/* Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Revolution Software Ltd * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ */ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN //#include //#include #include #include "common/stdafx.h" #include "common/engine.h" #include "driver96.h" #include "_mouse.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "rdwin.h" #include "d_draw.h" #include "palette.h" #include "render.h" #include "menu.h" #include "d_sound.h" #include "../sword2.h" #define MENUDEEP 40 // Temporary, until menu.h is written! //static BOOL bMouseVisible = FALSE; //static BOOL controlKey = FALSE; //static BOOL altKey = FALSE; //static BOOL wasScreenSaverActive = FALSE; //static BOOL myAppClosed = FALSE; static BOOL controlQDisabled = FALSE; //static uint8 gameName[80]; //BOOL gotTheFocus = FALSE; //assume we always have focus for the time being - khalek BOOL gotTheFocus = TRUE; //HWND hwnd; //RECT rcWindow; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Zdebug(const char *format,...) { #ifdef __PALM_OS__ char buf[256]; // 1024 is too big overflow the stack #else char buf[1024]; #endif va_list va; va_start(va, format); vsprintf(buf, format, va); va_end(va); #ifdef __GP32__ //ph0x FIXME: implement fprint? printf("ZDEBUG: %s\n", buf); #else fprintf(stderr, "ZDEBUG: %s!\n", buf); #endif #if defined( USE_WINDBG ) strcat(buf, "\n"); #if defined( _WIN32_WCE ) TCHAR buf_unicode[1024]; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, buf, strlen(buf) + 1, buf_unicode, sizeof(buf_unicode)); OutputDebugString(buf_unicode); #else OutputDebugString(buf); #endif #endif } /* void Zdebug(char *format,...) //Tony's special debug logging file March96 { warning("stub Zdebug"); // Write a printf type string to a debug file va_list arg_ptr; // Variable argument pointer FILE * debug_filep=0; // Debug file pointer static int first_debug = 1; // Flag for first time this is used va_start(arg_ptr,format); if (first_debug) //First time round delete any previous debug file { unlink("debug.txt"); first_debug = 0; } debug_filep = fopen("debug.txt","a+t"); if (debug_filep != NULL) // if it could be opened { vfprintf(debug_filep, format, arg_ptr); fprintf(debug_filep,"\n"); fclose(debug_filep); } } */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* void Message(LPSTR fmt, ...) { char buff[256]; va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); // // format message with header // lstrcpy( buff, "DRIVER96:" ); wvsprintf( &buff[lstrlen(buff)], fmt, va ); lstrcat( buff, "\r\n" ); // // To the debugger // OutputDebugString( buff ); } */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OSystem Event Handler. Full of cross platform goodness and 99% fat free! //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Sword2State::parseEvents() { OSystem::Event event; while (_system->poll_event(&event)) { switch(event.event_code) { case OSystem::EVENT_KEYDOWN: if (event.kbd.flags==OSystem::KBD_CTRL) { if (event.kbd.keycode == 'w') GrabScreenShot(); } WriteKey(event.kbd.ascii); break; case OSystem::EVENT_MOUSEMOVE: mousex = event.mouse.x; mousey = event.mouse.y - MENUDEEP; break; case OSystem::EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: LogMouseEvent(RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN); break; case OSystem::EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN: LogMouseEvent(RD_RIGHTBUTTONDOWN); break; case OSystem::EVENT_LBUTTONUP: LogMouseEvent(RD_LEFTBUTTONUP); break; case OSystem::EVENT_RBUTTONUP: LogMouseEvent(RD_RIGHTBUTTONUP); break; case OSystem::EVENT_QUIT: Close_game(); CloseAppWindow(); break; default: break; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Windows Message Handler. All keyboard and mouse input is handled here. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* long FAR PASCAL WindowsMessageHandler(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch( message ) { case WM_TIMER: switch (wParam) { case 25: FadeServer(); return(0); case 1: FxServer(); return(0); } break; case WM_CLOSE: Zdebug("WM_CLOSE"); break; case WM_SIZE: case WM_MOVE: if (IsIconic(hwnd)) { Message("minimising"); // PauseGame(); } if (bFullScreen) { SetRect(&rcWindow, 0, 0, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)); } else { GetClientRect(hwnd, &rcWindow); ClientToScreen(hwnd, (LPPOINT)&rcWindow); ClientToScreen(hwnd, (LPPOINT)&rcWindow+1); } Message("WINDOW RECT: [%d,%d,%d,%d]", rcWindow.left, rcWindow.top, rcWindow.right, rcWindow.bottom); if (bFullScreen) { SetCapture(hwnd); } else { ReleaseCapture(); } // SetCursor(NULL); // ShowCursor(FALSE); break; case WM_ACTIVATEAPP: gotTheFocus = wParam; if (gotTheFocus) { Message("Got the focus"); bMouseVisible = FALSE; Message("Mouse invisible"); ShowCursor(FALSE); } else { if (bMouseVisible == FALSE) ShowCursor(TRUE); Message("Lost the focus"); bMouseVisible = TRUE; Message("Mouse visible"); } break; case WM_SYSKEYUP: switch( wParam ) { // int32 rv; // handle ALT+ENTER (fullscreen) case VK_RETURN: break; } break; case WM_DISPLAYCHANGE: break; case WM_CREATE: SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETSCREENSAVEACTIVE , 0 , &wasScreenSaverActive , 0); if (wasScreenSaverActive) { SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETSCREENSAVEACTIVE , FALSE , 0 , 0 ); } break; case WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE: // // we are getting the palette focus, select our palette // if (!bFullScreen && lpPalette && lpPrimarySurface) { int32 hr; hr = IDirectDrawSurface_BS2_SetPalette(lpPrimarySurface, lpPalette); if (hr == DDERR_SURFACELOST) { IDirectDrawSurface_Restore(lpPrimarySurface); hr= IDirectDrawSurface_BS2_SetPalette(lpPrimarySurface, lpPalette); if(hr == DDERR_SURFACELOST) { Message("Failed to restore palette after second try"); } } // // Restore normal title if palette is ours // if(hr == DD_OK) { SetWindowText(hwnd, gameName); } } break; case WM_PALETTECHANGED: // // if another app changed the palette we dont have full control // of the palette. NOTE this only applies for FoxBear in a window // when we are fullscreen we get all the palette all of the time. // if ((HWND)wParam != hwnd) { if( !bFullScreen ) { Message("Lost palette but continuing"); } } break; // case WM_SETCURSOR: // if (bMouseVisible) // SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); // else // SetCursor(NULL); // return TRUE; // break; case WM_CHAR: if (lParam & (1 << 30)) return(0); WriteKey((char) (wParam & 0xff)); return(0); case WM_KEYDOWN: Zdebug("key %d", wParam); switch( wParam ) { case VK_CONTROL: controlKey = TRUE; break; // case VK_ALT: // altKey = TRUE; // break; case 'W': if (controlKey) GrabScreenShot(); return 0; case 'Q': if (controlKey && !controlQDisabled) DestroyWindow( hWnd ); return 0; case 'F4': DestroyWindow( hWnd ); return 0; } break; case WM_KEYUP: switch(wParam) { case VK_CONTROL: controlKey = FALSE; break; // case VK_ALT: // altKey = FALSE; // break; } break; case WM_DESTROY: Zdebug("*destroy*"); if (wasScreenSaverActive) SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETSCREENSAVEACTIVE , TRUE , 0 , 0 ); PostQuitMessage( 0 ); break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: mousex = lParam & 0xffff; if (bFullScreen) { mousey = (uint16) (lParam >> 16) - MENUDEEP; } else { mousey = (uint16) (lParam >> 16) - MENUDEEP; if (mousex < 0) mousex = 0; if (mousex >= RENDERWIDE) mousex = RENDERWIDE-1; } if (mousey < -MENUDEEP) mousey = -MENUDEEP; if (mousey >= RENDERDEEP + MENUDEEP) mousey = RENDERDEEP + MENUDEEP - 1; return(0); case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: LogMouseEvent(RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN); return(0); case WM_LBUTTONUP: LogMouseEvent(RD_LEFTBUTTONUP); return(0); case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: LogMouseEvent(RD_RIGHTBUTTONDOWN); return(0); case WM_RBUTTONUP: LogMouseEvent(RD_RIGHTBUTTONUP); return(0); case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: LogMouseEvent(RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN); return(0); case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: LogMouseEvent(RD_RIGHTBUTTONDOWN); case WM_SYSCOMMAND: if (gotTheFocus) return(0); } return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } */ /* int32 InitialiseWindow(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow, char *gameName) { WNDCLASS wc; // uint32 err; // hPrevInstance = hPrevInstance; wc.style = CS_DBLCLKS; wc.lpfnWndProc = WindowsMessageHandler; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.hIcon = LoadIcon( hInstance, "resourc1"); //IDI_APPLICATION ); wc.hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW ); wc.hbrBackground = GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); wc.lpszMenuName = gameName; wc.lpszClassName = gameName; RegisterClass( &wc ); // Create a window hwnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_APPWINDOW, gameName, gameName, WS_VISIBLE | WS_SYSMENU | WS_POPUP, 0, 0, GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ), GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ), NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL ); if(!hwnd) { MessageBox(hwnd, "Failed to create window", gameName, MB_OK ); DestroyWindow(hwnd); return(RDERR_CREATEWINDOW); } // ShowWindow(hwnd, nCmdShow); UpdateWindow(hwnd); SetFocus(hwnd); SetTimer(hwnd, 25, 1000 / 25, NULL); SetTimer(hwnd, 1, 100, NULL); return(RD_OK); } */ int32 CloseAppWindow(void) { warning("stub CloseAppWindow"); /* DestroyWindow(hwnd); */ // just quit for now g_system->quit(); return(RD_OK); } int32 ServiceWindows(void) { g_sword2->parseEvents(); FadeServer(); g_sword2->_system->update_screen(); // warning("stub ServiceWindows"); // too noisy /* MSG msg; if (myAppClosed) return(RDERR_APPCLOSED); while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) { if (!GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { myAppClosed = TRUE; return(RDERR_APPCLOSED); } TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } */ return(RD_OK); } int32 _ReportDriverError(int32 error, const uint8 *filename, uint32 line) { warning("stub _ReportDriverError 0x%.8x file: %s, line: %d ", error, (const char *) filename, line); /* char errorText[128]; char name[80]; GetGameName(name); sprintf(errorText, "Fatal error in %s, line %u! Code 0x%.8x", filename, line, error); MessageBox(hwnd, errorText, name, MB_SYSTEMMODAL | MB_ICONHAND | MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE); */ return(RD_OK); } int32 _ReportFatalError(const uint8 *error, const uint8 *filename, uint32 line) { warning("stub _ReportFatalError"); char errorText[500]; char name[80]; GetGameName((uint8 *)name); sprintf(errorText, "FATAL ERROR - GAME TERMINATED\n%s", error); //MessageBox(hwnd, errorText, name, MB_SYSTEMMODAL | MB_ICONHAND | MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE); warning("%s", errorText); return(RD_OK); } int32 DisableQuitKey(void) { controlQDisabled = TRUE; return(RD_OK); } void SetWindowName(const char *windowName) { warning("stub SetWindowName( %s )", windowName); // SetWindowText(hwnd,windowName); // strcpy(gameName,windowName); }