/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #ifndef STATICDATA_H #define STATICDATA_H const char *locationDirNotVisited_EN[] = { "Lab", "Path", "Outside", "Pothole", "Palace Hallway", "Door", "Secret Passage", "Doorway", "Doorway", "DUMMY", "Path", "Shop", "Shop", "Shop", "Shop", "Path", "Malevolated Countryside", "Malevolated Countryside", "Entrance", "Entrance", "Path", "Path", "Central Zanydu", "Lower Zanydu", "Wacme Entrance", "Upper Zanydu", "Entrance", "Entrance", "Path", "Path", "Path", "Seedy's", "Entrance", "Entrance", "Path", "DUMMY", "DUMMY", "Dungeon", "Hallway", "Air Vent", "Upstairs", "Doorway", "Doorway", "Downstairs", "Rec Room", "Doorway", "Secret Passageway", "Upstairs", "Upstairs", "Up", "Doorway", "Upstairs", "Doorway", "Doorway", "Doorway", "Swamp", "Forest", "Meadow", "Farmland", "Main Street", "Costume Shop", "Shuttle Station", "Central Zanydu", "Upper North-Southeast Zanydu", "Lower South-Northwest Zanydu", "Way-Outback", "High Road", "Frank's Lab", "Cryo-Crypt", "Fantasyworld", "Vulture Falls", "Vulture Falls", "Vincent van Gogh's Studio", "Fearworld", "Attic", "Unorthodontist's Office", "Bedroom", "The Malevolands", "Inhuman Robots, Inc.", "Inhuman Robots, Inc. Workshop", "The End of the World", "Castle Ramparts", "Castle Top", "Kitchen", "Living Room", "Bedroom", "Laboratory", "Storage Center First Floor", "Storage Center Second Floor", "Storage Center Third Floor", "King Hugh's Palace", "Trophy Room", "Hallway", "Hallway", "Throne Room", "Office", "Balcony", "Lighthouse", "Bedroom", "Hall of Reflection", "Seedy's", "Barn", "WACME", "Lab" }; const char *locationDirNotVisited_FR[] = { "Labo", "Chemin", "Ext\351rieur", "Trou", "Hall du Palais", "Porte", "Passage Secret", "Porte", "Porte", "DUMMY", "Chemin", "Boutique", "Boutique", "Boutique", "Boutique", "Chemin", "Champ perfidifi\351", "Champ perfidifi\351", "Entr\351e", "Entr\351e", "Chemin", "Chemin", "Zanydu-Centre", "Bas de Zanydu", "Entr\351e des 3 Belges", "Hauts de Zanydu", "Entr\351e", "Entr\351e", "Chemin", "Chemin", "Chemin", "Bouling", "Entr\351e", "Entr\351e", "Chemin", "DUMMY", "DUMMY", "Donjon", "Hall", "Conduit d'a\351ration", "Etage sup\351rieur", "Porte", "Porte", "Etage inf\351rieur", "Salle de jeux", "Porte", "Passage Secret", "Etage sup\351rieur", "Etage sup\351rieur", "Vers le haut", "Porte", "Etage sup\351rieur", "Porte", "Porte", "Porte", "Mar\351cage", "For\352t", "Prairie", "Champ", "Rue Principale", "Boutique de costumes", "Gare Navette", "Zanydu-Centre", "Hauts de Zanydu Sud-Est du Nord", "Bas de Zanydu Nord-Ouest du Sud", "Lointain lointain", "High Road", "Labo de Frank", "Cryo-Crypt", "Fantasyworld", "Vulture Falls", "Vulture Falls", "Vincent van Gogh's Studio", "Fearworld", "Grenier", "Unorthodontist's Office", "Chambre", "Perfidia", "Robots Inhumains SARL", "Robots Inhumains SARL. Atelier", "La Fin du Monde", "Remparts du ch\342teau", "Castle Top", "Cuisine", "Salon", "Chambre", "Laboratoire", "Storage Center First Floor", "Storage Center Second Floor", "Storage Center Third Floor", "Ch\342teau de Hilarius 1er", "Salle des Troph\351es", "Hall", "Hall", "Salle du Tr\364ne", "Bureau", "Balcon", "Lighthouse", "Chambre", "Hall of Reflection", "Bouling", "Grange", "LES 3 BELGES", "Labo" }; const char *locationDirNotVisited_DE[] = { "Labor", "Weg", "Drau\337en", "Schlagloch", "Palastflur", "T\374r", "Geheimgang", "T\374r", "T\374r", "DUMMY", "Weg", "Laden", "Laden", "Laden", "Laden", "Weg", "\334belierte Landschaft", "\334belierte Landschaft", "Eingang", "Eingang", "Weg", "Weg", "Mittel-Trickreich", "Nieder-Trickreich", "Eingang der Fa. Wacme", "Ober-Trickreich", "Eingang", "Eingang", "Weg", "Weg", "Weg", "Seedys", "Eingang", "Eingang", "Weg", "DUMMY", "DUMMY", "Kerker", "Flur", "Luftschacht", "Nach oben", "T\374r", "T\374r", "Nach unten", "Ruheraum", "T\374r", "Geheimgang", "Nach oben", "Nach oben", "Rauf", "T\374r", "Nach oben", "T\374r", "T\374r", "T\374r", "Sumpf", "Wald", "Wiese", "Ackerland", "Hauptstra\337e", "Kost\374mverleih", "Bahnhaltestelle", "Mittel-Trickreich", "Ober-Nord-S\374dost-Trickreich", "Unteres S\374d-Nordwest-Trickreich", "Weite W\374ste Wildnis", "Hochstra\337e", "Franks Labor", "K\344lteschlafkammer", "Phantasiawelt", "Geierf\344lle", "Geierf\344lle", "Vincent van Goghs Studio", "Angstwelt", "Dachboden", "Praxis des Unorthodontisten", "Schlafzimmer", "Das \334beland", "Unmenschliche Roboter AG", "Unmenschliche Roboter AG - Werkstatt", "Das Ende der Welt", "Schlo\337w\344lle", "Oberer Teil des Schlosses", "K\374che", "Wohnzimmer", "Schlafzimmer", "Labor", "Lager 1. Stock", "Lager 2. Stock", "Lager 3. Stock", "K\366nig Nicks Palast", "Pokalsaal", "Flur", "Flur", "Thronsaal", "B\374ro", "Balkon", "Leuchtturm", "Schlafzimmer", "Saal der Reflektion", "Seedys", "Scheune", "WACME", "Labor" }; const char *locationDirNotVisited_RU[] = { "YBB", "Nelf", "Ds[jl", "Hsndbyf", "Dtcnb,.km", "D[jl", "Nfqysq ghj[jl", "Ghj[jl", "Ghj[jl", "VFRTN", "Nelf", "Ijg", "Ijg", "Ijg", "Ijg", "Nelf", "Bcrjdthrfyyfz ptvkz", "Bcrjdthrfyyfz ptvkz", "D[jl", "D[jl", "Nelf", "Nelf", "Wtynh", "Yb;yzz pjyf", "Gfhflysq d[jl", "Dth[yzz pjyf", "D[jl", "D[jl", "Nelf", "Nelf", "Nelf", "D[jl", "D[jl", "D[jl", "Nelf", "VFRTN", "VFRTN", "Gjldfk", "Rjhbljh", "Kfp", "Ddth[", "Ghj[jl", "Ghj[jl", "Dybp", "Buhjdfz", "Ghj[jl", "Nfqysq ghj[jl", "Ddth[", "Ddth[", "!", "Ghj[jl", "Ddth[", "Ghj[jl", "Ghj[jl", "Ghj[jl", "Njgm", "Ktc", "Keu", "Athvf", "Ghjcgtrn", "Jlt;lf", "Cnfywbz", "Wtynh", "Dth[ybq Ctdthj-.uj-djcnjr", "Yb;ybq >uj-ctdthj-pfgfl", "Jrhfbyf", "Ljhjuf", "Kf,jhfnjhbz", "Crktg", "Vbh Afynfpbq", "Cnthdjgfl", "Cnthdjgfl", "Cnelbz Dbyctynf dfy Ujuf", "Rjivfhbz", "Fnnbr", "Rf,bytn Ytjhnjljrcf", "Cgfkmyz", "Pkjdtybz", "FJPN +Ytuevfyjbl+", "Vfcnthcrfz FJPN +Ytuevfyjbl+", "Rhfq cdtnf", "Rhtgjcnyjq dfk", "uj-ctdthj-pfgfl", "Jrhfbyf", "Ljhjuf", "Kf,jhfnjhbz", "Crktg", "Vbh Afynfpbq", "Cnthdjgfl", "Cnthdjgfl", "Cnelbz Dbyctynf dfy Ujuf", "Rjivfhbz", "Fnnbr", "Rf,bytn Ytjhnjljrcf", "Cgfkmyz", "Pkjdtybz", "FJPN +Ytuevfyjbl+", "Vfcnthcrfz FJPN +Ytuevfyjbl+", "Rhfq cdtnf", "Rhtgjcnyjq dfk", "