/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2001-2005 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #ifndef SIMON_H #define SIMON_H #include #include "base/engine.h" #include "base/gameDetector.h" #include "base/plugins.h" #include "common/util.h" #include "simon/midi.h" #include "simon/sound.h" class GameDetector; namespace Simon { /* Various other settings */ //#define DUMP_FILE_NR 8 //#define DUMP_BITMAPS_FILE_NR 8 uint fileReadItemID(Common::File *in); #define CHECK_BOUNDS(x, y) assert((uint)(x) < ARRAYSIZE(y)) #define NUM_PALETTE_FADEOUT 32 struct Child; struct Child2; struct Item; struct FillOrCopyStruct; struct Subroutine; struct SubroutineLine; struct TimeEvent; struct TextLocation { int16 x, y, width; TextLocation() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } }; struct HitArea { uint16 x, y; uint16 width, height; uint16 flags; uint16 id; FillOrCopyStruct *fcs; Item *item_ptr; uint16 unk3; uint16 layer; HitArea() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } }; struct VgaPointersEntry { byte *vgaFile1; byte *vgaFile2; byte *sfxFile; VgaPointersEntry() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } }; struct VgaSprite { uint16 id; uint16 image; uint16 palette; uint16 x, y; /* actually signed numbers */ uint16 flags; uint16 priority; uint16 windowNum, fileId; VgaSprite() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } }; struct VgaSleepStruct { uint16 ident; const byte *code_ptr; uint16 sprite_id; uint16 cur_vga_file; VgaSleepStruct() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } }; struct VgaTimerEntry { uint16 delay; const byte *script_pointer; uint16 sprite_id; uint16 cur_vga_file; VgaTimerEntry() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } }; enum SimonTypes { GType_SIMON1, GType_SIMON2, GType_FF }; struct GameFileDescription { const char *fileName; uint16 fileType; }; struct GameDescription { const char *name; SimonTypes gameType; GameIds gameId; const char *title; int filesCount; GameFileDescription *filesDescriptions; uint32 features; Common::Language language; Common::Platform platform; GameSettings toGameSettings() const { GameSettings dummy = { name, title, features }; return dummy; } }; DetectedGameList GAME_ProbeGame(const FSList &fslist, int **matches = NULL); struct GameSpecificSettings; class Debugger; class SimonEngine : public Engine { friend class Debugger; void errorString(const char *buf_input, char *buf_output); typedef void (SimonEngine::*VgaOpcodeProc) (); void setupVgaOpcodes(); const VgaOpcodeProc *_vga_opcode_table; public: GameDescription *_gameDescription; bool initGame(void); int getGameId() const { return _gameDescription->gameId; } int getGameType() const { return _gameDescription->gameType; } uint32 getFeatures() const { return _gameDescription->features; } Common::Language getLanguage() const { return _gameDescription->language; } Common::Platform getPlatform() const { return _gameDescription->platform; } protected: void playSting(uint a); const byte *_vcPtr; /* video code ptr */ uint16 _vc_get_out_of_code; uint32 *_gameOffsetsPtr; uint VGA_DELAY_BASE; uint TABLE_INDEX_BASE; uint TEXT_INDEX_BASE; uint NUM_VIDEO_OP_CODES; uint VGA_MEM_SIZE; uint TABLES_MEM_SIZE; uint MUSIC_INDEX_BASE; uint SOUND_INDEX_BASE; const GameSpecificSettings *gss; byte _game; byte _keyPressed; typedef enum { FORMAT_NONE, FORMAT_MP3, FORMAT_WAV, FORMAT_VOC } SoundFormat; Common::File *_gameFile; byte *_strippedTxtMem; uint _textSize; uint _stringTabNum, _stringTabPos, _stringtab_numalloc; byte **_stringTabPtr; Item **_itemArrayPtr; uint _itemArraySize; uint _itemArrayInited; byte *_itemHeapPtr; uint _itemHeapCurPos; uint _itemHeapSize; byte *_iconFilePtr; byte *_tblList; const byte *_codePtr; byte **_localStringtable; uint _stringIdLocalMin, _stringIdLocalMax; byte *_tablesHeapPtr, *_tablesHeapPtrOrg, *_tablesheapPtrNew; uint _tablesHeapSize, _tablesHeapCurPos, _tablesHeapCurPosOrg; uint _tablesHeapCurPosNew; Subroutine *_subroutineList, *_subroutineListOrg; uint _subroutine; uint _dxSurfacePitch; uint _recursionDepth; uint32 _lastVgaTick; uint16 _marks; bool _scriptVar2; bool _runScriptReturn1; bool _skipVgaWait; bool _noParentNotify; bool _beardLoaded; bool _hitarea_unk_3; bool _mortalFlag; byte _updateScreen; bool _usePaletteDelay; bool _syncFlag2; bool _inCallBack; bool _cepeFlag; byte _copyPartialMode; uint _speed; bool _fastMode; bool _dxUse3Or4ForLock; uint16 _debugMode; uint16 _language; bool _pause; bool _startMainScript; bool _continousMainScript; bool _startVgaScript; bool _continousVgaScript; bool _drawImagesDebug; bool _dumpImages; bool _speech; bool _subtitles; bool _fade; byte _mouseCursor; bool _vgaVar9; int16 _scriptUnk1; bool _vgaVar6; int _scrollX, _scrollXMax, _scrollHeight; int _scrollY, _scrollYMax, _scrollWidth; int _scrollCount, _scrollFlag; const byte *_scrollImage; byte _vgaVar8; int16 _scriptVerb, _scriptNoun1, _scriptNoun2; int16 _scriptAdj1, _scriptAdj2; uint16 _curWindow; FillOrCopyStruct *_textWindow; Item *_subjectItem, *_objectItem; Item *_item1; Item *_hitAreaObjectItem; HitArea *_lastHitArea; HitArea *_lastHitArea2Ptr; HitArea *_lastHitArea3; byte _leftButtonDown; Item *_hitAreaSubjectItem; HitArea *_hitAreaPtr5, *_hitAreaPtr7; uint _needHitAreaRecalc; uint _verbHitArea; uint16 _hitAreaUnk4; uint _lockCounter; uint16 _windowNum; uint _printCharCurPos, _printCharMaxPos; uint _numLettersToPrint; uint _lastTime; TimeEvent *_firstTimeStruct, *_pendingDeleteTimeEvent; uint _base_time; uint _mouseX, _mouseY; uint _mouseXOld, _mouseYOld; Item *_dummyItem1; Item *_dummyItem2; Item *_dummyItem3; volatile uint16 _lockWord; uint16 _scrollUpHitArea; uint16 _scrollDownHitArea; uint16 _videoVar7; volatile uint16 _paletteColorCount; uint _screenWidth, _screenHeight; byte _videoVar4; bool _videoVar5; bool _fastFadeOutFlag; bool _unkPalFlag; bool _exitCutscene; bool _skipSpeech; byte _paletteFlag; uint _soundFileId; int16 _lastMusicPlayed; int16 _nextMusicToPlay; bool _showPreposition; bool _showMessageFlag; uint _videoNumPalColors; uint _vgaSpriteChanged; byte *_vgaBufFreeStart, *_vgaBufEnd, *_vgaBufStart; byte *_vgaFileBufOrg, *_vgaFileBufOrg2; byte *_curVgaFile1; byte *_curVgaFile2; byte *_curSfxFile; uint16 _timer1, _timer5, _timer4; uint16 _frameRate; uint16 _vgaCurFile2; uint16 _vgaWaitFor, _vgaCurFileId; uint16 _vgaCurSpriteId; int16 _baseY; float _scale; VgaTimerEntry *_nextVgaTimerToProcess; Item *_vcItemArray[20]; Item *_itemArray6[20]; uint16 _stringIdArray2[20]; uint16 _stringIdArray3[20]; uint16 _speechIdArray4[20]; uint16 _bitArray[48]; int16 _variableArray[256]; FillOrCopyStruct *_windowArray[8]; byte _fcsData1[8]; bool _fcsData2[8]; TextLocation _textLocation1, _textLocation2, _textLocation3, _textLocation4; int _freeStringSlot; byte _stringReturnBuffer[2][180]; HitArea _hitAreas[90]; VgaPointersEntry _vgaBufferPointers[450]; VgaSprite _vgaSprites[180]; VgaSleepStruct _vgaSleepStructs[30]; const uint16 *_pathFindArray[100]; uint8 _pathValues[400]; uint8 _PVCount; uint8 _GPVCount; uint8 _pathValues1[400]; uint8 _PVCount1; uint8 _GPVCount1; uint8 _paletteBackup[1024]; uint8 _palette[1024]; byte _videoBuf1[3000]; VgaTimerEntry _vgaTimerList[95]; FillOrCopyStruct *_fcs_list; byte _lettersToPrintBuf[80]; MidiPlayer midi; int _midiDriver; int _numScreenUpdates; int _vgaTickCounter; Sound *_sound; bool _effectsPaused; bool _ambientPaused; bool _musicPaused; Debugger *_debugger; FILE *_dumpFile; int _saveLoadRowCurPos; int _numSaveGameRows; bool _saveDialogFlag; bool _saveOrLoad; bool _saveLoadFlag; byte _saveLoadType, _saveLoadSlot; char _saveLoadName[32]; int _sdlMouseX, _sdlMouseY; byte *_sdl_buf_3; byte *_sdl_buf; byte *_sdl_buf_attached; Common::RandomSource _rnd; const byte *_vc10BasePtrOld; byte _hebrew_char_widths[32]; public: SimonEngine(GameDetector *detector, OSystem *syst); virtual ~SimonEngine(); protected: uint16 to16Wrapper(uint value); uint16 readUint16Wrapper(const void *src); int allocGamePcVars(Common::File *in); void loginPlayerHelper(Item *item, int a, int b); void loginPlayer(); void allocateStringTable(int num); void setupStringTable(byte *mem, int num); void setupLocalStringTable(byte *mem, int num); void readGamePcText(Common::File *in); void readItemChildren(Common::File *in, Item *item, uint tmp); void readItemFromGamePc(Common::File *in, Item *item); void loadGamePcFile(const char *filename); void palette_fadeout(uint32 *pal_values, uint num); byte *allocateItem(uint size); byte *allocateTable(uint size); void alignTableMem(); Child *findChildOfType(Item *i, uint child); Child *allocateChildBlock(Item *i, uint type, uint size); void allocItemHeap(); void allocTablesHeap(); Subroutine *createSubroutine(uint a); void readSubroutine(Common::File *in, Subroutine *sub); SubroutineLine *createSubroutineLine(Subroutine *sub, int a); void readSubroutineLine(Common::File *in, SubroutineLine *new_table, Subroutine *sub); byte *readSingleOpcode(Common::File *in, byte *ptr); void readSubroutineBlock(Common::File *in); Subroutine *getSubroutineByID(uint subroutine_id); /* used in debugger */ void dumpSubroutines(); void dumpSubroutine(Subroutine *sub); void dumpSubroutineLine(SubroutineLine *sl, Subroutine *sub); const byte *dumpOpcode(const byte *p); int startSubroutine(Subroutine *sub); int startSubroutineEx(Subroutine *sub); bool checkIfToRunSubroutineLine(SubroutineLine *sl, Subroutine *sub); int runScript(); Item *getNextItemPtr(); uint getNextItemID(); uint getItem1ID() {return 1;} Item *getItem1Ptr(); Item *getItemPtrB(); byte getByte(); int getNextWord(); uint getNextVarContents(); uint getVarOrWord(); uint getVarOrByte(); uint readVariable(uint variable); void writeNextVarContents(uint16 contents); void writeVariable(uint variable, uint16 contents); void setItemParent(Item *item, Item *parent); uint itemPtrToID(Item *id); Item *derefItem(uint item); void setItemState(Item *item, int value); void showMessageFormat(const char *s, ...); const byte *getStringPtrByID(uint string_id); const byte *getLocalStringByID(uint string_id); uint getNextStringID(); void addTimeEvent(uint timeout, uint subroutine_id); void delTimeEvent(TimeEvent *te); bool isRoom(Item *item); bool isObject(Item *item); void itemChildrenChanged(Item *item); void unlinkItem(Item *item); void linkItem(Item *item, Item *parent); bool o_chance(uint a); void o_kill_sprite_simon1(uint a); void o_kill_sprite_simon2(uint a, uint b); void o_vga_reset(); void changeWindow(uint a); void o_unk_103(); void closeWindow(uint a); void o_unk_108(uint a); void clear_hitarea_bit_0x40(uint hitarea); void set_hitarea_bit_0x40(uint hitarea); void set_hitarea_x_y(uint hitarea, int x, int y); bool is_hitarea_0x40_clear(uint hitarea); void delete_hitarea(uint hitarea); void addNewHitArea(int id, int x, int y, int width, int height, int flags, int unk3, Item *item_ptr); HitArea *findEmptyHitArea(); void hitarea_proc_1(); void handle_verb_hitarea(HitArea * ha); void hitarea_leave(HitArea * ha); void leaveHitAreaById(uint hitarea_id); void o_unk_114(); void o_wait_for_vga(uint a); void skip_speech(); void o_unk_120(uint a); void o_unk_126(); void o_play_music_resource(); void o_save_game(); void o_load_game(); void o_confirmQuit(); void o_restoreIconArray(uint a); void o_unk_138(); void killAllTimers(); uint getOffsetOfChild2Param(Child2 *child, uint prop); void o_unk_160(uint a); void o_play_sound(uint a); void o_lockZone(); void o_unlockZone(); void o_pathfind(int x, int y, uint var_1, uint var_2); void o_mouseOn(); void o_mouseOff(); void o_loadBeard(); void o_unloadBeard(); void o_clear_vgapointer_entry(uint a); void o_unk_186(); void o_fade_to_black(); TextLocation *getTextLocation(uint a); void o_print_str(); void o_setup_cond_c(); void setup_cond_c_helper(); void o_inventory_descriptions(); void lock(); void unlock(); void drawIconArray(uint i, Item *item_ptr, int unk1, int unk2); void loadTextIntoMem(uint string_id); void loadTablesIntoMem(uint subr_id); uint loadTextFile(const char *filename, byte *dst); Common::File *openTablesFile(const char *filename); void closeTablesFile(Common::File *in); uint loadTextFile_simon1(const char *filename, byte *dst); Common::File *openTablesFile_simon1(const char *filename); uint loadTextFile_gme(const char *filename, byte *dst); Common::File *openTablesFile_gme(const char *filename); void invokeTimeEvent(TimeEvent *te); bool kickoffTimeEvents(); void defocusHitarea(); void startSubroutine170(); void runSubroutine101(); void handle_uparrow_hitarea(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs); void handle_downarrow_hitarea(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs); void hitareaChangedHelper(); void focusVerb(uint hitarea_id); HitArea *findHitAreaByID(uint hitarea_id); void showActionString(uint x, const byte *string); void video_putchar(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs, byte c, byte b = 0); void video_fill_or_copy_from_3_to_2(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs); void video_toggle_colors(HitArea * ha, byte a, byte b, byte c, byte d); void read_vga_from_datfile_1(uint vga_id); uint get_fcs_ptr_3_index(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs); void setup_hitarea_from_pos(uint x, uint y, uint mode); void new_current_hitarea(HitArea * ha); bool hitarea_proc_2(uint a); bool hitarea_proc_3(Item *item); void f10_key(); void hitarea_stuff(); void handle_mouse_moved(); void pollMouseXY(); void draw_mouse_pointer(); void removeIconArray(uint fcs_index); void draw_icon_c(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs, uint icon, uint x, uint y); bool has_item_childflag_0x10(Item *item); uint item_get_icon_number(Item *item); uint setup_icon_hit_area(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs, uint x, uint y, uint icon_number, Item *item_ptr); void addArrows(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs, uint fcs_index); void loadIconFile(); void processSpecialKeys(); void hitarea_stuff_helper(); void startUp_helper_2(); void showmessage_helper_3(uint a, uint b); void showmessage_print_char(byte chr); void handle_verb_clicked(uint verb); void o_set_video_mode(uint mode, uint vga_res); void set_video_mode_internal(uint mode, uint vga_res_id); void ensureVgaResLoadedC(uint vga_res); void ensureVgaResLoaded(uint vga_res); void loadSprite(uint windowNum, uint vga_res, uint vga_sprite_id, uint x, uint y, uint palette); void o_defineWindow(uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint e, uint f, uint g, uint h); void talk_with_speech(uint speech_id, uint vga_sprite_id); void talk_with_text(uint vga_sprite_id, uint color, const char *string_ptr, int16 x, int16 y, int16 width); FillOrCopyStruct *openWindow(uint x, uint y, uint w, uint h, uint flags, uint fill_color, uint text_color); void render_string_amiga(uint vga_sprite_id, uint color, uint width, uint height, const char *txt); void render_string(uint vga_sprite_id, uint color, uint width, uint height, const char *txt); void setArrowHitAreas(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs, uint fcs_index); byte *setup_vga_destination(uint32 size); void vga_buf_unk_proc3(byte *end); void vga_buf_unk_proc1(byte *end); void vga_buf_unk_proc2(uint a, byte *end); void delete_memptr_range(byte *end); void setup_vga_file_buf_pointers(); void run_vga_script(); public: // Simon1/Simon2 video script opcodes void vc1_fadeOut(); void vc2_call(); void vc3_loadSprite(); void vc4_fadeIn(); void vc5_skip_if_neq(); void vc6_skip_ifn_sib_with_a(); void vc7_skip_if_sib_with_a(); void vc8_skip_if_parent_is(); void vc9_skip_if_unk3_is(); void vc10_draw(); void vc11_clearPathFinder(); void vc12_delay(); void vc13_addToSpriteX(); void vc14_addToSpriteY(); void vc15_wakeup_id(); void vc16_sleep_on_id(); void vc17_setPathfinderItem(); void vc18_jump(); void vc19_chain_to_script(); void vc20_setRepeat(); void vc21_endRepeat(); void vc22_setSpritePalette(); void vc23_setSpritePriority(); void vc24_setSpriteXY(); void vc25_halt_sprite(); void vc26_setSubWindow(); void vc27_resetSprite(); void vc28_dummy_op(); void vc29_stopAllSounds(); void vc30_setFrameRate(); void vc31_setWindow(); void vc32_copyVar(); void vc33_setMouseOn(); void vc34_setMouseOff(); void vc35_clearWindow(); void vc36_setWindowImage(); void vc37_addToSpriteY(); void vc38_skipIfVarZero(); void vc39_setVar(); void vc40(); void vc41(); void vc42_delayIfNotEQ(); void vc43_skipIfBitClear(); void vc44_skipIfBitSet(); void vc45_setSpriteX(); void vc46_setSpriteY(); void vc47_addToVar(); void vc48_setPathFinder(); void vc49_setBit(); void vc50_clearBit(); void vc51_clear_hitarea_bit_0x40(); void vc52_playSound(); void vc53_no_op(); void vc54_no_op(); void vc55_offset_hit_area(); void vc56_delay(); void vc57_no_op(); void vc58(); void vc59(); void vc60_killSprite(); void vc61_setMaskImage(); void vc62_fastFadeOut(); void vc63_fastFadeIn(); // Simon2 specific Video Script Opcodes void vc64_skipIfSpeechEnded(); void vc65_slowFadeIn(); void vc66_skipIfNotEqual(); void vc67_skipIfGE(); void vc68_skipIfLE(); void vc69_playTrack(); void vc70_queueMusic(); void vc71_checkMusicQueue(); void vc72_play_track_2(); void vc73_setMark(); void vc74_clearMark(); void vc75_setScale(); void vc76_setScaleXOffs(); void vc77_setScaleYOffs(); void vc78_computeXY(); void vc79_computePosNum(); void vc80_setOverlayImage(); void vc81_setRandom(); void vc82_getPathValue(); void vc83_playSoundLoop(); void vc84_stopSoundLoop(); protected: void delete_vga_timer(VgaTimerEntry * vte); void vc_resume_sprite(const byte *code_ptr, uint16 cur_file, uint16 cur_sprite); int vc_read_var_or_word(); uint vc_read_next_word(); uint vc_read_next_byte(); uint vc_read_var(uint var); void vc_write_var(uint var, int16 value); void vc_skip_next_instruction(); int getScale(int y, int x); bool itemIsSiblingOf(uint16 val); bool itemIsParentOf(uint16 a, uint16 b); bool vc_maybe_skip_proc_1(uint16 a, int16 b); void add_vga_timer(uint num, const byte *code_ptr, uint cur_sprite, uint cur_file); VgaSprite *find_cur_sprite(); void vc_set_bit_to(uint bit, bool value); void expire_vga_timers(); bool isSpriteLoaded(uint16 id, uint16 fileId); bool vc_get_bit(uint bit); void fcs_setTextColor(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs, uint value); void video_copy_if_flag_0x8_c(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs); void delete_hitarea_by_index(uint index); void removeArrows(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs, uint fcs_index); void fcs_putchar(uint a); void copy_img_from_3_to_2(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs); void video_erase(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs); void dx_copy_rgn_from_3_to_2(uint b, uint r, uint y, uint x); byte *dx_lock_2(); void dx_unlock_2(); byte *dx_lock_attached(); void dx_unlock_attached(); byte *read_vga_from_datfile_2(uint id, uint type); void resfile_read(void *dst, uint32 offs, uint32 size); int init(GameDetector &detector); int go(); void openGameFile(); void timer_callback(); void timer_proc1(); void timer_vga_sprites(); void timer_vga_sprites_2(); void dx_clear_surfaces(uint num_lines); void dx_update_screen_and_palette(); void dump_video_script(const byte *src, bool one_opcode_only); void dump_vga_file(const byte *vga); void dump_vga_script(const byte *ptr, uint res, uint sprite_id); void dump_vga_script_always(const byte *ptr, uint res, uint sprite_id); void dump_vga_bitmaps(const byte *vga, byte *vga1, int res); void dump_single_bitmap(int file, int image, const byte *offs, int w, int h, byte base); void dx_clear_attached_from_top(uint lines); void dx_copy_from_attached_to_2(uint x, uint y, uint w, uint h); void dx_copy_from_attached_to_3(uint lines); void dx_copy_from_2_to_attached(uint x, uint y, uint w, uint h); void print_char_helper_1(const byte *src, uint len); void print_char_helper_5(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs); void quick_load_or_save(); void shutdown(); byte *vc10_uncompressFlip(const byte *src, uint w, uint h); byte *vc10_flip(const byte *src, uint w, uint h); Item *getNextItemPtrStrange(); bool save_game(uint slot, char *caption); bool load_game(uint slot); void showmessage_helper_2(); void print_char_helper_6(uint i); void video_putchar_newline(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs); void video_putchar_drawchar(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs, uint x, uint y, byte chr); void loadMusic(uint music); void checkTimerCallback(); void delay(uint delay); void pause(); void o_83_helper(); void o_waitForMark(uint i); void timer_vga_sprites_helper(); void decodeStripA(byte *dst, const byte *src, int height); void scroll_timeout(); void hitarea_stuff_helper_2(); void fastFadeIn(); void slowFadeIn(); void vc_kill_sprite(uint file, uint sprite); void set_dummy_cursor(); void set_volume(int volume); void save_or_load_dialog(bool load); void o_unk_132_helper_3(); int o_unk_132_helper(bool *b, char *buf); void o_clear_character(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs, int x, byte b = 0); void savegame_dialog(char *buf); void o_file_error(FillOrCopyStruct *fcs, bool save_error); int count_savegames(); int display_savegame_list(int curpos, bool load, char *dst); void show_it(void *buf); char *gen_savename(int slot); }; } // End of namespace Simon #endif