#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "menu.h" #include "wiz_sdk.h" #include #include "polluxregs.h" #include #include "asmmemfuncs.h" #include "pollux_set.h" #include "warm.h" #include #define SYS_CLK_FREQ 27 #define BUFFERS 4 static int fb_size=(320*240*2); //+(16*2); //unsigned long gp2x_ticks_per_second=7372800/1000; unsigned long wiz_dev[3]={0,0,0}; unsigned long wiz_physvram[BUFFERS]={0,0,0,0}; unsigned short *framebuffer16[BUFFERS]={0,0,0,0}; static unsigned short *framebuffer_mmap[BUFFERS]={0,0,0,0}; unsigned short gp2x_sound_buffer[4+((44100*2)*8)]; //*2=stereo, *4=max buffers volatile short *pOutput[8]; int InitFramebuffer=0; int Timer=0; volatile int SoundThreadFlag=0; volatile int CurrentSoundBank=0; int CurrentFrameBuffer=0; int CurrentFrag=0; // 1024x8 8x8 font, i love it :) const unsigned int font8x8[]= {0x0,0x0,0xc3663c18,0x3c2424e7,0xe724243c,0x183c66c3,0xc16f3818,0x18386fc1,0x83f61c18,0x181cf683,0xe7c3993c,0x3c99c3,0x3f7fffff,0xe7cf9f,0x3c99c3e7,0xe7c399,0x3160c080,0x40e1b,0xcbcbc37e,0x7ec3c3db,0x3c3c3c18,0x81c087e,0x8683818,0x60f0e08,0x81422418,0x18244281,0xbd5a2418,0x18245abd,0x818181ff,0xff8181,0xa1c181ff,0xff8995,0x63633e,0x3e6363,0x606060,0x606060,0x3e60603e,0x3e0303,0x3e60603e,0x3e6060,0x3e636363,0x606060,0x3e03033e,0x3e6060,0x3e03033e,0x3e6363,0x60603e,0x606060,0x3e63633e,0x3e6363,0x3e63633e,0x3e6060,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x18181818,0x180018,0x666666,0x0,0x367f3600,0x367f36,0x3c067c18,0x183e60,0x18366600,0x62660c,0xe1c361c,0x6e337b,0x181818,0x0,0x18183870,0x703818,0x18181c0e,0xe1c18,0xff3c6600,0x663c,0x7e181800,0x1818,0x0,0x60c0c00,0x7e000000,0x0,0x0,0x181800,0x18306040,0x2060c,0x6e76663c,0x3c6666,0x18181c18,0x7e1818,0x3060663c,0x7e0c18,0x3018307e,0x3c6660,0x363c3830,0x30307e,0x603e067e,0x3c6660,0x3e06063c,0x3c6666,0x1830607e,0xc0c0c,0x3c66663c,0x3c6666,0x7c66663c,0x1c3060,0x181800,0x1818,0x181800,0xc1818,0xc183060,0x603018,0x7e0000,0x7e00,0x30180c06,0x60c18,0x3060663c,0x180018,0x5676663c,0x7c0676,0x66663c18,0x66667e,0x3e66663e,0x3e6666,0x606663c,0x3c6606,0x6666361e,0x1e3666,0x3e06067e,0x7e0606,0x3e06067e,0x60606,0x7606067c,0x7c6666,0x7e666666,0x666666,0x1818183c,0x3c1818,0x60606060,0x3c6660,0xe1e3666,0x66361e,0x6060606,0x7e0606,0x6b7f7763,0x636363,0x7e7e6e66,0x666676,0x6666663c,0x3c6666,0x3e66663e,0x60606,0x6666663c,0x6c366e,0x3e66663e,0x666636,0x3c06663c,0x3c6660,0x1818187e,0x181818,0x66666666,0x7c6666,0x66666666,0x183c66,0x6b636363,0x63777f,0x183c6666,0x66663c,0x3c666666,0x181818,0x1830607e,0x7e060c,0x18181878,0x781818,0x180c0602,0x406030,0x1818181e,0x1e1818,0x63361c08,0x0,0x0,0x7f0000,0xc060300,0x0,0x603c0000,0x7c667c,0x663e0606,0x3e6666,0x63c0000,0x3c0606,0x667c6060,0x7c6666,0x663c0000,0x3c067e,0xc3e0c38,0xc0c0c,0x667c0000,0x3e607c66,0x663e0606,0x666666,0x181c0018,0x3c1818,0x18180018,0xe181818,0x36660606,0x66361e,0x1818181c,0x3c1818,0x7f370000,0x63636b,0x663e0000,0x666666,0x663c0000,0x3c6666,0x663e0000,0x63e6666,0x667c0000,0x607c6666,0x663e0000,0x60606,0x67c0000,0x3e603c,0x187e1800,0x701818,0x66660000,0x7c6666,0x66660000,0x183c66,0x63630000,0x363e6b,0x3c660000,0x663c18,0x66660000,0x3e607c66,0x307e0000,0x7e0c18,0xc181870,0x701818,0x18181818,0x18181818,0x3018180e,0xe1818,0x794f0600,0x30}; pthread_t gp2x_sound_thread=0, gp2x_sound_thread_exit=0; uint32_t bkregs32[15]; /* backing up values */ int layer_width[2]; volatile uint32_t *memregs32; volatile uint16_t *memregs16; volatile uint8_t *memregs8; extern unsigned short * pOutputScreen; /* Sets the dirty flag for the MLC */ static void lc_dirtymlc(void) { MLCCONTROLT |= BIT(3); } #define FBIO_MAGIC 'D' #define FBIO_LCD_CHANGE_CONTROL _IOW(FBIO_MAGIC, 90, unsigned int[2]) #define LCD_DIRECTION_ON_CMD 5 /* 320x240 */ #define LCD_DIRECTION_OFF_CMD 6 /* 240x320 */ void lc_screensize(int w, int h) { unsigned int send[2]; int fb_fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR); send[1] = 0; /* alter MLC to rotate the display */ if(w == 320 && h == 240) { send[0] = LCD_DIRECTION_ON_CMD; } else if(w == 240 && h == 320) { send[0] = LCD_DIRECTION_OFF_CMD; } /* send command to display controller */ ioctl(fb_fd, FBIO_LCD_CHANGE_CONTROL, &send); close(fb_fd); /* apply the MLC changes */ MLCSCREENSIZE = ((h-1)<<16) | (w-1); lc_dirtymlc(); } /* Sets the dirty flag for the layer */ static void lc_dirtylayer(int layer) { if(layer == 0) { MLCCONTROL0 |= BIT(4); } else { MLCCONTROL1 |= BIT(4); } } /* Sets layer position */ static void lc_layerpos(int layer, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { unsigned int temp_lr, temp_tb; temp_lr = (x1 << 16) | x2; temp_tb = (y1 << 16) | y2; if(layer == 0) { MLCLEFTRIGHT0 = temp_lr; MLCTOPBOTTOM0 = temp_tb; } else { MLCLEFTRIGHT1 = temp_lr; MLCTOPBOTTOM1 = temp_tb; } lc_dirtylayer(layer); layer_width[layer] = (x2-x1)+1; } /* Sets stride registers */ static void lc_setstride(int layer, int hs, int vs) { /* set how many bytes the MLC is supposed to read */ if(layer == 0) { MLCHSTRIDE0 = hs; MLCVSTRIDE0 = vs; } else { MLCHSTRIDE1 = hs; MLCVSTRIDE1 = vs; } lc_dirtylayer(layer); } /* Sets layer properties */ static void lc_setlayer(int layer, unsigned int onoff, unsigned int alpha, unsigned int invert, unsigned int trans, unsigned int mode) { /* set layer properties register */ unsigned int temp; temp = 0; if(onoff) temp |= BIT(5); if(alpha) temp |= BIT(2); if(invert) temp |= BIT(1); if(trans) temp |= BIT(0); temp |= BIT(12); temp |= BIT(14); temp |= BIT(15); temp |= (mode<<16); if(layer == 0) { MLCCONTROL0 = temp; } else { MLCCONTROL1= temp; } lc_dirtylayer(layer); int pixel_width = 0; /* set stride based on pixel width*/ switch(mode) { case RGB565: case BGR565: case XRGB1555: case XBGR1555: case XRGB4444: case XBGR4444: case XRGB8332: case XBGR8332: case ARGB1555: case ABGR1555: case ARGB4444: case ABGR4444: case ARGB8332: case ABGR8332: pixel_width = 2; break; case RGB888: case BGR888: pixel_width = 3; break; case ARGB8888: case ABGR8888: pixel_width = 4; break; case PTRGB565: pixel_width = 1; break; default: break; } lc_setstride(layer, pixel_width, pixel_width*layer_width[layer]); } /* Sets the background colour */ static void lc_setbgcol(unsigned int colour) { /* colour to be displayed where no layers cover */ MLCBGCOLOR = colour; lc_dirtymlc(); } /* ######################## Graphics functions ######################## */ static void debug(char *text, int pause) { gp_clearFramebuffer16(framebuffer16[currFB],0); gp_drawString(0,0,strlen(text),text,(unsigned short)MENU_RGB(31,31,31),framebuffer16[currFB]); MenuFlip(); if(pause) MenuPause(); } static int clipping_x1 = 0; static int clipping_x2 = 319; static int clipping_y1 = 0; static int clipping_y2 = 239; void gp_setClipping(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { if (x1 < 0) x1 = 0; if (x1 > 319) x1 = 319; if (x2 < 0) x2 = 0; if (x2 > 319) x2 = 319; if (y1 < 0) y1 = 0; if (y1 > 239) y1 = 239; if (y2 < 0) y2 = 0; if (y2 > 239) y2 = 239; if (x1 < x2) { clipping_x1 = x1; clipping_x2 = x2; } else { clipping_x2 = x1; clipping_x1 = x2; } if (y1 < y2) { clipping_y1 = y1; clipping_y2 = y2; } else { clipping_y2 = y1; clipping_y1 = y2; } } static __inline__ void gp_drawPixel16 ( int x, int y, unsigned short c, unsigned short *framebuffer ) { if ((x < clipping_x1) || (x > clipping_x2) || (y < clipping_y1) || (y > clipping_y2)) return; *(framebuffer +(320*y)+x ) = c; } static void set_char8x8_16bpp (int xx,int yy,int offset,unsigned short mode,unsigned short *framebuffer) { unsigned int y, pixel; offset *= 2; pixel = font8x8[0 + offset]; for (y = 0; y < 4; y++) { if (pixel&(1<<(0+(y<<3)))) gp_drawPixel16(xx+0, yy+y, mode, framebuffer); if (pixel&(1<<(1+(y<<3)))) gp_drawPixel16(xx+1, yy+y, mode, framebuffer); if (pixel&(1<<(2+(y<<3)))) gp_drawPixel16(xx+2, yy+y, mode, framebuffer); if (pixel&(1<<(3+(y<<3)))) gp_drawPixel16(xx+3, yy+y, mode, framebuffer); if (pixel&(1<<(4+(y<<3)))) gp_drawPixel16(xx+4, yy+y, mode, framebuffer); if (pixel&(1<<(5+(y<<3)))) gp_drawPixel16(xx+5, yy+y, mode, framebuffer); if (pixel&(1<<(6+(y<<3)))) gp_drawPixel16(xx+6, yy+y, mode, framebuffer); if (pixel&(1<<(7+(y<<3)))) gp_drawPixel16(xx+7, yy+y, mode, framebuffer); } pixel = font8x8[1 + offset]; for (y = 0; y < 4; y++) { if (pixel&(1<<(0+(y<<3)))) gp_drawPixel16(xx+0, yy+y+4, mode, framebuffer); if (pixel&(1<<(1+(y<<3)))) gp_drawPixel16(xx+1, yy+y+4, mode, framebuffer); if (pixel&(1<<(2+(y<<3)))) gp_drawPixel16(xx+2, yy+y+4, mode, framebuffer); if (pixel&(1<<(3+(y<<3)))) gp_drawPixel16(xx+3, yy+y+4, mode, framebuffer); if (pixel&(1<<(4+(y<<3)))) gp_drawPixel16(xx+4, yy+y+4, mode, framebuffer); if (pixel&(1<<(5+(y<<3)))) gp_drawPixel16(xx+5, yy+y+4, mode, framebuffer); if (pixel&(1<<(6+(y<<3)))) gp_drawPixel16(xx+6, yy+y+4, mode, framebuffer); if (pixel&(1<<(7+(y<<3)))) gp_drawPixel16(xx+7, yy+y+4, mode, framebuffer); } } void gp_drawString (int x,int y,int len,char *buffer,unsigned short color,void *framebuffer) { int l,base=0; for (l=0;l 0) { for (i=0; i < bytes/sizeof(struct input_event); i++) { if (event[i].type == EV_ABS) { switch (event[i].code) { case ABS_X: abs_x = event[i].value - 128; break; case ABS_Y: abs_y = event[i].value - 128; break; } } } } if (abs_x < -32) key |= (1< 32) key |= (1< 32) key |= (1<= 8) CurrentSoundBank = 0; //if (SoundThreadFlag==SOUND_THREAD_SOUND_ON) //{ write(wiz_dev[1], (void *)pOutput[CurrentSoundBank], gp2x_sound_buffer[1]); CurrentSoundBank = (CurrentSoundBank + 1) & 7; ioctl(wiz_dev[1], SOUND_PCM_SYNC, 0); //ts.tv_sec=0, ts.tv_nsec=(gp2x_sound_buffer[3]<<16)|gp2x_sound_buffer[2]; //nanosleep(&ts, NULL); /* } else { write(wiz_dev[1], (void *)&gp2x_sound_buffer[4], gp2x_sound_buffer[1]); //ioctl(wiz_dev[1], SOUND_PCM_SYNC, 0); //ts.tv_sec=0, ts.tv_nsec=(gp2x_sound_buffer[3]<<16)|gp2x_sound_buffer[2]; //nanosleep(&ts, NULL); } */ } return NULL; } void gp_sound_volume(int l, int r) { if(!wiz_dev[2]) { wiz_dev[2] = open("/dev/mixer", O_WRONLY); } l=((l<<8)|r); ioctl(wiz_dev[2], SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_PCM, &l); } /* unsigned long gp_timer_read(void) { // Once again another peice of direct hardware access bites the dust // the code below is broken in firmware 2.1.1 so I've replaced it with a // to a linux function which seems to work //return gp2x_memregl[0x0A00>>2]/gp2x_ticks_per_second; struct timeval tval; // timing gettimeofday(&tval, 0); //tval.tv_usec //tval.tv_sec return (tval.tv_sec*1000000)+tval.tv_usec; } */ static int _rate = -1; static int _bits = -1; static int _stereo = -1; static int _Hz = -1; static int _frag = -1; int gp_initSound(int rate, int bits, int stereo, int Hz, int frag) { int status; int i=0; int nonblocking=1; unsigned int bufferStart=0; int result; char text[256]; //int frag=0x00020010; // double buffer - frag size = 1<<0xf = 32768 //8 = 256 = 2 fps loss = good sound //9 = 512 = 1 fps loss = good sound //A = 1024 = //f = 32768 = 0 fps loss = bad sound //if ((frag!= CurrentFrag)&&(wiz_dev[1]!=0)) /* if (wiz_dev[1] != 0) { // Different frag config required // close device in order to re-adjust close(wiz_dev[1]); wiz_dev[1]=0; } */ if (wiz_dev[1]==0) { wiz_dev[1] = open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY); printf("Opening sound device: %x\r\n",wiz_dev[1]); //ioctl(wiz_dev[1], SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT, &frag); //CurrentFrag=frag; // save frag config } ioctl(wiz_dev[1], SNDCTL_DSP_RESET, 0); result=ioctl(wiz_dev[1], SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED, &rate); if(result==-1) { debug("Error setting DSP Speed",1); return(-1); } result=ioctl(wiz_dev[1], SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT, &bits); if(result==-1) { debug("Error setting DSP format",1); return(-1); } result=ioctl(wiz_dev[1], SNDCTL_DSP_STEREO, &stereo); if(result==-1) { debug("Error setting DSP format",1); return(-1); } //printf("Disable Blocking: %x\r\n",ioctl(wiz_dev[3], 0x5421, &nonblocking)); gp2x_sound_buffer[1]=(gp2x_sound_buffer[0]=(rate/Hz)) << (stereo + (bits==16)); gp2x_sound_buffer[2]=(1000000000/Hz)&0xFFFF; gp2x_sound_buffer[3]=(1000000000/Hz)>>16; bufferStart= (unsigned int)&gp2x_sound_buffer[4]; pOutput[0] = (short*)bufferStart+(0*gp2x_sound_buffer[1]); pOutput[1] = (short*)bufferStart+(1*gp2x_sound_buffer[1]); pOutput[2] = (short*)bufferStart+(2*gp2x_sound_buffer[1]); pOutput[3] = (short*)bufferStart+(3*gp2x_sound_buffer[1]); pOutput[4] = (short*)bufferStart+(4*gp2x_sound_buffer[1]); pOutput[5] = (short*)bufferStart+(5*gp2x_sound_buffer[1]); pOutput[6] = (short*)bufferStart+(6*gp2x_sound_buffer[1]); pOutput[7] = (short*)bufferStart+(7*gp2x_sound_buffer[1]); if(!gp2x_sound_thread) { pthread_create( &gp2x_sound_thread, NULL, gp2x_sound_play, NULL); //atexit(gp_Reset); } for(i=0;i<(gp2x_sound_buffer[1]*8);i++) { gp2x_sound_buffer[4+i] = 0; } // save function's args _rate = rate; _bits = bits; _stereo = stereo; _Hz = Hz; _frag = frag; return(0); } void gp_stopSound(void) { unsigned int i=0; gp2x_sound_thread_exit=1; printf("Killing Thread\r\n"); for(i=0;i<(gp2x_sound_buffer[1]*8);i++) { gp2x_sound_buffer[4+i] = 0; } usleep(100000); printf("Thread is dead\r\n"); gp2x_sound_thread=0; gp2x_sound_thread_exit=0; CurrentSoundBank=0; } /* ######################## System functions ######################## */ void gp_Reset(void) { unsigned int i=0; gp_setCpuspeed(533); if( gp2x_sound_thread) { gp2x_sound_thread_exit=1; usleep(500); } MLCADDRESS0 = bkregs32[0]; MLCADDRESS1 = bkregs32[1]; MLCCONTROL0 = bkregs32[2]; MLCCONTROL1 = bkregs32[3]; MLCLEFTRIGHT0 = bkregs32[4]; MLCTOPBOTTOM0 = bkregs32[5]; MLCLEFTRIGHT1 = bkregs32[6]; MLCTOPBOTTOM1 = bkregs32[7]; MLCBGCOLOR = bkregs32[8]; MLCHSTRIDE0 = bkregs32[9]; MLCVSTRIDE0 = bkregs32[10]; MLCHSTRIDE1 = bkregs32[11]; MLCVSTRIDE1 = bkregs32[12]; DPCCTRL1 = bkregs32[13]; MLCSCREENSIZE = bkregs32[14]; lc_dirtylayer(0); lc_dirtylayer(1); lc_dirtymlc(); munmap((void *)memregs32, 0x20000); munmap(framebuffer_mmap[0], fb_size * BUFFERS); if (wiz_dev[0]) close(wiz_dev[0]); if (wiz_dev[1]) close(wiz_dev[1]); if (wiz_dev[2]) close(wiz_dev[2]); fcloseall(); chdir("/usr/gp2x"); execl("gp2xmenu",NULL); } void gp_video_RGB_setscaling(int W, int H) { uint16_t * pSource = (uint16_t *)pOutputScreen; uint16_t * pTarget = (uint16_t *)framebuffer16[currFB]; unsigned short y; unsigned short x; if (H == 239) { for (y = 240; y != 0; y--) { pSource+=32; for (x = 64; x != 0; x--) { pTarget[0] = pSource[0]; pTarget[1] = pSource[1]; pTarget[2] = pSource[2]; pTarget[3] = pSource[3]; pTarget[4] = pSource[3]; pTarget+=5; pSource+=4; } pSource+=32; } } else // 224 { pSource += 2560; unsigned short pos = 2; for (y = 240; y != 0; y--) { pSource+=32; for (x = 64; x != 0; x--) { pTarget[0] = pSource[0]; pTarget[1] = pSource[1]; pTarget[2] = pSource[2]; pTarget[3] = pSource[3]; pTarget[4] = pSource[3]; pTarget+=5; pSource+=4; } pSource+=32; pos--; if (pos == 0) { pSource -= 320; pos = 14; } } } } #define COLORMIX(a, b) ( ((((a & 0xF81F) + (b & 0xF81F)) >> 1) & 0xF81F) | ((((a & 0x07E0) + (b & 0x07E0)) >> 1) & 0x07E0) ) void gp_video_RGB_setHZscaling(int W, int H) { uint16_t * pSource = (uint16_t *)pOutputScreen; uint16_t * pTarget = (uint16_t *)framebuffer16[currFB]; unsigned short y; unsigned short x; if (H == 224) { pSource += 2560; pTarget += 2560; } for (y = H; y != 0; y--) { pSource+=32; for (x = 64; x != 0; x--) { pTarget[0] = pSource[0]; pTarget[1] = pSource[1]; pTarget[2] = pSource[2]; pTarget[3] = COLORMIX(pSource[2],pSource[3]); pTarget[4] = pSource[3]; pTarget+=5; pSource+=4; } pSource+=32; } } void gp_setCpuspeed(unsigned int MHZ) { unsigned long v; //unsigned mdiv, pdiv=9, sdiv=0; unsigned mdiv, pdiv=20, sdiv=0; mdiv= (MHZ * pdiv) / SYS_CLK_FREQ; mdiv &= 0x3FF; v= pdiv<<18 | mdiv<<8 | sdiv; PLLSETREG0 = v; PWRMODE |= 0x8000; while (PWRMODE & 0x8000); // Ok, let's reset sound since it depends on CPU speed if (_rate > 0) { gp_initSound(_rate, _bits, _stereo, _Hz, _frag); } } // craigix: --trc 6 --tras 4 --twr 1 --tmrd 1 --trfc 1 --trp 2 --trcd 2 // set_RAM_Timings(6, 4, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2); void set_RAM_Timings(int tRC, int tRAS, int tWR, int tMRD, int tRFC, int tRP, int tRCD) { } void set_gamma(int g100) { }