path: root/old/
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Diffstat (limited to 'old/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 405 deletions
diff --git a/old/ b/old/
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index 895ea48..0000000
--- a/old/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
- Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator.
- (c) Copyright 1996 - 2002 Gary Henderson (,
- Jerremy Koot (
- (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Matthew Kendora
- (c) Copyright 2002 - 2005 Peter Bortas (
- (c) Copyright 2004 - 2005 Joel Yliluoma (
- (c) Copyright 2001 - 2006 John Weidman (
- (c) Copyright 2002 - 2006 funkyass (,
- Kris Bleakley (
- (c) Copyright 2002 - 2010 Brad Jorsch (,
- Nach (,
- zones (
- (c) Copyright 2006 - 2007 nitsuja
- (c) Copyright 2009 - 2010 BearOso,
- OV2
- BS-X C emulator code
- (c) Copyright 2005 - 2006 Dreamer Nom,
- zones
- C4 x86 assembler and some C emulation code
- (c) Copyright 2000 - 2003 _Demo_ (,
- Nach,
- zsKnight (
- C4 C++ code
- (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 Brad Jorsch,
- Nach
- DSP-1 emulator code
- (c) Copyright 1998 - 2006 _Demo_,
- Andreas Naive (,
- Gary Henderson,
- Ivar (,
- John Weidman,
- Kris Bleakley,
- Matthew Kendora,
- Nach,
- neviksti (
- DSP-2 emulator code
- (c) Copyright 2003 John Weidman,
- Kris Bleakley,
- Lord Nightmare (,
- Matthew Kendora,
- neviksti
- DSP-3 emulator code
- (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 John Weidman,
- Kris Bleakley,
- Lancer,
- z80 gaiden
- DSP-4 emulator code
- (c) Copyright 2004 - 2006 Dreamer Nom,
- John Weidman,
- Kris Bleakley,
- Nach,
- z80 gaiden
- OBC1 emulator code
- (c) Copyright 2001 - 2004 zsKnight,
- pagefault (,
- Kris Bleakley
- Ported from x86 assembler to C by sanmaiwashi
- SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code used in 1.39-1.51
- (c) Copyright 2002 Matthew Kendora with research by
- zsKnight,
- John Weidman,
- Dark Force
- SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code used in 1.52+
- (c) Copyright 2009 byuu,
- neviksti
- S-DD1 C emulator code
- (c) Copyright 2003 Brad Jorsch with research by
- Andreas Naive,
- John Weidman
- S-RTC C emulator code
- (c) Copyright 2001 - 2006 byuu,
- John Weidman
- ST010 C++ emulator code
- (c) Copyright 2003 Feather,
- John Weidman,
- Kris Bleakley,
- Matthew Kendora
- Super FX x86 assembler emulator code
- (c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 _Demo_,
- pagefault,
- zsKnight
- Super FX C emulator code
- (c) Copyright 1997 - 1999 Ivar,
- Gary Henderson,
- John Weidman
- Sound emulator code used in 1.5-1.51
- (c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 Brad Martin
- (c) Copyright 1998 - 2006 Charles Bilyue'
- Sound emulator code used in 1.52+
- (c) Copyright 2004 - 2007 Shay Green (
- SH assembler code partly based on x86 assembler code
- (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Marcus Comstedt (
- 2xSaI filter
- (c) Copyright 1999 - 2001 Derek Liauw Kie Fa
- HQ2x, HQ3x, HQ4x filters
- (c) Copyright 2003 Maxim Stepin (
- NTSC filter
- (c) Copyright 2006 - 2007 Shay Green
- GTK+ GUI code
- (c) Copyright 2004 - 2010 BearOso
- Win32 GUI code
- (c) Copyright 2003 - 2006 blip,
- funkyass,
- Matthew Kendora,
- Nach,
- nitsuja
- (c) Copyright 2009 - 2010 OV2
- Mac OS GUI code
- (c) Copyright 1998 - 2001 John Stiles
- (c) Copyright 2001 - 2010 zones
- Specific ports contains the works of other authors. See headers in
- individual files.
- Snes9x homepage:
- Permission to use, copy, modify and/or distribute Snes9x in both binary
- and source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without
- fee, providing that this license information and copyright notice appear
- with all copies and any derived work.
- This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
- warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages
- arising from the use of this software or it's derivatives.
- Snes9x is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should
- seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes,
- but is not limited to, charging money for Snes9x or software derived from
- Snes9x, including Snes9x or derivatives in commercial game bundles, and/or
- using Snes9x as a promotion for your commercial product.
- The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code
- should be forwarded to them so everyone can benefit from the modifications
- in future versions.
- Super NES and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of
- Nintendo Co., Limited and its subsidiary companies.
- ***********************************************************************************/
-#include "snes9x.h"
-#include "memmap.h"
-static uint8 region_map[6][6] =
- { 0, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0f, 0x1f },
- { 0, 0, 0x02, 0x06, 0x0e, 0x1e },
- { 0, 0, 0, 0x04, 0x0c, 0x1c },
- { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x08, 0x18 },
- { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x10 }
-static inline uint8 CalcWindowMask (int, uint8, uint8);
-static inline void StoreWindowRegions (uint8, ClipData *, int, int16 *, uint8 *, bool8, bool8 s = FALSE);
-static inline uint8 CalcWindowMask (int i, uint8 W1, uint8 W2)
- if (!PPU.ClipWindow1Enable[i])
- {
- if (!PPU.ClipWindow2Enable[i])
- return (0);
- else
- {
- if (!PPU.ClipWindow2Inside[i])
- return (~W2);
- return (W2);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!PPU.ClipWindow2Enable[i])
- {
- if (!PPU.ClipWindow1Inside[i])
- return (~W1);
- return (W1);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!PPU.ClipWindow1Inside[i])
- W1 = ~W1;
- if (!PPU.ClipWindow2Inside[i])
- W2 = ~W2;
- switch (PPU.ClipWindowOverlapLogic[i])
- {
- case 0: // OR
- return (W1 | W2);
- case 1: // AND
- return (W1 & W2);
- case 2: // XOR
- return (W1 ^ W2);
- case 3: // XNOR
- return (~(W1 ^ W2));
- }
- }
- }
- // Never get here
- return (0);
-static inline void StoreWindowRegions (uint8 Mask, ClipData *Clip, int n_regions, int16 *windows, uint8 *drawing_modes, bool8 sub, bool8 StoreMode0)
- int ct = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j < n_regions; j++)
- {
- int DrawMode = drawing_modes[j];
- if (sub)
- DrawMode |= 1;
- if (Mask & (1 << j))
- DrawMode = 0;
- if (!StoreMode0 && !DrawMode)
- continue;
- if (ct > 0 && Clip->Right[ct - 1] == windows[j] && Clip->DrawMode[ct - 1] == DrawMode)
- Clip->Right[ct - 1] = windows[j + 1]; // This region borders with and has the same drawing mode as the previous region: merge them.
- else
- {
- // Add a new region to the BG
- Clip->Left[ct] = windows[j];
- Clip->Right[ct] = windows[j + 1];
- Clip->DrawMode[ct] = DrawMode;
- ct++;
- }
- }
- Clip->Count = ct;
-void S9xComputeClipWindows (void)
- int16 windows[6] = { 0, 256, 256, 256, 256, 256 };
- uint8 drawing_modes[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
- int n_regions = 1;
- int i, j;
- // Calculate window regions. We have at most 5 regions, because we have 6 control points
- // (screen edges, window 1 left & right, and window 2 left & right).
- if (PPU.Window1Left <= PPU.Window1Right)
- {
- if (PPU.Window1Left > 0)
- {
- windows[2] = 256;
- windows[1] = PPU.Window1Left;
- n_regions = 2;
- }
- if (PPU.Window1Right < 255)
- {
- windows[n_regions + 1] = 256;
- windows[n_regions] = PPU.Window1Right + 1;
- n_regions++;
- }
- }
- if (PPU.Window2Left <= PPU.Window2Right)
- {
- for (i = 0; i <= n_regions; i++)
- {
- if (PPU.Window2Left == windows[i])
- break;
- if (PPU.Window2Left < windows[i])
- {
- for (j = n_regions; j >= i; j--)
- windows[j + 1] = windows[j];
- windows[i] = PPU.Window2Left;
- n_regions++;
- break;
- }
- }
- for (; i <= n_regions; i++)
- {
- if (PPU.Window2Right + 1 == windows[i])
- break;
- if (PPU.Window2Right + 1 < windows[i])
- {
- for (j = n_regions; j >= i; j--)
- windows[j + 1] = windows[j];
- windows[i] = PPU.Window2Right + 1;
- n_regions++;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Get a bitmap of which regions correspond to each window.
- uint8 W1, W2;
- if (PPU.Window1Left <= PPU.Window1Right)
- {
- for (i = 0; windows[i] != PPU.Window1Left; i++) ;
- for (j = i; windows[j] != PPU.Window1Right + 1; j++) ;
- W1 = region_map[i][j];
- }
- else
- W1 = 0;
- if (PPU.Window2Left <= PPU.Window2Right)
- {
- for (i = 0; windows[i] != PPU.Window2Left; i++) ;
- for (j = i; windows[j] != PPU.Window2Right + 1; j++) ;
- W2 = region_map[i][j];
- }
- else
- W2 = 0;
- // Color Window affects the drawing mode for each region.
- // Modes are: 3=Draw as normal, 2=clip color (math only), 1=no math (draw only), 0=nothing.
- uint8 CW_color = 0, CW_math = 0;
- uint8 CW = CalcWindowMask(5, W1, W2);
- switch (Memory.FillRAM[0x2130] & 0xc0)
- {
- case 0x00: CW_color = 0; break;
- case 0x40: CW_color = ~CW; break;
- case 0x80: CW_color = CW; break;
- case 0xc0: CW_color = 0xff; break;
- }
- switch (Memory.FillRAM[0x2130] & 0x30)
- {
- case 0x00: CW_math = 0; break;
- case 0x10: CW_math = ~CW; break;
- case 0x20: CW_math = CW; break;
- case 0x30: CW_math = 0xff; break;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++)
- {
- if (!(CW_color & (1 << i)))
- drawing_modes[i] |= 1;
- if (!(CW_math & (1 << i)))
- drawing_modes[i] |= 2;
- }
- // Store backdrop clip window (draw everywhere color window allows)
- StoreWindowRegions(0, &IPPU.Clip[0][5], n_regions, windows, drawing_modes, FALSE, TRUE);
- StoreWindowRegions(0, &IPPU.Clip[1][5], n_regions, windows, drawing_modes, TRUE, TRUE);
- // Store per-BG and OBJ clip windows
- for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
- {
- uint8 W = Settings.DisableGraphicWindows ? 0 : CalcWindowMask(j, W1, W2);
- for (int sub = 0; sub < 2; sub++)
- {
- if (Memory.FillRAM[sub + 0x212e] & (1 << j))
- StoreWindowRegions(W, &IPPU.Clip[sub][j], n_regions, windows, drawing_modes, sub);
- else
- StoreWindowRegions(0, &IPPU.Clip[sub][j], n_regions, windows, drawing_modes, sub);
- }
- }