#include "search.h" #include "md5.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cassert> Hasher::Hash Hasher::createHash(const byte *data, uint32 size) { md5_context ctx; md5_starts(&ctx); md5_update(&ctx, data, size); Hash hash; md5_finish(&ctx, hash.digest); return hash; } SearchData SearchCreator::create(const char *filename) { FILE *f = fopen(filename, "rb"); assert(f); SearchData data; data.size = fileSize(f); byte *buffer = new byte[data.size]; fread(buffer, 1, data.size, f); fclose(f); data = create(buffer, data.size); delete[] buffer; return data; } SearchData SearchCreator::create(const byte *buffer, uint32 size) { SearchData data; data.size = size; data.hash = Hasher::createHash(buffer, data.size); data.byteSum = 0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < data.size; ++i) data.byteSum += buffer[i]; return data; } SumCreator::SumCreator(InputList list, const DataInput &input) : _curOffset(0), _input(input), _sums() { // Sort in ascending order list.sort(std::less<uint32>()); uint32 byteSum = 0; uint32 oldSize = 0; for (InputList::const_iterator i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); ++i) { // Strip out entries, which exceed the buffer size if (*i > _input.size()) continue; // Strip out duplicates if (_sums.find(*i) != _sums.end()) continue; // Only add the bytes exceeding the old sum's size // to the sum. This saves a few accesses. for (uint32 j = oldSize; j < *i; ++j) byteSum += _input[j]; _sums[*i] = byteSum; // Save this sum's size oldSize = *i; } } bool SumCreator::nextByte() { // Calculate the bytes available for summing. We need to add // 1 here, since we will only update the offset AFTER everything // is done. const uint32 sizeLeft = _input.size() - (_curOffset + 1); if (!sizeLeft) { _sums.clear(); return false; } // Grab the old first byte. const byte firstByte = _input[_curOffset]; typedef std::list<uint32> DeletionList; DeletionList toRemove; for (SumMap::iterator i = _sums.begin(); i != _sums.end(); ++i) { // If this entry needs to sum up a larger buffer than the buffer // size left, we will remove the entry and continue to the next // one. if (i->first > sizeLeft) { // Add the current entry to the removal list. toRemove.push_back(i->first); continue; } // Update the byte sum. First we remove the old first byte // from the sum, next we add the next available byte. i->second -= firstByte; i->second += _input[_curOffset + i->first]; } // Remove all entries flagged for removal for (DeletionList::const_iterator i = toRemove.begin(); i != toRemove.end(); ++i) _sums.erase(*i); // Update out offset. ++_curOffset; // We return whether there are still some sums left available. return !_sums.empty(); } bool SumCreator::hasSum(uint32 size) const { return _sums.find(size) != _sums.end(); } uint32 SumCreator::getSum(uint32 size) const { SumMap::const_iterator s = _sums.find(size); if (s == _sums.end()) return 0; return s->second; } Search::Search(const char *filename) : _data(), _search() { FILE *src = fopen(filename, "rb"); assert(src); uint32 size = fileSize(src); byte *data = new byte[size]; fread(data, 1, size, src); fclose(src); _data.resize(size); for (uint32 i = 0; i < size; ++i) _data[i] = data[i]; delete[] data; } Search::Search(const byte *data, uint32 size) : _data(), _search() { _data.resize(size); for (uint32 i = 0; i < size; ++i) _data[i] = data[i]; } void Search::addData(SearchData data) { for (SearchList::const_iterator i = _search.begin(); i != _search.end(); ++i) { // Do not add any duplicates if (*i == data) return; } _search.push_back(data); } bool Search::search(ResultList &res) { SumCreator::InputList list; for (SearchList::const_iterator i = _search.begin(); i != _search.end(); ++i) list.push_back(i->size); SumCreator sum(list, _data); list.clear(); do { const uint32 offset = sum.getOffset(); for (SearchList::iterator i = _search.begin(); i != _search.end(); ) { if (!sum.hasSum(i->size)) { i = _search.erase(i); continue; } const uint32 byteSum = sum.getSum(i->size); if (byteSum == i->byteSum) { if (Hasher::createHash(&_data[offset], i->size) == i->hash) { res.push_back(ResultData(*i, offset)); i = _search.erase(i); continue; } } ++i; } } while (sum.nextByte()); return !res.empty(); }