/* Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Revolution Software Ltd * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ */ #include #include "stdafx.h" #include "driver96.h" #include "bs2/header.h" // HACK: For cutscenes instruction message #include "bs2/memory.h" // HACK: For cutscenes instruction message #include "bs2/maketext.h" // HACK: For cutscenes instruction message #include "bs2/sword2.h" #include "sound/mixer.h" #include "rdwin.h" #include "_mouse.h" #include "d_draw.h" #include "palette.h" #include "render.h" byte *lpBackBuffer; // Game screen metrics int16 screenDeep; int16 screenWide; // Scroll variables. scrollx and scrolly hold the current scroll position, int16 scrollx; int16 scrolly; int32 renderCaps = 0; void FatalDirectDrawError(char *str, int32 code, char *filename, int32 line) { char string[256]; sprintf(string, "FATAL: %s - code 0x%.8x - file %s - line %d", str, code, filename, line); warning("%s", string); } int32 PlotDots(int16 x, int16 y, int16 count) { warning("stub PlotDots( %d, %d, %d )", x, y, count); /* int16 i; uint8 *dst; DDSURFACEDESC ddDescription; HRESULT hr; ddDescription.dwSize = sizeof(ddDescription); hr = IDirectDrawSurface2_Lock(lpBackBuffer, NULL, &ddDescription, DDLOCK_SURFACEMEMORYPTR | DDLOCK_WAIT, NULL); if (hr != DD_OK) { hr = IDirectDrawSurface2_Lock(lpBackBuffer, NULL, &ddDescription, DDLOCK_SURFACEMEMORYPTR | DDLOCK_WAIT, NULL); } if (hr == DD_OK) { dst = (uint8 *) ddDescription.lpSurface + y * ddDescription.lPitch + x; for (i=0; i<=count; i++) { *dst = 184; dst += 2; } dst = (uint8 *) ddDescription.lpSurface + (y+1) * ddDescription.lPitch + x; for (i=0; i<=count/10; i++) { *dst = 184; dst += 20; } IDirectDrawSurface2_Unlock(lpBackBuffer, ddDescription.lpSurface); } */ return(RD_OK); } int32 InitialiseDisplay(int16 width, int16 height, int16 colourDepth, int32 windowType) { screenWide = width; screenDeep = height; lpBackBuffer = (byte *) malloc(screenWide * screenDeep); return(RD_OK); } // FIXME: Clean up this mess. I don't want to add any new flags, but some of // them should be renamed. Or maybe we should abandon the whole renderCaps // thing and simply check the numeric value of the graphics quality setting // instead. // Note that SetTransFx() actually clears a bit. That's intentional. void SetTransFx(void) { renderCaps &= ~RDBLTFX_ALLHARDWARE; } void ClearTransFx(void) { renderCaps |= RDBLTFX_ALLHARDWARE; } void SetBltFx(void) { renderCaps |= (RDBLTFX_EDGEBLEND | RDBLTFX_ARITHMETICSTRETCH); } void ClearBltFx(void) { renderCaps &= ~(RDBLTFX_EDGEBLEND | RDBLTFX_ARITHMETICSTRETCH); } void SetShadowFx(void) { renderCaps |= RDBLTFX_SHADOWBLEND; } void ClearShadowFx(void) { renderCaps &= ~RDBLTFX_SHADOWBLEND; } int32 GetRenderType(void) { if (renderCaps & RDBLTFX_ALLHARDWARE) { return (0); } else { if (renderCaps & (RDBLTFX_EDGEBLEND + RDBLTFX_ARITHMETICSTRETCH)) return (3); else { if (renderCaps & RDBLTFX_SHADOWBLEND) return(2); else return (1); } } } int32 EraseBackBuffer( void ) { memset(lpBackBuffer + MENUDEEP * screenWide, 0, screenWide * RENDERDEEP); return RD_OK; } int32 NextSmackerFrame(void) { warning("stub NextSmackerFrame"); return(RD_OK); } uint8 *textSurface = NULL; void OpenTextObject(_movieTextObject *obj) { if (obj->textSprite) CreateSurface(obj->textSprite, &textSurface); } void CloseTextObject(_movieTextObject *obj) { if (textSurface) { DeleteSurface(textSurface); textSurface = 0; } } void DrawTextObject(_movieTextObject *obj) { if (obj->textSprite && textSurface) DrawSurface(obj->textSprite, textSurface); } int32 PlaySmacker(char *filename, _movieTextObject *text[], uint8 *musicOut) { warning("semi-stub PlaySmacker %s", filename); // WORKAROUND: For now, we just do the voice-over parts of the // movies, since they're separate from the actual smacker files. // Do we really need to pre-cache the text sprites and speech data // like this? It'd be simpler to just store the text id and construct // the data as we go along. if (text) { uint8 oldPal[1024]; uint8 tmpPal[1024]; EraseBackBuffer(); // HACK: Draw instructions // // I'm using the the menu area, because that's unlikely to be // touched by anything else during the cutscene. memset(lpBackBuffer, 0, screenWide * MENUDEEP); uint8 msg[] = "Cutscene - Press ESC to exit"; mem *data = MakeTextSprite(msg, 640, 255, speech_font_id); _frameHeader *frame = (_frameHeader *) data->ad; _spriteInfo msgSprite; uint8 *msgSurface; msgSprite.x = screenWide / 2 - frame->width / 2; msgSprite.y = RDMENU_MENUDEEP / 2 - frame->height / 2; msgSprite.w = frame->width; msgSprite.h = frame->height; msgSprite.type = RDSPR_DISPLAYALIGN | RDSPR_NOCOMPRESSION | RDSPR_TRANS; msgSprite.data = data->ad + sizeof(_frameHeader); CreateSurface(&msgSprite, &msgSurface); DrawSurface(&msgSprite, msgSurface); DeleteSurface(msgSurface); Free_mem(data); // In case the cutscene has a long lead-in, start just before // the first line of text. int frameCounter = text[0]->startFrame - 12; int textCounter = 0; // Fake a palette that will hopefully make the text visible. // In the opening cutscene it seems to use colours 1 (black?) // and 255 (white?). // // The text should probably be colored the same as the rest of // the in-game text. memcpy(oldPal, palCopy, 1024); memset(tmpPal, 0, 1024); tmpPal[255 * 4 + 0] = 255; tmpPal[255 * 4 + 1] = 255; tmpPal[255 * 4 + 2] = 255; BS2_SetPalette(0, 256, tmpPal, RDPAL_INSTANT); PlayingSoundHandle handle = 0; while (1) { if (!text[textCounter]) break; if (frameCounter == text[textCounter]->startFrame) { EraseBackBuffer(); OpenTextObject(text[textCounter]); DrawTextObject(text[textCounter]); if (text[textCounter]->speech) { g_sword2->_mixer->playRaw(&handle, text[textCounter]->speech, text[textCounter]->speechBufferSize, 22050, SoundMixer::FLAG_16BITS); } } if (frameCounter == text[textCounter]->endFrame) { CloseTextObject(text[textCounter]); EraseBackBuffer(); textCounter++; } frameCounter++; ServiceWindows(); _keyboardEvent ke; if (ReadKey(&ke) == RD_OK && ke.keycode == 27) { g_sword2->_mixer->stopHandle(handle); break; } // Simulate ~12 frames per second. I don't know what // frame rate the original movies had, or even if it // was constant, but this seems to work reasonably. g_system->delay_msecs(80); } BS2_SetPalette(0, 256, oldPal, RDPAL_INSTANT); CloseTextObject(text[textCounter]); // HACK: Remove the instructions created above ScummVM::Rect r; memset(lpBackBuffer, 0, screenWide * MENUDEEP); r.left = r.top = 0; r.right = screenWide; r.bottom = MENUDEEP; UploadRect(&r); } return RD_OK; }