/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 The ScummVM project
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * $URL$
 * $Id$

#include "sound/vorbis.h"


#include "common/file.h"
#include "common/util.h"

#include "sound/audiostream.h"
#include "sound/audiocd.h"

#include <tremor/ivorbisfile.h>
#include <vorbis/vorbisfile.h>

using Common::File;

static AudioStream *makeVorbisStream(OggVorbis_File *file, int duration);

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark --- Ogg Vorbis Audio CD emulation ---
#pragma mark -

class VorbisTrackInfo : public DigitalTrackInfo {
	File *_file;
	OggVorbis_File _ov_file;
	bool _error_flag;

	VorbisTrackInfo(File *file);
	bool openTrack();
	bool error() { return _error_flag; }
	void play(Audio::Mixer *mixer, Audio::SoundHandle *handle, int startFrame, int duration);

// These are wrapper functions to allow using a File object to
// provide data to the OggVorbis_File object.

struct file_info {
	File *file;
	int start, curr_pos;
	size_t len;

static size_t read_wrap(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *datasource) {
	file_info *f = (file_info *) datasource;
	int result;

#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
	// For symbian we must check that an alternative file pointer is created, see if its open
	// If not re-open file and seek to the last read position
	if (f->file && !f->file->isOpen()) {

	nmemb *= size;
	if (f->curr_pos > (int) f->len)
		nmemb = 0;
	else if (nmemb > f->len - f->curr_pos)
		nmemb = f->len - f->curr_pos;
	// There is no guarantee that the Vorbis stream is alone in accessing
	// the file, so make sure the current position is what we think it is.
	f->file->seek(f->start + f->curr_pos);
	result = f->file->read(ptr, nmemb);
#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
	// For symbian we now store the last read position and then close the file
	if (f->file) {
	if (result == -1) {
		f->curr_pos = f->file->pos() - f->start;
		return (size_t) -1;
	} else {
		f->curr_pos += result;
		return result / size;

static int seek_wrap(void *datasource, ogg_int64_t offset, int whence) {
	file_info *f = (file_info *) datasource;

	if (whence == SEEK_SET)
		offset += f->start;
	else if (whence == SEEK_END) {
		offset += f->start + f->len;
		whence = SEEK_SET;

#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
	// For symbian we must check that an alternative file pointer is created, see if its open
	// If not re-open file and seek to the last read position
	if (f->file && !f->file->isOpen()) {

	f->file->seek(offset, whence);
	f->curr_pos = f->file->pos() - f->start;

#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
    // For symbian we now store the last read position and then close the file
	if (f->file) {

	return f->curr_pos;

static int close_wrap(void *datasource) {
	file_info *f = (file_info *) datasource;

	delete f;
	return 0;

static long tell_wrap(void *datasource) {
	file_info *f = (file_info *) datasource;

	return f->curr_pos;

static ov_callbacks g_File_wrap = {
	read_wrap, seek_wrap, close_wrap, tell_wrap

VorbisTrackInfo::VorbisTrackInfo(File *file) {
//debug(5, "" __FILE__ ":%i", __LINE__);

	_file = file;
	if (openTrack()) {
		warning("Invalid file format");
		_error_flag = true;
		_file = 0;
	} else {
		_error_flag = false;

bool VorbisTrackInfo::openTrack() {
//debug(5, "" __FILE__ ":%i", __LINE__);

	file_info *f = new file_info;

#if defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
	// Symbian can't share filehandles between different threads.
	// So create a new file  and seek that to the other filehandles position
	f->file = new File;
	f->file = _file;

	f->start = 0;
	f->len = _file->size();
	f->curr_pos = 0;

	bool err = (ov_open_callbacks((void *) f, &_ov_file, NULL, 0, g_File_wrap) < 0);
	if (err) {
#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
		delete f->file;
		delete f;
	} else {
#ifndef __SYMBIAN32__

	return err;

VorbisTrackInfo::~VorbisTrackInfo() {
//debug(5, "" __FILE__ ":%i", __LINE__);
	if (! _error_flag) {

void VorbisTrackInfo::play(Audio::Mixer *mixer, Audio::SoundHandle *handle, int startFrame, int duration) {
//debug(5, "" __FILE__ ":%i", __LINE__);
	bool err = openTrack(); err=err;//satisfy unused variable

#ifdef USE_TREMOR // In Tremor, the ov_time_seek() and ov_time_seek_page() calls take seeking positions in milliseconds as 64 bit integers, rather than in seconds as doubles as in Vorbisfile.
#if defined(__SYMBIAN32__) && defined(__GCC32__) // SumthinWicked says: fixing "relocation truncated to fit: ARM_26 __fixdfdi" during linking on GCC, see portdefs.h
	ov_time_seek(&_ov_file, (ogg_int64_t)scumm_fixdfdi(startFrame / 75.0 * 1000));
	ov_time_seek(&_ov_file, (ogg_int64_t)(startFrame / 75.0 * 1000));
    ov_time_seek(&_ov_file, startFrame / 75.0);

	AudioStream *input = makeVorbisStream(&_ov_file, duration * ov_info(&_ov_file, -1)->rate / 75);
	mixer->playInputStream(Audio::Mixer::kMusicSoundType, handle, input);

DigitalTrackInfo *getVorbisTrack(int track) {
//debug(5, "" __FILE__ ":%i", __LINE__);
	char track_name[32];
	File *file = new File();

	sprintf(track_name, "track%d.ogg", track);

	if (file->isOpen()) {
		VorbisTrackInfo *trackInfo = new VorbisTrackInfo(file);
		if (!trackInfo->error())
			return trackInfo;
		delete trackInfo;
	delete file;
	return NULL;

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark --- Ogg Vorbis stream ---
#pragma mark -

class VorbisInputStream : public AudioStream {
	OggVorbis_File *_ov_file;
	int _end_pos;
	int _numChannels;
	int16 _buffer[4096];
	const int16 *_bufferEnd;
	const int16 *_pos;
	bool _deleteFileAfterUse;

	void refill();
	inline bool eosIntern() const;
	VorbisInputStream(OggVorbis_File *file, int duration, bool deleteFileAfterUse);

	int readBuffer(int16 *buffer, const int numSamples);

	bool endOfData() const		{ return eosIntern(); }
	bool isStereo() const		{ return _numChannels >= 2; }

	int getRate() const			{ return ov_info(_ov_file, -1)->rate; }


VorbisInputStream::VorbisInputStream(OggVorbis_File *file, int duration, bool deleteFileAfterUse)
	: _ov_file(file),
	_bufferEnd(_buffer + ARRAYSIZE(_buffer)),
	_deleteFileAfterUse(deleteFileAfterUse) {
//debug(5, "" __FILE__ ":%i", __LINE__);

	// Check the header, determine if this is a stereo stream
	_numChannels = ov_info(_ov_file, -1)->channels;

	// Determine the end position
	if (duration)
		_end_pos = ov_pcm_tell(_ov_file) + duration;
		_end_pos = ov_pcm_total(_ov_file, -1);

	// Read in initial data

VorbisInputStream::~VorbisInputStream() {
//debug(5, "" __FILE__ ":%i", __LINE__);
	if (_deleteFileAfterUse)
		delete _ov_file;

inline bool VorbisInputStream::eosIntern() const {
//debug(5, "" __FILE__ ":%i", __LINE__);
	return _pos >= _bufferEnd;

int VorbisInputStream::readBuffer(int16 *buffer, const int numSamples) {
//debug(5, "" __FILE__ ":%i", __LINE__);
	int samples = 0;
	while (samples < numSamples && !eosIntern()) {
		const int len = MIN(numSamples - samples, (int)(_bufferEnd - _pos));
		memcpy(buffer, _pos, len * 2);
		buffer += len;
		_pos += len;
		samples += len;
		if (_pos >= _bufferEnd) {
	return samples;

void VorbisInputStream::refill() {
//debug(5, "" __FILE__ ":%i", __LINE__);
	// Read the samples
	uint len_left = sizeof(_buffer);
	char *read_pos = (char *)_buffer;

	while (len_left > 0 && _end_pos > ov_pcm_tell(_ov_file)) {
		long result = ov_read(_ov_file, read_pos, len_left,
#ifndef USE_TREMOR // Tremor ov_read() always returns data as signed 16 bit interleaved PCM in host byte order. As such, it does not take arguments to request specific signedness, byte order or bit depth as in Vorbisfile.
						2,	// 16 bit
						1,	// signed
		if (result == OV_HOLE) {
			// Possibly recoverable, just warn about it
			warning("Corrupted data in Vorbis file");
		} else if (result <= 0) {
			if (result < 0)
				debug(1, "Decode error %ld in Vorbis file", result);
			// Don't delete it yet, that causes problems in
			// the CD player emulation code.
			memset(read_pos, 0, len_left);
		} else {
			len_left -= result;
			read_pos += result;

	_pos = _buffer;
	_bufferEnd = (int16 *)read_pos;

static AudioStream *makeVorbisStream(OggVorbis_File *file, int duration) {
//debug(5, "" __FILE__ ":%i", __LINE__);
	return new VorbisInputStream(file, duration, false);

AudioStream *makeVorbisStream(File *file, uint32 size) {
//debug(5, "" __FILE__ ":%i", __LINE__);
	OggVorbis_File *ov_file = new OggVorbis_File;
	file_info *f = new file_info;

#if defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
	// Symbian can't share filehandles between different threads.
	// So create a new file  and seek that to the other filehandles position
	f->file = new File;
	f->file = file;
    f->start = file->pos();
	f->len = size;
	f->curr_pos = 0;

	if (ov_open_callbacks((void *) f, ov_file, NULL, 0, g_File_wrap) < 0) {
		warning("Invalid file format");
		delete ov_file;
		delete f;
        return 0;
        } else {
#ifndef __SYMBIAN32__
		return new VorbisInputStream(ov_file, 0, true);