/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2003 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include #include "common/scummsys.h" #include "sky/skydefs.h" #include "sky/sky.h" #define FREE_IF_NOT_0(ptr) if (ptr != NULL) { free (ptr); ptr = 0; } #define REMOVE_INTRO commandPtr = (uint32 *)zeroCommands; \ FREE_IF_NOT_0(_introTextSpace) \ FREE_IF_NOT_0(_introTextSave) #define CHECK_ESC if (_key_pressed == 27) { _skyScreen->stopSequence(); REMOVE_INTRO return; } #define WAIT_SEQUENCE while (_skyScreen->sequenceRunning()) { checkCommands(commandPtr); delay(50); CHECK_ESC } #define INTRO_TEXT_WIDTH 128 #define FN_A_PAL 60080 #define FN_1A_LOG 60081 #define FN_1A 60082 #define FN_1B 60083 #define FN_1C 60084 #define FN_1D 60085 #define FN_1E 60086 #define FN_4A 60087 #define FN_4B_LOG 60088 #define FN_4B 60089 #define FN_4C_LOG 60090 #define FN_4C 60091 #define FN_5_PAL 60092 #define FN_5_LOG 60093 #define FN_5 60094 #define FN_6_PAL 60095 #define FN_6_LOG 60096 #define FN_6A 60097 #define FN_6B 60098 #define IC_PREPARE_TEXT 0 #define IC_SHOW_TEXT 1 #define IC_REMOVE_TEXT 2 #define IC_MAKE_SOUND 3 #define IC_FX_VOLUME 4 uint32 cockpitCommands[] = { 1000, //do straight away IC_PREPARE_TEXT, 77, 220, IC_SHOW_TEXT, //radar detects jamming signal 20, 160, 105, IC_REMOVE_TEXT, 105, IC_PREPARE_TEXT, 81, 105, IC_SHOW_TEXT, //well switch to override you fool 170, 86, 35, IC_REMOVE_TEXT, 35, IC_PREPARE_TEXT, 477, 35, IC_SHOW_TEXT, 30, 160, 3, IC_REMOVE_TEXT, 0 }; uint32 zeroCommands[] = { 0 }; uint32 anim5Commands[] = { 31, IC_MAKE_SOUND, 2, 127, 0 }; uint32 anim4aCommands[] = { 136, IC_MAKE_SOUND, 1, 70, 90, IC_FX_VOLUME, 80, 50, IC_FX_VOLUME, 90, 5, IC_FX_VOLUME, 100, 0 }; uint32 anim4cCommands[] = { 1000, IC_FX_VOLUME, 100, 25, IC_FX_VOLUME, 110, 15, IC_FX_VOLUME, 120, 4, IC_FX_VOLUME, 127, 0 }; uint32 anim6aCommands[] = { 1000, IC_PREPARE_TEXT, 478, 13, IC_SHOW_TEXT, 175, 155, 0 }; uint32 anim6bCommands[] = { 131, IC_REMOVE_TEXT, 131, IC_PREPARE_TEXT, 479, 74, IC_SHOW_TEXT, 175, 155, 45, IC_REMOVE_TEXT, 45, IC_PREPARE_TEXT, 162, 44, IC_SHOW_TEXT, 175, 155, 4, IC_REMOVE_TEXT, 0 }; typedef void (SkyState::*commandRoutinesProc)(uint32 *&cmdPtr); static const commandRoutinesProc commandRoutines[] = { &SkyState::prepareText, &SkyState::showIntroText, &SkyState::removeText, &SkyState::introFx, &SkyState::introVol, }; void SkyState::initVirgin() { _skyScreen->setPalette(60111); _skyScreen->showScreen(60110); } void SkyState::intro(void) { uint32 *commandPtr = (uint32 *)zeroCommands; _skyDisk->prefetchFile(60112); // revolution screen _skyDisk->prefetchFile(60113); // revolution palette _skyMusic->loadSectionMusic(0); delay(3000); //keep virgin screen up for 3 seconds CHECK_ESC if (!isCDVersion(_gameVersion)) _skyMusic->startMusic(1); delay(3000); //and another 3 seconds. CHECK_ESC _skyScreen->fnFadeDown(0); //remove virgin screen _skyScreen->showScreen(60112); _skyScreen->paletteFadeUp(60113); //while rev is up, load gibbons screen _skyDisk->prefetchFile(60114); // gibbo screen _skyDisk->prefetchFile(60115); // gibbo palette _introTextSpace = (uint8 *)calloc(10000, 1); _introTextSave = (uint8 *)calloc(10000, 1); _skyText->getText(77); delay(8000); // keep revolution up for 8 seconds CHECK_ESC _skyScreen->fnFadeDown(0); _skyScreen->showScreen(60114); _skyScreen->paletteFadeUp(60115); if (isCDVersion(_gameVersion)) { doCDIntro(); } else { _skyDisk->prefetchFile(FN_A_PAL); _skyDisk->prefetchFile(FN_1A_LOG); _skyDisk->prefetchFile(FN_1A); //keep gibbo up for 2 seconds delay(2000); CHECK_ESC _skyScreen->fnFadeDown(0); _skyScreen->showScreen(FN_1A_LOG); _skyScreen->paletteFadeUp(FN_A_PAL); _skyScreen->startSequence(FN_1A); _skyDisk->prefetchFile(FN_1B); WAIT_SEQUENCE; _skyScreen->startSequence(FN_1B); _skyDisk->prefetchFile(FN_1C); WAIT_SEQUENCE; _skyScreen->startSequence(FN_1C); _skyDisk->prefetchFile(FN_1D); WAIT_SEQUENCE; _skyScreen->startSequence(FN_1D); _skyDisk->prefetchFile(FN_1E); WAIT_SEQUENCE; _skyScreen->startSequence(FN_1E); uint8 *vgaData, *diffData, *vgaPointer, *diffPointer, *scrollData; uint8 *currScreenPos; vgaData = _skyDisk->loadFile(60100, NULL); vgaPointer = vgaData; diffData = _skyDisk->loadFile(60101, NULL); diffPointer = diffData + 2; uint16 noFrames = READ_LE_UINT16(diffData); _skyDisk->prefetchFile(FN_4A); WAIT_SEQUENCE; //set up the scrolling intro scrollData = (byte *)malloc(GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH * GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT * 2); //clear the base memset(scrollData, 0, GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH * GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT); memcpy(scrollData + (GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH * GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT), _skyScreen->giveCurrent(), GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH * GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT); currScreenPos = scrollData + (GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH * GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT); byte scrollByte; for (uint16 frameCounter = 1; frameCounter < noFrames; frameCounter++) { scrollByte = *diffPointer++; if (scrollByte) currScreenPos -= scrollByte * GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH; delay(40); if (_key_pressed == 27) { REMOVE_INTRO; return; } //non-scrolling frame update introFrame(&diffPointer, &vgaPointer, currScreenPos); _skyScreen->showScreen(currScreenPos); } memcpy(_skyScreen->giveCurrent(), currScreenPos, GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT * GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH); _skyScreen->startSequence(FN_4A); free(scrollData); free(vgaData); free(diffData); commandPtr = (uint32 *)anim4aCommands; _skyDisk->prefetchFile(FN_4B); _skyDisk->prefetchFile(FN_4B_LOG); WAIT_SEQUENCE; _skyScreen->showScreen(FN_4B_LOG); commandPtr = (uint32 *)cockpitCommands; _skyScreen->startSequence(FN_4B); checkCommands(commandPtr); checkCommands(commandPtr); _skyDisk->prefetchFile(FN_4C); WAIT_SEQUENCE; //4b _skyScreen->showScreen(FN_4C_LOG); _skyScreen->startSequence(FN_4C); commandPtr = (uint32 *)anim4cCommands; WAIT_SEQUENCE; //4c _skyDisk->prefetchFile(FN_5_PAL); _skyDisk->prefetchFile(FN_5_LOG); _skyDisk->prefetchFile(FN_5); _skyScreen->fnFadeDown(0); _skyScreen->showScreen(FN_5_LOG); _skyScreen->paletteFadeUp(FN_5_PAL); _skyScreen->startSequence(FN_5); commandPtr = (uint32 *)anim5Commands; WAIT_SEQUENCE; _skyDisk->prefetchFile(FN_6_PAL); _skyDisk->prefetchFile(FN_6_LOG); _skyDisk->prefetchFile(FN_6A); _skyScreen->fnFadeDown(0); _skyScreen->showScreen(FN_6_LOG); _skyMusic->startMusic(2); _skyScreen->paletteFadeUp(FN_6_PAL); _skyScreen->startSequence(FN_6A); _skyDisk->prefetchFile(FN_6B); commandPtr = (uint32 *)anim6aCommands; WAIT_SEQUENCE; //6a _skyScreen->startSequence(FN_6B); commandPtr = (uint32 *)anim6bCommands; WAIT_SEQUENCE; //6b } } void SkyState::introFrame(uint8 **diffPtr, uint8 **vgaPtr, uint8 *screenData) { uint32 scrPos = 0; uint8 nrToSkip, nrToDo; do { do { nrToSkip = **diffPtr; (*diffPtr)++; scrPos += nrToSkip; } while (nrToSkip == 255); do { nrToDo = **diffPtr; (*diffPtr)++; memcpy(screenData + scrPos, *vgaPtr, nrToDo); scrPos += nrToDo; *vgaPtr += nrToDo; } while (nrToDo == 255); } while (scrPos < GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH * GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT); } void SkyState::checkCommands(uint32 *&cmdPtr) { //check for sequence commands assert (cmdPtr != NULL); uint32 afterFrame = *(cmdPtr); if (afterFrame >= _skyScreen->seqFramesLeft()) { //do a command uint32 command = *(cmdPtr + 1); (this->*commandRoutines[command])(cmdPtr); } } void SkyState::prepareText(uint32 *&cmdPtr) { uint32 textNum = *(cmdPtr + 2); _skyText->getText(textNum); _skyText->displayText(_introTextSpace, true, INTRO_TEXT_WIDTH, 255); cmdPtr += 3; } #define _workScreen _skyScreen->giveCurrent() void SkyState::showIntroText(uint32 *&cmdPtr) { uint32 xPos = *(cmdPtr + 2); uint32 yPos = *(cmdPtr + 3); uint32 startPos = (yPos * FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH) + xPos; byte *destBuf = _introTextSpace; byte *saveBuf = _introTextSave; uint16 width = FROM_LE_16(((struct dataFileHeader *)destBuf)->s_width); uint16 height = FROM_LE_16(((struct dataFileHeader *)destBuf)->s_height); *(uint32 *)saveBuf = TO_LE_32(startPos); *(uint32 *)(saveBuf + 4) = TO_LE_32(height); *(uint32 *)(saveBuf + 8) = TO_LE_32(width); saveBuf += 12; //save current screen contents byte *savePtr = (byte *)_workScreen + startPos; uint i, j; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { memcpy(saveBuf, savePtr, width); saveBuf += width; savePtr += GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH; } //now print the text byte *textBuf = _introTextSpace + sizeof(struct dataFileHeader); byte *curPos = (byte *)_workScreen + startPos; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { byte *prevPos = curPos; for (j = 0; j < width; j++) { uint8 pixel = *textBuf++; if (pixel) *curPos = pixel; curPos++; } curPos = prevPos + GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH; } cmdPtr += 4; } void SkyState::removeText(uint32 *&cmdPtr) { byte *saveBuf = _introTextSave; uint32 startPos = READ_LE_UINT32(saveBuf); uint32 height = READ_LE_UINT32(saveBuf + 4); uint32 width = READ_LE_UINT32(saveBuf + 8); byte *dest = _workScreen + startPos; saveBuf += 12; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < height; i++) { memcpy(dest, saveBuf, width); saveBuf += width; dest += FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH; } cmdPtr += 2; } #undef _workScreen void SkyState::introFx(uint32 *&cmdPtr) { warning("introFx() not implemented yet"); cmdPtr += 4; } void SkyState::introVol(uint32 *&cmdPtr) { warning("introVol() not implemented yet"); cmdPtr += 3; }