/* Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Various contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include "mt32emu.h" namespace MT32Emu { const int MAX_SYSEX_SIZE = 512; float iir_filter_normal(float input,float *hist1_ptr, float *coef_ptr, int revLevel) { float *hist2_ptr; float output,new_hist; hist2_ptr = hist1_ptr + 1; // next history // 1st number of coefficients array is overall input scale factor, or filter gain output = input * (*coef_ptr++); output = output - *hist1_ptr * (*coef_ptr++); new_hist = output - *hist2_ptr * (*coef_ptr++); // poles output = new_hist + *hist1_ptr * (*coef_ptr++); output = output + *hist2_ptr * (*coef_ptr++); // zeros *hist2_ptr++ = *hist1_ptr; *hist1_ptr++ = new_hist; hist1_ptr++; hist2_ptr++; // i = 1 output = output - *hist1_ptr * (*coef_ptr++); new_hist = output - *hist2_ptr * (*coef_ptr++); // poles output = new_hist + *hist1_ptr * (*coef_ptr++); output = output + *hist2_ptr * (*coef_ptr++); // zeros *hist2_ptr++ = *hist1_ptr; *hist1_ptr++ = new_hist; output *= ResonInv[revLevel]; return(output); } Bit8u Synth::calcSysexChecksum(const Bit8u *data, Bit32u len, Bit8u checksum) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) { checksum = checksum + data[i]; } checksum = checksum & 0x7f; if (checksum) checksum = 0x80 - checksum; return checksum; } Synth::Synth() { isOpen = false; reverbModel = NULL; partialManager = NULL; memset(noteLookups, 0, sizeof(noteLookups)); memset(parts, 0, sizeof(parts)); } Synth::~Synth() { close(); // Make sure we're closed and everything is freed } int Synth::report(ReportType type, const void *data) { if (myProp.report != NULL) { return myProp.report(myProp.userData, type, data); } return 0; } void Synth::printDebug(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); if (myProp.printDebug != NULL) { myProp.printDebug(myProp.userData, fmt, ap); } else { vprintf(fmt, ap); printf("\n"); } va_end(ap); } void Synth::initReverb(Bit8u newRevMode, Bit8u newRevTime, Bit8u newRevLevel) { // FIXME:KG: I don't think it's necessary to recreate the reverbModel... Just set the parameters if (reverbModel != NULL) delete reverbModel; reverbModel = new revmodel(); switch(newRevMode) { case 0: reverbModel->setroomsize(.1f); reverbModel->setdamp(.75f); break; case 1: reverbModel->setroomsize(.5f); reverbModel->setdamp(.5f); break; case 2: reverbModel->setroomsize(.5f); reverbModel->setdamp(.1f); break; case 3: reverbModel->setroomsize(1.0f); reverbModel->setdamp(.75f); break; default: reverbModel->setroomsize(.1f); reverbModel->setdamp(.5f); break; } reverbModel->setdry(1); reverbModel->setwet((float)newRevLevel / 8.0f); reverbModel->setwidth((float)newRevTime / 8.0f); } File *Synth::openFile(const char *filename, File::OpenMode mode) { if (myProp.openFile != NULL) { return myProp.openFile(myProp.userData, filename, mode); } char pathBuf[2048]; if (myProp.baseDir != NULL) { strcpy(&pathBuf[0], myProp.baseDir); strcat(&pathBuf[0], filename); filename = pathBuf; } ANSIFile *file = new ANSIFile(); if (!file->open(filename, mode)) { delete file; return NULL; } return file; } void Synth::closeFile(File *file) { if (myProp.closeFile != NULL) { myProp.closeFile(myProp.userData, file); } else { file->close(); delete file; } } bool Synth::loadPreset(File *file) { bool inSys = false; Bit8u sysexBuf[MAX_SYSEX_SIZE]; Bit16u syslen = 0; bool rc = true; for (;;) { Bit8u c; if (!file->readBit8u(&c)) { if (!file->isEOF()) { rc = false; } break; } sysexBuf[syslen] = c; if (inSys) { syslen++; if (c == 0xF7) { playSysex(&sysexBuf[0], syslen); inSys = false; syslen = 0; } else if (syslen == MAX_SYSEX_SIZE) { printDebug("MAX_SYSEX_SIZE (%d) exceeded while processing preset, ignoring message", MAX_SYSEX_SIZE); inSys = false; syslen = 0; } } else if (c == 0xF0) { syslen++; inSys = true; } } return rc; } bool Synth::loadControlROM(const char *filename) { File *file = openFile(filename, File::OpenMode_read); // ROM File if (file == NULL) { return false; } bool rc = (file->read(controlROMData, sizeof(controlROMData)) == sizeof(controlROMData)); closeFile(file); return rc; } bool Synth::loadPCMROM(const char *filename) { File *file = openFile(filename, File::OpenMode_read); // ROM File if (file == NULL) { return false; } bool rc = true; for (int i = 0; ; i++) { Bit8u s; if (!file->readBit8u(&s)) { if (!file->isEOF()) { rc = false; } break; } Bit8u c; if (!file->readBit8u(&c)) { if (!file->isEOF()) { rc = false; } else { printDebug("ROM file has an odd number of bytes! Ignoring last"); } break; } short e; int bit; int u; int order[16] = {0, 9, 1 ,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 8}; e = 0; for (u = 0; u < 15; u++) { if (order[u] < 8) bit = (s >> (7 - order[u])) & 0x1; else bit = (c >> (7 - (order[u] - 8))) & 0x1; e = e | (short)(bit << (15 - u)); } /* //Bit16s e = ( ((s & 0x7f) << 4) | ((c & 0x40) << 6) | ((s & 0x80) << 6) | ((c & 0x3f))) << 2; if (e<0) e = -32767 - e; int ut = abs(e); int dif = 0x7fff - ut; x = exp(((float)((float)0x8000-(float)dif) / (float)0x1000)); e = (int)((float)e * (x/3200)); */ // File is encoded in dB, convert to PCM // MINDB = -96 // MAXDB = -15 float testval; testval = (float)((~e) & 0x7fff); testval = -(testval / 400.00f); //testval = -(testval / 341.32291666666666666666666666667); float vol = powf(8, testval / 20) * 32767.0f; if (e > 0) vol = -vol; romfile[i] = (Bit16s)vol; } closeFile(file); return rc; } struct ControlROMPCMStruct { Bit8u pos; Bit8u len; Bit8u pitchLSB; Bit8u pitchMSB; }; void Synth::initPCMList() { ControlROMPCMStruct *tps = (ControlROMPCMStruct *)&controlROMData[0x3000]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { int rAddr = tps[i].pos * 0x800; int rLenExp = (tps[i].len & 0x70) >> 4; int rLen = 0x800 << rLenExp; bool rLoop = (tps[i].len & 0x80) != 0; //Bit8u rFlag = tps[i].len & 0x0F; Bit16u rTuneOffset = (tps[i].pitchMSB << 8) | tps[i].pitchLSB; //FIXME:KG: Pick a number, any number. The one below sounded best to me in listening tests, but needs to be confirmed. double STANDARDFREQ = 432.1; float rTune = (float)(STANDARDFREQ * pow(2.0, (0x5000 - rTuneOffset) / 4096.0 - 9.0 / 12.0)); //printDebug("%f,%d,%d", pTune, tps[i].pitchCoarse, tps[i].pitchFine); PCMList[i].addr = rAddr; PCMList[i].len = rLen; PCMList[i].loop = rLoop; PCMList[i].tune = rTune; } } void Synth::initRhythmTimbre(int timbreNum, const Bit8u *mem) { TimbreParam *timbre = &mt32ram.timbres[timbreNum].timbre; memcpy(&timbre->common, mem, 14); mem += 14; char drumname[11]; strncpy(drumname, timbre->common.name, 10); drumname[10] = 0; for (int t = 0; t < 4; t++) { if (((timbre->common.pmute >> t) & 0x1) == 0x1) { memcpy(&timbre->partial[t], mem, 58); mem += 58; } } } void Synth::initRhythmTimbres() { const Bit8u *drumMap = &controlROMData[0x3200]; int timbreNum = 192; for (Bit16u i = 0; i < 60; i += 2) { Bit16u address = (drumMap[i + 1] << 8) | drumMap[i]; initRhythmTimbre(timbreNum++, &controlROMData[address]); } } void Synth::initTimbres(Bit16u mapAddress, int startTimbre) { for (Bit16u i = mapAddress; i < mapAddress + 0x80; i += 2) { Bit16u address = (controlROMData[i + 1] << 8) | controlROMData[i]; address = address + (mapAddress - 0x8000); TimbreParam *timbre = &mt32ram.timbres[startTimbre++].timbre; memcpy(timbre, &controlROMData[address], sizeof(TimbreParam)); } } bool Synth::open(SynthProperties &useProp) { if (isOpen) return false; myProp = useProp; if (useProp.baseDir != NULL) { myProp.baseDir = new char[strlen(useProp.baseDir) + 1]; strcpy(myProp.baseDir, useProp.baseDir); } // This is to help detect bugs memset(&mt32ram, '?', sizeof(mt32ram)); for (int i = 128; i < 192; i++) { // If something sets a patch to point to an uninitialised memory timbre, don't play anything mt32ram.timbres[i].timbre.common.pmute = 0; } printDebug("Loading Control ROM"); if (!loadControlROM("MT32_CONTROL.ROM")) { printDebug("Init Error - Missing or invalid MT32_CONTROL.ROM"); report(ReportType_errorControlROM, &errno); return false; } printDebug("Loading PCM ROM"); if (!loadPCMROM("MT32_PCM.ROM")) { printDebug("Init Error - Missing MT32_PCM.ROM"); report(ReportType_errorPCMROM, &errno); return false; } partialManager = new PartialManager(this); printDebug("Initialising PCM List"); initPCMList(); printDebug("Initialising Timbre Bank A"); initTimbres(0x8000, 0); printDebug("Initialising Timbre Bank B"); initTimbres(0xC000, 64); printDebug("Initialising Timbre Bank R"); initRhythmTimbres(); printDebug("Initialising Rhythm Temp"); memcpy(mt32ram.rhythmSettings, &controlROMData[0x741C], 344); printDebug("Initialising Patches"); for (Bit8u i = 0; i < 128; i++) { PatchParam *patch = &mt32ram.patches[i]; patch->timbreGroup = i / 64; patch->timbreNum = i % 64; patch->keyShift = 24; patch->fineTune = 50; patch->benderRange = 12; patch->assignMode = 0; patch->reverbSwitch = 1; patch->dummy = 0; } printDebug("Initialising System"); //FIXME: Confirm that these are all correct // The MT-32 manual claims that "Standard pitch" is 442Hz. // I assume they mean this is the MT-32 default pitch, and not concert pitch, // since the latter has been internationally defined as 440Hz for decades. // Regardless, I'm setting the default masterTune to 440Hz mt32ram.system.masterTune = 0x40; mt32ram.system.reverbMode = 0; mt32ram.system.reverbTime = 5; mt32ram.system.reverbLevel = 3; memcpy(mt32ram.system.reserveSettings, &controlROMData[0x57E5], 9); for (Bit8u i = 0; i < 9; i++) { // This is the default: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} // An alternative configuration can be selected by holding "Master Volume" // and pressing "PART button 1" on the real MT-32's frontpanel. // The channel assignment is then {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9} mt32ram.system.chanAssign[i] = i + 1; } mt32ram.system.masterVol = 100; if (!refreshSystem()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { mt32ram.patchSettings[i].outlevel = 80; mt32ram.patchSettings[i].panpot = controlROMData[0x5800 + i]; memset(mt32ram.patchSettings[i].dummyv, 0, sizeof(mt32ram.patchSettings[i].dummyv)); parts[i] = new Part(this, i); parts[i]->setProgram(controlROMData[0x57EE + i]); } parts[8] = new RhythmPart(this, 8); // For resetting mt32 mid-execution mt32default = mt32ram; iirFilter = &iir_filter_normal; #ifdef MT32EMU_HAVE_X86 bool availableSSE = DetectSIMD(); bool available3DNow = Detect3DNow(); if (availableSSE) report(ReportType_availableSSE, NULL); if (available3DNow) report(ReportType_available3DNow, NULL); if (available3DNow) { printDebug("Detected and using SIMD (AMD 3DNow) extensions"); iirFilter = &iir_filter_3dnow; report(ReportType_using3DNow, NULL); } else if (availableSSE) { printDebug("Detected and using SIMD (Intel SSE) extensions"); iirFilter = &iir_filter_sse; report(ReportType_usingSSE, NULL); } #endif isOpen = true; isEnabled = false; printDebug("*** Initialisation complete ***"); return true; } void Synth::close(void) { if (!isOpen) return; TableInitialiser::freeNotes(); if (partialManager != NULL) { delete partialManager; partialManager = NULL; } if (reverbModel != NULL) { delete reverbModel; reverbModel = NULL; } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (parts[i] != NULL) { delete parts[i]; parts[i] = NULL; } } if (myProp.baseDir != NULL) { delete myProp.baseDir; myProp.baseDir = NULL; } isOpen = false; } void Synth::playMsg(Bit32u msg) { unsigned char code = (unsigned char)((msg & 0xf0) >> 4); unsigned char chan = (unsigned char)(msg & 0xf); unsigned char note = (unsigned char)((msg & 0xff00) >> 8); unsigned char velocity = (unsigned char)((msg & 0xff0000) >> 16); isEnabled = true; //printDebug("Playing chan %d, code 0x%01x note: 0x%02x", chan, code, note); char part = chantable[chan]; if (part < 0 || part > 8) { printDebug("Play msg on unreg chan %d (%d): code=0x%01x, vel=%d", chan, part, code, velocity); return; } playMsgOnPart(part, code, note, velocity); } void Synth::playMsgOnPart(unsigned char part, unsigned char code, unsigned char note, unsigned char velocity) { Bit32u bend; //printDebug("Synth::playMsg(0x%02x)",msg); switch (code) { case 0x8: //printDebug("Note OFF - Part %d", part); // The MT-32 ignores velocity for note off parts[part]->stopNote(note); break; case 0x9: //printDebug("Note ON - Part %d, Note %d Vel %d", part, note, velocity); if (velocity == 0) { // MIDI defines note-on with velocity 0 as being the same as note-off with velocity 40 parts[part]->stopNote(note); } else { parts[part]->playNote(note, velocity); } break; case 0xB: // Control change switch (note) { case 0x01: // Modulation //printDebug("Modulation: %d", velocity); parts[part]->setModulation(velocity); break; case 0x07: // Set volume //if (part!=3) return; //printDebug("Volume set: %d", velocity); parts[part]->setVolume(velocity); break; case 0x0A: // Pan //printDebug("Pan set: %d", velocity); parts[part]->setPan(velocity); break; case 0x0B: //printDebug("Expression set: %d", velocity); parts[part]->setVolume(velocity); break; case 0x40: // Hold pedal //printDebug("Hold pedal set: %d", velocity); parts[part]->setHoldPedal(velocity>=64); break; case 0x79: // Reset all controllers printDebug("Reset all controllers (NYI)"); break; case 0x7B: // All notes off //printDebug("All notes off"); parts[part]->allStop(); break; default: printDebug("Unknown MIDI Control code: 0x%02x - vel 0x%02x", note, velocity); break; } break; case 0xC: // Program change //printDebug("Program change %01x", note); parts[part]->setProgram(note); break; case 0xE: // Pitch bender bend = (velocity << 7) | (note); //printDebug("Pitch bender %02x", bend); parts[part]->setBend(bend); break; default: printDebug("Unknown Midi code: 0x%01x - %02x - %02x", code, note, velocity); break; } //midiOutShortMsg(m_out, msg); } void Synth::playSysex(const Bit8u * sysex,Bit32u len) { if (len < 3) { printDebug("playSysex: Message is too short for sysex (%d bytes)", len); } if (sysex[0] != 0xf0) { printDebug("playSysex: Message lacks start-of-sysex (0xf0)"); return; } if (sysex[len - 1] != 0xf7) { printDebug("playSysex: Message lacks end-of-sysex (0xf7)"); return; } playSysexWithoutFraming(sysex + 1, len - 2); } void Synth::playSysexWithoutFraming(const Bit8u * sysex, Bit32u len) { if (len < 4) { printDebug("playSysexWithoutFraming: Message is too short (%d bytes)!", len); return; } if (sysex[0] != 0x41) { printDebug("playSysexWithoutFraming: Header not intended for this device manufacturer: %02x %02x %02x %02x", (int)sysex[0], (int)sysex[1], (int)sysex[2], (int)sysex[3]); return; } if (sysex[2] == 0x14) { printDebug("playSysexWithoutFraming: Header is intended for Roland D-50 (not yet supported): %02x %02x %02x %02x", (int)sysex[0], (int)sysex[1], (int)sysex[2], (int)sysex[3]); return; } else if (sysex[2] != 0x16) { printDebug("playSysexWithoutFraming: Header not intended for MT-32: %02x %02x %02x %02x", (int)sysex[0], (int)sysex[1], (int)sysex[2], (int)sysex[3]); return; } if (sysex[3] != 0x12) { printDebug("playSysexWithoutFraming: Unsupported command %02x", sysex[3]); return; } playSysexWithoutHeader(sysex[1], sysex + 4, len - 4); } // MEMADDR() converts from sysex-padded, SYSEXMEMADDR converts to it // Roland provides documentation using the sysex-padded addresses, so we tend to use that int code and output #define MEMADDR(x) ((((x) & 0x7f0000) >> 2) | (((x) & 0x7f00) >> 1) | ((x) & 0x7f)) #define SYSEXMEMADDR(x) ((((x) & 0x1FC000) << 2) | (((x) & 0x3F80) << 1) | ((x) & 0x7f)) #define NUMTOUCHED(x,y) (((x) + sizeof(y) - 1) / sizeof(y)) void Synth::playSysexWithoutHeader(unsigned char device, const Bit8u *sysex, Bit32u len) { if (device > 0x10) { // We have device ID 0x10 (default, but changeable, on real MT-32), < 0x10 is for channels printDebug("playSysexWithoutHeader: Message is not intended for this device ID (provided: %02x, expected: 0x10 or channel)", (int)device); return; } if (len < 4) { printDebug("playSysexWithoutHeader: Message is too short (%d bytes)!", len); return; } unsigned char checksum = calcSysexChecksum(sysex, len - 1, 0); if (checksum != sysex[len - 1]) { printDebug("playSysexWithoutHeader: Message checksum is incorrect (provided: %02x, expected: %02x)!", sysex[len - 1], checksum); return; } len -= 1; // Exclude checksum Bit32u addr = (sysex[0] << 16) | (sysex[1] << 8) | (sysex[2]); addr = MEMADDR(addr); sysex += 3; len -= 3; //printDebug("Sysex addr: 0x%06x", SYSEXMEMADDR(addr)); // NOTE: Please keep both lower and upper bounds in each check, for ease of reading if (device < 0x10) { printDebug("WRITE-CHANNEL: Channel %d temp area 0x%06x", device, SYSEXMEMADDR(addr)); if (/*addr >= MEMADDR(0x000000) && */addr < MEMADDR(0x010000)) { int offset; if (chantable[device] == -1) { printDebug(" (Channel not mapped to a partial... 0 offset)"); offset = 0; } else if (chantable[device] == 8) { printDebug(" (Channel mapped to rhythm... 0 offset)"); offset = 0; } else { offset = chantable[device] * sizeof(MemParams::PatchTemp); printDebug(" (Setting extra offset to %d)", offset); } addr += MEMADDR(0x030000) + offset; } else if (/*addr >= 0x010000 && */ addr < MEMADDR(0x020000)) { addr += MEMADDR(0x030110) - MEMADDR(0x010000); } else if (/*addr >= 0x020000 && */ addr < MEMADDR(0x030000)) { int offset; if (chantable[device] == -1) { printDebug(" (Channel not mapped to a partial... 0 offset)"); offset = 0; } else if (chantable[device] == 8) { printDebug(" (Channel mapped to rhythm... 0 offset)"); offset = 0; } else { offset = chantable[device] * sizeof(TimbreParam); printDebug(" (Setting extra offset to %d)", offset); } addr += MEMADDR(0x040000) - MEMADDR(0x020000) + offset; } else { printDebug("PlaySysexWithoutHeader: Invalid channel %d address 0x%06x", device, SYSEXMEMADDR(addr)); return; } } if (addr >= MEMADDR(0x030000) && addr < MEMADDR(0x030110)) { int off = addr - MEMADDR(0x030000); if (off + len > sizeof(mt32ram.patchSettings)) { printDebug("playSysexWithoutHeader: Message goes beyond bounds of memory region (addr=0x%06x, len=%d)!", SYSEXMEMADDR(addr), len); return; } int firstPart = off / sizeof(MemParams::PatchTemp); off %= sizeof(MemParams::PatchTemp); for (unsigned int m = 0; m < len; m++) ((Bit8u *)&mt32ram.patchSettings[firstPart])[off + m] = sysex[m]; //printDebug("Patch temp: Patch %d, offset %x, len %d", off/16, off % 16, len); int lastPart = firstPart + NUMTOUCHED(off + len, MemParams::PatchTemp) - 1; for (int i = firstPart; i <= lastPart; i++) { int absTimbreNum = mt32ram.patchSettings[i].patch.timbreGroup * 64 + mt32ram.patchSettings[i].patch.timbreNum; char timbreName[11]; memcpy(timbreName, mt32ram.timbres[absTimbreNum].timbre.common.name, 10); timbreName[10] = 0; printDebug("WRITE-PARTPATCH (%d-%d@%d..%d): %d; timbre=%d (%s)", firstPart, lastPart, off, off + len, i, absTimbreNum, timbreName); if (parts[i] != NULL) { if (i == firstPart && off > 2) { printDebug(" (Not updating timbre, since those values weren't touched)"); } else { // Not sure whether we should do this at all, really. parts[i]->setTimbre(&mt32ram.timbres[parts[i]->getAbsTimbreNum()].timbre); } parts[i]->refresh(); } } } else if (addr >= MEMADDR(0x030110) && addr < MEMADDR(0x040000)) { int off = addr - MEMADDR(0x030110); if (off + len > sizeof(mt32ram.rhythmSettings)) { printDebug("playSysexWithoutHeader: Message goes beyond bounds of memory region (addr=0x%06x, len=%d)!", SYSEXMEMADDR(addr), len); return; } int firstDrum = off / sizeof(MemParams::RhythmTemp); off %= sizeof(MemParams::RhythmTemp); for (unsigned int m = 0; m < len; m++) ((Bit8u *)&mt32ram.rhythmSettings[firstDrum])[off + m] = sysex[m]; int lastDrum = firstDrum + NUMTOUCHED(off + len, MemParams::RhythmTemp) - 1; for (int i = firstDrum; i <= lastDrum; i++) { int timbreNum = mt32ram.rhythmSettings[i].timbre; char timbreName[11]; if (timbreNum < 94) { memcpy(timbreName, mt32ram.timbres[128 + timbreNum].timbre.common.name, 10); timbreName[10] = 0; } else { strcpy(timbreName, "[None]"); } printDebug("WRITE-RHYTHM (%d-%d@%d..%d): %d; level=%02x, panpot=%02x, reverb=%02x, timbre=%d (%s)", firstDrum, lastDrum, off, off + len, i, mt32ram.rhythmSettings[i].outlevel, mt32ram.rhythmSettings[i].panpot, mt32ram.rhythmSettings[i].reverbSwitch, mt32ram.rhythmSettings[i].timbre, timbreName); } if (parts[8] != NULL) { parts[8]->refresh(); } } else if (addr >= MEMADDR(0x040000) && addr < MEMADDR(0x050000)) { int off = addr - MEMADDR(0x040000); if (off + len > sizeof(mt32ram.timbreSettings)) { printDebug("playSysexWithoutHeader: Message goes beyond bounds of memory region (addr=0x%06x, len=%d)!", SYSEXMEMADDR(addr), len); return; } int firstPart = off / sizeof(TimbreParam); off %= sizeof(TimbreParam); for (unsigned int m = 0; m < len; m++) ((Bit8u *)&mt32ram.timbreSettings[firstPart])[off + m] = sysex[m]; int lastPart = firstPart + NUMTOUCHED(off + len, TimbreParam) - 1; for (int i = firstPart; i <= lastPart; i++) { char instrumentName[11]; memcpy(instrumentName, mt32ram.timbreSettings[i].common.name, 10); instrumentName[10] = 0; printDebug("WRITE-PARTTIMBRE (%d-%d@%d..%d): timbre=%d (%s)", firstPart, lastPart, off, off + len, i, instrumentName); if (parts[i] != NULL) { parts[i]->refresh(); } } } else if (addr >= MEMADDR(0x050000) && addr < MEMADDR(0x060000)) { int off = addr - MEMADDR(0x050000); if (off + len > sizeof(mt32ram.patches)) { printDebug("playSysexWithoutHeader: Message goes beyond bounds of memory region (addr=0x%06x, len=%d)!", SYSEXMEMADDR(addr), len); return; } int firstPatch = off / sizeof(PatchParam); off %= sizeof(PatchParam); for (unsigned int m = 0; m < len; m++) ((Bit8u *)&mt32ram.patches[firstPatch])[off + m] = sysex[m]; int lastPatch = firstPatch + NUMTOUCHED(off + len, PatchParam) - 1; for (int i = firstPatch; i <= lastPatch; i++) { PatchParam *patch = &mt32ram.patches[i]; int patchAbsTimbreNum = patch->timbreGroup * 64 + patch->timbreNum; char instrumentName[11]; memcpy(instrumentName, mt32ram.timbres[patchAbsTimbreNum].timbre.common.name, 10); instrumentName[10] = 0; Bit8u *n = (Bit8u *)patch; printDebug("WRITE-PATCH (%d-%d@%d..%d): %d; timbre=%d (%s) %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", firstPatch, lastPatch, off, off + len, i, patchAbsTimbreNum, instrumentName, n[0], n[1], n[2], n[3], n[4], n[5], n[6], n[7]); // FIXME:KG: The below is definitely dodgy. We just guess that this is the patch that the part was using // based on a timbre match (but many patches could have the same timbre!) // If this refresh is really correct, we should store the patch number in use by each part. /* for (int part = 0; part < 8; part++) { if (parts[part] != NULL) { int partPatchAbsTimbreNum = mt32ram.patchSettings[part].patch.timbreGroup * 64 + mt32ram.patchSettings[part].patch.timbreNum; if (parts[part]->getAbsTimbreNum() == patchAbsTimbreNum) { parts[part]->setPatch(patch); parts[part]->RefreshPatch(); } } } */ } } else if (addr >= MEMADDR(0x080000) && addr < MEMADDR(0x090000)) { // Timbres int off = addr - MEMADDR(0x080000); if (off + len > sizeof(MemParams::PaddedTimbre) * 64) { // You can only write to one group at a time printDebug("playSysexWithoutHeader: Message goes beyond bounds of memory region (addr=0x%06x, len=%d)!", SYSEXMEMADDR(addr), len); return; } unsigned int firstTimbre = off / sizeof (MemParams::PaddedTimbre); off %= sizeof (MemParams::PaddedTimbre); firstTimbre += 128; for (unsigned int m = 0; m < len; m++) ((Bit8u *)&mt32ram.timbres[firstTimbre])[off + m] = sysex[m]; unsigned int lastTimbre = firstTimbre + NUMTOUCHED(len + off, MemParams::PaddedTimbre) - 1; for (unsigned int i = firstTimbre; i <= lastTimbre; i++) { char instrumentName[11]; memcpy(instrumentName, mt32ram.timbres[i].timbre.common.name, 10); instrumentName[10] = 0; printDebug("WRITE-TIMBRE (%d-%d@%d..%d): %d; name=\"%s\"", firstTimbre, lastTimbre, off, off + len, i, instrumentName); // FIXME:KG: Not sure if the stuff below should be done (for rhythm and/or parts)... // Does the real MT-32 automatically do this? for (unsigned int part = 0; part < 9; part++) { if (parts[part] != NULL) { parts[part]->refreshTimbre(i); } } } } else if (addr >= MEMADDR(0x100000) && addr < MEMADDR(0x200000)) { int off = addr - MEMADDR(0x100000); if (off + len > sizeof(mt32ram.system)) { printDebug("playSysexWithoutHeader: Message goes beyond bounds of memory region (addr=0x%06x, len=%d)!", SYSEXMEMADDR(addr), len); return; } for (unsigned int m = 0; m < len; m++) ((Bit8u *)&mt32ram.system)[m + off] = sysex[m]; report(ReportType_devReconfig, NULL); printDebug("WRITE-SYSTEM:"); refreshSystem(); } else if (addr == MEMADDR(0x200000)) { char buf[MAX_SYSEX_SIZE]; if (len > MAX_SYSEX_SIZE - 1) { printDebug("WRITE-LCD sysex length (%d) exceeded MAX_SYSEX_SIZE (%d) - 1; truncating", len, MAX_SYSEX_SIZE); len = MAX_SYSEX_SIZE - 1; } memcpy(&buf, &sysex[0], len); buf[len] = 0; printDebug("WRITE-LCD: %s", buf); report(ReportType_lcdMessage, buf); } else if (addr >= MEMADDR(0x7f0000)) { printDebug("Reset"); report(ReportType_devReset, NULL); partialManager->deactivateAll(); mt32ram = mt32default; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { parts[i]->refresh(); } isEnabled = false; } else { printDebug("Sysex write to unrecognised address %06x", SYSEXMEMADDR(addr)); } } bool Synth::refreshSystem() { memset(chantable,-1,sizeof(chantable)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { //LOG(LOG_MISC|LOG_ERROR,"Part %d set to MIDI channel %d",i,mt32ram.system.chanAssign[i]); if (mt32ram.system.chanAssign[i] == 16 && parts[i] != NULL) { parts[i]->allStop(); } else { chantable[(int)mt32ram.system.chanAssign[i]] = (char)i; } } //FIXME:KG: This is just an educated guess. // The LAPC-I documentation claims a range of 427.5Hz-452.6Hz (similar to what we have here) // The MT-32 documentation claims a range of 432.1Hz-457.6Hz masterTune = 440.0f * powf(2.0f, (mt32ram.system.masterTune - 64.0f) / (128.0f * 12.0f)); printDebug(" Master Tune: %f", masterTune); printDebug(" Reverb: mode=%d, time=%d, level=%d", mt32ram.system.reverbMode, mt32ram.system.reverbTime, mt32ram.system.reverbLevel); report(ReportType_newReverbMode, &mt32ram.system.reverbMode); report(ReportType_newReverbTime, &mt32ram.system.reverbTime); report(ReportType_newReverbLevel, &mt32ram.system.reverbLevel); if (myProp.useDefaultReverb) { initReverb(mt32ram.system.reverbMode, mt32ram.system.reverbTime, mt32ram.system.reverbLevel); } else { initReverb(myProp.reverbType, myProp.reverbTime, mt32ram.system.reverbLevel); } Bit8u *rset = mt32ram.system.reserveSettings; printDebug(" Partial reserve: 1=%02d 2=%02d 3=%02d 4=%02d 5=%02d 6=%02d 7=%02d 8=%02d Rhythm=%02d", rset[0], rset[1], rset[2], rset[3], rset[4], rset[5], rset[6], rset[7], rset[8]); int pr = partialManager->setReserve(rset); if (pr != 32) printDebug(" (Partial Reserve Table with less than 32 partials reserved!)"); rset = mt32ram.system.chanAssign; printDebug(" Part assign: 1=%02d 2=%02d 3=%02d 4=%02d 5=%02d 6=%02d 7=%02d 8=%02d Rhythm=%02d", rset[0], rset[1], rset[2], rset[3], rset[4], rset[5], rset[6], rset[7], rset[8]); printDebug(" Master volume: %d", mt32ram.system.masterVol); masterVolume = (Bit16u)(mt32ram.system.masterVol * 327); if (!TableInitialiser::initMT32Tables(this, PCMList, (float)myProp.sampleRate, masterTune)) { report(ReportType_errorSampleRate, NULL); return false; } return true; } bool Synth::dumpTimbre(File *file, const TimbreParam *timbre, Bit32u address) { // Sysex header if (!file->writeBit8u(0xF0)) return false; if (!file->writeBit8u(0x41)) return false; if (!file->writeBit8u(0x10)) return false; if (!file->writeBit8u(0x16)) return false; if (!file->writeBit8u(0x12)) return false; char lsb = (char)(address & 0x7f); char isb = (char)((address >> 7) & 0x7f); char msb = (char)(((address >> 14) & 0x7f) | 0x08); //Address if (!file->writeBit8u(msb)) return false; if (!file->writeBit8u(isb)) return false; if (!file->writeBit8u(lsb)) return false; //Data if (file->write(timbre, 246) != 246) return false; //Checksum unsigned char checksum = calcSysexChecksum((const Bit8u *)timbre, 246, msb + isb + lsb); if (!file->writeBit8u(checksum)) return false; //End of sysex if (!file->writeBit8u(0xF7)) return false; return true; } int Synth::dumpTimbres(const char *filename, int start, int len) { File *file = openFile(filename, File::OpenMode_write); if (file == NULL) return -1; for (int timbreNum = start; timbreNum < start + len; timbreNum++) { int useaddr = (timbreNum - start) * 256; TimbreParam *timbre = &mt32ram.timbres[timbreNum].timbre; if (!dumpTimbre(file, timbre, useaddr)) break; } closeFile(file); return 0; } void ProduceOutput1(Bit16s *useBuf, Bit16s *stream, Bit32u len, Bit16s volume) { #if MT32EMU_USE_MMX > 2 //FIXME:KG: This appears to introduce crackle int donelen = i386_produceOutput1(useBuf, stream, len, volume); len -= donelen; stream += donelen * 2; useBuf += donelen * 2; #endif int end = len * 2; while (end--) { *stream = *stream + (Bit16s)(((Bit32s)*useBuf++ * (Bit32s)volume)>>15); stream++; } } void Synth::render(Bit16s *stream, Bit32u len) { memset(stream, 0, len * sizeof (Bit16s) * 2); if (!isEnabled) return; while (len > 0) { Bit32u thisLen = len > MAX_SAMPLE_OUTPUT ? MAX_SAMPLE_OUTPUT : len; doRender(stream, thisLen); len -= thisLen; stream += 2 * thisLen; } } void Synth::doRender(Bit16s * stream,Bit32u len) { Bit32u m; partialManager->ageAll(); if (myProp.useReverb) { bool hasOutput = false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MT32EMU_MAX_PARTIALS; i++) { if (partialManager->shouldReverb(i)) { if (partialManager->produceOutput(i, &tmpBuffer[0], len)) { ProduceOutput1(&tmpBuffer[0], stream, len, masterVolume); hasOutput = true; } } } // No point in doing reverb on a mute buffer... if (hasOutput) { m=0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sndbufl[i] = (float)stream[m] / 32767.0f; m++; sndbufr[i] = (float)stream[m] / 32767.0f; m++; } reverbModel->processreplace(sndbufl, sndbufr, outbufl, outbufr, len, 1); m=0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) { stream[m] = (Bit16s)(outbufl[i] * 32767.0f); m++; stream[m] = (Bit16s)(outbufr[i] * 32767.0f); m++; } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MT32EMU_MAX_PARTIALS; i++) { if (!partialManager->shouldReverb(i)) { if (partialManager->produceOutput(i, &tmpBuffer[0], len)) { ProduceOutput1(&tmpBuffer[0], stream, len, masterVolume); } } } } else { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MT32EMU_MAX_PARTIALS; i++) { if (partialManager->produceOutput(i, &tmpBuffer[0], len)) ProduceOutput1(&tmpBuffer[0], stream, len, masterVolume); } } partialManager->clearAlreadyOutputed(); #if MT32EMU_MONITOR_PARTIALS == 1 samplepos += len; if (samplepos > myProp.SampleRate * 5) { samplepos = 0; int partialUsage[9]; partialManager->GetPerPartPartialUsage(partialUsage); printDebug("1:%02d 2:%02d 3:%02d 4:%02d 5:%02d 6:%02d 7:%02d 8:%02d", partialUsage[0], partialUsage[1], partialUsage[2], partialUsage[3], partialUsage[4], partialUsage[5], partialUsage[6], partialUsage[7]); printDebug("Rhythm: %02d TOTAL: %02d", partialUsage[8], MT32EMU_MAX_PARTIALS - partialManager->GetFreePartialCount()); } #endif } }