/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2001 Ludvig Strigeus * Copyright (C) 2001/2002 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "scumm.h" #include "sound/mididrv.h" #include "sound/imuse.h" #include #ifdef _WIN32_WCE extern void *bsearch(const void *, const void *, size_t, size_t, int (*x) (const void *, const void *)); #endif void Scumm::addSoundToQueue(int sound) { if (!(_features & GF_AFTER_V7)) { _vars[VAR_LAST_SOUND] = sound; ensureResourceLoaded(rtSound, sound); addSoundToQueue2(sound); } if (_features & GF_AUDIOTRACKS) warning("Requesting audio track: %d", sound); } void Scumm::addSoundToQueue2(int sound) { if (_soundQue2Pos < 10) { _soundQue2[_soundQue2Pos++] = sound; } } void Scumm::processSoundQues() { byte d; int i, j; int num; int16 data[16]; IMuse *se; processSfxQueues(); while (_soundQue2Pos) { d = _soundQue2[--_soundQue2Pos]; if (d) playSound(d); } for (i = 0; i < _soundQuePos;) { num = _soundQue[i++]; if (i + num > _soundQuePos) { warning("processSoundQues: invalid num value"); break; } for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) data[j] = 0; if (num > 0) { for (j = 0; j < num; j++) data[j] = _soundQue[i + j]; i += num; se = _imuse; #if 0 debug(1, "processSoundQues(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)", data[0] >> 8, data[0] & 0xFF, data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7] ); #endif if (!(_features & GF_AFTER_V7)) { if (se) _vars[VAR_SOUNDRESULT] = (short)se->do_command(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7]); } } } _soundQuePos = 0; } void Scumm::playSound(int sound) { byte *ptr; IMuse *se = _imuse; ptr = getResourceAddress(rtSound, sound); if (ptr != NULL && READ_UINT32_UNALIGNED(ptr) == MKID('SOUN')) { ptr += 8; #ifdef COMPRESSED_SOUND_FILE if ((playMP3CDTrack(ptr[16], ptr[17] == 0xff ? -1 : ptr[17], (ptr[18] * 60 + ptr[19]) * 75 + ptr[20], 0)) == -1) #endif _system->play_cdrom(ptr[16], ptr[17] == 0xff ? -1 : ptr[17], (ptr[18] * 60 + ptr[19]) * 75 + ptr[20], 0); current_cd_sound = sound; return; } if ((_features & GF_OLD256) || (_gameId == GID_MONKEY_VGA)) return; /* FIXME */ if (se) { getResourceAddress(rtSound, sound); se->start_sound(sound); } } void Scumm::processSfxQueues() { Actor *a; int act; bool b, finished; if (_talk_sound_mode != 0) { if (_talk_sound_mode == 2) _talkChannel = startTalkSound(_talk_sound_a, _talk_sound_b, _talk_sound_mode); else startTalkSound(_talk_sound_a, _talk_sound_b, _talk_sound_mode); _talk_sound_mode = 0; } if (_vars[VAR_TALK_ACTOR]) { //_sfxMode == 2) { act = _vars[VAR_TALK_ACTOR]; if (_talkChannel < 0) finished = false; else if (_mixer->_channels[_talkChannel] == NULL) finished = true; else finished = false; if (act != 0 && (uint) act < 0x80 && !string[0].no_talk_anim) { a = derefActorSafe(act, "processSfxQueues"); if (a->room == _currentRoom && (finished || !_endOfMouthSync)) { b = true; if (!finished) b = isMouthSyncOff(_curSoundPos); if (_mouthSyncMode != b) { _mouthSyncMode = b; startAnimActor(a, b ? a->talkFrame2 : a->talkFrame1); } } } if (finished && _talkDelay == 0) { stopTalk(); _sfxMode = 0; _talkChannel = -1; } } if (_sfxMode == 1) { if (isSfxFinished()) { _sfxMode = 0; } } } #ifdef COMPRESSED_SOUND_FILE static int compar(const void *a, const void *b) { return ((MP3OffsetTable *) a)->org_offset - ((MP3OffsetTable *) b)->org_offset; } #endif int Scumm::startTalkSound(uint32 offset, uint32 b, int mode) { int num = 0, i; byte file_byte, file_byte_2; int size; if (!_sfxFile) { warning("startTalkSound: SFX file is not open"); return -1; } if (b > 8) { num = (b - 8) >> 1; } #ifdef COMPRESSED_SOUND_FILE if (offset_table != NULL) { MP3OffsetTable *result = NULL, key; key.org_offset = offset; result = (MP3OffsetTable *) bsearch(&key, offset_table, num_sound_effects, sizeof(MP3OffsetTable), compar); if (result == NULL) { warning("startTalkSound: did not find sound at offset %d !", offset); return -1; } if (2 * num != result->num_tags) { warning("startTalkSound: number of tags do not match (%d - %d) !", b, result->num_tags); num = result->num_tags; } offset = result->new_offset; size = result->compressed_size; } else #endif { offset += 8; size = -1; } fileSeek((FILE *) _sfxFile, offset, SEEK_SET); i = 0; while (num > 0) { fileRead((FILE *) _sfxFile, &file_byte, sizeof(file_byte)); fileRead((FILE *) _sfxFile, &file_byte_2, sizeof(file_byte_2)); _mouthSyncTimes[i++] = file_byte | (file_byte_2 << 8); num--; } _mouthSyncTimes[i] = 0xFFFF; _sfxMode = mode; _curSoundPos = 0; _mouthSyncMode = true; return startSfxSound(_sfxFile, size); } void Scumm::stopTalkSound() { if (_sfxMode == 2) { stopSfxSound(); _sfxMode = 0; } } bool Scumm::isMouthSyncOff(uint pos) { uint j; bool val = true; uint16 *ms = _mouthSyncTimes; _endOfMouthSync = false; do { val ^= 1; j = *ms++; if (j == 0xFFFF) { _endOfMouthSync = true; break; } } while (pos > j); return val; } int Scumm::isSoundRunning(int sound) { IMuse *se; int i; if (sound == current_cd_sound) #ifdef COMPRESSED_SOUND_FILE if (pollMP3CD()) return 1; else #endif return _system->poll_cdrom(); i = _soundQue2Pos; while (i--) { if (_soundQue2[i] == sound) return 1; } if (isSoundInQueue(sound)) return 1; if (!isResourceLoaded(rtSound, sound)) return 0; se = _imuse; if (!se) return 0; return se->get_sound_status(sound); } bool Scumm::isSoundInQueue(int sound) { int i = 0, j, num; int16 table[16]; while (i < _soundQuePos) { num = _soundQue[i++]; memset(table, 0, sizeof(table)); if (num > 0) { for (j = 0; j < num; j++) table[j] = _soundQue[i + j]; i += num; if (table[0] == 0x10F && table[1] == 8 && table[2] == sound) return 1; } } return 0; } void Scumm::stopSound(int a) { IMuse *se; int i; if (a == current_cd_sound) { current_cd_sound = 0; #ifdef COMPRESSED_SOUND_FILE if (stopMP3CD() == -1) #endif _system->stop_cdrom(); } se = _imuse; if (se) se->stop_sound(a); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) if (_soundQue2[i] == (byte)a) _soundQue2[i] = 0; } void Scumm::stopAllSounds() { IMuse *se = _imuse; if (current_cd_sound != 0) { current_cd_sound = 0; #ifdef COMPRESSED_SOUND_FILE if (stopMP3CD() == -1) #endif _system->stop_cdrom(); } if (se) { se->stop_all_sounds(); se->clear_queue(); } clearSoundQue(); stopSfxSound(); } void Scumm::clearSoundQue() { _soundQue2Pos = 0; memset(_soundQue2, 0, sizeof(_soundQue2)); } void Scumm::soundKludge(int16 * list) { int16 *ptr; int i; if (list[0] == -1) { processSoundQues(); return; } _soundQue[_soundQuePos++] = 8; ptr = _soundQue + _soundQuePos; _soundQuePos += 8; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) *ptr++ = list[i]; if (_soundQuePos > 0x100) error("Sound que buffer overflow"); } void Scumm::talkSound(uint32 a, uint32 b, int mode) { _talk_sound_a = a; _talk_sound_b = b; _talk_sound_mode = mode; } /* The sound code currently only supports General Midi. * General Midi is used in Day Of The Tentacle. * Roland music is also playable, but doesn't sound well. * A mapping between roland instruments and GM instruments * is needed. */ void Scumm::setupSound() { IMuse *se = _imuse; if (se) { se->setBase(res.address[rtSound]); if (!scummcfg->get("music_volume", "scummvm")) _sound_volume_music = 60; else _sound_volume_music = atoi(scummcfg->get("music_volume", "scummvm")); if (!scummcfg->get("master_volume", "scummvm")) _sound_volume_master = 125; else _sound_volume_master = atoi(scummcfg->get("master_volume", "scummvm")); if (!scummcfg->get("sfx_volume", "scummvm")) _sound_volume_sfx = 100; else _sound_volume_sfx = atoi(scummcfg->get("sfx_volume", "scummvm")); se->set_master_volume(_sound_volume_master); se->set_music_volume(_sound_volume_music); _mixer->set_volume(_sound_volume_sfx); } _sfxFile = openSfxFile(); } void Scumm::pauseSounds(bool pause) { IMuse *se = _imuse; if (se) se->pause(pause); _soundsPaused = pause; _mixer->pause(pause); } enum { SOUND_HEADER_SIZE = 26, SOUND_HEADER_BIG_SIZE = 26 + 8, }; int Scumm::startSfxSound(void *file, int file_size) { char ident[8]; int block_type; byte work[8]; uint size = 0, i; int rate, comp; byte *data; #ifdef COMPRESSED_SOUND_FILE if (file_size > 0) { data = (byte *)calloc(file_size + MAD_BUFFER_GUARD, 1); if (fread(data, file_size, 1, (FILE *) file) != 1) { /* no need to free the memory since error will shut down */ error("startSfxSound: cannot read %d bytes", size); return -1; } return playSfxSound_MP3(data, file_size); } #endif if (fread(ident, 8, 1, (FILE *) file) != 1) goto invalid; if (!memcmp(ident, "VTLK", 4)) { fseek((FILE *) file, SOUND_HEADER_BIG_SIZE - 8, SEEK_CUR); } else if (!memcmp(ident, "Creative", 8)) { fseek((FILE *) file, SOUND_HEADER_SIZE - 8, SEEK_CUR); } else { invalid:; warning("startSfxSound: invalid header"); return -1; } block_type = getc((FILE *) file); if (block_type != 1) { warning("startSfxSound: Expecting block_type == 1, got %d", block_type); return -1; } fread(work, 3, 1, (FILE *) file); size = (work[0] | (work[1] << 8) | (work[2] << 16)) - 2; rate = getc((FILE *) file); comp = getc((FILE *) file); if (comp != 0) { warning("startSfxSound: Unsupported compression type %d", comp); return -1; } data = (byte *)malloc(size); if (data == NULL) { error("startSfxSound: out of memory"); return -1; } if (fread(data, size, 1, (FILE *) file) != 1) { /* no need to free the memory since error will shut down */ error("startSfxSound: cannot read %d bytes", size); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { // Fixme: From WinCE port if (_sound_volume_sfx != 100) data[i] = _sound_volume_sfx * data[i] / 100; data[i] ^= 0x80; } return playSfxSound(data, size, 1000000 / (256 - rate)); } #ifdef COMPRESSED_SOUND_FILE static int get_int(FILE * f) { int ret = 0; for (int size = 0; size < 4; size++) { int c = fgetc(f); if (c == EOF) { error("Unexpected end of file !!!"); } ret <<= 8; ret |= c; } return ret; } #endif void *Scumm::openSfxFile() { char buf[50]; FILE *file = NULL; if (_gameId == GID_DIG) { int tag, offset, num_files; sprintf(buf, "%s%svoice.bun", _gameDataPath, _exe_name); file = fopen(buf, "rb"); if (!file) { warning("Unable to open DIG voice bundle: %s", buf); return NULL; } tag = fileReadDwordBE(file); offset = fileReadDwordBE(file); num_files = fileReadDwordBE(file); bundle_table = (BundleAudioTable *) malloc(num_files * sizeof(BundleAudioTable)); num_sound_effects = num_files; fileSeek(file, offset, SEEK_SET); for (int i=0; i < num_files; i++) { char filename[13], c; int z = 0; int z2; /* Construct filename */ for (z2=0;z2<8; z2++) if ((c = fileReadByte(file)) != 0) filename[z++] = c; filename[z++] = '.'; for (z2=0;z2<4;z2++) if ((c = fileReadByte(file)) != 0) filename[z++] = c; filename[z] = '\0'; strcpy(bundle_table[i].filename, filename); bundle_table[i].offset = fileReadDwordBE(file); bundle_table[i].size = fileReadDwordBE(file); } return file; } /* Try opening the file <_exe_name>.sou first, eg tentacle.sou. * That way, you can keep .sou files for multiple games in the * same directory */ #ifdef COMPRESSED_SOUND_FILE offset_table = NULL; sprintf(buf, "%s%s.so3", _gameDataPath, _exe_name); file = fopen(buf, "rb"); if (!file) { sprintf(buf, "%smonster.so3", _gameDataPath); file = fopen(buf, "rb"); } if (file != NULL) { /* Now load the 'offset' index in memory to be able to find the MP3 data The format of the .SO3 file is easy : - number of bytes of the 'index' part - N times the following fields (4 bytes each) : + offset in the original sound file + offset of the MP3 data in the .SO3 file WITHOUT taking into account the index field and the 'size' field + the number of 'tags' + the size of the MP3 data - and then N times : + the tags + the MP3 data */ int size, compressed_offset; MP3OffsetTable *cur; compressed_offset = get_int(file); offset_table = (MP3OffsetTable *) malloc(compressed_offset); num_sound_effects = compressed_offset / 16; size = compressed_offset; cur = offset_table; while (size > 0) { cur[0].org_offset = get_int(file); cur[0].new_offset = get_int(file) + compressed_offset + 4; /* The + 4 is to take into accound the 'size' field */ cur[0].num_tags = get_int(file); cur[0].compressed_size = get_int(file); size -= 4 * 4; cur++; } return file; } #endif sprintf(buf, "%s%s.sou", _gameDataPath, _exe_name); file = fopen(buf, "rb"); if (!file) { sprintf(buf, "%smonster.sou", _gameDataPath); file = fopen(buf, "rb"); } return file; } void Scumm::stopSfxSound() { _mixer->stop_all(); } bool Scumm::isSfxFinished() { return !_mixer->has_active_channel(); } #define NextBit bit = mask&1; mask>>=1; if (!--bitsleft) {mask = READ_LE_UINT16(srcptr); srcptr+=2; bitsleft=16;} int CompDecode(unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst) { unsigned char *result, *srcptr = src, *dstptr = dst; int data, size, bit, bitsleft = 16, mask = READ_LE_UINT16(srcptr); srcptr+=2; while(1) { NextBit if (bit) { *dstptr++ = *srcptr++; } else { NextBit if (!bit) { NextBit size = bit<<1; NextBit size = (size|bit) + 3; data = *srcptr++ | 0xffffff00; } else { data = *srcptr++; size = *srcptr++; data |= 0xfffff000 + ((size & 0xf0) << 4); size = (size & 0x0f) + 3; if (size==3) if (((*srcptr++)+1) == 1) return dstptr - dst; /* End of buffer */ } result = dstptr+data; while (size--) *dstptr++=*result++; } } } #undef NextBit typedef struct {int offset, size, codec;} COMP_table; void Scumm::decompressBundleSound(int index) { int i, z; COMP_table table[50]; unsigned char *CompInput, *CompOutput, *CompFinal, *Final; int outputSize, finalSize; fileSeek(_sfxFile, bundle_table[index].offset, SEEK_SET); int tag = fileReadDwordBE(_sfxFile); int num = fileReadDwordBE(_sfxFile); fileReadDwordBE(_sfxFile); fileReadDwordBE(_sfxFile); if (tag != MKID('COMP')) { warning("Compressed sound %d invalid (%c%c%c%c)", index, tag>>24, tag>>16, tag>>8, tag); return; } /* Read compression table */ for (i=0; i>24, tag>>16, tag>>8, tag); } } Final = (unsigned char *)malloc(size); memcpy(&Final[0], &ptr[0], size); _mixer->play_raw(NULL, Final, size, rate, SoundMixer::FLAG_UNSIGNED | SoundMixer::FLAG_AUTOFREE); free(CompFinal); } } void Scumm::playBundleSound(char *sound) { if (!_sfxFile) { warning("playBundleSound: SFX file is not open"); return; } for (int i=0; i < num_sound_effects; i++) { if (!scumm_stricmp(sound, bundle_table[i].filename)) { decompressBundleSound(i); return; } } warning("playBundleSound can't find %s", sound); } int Scumm::playSfxSound(void *sound, uint32 size, uint rate) { if (_soundsPaused) return -1; return _mixer->play_raw(NULL, sound, size, rate, SoundMixer::FLAG_AUTOFREE); } int Scumm::playSfxSound_MP3(void *sound, uint32 size) { #ifdef COMPRESSED_SOUND_FILE if (_soundsPaused) return -1; return _mixer->play_mp3(NULL, sound, size, SoundMixer::FLAG_AUTOFREE); #endif return -1; } #ifdef COMPRESSED_SOUND_FILE int Scumm::getCachedTrack(int track) { int i; char track_name[1024]; FILE* file; int current_index; struct mad_stream stream; struct mad_frame frame; unsigned char buffer[8192]; unsigned int buflen = 0; int count = 0; // See if we find the track in the cache for (i=0; i_vars[g_scumm->VAR_MI1_TIMER] = 0; if (_soundsPaused) return 0; if ((num_loops == 0) && (start == 0)) { return 0; } index = getCachedTrack(track); if (index < 0) return -1; // Calc offset. As all bitrates are in kilobit per seconds, the division by 200 is always exact offset = (start * (_mad_header[index].bitrate / (8 * 25))) / 3; // Calc delay if (!delay) { mad_timer_set(&duration, (_mp3_size[index] * 8) / _mad_header[index].bitrate, (_mp3_size[index] * 8) % _mad_header[index].bitrate, _mad_header[index].bitrate); } else { mad_timer_set(&duration, delay / 75, delay % 75, 75); } // Go fseek(_mp3_tracks[index], offset, SEEK_SET); if (_mp3_cd_playing == true) _mixer->stop(_mp3_index); _mp3_index = _mixer->play_mp3_cdtrack(NULL, _mp3_tracks[index], duration); _mp3_cd_playing = true; return 0; } int Scumm::stopMP3CD() { if (_mp3_cd_playing == true) { _mixer->stop(_mp3_index); _mp3_cd_playing = false; return 0; } return -1; } int Scumm::pollMP3CD() { if (_mp3_cd_playing == true) return 1; return 0; } int Scumm::updateMP3CD() { if (_mp3_cd_playing == false) return -1; if (_mixer->_channels[_mp3_index] == NULL) { warning("Error in MP3 decoding"); return -1; } if (_mixer->_channels[_mp3_index]->sound_finished()) stopMP3CD(); return 0; } #endif