/* Copyright (C) 1994-1998 Revolution Software Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BUILD_DISPLAY.CPP like the old spr_engi but slightly more aptly named // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "common/stdafx.h" #include "common/system.h" #include "sword2/sword2.h" #include "sword2/console.h" #include "sword2/defs.h" #include "sword2/interpreter.h" #include "sword2/logic.h" #include "sword2/maketext.h" #include "sword2/memory.h" #include "sword2/resman.h" #include "sword2/driver/d_draw.h" namespace Sword2 { void Sword2Engine::buildDisplay(void) { if (_thisScreen.new_palette) { // start the layer palette fading up startNewPalette(); // should be reset to zero at start of each screen change _largestLayerArea = 0; _largestSpriteArea = 0; } // Does this ever happen? if (!_thisScreen.background_layer_id) return; // there is a valid screen to run _graphics->setScrollTarget(_thisScreen.scroll_offset_x, _thisScreen.scroll_offset_y); _graphics->animateMouse(); _graphics->startRenderCycle(); byte *file = _resman->openResource(_thisScreen.background_layer_id); MultiScreenHeader *screenLayerTable = (MultiScreenHeader *) (file + sizeof(StandardHeader)); // Render at least one frame, but if the screen is scrolling, and if // there is time left, we will render extra frames to smooth out the // scrolling. do { // first background parallax + related anims if (screenLayerTable->bg_parallax[0]) { _graphics->renderParallax(fetchBackgroundParallaxLayer(file, 0), 0); drawBackPar0Frames(); } // second background parallax + related anims if (screenLayerTable->bg_parallax[1]) { _graphics->renderParallax(fetchBackgroundParallaxLayer(file, 1), 1); drawBackPar1Frames(); } // normal backround layer (just the one!) _graphics->renderParallax(fetchBackgroundLayer(file), 2); // sprites & layers drawBackFrames(); // background sprites drawSortFrames(file); // sorted sprites & layers drawForeFrames(); // foreground sprites // first foreground parallax + related anims if (screenLayerTable->fg_parallax[0]) { _graphics->renderParallax(fetchForegroundParallaxLayer(file, 0), 3); drawForePar0Frames(); } // second foreground parallax + related anims if (screenLayerTable->fg_parallax[1]) { _graphics->renderParallax(fetchForegroundParallaxLayer(file, 1), 4); drawForePar1Frames(); } _debugger->drawDebugGraphics(); _fontRenderer->printTextBlocs(); _graphics->processMenu(); _graphics->updateDisplay(); _frameCount++; if (getMillis() > _cycleTime) { _fps = _frameCount; _frameCount = 0; _cycleTime = getMillis() + 1000; } } while (!_graphics->endRenderCycle()); _resman->closeResource(_thisScreen.background_layer_id); } /** * Fades down and displays a message on the screen. * @param text The message * @param time The number of seconds to display the message, or 0 to display it * until the user clicks the mouse or presses a key. */ void Sword2Engine::displayMsg(byte *text, int time) { byte pal[256 * 4]; byte oldPal[256 * 4]; debug(2, "DisplayMsg: %s", text); if (_graphics->getFadeStatus() != RDFADE_BLACK) { _graphics->fadeDown(); _graphics->waitForFade(); } setMouse(0); setLuggage(0); _graphics->closeMenuImmediately(); _graphics->clearScene(); byte *text_spr = _fontRenderer->makeTextSprite(text, 640, 187, _speechFontId); FrameHeader *frame = (FrameHeader *) text_spr; SpriteInfo spriteInfo; spriteInfo.x = _graphics->_screenWide / 2 - frame->width / 2; if (!time) spriteInfo.y = _graphics->_screenDeep / 2 - frame->height / 2 - RDMENU_MENUDEEP; else spriteInfo.y = 400 - frame->height; spriteInfo.w = frame->width; spriteInfo.h = frame->height; spriteInfo.scale = 0; spriteInfo.scaledWidth = 0; spriteInfo.scaledHeight = 0; spriteInfo.type = RDSPR_DISPLAYALIGN | RDSPR_NOCOMPRESSION | RDSPR_TRANS; spriteInfo.blend = 0; spriteInfo.data = text_spr + sizeof(FrameHeader); spriteInfo.colourTable = 0; uint32 rv = _graphics->drawSprite(&spriteInfo); if (rv) error("Driver Error %.8x (in DisplayMsg)", rv); memcpy(oldPal, _graphics->_palette, sizeof(oldPal)); memset(pal, 0, sizeof(pal)); pal[187 * 4 + 0] = 255; pal[187 * 4 + 1] = 255; pal[187 * 4 + 2] = 255; _graphics->setPalette(0, 256, pal, RDPAL_FADE); _graphics->fadeUp(); free(text_spr); _graphics->waitForFade(); if (time > 0) { uint32 targetTime = getMillis() + (time * 1000); sleepUntil(targetTime); } else { while (!_quit) { MouseEvent *me = mouseEvent(); if (me && (me->buttons & (RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN | RD_RIGHTBUTTONDOWN))) break; if (keyboardEvent()) break; _graphics->updateDisplay(); _system->delayMillis(50); } } _graphics->fadeDown(); _graphics->waitForFade(); _graphics->clearScene(); _graphics->setPalette(0, 256, oldPal, RDPAL_FADE); _graphics->fadeUp(); } void Sword2Engine::drawBackPar0Frames(void) { // frame attached to 1st background parallax for (uint i = 0; i < _curBgp0; i++) processImage(&_bgp0List[i]); } void Sword2Engine::drawBackPar1Frames(void) { // frame attached to 2nd background parallax for (uint i = 0; i < _curBgp1; i++) processImage(&_bgp1List[i]); } void Sword2Engine::drawBackFrames(void) { // background sprite, fixed to main background for (uint i = 0; i < _curBack; i++) processImage(&_backList[i]); } void Sword2Engine::drawSortFrames(byte *file) { uint i, j; // Sort the sort list. Used to be a separate function, but it was only // called once, right before calling drawSortFrames(). if (_curSort > 1) { for (i = 0; i < _curSort - 1; i++) { for (j = 0; j < _curSort - 1; j++) { if (_sortList[_sortOrder[j]].sort_y > _sortList[_sortOrder[j + 1]].sort_y) { SWAP(_sortOrder[j], _sortOrder[j + 1]); } } } } // Draw the sorted frames - layers, shrinkers & normal flat sprites for (i = 0; i < _curSort; i++) { if (_sortList[_sortOrder[i]].layer_number) { // it's a layer - minus 1 for true layer number // we need to know from the BuildUnit because the // layers will have been sorted in random order processLayer(file, _sortList[_sortOrder[i]].layer_number - 1); } else { // it's a sprite processImage(&_sortList[_sortOrder[i]]); } } } void Sword2Engine::drawForeFrames(void) { // foreground sprite, fixed to main background for (uint i = 0; i < _curFore; i++) processImage(&_foreList[i]); } void Sword2Engine::drawForePar0Frames(void) { // frame attached to 1st foreground parallax for (uint i = 0; i < _curFgp0; i++) processImage(&_fgp0List[i]); } void Sword2Engine::drawForePar1Frames(void) { // frame attached to 2nd foreground parallax for (uint i = 0; i < _curFgp1; i++) processImage(&_fgp1List[i]); } void Sword2Engine::processLayer(byte *file, uint32 layer_number) { LayerHeader *layer_head = fetchLayerHeader(file, layer_number); SpriteInfo spriteInfo; spriteInfo.x = layer_head->x; spriteInfo.y = layer_head->y; spriteInfo.w = layer_head->width; spriteInfo.scale = 0; spriteInfo.scaledWidth = 0; spriteInfo.scaledHeight = 0; spriteInfo.h = layer_head->height; spriteInfo.type = RDSPR_TRANS | RDSPR_RLE256FAST; spriteInfo.blend = 0; spriteInfo.data = file + sizeof(StandardHeader) + layer_head->offset; spriteInfo.colourTable = 0; // check for largest layer for debug info uint32 current_layer_area = layer_head->width * layer_head->height; if (current_layer_area > _largestLayerArea) { byte buf[NAME_LEN]; _largestLayerArea = current_layer_area; sprintf(_largestLayerInfo, "largest layer: %s layer(%d) is %dx%d", fetchObjectName(_thisScreen.background_layer_id, buf), layer_number, layer_head->width, layer_head->height); } uint32 rv = _graphics->drawSprite(&spriteInfo); if (rv) error("Driver Error %.8x in processLayer(%d)", rv, layer_number); } void Sword2Engine::processImage(BuildUnit *build_unit) { byte *file = _resman->openResource(build_unit->anim_resource); byte *colTablePtr = NULL; AnimHeader *anim_head = fetchAnimHeader(file); CdtEntry *cdt_entry = fetchCdtEntry(file, build_unit->anim_pc); FrameHeader *frame_head = fetchFrameHeader(file, build_unit->anim_pc); // so that 0-colour is transparent uint32 spriteType = RDSPR_TRANS; if (anim_head->blend) spriteType |= RDSPR_BLEND; // if the frame is to be flipped (only really applicable to frames // using offsets) if (cdt_entry->frameType & FRAME_FLIPPED) spriteType |= RDSPR_FLIP; if (cdt_entry->frameType & FRAME_256_FAST) { // scaling, shading & blending don't work with RLE256FAST // but the same compression can be decompressed using the // RLE256 routines! // NOTE: If this restriction refers to drawSprite(), I don't // think we have it any more. But I'm not sure. if (build_unit->scale || anim_head->blend || build_unit->shadingFlag) spriteType |= RDSPR_RLE256; else spriteType |= RDSPR_RLE256FAST; } else { switch (anim_head->runTimeComp) { case NONE: spriteType |= RDSPR_NOCOMPRESSION; break; case RLE256: spriteType |= RDSPR_RLE256; break; case RLE16: spriteType |= RDSPR_RLE16; // points to just after last cdt_entry, ie. // start of colour table colTablePtr = (byte *) (anim_head + 1) + anim_head->noAnimFrames * sizeof(CdtEntry); break; } } // if we want this frame to be affected by the shading mask, // add the status bit if (build_unit->shadingFlag) spriteType |= RDSPR_SHADOW; SpriteInfo spriteInfo; spriteInfo.x = build_unit->x; spriteInfo.y = build_unit->y; spriteInfo.w = frame_head->width; spriteInfo.h = frame_head->height; spriteInfo.scale = build_unit->scale; spriteInfo.scaledWidth = build_unit->scaled_width; spriteInfo.scaledHeight = build_unit->scaled_height; spriteInfo.type = spriteType; spriteInfo.blend = anim_head->blend; // points to just after frame header, ie. start of sprite data spriteInfo.data = (byte *) (frame_head + 1); spriteInfo.colourTable = colTablePtr; // check for largest layer for debug info uint32 current_sprite_area = frame_head->width * frame_head->height; if (current_sprite_area > _largestSpriteArea) { byte buf[NAME_LEN]; _largestSpriteArea = current_sprite_area; sprintf(_largestSpriteInfo, "largest sprite: %s frame(%d) is %dx%d", fetchObjectName(build_unit->anim_resource, buf), build_unit->anim_pc, frame_head->width, frame_head->height); } if (Logic::_scriptVars[SYSTEM_TESTING_ANIMS]) { // see anims.cpp // bring the anim into the visible screen // but leave extra pixel at edge for box if (spriteInfo.x + spriteInfo.scaledWidth >= 639) spriteInfo.x = 639 - spriteInfo.scaledWidth; if (spriteInfo.y + spriteInfo.scaledHeight >= 399) spriteInfo.y = 399 - spriteInfo.scaledHeight; if (spriteInfo.x < 1) spriteInfo.x = 1; if (spriteInfo.y < 1) spriteInfo.y = 1; // create box to surround sprite - just outside sprite box _debugger->_rectX1 = spriteInfo.x - 1; _debugger->_rectY1 = spriteInfo.y - 1; _debugger->_rectX2 = spriteInfo.x + spriteInfo.scaledWidth; _debugger->_rectY2 = spriteInfo.y + spriteInfo.scaledHeight; } uint32 rv = _graphics->drawSprite(&spriteInfo); if (rv) { byte buf[NAME_LEN]; error("Driver Error %.8x with sprite %s (%d) in processImage", rv, fetchObjectName(build_unit->anim_resource, buf), build_unit->anim_resource); } // release the anim resource _resman->closeResource(build_unit->anim_resource); } void Sword2Engine::resetRenderLists(void) { // reset the sort lists - do this before a logic loop // takes into account the fact that the start of the list is pre-built // with the special sortable layers _curBgp0 = 0; _curBgp1 = 0; _curBack = 0; // beginning of sort list is setup with the special sort layers _curSort = _thisScreen.number_of_layers; _curFore = 0; _curFgp0 = 0; _curFgp1 = 0; if (_curSort) { // there are some layers - so rebuild the sort order list for (uint i = 0; i < _curSort; i++) _sortOrder[i] = i; } } void Sword2Engine::registerFrame(int32 *params, BuildUnit *build_unit) { // params: 0 pointer to mouse structure or NULL for no write to mouse // list (non-zero means write sprite-shape to mouse list) // 1 pointer to graphic structure // 2 pointer to mega structure ObjectGraphic *ob_graph = (ObjectGraphic *) _memory->decodePtr(params[1]); assert(ob_graph->anim_resource); byte *file = _resman->openResource(ob_graph->anim_resource); AnimHeader *anim_head = fetchAnimHeader(file); CdtEntry *cdt_entry = fetchCdtEntry(file, ob_graph->anim_pc); FrameHeader *frame_head = fetchFrameHeader(file, ob_graph->anim_pc); // update player graphic details for on-screen debug info if (Logic::_scriptVars[ID] == CUR_PLAYER_ID) { _debugger->_playerGraphic.type = ob_graph->type; _debugger->_playerGraphic.anim_resource = ob_graph->anim_resource; // counting 1st frame as 'frame 1' _debugger->_playerGraphic.anim_pc = ob_graph->anim_pc + 1; _debugger->_playerGraphicNoFrames = anim_head->noAnimFrames; } // fill in the BuildUnit structure for this frame build_unit->anim_resource = ob_graph->anim_resource; build_unit->anim_pc = ob_graph->anim_pc; build_unit->layer_number = 0; // Affected by shading mask? if (ob_graph->type & SHADED_SPRITE) build_unit->shadingFlag = true; else build_unit->shadingFlag = false; // Check if this frame has offsets ie. this is a scalable mega frame int scale = 0; if (cdt_entry->frameType & FRAME_OFFSET) { ObjectMega *ob_mega = (ObjectMega *) _memory->decodePtr(params[2]); // calc scale at which to print the sprite, based on feet // y-coord & scaling constants (NB. 'scale' is actually // 256 * true_scale, to maintain accuracy) // Ay+B gives 256 * scale ie. 256 * 256 * true_scale for even // better accuracy, ie. scale = (Ay + B) / 256 scale = (ob_mega->scale_a * ob_mega->feet_y + ob_mega->scale_b) / 256; // calc final render coordinates (top-left of sprite), based // on feet coords & scaled offsets // add scaled offsets to feet coords build_unit->x = ob_mega->feet_x + (cdt_entry->x * scale) / 256; build_unit->y = ob_mega->feet_y + (cdt_entry->y * scale) / 256; // Work out new width and height. Always divide by 256 after // everything else, to maintain accurary build_unit->scaled_width = ((scale * frame_head->width) / 256); build_unit->scaled_height = ((scale * frame_head->height) / 256); } else { // It's a non-scaling anim. Get render coords for sprite, from cdt build_unit->x = cdt_entry->x; build_unit->y = cdt_entry->y; // Get width and height build_unit->scaled_width = frame_head->width; build_unit->scaled_height = frame_head->height; } // either 0 or required scale, depending on whether 'scale' computed build_unit->scale = scale; // calc the bottom y-coord for sorting purposes build_unit->sort_y = build_unit->y + build_unit->scaled_height - 1; if (params[0]) { // passed a mouse structure, so add to the _mouseList ObjectMouse *ob_mouse = (ObjectMouse *) _memory->decodePtr(params[0]); if (ob_mouse->pointer) { assert(_curMouse < TOTAL_mouse_list); _mouseList[_curMouse].x1 = build_unit->x; _mouseList[_curMouse].y1 = build_unit->y; _mouseList[_curMouse].x2 = build_unit->x + build_unit->scaled_width; _mouseList[_curMouse].y2 = build_unit->y + build_unit->scaled_height; _mouseList[_curMouse].priority = ob_mouse->priority; _mouseList[_curMouse].pointer = ob_mouse->pointer; // check if pointer text field is set due to previous // object using this slot (ie. not correct for this // one) // if 'pointer_text' field is set, but the 'id' field // isn't same is current id then we don't want this // "left over" pointer text if (_mouseList[_curMouse].pointer_text && _mouseList[_curMouse].id != (int32) Logic::_scriptVars[ID]) _mouseList[_curMouse].pointer_text = 0; _mouseList[_curMouse].id = Logic::_scriptVars[ID]; // not using sprite as detection mask _mouseList[_curMouse].anim_resource = 0; _mouseList[_curMouse].anim_pc = 0; _curMouse++; } } _resman->closeResource(ob_graph->anim_resource); } int32 Sword2Engine::registerFrame(int32 *params) { ObjectGraphic *ob_graph = (ObjectGraphic *) _memory->decodePtr(params[1]); // check low word for sprite type switch (ob_graph->type & 0x0000ffff) { case BGP0_SPRITE: assert(_curBgp0 < MAX_bgp0_sprites); registerFrame(params, &_bgp0List[_curBgp0]); _curBgp0++; break; case BGP1_SPRITE: assert(_curBgp1 < MAX_bgp1_sprites); registerFrame(params, &_bgp1List[_curBgp1]); _curBgp1++; break; case BACK_SPRITE: assert(_curBack < MAX_back_sprites); registerFrame(params, &_backList[_curBack]); _curBack++; break; case SORT_SPRITE: assert(_curSort < MAX_sort_sprites); _sortOrder[_curSort] = _curSort; registerFrame(params, &_sortList[_curSort]); _curSort++; break; case FORE_SPRITE: assert(_curFore < MAX_fore_sprites); registerFrame(params, &_foreList[_curFore]); _curFore++; break; case FGP0_SPRITE: assert(_curFgp0 < MAX_fgp0_sprites); registerFrame(params, &_fgp0List[_curFgp0]); _curFgp0++; break; case FGP1_SPRITE: assert(_curFgp1 < MAX_fgp1_sprites); registerFrame(params, &_fgp1List[_curFgp1]); _curFgp1++; break; default: // NO_SPRITE no registering! break; } return IR_CONT; } /** * Start layer palette fading up */ void Sword2Engine::startNewPalette(void) { // if the screen is still fading down then wait for black - could // happen when everythings cached into a large memory model _graphics->waitForFade(); byte *screenFile = _resman->openResource(_thisScreen.background_layer_id); _graphics->updatePaletteMatchTable((byte *) fetchPaletteMatchTable(screenFile)); _graphics->setPalette(0, 256, fetchPalette(screenFile), RDPAL_FADE); // indicating that it's a screen palette _lastPaletteRes = 0; _resman->closeResource(_thisScreen.background_layer_id); _graphics->fadeUp(); _thisScreen.new_palette = 0; } void Sword2Engine::setFullPalette(int32 palRes) { // fudge for hut interior // - unpausing should restore last palette as normal (could be screen // palette or 'dark_palette_13') // - but restoring the screen palette after 'dark_palette_13' should // now work properly too! // "Hut interior" refers to the watchman's hut in Marseille, and this // is apparently needed for the palette to be restored properly when // you turn the light off. (I didn't even notice the light switch!) if (Logic::_scriptVars[LOCATION] == 13) { // unpausing if (palRes == -1) { // restore whatever palette was last set (screen // palette or 'dark_palette_13') palRes = _lastPaletteRes; } } else { // check if we're just restoring the current screen palette // because we might actually need to use a separate palette // file anyway eg. for pausing & unpausing during the eclipse // unpausing (fudged for location 13) if (palRes == -1) { // we really meant '0' palRes = 0; } if (palRes == 0 && _lastPaletteRes) palRes = _lastPaletteRes; } // If non-zero, set palette to this separate palette file. Otherwise, // set palette to current screen palette. byte *file; if (palRes) { file = _resman->openResource(palRes); StandardHeader *head = (StandardHeader *) file; assert(head->fileType == PALETTE_FILE); file += sizeof(StandardHeader); // always set colour 0 to black because most background screen // palettes have a bright colour 0 although it should come out // as black in the game! file[0] = 0; file[1] = 0; file[2] = 0; file[3] = 0; _graphics->setPalette(0, 256, file, RDPAL_INSTANT); _resman->closeResource(palRes); } else { if (_thisScreen.background_layer_id) { file = _resman->openResource(_thisScreen.background_layer_id); _graphics->updatePaletteMatchTable(fetchPaletteMatchTable(file)); _graphics->setPalette(0, 256, fetchPalette(file), RDPAL_INSTANT); _resman->closeResource(_thisScreen.background_layer_id); } else error("setFullPalette(0) called, but no current screen available!"); } if (palRes != CONTROL_PANEL_PALETTE) _lastPaletteRes = palRes; } } // End of namespace Sword2