Mac0ToGMInstrument(*(uint32*)(src_ptr + 8), track_transpose[i]);
		track_data[i] = src_ptr + 12;
		src_ptr += len;
		looped = (*((uint32*)(src_ptr - 8)) == MKID('Loop'));
		// For each note event, we need up to 6 bytes for the
		// Note On (3 VLQ, 3 event), and 6 bytes for the Note
		// Off (3 VLQ, 3 event). So 12 bytes total.
		total_size += 12 * track_len[i];
	assert(*src_ptr == 0x09);
	// Create sound resource
	start_ptr = createResource(type, idx, total_size);
	// Insert MIDI header
	ptr = writeMIDIHeader(start_ptr, "GMD ", ppqn, total_size);

	// Write a tempo change Meta event
	// 473 / 4 Hz, convert to micro seconds.
	uint32 dw = 1000000 * 437 / 4 / ppqn; // 1000000 * ppqn * 4 / 473;
	memcpy(ptr, "\x00\xFF\x51\x03", 4); ptr += 4;
	*ptr++ = (byte)((dw >> 16) & 0xFF);
	*ptr++ = (byte)((dw >> 8) & 0xFF);
	*ptr++ = (byte)(dw & 0xFF);

	// Insert program change messages
	*ptr++ = 0; // VLQ
	*ptr++ = 0xC0;
	*ptr++ = track_instr[0];
	*ptr++ = 0; // VLQ
	*ptr++ = 0xC1;
	*ptr++ = track_instr[1];
	*ptr++ = 0; // VLQ
	*ptr++ = 0xC2;
	*ptr++ = track_instr[2];
	// And now, the actual composition. Please turn all cell phones
	// and pagers off during the performance. Thank you.
	uint16 nextTime[3] = { 1, 1, 1 };
	int stage[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };

	while (track_len[0] | track_len[1] | track_len[2]) {
		int best = -1;
		uint16 bestTime = 0xFFFF;
		for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
			if (track_len[i] && nextTime[i] < bestTime) {
				bestTime = nextTime[i];
				best = i;
		assert (best != -1);

		if (!stage[best]) {
			// We are STARTING this event.
			if (track_data[best][2] > 1) {
				// Note On
				ptr = writeVLQ(ptr, nextTime[best]);
				*ptr++ = 0x90 | best;
				*ptr++ = track_data[best][2] + track_transpose[best];
				*ptr++ = track_data[best][3] * 127 / 100; // Scale velocity
				for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
					nextTime[i] -= bestTime;
			nextTime[best] += READ_BE_UINT16 (track_data[best]);
			stage[best] = 1;
		} else {
			// We are ENDING this event.
			if (track_data[best][2] > 1) {
				// There was a Note On, so do a Note Off
				ptr = writeVLQ(ptr, nextTime[best]);
				*ptr++ = 0x80 | best;
				*ptr++ = track_data[best][2] + track_transpose[best];
				*ptr++ = track_data[best][3] * 127 / 100; // Scale velocity
				for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
					nextTime[i] -= bestTime;
			track_data[best] += 4;
			track_len[best] -= 4;
			stage[best] = 0;

	// Is this a looped song? If so, effect a loop by
	// using the S&M maybe_jump SysEx command.
	// FIXME: Jamieson630: The jump seems to be happening
	// too quickly! There should maybe be a pause after
	// the last Note Off? But I couldn't find one in the
	// MI1 Lookout music, where I was hearing problems.
	if (looped) {
		memcpy(ptr, "\x00\xf0\x13\x7d\x30\00", 6); ptr += 6; // maybe_jump
		memcpy(ptr, "\x00\x00", 2); ptr += 2;            // cmd -> 0 means always jump
		memcpy(ptr, "\x00\x00\x00\x00", 4); ptr += 4;    // track -> 0 (only track)
		memcpy(ptr, "\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4); ptr += 4;    // beat -> 1 (first beat)
		memcpy(ptr, "\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4); ptr += 4;    // tick -> 1
		memcpy(ptr, "\x00\xf7", 2); ptr += 2;            // SysEx end marker

	// Insert end of song META
	memcpy(ptr, "\x00\xff\x2f\x00\x00", 5); ptr += 5;
	assert(ptr <= start_ptr + total_size);
	// Rewrite MIDI header, this time with true size
	total_size = ptr - start_ptr;
	ptr = writeMIDIHeader(start_ptr, "GMD ", ppqn, total_size);

void ScummEngine::convertADResource(int type, int idx, byte *src_ptr, int size) {

	// We will ignore the PPQN in the original resource, because
	// it's invalid anyway. We use a constant PPQN of 480.
	const int ppqn = 480;
	uint32 dw;
	int i, ch;
	byte *ptr;
	int total_size = kMIDIHeaderSize + 7 + 8 * sizeof(ADLIB_INSTR_MIDI_HACK) + size;
	total_size += 24;	// Up to 24 additional bytes are needed for the jump sysex
	ptr = createResource(type, idx, total_size);

	src_ptr += 2;
	size -= 2;

	// 0x80 marks a music resource. Otherwise it's a SFX
	if (*src_ptr == 0x80) {
		byte ticks, play_once;
		byte num_instr;
		byte *channel, *instr, *track;

		ptr = writeMIDIHeader(ptr, "ADL ", ppqn, total_size);

		// The "speed" of the song
		ticks = *(src_ptr + 1);
		// Flag that tells us whether we should loop the song (0) or play it only once (1)
		play_once = *(src_ptr + 2);
		// Number of instruments used
		num_instr = *(src_ptr + 8);	// Normally 8
		// copy the pointer to instrument data
		channel = src_ptr + 9;
		instr   = src_ptr + 0x11;
		// skip over the rest of the header and copy the MIDI data into a buffer
		src_ptr  += 0x11 + 8 * 16;
		size -= 0x11 + 8 * 16;

		track = src_ptr;
		// Convert the ticks into a MIDI tempo. 
		// Unfortunate LOOM and INDY3 have different interpretation
		// of the ticks value.
		if (_gameId == GID_INDY3) {
			// Note: since we fix ppqn at 480, ppqn/473 is almost 1
			dw = 500000 * 256 / 473 * ppqn / ticks;
		} else if (_gameId == GID_LOOM) {
			dw = 500000 * ppqn / 4 / ticks;
		} else {
			dw = 500000 * 256 / ticks;
		debugC(DEBUG_SOUND, "  ticks = %d, speed = %ld", ticks, dw);
		// Write a tempo change Meta event
		memcpy(ptr, "\x00\xFF\x51\x03", 4); ptr += 4;
		*ptr++ = (byte)((dw >> 16) & 0xFF);
		*ptr++ = (byte)((dw >> 8) & 0xFF);
		*ptr++ = (byte)(dw & 0xFF);
		// Copy our hardcoded instrument table into it
		// Then, convert the instrument table as given in this song resource
		// And write it *over* the hardcoded table.
		// Note: we deliberately.
		/* now fill in the instruments */
		for (i = 0; i < num_instr; i++) {
			ch = channel[i] - 1;
			if (ch < 0 || ch > 15)

			if (instr[i*16 + 13])
				warning("Sound %d instrument %d uses percussion", idx, i);

			debugC(DEBUG_SOUND, "Sound %d: instrument %d on channel %d.", idx, i, ch);


			ptr[5]  += ch;
			ptr[28] += ch;
			ptr[92] += ch;

			/* flags_1 */
			ptr[30 + 0] = (instr[i * 16 + 3] >> 4) & 0xf;
			ptr[30 + 1] = instr[i * 16 + 3] & 0xf;

			/* oplvl_1 */
			ptr[30 + 2] = (instr[i * 16 + 4] >> 4) & 0xf;
			ptr[30 + 3] = instr[i * 16 + 4] & 0xf;

			/* atdec_1 */
			ptr[30 + 4] = ((~instr[i * 16 + 5]) >> 4) & 0xf;
			ptr[30 + 5] = (~instr[i * 16 + 5]) & 0xf;

			/* sustrel_1 */
			ptr[30 + 6] = ((~instr[i * 16 + 6]) >> 4) & 0xf;
			ptr[30 + 7] = (~instr[i * 16 + 6]) & 0xf;

			/* waveform_1 */
			ptr[30 + 8] = (instr[i * 16 + 7] >> 4) & 0xf;
			ptr[30 + 9] = instr[i * 16 + 7] & 0xf;

			/* flags_2 */
			ptr[30 + 10] = (instr[i * 16 + 8] >> 4) & 0xf;
			ptr[30 + 11] = instr[i * 16 + 8] & 0xf;

			/* oplvl_2 */
			ptr[30 + 12] = (instr[i * 16 + 9] >> 4) & 0xf;
			ptr[30 + 13] = instr[i * 16 + 9] & 0xf;

			/* atdec_2 */
			ptr[30 + 14] = ((~instr[i * 16 + 10]) >> 4) & 0xf;
			ptr[30 + 15] = (~instr[i * 16 + 10]) & 0xf;

			/* sustrel_2 */
			ptr[30 + 16] = ((~instr[i * 16 + 11]) >> 4) & 0xf;
			ptr[30 + 17] = (~instr[i * 16 + 11]) & 0xf;

			/* waveform_2 */
			ptr[30 + 18] = (instr[i * 16 + 12] >> 4) & 0xf;
			ptr[30 + 19] = instr[i * 16 + 12] & 0xf;

			/* feedback */
			ptr[30 + 20] = (instr[i * 16 + 2] >> 4) & 0xf;
			ptr[30 + 21] = instr[i * 16 + 2] & 0xf;
			ptr += sizeof(ADLIB_INSTR_MIDI_HACK);

		// There is a constant delay of ppqn/3 before the music starts.
		if (ppqn / 3 >= 128)
			*ptr++ = (ppqn / 3 >> 7) | 0x80;
		*ptr++ = ppqn / 3 & 0x7f;

		// Now copy the actual music data 
		memcpy(ptr, track, size);
		ptr += size;

		if (!play_once) {
			// The song is meant to be looped. We achieve this by inserting just
			// before the song end a jump to the song start. More precisely we abuse
			// a S&M sysex, "maybe_jump" to achieve this effect. We could also
			// use a set_loop sysex, but it's a bit longer, a little more complicated,
			// and has no advantage either.

			// First, find the track end
			byte *end = ptr;
			ptr -= size;
			for (; ptr < end; ptr++) {
				if (*ptr == 0xff && *(ptr + 1) == 0x2f)
			assert(ptr < end);

			// Now insert the jump. The jump offset is measured in ticks.
			// We have ppqn/3 ticks before the first note.

			const int jump_offset = ppqn / 3;
			memcpy(ptr, "\xf0\x13\x7d\x30\00", 5); ptr += 5;	// maybe_jump
			memcpy(ptr, "\x00\x00", 2); ptr += 2;			// cmd -> 0 means always jump
			memcpy(ptr, "\x00\x00\x00\x00", 4); ptr += 4;	// track -> there is only one track, 0
			memcpy(ptr, "\x00\x00\x00\x01", 4); ptr += 4;	// beat -> for now, 1 (first beat)
			// Ticks
			*ptr++ = (byte)((jump_offset >> 12) & 0x0F);
			*ptr++ = (byte)((jump_offset >> 8) & 0x0F);
			*ptr++ = (byte)((jump_offset >> 4) & 0x0F);
			*ptr++ = (byte)(jump_offset & 0x0F);
			memcpy(ptr, "\x00\xf7", 2); ptr += 2;	// sysex end marker
	} else {

		/* This is a sfx resource.  First parse it quickly to find the parallel
		 * tracks.
		ptr = writeMIDIHeader(ptr, "ASFX", ppqn, total_size);

		byte current_instr[3][14];
		int  current_note[3];
		int track_time[3];
		byte *track_data[3];

		int track_ctr = 0;
		byte chunk_type = 0;
		int delay, delay2, olddelay;

		// Write a tempo change Meta event
		// 473 / 4 Hz, convert to micro seconds.
		dw = 1000000 * ppqn * 4 / 473;
		memcpy(ptr, "\x00\xFF\x51\x03", 4); ptr += 4;
		*ptr++ = (byte)((dw >> 16) & 0xFF);
		*ptr++ = (byte)((dw >> 8) & 0xFF);
		*ptr++ = (byte)(dw & 0xFF);

		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			track_time[i] = -1;
			current_note[i] = -1;
		while (size > 0) {
			assert(track_ctr < 3);
			track_data[track_ctr] = src_ptr;
			track_time[track_ctr] = 0;
			while (size > 0) {
				chunk_type = *(src_ptr);
				if (chunk_type == 1) {
					src_ptr += 15;
					size -= 15;
				} else if (chunk_type == 2) {
					src_ptr += 11;
					size -= 11;
				} else if (chunk_type == 0x80) {
					src_ptr ++;
					size --;
				} else {
			if (chunk_type == 0xff)

		int curtime = 0;
		for (;;) {
			int mintime = -1;
			ch = -1;
			for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
				if (track_time[i] >= 0 && 
					(mintime == -1 || mintime > track_time[i])) {
					mintime = track_time[i];
					ch = i;
			if (mintime < 0)

			src_ptr = track_data[ch];
			chunk_type = *src_ptr;

			if (current_note[ch] >= 0) {
				delay = mintime - curtime;
				curtime = mintime;
				ptr = writeVLQ(ptr, delay);
				*ptr++ = 0x80 + ch; // key off channel;
				*ptr++ = current_note[ch];
				*ptr++ = 0;
				current_note[ch] = -1;

			switch (chunk_type) {
			case 1:
				/* Instrument definition */
				memcpy(current_instr[ch], src_ptr + 1, 14);
				src_ptr += 15;

			case 2:
				/* tone/parammodulation */
				memcpy(ptr, ADLIB_INSTR_MIDI_HACK, 

				ptr[5]  += ch;
				ptr[28] += ch;
				ptr[92] += ch;

				/* flags_1 */
				ptr[30 + 0] = (current_instr[ch][3] >> 4) & 0xf;
				ptr[30 + 1] = current_instr[ch][3] & 0xf;

				/* oplvl_1 */
				ptr[30 + 2] = (current_instr[ch][4] >> 4) & 0xf;
				ptr[30 + 3] = current_instr[ch][4] & 0xf;

				/* atdec_1 */
				ptr[30 + 4] = ((~current_instr[ch][5]) >> 4) & 0xf;
				ptr[30 + 5] = (~current_instr[ch][5]) & 0xf;

				/* sustrel_1 */
				ptr[30 + 6] = ((~current_instr[ch][6]) >> 4) & 0xf;
				ptr[30 + 7] = (~current_instr[ch][6]) & 0xf;

				/* waveform_1 */
				ptr[30 + 8] = (current_instr[ch][7] >> 4) & 0xf;
				ptr[30 + 9] = current_instr[ch][7] & 0xf;

				/* flags_2 */
				ptr[30 + 10] = (current_instr[ch][8] >> 4) & 0xf;
				ptr[30 + 11] = current_instr[ch][8] & 0xf;

				/* oplvl_2 */
				ptr[30 + 12] = ((current_instr[ch][9]) >> 4) & 0xf;
				ptr[30 + 13] = (current_instr[ch][9]) & 0xf;

				/* atdec_2 */
				ptr[30 + 14] = ((~current_instr[ch][10]) >> 4) & 0xf;
				ptr[30 + 15] = (~current_instr[ch][10]) & 0xf;

				/* sustrel_2 */
				ptr[30 + 16] = ((~current_instr[ch][11]) >> 4) & 0xf;
				ptr[30 + 17] = (~current_instr[ch][11]) & 0xf;

				/* waveform_2 */
				ptr[30 + 18] = (current_instr[ch][12] >> 4) & 0xf;
				ptr[30 + 19] = current_instr[ch][12] & 0xf;

				/* feedback */
				ptr[30 + 20] = (current_instr[ch][2] >> 4) & 0xf;
				ptr[30 + 21] = current_instr[ch][2] & 0xf;

				delay = mintime - curtime;
				curtime = mintime;

					delay = convert_extraflags(ptr + 30 + 22, src_ptr + 1);
					delay2 = convert_extraflags(ptr + 30 + 40, src_ptr + 6);
					debugC(DEBUG_SOUND, "delays: %d / %d", delay, delay2);
					if (delay2 >= 0 && delay2 < delay)
						delay = delay2;
					if (delay == -1)
						delay = 0;

				/* duration */
				ptr[30 + 58] = 0; // ((delay * 17 / 63) >> 4) & 0xf;
				ptr[30 + 59] = 0; // (delay * 17 / 63) & 0xf;

				ptr += sizeof(ADLIB_INSTR_MIDI_HACK);

				olddelay = mintime - curtime;
				curtime = mintime;
				ptr = writeVLQ(ptr, olddelay);

					int freq = ((current_instr[ch][1] & 3) << 8)
						| current_instr[ch][0];
					if (!freq)
						freq = 0x80;
					freq <<= ((current_instr[ch][1] >> 2) & 7) + 1;
					int note = -11;
					while (freq >= 0x100) {
						note += 12;
						freq >>= 1;
					debugC(DEBUG_SOUND, "Freq: %d (%x) Note: %d", freq, freq, note);
					if (freq < 0x80)
						note = 0;
						note += freq2note[freq - 0x80];
					debugC(DEBUG_SOUND, "Note: %d", note);
					if (note <= 0)
						note = 1;
					else if (note > 127)
						note = 127;

					// Insert a note on event 
					*ptr++ = 0x90 + ch; // key on channel
					*ptr++ = note;
					*ptr++ = 63;
					current_note[ch] = note;
					track_time[ch] = curtime + delay;
				src_ptr += 11;

			case 0x80:
				track_time[ch] = -1;
				src_ptr ++;

				track_time[ch] = -1;
			track_data[ch] = src_ptr;

	// Insert end of song sysex
	memcpy(ptr, "\x00\xff\x2f\x00\x00", 5); ptr += 5;

int ScummEngine::readSoundResourceSmallHeader(int type, int idx) {
	uint32 pos, total_size, size, tag;
	uint32 ad_size = 0, ad_offs = 0;
	uint32 ro_size = 0, ro_offs = 0;
	uint32 wa_size = 0, wa_offs = 0;

	debug(4, "readSoundResourceSmallHeader(%d)", idx);

	if ((_gameId == GID_LOOM) && (_features & GF_PC) && VAR(VAR_SOUNDCARD) == 4) {
		// Roland resources in Loom are tagless
		// So we add an RO tag to allow imuse to detect format
		byte *ptr, *src_ptr;
		ro_offs = _fileHandle.pos();
		ro_size = _fileHandle.readUint16LE();

		src_ptr = (byte *) calloc(ro_size - 4, 1);
		_fileHandle.seek(ro_offs + 4, SEEK_SET);
		_fileHandle.read(src_ptr, ro_size -4);

		ptr = createResource(type, idx, ro_size + 2);
		memcpy(ptr, "RO", 2); ptr += 2;
		memcpy(ptr, src_ptr, ro_size - 4); ptr += ro_size - 4;
		return 1;
	} else if (_features & GF_OLD_BUNDLE) {
		wa_offs = _fileHandle.pos();
		wa_size = _fileHandle.readUint16LE();
		_fileHandle.seek(wa_size - 2, SEEK_CUR);

		if (!(_features & GF_ATARI_ST || _features & GF_MACINTOSH)) {
			ad_offs = _fileHandle.pos();
			ad_size = _fileHandle.readUint16LE();
		_fileHandle.seek(4, SEEK_CUR);
		total_size = wa_size + ad_size;
	} else {
		total_size = size = _fileHandle.readUint32LE();
		tag = _fileHandle.readUint16LE();
		debug(4, "  tag='%c%c', size=%d", (char) (tag & 0xff),
				(char) ((tag >> 8) & 0xff), size);

		if (tag == 0x4F52) { // RO
			ro_offs = _fileHandle.pos();
			ro_size = size;
		} else {
			pos = 6;
			while (pos < total_size) {
				size = _fileHandle.readUint32LE();
				tag = _fileHandle.readUint16LE();
				debug(4, "  tag='%c%c', size=%d", (char) (tag & 0xff),
						(char) ((tag >> 8) & 0xff), size);
				pos += size;

				// MI1 and Indy3 uses one or more nested SO resources, which contains AD and WA
				// resources.
				if ((tag == 0x4441) && !(ad_offs)) { // AD
					ad_size = size;
					ad_offs = _fileHandle.pos();
				} else if ((tag == 0x4157) && !(wa_offs)) { // WA
					wa_size = size;
					wa_offs = _fileHandle.pos();
				} else { // other AD, WA and nested SO resources
					if (tag == 0x4F53) { // SO
						pos -= size;
						size = 6;
						pos += 6;
				_fileHandle.seek(size - 6, SEEK_CUR);

	if ((_midiDriver == MD_ADLIB) && ad_offs != 0) {
		// AD resources have a header, instrument definitions and one MIDI track.
		// We build an 'ADL ' resource from that:
		//   8 bytes resource header
		//  16 bytes MDhd header
		//  14 bytes MThd header
		//   8 bytes MTrk header
		//   7 bytes MIDI tempo sysex
		//     + some default instruments
		byte *ptr;
		if (_features & GF_OLD_BUNDLE) {
			ptr = (byte *) calloc(ad_size - 4, 1);
			_fileHandle.seek(ad_offs + 4, SEEK_SET);
			_fileHandle.read(ptr, ad_size - 4);
			convertADResource(type, idx, ptr, ad_size - 4);
			return 1;
		} else {
			ptr = (byte *) calloc(ad_size - 6, 1);
			_fileHandle.seek(ad_offs, SEEK_SET);
			_fileHandle.read(ptr, ad_size - 6);
			convertADResource(type, idx, ptr, ad_size - 6);
			return 1;
	} else if (((_midiDriver == MD_PCJR) || (_midiDriver == MD_PCSPK)) && wa_offs != 0) {
		if (_features & GF_OLD_BUNDLE) {
			_fileHandle.seek(wa_offs, SEEK_SET);
			_fileHandle.read(createResource(type, idx, wa_size), wa_size);
		} else {
			_fileHandle.seek(wa_offs - 6, SEEK_SET);
			_fileHandle.read(createResource(type, idx, wa_size + 6), wa_size + 6);
		return 1;
	} else if (ro_offs != 0) {
		_fileHandle.seek(ro_offs - 2, SEEK_SET);
		_fileHandle.read(createResource(type, idx, ro_size - 4), ro_size - 4);
		return 1;
	res.roomoffs[type][idx] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	return 0;

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark --- Appendable audio stream ---
#pragma mark -

 * Wrapped memory stream.
template<bool stereo, bool is16Bit, bool isUnsigned, bool isLE>
class AppendableMemoryStream : public AppendableAudioStream {
	OSystem::MutexRef _mutex;

	byte *_bufferStart;
	byte *_bufferEnd;
	byte *_pos;
	byte *_end;
	bool _finalized;
	const int _rate;

	inline bool eosIntern() const { return _end == _pos; };
	AppendableMemoryStream(int rate, uint bufferSize);
	int readBuffer(int16 *buffer, const int numSamples);

	bool isStereo() const		{ return stereo; }
	bool endOfStream() const	{ return _finalized && eosIntern(); }
	bool endOfData() const		{ return eosIntern(); }

	int getRate() const			{ return _rate; }

	void append(const byte *data, uint32 len);
	void finish()				{ _finalized = true; }

template<bool stereo, bool is16Bit, bool isUnsigned, bool isLE>
AppendableMemoryStream<stereo, is16Bit, isUnsigned, isLE>::AppendableMemoryStream(int rate, uint bufferSize)
 : _finalized(false), _rate(rate) {

	// Verify the buffer size is sane
	if (is16Bit && stereo)
		assert((bufferSize & 3) == 0);
	else if (is16Bit || stereo)
		assert((bufferSize & 1) == 0);

	_bufferStart = (byte *)malloc(bufferSize);
	_pos = _end = _bufferStart;
	_bufferEnd = _bufferStart + bufferSize;

	_mutex = g_system->createMutex();

template<bool stereo, bool is16Bit, bool isUnsigned, bool isLE>
AppendableMemoryStream<stereo, is16Bit, isUnsigned, isLE>::~AppendableMemoryStream() {

template<bool stereo, bool is16Bit, bool isUnsigned, bool isLE>
int AppendableMemoryStream<stereo, is16Bit, isUnsigned, isLE>::readBuffer(int16 *buffer, const int numSamples) {
	Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);

	int samples = 0;
	while (samples < numSamples && !eosIntern()) {
		// Wrap around?
		if (_pos >= _bufferEnd)
			_pos = _pos - (_bufferEnd - _bufferStart);

		const byte *endMarker = (_pos > _end) ? _bufferEnd : _end;
		const int len = MIN(numSamples, samples + (int)(endMarker - _pos) / (is16Bit ? 2 : 1));
		while (samples < len) {
			*buffer++ = READ_ENDIAN_SAMPLE(is16Bit, isUnsigned, _pos, isLE);
			_pos += (is16Bit ? 2 : 1);

	return samples;

template<bool stereo, bool is16Bit, bool isUnsigned, bool isLE>
void AppendableMemoryStream<stereo, is16Bit, isUnsigned, isLE>::append(const byte *data, uint32 len) {
	Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);

	// Verify the buffer size is sane
	if (is16Bit && stereo)
		assert((len & 3) == 0);
	else if (is16Bit || stereo)
		assert((len & 1) == 0);
	// Verify that the stream has not yet been finalized (by a call to finish())

	if (_end + len > _bufferEnd) {
		// Wrap-around case
		uint32 size_to_end_of_buffer = _bufferEnd - _end;
		len -= size_to_end_of_buffer;
		if ((_end < _pos) || (_bufferStart + len >= _pos)) {
			debug(2, "AppendableMemoryStream: buffer overflow (A)");
		memcpy(_end, data, size_to_end_of_buffer);
		memcpy(_bufferStart, data + size_to_end_of_buffer, len);
		_end = _bufferStart + len;
	} else {
		if ((_end < _pos) && (_end + len >= _pos)) {
			debug(2, "AppendableMemoryStream: buffer overflow (B)");
		memcpy(_end, data, len);
		_end += len;

		if (is16Bit) { \
			if (isLE) \
				return new AppendableMemoryStream<STEREO, true, UNSIGNED, true>(rate, len); \
			else  \
				return new AppendableMemoryStream<STEREO, true, UNSIGNED, false>(rate, len); \
		} else \
			return new AppendableMemoryStream<STEREO, false, UNSIGNED, false>(rate, len)

AppendableAudioStream *makeAppendableAudioStream(int rate, byte _flags, uint32 len) {
	const bool isStereo = (_flags & SoundMixer::FLAG_STEREO) != 0;
	const bool is16Bit = (_flags & SoundMixer::FLAG_16BITS) != 0;
	const bool isUnsigned = (_flags & SoundMixer::FLAG_UNSIGNED) != 0;
	const bool isLE       = (_flags & SoundMixer::FLAG_LITTLE_ENDIAN) != 0;
	if (isStereo) {
		if (isUnsigned) {
			MAKE_WRAPPED(true, true);
		} else {
			MAKE_WRAPPED(true, false);
	} else {
		if (isUnsigned) {
			MAKE_WRAPPED(false, true);
		} else {
			MAKE_WRAPPED(false, false);

} // End of namespace Scumm