.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*- .\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps .\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection .\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1) .TH SCUMMVM 6 "December 11, 2003" .\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage. .\" .\" Some roff macros, for reference: .\" .nh disable hyphenation .\" .hy enable hyphenation .\" .ad l left justify .\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins .\" .nf disable filling .\" .fi enable filling .\" .br insert line break .\" .sp insert n+1 empty lines .\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7) .SH NAME scummvm \- graphic adventure game interpreter .SH SYNOPSIS .B scummvm [\fIoptions\fR] [\fIgame\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \fBscummvm\fP is an interpreter that will play graphic adventure games written for LucasArts' SCUMM virtual machine. Some other adventure games using similar engines may be supported - for example \fBSimon The Sorcerer\fP . .P Note that this manpage is frequently outdated and you would be well advised to look at the README and the output of \fIscummvm -h\fP for more up to date information. .P Please be aware that the engine may contains bugs and non-implemented features that may make it impossible to finish the game. Check .B http://www.scummvm.org/compatibility.php for the latest compatibility information. .SS OPTIONS If you don't pass ScummVM options it will start the graphical game launcher, which allows game selection from, and addition to, the config file. .P The interpreter expects to find the game's data files in the current directory, if a path isn't specified in a config file. You may supply a different path using -p on the command line. The name of the game is then supplied on the command line. .TP .BI \-\-[no\-]aspect\-ratio Enable/Disable aspect ratio correction .TP .BI \-b Specify parameter to pass to first game script default is 0. .TP .BI \-\-cdrom=NUM CD drive to play audio from (default: 0 = first drive) .TP .BI \-d [num] Set debug level (default level 1) .TP .BI \-e Specify music output where \fI\fP can be one of: .br .br \fBadlib\fP Uses internal Adlib Emulation (default) .br \fBwindows\fP Windows MIDI. Uses built-in sequencer. .br \fBseq\fP Uses /dev/sequencer for MIDI, *nix users. .br \fBqt\fP Quicktime sound, for Macintosh users. .br \fBcore\fP CoreAudio sound, for MacOS X users. .br \fBamidi\fP Uses the MorphOS MIDI system, for MorphOS users .br \fBalsa\fP Output using ALSA sequencer device. .br \fBnull\fP Null output. Don't play any music. .TP .BI \-f Runs in full-screen mode. .TP .BI \-\-[no\-]floppy\-intro Enable/Disable floppy version intro for Beneath a Steel Sky CD version. .TP .BI \-g Set graphics filter. \fI\fP can be one of: .br \fBnormal\fP No filtering, no scaling. Fastest. .br \fB2x\fP No filtering, factor 2x (default for non 640x480 games). .br \fB3x\fP No filtering, factor 3x. .br \fB2xsai\fP 2xsai filter, factor 2x. .br \fBsuper2xsai\fP Enhanced 2xsai filtering. factor 2x. .br \fBsupereagle\fP Less blurry than 2xsai, but slower. Factor 2x. .br \fBadvmame2x\fP Doesn't rely on blurring like 2xSAI, fast. Factor 2x. .br \fBadvmame3x\fP Doesn't rely on blurring like 2xSAI, fast. Factor 3x. .br \fBhq2x\fP Very nice high quality filter but slow. Factor 2x. .br \fBhq3x\fP Very nice high quality filter but slow. Factor 3x. .br \fBtv2x\fP Horizontal scanlines. Factor 2x. .br \fBdotmatrix\fP Dot matrix effect. Factor 2x. .br .TP .BI \-h Show help and exit. .TP .BI \-\-joystick[=NUM] Enable input with joystick (default: 0 = first joystick) .TP .B \-m Set music volume to number \fI\fP (0-255) .TP .BI \-\-[no\-]multi\-midi Enable/Disable combination Adlib and native MIDI. .TP .B \-n Enable subtitles .TP .BI \-\-[no\-]native\-mt32 Enable/Disable true Roland MT-32 MIDI (disable GM emulation) .TP .BI \-o Set master volume to number \fI\fP (0-255) .TP .BI \-p Specify the path to the game. .TP .BI \-\-platform=WORD Specify version of game where \fIWORD\fP can be one of amiga, atari, fmtowns, mac, pc or windows. .TP .BI \-q Specify language where \fI\fP can be one of: .br \fBcz\fP Czech .br \fBde\fP German .br \fBen\fP English (default for most games) .br \fBes\fP Spanish .br \fBfr\fP French .br \fBgb\fP English (Great Britain) (default for Beneath a Steel Sky) .br \fBhb\fP Hebrew .br \fBit\fP Italian .br \fBjp\fP Japanese .br \fBkr\fP Korean .br \fBpt\fP Portuguese .br \fBru\fP Russian .br \fBse\fP Sweedish .br \fBzh\fP Chinese .br .TP .BI \-s set sfx volume to number num (0-255) .TP .BI \-t Display list of configured targets and exit .TP .BI \-u Dump scripts if a dumps directory is in the current directory. .TP .BI \-v Show version information and exit. .TP .BI \-x [num] Load savegame slot number num (default: 0 - autosave) .TP .BI \-z Display list of supported games and exit. .SH "INGAME KEYS" While the game is running, the following keys can be used (in addition to any keys used by the game): .TP .B F5 Access the in-game save/load/options dialog .TP .B Ctrl+0..9 Load a previously saved game state. .TP .B Ctrl+Alt a Toggle aspect\-ratio correction on/off. Most of the games use a 320x200 pixel resolution, which may look squashed on modern monitors. Aspect\-ratio correction stretches the image to use 320x240 pixels instead, or a multiple thereof. .TP .B Alt+0..9 Save a game state. .TP .B Alt+Enter Toggles full screen/windowed .TP .B Ctrl+Q Quit the game. .TP .B Ctrl+F Run in fast mode (process frames faster). .TP .B Ctrl+G Run in REALLY fast mode .TP .B Ctrl+D Starts the debugger. .TP .B Ctrl+S Shows memory consumption. .P .SH SUPPORTED GAMES .P The following games should be finishable with ScummVM, for a complete list of all supported targets use the \fB\-z\fP option. .TP .B maniac Maniac Mansion (enhanced version) .TP .B zak Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (enhanced version) .TP .B indy3ega Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (16 colour) .TP .B indy3 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (256 colour) .TP .B zaktowns Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (FM Towns) .TP .B loom Loom (16 colour) .TP .B loomcd Loom CD Talkie .TP .B monkeyega The Secret of Monkey Island (16 colour) .TP .B monkeyvga The Secret of Monkey Island (256 colour, disk version) .TP .B monkey/monkey1 The Secret of Monkey Island (256 colour, cd version) .TP .B monkey2 Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's revenge .TP .B atlantis Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis .TP .B playfate Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (demo) .TP .B tentacle Day of the Tentacle .TP .B samnmax Sam & Max Hit the Road .TP .B ft Full Throttle .TP .B dig The Dig .TP .B comi The Curse of Monkey Island .P .TP .B simon1dos Simon the Sorcerer (DOS floppy) .TP .B simon1talkie Simon the Sorcerer Talkie (DOS/WIN) .TP .B simon2dos Simon the Sorcerer 2 (DOS floppy) .TP .B simon2talkie Simon the Sorcerer 2 Talkie (DOS/WIN/Amiga/Mac) .TP .B sky Beneath a Steel Sky .TP .B sword1 Broken Sword I: Shadow of the Templars .TP .B sword2 Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror .SH FILES .TP ~/.scummvmrc ScummVM config file on Unix .TP ~/Library/Preferences/ScummVM Preferences ScummVM config file on Mac OS X .TP \\scummvm.ini ScummVM config file on Windows .TP scummvm.ini in the current directory Others. .SH EXAMPLES .TP .B Running the builtin game launcher scummvm .TP .B Running Day of the Tentacle specifying the path scummvm -p /usr/local/share/games/tentacle/ tentacle .TP .B Running The Dig with advmame2x graphics filter with subtitles scummvm -g advmame2x -n dig .TP .B Running The Italian version of Maniac Mansion fullscreen scummvm -q it -f maniac .SH AUTHOR This manual page was written by David Given , for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). Heavily updated by Jonathan Gray . .P \fBScummVM\fP was written by Ludvig Strigeus and the ScummVM team. See .B http://www.scummvm.org for more information.