/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2003 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "common/scummsys.h" #include "sky/skydefs.h" #include "sky/sky.h" #include "sky/text.h" #define FIRST_TEXT_SEC 77 #define NO_OF_TEXT_SECTIONS 8 // 8 sections per language #define CHAR_SET_FILE 60150 #define MAX_SPEECH_SECTION 7 #define CHAR_SET_HEADER 128 #define MAX_NO_LINES 10 SkyText::SkyText(SkyDisk *skyDisk, uint32 gameVersion) { _skyDisk = skyDisk; _gameVersion = gameVersion; _mainCharacterSet.addr = _skyDisk->loadFile(CHAR_SET_FILE, NULL); _mainCharacterSet.charHeight = MAIN_CHAR_HEIGHT; _mainCharacterSet.charSpacing = 0; fnSetFont(0); if (!SkyState::isDemo(_gameVersion)) { _controlCharacterSet.addr = _skyDisk->loadFile(60520, NULL); _controlCharacterSet.charHeight = 12; _controlCharacterSet.charSpacing = 1; _linkCharacterSet.addr = _skyDisk->loadFile(60521, NULL); _linkCharacterSet.charHeight = 12; _linkCharacterSet.charSpacing = 0; } if (SkyState::isCDVersion(_gameVersion)) { _preAfterTableArea = _skyDisk->loadFile(60522, NULL); } } void SkyText::fnSetFont(uint32 fontNr) { struct charSet *newCharSet; switch (fontNr) { case 0: newCharSet = &_mainCharacterSet; break; case 1: newCharSet = &_controlCharacterSet; break; case 2: newCharSet = &_linkCharacterSet; break; default: error("Tried to set invalid font (%d)", fontNr); } _curCharSet = fontNr; _characterSet = newCharSet->addr; _charHeight = (byte)newCharSet->charHeight; _dtCharSpacing = newCharSet->charSpacing; } void SkyText::getText(uint32 textNr, void **itemList, uint16 language) { //load text #"textNr" into textBuffer uint32 sectionNo = (textNr & 0x0F000) >> 10; if (itemList[FIRST_TEXT_SEC + sectionNo] == (void*)NULL) { //check if already loaded debug(5, "Loading Text item(s) for Section %d", (sectionNo>>2)); uint32 fileNo = (sectionNo >> 2); fileNo += ((language * NO_OF_TEXT_SECTIONS) + 60600); itemList[FIRST_TEXT_SEC + sectionNo] = (void *)_skyDisk->loadFile((uint16)fileNo, NULL); } _textItemPtr = (uint8 *)itemList[FIRST_TEXT_SEC + sectionNo]; uint32 offset = 0; uint32 nr32MsgBlocks = (textNr & 0x0fe0); uint32 skipBytes; byte *blockPtr; bool bitSeven; if (nr32MsgBlocks) { blockPtr = (byte *)(_textItemPtr + 4); nr32MsgBlocks >>= 5; do { offset += READ_LE_UINT16(blockPtr); blockPtr += 2; } while (--nr32MsgBlocks); } uint32 remItems = textNr; textNr &= 0x1f; if (textNr) { remItems &= 0x0fe0; remItems += READ_LE_UINT16(_textItemPtr); blockPtr = _textItemPtr + remItems; do { skipBytes = *blockPtr++; bitSeven = (bool)((skipBytes >> (7)) & 0x1); skipBytes &= ~(1UL << 7); if (bitSeven) skipBytes <<= 3; offset += skipBytes; } while (--textNr); } uint32 numBits = offset; offset >>= 2; offset += READ_LE_UINT16(_textItemPtr + 2); _textItemPtr += offset; //bit pointer: 0->8, 1->6, 2->4 ... numBits &= 3; numBits ^= 3; numBits++; numBits <<= 1; _inputValue = *_textItemPtr++; char *dest = (char *)_textBuffer; char textChar; _shiftBits = (uint8) numBits; do { textChar = getTextChar(); *dest++ = textChar; } while(textChar); } bool SkyText::getTBit() { if (_shiftBits) { (_shiftBits)--; } else { _inputValue = *_textItemPtr++; _shiftBits = 7; } return (bool)(((_inputValue) >> (_shiftBits)) & 1); } void SkyText::displayText(uint8 *dest, bool centre, uint16 pixelWidth, uint8 color) { //Render text in _textBuffer in buffer *dest displayText(this->_textBuffer, dest, centre, pixelWidth, color); } void SkyText::displayText(char *textPtr, uint8 *dest, bool centre, uint16 pixelWidth, uint8 color) { //Render text pointed to by *textPtr in buffer *dest char textChar; char *curPos = textPtr; char *lastSpace = curPos; byte *centerTblPtr = _centreTable; uint16 lineWidth = 0; _dtCol = color; _dtLineWidth = pixelWidth; _dtLines = 0; _dtLetters = 1; _dtData = dest; _dtText = textPtr; _dtCentre = centre; textChar = *curPos++; _dtLetters++; while (textChar >= 0x20) { textChar -= 0x20; if (textChar == 0) { lastSpace = curPos; //keep track of last space *(uint32*)centerTblPtr = TO_LE_32(lineWidth); } lineWidth += *(_characterSet+textChar); //add character width lineWidth += (int)_dtCharSpacing; //include character spacing if (pixelWidth <= lineWidth) { if (*(lastSpace-1) == 10) warning("line width exceeded!"); *(lastSpace-1) = 10; lineWidth = 0; _dtLines++; centerTblPtr += 4; //get next space in centering table curPos = lastSpace; //go back for new count } textChar = *curPos++; _dtLetters++; } _dtLastWidth = lineWidth; //save width of last line *(uint32 *)centerTblPtr = TO_LE_32(lineWidth); //and update centering table _dtLines++; if (_dtLines > MAX_NO_LINES) error("Maximum no. of lines exceeded!"); _dtLineSize = pixelWidth * _charHeight; uint32 numBytes = (_dtLineSize * _dtLines) + sizeof(struct dataFileHeader) + 4; if (_dtData == NULL) _dtData = (byte *)malloc(numBytes); byte *curDest = dest; uint32 bytesToClear = numBytes; //no of bytes to clear bytesToClear -= sizeof(struct dataFileHeader); //don't touch the header. memset(curDest + sizeof(struct dataFileHeader), 0, bytesToClear); curPos += bytesToClear; //make the header ((struct dataFileHeader *)curDest)->s_width = TO_LE_16(_dtLineWidth); ((struct dataFileHeader *)curDest)->s_height = TO_LE_16((int)(_charHeight * _dtLines)); ((struct dataFileHeader *)curDest)->s_sp_size = TO_LE_16((int)(_dtLineWidth * _charHeight * _dtLines)); ((struct dataFileHeader *)curDest)->s_offset_x = TO_LE_16(0); ((struct dataFileHeader *)curDest)->s_offset_y = TO_LE_16(0); //reset position curPos = textPtr; curDest += sizeof(struct dataFileHeader); //point to where pixels start byte *prevDest = curDest; centerTblPtr = _centreTable; do { if (_dtCentre) { uint32 width = _dtLineWidth; width -= READ_LE_UINT32(centerTblPtr); centerTblPtr += 4; width >>=1; curDest += width; } textChar = *curPos++; while (textChar >= 0x20) { textChar -= 0x20; makeGameCharacter(textChar, _characterSet, curDest, color); textChar = *curPos++; } curDest = prevDest; //start of last line curDest += _dtLineSize; //start of next prevDest = curDest; } while (textChar >= 10); } void SkyText::makeGameCharacter(char textChar, uint8 *charSet, uint8 *&dest, uint8 color) { bool maskBit, dataBit; uint8 charWidth = (int)((*(charSet + textChar)) + 1 - _dtCharSpacing); uint16 data, mask; byte *charSpritePtr = (charSet + CHAR_SET_HEADER + ((_charHeight << 2) * textChar)); byte *startPos = dest; byte *curPos = startPos; for (int i = 0; i < _charHeight; i++) { byte *prevPos = curPos; data = READ_BE_UINT16(charSpritePtr); mask = READ_BE_UINT16(charSpritePtr + 2); charSpritePtr += 4; for (int j = 0; j < charWidth; j++) { maskBit = (mask & 0x8000) != 0; //check mask mask <<= 1; dataBit = (data & 0x8000) != 0; //check data data <<= 1; if (maskBit) if (dataBit) *curPos = color; else *curPos = 240; //transparent curPos++; } //advance a line curPos = prevPos; curPos += _dtLineWidth; } //update position dest = startPos + charWidth + _dtCharSpacing*2 - 1; } char SkyText_v00267::getTextChar() { //NOTE: The decoding code for the floppy versions (both demo and full version) is _completely_ different. //This code is based on disassembly of the v0.0267 binary. if (getTBit()) goto ab73; if (getTBit()) goto ab34; if (getTBit()) goto ab31; if (getTBit()) goto ab2e; return (char)0x20; ab2e: return (char)0x65; ab31: return (char)0x73; ab34: if (getTBit()) goto ab5c; if (getTBit()) goto ab4f; if (getTBit()) goto ab4c; return (char)0x6d; ab4c: return (char)0x61; ab4f: if (getTBit()) goto ab59; return (char)0x0; ab59: return (char)0x6e; ab5c: if (getTBit()) goto ab70; if (getTBit()) goto ab6d; return (char)0x69; ab6d: return (char)0x74; ab70: return (char)0x75; ab73: if (getTBit()) goto abeb; if (getTBit()) goto abac; if (getTBit()) goto ab9f; if (getTBit()) goto ab9c; if (getTBit()) goto ab99; return (char)0x2e; ab99: return (char)0x72; ab9c: return (char)0x45; ab9f: if (getTBit()) goto aba9; return (char)0x6f; aba9: return (char)0x68; abac: if (getTBit()) goto abd4; if (getTBit()) goto abc7; if (getTBit()) goto abc4; return (char)0x44; abc4: return (char)0x67; abc7: if (getTBit()) goto abd1; return (char)0x49; abd1: return (char)0x79; abd4: if (getTBit()) goto abe8; if (getTBit()) goto abe5; return (char)0x53; abe5: return (char)0x64; abe8: return (char)0x6c; abeb: if (getTBit()) goto ac4f; if (getTBit()) goto ac1a; if (getTBit()) goto ac0d; if (getTBit()) goto ac0a; return (char)0x54; ac0a: return (char)0x4e; ac0d: if (getTBit()) goto ac17; return (char)0x63; ac17: return (char)0x52; ac1a: if (getTBit()) goto ac38; if (getTBit()) goto ac35; if (getTBit()) goto ac32; return (char)0x41; ac32: return (char)0x4f; ac35: return (char)0x4c; ac38: if (getTBit()) goto ac4c; if (getTBit()) goto ac49; return (char)0x48; ac49: return (char)0x43; ac4c: return (char)0x55; ac4f: if (getTBit()) goto acb3; if (getTBit()) goto ac88; if (getTBit()) goto ac7b; if (getTBit()) goto ac78; if (getTBit()) goto ac75; return (char)0x62; ac75: return (char)0x21; ac78: return (char)0x27; ac7b: if (getTBit()) goto ac85; return (char)0x77; ac85: return (char)0x66; ac88: if (getTBit()) goto aca6; if (getTBit()) goto aca3; if (getTBit()) goto aca0; return (char)0x47; aca0: return (char)0x4d; aca3: return (char)0x2c; aca6: if (getTBit()) goto acb0; return (char)0x57; acb0: return (char)0x42; acb3: if (getTBit()) goto acf9; if (getTBit()) goto ace2; if (getTBit()) goto acd5; if (getTBit()) goto acd2; return (char)0x3f; acd2: return (char)0x50; acd5: if (getTBit()) goto acdf; return (char)0x6b; acdf: return (char)0x70; ace2: if (getTBit()) goto acf6; if (getTBit()) goto acf3; return (char)0x76; acf3: return (char)0x46; acf6: return (char)0x4b; acf9: if (getTBit()) goto ad35; if (getTBit()) goto ad1e; if (getTBit()) goto ad1b; if (getTBit()) goto ad18; return (char)0x56; ad18: return (char)0x59; ad1b: return (char)0x7a; ad1e: if (getTBit()) goto ad32; if (getTBit()) goto ad2f; return (char)0x2d; ad2f: return (char)0x23; ad32: return (char)0x4a; ad35: if (getTBit()) goto ad7b; if (getTBit()) goto ad5a; if (getTBit()) goto ad57; if (getTBit()) goto ad54; return (char)0x5a; ad54: return (char)0x28; ad57: return (char)0x29; ad5a: if (getTBit()) goto ad6e; if (getTBit()) goto ad6b; return (char)0x6a; ad6b: return (char)0x2b; ad6e: if (getTBit()) goto ad78; return (char)0x2a; ad78: return (char)0x71; ad7b: if (getTBit()) goto adc1; if (getTBit()) goto ada0; if (getTBit()) goto ad9d; if (getTBit()) goto ad9a; return (char)0x7d; ad9a: return (char)0x3a; ad9d: return (char)0x60; ada0: if (getTBit()) goto adb4; if (getTBit()) goto adb1; return (char)0x30; adb1: return (char)0x32; adb4: if (getTBit()) goto adbe; return (char)0x31; adbe: return (char)0x51; adc1: if (getTBit()) goto adfd; if (getTBit()) goto ade6; if (getTBit()) goto ade3; if (getTBit()) goto ade0; return (char)0x58; ade0: return (char)0x78; ade3: return (char)0x33; ade6: if (getTBit()) goto adfa; if (getTBit()) goto adf7; return (char)0x39; adf7: return (char)0x34; adfa: return (char)0x3c; adfd: if (getTBit()) goto ae2f; if (getTBit()) goto ae22; if (getTBit()) goto ae1f; if (getTBit()) goto ae1c; return (char)0x38; ae1c: return (char)0x5d; ae1f: return (char)0x3d; ae22: if (getTBit()) goto ae2c; return (char)0x26; ae2c: return (char)0x35; ae2f: if (getTBit()) goto ae57; if (getTBit()) goto ae4a; if (getTBit()) goto ae47; return (char)0x36; ae47: return (char)0x2f; ae4a: if (getTBit()) goto ae54; return (char)0x37; ae54: return (char)0x24; ae57: if (getTBit()) goto ae75; if (getTBit()) goto ae72; if (getTBit()) goto ae6f; return (char)0x3e; ae6f: return (char)0x25; ae72: return (char)0x5e; ae75: if (getTBit()) goto ae93; if (getTBit()) goto ae90; if (getTBit()) goto ae8d; return (char)0x22; ae8d: return (char)0x40; ae90: return (char)0x5b; ae93: if (getTBit()) goto aea7; if (getTBit()) goto aea4; return (char)0x5f; aea4: return (char)0x7b; aea7: if (getTBit()) goto aeb1; return (char)0x5c; aeb1: return (char)0x7c; } char SkyText_v00288::getTextChar() { //This code is based on disassembly of the v0.0288 binary. if (getTBit()) goto e5b3; if (getTBit()) goto e574; if (getTBit()) goto e567; return (char)0x20; e567: if (getTBit()) goto e571; return (char)0x65; e571: return (char)0x73; e574: if (getTBit()) goto e59c; if (getTBit()) goto e58f; if (getTBit()) goto e58c; return (char)0x6e; e58c: return (char)0x69; e58f: if (getTBit()) goto e599; return (char)0x74; e599: return (char)0x61; e59c: if (getTBit()) goto e5b0; if (getTBit()) goto e5ad; return (char)0x2e; e5ad: return (char)0x0; e5b0: return (char)0x45; e5b3: if (getTBit()) goto e62b; if (getTBit()) goto e5ec; if (getTBit()) goto e5df; if (getTBit()) goto e5dc; if (getTBit()) goto e5d9; return (char)0x72; e5d9: return (char)0x6f; e5dc: return (char)0x75; e5df: if (getTBit()) goto e5e9; return (char)0x6d; e5e9: return (char)0x68; e5ec: if (getTBit()) goto e614; if (getTBit()) goto e607; if (getTBit()) goto e604; return (char)0x49; e604: return (char)0x6c; e607: if (getTBit()) goto e611; return (char)0x53; e611: return (char)0x52; e614: if (getTBit()) goto e628; if (getTBit()) goto e625; return (char)0x64; e625: return (char)0x4e; e628: return (char)0x54; e62b: if (getTBit()) goto e6a3; if (getTBit()) goto e664; if (getTBit()) goto e657; if (getTBit()) goto e654; if (getTBit()) goto e651; return (char)0x63; e651: return (char)0x41; e654: return (char)0x4f; e657: if (getTBit()) goto e661; return (char)0x44; e661: return (char)0x4c; e664: if (getTBit()) goto e68c; if (getTBit()) goto e67f; if (getTBit()) goto e67c; return (char)0x43; e67c: return (char)0x67; e67f: if (getTBit()) goto e689; return (char)0x55; e689: return (char)0x27; e68c: if (getTBit()) goto e6a0; if (getTBit()) goto e69d; return (char)0x79; e69d: return (char)0x48; e6a0: return (char)0x70; e6a3: if (getTBit()) goto e707; if (getTBit()) goto e6dc; if (getTBit()) goto e6cf; if (getTBit()) goto e6cc; if (getTBit()) goto e6c9; return (char)0x21; e6c9: return (char)0x4d; e6cc: return (char)0x62; e6cf: if (getTBit()) goto e6d9; return (char)0x76; e6d9: return (char)0x2c; e6dc: if (getTBit()) goto e6fa; if (getTBit()) goto e6f7; if (getTBit()) goto e6f4; return (char)0x50; e6f4: return (char)0x66; e6f7: return (char)0x3f; e6fa: if (getTBit()) goto e704; return (char)0x47; e704: return (char)0x42; e707: if (getTBit()) goto e757; if (getTBit()) goto e736; if (getTBit()) goto e729; if (getTBit()) goto e726; return (char)0x77; e726: return (char)0x57; e729: if (getTBit()) goto e733; return (char)0x46; e733: return (char)0x56; e736: if (getTBit()) goto e74a; if (getTBit()) goto e747; return (char)0x6b; e747: return (char)0x7a; e74a: if (getTBit()) goto e754; return (char)0x4b; e754: return (char)0x2d; e757: if (getTBit()) goto e793; if (getTBit()) goto e77c; if (getTBit()) goto e779; if (getTBit()) goto e776; return (char)0x4a; e776: return (char)0x2b; e779: return (char)0x71; e77c: if (getTBit()) goto e790; if (getTBit()) goto e78d; return (char)0x59; e78d: return (char)0x6a; e790: return (char)0x5a; e793: if (getTBit()) goto e7e3; if (getTBit()) goto e7c2; if (getTBit()) goto e7b5; if (getTBit()) goto e7b2; return (char)0x23; e7b2: return (char)0x51; e7b5: if (getTBit()) goto e7bf; return (char)0x28; e7bf: return (char)0x29; e7c2: if (getTBit()) goto e7d6; if (getTBit()) goto e7d3; return (char)0x3c; e7d3: return (char)0x78; e7d6: if (getTBit()) goto e7e0; return (char)0x3a; e7e0: return (char)0x2a; e7e3: if (getTBit()) goto e829; if (getTBit()) goto e812; if (getTBit()) goto e805; if (getTBit()) goto e802; return (char)0x58; e802: return (char)0x7d; e805: if (getTBit()) goto e80f; return (char)0x3d; e80f: return (char)0x60; e812: if (getTBit()) goto e826; if (getTBit()) goto e823; return (char)0x5d; e823: return (char)0x30; e826: return (char)0x32; e829: if (getTBit()) goto e865; if (getTBit()) goto e84e; if (getTBit()) goto e84b; if (getTBit()) goto e848; return (char)0x31; e848: return (char)0x33; e84b: return (char)0x39; e84e: if (getTBit()) goto e862; if (getTBit()) goto e85f; return (char)0x2f; e85f: return (char)0x34; e862: return (char)0x5e; e865: if (getTBit()) goto e897; if (getTBit()) goto e88a; if (getTBit()) goto e887; if (getTBit()) goto e884; return (char)0x38; e884: return (char)0x3e; e887: return (char)0x26; e88a: if (getTBit()) goto e894; return (char)0x35; e894: return (char)0x40; e897: if (getTBit()) goto e8bf; if (getTBit()) goto e8b2; if (getTBit()) goto e8af; return (char)0x36; e8af: return (char)0x5f; e8b2: if (getTBit()) goto e8bc; return (char)0x5c; e8bc: return (char)0x37; e8bf: if (getTBit()) goto e8dd; if (getTBit()) goto e8da; if (getTBit()) goto e8d7; return (char)0x5b; e8d7: return (char)0x24; e8da: return (char)0x7b; e8dd: if (getTBit()) goto e8f1; if (getTBit()) goto e8ee; return (char)0x25; e8ee: return (char)0x9; e8f1: if (getTBit()) goto e8fb; return (char)0x22; e8fb: return (char)0x7c; } char SkyText_v00372::getTextChar() { //This code is based on the original sources //Should work for all (known) cd versions. if (getTBit()) goto label_1; if (getTBit()) goto label_2; if (getTBit()) goto label_3; return ' '; label_3: if (getTBit()) goto label_4; return 'e'; label_4: return 'a'; label_2: if (getTBit()) goto label_5; if (getTBit()) goto label_6; if (getTBit()) goto label_7; return 'o'; label_7: return 's'; label_6: if (getTBit()) goto label_8; return 't'; label_8: return 'n'; label_5: if (getTBit()) goto label_9; if (getTBit()) goto label_10; return '.'; label_10: return 'i'; label_9: return 'r'; label_1: if (getTBit()) goto label_11; if (getTBit()) goto label_12; if (getTBit()) goto label_13; if (getTBit()) goto label_14; if (getTBit()) goto label_15; return (char)0; //end of line label_15: return 'E'; label_14: return 'u'; label_13: if (getTBit()) goto label_16; return 'm'; label_16: return 'A'; label_12: if (getTBit()) goto label_17; if (getTBit()) goto label_18; if (getTBit()) goto label_19; return 'l'; label_19: return 'I'; label_18: if (getTBit()) goto label_20; return 'd'; label_20: return 'R'; label_17: if (getTBit()) goto label_21; if (getTBit()) goto label_22; return 'N'; label_22: return 'S'; label_21: return 'T'; label_11: if (getTBit()) goto label_23; if (getTBit()) goto label_24; if (getTBit()) goto label_25; if (getTBit()) goto label_26; if (getTBit()) goto label_27; return 'O'; label_27: return 'h'; label_26: return 'c'; label_25: if (getTBit()) goto label_28; return 'D'; label_28: return 'g'; label_24: if (getTBit()) goto label_29; if (getTBit()) goto label_30; if (getTBit()) goto label_31; return 'L'; label_31: return 'C'; label_30: if (getTBit()) goto label_32; return 'p'; label_32: return 'U'; label_29: if (getTBit()) goto label_33; if (getTBit()) goto label_34; return '!'; label_34: return 'y'; label_33: return 'M'; label_23: if (getTBit()) goto label_35; if (getTBit()) goto label_36; if (getTBit()) goto label_37; if (getTBit()) goto label_38; if (getTBit()) goto label_39; return 'P'; label_39: return 'v'; label_38: return 'H'; label_37: if (getTBit()) goto label_40; return '?'; label_40: return 'b'; label_36: if (getTBit()) goto label_41; if (getTBit()) goto label_42; if (getTBit()) goto label_43; return (char)39; label_43: return 'f'; label_42: return ','; label_41: if (getTBit()) goto label_44; return 'G'; label_44: return 'B'; label_35: if (getTBit()) goto label_45; if (getTBit()) goto label_46; if (getTBit()) goto label_47; if (getTBit()) goto label_48; if (getTBit()) goto label_49; return 'V'; label_49: return 'k'; label_48: return 'F'; label_47: if (getTBit()) goto label_50; return 'q'; label_50: return 'w'; label_46: if (getTBit()) goto label_51; if (getTBit()) goto label_52; if (getTBit()) goto label_53; return 'K'; label_53: return '-'; label_52: return 'W'; label_51: if (getTBit()) goto label_54; return 'J'; label_54: return '*'; label_45: if (getTBit()) goto label_55; if (getTBit()) goto label_56; if (getTBit()) goto label_57; if (getTBit()) goto label_58; return 'z'; label_58: return 'Y'; label_57: if (getTBit()) goto label_59; return 'j'; label_59: return '+'; label_56: if (getTBit()) goto label_60; if (getTBit()) goto label_61; if (getTBit()) goto label_62; return 'Q'; label_62: return (char)133; label_61: return ')'; label_60: if (getTBit()) goto label_63; if (getTBit()) goto label_64; return 'Z'; label_64: return (char)139; label_63: return '<'; label_55: if (getTBit()) goto label_65; if (getTBit()) goto label_66; if (getTBit()) goto label_67; if (getTBit()) goto label_68; if (getTBit()) goto label_69; return (char)149; label_69: return (char)126; label_68: return (char)138; label_67: if (getTBit()) goto label_70; return (char)135; label_70: return ':'; label_66: if (getTBit()) goto label_71; if (getTBit()) goto label_72; if (getTBit()) goto label_73; return (char)127; label_73: return ']'; label_72: if (_gameVersion == 372) return '#'; else return 'x'; label_71: if (getTBit()) goto label_74; if (getTBit()) goto label_75; if (_gameVersion == 368) return 'X'; else return 'x'; label_75: return 'X'; label_74: return (char)145; label_65: if (getTBit()) goto label_76; if (getTBit()) goto label_77; if (getTBit()) goto label_78; if (getTBit()) goto label_79; if (getTBit()) goto label_80; return (char)136; label_80: return '`'; label_79: return '2'; label_78: if (getTBit()) goto label_81; if (getTBit()) goto label_82; return '0'; label_82: return (char)131; label_81: return '1'; label_77: if (getTBit()) goto label_83; if (getTBit()) goto label_84; if (getTBit()) goto label_85; return '/'; label_85: return '('; label_84: return '='; label_83: if (getTBit()) goto label_86; return (char)134; label_86: return '^'; label_76: if (getTBit()) goto label_87; if (getTBit()) goto label_88; if (getTBit()) goto label_89; if (getTBit()) goto label_90; return '3'; label_90: return '9'; label_89: if (getTBit()) goto label_91; return (char)152; label_91: return '4'; label_88: if (getTBit()) goto label_92; if (getTBit()) goto label_93; if (getTBit()) goto label_94; return '}'; label_94: return '8'; label_93: return '\\'; //needs to be escaped label_92: if (getTBit()) goto label_95; return '"'; label_95: return (char)144; label_87: if (getTBit()) goto label_96; if (getTBit()) goto label_97; if (getTBit()) goto label_98; if (getTBit()) goto label_99; return '&'; label_99: return (char)141; label_98: if (getTBit()) goto label_100; return '5'; label_100: return '6'; label_97: if (getTBit()) goto label_101; if (getTBit()) goto label_102; return (char)146; label_102: return (char)143; label_101: if (getTBit()) goto label_103; return (char)142; label_103: return (char)147; label_96: if (getTBit()) goto label_104; if (getTBit()) goto label_105; if (getTBit()) goto label_106; if (getTBit()) goto label_107; return (char)140; label_107: return '7'; label_106: return (char)128; label_105: if (getTBit()) goto label_108; if (getTBit()) goto label_109; return (char)129; label_109: return (char)153; label_108: if (getTBit()) goto label_110; return '$'; label_110: return '@'; label_104: if (getTBit()) goto label_111; if (getTBit()) goto label_112; if (getTBit()) goto label_113; if (getTBit()) goto label_114; return '['; label_114: return (char)154; label_113: return '_'; label_112: if (getTBit()) goto label_115; return '>'; label_115: return (char)150; label_111: if (getTBit()) goto label_116; if (getTBit()) goto label_117; if (getTBit()) goto label_118; return (char)130; label_118: return '%'; label_117: return (char)9; label_116: if (getTBit()) goto label_119; if (getTBit()) goto label_120; return (char)156; label_120: return (char)151; label_119: if (getTBit()) goto label_121; return '{'; label_121: if (getTBit()) goto label_122; return (char)148; label_122: return '|'; return '!'; //should never be reached }