/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
 * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
 * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
 * file distributed with this source distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

// Partially based on ffmpeg code.
// Copyright (c) 2001 Fabrice Bellard.
// First version by Francois Revol revol@free.fr
// Seek function by Gael Chardon gael.dev@4now.net

#include "video/qt_decoder.h"

#include "audio/audiostream.h"

#include "common/debug.h"
#include "common/memstream.h"
#include "common/system.h"
#include "common/textconsole.h"
#include "common/util.h"

// Video codecs
#include "image/codecs/codec.h"

namespace Video {

// QuickTimeDecoder

QuickTimeDecoder::QuickTimeDecoder() {
	_scaledSurface = 0;
	_width = _height = 0;

QuickTimeDecoder::~QuickTimeDecoder() {

bool QuickTimeDecoder::loadFile(const Common::String &filename) {
	if (!Common::QuickTimeParser::parseFile(filename))
		return false;

	return true;

bool QuickTimeDecoder::loadStream(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) {
	if (!Common::QuickTimeParser::parseStream(stream))
		return false;

	return true;

void QuickTimeDecoder::close() {

	if (_scaledSurface) {
		delete _scaledSurface;
		_scaledSurface = 0;

const Graphics::Surface *QuickTimeDecoder::decodeNextFrame() {
	const Graphics::Surface *frame = VideoDecoder::decodeNextFrame();

	// Update audio buffers too
	// (needs to be done after we find the next track)

	// We have to initialize the scaled surface
	if (frame && (_scaleFactorX != 1 || _scaleFactorY != 1)) {
		if (!_scaledSurface) {
			_scaledSurface = new Graphics::Surface();
			_scaledSurface->create(_width, _height, getPixelFormat());

		scaleSurface(frame, _scaledSurface, _scaleFactorX, _scaleFactorY);
		return _scaledSurface;

	return frame;

Common::QuickTimeParser::SampleDesc *QuickTimeDecoder::readSampleDesc(Common::QuickTimeParser::Track *track, uint32 format, uint32 descSize) {
	if (track->codecType == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) {
		debug(0, "Video Codec FourCC: \'%s\'", tag2str(format));

		VideoSampleDesc *entry = new VideoSampleDesc(track, format);

		_fd->readUint16BE(); // version
		_fd->readUint16BE(); // revision level
		_fd->readUint32BE(); // vendor
		_fd->readUint32BE(); // temporal quality
		_fd->readUint32BE(); // spacial quality

		uint16 width = _fd->readUint16BE(); // width
		uint16 height = _fd->readUint16BE(); // height

		// The width is most likely invalid for entries after the first one
		// so only set the overall width if it is not zero here.
		if (width)
			track->width = width;

		if (height)
			track->height = height;

		_fd->readUint32BE(); // horiz resolution
		_fd->readUint32BE(); // vert resolution
		_fd->readUint32BE(); // data size, always 0
		_fd->readUint16BE(); // frames per samples

		byte codecName[32];
		_fd->read(codecName, 32); // codec name, pascal string (FIXME: true for mp4?)
		if (codecName[0] <= 31) {
			memcpy(entry->_codecName, &codecName[1], codecName[0]);
			entry->_codecName[codecName[0]] = 0;

		entry->_bitsPerSample = _fd->readUint16BE(); // depth
		entry->_colorTableId = _fd->readUint16BE(); // colortable id

		// figure out the palette situation
		byte colorDepth = entry->_bitsPerSample & 0x1F;
		bool colorGreyscale = (entry->_bitsPerSample & 0x20) != 0;

		debug(0, "color depth: %d", colorDepth);

		// if the depth is 2, 4, or 8 bpp, file is palettized
		if (colorDepth == 2 || colorDepth == 4 || colorDepth == 8) {
			// Initialize the palette
			entry->_palette = new byte[256 * 3];
			memset(entry->_palette, 0, 256 * 3);

			if (colorGreyscale) {
				debug(0, "Greyscale palette");

				// compute the greyscale palette
				uint16 colorCount = 1 << colorDepth;
				int16 colorIndex = 255;
				byte colorDec = 256 / (colorCount - 1);
				for (byte j = 0; j < colorCount; j++) {
					entry->_palette[j * 3] = entry->_palette[j * 3 + 1] = entry->_palette[j * 3 + 2] = colorIndex;
					colorIndex -= colorDec;
					if (colorIndex < 0)
						colorIndex = 0;
			} else if (entry->_colorTableId & 0x08) {
				// if flag bit 3 is set, use the default palette
				//uint16 colorCount = 1 << colorDepth;

				warning("Predefined palette! %dbpp", colorDepth);
			} else {
				debug(0, "Palette from file");

				// load the palette from the file
				uint32 colorStart = _fd->readUint32BE();
				/* uint16 colorCount = */ _fd->readUint16BE();
				uint16 colorEnd = _fd->readUint16BE();
				for (uint32 j = colorStart; j <= colorEnd; j++) {
					// each R, G, or B component is 16 bits;
					// only use the top 8 bits; skip alpha bytes
					// up front
					entry->_palette[j * 3] = _fd->readByte();
					entry->_palette[j * 3 + 1] = _fd->readByte();
					entry->_palette[j * 3 + 2] = _fd->readByte();

		return entry;

	// Pass it on up
	return Audio::QuickTimeAudioDecoder::readSampleDesc(track, format, descSize);

void QuickTimeDecoder::init() {

	// Initialize all the audio tracks
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < _audioTracks.size(); i++)
		addTrack(new AudioTrackHandler(this, _audioTracks[i]));

	// Initialize all the video tracks
	const Common::Array<Common::QuickTimeParser::Track *> &tracks = Common::QuickTimeParser::_tracks;
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < tracks.size(); i++) {
		if (tracks[i]->codecType == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) {
			for (uint32 j = 0; j < tracks[i]->sampleDescs.size(); j++)
				((VideoSampleDesc *)tracks[i]->sampleDescs[j])->initCodec();

			addTrack(new VideoTrackHandler(this, tracks[i]));

	// Prepare the first video track
	VideoTrackHandler *nextVideoTrack = (VideoTrackHandler *)findNextVideoTrack();

	if (nextVideoTrack) {
		if (_scaleFactorX != 1 || _scaleFactorY != 1) {
			// We have to take the scale into consideration when setting width/height
			_width = (nextVideoTrack->getScaledWidth() / _scaleFactorX).toInt();
			_height = (nextVideoTrack->getScaledHeight() / _scaleFactorY).toInt();
		} else {
			_width = nextVideoTrack->getWidth();
			_height = nextVideoTrack->getHeight();

void QuickTimeDecoder::updateAudioBuffer() {
	// Updates the audio buffers for all audio tracks
	for (TrackListIterator it = getTrackListBegin(); it != getTrackListEnd(); it++)
		if ((*it)->getTrackType() == VideoDecoder::Track::kTrackTypeAudio)
			((AudioTrackHandler *)*it)->updateBuffer();

void QuickTimeDecoder::scaleSurface(const Graphics::Surface *src, Graphics::Surface *dst, const Common::Rational &scaleFactorX, const Common::Rational &scaleFactorY) {
	assert(src && dst);

	for (int32 j = 0; j < dst->h; j++)
		for (int32 k = 0; k < dst->w; k++)
			memcpy(dst->getBasePtr(k, j), src->getBasePtr((k * scaleFactorX).toInt() , (j * scaleFactorY).toInt()), src->format.bytesPerPixel);

QuickTimeDecoder::VideoSampleDesc::VideoSampleDesc(Common::QuickTimeParser::Track *parentTrack, uint32 codecTag) : Common::QuickTimeParser::SampleDesc(parentTrack, codecTag) {
	memset(_codecName, 0, 32);
	_colorTableId = 0;
	_palette = 0;
	_videoCodec = 0;
	_bitsPerSample = 0;

QuickTimeDecoder::VideoSampleDesc::~VideoSampleDesc() {
	delete[] _palette;
	delete _videoCodec;

void QuickTimeDecoder::VideoSampleDesc::initCodec() {
	_videoCodec = Image::createQuickTimeCodec(_codecTag, _parentTrack->width, _parentTrack->height, _bitsPerSample & 0x1f);

QuickTimeDecoder::AudioTrackHandler::AudioTrackHandler(QuickTimeDecoder *decoder, QuickTimeAudioTrack *audioTrack)
		: _decoder(decoder), _audioTrack(audioTrack) {

void QuickTimeDecoder::AudioTrackHandler::updateBuffer() {
	if (_decoder->endOfVideoTracks()) // If we have no video left (or no video), there's nothing to base our buffer against
	else // Otherwise, queue enough to get us to the next frame plus another half second spare
		_audioTrack->queueAudio(Audio::Timestamp(_decoder->getTimeToNextFrame() + 500, 1000));

Audio::SeekableAudioStream *QuickTimeDecoder::AudioTrackHandler::getSeekableAudioStream() const {
	return _audioTrack;

QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::VideoTrackHandler(QuickTimeDecoder *decoder, Common::QuickTimeParser::Track *parent) : _decoder(decoder), _parent(parent) {
	_curEdit = 0;

	_holdNextFrameStartTime = false;
	_curFrame = -1;
	_durationOverride = -1;
	_scaledSurface = 0;
	_curPalette = 0;
	_dirtyPalette = false;
	_reversed = false;

QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::~VideoTrackHandler() {
	if (_scaledSurface) {
		delete _scaledSurface;

bool QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::endOfTrack() const {
	// A track is over when we've finished going through all edits
	return _reversed ? (_curEdit == 0 && _curFrame < 0) : atLastEdit();

bool QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::seek(const Audio::Timestamp &requestedTime) {
	uint32 convertedFrames = requestedTime.convertToFramerate(_decoder->_timeScale).totalNumberOfFrames();
	for (_curEdit = 0; !atLastEdit(); _curEdit++)
		if (convertedFrames >= _parent->editList[_curEdit].timeOffset && convertedFrames < _parent->editList[_curEdit].timeOffset + _parent->editList[_curEdit].trackDuration)

	// If we did reach the end of the track, break out
	if (atLastEdit())
		return true;

	// If this track is in an empty edit, position us at the next non-empty
	// edit. There's nothing else to do after this.
	if (_parent->editList[_curEdit].mediaTime == -1) {
		while (!atLastEdit() && _parent->editList[_curEdit].mediaTime == -1)

		if (!atLastEdit())

		return true;


	// One extra check for the end of a track
	if (atLastEdit())
		return true;

	// Now we're in the edit and need to figure out what frame we need
	Audio::Timestamp time = requestedTime.convertToFramerate(_parent->timeScale);
	while (getRateAdjustedFrameTime() < (uint32)time.totalNumberOfFrames()) {
		if (_durationOverride >= 0) {
			_nextFrameStartTime += _durationOverride;
			_durationOverride = -1;
		} else {
			_nextFrameStartTime += getFrameDuration();

	// All that's left is to figure out what our starting time is going to be
	// Compare the starting point for the frame to where we need to be
	_holdNextFrameStartTime = getRateAdjustedFrameTime() != (uint32)time.totalNumberOfFrames();

	// If we went past the time, go back a frame. _curFrame before this point is at the frame
	// that should be displayed. This adjustment ensures it is on the frame before the one that
	// should be displayed.
	if (_holdNextFrameStartTime)

	if (_reversed) {
		// Call setReverse again to update
	} else {
		// Handle the keyframe here
		int32 destinationFrame = _curFrame + 1;

		assert(destinationFrame < (int32)_parent->frameCount);
		_curFrame = findKeyFrame(destinationFrame) - 1;
		while (_curFrame < destinationFrame - 1)

	return true;

Audio::Timestamp QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::getDuration() const {
	return Audio::Timestamp(0, _parent->duration, _decoder->_timeScale);

uint16 QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::getWidth() const {
	return getScaledWidth().toInt();

uint16 QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::getHeight() const {
	return getScaledHeight().toInt();

Graphics::PixelFormat QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::getPixelFormat() const {
	return ((VideoSampleDesc *)_parent->sampleDescs[0])->_videoCodec->getPixelFormat();

int QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::getFrameCount() const {
	return _parent->frameCount;

uint32 QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::getNextFrameStartTime() const {
	if (endOfTrack())
		return 0;

	// Convert to milliseconds so the tracks can be compared
	return getRateAdjustedFrameTime() * 1000 / _parent->timeScale;

const Graphics::Surface *QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::decodeNextFrame() {
	if (endOfTrack())
		return 0;

	if (_reversed) {
		// Subtract one to place us on the frame before the current displayed frame.

		// We have one "dummy" frame at the end to so the last frame is displayed
		// for the right amount of time.
		if (_curFrame < 0)
			return 0;

		// Decode from the last key frame to the frame before the one we need.
		// TODO: Probably would be wise to do some caching
		int targetFrame = _curFrame;
		_curFrame = findKeyFrame(targetFrame) - 1;
		while (_curFrame != targetFrame - 1)

	const Graphics::Surface *frame = bufferNextFrame();

	if (_reversed) {
		if (_holdNextFrameStartTime) {
			// Don't set the next frame start time here; we just did a seek
			_holdNextFrameStartTime = false;
		} else {
			// Just need to subtract the time
			_nextFrameStartTime -= getFrameDuration();
	} else {
		if (_holdNextFrameStartTime) {
			// Don't set the next frame start time here; we just did a seek
			_holdNextFrameStartTime = false;
		} else if (_durationOverride >= 0) {
			// Use our own duration from the edit list calculation
			_nextFrameStartTime += _durationOverride;
			_durationOverride = -1;
		} else {
			_nextFrameStartTime += getFrameDuration();

		// Update the edit list, if applicable
		// HACK: We're also accepting the time minus one because edit lists
		// aren't as accurate as one would hope.
		if (!atLastEdit() && getRateAdjustedFrameTime() >= getCurEditTimeOffset() + getCurEditTrackDuration() - 1) {

			if (!atLastEdit())

	if (frame && (_parent->scaleFactorX != 1 || _parent->scaleFactorY != 1)) {
		if (!_scaledSurface) {
			_scaledSurface = new Graphics::Surface();
			_scaledSurface->create(getScaledWidth().toInt(), getScaledHeight().toInt(), getPixelFormat());

		_decoder->scaleSurface(frame, _scaledSurface, _parent->scaleFactorX, _parent->scaleFactorY);
		return _scaledSurface;

	return frame;

bool QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::setReverse(bool reverse) {
	_reversed = reverse;

	if (_reversed) {
		if (_parent->editCount != 1) {
			// TODO: Myst's holo.mov needs this :(
			warning("Can only set reverse without edits");
			return false;

		if (atLastEdit()) {
			// If we're at the end of the video, go to the penultimate edit.
			// The current frame is set to one beyond the last frame here;
			// one "past" the currently displayed frame.
			_curEdit = _parent->editCount - 1;
			_curFrame = _parent->frameCount;
			_nextFrameStartTime = _parent->editList[_curEdit].trackDuration + _parent->editList[_curEdit].timeOffset;
		} else if (_holdNextFrameStartTime) {
			// We just seeked, so "pivot" around the frame that should be displayed
			_nextFrameStartTime -= getFrameDuration();
		} else {
			// We need to put _curFrame to be the one after the one that should be displayed.
			// Since we're on the frame that should be displaying right now, add one.
	} else {
		// Update the edit list, if applicable
		// HACK: We're also accepting the time minus one because edit lists
		// aren't as accurate as one would hope.
		if (!atLastEdit() && getRateAdjustedFrameTime() >= getCurEditTimeOffset() + getCurEditTrackDuration() - 1) {

			if (atLastEdit())
				return true;

		if (_holdNextFrameStartTime) {
			// We just seeked, so "pivot" around the frame that should be displayed
			_nextFrameStartTime += getFrameDuration();

		// We need to put _curFrame to be the one before the one that should be displayed.
		// Since we're on the frame that should be displaying right now, subtract one.
		// (As long as the current frame isn't -1, of course)
		if (_curFrame > 0) {
			// We then need to handle the keyframe situation
			int targetFrame = _curFrame - 1;
			_curFrame = findKeyFrame(targetFrame) - 1;
			while (_curFrame < targetFrame)
		} else if (_curFrame == 0) {
			// Make us start at the first frame (no keyframe needed)

	return true;

Common::Rational QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::getScaledWidth() const {
	return Common::Rational(_parent->width) / _parent->scaleFactorX;

Common::Rational QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::getScaledHeight() const {
	return Common::Rational(_parent->height) / _parent->scaleFactorY;

Common::SeekableReadStream *QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::getNextFramePacket(uint32 &descId) {
	// First, we have to track down which chunk holds the sample and which sample in the chunk contains the frame we are looking for.
	int32 totalSampleCount = 0;
	int32 sampleInChunk = 0;
	int32 actualChunk = -1;
	uint32 sampleToChunkIndex = 0;

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < _parent->chunkCount; i++) {
		if (sampleToChunkIndex < _parent->sampleToChunkCount && i >= _parent->sampleToChunk[sampleToChunkIndex].first)

		totalSampleCount += _parent->sampleToChunk[sampleToChunkIndex - 1].count;

		if (totalSampleCount > _curFrame) {
			actualChunk = i;
			descId = _parent->sampleToChunk[sampleToChunkIndex - 1].id;
			sampleInChunk = _parent->sampleToChunk[sampleToChunkIndex - 1].count - totalSampleCount + _curFrame;

	if (actualChunk < 0) {
		warning("Could not find data for frame %d", _curFrame);
		return 0;

	// Next seek to that frame
	Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = _decoder->_fd;

	// Then, if the chunk holds more than one frame, seek to where the frame we want is located
	for (int32 i = _curFrame - sampleInChunk; i < _curFrame; i++) {
		if (_parent->sampleSize != 0)

	// Finally, read in the raw data for the frame
	//debug("Frame Data[%d]: Offset = %d, Size = %d", _curFrame, stream->pos(), _parent->sampleSizes[_curFrame]);

	if (_parent->sampleSize != 0)
		return stream->readStream(_parent->sampleSize);

	return stream->readStream(_parent->sampleSizes[_curFrame]);

uint32 QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::getFrameDuration() {
	uint32 curFrameIndex = 0;
	for (int32 i = 0; i < _parent->timeToSampleCount; i++) {
		curFrameIndex += _parent->timeToSample[i].count;
		if ((uint32)_curFrame < curFrameIndex) {
			// Ok, now we have what duration this frame has.
			return _parent->timeToSample[i].duration;

	// This should never occur
	error("Cannot find duration for frame %d", _curFrame);
	return 0;

uint32 QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::findKeyFrame(uint32 frame) const {
	for (int i = _parent->keyframeCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
		if (_parent->keyframes[i] <= frame)
			return _parent->keyframes[i];

	// If none found, we'll assume the requested frame is a key frame
	return frame;

void QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::enterNewEditList(bool bufferFrames) {
	// Bypass all empty edit lists first
	while (!atLastEdit() && _parent->editList[_curEdit].mediaTime == -1)

	if (atLastEdit())

	uint32 frameNum = 0;
	bool done = false;
	uint32 totalDuration = 0;
	uint32 prevDuration = 0;

	// Track down where the mediaTime is in the media
	// This is basically time -> frame mapping
	// Note that this code uses first frame = 0
	for (int32 i = 0; i < _parent->timeToSampleCount && !done; i++) {
		for (int32 j = 0; j < _parent->timeToSample[i].count; j++) {
			if (totalDuration == (uint32)_parent->editList[_curEdit].mediaTime) {
				done = true;
				prevDuration = totalDuration;
			} else if (totalDuration > (uint32)_parent->editList[_curEdit].mediaTime) {
				done = true;

			prevDuration = totalDuration;
			totalDuration += _parent->timeToSample[i].duration;

	if (bufferFrames) {
		// Track down the keyframe
		// Then decode until the frame before target
		_curFrame = findKeyFrame(frameNum) - 1;
		while (_curFrame < (int32)frameNum - 1)
	} else {
		// Since frameNum is the frame that needs to be displayed
		// we'll set _curFrame to be the "last frame displayed"
		_curFrame = frameNum - 1;

	_nextFrameStartTime = getCurEditTimeOffset();

	// Set an override for the duration since we came up in-between two frames
	if (prevDuration != totalDuration)
		_durationOverride = totalDuration - prevDuration;
		_durationOverride = -1;

const Graphics::Surface *QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::bufferNextFrame() {

	// Get the next packet
	uint32 descId;
	Common::SeekableReadStream *frameData = getNextFramePacket(descId);

	if (!frameData || !descId || descId > _parent->sampleDescs.size()) {
		delete frameData;
		return 0;

	// Find which video description entry we want
	VideoSampleDesc *entry = (VideoSampleDesc *)_parent->sampleDescs[descId - 1];

	if (!entry->_videoCodec) {
		delete frameData;
		return 0;

	const Graphics::Surface *frame = entry->_videoCodec->decodeFrame(*frameData);
	delete frameData;

	// Update the palette
	if (entry->_videoCodec->containsPalette()) {
		// The codec itself contains a palette
		if (entry->_videoCodec->hasDirtyPalette()) {
			_curPalette = entry->_videoCodec->getPalette();
			_dirtyPalette = true;
	} else {
		// Check if the video description has been updated
		byte *palette = entry->_palette;

		if (palette != _curPalette) {
			_curPalette = palette;
			_dirtyPalette = true;

	return frame;

uint32 QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::getRateAdjustedFrameTime() const {
	// Figure out what time the next frame is at taking the edit list rate into account
	uint32 convertedTime = (Common::Rational(_nextFrameStartTime - getCurEditTimeOffset()) / _parent->editList[_curEdit].mediaRate).toInt();
	return convertedTime + getCurEditTimeOffset();

uint32 QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::getCurEditTimeOffset() const {
	// Need to convert to the track scale

	// We have to round the time off to the nearest in the scale, otherwise
	// bad things happen. QuickTime docs are pretty silent on all this stuff,
	// so this was found from samples. It doesn't help that this is really
	// the only open source implementation of QuickTime edits.

	uint32 mult = _parent->editList[_curEdit].timeOffset * _parent->timeScale;
	uint32 result = mult / _decoder->_timeScale;

	if ((mult % _decoder->_timeScale) > (_decoder->_timeScale / 2))

	return result;

uint32 QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::getCurEditTrackDuration() const {
	// Need to convert to the track scale
	return _parent->editList[_curEdit].trackDuration * _parent->timeScale / _decoder->_timeScale;

bool QuickTimeDecoder::VideoTrackHandler::atLastEdit() const {
	return _curEdit == _parent->editCount;

} // End of namespace Video