#!/usr/bin/env python '''Usage: %s [OPTIONS] <input file(s)> Generate test source file for CxxTest. -v, --version Write CxxTest version -o, --output=NAME Write output to file NAME --runner=CLASS Create a main() function that runs CxxTest::CLASS --gui=CLASS Like --runner, with GUI component --error-printer Same as --runner=ErrorPrinter --abort-on-fail Abort tests on failed asserts (like xUnit) --have-std Use standard library (even if not found in tests) --no-std Don\'t use standard library (even if found in tests) --have-eh Use exception handling (even if not found in tests) --no-eh Don\'t use exception handling (even if found in tests) --longlong=[TYPE] Use TYPE (default: long long) as long long --template=TEMPLATE Use TEMPLATE file to generate the test runner --include=HEADER Include HEADER in test runner before other headers --root Write CxxTest globals --part Don\'t write CxxTest globals --no-static-init Don\'t rely on static initialization ''' import re import sys import getopt import glob import string # Global variables suites = [] suite = None inBlock = 0 outputFileName = None runner = None gui = None root = None part = None noStaticInit = None templateFileName = None headers = [] haveExceptionHandling = 0 noExceptionHandling = 0 haveStandardLibrary = 0 noStandardLibrary = 0 abortOnFail = 0 factor = 0 longlong = 0 def main(): '''The main program''' files = parseCommandline() scanInputFiles( files ) writeOutput() def usage( problem = None ): '''Print usage info and exit''' if problem is None: print( usageString() ) sys.exit(0) else: sys.stderr.write( usageString() ) abort( problem ) def usageString(): '''Construct program usage string''' return __doc__ % sys.argv[0] def abort( problem ): '''Print error message and exit''' sys.stderr.write( '\n' ) sys.stderr.write( problem ) sys.stderr.write( '\n\n' ) sys.exit(2) def parseCommandline(): '''Analyze command line arguments''' try: options, patterns = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], 'o:r:', ['version', 'output=', 'runner=', 'gui=', 'error-printer', 'abort-on-fail', 'have-std', 'no-std', 'have-eh', 'no-eh', 'template=', 'include=', 'root', 'part', 'no-static-init', 'factor', 'longlong='] ) except getopt.error as problem: usage( problem ) setOptions( options ) return setFiles( patterns ) def setOptions( options ): '''Set options specified on command line''' global outputFileName, templateFileName, runner, gui, haveStandardLibrary, factor, longlong global haveExceptionHandling, noExceptionHandling, abortOnFail, headers, root, part, noStaticInit for o, a in options: if o in ('-v', '--version'): printVersion() elif o in ('-o', '--output'): outputFileName = a elif o == '--template': templateFileName = a elif o == '--runner': runner = a elif o == '--gui': gui = a elif o == '--include': if not re.match( r'^["<].*[>"]$', a ): a = ('"%s"' % a) headers.append( a ) elif o == '--error-printer': runner = 'ErrorPrinter' haveStandardLibrary = 1 elif o == '--abort-on-fail': abortOnFail = 1 elif o == '--have-std': haveStandardLibrary = 1 elif o == '--no-std': noStandardLibrary = 1 elif o == '--have-eh': haveExceptionHandling = 1 elif o == '--no-eh': noExceptionHandling = 1 elif o == '--root': root = 1 elif o == '--part': part = 1 elif o == '--no-static-init': noStaticInit = 1 elif o == '--factor': factor = 1 elif o == '--longlong': if a: longlong = a else: longlong = 'long long' if noStaticInit and (root or part): abort( '--no-static-init cannot be used with --root/--part' ) if gui and not runner: runner = 'StdioPrinter' def printVersion(): '''Print CxxTest version and exit''' sys.stdout.write( "This is CxxTest version 3.10.1.\n" ) sys.exit(0) def setFiles( patterns ): '''Set input files specified on command line''' files = expandWildcards( patterns ) if len(files) is 0 and not root: usage( "No input files found" ) return files def expandWildcards( patterns ): '''Expand all wildcards in an array (glob)''' fileNames = [] for pathName in patterns: patternFiles = glob.glob( pathName ) for fileName in patternFiles: fileNames.append( fixBackslashes( fileName ) ) return fileNames def fixBackslashes( fileName ): '''Convert backslashes to slashes in file name''' return re.sub( r'\\', '/', fileName, 0 ) def scanInputFiles(files): '''Scan all input files for test suites''' for file in files: scanInputFile(file) global suites if len(suites) is 0 and not root: abort( 'No tests defined' ) def scanInputFile(fileName): '''Scan single input file for test suites''' file = open(fileName) lineNo = 0 while 1: line = file.readline() if not line: break lineNo = lineNo + 1 scanInputLine( fileName, lineNo, line ) closeSuite() file.close() def scanInputLine( fileName, lineNo, line ): '''Scan single input line for interesting stuff''' scanLineForExceptionHandling( line ) scanLineForStandardLibrary( line ) scanLineForSuiteStart( fileName, lineNo, line ) global suite if suite: scanLineInsideSuite( suite, lineNo, line ) def scanLineInsideSuite( suite, lineNo, line ): '''Analyze line which is part of a suite''' global inBlock if lineBelongsToSuite( suite, lineNo, line ): scanLineForTest( suite, lineNo, line ) scanLineForCreate( suite, lineNo, line ) scanLineForDestroy( suite, lineNo, line ) def lineBelongsToSuite( suite, lineNo, line ): '''Returns whether current line is part of the current suite. This can be false when we are in a generated suite outside of CXXTEST_CODE() blocks If the suite is generated, adds the line to the list of lines''' if not suite['generated']: return 1 global inBlock if not inBlock: inBlock = lineStartsBlock( line ) if inBlock: inBlock = addLineToBlock( suite, lineNo, line ) return inBlock std_re = re.compile( r"\b(std\s*::|CXXTEST_STD|using\s+namespace\s+std\b|^\s*\#\s*include\s+<[a-z0-9]+>)" ) def scanLineForStandardLibrary( line ): '''Check if current line uses standard library''' global haveStandardLibrary, noStandardLibrary if not haveStandardLibrary and std_re.search(line): if not noStandardLibrary: haveStandardLibrary = 1 exception_re = re.compile( r"\b(throw|try|catch|TSM?_ASSERT_THROWS[A-Z_]*)\b" ) def scanLineForExceptionHandling( line ): '''Check if current line uses exception handling''' global haveExceptionHandling, noExceptionHandling if not haveExceptionHandling and exception_re.search(line): if not noExceptionHandling: haveExceptionHandling = 1 suite_re = re.compile( r'\bclass\s+(\w+)\s*:\s*public\s+((::)?\s*CxxTest\s*::\s*)?TestSuite\b' ) generatedSuite_re = re.compile( r'\bCXXTEST_SUITE\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*\)' ) def scanLineForSuiteStart( fileName, lineNo, line ): '''Check if current line starts a new test suite''' m = suite_re.search( line ) if m: startSuite( m.group(1), fileName, lineNo, 0 ) m = generatedSuite_re.search( line ) if m: sys.stdout.write( "%s:%s: Warning: Inline test suites are deprecated.\n" % (fileName, lineNo) ) startSuite( m.group(1), fileName, lineNo, 1 ) def startSuite( name, file, line, generated ): '''Start scanning a new suite''' global suite closeSuite() suite = { 'name' : name, 'file' : file, 'cfile' : cstr(file), 'line' : line, 'generated' : generated, 'object' : 'suite_%s' % name, 'dobject' : 'suiteDescription_%s' % name, 'tlist' : 'Tests_%s' % name, 'tests' : [], 'lines' : [] } def lineStartsBlock( line ): '''Check if current line starts a new CXXTEST_CODE() block''' return re.search( r'\bCXXTEST_CODE\s*\(', line ) is not None test_re = re.compile( r'^([^/]|/[^/])*\bvoid\s+([Tt]est\w+)\s*\(\s*(void)?\s*\)' ) def scanLineForTest( suite, lineNo, line ): '''Check if current line starts a test''' m = test_re.search( line ) if m: addTest( suite, m.group(2), lineNo ) def addTest( suite, name, line ): '''Add a test function to the current suite''' test = { 'name' : name, 'suite' : suite, 'class' : 'TestDescription_%s_%s' % (suite['name'], name), 'object' : 'testDescription_%s_%s' % (suite['name'], name), 'line' : line, } suite['tests'].append( test ) def addLineToBlock( suite, lineNo, line ): '''Append the line to the current CXXTEST_CODE() block''' line = fixBlockLine( suite, lineNo, line ) line = re.sub( r'^.*\{\{', '', line ) e = re.search( r'\}\}', line ) if e: line = line[:e.start()] suite['lines'].append( line ) return e is None def fixBlockLine( suite, lineNo, line): '''Change all [E]TS_ macros used in a line to _[E]TS_ macros with the correct file/line''' return re.sub( r'\b(E?TSM?_(ASSERT[A-Z_]*|FAIL))\s*\(', r'_\1(%s,%s,' % (suite['cfile'], lineNo), line, 0 ) create_re = re.compile( r'\bstatic\s+\w+\s*\*\s*createSuite\s*\(\s*(void)?\s*\)' ) def scanLineForCreate( suite, lineNo, line ): '''Check if current line defines a createSuite() function''' if create_re.search( line ): addSuiteCreateDestroy( suite, 'create', lineNo ) destroy_re = re.compile( r'\bstatic\s+void\s+destroySuite\s*\(\s*\w+\s*\*\s*\w*\s*\)' ) def scanLineForDestroy( suite, lineNo, line ): '''Check if current line defines a destroySuite() function''' if destroy_re.search( line ): addSuiteCreateDestroy( suite, 'destroy', lineNo ) def cstr( str ): '''Convert a string to its C representation''' return '"' + str.replace( '\\', '\\\\' ) + '"' def addSuiteCreateDestroy( suite, which, line ): '''Add createSuite()/destroySuite() to current suite''' if suite.has_key(which): abort( '%s:%s: %sSuite() already declared' % ( suite['file'], str(line), which ) ) suite[which] = line def closeSuite(): '''Close current suite and add it to the list if valid''' global suite if suite is not None: if len(suite['tests']) is not 0: verifySuite(suite) rememberSuite(suite) suite = None def verifySuite(suite): '''Verify current suite is legal''' if 'create' in suite and not 'destroy' in suite: abort( '%s:%s: Suite %s has createSuite() but no destroySuite()' % (suite['file'], suite['create'], suite['name']) ) if 'destroy' in suite and not 'create' in suite: abort( '%s:%s: Suite %s has destroySuite() but no createSuite()' % (suite['file'], suite['destroy'], suite['name']) ) def rememberSuite(suite): '''Add current suite to list''' global suites suites.append( suite ) def writeOutput(): '''Create output file''' if templateFileName: writeTemplateOutput() else: writeSimpleOutput() def writeSimpleOutput(): '''Create output not based on template''' output = startOutputFile() writePreamble( output ) writeMain( output ) writeWorld( output ) output.close() include_re = re.compile( r"\s*\#\s*include\s+<cxxtest/" ) preamble_re = re.compile( r"^\s*<CxxTest\s+preamble>\s*$" ) world_re = re.compile( r"^\s*<CxxTest\s+world>\s*$" ) def writeTemplateOutput(): '''Create output based on template file''' template = open(templateFileName) output = startOutputFile() while 1: line = template.readline() if not line: break; if include_re.search( line ): writePreamble( output ) output.write( line ) elif preamble_re.search( line ): writePreamble( output ) elif world_re.search( line ): writeWorld( output ) else: output.write( line ) template.close() output.close() def startOutputFile(): '''Create output file and write header''' if outputFileName is not None: output = open( outputFileName, 'w' ) else: output = sys.stdout output.write( "/* Generated file, do not edit */\n\n" ) return output wrotePreamble = 0 def writePreamble( output ): '''Write the CxxTest header (#includes and #defines)''' global wrotePreamble, headers, longlong if wrotePreamble: return output.write( "#ifndef CXXTEST_RUNNING\n" ) output.write( "#define CXXTEST_RUNNING\n" ) output.write( "#endif\n" ) output.write( "\n" ) if haveStandardLibrary: output.write( "#define _CXXTEST_HAVE_STD\n" ) if haveExceptionHandling: output.write( "#define _CXXTEST_HAVE_EH\n" ) if abortOnFail: output.write( "#define _CXXTEST_ABORT_TEST_ON_FAIL\n" ) if longlong: output.write( "#define _CXXTEST_LONGLONG %s\n" % longlong ) if factor: output.write( "#define _CXXTEST_FACTOR\n" ) for header in headers: output.write( "#include %s\n" % header ) output.write( "#include <cxxtest/TestListener.h>\n" ) output.write( "#include <cxxtest/TestTracker.h>\n" ) output.write( "#include <cxxtest/TestRunner.h>\n" ) output.write( "#include <cxxtest/RealDescriptions.h>\n" ) if runner: output.write( "#include <cxxtest/%s.h>\n" % runner ) if gui: output.write( "#include <cxxtest/%s.h>\n" % gui ) output.write( "\n" ) wrotePreamble = 1 def writeMain( output ): '''Write the main() function for the test runner''' if gui: output.write( 'int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {\n' ) if noStaticInit: output.write( ' CxxTest::initialize();\n' ) output.write( ' return CxxTest::GuiTuiRunner<CxxTest::%s, CxxTest::%s>( argc, argv ).run();\n' % (gui, runner) ) output.write( '}\n' ) elif runner: output.write( 'int main() {\n' ) if noStaticInit: output.write( ' CxxTest::initialize();\n' ) output.write( ' return CxxTest::%s().run();\n' % runner ) output.write( '}\n' ) wroteWorld = 0 def writeWorld( output ): '''Write the world definitions''' global wroteWorld, part if wroteWorld: return writePreamble( output ) writeSuites( output ) if root or not part: writeRoot( output ) if noStaticInit: writeInitialize( output ) wroteWorld = 1 def writeSuites(output): '''Write all TestDescriptions and SuiteDescriptions''' for suite in suites: writeInclude( output, suite['file'] ) if isGenerated(suite): generateSuite( output, suite ) if isDynamic(suite): writeSuitePointer( output, suite ) else: writeSuiteObject( output, suite ) writeTestList( output, suite ) writeSuiteDescription( output, suite ) writeTestDescriptions( output, suite ) def isGenerated(suite): '''Checks whether a suite class should be created''' return suite['generated'] def isDynamic(suite): '''Checks whether a suite is dynamic''' return 'create' in suite lastIncluded = '' def writeInclude(output, file): '''Add #include "file" statement''' global lastIncluded if file == lastIncluded: return output.writelines( [ '#include "', file, '"\n\n' ] ) lastIncluded = file def generateSuite( output, suite ): '''Write a suite declared with CXXTEST_SUITE()''' output.write( 'class %s : public CxxTest::TestSuite {\n' % suite['name'] ) output.write( 'public:\n' ) for line in suite['lines']: output.write(line) output.write( '};\n\n' ) def writeSuitePointer( output, suite ): '''Create static suite pointer object for dynamic suites''' if noStaticInit: output.write( 'static %s *%s;\n\n' % (suite['name'], suite['object']) ) else: output.write( 'static %s *%s = 0;\n\n' % (suite['name'], suite['object']) ) def writeSuiteObject( output, suite ): '''Create static suite object for non-dynamic suites''' output.writelines( [ "static ", suite['name'], " ", suite['object'], ";\n\n" ] ) def writeTestList( output, suite ): '''Write the head of the test linked list for a suite''' if noStaticInit: output.write( 'static CxxTest::List %s;\n' % suite['tlist'] ) else: output.write( 'static CxxTest::List %s = { 0, 0 };\n' % suite['tlist'] ) def writeTestDescriptions( output, suite ): '''Write all test descriptions for a suite''' for test in suite['tests']: writeTestDescription( output, suite, test ) def writeTestDescription( output, suite, test ): '''Write test description object''' output.write( 'static class %s : public CxxTest::RealTestDescription {\n' % test['class'] ) output.write( 'public:\n' ) if not noStaticInit: output.write( ' %s() : CxxTest::RealTestDescription( %s, %s, %s, "%s" ) {}\n' % (test['class'], suite['tlist'], suite['dobject'], test['line'], test['name']) ) output.write( ' void runTest() { %s }\n' % runBody( suite, test ) ) output.write( '} %s;\n\n' % test['object'] ) def runBody( suite, test ): '''Body of TestDescription::run()''' if isDynamic(suite): return dynamicRun( suite, test ) else: return staticRun( suite, test ) def dynamicRun( suite, test ): '''Body of TestDescription::run() for test in a dynamic suite''' return 'if ( ' + suite['object'] + ' ) ' + suite['object'] + '->' + test['name'] + '();' def staticRun( suite, test ): '''Body of TestDescription::run() for test in a non-dynamic suite''' return suite['object'] + '.' + test['name'] + '();' def writeSuiteDescription( output, suite ): '''Write SuiteDescription object''' if isDynamic( suite ): writeDynamicDescription( output, suite ) else: writeStaticDescription( output, suite ) def writeDynamicDescription( output, suite ): '''Write SuiteDescription for a dynamic suite''' output.write( 'CxxTest::DynamicSuiteDescription<%s> %s' % (suite['name'], suite['dobject']) ) if not noStaticInit: output.write( '( %s, %s, "%s", %s, %s, %s, %s )' % (suite['cfile'], suite['line'], suite['name'], suite['tlist'], suite['object'], suite['create'], suite['destroy']) ) output.write( ';\n\n' ) def writeStaticDescription( output, suite ): '''Write SuiteDescription for a static suite''' output.write( 'CxxTest::StaticSuiteDescription %s' % suite['dobject'] ) if not noStaticInit: output.write( '( %s, %s, "%s", %s, %s )' % (suite['cfile'], suite['line'], suite['name'], suite['object'], suite['tlist']) ) output.write( ';\n\n' ) def writeRoot(output): '''Write static members of CxxTest classes''' output.write( '#include <cxxtest/Root.cpp>\n' ) def writeInitialize(output): '''Write CxxTest::initialize(), which replaces static initialization''' output.write( 'namespace CxxTest {\n' ) output.write( ' void initialize()\n' ) output.write( ' {\n' ) for suite in suites: output.write( ' %s.initialize();\n' % suite['tlist'] ) if isDynamic(suite): output.write( ' %s = 0;\n' % suite['object'] ) output.write( ' %s.initialize( %s, %s, "%s", %s, %s, %s, %s );\n' % (suite['dobject'], suite['cfile'], suite['line'], suite['name'], suite['tlist'], suite['object'], suite['create'], suite['destroy']) ) else: output.write( ' %s.initialize( %s, %s, "%s", %s, %s );\n' % (suite['dobject'], suite['cfile'], suite['line'], suite['name'], suite['object'], suite['tlist']) ) for test in suite['tests']: output.write( ' %s.initialize( %s, %s, %s, "%s" );\n' % (test['object'], suite['tlist'], suite['dobject'], test['line'], test['name']) ) output.write( ' }\n' ) output.write( '}\n' ) main()