/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2004 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #include "common/stdafx.h" #include "sword2/sword2.h" #include "sword2/driver/animation.h" #include "sword2/driver/menu.h" #include "sword2/driver/render.h" #include "common/file.h" namespace Sword2 { AnimationState::AnimationState(Sword2Engine *vm) : _vm(vm) { } AnimationState::~AnimationState() { #ifdef USE_MPEG2 _vm->_mixer->stopHandle(bgSound); if (decoder) mpeg2_close(decoder); delete mpgfile; delete sndfile; #endif } bool AnimationState::init(const char *name) { #ifdef USE_MPEG2 char basename[512], tempFile[512]; int i, p; decoder = NULL; mpgfile = NULL; sndfile = NULL; strcpy(basename, name); basename[strlen(basename) - 4] = 0; // FIXME: hack to remove extension // Load lookup palettes // TODO: Binary format so we can use File class sprintf(tempFile, "%s/%s.pal", _vm->getGameDataPath(), basename); FILE *f = fopen(tempFile, "r"); if (!f) { warning("Cutscene: %s.pal palette missing", basename); return false; } p = 0; while (!feof(f)) { if (fscanf(f, "%i %i", &palettes[p].end, &palettes[p].cnt) != 2) break; for (i = 0; i < palettes[p].cnt; i++) { int r, g, b; fscanf(f, "%i", &r); fscanf(f, "%i", &g); fscanf(f, "%i", &b); palettes[p].pal[4 * i] = r; palettes[p].pal[4 * i + 1] = g; palettes[p].pal[4 * i + 2] = b; palettes[p].pal[4 * i + 3] = 0; } for (; i < 256; i++) { palettes[p].pal[4 * i] = 0; palettes[p].pal[4 * i + 1] = 0; palettes[p].pal[4 * i + 2] = 0; palettes[p].pal[4 * i + 3] = 0; } p++; } fclose(f); palnum = 0; maxPalnum = p; _vm->_graphics->setPalette(0, 256, palettes[palnum].pal, RDPAL_INSTANT); lut = lut2 = lookup[0]; curpal = -1; cr = 0; buildLookup(palnum, 256); lut2 = lookup[1]; // Open MPEG2 stream mpgfile = new File(); sprintf(tempFile, "%s.mp2", basename); if (!mpgfile->open(tempFile)) { warning("Cutscene: Could not open %s", tempFile); return false; } // Load and configure decoder decoder = mpeg2_init(); if (decoder == NULL) { warning("Cutscene: Could not allocate an MPEG2 decoder"); return false; } info = mpeg2_info(decoder); framenum = 0; // Load in palette data lutcalcnum = (BITDEPTH + palettes[palnum].end + 2) / (palettes[palnum].end + 2); /* Play audio - TODO: Sync with video?*/ #ifdef USE_VORBIS // Another TODO: There is no reason that this only allows OGG, and not // MP3, or any other format the mixer might support one day... is // there? sndfile = new File; sprintf(tempFile, "%s.ogg", basename); if (sndfile->open(tempFile)) _vm->_mixer->playVorbis(&bgSound, sndfile, 100000000); // FIXME: this size value is bogus #endif return true; #else /* USE_MPEG2 */ return false; #endif } /** * Build 'Best-Match' RGB lookup table */ void AnimationState::buildLookup(int p, int lines) { int y, cb; int r, g, b, ii; if (p >= maxPalnum) return; if (p != curpal) { curpal = p; cr = 0; pos = 0; } if (cr >= BITDEPTH) return; for (ii = 0; ii < lines; ii++) { r = (-16 * 256 + (int) (256 * 1.596) * ((cr << SHIFT) - 128)) / 256; for (cb = 0; cb < BITDEPTH; cb++) { g = (-16 * 256 - (int) (0.813 * 256) * ((cr << SHIFT) - 128) - (int) (0.391 * 256) * ((cb << SHIFT) - 128)) / 256; b = (-16 * 256 + (int) (2.018 * 256) * ((cb << SHIFT) - 128)) / 256; for (y = 0; y < BITDEPTH; y++) { int idx, bst = 0; int dis = 2 * SQR(r - palettes[p].pal[0]) + 4 * SQR(g - palettes[p].pal[1]) + SQR(b - palettes[p].pal[2]); for (idx = 1; idx < 256; idx++) { long d2 = 2 * SQR(r - palettes[p].pal[4 * idx]) + 4 * SQR(g - palettes[p].pal[4 * idx + 1]) + SQR(b - palettes[p].pal[4 * idx + 2]); if (d2 < dis) { bst = idx; dis = d2; } } lut2[pos++] = bst; r += (1 << SHIFT); g += (1 << SHIFT); b += (1 << SHIFT); } r -= 256; } cr++; if (cr >= BITDEPTH) return; } } void AnimationState::checkPaletteSwitch() { // if we have reached the last image with this palette, switch to new one if (framenum == palettes[palnum].end) { unsigned char *l = lut2; palnum++; _vm->_graphics->setPalette(0, 256, palettes[palnum].pal, RDPAL_INSTANT); lutcalcnum = (BITDEPTH + palettes[palnum].end - (framenum + 1) + 2) / (palettes[palnum].end - (framenum + 1) + 2); lut2 = lut; lut = l; } } bool AnimationState::decodeFrame() { #ifdef USE_MPEG2 mpeg2_state_t state; const mpeg2_sequence_t *sequence_i; size_t size = (size_t) -1; do { state = mpeg2_parse(decoder); sequence_i = info->sequence; switch (state) { case STATE_BUFFER: size = mpgfile->read(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE); mpeg2_buffer(decoder, buffer, buffer + size); break; case STATE_SLICE: case STATE_END: if (info->display_fbuf) { checkPaletteSwitch(); _vm->_graphics->plotYUV(lut, sequence_i->width, sequence_i->height, info->display_fbuf->buf); framenum++; buildLookup(palnum + 1, lutcalcnum); return true; } break; default: break; } } while (size); #endif return false; } void MoviePlayer::openTextObject(MovieTextObject *obj) { if (obj->textSprite) _vm->_graphics->createSurface(obj->textSprite, &_textSurface); } void MoviePlayer::closeTextObject(MovieTextObject *obj) { if (_textSurface) { _vm->_graphics->deleteSurface(_textSurface); _textSurface = NULL; } } void MoviePlayer::drawTextObject(MovieTextObject *obj) { if (obj->textSprite && _textSurface) _vm->_graphics->drawSurface(obj->textSprite, _textSurface); } /** * Plays an animated cutscene. * @param filename the file name of the cutscene file * @param text the subtitles and voiceovers for the cutscene * @param musicOut lead-out music */ int32 MoviePlayer::play(const char *filename, MovieTextObject *text[], uint8 *musicOut) { #ifdef USE_MPEG2 int frameCounter = 0, textCounter = 0; PlayingSoundHandle handle; bool skipCutscene = false, textVisible = false; uint32 flags = SoundMixer::FLAG_16BITS, ticks = _vm->_system->get_msecs() + 83; uint8 oldPal[1024]; memcpy(oldPal, _vm->_graphics->_palCopy, 1024); AnimationState *anim = new AnimationState(_vm); if (!anim->init(filename)) { delete anim; // Missing Files? Use the old 'Narration Only' hack playDummy(filename, text, musicOut); return RD_OK; } _vm->_graphics->clearScene(); #ifndef SCUMM_BIG_ENDIAN flags |= SoundMixer::FLAG_LITTLE_ENDIAN; #endif while (anim->decodeFrame()) { _vm->_graphics->setNeedFullRedraw(); if (text && text[textCounter]) { if (frameCounter == text[textCounter]->startFrame) { openTextObject(text[textCounter]); textVisible = true; if (text[textCounter]->speech) { _vm->_mixer->playRaw(&handle, text[textCounter]->speech, text[textCounter]->speechBufferSize, 22050, flags); } } if (frameCounter == text[textCounter]->endFrame) { closeTextObject(text[textCounter]); textCounter++; textVisible = false; } if (textVisible) drawTextObject(text[textCounter]); } frameCounter++; _vm->_graphics->updateDisplay(true); KeyboardEvent ke; if ((_vm->_input->readKey(&ke) == RD_OK && ke.keycode == 27) || _vm->_quit) { _vm->_mixer->stopHandle(handle); skipCutscene = true; break; } // Simulate ~12 frames per second. I don't know what // frame rate the original movies had, or even if it // was constant, but this seems to work reasonably. _vm->sleepUntil(ticks); ticks += 82; } // Wait for the voice to stop playing. This is to make sure // that we don't cut off the speech in mid-sentence, and - even // more importantly - that we don't free the sound buffer while // it's in use. while (handle.isActive()) { _vm->_graphics->updateDisplay(false); _vm->_system->delay_msecs(100); } if (text) closeTextObject(text[textCounter]); _vm->_graphics->clearScene(); _vm->_graphics->setNeedFullRedraw(); // HACK: Remove the instructions created above Common::Rect r; memset(_vm->_graphics->_buffer, 0, _vm->_graphics->_screenWide * MENUDEEP); r.left = r.top = 0; r.right = _vm->_graphics->_screenWide; r.bottom = MENUDEEP; _vm->_graphics->updateRect(&r); // FIXME: For now, only play the lead-out music for cutscenes // that have subtitles. if (!skipCutscene) _vm->_sound->playLeadOut(musicOut); _vm->_graphics->setPalette(0, 256, oldPal, RDPAL_INSTANT); delete anim; // Lead-in and lead-out music are, as far as I can tell, only used for // the animated cut-scenes, so this seems like a good place to close // both of them. _vm->_sound->closeFx(-1); _vm->_sound->closeFx(-2); return RD_OK; #else // No MPEG2? Use the old 'Narration Only' hack playDummy(filename, text, musicOut); return RD_OK; #endif } /** * This just plays the cutscene with voiceovers / subtitles, in case the files * are missing. */ int32 MoviePlayer::playDummy(const char *filename, MovieTextObject *text[], uint8 *musicOut) { int frameCounter = 0, textCounter = 0; if (text) { uint8 oldPal[1024]; uint8 tmpPal[1024]; _vm->_graphics->clearScene(); // HACK: Draw instructions // // I'm using the the menu area, because that's unlikely to be // touched by anything else during the cutscene. memset(_vm->_graphics->_buffer, 0, _vm->_graphics->_screenWide * MENUDEEP); uint8 msg[] = "Cutscene - Narration Only: Press ESC to exit, or visit www.scummvm.org to download cutscene videos"; Memory *data = _vm->_fontRenderer->makeTextSprite(msg, 640, 255, _vm->_speechFontId); FrameHeader *frame = (FrameHeader *) data->ad; SpriteInfo msgSprite; uint8 *msgSurface; msgSprite.x = _vm->_graphics->_screenWide / 2 - frame->width / 2; msgSprite.y = RDMENU_MENUDEEP / 2 - frame->height / 2; msgSprite.w = frame->width; msgSprite.h = frame->height; msgSprite.type = RDSPR_NOCOMPRESSION; msgSprite.data = data->ad + sizeof(FrameHeader); _vm->_graphics->createSurface(&msgSprite, &msgSurface); _vm->_graphics->drawSurface(&msgSprite, msgSurface); _vm->_graphics->deleteSurface(msgSurface); _vm->_memory->freeMemory(data); // In case the cutscene has a long lead-in, start just before // the first line of text. frameCounter = text[0]->startFrame - 12; // Fake a palette that will hopefully make the text visible. // In the opening cutscene it seems to use colours 1 (black?) // and 255 (white?). memcpy(oldPal, _vm->_graphics->_palCopy, 1024); memset(tmpPal, 0, 1024); tmpPal[255 * 4 + 0] = 255; tmpPal[255 * 4 + 1] = 255; tmpPal[255 * 4 + 2] = 255; _vm->_graphics->setPalette(0, 256, tmpPal, RDPAL_INSTANT); PlayingSoundHandle handle; bool skipCutscene = false; uint32 flags = SoundMixer::FLAG_16BITS; #ifndef SCUMM_BIG_ENDIAN flags |= SoundMixer::FLAG_LITTLE_ENDIAN; #endif while (1) { if (!text[textCounter]) break; if (frameCounter == text[textCounter]->startFrame) { _vm->_graphics->clearScene(); openTextObject(text[textCounter]); drawTextObject(text[textCounter]); if (text[textCounter]->speech) { _vm->_mixer->playRaw(&handle, text[textCounter]->speech, text[textCounter]->speechBufferSize, 22050, flags); } } if (frameCounter == text[textCounter]->endFrame) { closeTextObject(text[textCounter]); _vm->_graphics->clearScene(); _vm->_graphics->setNeedFullRedraw(); textCounter++; } frameCounter++; _vm->_graphics->updateDisplay(); KeyboardEvent ke; if ((_vm->_input->readKey(&ke) == RD_OK && ke.keycode == 27) || _vm->_quit) { _vm->_mixer->stopHandle(handle); skipCutscene = true; break; } // Simulate ~12 frames per second. I don't know what // frame rate the original movies had, or even if it // was constant, but this seems to work reasonably. _vm->_system->delay_msecs(90); } // Wait for the voice to stop playing. This is to make sure // that we don't cut off the speech in mid-sentence, and - even // more importantly - that we don't free the sound buffer while // it's in use. while (handle.isActive()) { _vm->_graphics->updateDisplay(false); _vm->_system->delay_msecs(100); } closeTextObject(text[textCounter]); _vm->_graphics->clearScene(); _vm->_graphics->setNeedFullRedraw(); // HACK: Remove the instructions created above Common::Rect r; memset(_vm->_graphics->_buffer, 0, _vm->_graphics->_screenWide * MENUDEEP); r.left = r.top = 0; r.right = _vm->_graphics->_screenWide; r.bottom = MENUDEEP; _vm->_graphics->updateRect(&r); // FIXME: For now, only play the lead-out music for cutscenes // that have subtitles. if (!skipCutscene) _vm->_sound->playLeadOut(musicOut); _vm->_graphics->setPalette(0, 256, oldPal, RDPAL_INSTANT); } // Lead-in and lead-out music are, as far as I can tell, only used for // the animated cut-scenes, so this seems like a good place to close // both of them. _vm->_sound->closeFx(-1); _vm->_sound->closeFx(-2); return RD_OK; } } // End of namespace Sword2