#!/usr/bin/perl # # This tools is kind of a hack to be able to maintain the credits list of # ScummVM in a single central location. We then generate the various versions # of the credits in other places from this source. In particular: # - The AUTHORS file # - The gui/credits.h header file # - The credits.xml file, part of the DocBook manual # - Finally, credits.xml, for use on the website (different format than the DocBook one) # And maybe in the future, also "doc/10.tex", the LaTeX version of the README. # Although that might soon be obsolete, if the manual evolves enough. # # Initial version written by Fingolfin in December 2004. # use strict; use Text::Wrap; if ($Text::Wrap::VERSION < 2001.0929) { die "Text::Wrap version >= 2001.0929 is required. You have $Text::Wrap::VERSION\n"; } my $mode = ""; my $max_name_width; # Count the level in the section hierarchy, i.e. how deep we are currently nested # in terms of 'sections'. my $section_level = 0; # Count how many sections there have been on this level already my @section_count = ( 0, 0, 0 ); if ($#ARGV >= 0) { $mode = "TEXT" if ($ARGV[0] eq "--text"); # AUTHORS file $mode = "XML-WEB" if ($ARGV[0] eq "--xml-website"); # credits.xml (for use on the website) $mode = "CPP" if ($ARGV[0] eq "--cpp"); # credits.h (for use by about.cpp) $mode = "XML-DOC" if ($ARGV[0] eq "--xml-docbook"); # credits.xml (DocBook) $mode = "RTF" if ($ARGV[0] eq "--rtf"); # Credits.rtf (Mac OS X About box) $mode = "TEX" if ($ARGV[0] eq "--tex"); # 10.tex (LaTeX) } if ($mode eq "") { print STDERR "Usage: $0 [--text | --xml-website | --cpp | --xml-docbook | --rtf]\n"; print STDERR " Just pass --text / --xml-website / --cpp / --xml-docbook / --rtf as parameter, and credits.pl\n"; print STDERR " will print out the corresponding version of the credits to stdout.\n"; exit 1; } $Text::Wrap::unexpand = 0; if ($mode eq "TEXT") { $Text::Wrap::columns = 78; $max_name_width = 21; # The maximal width of a name. } elsif ($mode eq "CPP") { $Text::Wrap::columns = 48; # Approx. } # Convert HTML entities to ASCII for the plain text mode sub html_entities_to_ascii { my $text = shift; # For now we hardcode these mappings # á -> a # é -> e # ó -> o # ø -> o # ö -> o / oe # ä -> a # ü -> ue # & -> & # ł -> l # Š -> S $text =~ s/á/a/g; $text =~ s/é/e/g; $text =~ s/ó/o/g; $text =~ s/ø/o/g; $text =~ s/ł/l/g; $text =~ s/Š/S/g; $text =~ s/ä/a/g; $text =~ s/ü/ue/g; # HACK: Torbj*o*rn but G*oe*ffringmann and R*oe*ver and J*oe*rg $text =~ s/Torbjörn/Torbjorn/g; $text =~ s/ö/oe/g; $text =~ s/&/&/g; return $text; } # Convert HTML entities to C++ characters sub html_entities_to_cpp { my $text = shift; # The numerical values are octal! $text =~ s/á/\\341/g; $text =~ s/é/\\351/g; $text =~ s/ó/\\363/g; $text =~ s/ø/\\370/g; $text =~ s/ł/l/g; $text =~ s/Š/S/g; $text =~ s/ä/\\344/g; $text =~ s/ö/\\366/g; $text =~ s/ü/\\374/g; $text =~ s/&/&/g; return $text; } # Convert HTML entities to RTF codes sub html_entities_to_rtf { my $text = shift; $text =~ s/á/\\'87/g; $text =~ s/é/\\'8e/g; $text =~ s/ó/\\'97/g; $text =~ s/ø/\\'bf/g; # The following numerical values are octal! $text =~ s/ł/\\uc0\\u322 /g; $text =~ s/Š/\\uc0\\u540 /g; # Back to hex numbers $text =~ s/ä/\\'8a/g; $text =~ s/ö/\\'9a/g; $text =~ s/ü/\\'9f/g; $text =~ s/&/&/g; return $text; } # Convert HTML entities to TeX codes sub html_entities_to_tex { my $text = shift; $text =~ s/á/\\'a/g; $text =~ s/é/\\'e/g; $text =~ s/ó/\\'o/g; $text =~ s/ø/{\\o}/g; $text =~ s/ł/{\\l}/g; $text =~ s/Š/{\\v S}/g; $text =~ s/ä/\\"a/g; $text =~ s/ö/\\"o/g; $text =~ s/ü/\\"u/g; $text =~ s/&/\\&/g; return $text; } # # Small reference of the RTF commands used here: # # \fs28 switches to 14 point font (28 = 2 * 14) # \pard reset to default paragraph properties # # \ql left-aligned text # \qr right-aligned text # \qc centered text # \qj justified text # # \b turn on bold # \b0 turn off bold # # For more information: # sub begin_credits { my $title = shift; if ($mode eq "TEXT") { #print html_entities_to_ascii($title)."\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "TEX") { print "% This file was generated by credits.pl. Do not edit by hand!\n"; print '\section{Credits}' . "\n"; print '\begin{trivlist}' . "\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "RTF") { print '{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000' . "\n"; print '{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica-Bold;\f1\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}' . "\n"; print '{\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green128\blue0;\red128\green128\blue128;}' . "\n"; print '\vieww6920\viewh15480\viewkind0' . "\n"; print "\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "CPP") { print "// This file was generated by credits.pl. Do not edit by hand!\n"; print "static const char *credits[] = {\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "XML-DOC") { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print " " . $title . "\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; } elsif ($mode eq "XML-WEB") { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } } sub end_credits { if ($mode eq "TEXT") { } elsif ($mode eq "TEX") { print '\end{trivlist}' . "\n"; print "\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "RTF") { print "}\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "CPP") { print "};\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "XML-DOC") { print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print "\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "XML-WEB") { print "\n"; } } sub begin_section { my $title = shift; if ($mode eq "TEXT") { $title = html_entities_to_ascii($title); if ($section_level >= 2) { $title .= ":" } print " " x $section_level . $title."\n"; if ($section_level eq 0) { print " " x $section_level . "*" x (length $title)."\n"; } elsif ($section_level eq 1) { print " " x $section_level . "-" x (length $title)."\n"; } } elsif ($mode eq "TEX") { print '\item \textbf{'; if ($section_level eq 0) { print '\LARGE'; } elsif ($section_level eq 1) { print '\large'; } print " " . html_entities_to_tex($title) . "}\n"; print '\begin{list}{}{\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.2cm}}' . "\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "RTF") { $title = html_entities_to_rtf($title); # Center text print '\pard\qc' . "\n"; print '\f0\b'; if ($section_level eq 0) { print '\fs40 '; } elsif ($section_level eq 1) { print '\fs32 '; } # Insert an empty line before this section header, *unless* # this is the very first section header in the file. if ($section_level > 0 || @section_count[0] > 0) { print "\\\n"; } print '\cf2 ' . $title . "\n"; print '\f1\b0\fs24 \cf0 \\' . "\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "CPP") { if ($section_level eq 0) { # TODO: Would be nice to have a 'fat' or 'large' mode for # headlines... $title = html_entities_to_cpp($title); print '"C1""'.$title.'",' . "\n"; print '"",' . "\n"; } else { $title = html_entities_to_cpp($title); print '"C1""'.$title.'",' . "\n"; } } elsif ($mode eq "XML-DOC") { print " "; print "" . $title . ":"; print "\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "XML-WEB") { if ($section_level eq 0) { print "\t
\n"; print "\t\t" . $title . "\n"; } elsif ($section_level eq 1) { print "\t\t\n"; print "\t\t\t" . $title . "\n"; } else { #print "\t\t\t" . $title . "\n"; #print "\t\t\t\t" . $title . "\n"; } } # Implicit start of person list on section level 2 if ($section_level >= 2) { begin_persons($title); } @section_count[$section_level]++; $section_level++; @section_count[$section_level] = 0; } sub end_section { $section_level--; # Implicit end of person list on section level 2 if ($section_level >= 2) { end_persons(); } if ($mode eq "TEXT") { # nothing } elsif ($mode eq "TEX") { print '\end{list}' . "\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "RTF") { # nothing } elsif ($mode eq "CPP") { print '"",' . "\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "XML-DOC") { print " \n\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "XML-WEB") { if ($section_level eq 0) { print "\t
\n"; } elsif ($section_level eq 1) { print "\t\t\n"; } else { #print "\t\t\t\n"; } } } sub begin_persons { my $title = shift; if ($mode eq "XML-WEB") { print "\t\t\t\n"; print "\t\t\t\t" . $title . "\n"; #print "\t\t\t\t\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "TEX") { print '\item \begin{tabular}[h]{p{0.3\linewidth}p{0.6\linewidth}}' . "\n"; } } sub end_persons { if ($mode eq "TEXT") { print "\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "TEX") { print ' \end{tabular}' . "\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "RTF") { # nothing } elsif ($mode eq "XML-WEB") { #print "\t\t\t\t\n"; print "\t\t\t\n"; } } sub add_person { my $name = shift; my $nick = shift; my $desc = shift; my $tab; if ($mode eq "TEXT") { my $min_name_width = length $desc > 0 ? $max_name_width : 0; $name = $nick if $name eq ""; $name = html_entities_to_ascii($name); $desc = html_entities_to_ascii($desc); $tab = " " x ($section_level * 2 + 1); printf $tab."%-".$min_name_width.".".$max_name_width."s", $name; # Print desc wrapped if (length $desc > 0) { my $inner_indent = ($section_level * 2 + 1) + $max_name_width + 3; my $multitab = " " x $inner_indent; print " - " . substr(wrap($multitab, $multitab, $desc), $inner_indent); } print "\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "TEX") { $name = $nick if $name eq ""; $name = html_entities_to_tex($name); $desc = html_entities_to_tex($desc); print " $name & \\textit{$desc}\\\\\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "RTF") { $name = $nick if $name eq ""; $name = html_entities_to_rtf($name); # Center text print '\pard\qc' . "\n"; # Activate 1.5 line spacing mode print '\sl360\slmult1'; # The name print $name . "\\\n"; # Description using italics if (length $desc > 0) { $desc = html_entities_to_rtf($desc); print '\pard\qc' . "\n"; print "\\cf3\\i " . $desc . "\\i0\\cf0\\\n"; } } elsif ($mode eq "CPP") { $name = $nick if $name eq ""; $name = html_entities_to_cpp($name); print '"C0""'.$name.'",' . "\n"; # Print desc wrapped if (length $desc > 0) { $desc = html_entities_to_cpp($desc); print '"C2""'.$desc.'",' . "\n"; } } elsif ($mode eq "XML-DOC") { $name = $nick if $name eq ""; print " " . $name . ""; print "" . $desc . "\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "XML-WEB") { $name = "???" if $name eq ""; print "\t\t\t\t\n"; print "\t\t\t\t\t" . $name . "\n"; print "\t\t\t\t\t" . $nick . "\n"; print "\t\t\t\t\t" . $desc . "\n"; print "\t\t\t\t\n"; } } sub add_paragraph { my $text = shift; my $tab; if ($mode eq "TEXT") { $tab = " " x ($section_level * 2 + 1); print wrap($tab, $tab, html_entities_to_ascii($text))."\n"; print "\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "TEX") { $text = html_entities_to_tex($text); print '\item' . "\n"; print $text; print "\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "RTF") { $text = html_entities_to_rtf($text); # Center text print '\pard\qc' . "\n"; print "\\\n"; print $text . "\\\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "CPP") { $text = html_entities_to_ascii($text); my $line_start = '"C0""'; my $line_end = '",'; print $line_start . $text . $line_end . "\n"; print $line_start . $line_end . "\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "XML-DOC") { print " " . $text . "\n"; print " \n\n"; } elsif ($mode eq "XML-WEB") { print "\t\t" . $text . "\n"; } } # # Now follows the actual credits data! The format should be clear, I hope. # Note that people are sorted by their last name in most cases; in the # 'Team' section, they are first grouped by category (Engine; porter; misc). # begin_credits("Credits"); begin_section("ScummVM Team"); begin_section("Project Leaders"); begin_persons(); add_person("Max Horn", "Fingolfin", ""); add_person("Eugene Sandulenko", "sev", ""); end_persons(); end_section(); begin_section("Retired Project Leaders"); begin_persons(); add_person("James Brown", "ender", ""); add_person("Vincent Hamm", "yaz0r", "ScummVM co-founder, Original Cruise/CinE author"); add_person("Ludvig Strigeus", "ludde", "Original ScummVM and SimonVM author"); end_persons(); end_section(); begin_section("Engine Teams"); begin_section("SCUMM"); add_person("Torbjörn Andersson", "eriktorbjorn", ""); add_person("James Brown", "ender", "(retired)"); add_person("Jonathan Gray", "khalek", "(retired)"); add_person("Vincent Hamm", "yaz0r", "(retired)"); add_person("Max Horn", "Fingolfin", ""); add_person("Travis Howell", "Kirben", ""); add_person("Paweł Kołodziejski", "aquadran", "Codecs, iMUSE, Smush, etc."); add_person("Gregory Montoir", "cyx", ""); add_person("Eugene Sandulenko", "sev", "FT INSANE, MM NES, MM C64, game detection, Herc/CGA"); add_person("Ludvig Strigeus", "ludde", "(retired)"); end_section(); begin_section("HE"); add_person("Jonathan Gray", "khalek", "(retired)"); add_person("Travis Howell", "Kirben", ""); add_person("Gregory Montoir", "cyx", ""); add_person("Eugene Sandulenko", "sev", ""); end_section(); begin_section("AGI"); add_person("Stuart George", "darkfiber", ""); add_person("Matthew Hoops", "clone2727", ""); add_person("Filippos Karapetis", "[md5]", ""); add_person("Paweł Kołodziejski", "aquadran", ""); add_person("Walter van Niftrik", "waltervn", ""); add_person("Kari Salminen", "Buddha^", ""); add_person("Eugene Sandulenko", "sev", ""); add_person("David Symonds", "dsymonds", "(retired)"); end_section(); begin_section("AGOS"); add_person("Torbjörn Andersson", "eriktorbjorn", ""); add_person("Paul Gilbert", "dreammaster", ""); add_person("Travis Howell", "Kirben", ""); add_person("Oliver Kiehl", "olki", "(retired)"); add_person("Ludvig Strigeus", "ludde", "(retired)"); end_section(); begin_section("BASS"); # Beneath a Steel Sky add_person("Robert Göffringmann", "lavosspawn", "(retired)"); add_person("Oliver Kiehl", "olki", "(retired)"); add_person("Joost Peters", "joostp", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Broken Sword"); add_person("Fabio Battaglia", "Hkz", "PSX version support"); add_person("Thierry Crozat", "criezy", "Mac version support"); add_person("Robert Göffringmann", "lavosspawn", "(retired)"); end_section(); begin_section("Broken Sword II"); add_person("Torbjörn Andersson", "eriktorbjorn", ""); add_person("Fabio Battaglia", "Hkz", "PSX version support"); add_person("Jonathan Gray", "khalek", "(retired)"); end_section(); begin_section("Cinematique evo 1"); add_person("Vincent Hamm", "yaz0r", "(retired)"); add_person("Paweł Kołodziejski", "aquadran", ""); add_person("Gregory Montoir", "cyx", ""); add_person("Kari Salminen", "Buddha^", ""); add_person("Eugene Sandulenko", "sev", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Cinematique evo 2"); add_person("Paul Gilbert", "dreammaster", ""); add_person("Vincent Hamm", "yaz0r", "(retired)"); end_section(); begin_section("Draci"); add_person("Denis Kasak", "dkasak13", ""); add_person("Robert Špalek", "spalek", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Drascula"); add_person("Filippos Karapetis", "[md5]", ""); add_person("Paweł Kołodziejski", "aquadran", ""); end_section(); begin_section("FOTAQ"); # Flight of the Amazon Queen add_person("David Eriksson", "twogood", "(retired)"); add_person("Gregory Montoir", "cyx", ""); add_person("Joost Peters", "joostp", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Gob"); add_person("Torbjörn Andersson", "eriktorbjorn", ""); add_person("Arnaud Boutonné", "Strangerke", ""); add_person("Sven Hesse", "DrMcCoy", ""); add_person("Eugene Sandulenko", "sev", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Groovie"); add_person("Henry Bush", "spookypeanut", ""); add_person("Scott Thomas", "ST", ""); add_person("Jordi Vilalta Prat", "jvprat", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Hugo"); add_person("Arnaud Boutonné", "Strangerke", ""); add_person("Oystein Eftevaag", "vinterstum", ""); add_person("Eugene Sandulenko", "sev", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Kyra"); add_person("Torbjörn Andersson", "eriktorbjorn", "VQA Player"); add_person("Oystein Eftevaag", "vinterstum", ""); add_person("Florian Kagerer", "athrxx", ""); add_person("Gregory Montoir", "cyx", ""); add_person("Johannes Schickel", "LordHoto", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Last Express"); add_person("Matthew Hoops", "clone2727", ""); add_person("Jordi Vilalta Prat", "jvprat", ""); add_person("Julien Templier", "littleboy", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Lure"); add_person("Paul Gilbert", "dreammaster", ""); end_section(); begin_section("M4"); add_person("Torbjörn Andersson", "eriktorbjorn", ""); add_person("Paul Gilbert", "dreammaster", ""); add_person("Benjamin Haisch", "john_doe", ""); add_person("Filippos Karapetis", "[md5]", ""); end_section(); begin_section("MADE"); add_person("Benjamin Haisch", "john_doe", ""); add_person("Filippos Karapetis", "[md5]", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Mohawk"); add_person("Matthew Hoops", "clone2727", ""); add_person("Filippos Karapetis", "[md5]", ""); add_person("Eugene Sandulenko", "sev", ""); add_person("David Turner", "digitall", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Parallaction"); add_person("", "peres", ""); end_section(); begin_section("SAGA"); add_person("Torbjörn Andersson", "eriktorbjorn", ""); add_person("Filippos Karapetis", "[md5]", ""); add_person("Andrew Kurushin", "ajax16384", ""); add_person("Eugene Sandulenko", "sev", ""); end_section(); begin_section("SCI"); add_person("Greg Frieger", "_FRG_", ""); add_person("Paul Gilbert", "dreammaster", ""); add_person("Max Horn", "Fingolfin", ""); add_person("Filippos Karapetis", "[md5]", ""); add_person("Martin Kiewitz", "m_kiewitz", ""); add_person("Walter van Niftrik", "waltervn", ""); add_person("Willem Jan Palenstijn", "wjp", ""); add_person("Jordi Vilalta Prat", "jvprat", ""); add_person("Lars Skovlund", "lskovlun", ""); end_section(); begin_section("TeenAgent"); add_person("Robert Megone", "sanguine", "Help with callback rewriting"); add_person("Vladimir Menshakov", "whoozle", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Tinsel"); add_person("Torbjörn Andersson", "eriktorbjorn", ""); add_person("Fabio Battaglia", "Hkz", "PSX version support"); add_person("Paul Gilbert", "dreammaster", ""); add_person("Sven Hesse", "DrMcCoy", ""); add_person("Max Horn", "Fingolfin", ""); add_person("Filippos Karapetis", "[md5]", ""); add_person("Joost Peters", "joostp", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Toon"); add_person("Sylvain Dupont", "SylvainTV", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Touché"); add_person("Gregory Montoir", "cyx", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Tucker"); add_person("Gregory Montoir", "cyx", ""); end_section(); end_section(); begin_section("Backend Teams"); begin_section("Android"); add_person("Angus Lees", "Gus", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Dreamcast"); add_person("Marcus Comstedt", "", ""); end_section(); begin_section("GPH Devices (GP2X, GP2XWiz & Caanoo)"); add_person("John Willis", "DJWillis", ""); end_section(); begin_section("iPhone"); add_person("Oystein Eftevaag", "vinterstum", ""); end_section(); begin_section("LinuxMoto"); add_person("Lubomyr Lisen", "", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Maemo"); add_person("Frantisek Dufka", "fanoush", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Nintendo 64"); add_person("Fabio Battaglia", "Hkz", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Nintendo DS"); add_person("Neil Millstone", "agent-q", ""); end_section(); begin_section("OpenPandora"); add_person("John Willis", "DJWillis", ""); end_section(); begin_section("PocketPC / WinCE"); add_person("Nicolas Bacca", "arisme", "(retired)"); add_person("Kostas Nakos", "Jubanka", ""); end_section(); begin_section("PlayStation 2"); add_person("Robert Göffringmann", "lavosspawn", "(retired)"); add_person("Max Lingua", "sunmax", ""); end_section(); begin_section("PSP (PlayStation Portable)"); add_person("Joost Peters", "joostp", ""); add_person("Yotam Barnoy", "bluddy", ""); end_section(); begin_section("SDL (Win/Linux/OS X/etc.)"); add_person("Max Horn", "Fingolfin", ""); add_person("Eugene Sandulenko", "sev", "Asm routines, GFX layers"); end_section(); begin_section("SymbianOS"); add_person("Jurgen Braam", "SumthinWicked", ""); add_person("Lars Persson", "AnotherGuest", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Wii"); add_person("Andre Heider", "dhewg", ""); end_section(); end_section(); begin_section("Other subsystems"); begin_section("Infrastructure"); add_person("Max Horn", "Fingolfin", "Backend & Engine APIs, file API, sound mixer, audiostreams, data structures, etc."); add_person("Eugene Sandulenko", "sev", ""); end_section(); begin_section("GUI"); add_person("Vicent Marti", "tanoku", ""); add_person("Eugene Sandulenko", "sev", ""); add_person("Johannes Schickel", "LordHoto", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Miscellaneous"); add_person("David Corrales-Lopez", "david_corrales", "Filesystem access improvements (GSoC 2007 task) (retired)"); add_person("Jerome Fisher", "KingGuppy", "MT-32 emulator (retired)"); add_person("Benjamin Haisch", "john_doe", "Heavily improved de-/encoder for DXA videos"); add_person("Jochen Hoenicke", "hoenicke", "Speaker & PCjr sound support, AdLib work (retired)"); add_person("Chris Page", "cp88", "Return to launcher, savestate improvements, leak fixes, ... (GSoC 2008 task) (retired)"); add_person("Robin Watts", "robinwatts", "ARM assembly routines for nice speedups on several ports; improvements to the sound mixer"); end_section(); end_section(); begin_section("Website (code)"); begin_persons(); add_person("Fredrik Wendel", "", "(retired)"); end_persons(); end_section(); begin_section("Website (content)"); add_paragraph("All active team members"); end_section(); begin_section("Documentation"); begin_persons(); add_person("Thierry Crozat", "criezy", "Numerous contributions to documentation"); add_person("Joachim Eberhard", "joachimeberhard", "Numerous contributions to documentation"); add_person("Matthew Hoops", "clone2727", "Wiki editor"); end_persons(); end_section(); begin_section("Retired Team Members"); begin_persons(); add_person("Chris Apers", "chrilith ", "Former PalmOS porter"); add_person("Ralph Brorsen", "painelf", "Help with GUI implementation"); add_person("Jamieson Christian", "jamieson630", "iMUSE, MIDI, all things musical"); add_person("Felix Jakschitsch", "yot", "Zak256 reverse engineering"); add_person("Mutwin Kraus", "mutle", "Original MacOS porter"); add_person("Peter Moraliyski", "ph0x", "Port: GP32"); add_person("Jeremy Newman", "laxdragon", "Former webmaster"); add_person("Lionel Ulmer", "bbrox", "Port: X11"); add_person("Won Star", "wonst719", "Former GP32 porter"); end_persons(); end_section(); end_section(); begin_section("Other contributions"); begin_section("Packages"); begin_section("AmigaOS 4"); add_person("Hans-Jörg Frieden", "", "(retired)"); add_person("Hubert Maier", "Raziel_AOne", ""); add_person("Juha Niemimäki", "", "(retired)"); end_section(); begin_section("Atari/FreeMiNT"); add_person("Keith Scroggins", "KeithS", ""); end_section(); begin_section("BeOS"); add_person("Stefan Parviainen", "", ""); add_person("Luc Schrijvers", "Begasus", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Debian GNU/Linux"); add_person("Tore Anderson", "tore", "(retired)"); add_person("David Weinehall", "tao", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Fedora / RedHat"); add_person("Willem Jan Palenstijn", "wjp", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Mac OS X"); add_person("Max Horn", "Fingolfin", ""); add_person("Oystein Eftevaag", "vinterstum", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Mandriva"); add_person("Dominik Scherer", "", "(retired)"); end_section(); begin_section("MorphOS"); add_person("Fabien Coeurjoly", "fab1", ""); add_person("Rüdiger Hanke", "", "(retired)"); end_section(); begin_section("OS/2"); add_person("Paul Smedley", "Creeping", ""); end_section(); begin_section("SlackWare"); add_person("Robert Kelsen", "", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Solaris x86"); add_person("Laurent Blume", "laurent", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Solaris SPARC"); add_person("Markus Strangl", "WooShell", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Win32"); add_person("Travis Howell", "Kirben", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Win64"); add_person("Chris Gray", "Psychoid", "(retired)"); add_person("Johannes Schickel", "LordHoto", ""); end_section(); end_section(); begin_section("Translations"); begin_persons(); add_person("Thierry Crozat", "criezy", "Translation Lead"); end_persons(); begin_section("Catalan"); add_person("Jordi Vilalta Prat", "jvprat", ""); end_section(); begin_section("French"); add_person("Thierry Crozat", "criezy", ""); end_section(); begin_section("German"); add_person("Simon Sawatzki", "SimSaw", ""); add_person("Lothar Serra Mari", "Lothar93", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Hungarian"); add_person("Alex Bevilacqua", "", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Italian"); add_person("Matteo Angelino", "Maff", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Russian"); add_person("Eugene Sandulenko", "sev", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Spanish"); add_person("Tomás Maidagan", "Truido", ""); end_section(); begin_section("Ukrainian"); add_person("Lubomyr Lisen", "", ""); end_section(); end_section(); begin_section("Websites (design)"); begin_persons(); add_person("Dobó Balázs", "draven", "Website design"); add_person("Yaroslav Fedevych", "jafd", "HTML/CSS for the website"); add_person("David Jensen", "Tyst", "SVG logo conversion"); add_person("Jean Marc Gimenez", "", "ScummVM logo"); add_person("", "Raina", "ScummVM forum buttons"); end_persons(); end_section(); begin_section("Code contributions"); begin_persons(); add_person("Ori Avtalion", "salty-horse", "Subtitle control options in the GUI; BASS GUI fixes"); add_person("Stuart Caie", "", "Decoders for Amiga and AtariST data files (AGOS engine)"); add_person("Paolo Costabel", "", "PSP port contributions"); add_person("Martin Doucha", "next_ghost", "CinE engine objectification"); add_person("Thomas Fach-Pedersen", "madmoose", "ProTracker module player"); add_person("Tobias Gunkel", "hennymcc", "Sound support for C64 version of MM/Zak, Loom PCE support"); add_person("Janne Huttunen", "", "V3 actor mask support, Dig/FT SMUSH audio"); add_person("Kovács Endre János", "", "Several fixes for Simon1"); add_person("Jeroen Janssen", "japj", "Numerous readability and bugfix patches"); add_person("Andreas Karlsson", "Sprawl", "Initial port for SymbianOS"); add_person("Claudio Matsuoka", "", "Daily Linux builds"); add_person("Thomas Mayer", "", "PSP port contributions"); add_person("Sean Murray", "lightcast", "ScummVM tools GUI application (GSoC 2007 task)"); add_person("", "n0p", "Windows CE port aspect ratio correction scaler and right click input method"); add_person("Mikesch Nepomuk", "mnepomuk", "MI1 VGA floppy patches"); add_person("Nicolas Noble", "pixels", "Config file and ALSA support"); add_person("Tim Phillips", "realmz", "Initial MI1 CD music support"); add_person("", "Quietust", "Sound support for Amiga SCUMM V2/V3 games, MM NES support"); add_person("", "segra", "Improved support for Apple II/C64 versions of MM"); add_person("Andreas Röver", "", "Broken Sword I & II MPEG2 cutscene support"); add_person("Edward Rudd", "urkle", "Fixes for playing MP3 versions of MI1/Loom audio"); add_person("Daniel Schepler", "dschepler", "Final MI1 CD music support, initial Ogg Vorbis support"); add_person("André Souza", "luke_br", "SDL-based OpenGL renderer"); end_persons(); end_section(); begin_section("FreeSCI Contributors"); begin_persons(); add_person("Anders Baden Nielsen", "", "PPC testing"); add_person("Bas Zoetekouw", "", "Man pages, debian package management, CVS maintenance"); add_person("Carl Muckenhoupt", "", "Sources to the SCI resource viewer tools that started it all"); add_person("Chris Kehler", "", "Makefile enhancements"); add_person("Christoph Reichenbach", "", "UN*X code, VM/Graphics/Sound/other infrastructure"); add_person("Christopher T. Lansdown", "", "Original CVS maintainer, Alpha compatibility fixes"); add_person("Claudio Matsuoka", "", "CVS snapshots, daily builds, BeOS and cygwin ports"); add_person("Dark Minister", "", "SCI research (bytecode and parser)"); add_person("Dmitry Jemerov", "", "Port to the Win32 platform, numerous bugfixes"); add_person("Emmanuel Jeandel", "", "Bugfixes and bug reports"); add_person("Francois-R Boyer", "", "MT-32 information and mapping code"); add_person("George Reid", "", "FreeBSD package management"); add_person("Hubert Maier", "", "AmigaOS 4 port"); add_person("Hugues Valois", "", "Game selection menu"); add_person("Johannes Manhave", "", "Document format translation"); add_person("Jordi Vilalta", "", "Numerous code and website clean-up patches"); add_person("Lars Skovlund", "", "Project maintenance, most documentation, bugfixes, SCI1 support"); add_person("Magnus Reftel", "", "Heap implementation, Python class viewer, bugfixes"); add_person("Matt Hargett", "", "Clean-ups, bugfixes, Hardcore QA, Win32"); add_person("Max Horn", "", "SetJump implementation"); add_person("Paul David Doherty", "", "Game version information"); add_person("Petr Vyhnak", "", "The DCL-INFLATE algorithm, many Win32 improvements"); add_person("Rainer Canavan", "", "IRIX MIDI driver and bug fixes"); add_person("Rainer De Temple", "", "SCI research"); add_person("Ravi I.", "", "SCI0 sound resource specification"); add_person("Ruediger Hanke", "", "Port to the MorphOS platform"); add_person("Rune Orsval", "", "Configuration file editor"); add_person("Rickard Lind", "", "MT-32->GM MIDI mapping magic, sound research"); add_person("Rink Springer", "", "Port to the DOS platform, several bug fixes"); add_person("Robey Pointer", "", "Bug tracking system hosting"); add_person("Sergey Lapin", "", "Port of Carl's type 2 decompression code"); add_person("Solomon Peachy", "", "SDL ports and much of the sound subsystem"); add_person("Vyacheslav Dikonov", "", "Config script improvements"); add_person("Walter van Niftrik", "", "Ports to the Dreamcast and GP32 platforms"); add_person("Xiaojun Chen", "", ""); add_person("Sean Terrell", "", ""); end_persons(); add_paragraph("Special thanks to Prof. Dr. Gary Nutt ". "for allowing the FreeSCI VM extension as a ". "course project in his Advanced OS course."); add_paragraph("Special thanks to Bob Heitman and Corey Cole for their support of FreeSCI."); end_section(); add_paragraph("And to all the contributors, users, and beta testers we've missed. Thanks!"); end_section(); # HACK! $max_name_width = 16; begin_section("Special thanks to"); begin_persons(); add_person("Sander Buskens", "", "For his work on the initial reversing of Monkey2"); add_person("", "Canadacow", "For the original MT-32 emulator"); add_person("Kevin Carnes", "", "For Scumm16, the basis of ScummVM's older gfx codecs"); add_person("Curt Coder", "", "For the original TrollVM (preAGI) code"); add_person("Patrick Combet", "Dorian Gray", "For the original Gobliiins ADL player"); add_person("Ivan Dubrov", "", "For contributing the initial version of the Gobliiins engine"); add_person("Henrik Engqvist", "qvist", "For generously providing hosting for our buildbot, SVN repository, planet and doxygen sites as well as tons of HD space"); add_person("DOSBox Team", "", "For their awesome OPL2 and OPL3 emulator"); add_person("Till Kresslein", "Krest", "For design of modern ScummVM GUI"); add_person("", "Jezar", "For his freeverb filter implementation"); add_person("Jim Leiterman", "", "Various info on his FM-TOWNS/Marty SCUMM ports"); add_person("", "lloyd", "For deep tech details about C64 Zak & MM"); add_person("Sarien Team", "", "Original AGI engine code"); add_person("Jimmi Thøgersen", "", "For ScummRev, and much obscure code/documentation"); add_person("", "Tristan", "For additional work on the original MT-32 emulator"); add_person("James Woodcock", "", "Soundtrack enhancements"); end_persons(); add_paragraph( "Tony Warriner and everyone at Revolution Software Ltd. for sharing ". "with us the source of some of their brilliant games, allowing us to ". "release Beneath a Steel Sky as freeware... and generally being ". "supportive above and beyond the call of duty."); add_paragraph( "John Passfield and Steve Stamatiadis for sharing the source of their ". "classic title, Flight of the Amazon Queen and also being incredibly ". "supportive."); add_paragraph( "Joe Pearce from The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. for sharing the source ". "of their famous title Inherit the Earth and always prompt replies to ". "our questions."); add_paragraph( "Aric Wilmunder, Ron Gilbert, David Fox, Vince Lee, and all those at ". "LucasFilm/LucasArts who made SCUMM the insane mess to reimplement ". "that it is today. Feel free to drop us a line and tell us what you ". "think, guys!"); add_paragraph( "Alan Bridgman, Simon Woodroffe and everyone at Adventure Soft for ". "sharing the source code of some of their games with us."); add_paragraph( "John Young, Colin Smythe and especially Terry Pratchett himself for ". "sharing the source code of Discworld I & II with us."); add_paragraph( "Emilio de Paz Aragón from Alcachofa Soft for sharing the source code ". "of Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back with us and his generosity with ". "freewaring the game."); add_paragraph( "David P. Gray from Gray Design Associate for sharing the source code ". "of the Hugo trilogy."); add_paragraph( "Broken Sword 2.5 team for providing sources of their engine and their great ". "support."); end_section(); end_credits();