#COPT = -static -g -I. -I C:/devkitGP2X/include -IC:/devkitGP2X/sysroot/usr/include -O3 -D__GP2X__ SDK_BASE = C:/cygwin/usr/local/arm-wince-pe/lib/KGSDK ZLIB_BASE = C:/cygwin/usr/local/arm-wince-pe/lib/zlib #COPT = -IC:/cygwin/usr/local/arm-wince-pe/include -I$(SDK_BASE)/include -static -g -I. -O3 -mtune=arm920t -ftracer -fstrength-reduce -Wno-unused -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -D__GP2X__ COPT = -IC:/cygwin/usr/local/arm-wince-pe/include -I$(SDK_BASE)/include -I$(ZLIB_BASE)/include -I . -mcpu=arm920 \ -mtune=arm920t -O2 -msoft-float -ffast-math -fstrict-aliasing -mstructure-size-boundary=8 \ -fexpensive-optimizations -fweb -frename-registers -fomit-frame-pointer -falign-functions -finline -finline-functions \ -fno-builtin -fno-common -D__GIZ__ GCC = arm-wince-pe-gcc STRIP = arm-wince-pe-strip ADSASM = armasm # # SNES stuff (c-based) # OBJS = 2xsaiwin.o apu.o c4.o c4emu.o cheats.o cheats2.o clip.o cpu.o cpuexec.o data.o OBJS += dma.o dsp1.o fxemu.o fxinst.o gfx.o globals.o loadzip.o memmap.o ppu.o OBJS += sdd1.o snapshot.o soundux.o spc700.o srtc.o tile.o # # ASM CPU Core, ripped from Yoyo's OpenSnes9X # OBJS += os9x_asm_cpu.o os9x_65c816.o spc700a.o #osnes9xgp_asmfunc.o #RenderASM/render8.o # # and some asm from LJP... # OBJS += m3d_func.o spc_decode.o # # # OBJS += giz_kgsdk.o menu.o input.o gp2x_menutile.o gp2x_highlightbar.o \ gp2x_menu_header.o unzip.o ioapi.o giz_kgsdkasm.o # # and the glue code that sticks it all together :) # OBJS += main.o # Inopia's menu system, hacked for the GP2X under rlyeh's sdk PRELIBS = -LC:/cygwin/usr/local/arm-wince-pe/lib -L$(ZLIB_BASE) -lzip -L$(SDK_BASE) -lKGSDK $(LIBS) all: squidgesnes.gpe clean: tidy squidgesnes.gpe .c.o: $(GCC) $(COPT) -c $< -o $@ .cpp.o: $(GCC) $(COPT) -c $< -o $@ # make seems to lowercase the extensions, so files with '.S' end up being passed to the compiler as '.s', which means thousands of errors. # this is a small workaround. myuname.o: myuname.S $(GCC) $(COPT) -c $< -o $@ os9x_65c816.o: os9x_65c816.s $(GCC) $(COPT) -c $< -o $@ osnes9xgp_asmfunc.o: osnes9xgp_asmfunc.S $(GCC) $(COPT) -c $< -o $@ m3d_func.o: m3d_func.S $(GCC) $(COPT) -c $< -o $@ spc_decode.o: spc_decode.s $(GCC) $(COPT) -c $< -o $@ spc700a.o: spc700a.s $(GCC) $(COPT) -c $< -o $@ giz_kgsdkasm.o: giz_kgsdkasm.s $(GCC) $(COPT) -c $< -o $@ RenderASM/render8.o: RenderASM/render8.S $(GCC) $(COPT) -c $< -o $@ squidgesnesd.gpe: $(OBJS) $(GCC) $(COPT) $(OBJS) -static $(PRELIBS) -o $@ -lstdc++ -lm squidgesnes.gpe: squidgesnesd.gpe $(STRIP) squidgesnesd.gpe -o squidgesnes.gpe cp squidgesnes.gpe autorun.exe tidy: del *.o