/* Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Revolution Software Ltd * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ */ #include //#include #include "stdafx.h" //#include "src\driver96.h" #include "console.h" #include "debug.h" #include "defs.h" #include "header.h" #include "logic.h" #include "memory.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "resman.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // returns a pointer to the first palette entry, given the pointer to the start of the screen file // assumes it has been passed a pointer to a valid screen file uint8 *FetchPalette(uint8 *screenFile) // Chris 04Oct96 { uint8 *palette; _multiScreenHeader *mscreenHeader = (_multiScreenHeader *) (screenFile + sizeof(_standardHeader)); palette = (uint8 *)mscreenHeader + FROM_LE_32(mscreenHeader->palette); palette[0] = 0; // always set colour 0 to black palette[1] = 0; // because most background screen palettes have a bright colour 0 palette[2] = 0; // although it should come out as black in the game! palette[3] = 0; return palette; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // returns a pointer to the start of the palette match table, given the pointer to the start of the screen file // assumes it has been passed a pointer to a valid screen file uint8 *FetchPaletteMatchTable(uint8 *screenFile) // James 09dec96 { _multiScreenHeader *mscreenHeader = (_multiScreenHeader *) (screenFile + sizeof(_standardHeader)); return (uint8 *) mscreenHeader + FROM_LE_32(mscreenHeader->paletteTable); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // returns a pointer to the screen header, given the pointer to the start of the screen file // assumes it has been passed a pointer to a valid screen file _screenHeader *FetchScreenHeader(uint8 *screenFile) //Chris 04Oct96 { // Get the table _multiScreenHeader *mscreenHeader = (_multiScreenHeader *) (screenFile + sizeof(_standardHeader)); _screenHeader *screenHeader = (_screenHeader*) ((uint8 *) mscreenHeader + FROM_LE_32(mscreenHeader->screen)); #if defined(SCUMM_BIG_ENDIAN) screenHeader->width = SWAP_BYTES_16(screenHeader->width); screenHeader->height = SWAP_BYTES_16(screenHeader->height); screenHeader->noLayers = SWAP_BYTES_16(screenHeader->noLayers); #endif return screenHeader; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // returns a pointer to the requested layer header, given the pointer to the start of the screen file // drops out if the requested layer number exceeds the number of layers on this screen // assumes it has been passed a pointer to a valid screen file _layerHeader *FetchLayerHeader(uint8 *screenFile, uint16 layerNo) //Chris 04Oct96 { #ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG _screenHeader *screenHead = FetchScreenHeader(screenFile); if (layerNo > (screenHead->noLayers-1)) // layer number too large! Con_fatal_error("FetchLayerHeader(%d) invalid layer number! (%s line %u)",layerNo,__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif _multiScreenHeader *mscreenHeader = (_multiScreenHeader *) (screenFile + sizeof(_standardHeader)); _layerHeader *layerHeader = (_layerHeader *) ((uint8 *) mscreenHeader + FROM_LE_32(mscreenHeader->layers) + (layerNo * sizeof(_layerHeader))); #if defined(SCUMM_BIG_ENDIAN) layerHeader->x = SWAP_BYTES_16(layerHeader->x); layerHeader->y = SWAP_BYTES_16(layerHeader->y); layerHeader->width = SWAP_BYTES_16(layerHeader->width); layerHeader->height = SWAP_BYTES_16(layerHeader->height); layerHeader->maskSize = SWAP_BYTES_32(layerHeader->maskSize); layerHeader->offset = SWAP_BYTES_32(layerHeader->offset); #endif return layerHeader; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // returns a pointer to the start of the shading mask, given the pointer to the start of the screen file // assumes it has been passed a pointer to a valid screen file uint8 *FetchShadingMask(uint8 *screenFile) // James 08apr97 { _multiScreenHeader *mscreenHeader = (_multiScreenHeader *) (screenFile + sizeof(_standardHeader)); return (uint8 *) mscreenHeader + FROM_LE_32(mscreenHeader->maskOffset); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // returns a pointer to the anim header, given the pointer to the start of the anim file // assumes it has been passed a pointer to a valid anim file _animHeader *FetchAnimHeader(uint8 *animFile) // (25sep96JEL) { _animHeader *animHead; animHead = (_animHeader *) (animFile + sizeof(_standardHeader)); #if defined(SCUMM_BIG_ENDIAN) animHead->noAnimFrames = SWAP_BYTES_16(animHead->noAnimFrames); animHead->feetStartX = SWAP_BYTES_16(animHead->feetStartX); animHead->feetStartY = SWAP_BYTES_16(animHead->feetStartY); animHead->feetEndX = SWAP_BYTES_16(animHead->feetEndX); animHead->feetEndY = SWAP_BYTES_16(animHead->feetEndY); animHead->blend = SWAP_BYTES_16(animHead->blend); #endif return animHead; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // returns a pointer to the requested frame number's cdtEntry, given the pointer to the start of the anim file // drops out if the requested frame number exceeds the number of frames in this anim // assumes it has been passed a pointer to a valid anim file _cdtEntry *FetchCdtEntry(uint8 *animFile, uint16 frameNo) // Chris 09Oct96 { _animHeader *animHead; animHead = FetchAnimHeader(animFile); #ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG if (frameNo > (animHead->noAnimFrames-1)) // frame number too large! Con_fatal_error("FetchCdtEntry(animFile,%d) - anim only %d frames (%s line %u)",frameNo,animHead->noAnimFrames,__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif _cdtEntry *cdtEntry; cdtEntry = (_cdtEntry *) ( (uint8 *)animHead + sizeof(_animHeader) + frameNo * sizeof(_cdtEntry) ); #if defined(SCUMM_BIG_ENDIAN) cdtEntry->x = (int16)SWAP_BYTES_16(cdtEntry->x); cdtEntry->y = (int16)SWAP_BYTES_16(cdtEntry->y); cdtEntry->frameOffset = SWAP_BYTES_32(cdtEntry->frameOffset); #endif return cdtEntry; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // returns a pointer to the requested frame number's header, given the pointer to the start of the anim file // drops out if the requested frame number exceeds the number of frames in this anim // assumes it has been passed a pointer to a valid anim file _frameHeader *FetchFrameHeader(uint8 *animFile, uint16 frameNo) // James 31oct96 { // required address = (address of the start of the anim header) + frameOffset _frameHeader *frameHeader = (_frameHeader *) (animFile + sizeof(_standardHeader) + (FetchCdtEntry(animFile,frameNo)->frameOffset) ); #if defined(SCUMM_BIG_ENDIAN) frameHeader->compSize = SWAP_BYTES_32(frameHeader->compSize); frameHeader->width = SWAP_BYTES_16(frameHeader->width); frameHeader->height = SWAP_BYTES_16(frameHeader->height); #endif return frameHeader; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns a pointer to the requested parallax layer data. // Assumes it has been passed a pointer to a valid screen file. _parallax *FetchBackgroundParallaxLayer(uint8 *screenFile, int layer) // Chris 04Oct96 { _multiScreenHeader *mscreenHeader = (_multiScreenHeader *) (screenFile + sizeof(_standardHeader)); #ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG if (FROM_LE_32(mscreenHeader->bg_parallax[layer]) == 0) Con_fatal_error("FetchBackgroundParallaxLayer(%d) - No parallax layer exists (%s line %u)",layer,__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif _parallax *parallax = (_parallax *) ((uint8 *) mscreenHeader + FROM_LE_32(mscreenHeader->bg_parallax[layer])); #if defined(SCUMM_BIG_ENDIAN) parallax->w = SWAP_BYTES_16(parallax->w); parallax->h = SWAP_BYTES_16(parallax->h); #endif return parallax; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- _parallax *FetchBackgroundLayer(uint8 *screenFile) // Chris 04Oct96 { _multiScreenHeader *mscreenHeader = (_multiScreenHeader *) (screenFile + sizeof(_standardHeader)); #ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG if (FROM_LE_32(mscreenHeader->screen) == 0) Con_fatal_error("FetchBackgroundLayer (%d) - No background layer exists (%s line %u)",__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif _parallax *parallax = (_parallax *) ((uint8 *) mscreenHeader + FROM_LE_32(mscreenHeader->screen) + sizeof(_screenHeader)); #if defined(SCUMM_BIG_ENDIAN) parallax->w = SWAP_BYTES_16(parallax->w); parallax->h = SWAP_BYTES_16(parallax->h); #endif return parallax; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- _parallax *FetchForegroundParallaxLayer(uint8 *screenFile, int layer) // Chris 04Oct96 { _multiScreenHeader *mscreenHeader = (_multiScreenHeader *) (screenFile + sizeof(_standardHeader)); #ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG if (FROM_LE_32(mscreenHeader->fg_parallax[layer]) == 0) Con_fatal_error("FetchForegroundParallaxLayer(%d) - No parallax layer exists (%s line %u)",layer,__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif _parallax *parallax = (_parallax *) ((uint8 *) mscreenHeader + FROM_LE_32(mscreenHeader->fg_parallax[layer])); #if defined(SCUMM_BIG_ENDIAN) parallax->w = SWAP_BYTES_16(parallax->w); parallax->h = SWAP_BYTES_16(parallax->h); #endif return parallax; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- uint8 errorLine[128]; //--------------------------------------------------------------- uint8 *FetchTextLine(uint8 *file, uint32 text_line) //Tony24Oct96 { // Get the table _standardHeader *fileHeader; uint32 *point; _textHeader *text_header = (_textHeader *) (file + sizeof(_standardHeader)); if (text_line>=FROM_LE_32(text_header->noOfLines)) // (James08aug97) { fileHeader = (_standardHeader*)file; sprintf ((char*)errorLine, "xxMissing line %d of %s (only 0..%d)", text_line, fileHeader->name, FROM_LE_32(text_header->noOfLines)-1); errorLine[0]=0; // first 2 chars are NULL so that actor-number comes out as '0' errorLine[1]=0; return(errorLine); // GOT RID OF CON_FATAL_ERROR HERE BECAUSE WE DON'T WANT IT TO CRASH OUT ANY MORE! // Con_fatal_error("FetchTextLine cannot get %d, only 0..%d avail (%s line %u)", text_line, FROM_LE_32(text_header->noOfLines)-1,__FILE__,__LINE__); } point=(uint32*) text_header+1; //point to the lookup table return( (uint8*) (file + READ_LE_UINT32(point+text_line)) ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Used for testing text & speech (see FN_I_speak in speech.cpp) uint8 CheckTextLine(uint8 *file, uint32 text_line) // (James26jun97) { _textHeader *text_header = (_textHeader *) (file + sizeof(_standardHeader)); if (text_line>=FROM_LE_32(text_header->noOfLines)) return(0); // out of range => invalid else return(1); // valid } //--------------------------------------------------------------- uint8 *FetchObjectName(int32 resourceId) // James15jan97 { _standardHeader *header; header = (_standardHeader*) res_man.Res_open(resourceId); res_man.Res_close(resourceId); return (header->name); // note this pointer is no longer valid, but it should be ok until another resource is opened! } //--------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------