/* * Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. * * (c) Copyright 1996 - 2001 Gary Henderson (gary.henderson@ntlworld.com) and * Jerremy Koot (jkoot@snes9x.com) * * Super FX C emulator code * (c) Copyright 1997 - 1999 Ivar (ivar@snes9x.com) and * Gary Henderson. * Super FX assembler emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 zsKnight and _Demo_. * * DSP1 emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 Ivar, _Demo_ and Gary Henderson. * C4 asm and some C emulation code (c) Copyright 2000 zsKnight and _Demo_. * C4 C code (c) Copyright 2001 Gary Henderson (gary.henderson@ntlworld.com). * * DOS port code contains the works of other authors. See headers in * individual files. * * Snes9x homepage: http://www.snes9x.com * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute Snes9x in both binary and * source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, * providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with * all copies and any derived work. * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages * arising from the use of this software. * * Snes9x is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should * seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes * charging money for Snes9x or software derived from Snes9x. * * The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code * should be forwarded to them so everyone can benefit from the modifications * in future versions. * * Super NES and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of * Nintendo Co., Limited and its subsidiary companies. */ #include #include "snes9x.h" #include "memmap.h" #include "ppu.h" struct Band { uint32 Left; uint32 Right; }; #undef MIN #undef MAX #define MIN(A,B) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B)) #define MAX(A,B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B)) #define BAND_EMPTY(B) (B.Left >= B.Right) #define BANDS_INTERSECT(A,B) ((A.Left >= B.Left && A.Left < B.Right) || \ (A.Right > B.Left && A.Right <= B.Right)) #define OR_BANDS(R,A,B) {\ R.Left = MIN(A.Left, B.Left); \ R.Right = MAX(A.Right, B.Right);} #define AND_BANDS(R,A,B) {\ R.Left = MAX(A.Left, B.Left); \ R.Right = MIN(A.Right, B.Right);} static int IntCompare (const void *d1, const void *d2) { /* if (*(uint32 *) d1 > *(uint32 *) d2) return (1); else if (*(uint32 *) d1 < *(uint32 *) d2) return (-1); return (0); */ return (*(uint32 *) d1 - *(uint32 *) d2); } static int BandCompare (const void *d1, const void *d2) { /* if (((struct Band *) d1)->Left > ((struct Band *) d2)->Left) return (1); else if (((struct Band *) d1)->Left < ((struct Band *) d2)->Left) return (-1); return (0); */ return (((struct Band *) d1)->Left - ((struct Band *) d2)->Left); } void ComputeClipWindow(bool8_32 invert, int w, int wok, struct ClipData *pClip) { pClip->Count[w] = 0; if (!Settings.DisableGraphicWindows) { if (pClip->Count [5] || wok) { struct Band Win1[3]; struct Band Win2[3]; uint32 Window1Enabled = 0; uint32 Window2Enabled = 0; if (wok) { if (PPU.ClipWindow1Enable [w]) { if (!PPU.ClipWindow1Inside [w]) { Win1[0].Left = PPU.Window1Left; Win1[0].Right = PPU.Window1Right + 1; Window1Enabled = 1; } else { if (PPU.Window1Left <= PPU.Window1Right) { if (PPU.Window1Left > 0) { Win1[0].Left = 0; Win1[0].Right = PPU.Window1Left; Window1Enabled = 1; } if (PPU.Window1Right < 255) { Win1[Window1Enabled].Left = PPU.Window1Right + 1; Win1[Window1Enabled++].Right = 256; } if (Window1Enabled == 0) { Win1[0].Left = 1; Win1[0].Right = 0; Window1Enabled = 1; } } else { // 'outside' a window with no range - // appears to be the whole screen. Win1[0].Left = 0; Win1[0].Right = 256; Window1Enabled = 1; } } } if (PPU.ClipWindow2Enable [w]) { if (!PPU.ClipWindow2Inside [w]) { Win2[0].Left = PPU.Window2Left; Win2[0].Right = PPU.Window2Right + 1; Window2Enabled = 1; } else { if (PPU.Window2Left <= PPU.Window2Right) { if (PPU.Window2Left > 0) { Win2[0].Left = 0; Win2[0].Right = PPU.Window2Left; Window2Enabled = 1; } if (PPU.Window2Right < 255) { Win2[Window2Enabled].Left = PPU.Window2Right + 1; Win2[Window2Enabled++].Right = 256; } if (Window2Enabled == 0) { Win2[0].Left = 1; Win2[0].Right = 0; Window2Enabled = 1; } } else { Win2[0].Left = 0; Win2[0].Right = 256; Window2Enabled = 1; } } } } if (Window1Enabled && Window2Enabled) { // Overlap logic // // Each window will be in one of three states: // 1. (Left > Right. One band) // 2. | ---------------- | (Left >= 0, Right <= 255, Left <= Right. One band) // 3. |------------ ----------| (Left1 == 0, Right1 < Left2; Left2 > Right1, Right2 == 255. Two bands) struct Band Bands [6]; int B = 0; switch (PPU.ClipWindowOverlapLogic [w] ^ 1) { case CLIP_OR: if (Window1Enabled == 1) { if (BAND_EMPTY(Win1[0])) { B = Window2Enabled; memmove (Bands, Win2, sizeof(Win2[0]) * Window2Enabled); } else { if (Window2Enabled == 1) { if (BAND_EMPTY (Win2[0])) Bands[B++] = Win1[0]; else { if (BANDS_INTERSECT (Win1[0], Win2[0])) { OR_BANDS(Bands[0],Win1[0], Win2[0]) B = 1; } else { Bands[B++] = Win1[0]; Bands[B++] = Win2[0]; } } } else { if (BANDS_INTERSECT(Win1[0], Win2[0])) { OR_BANDS(Bands[0], Win1[0], Win2[0]) if (BANDS_INTERSECT(Win1[0], Win2[1])) OR_BANDS(Bands[1], Win1[0], Win2[1]) else Bands[1] = Win2[1]; B = 1; if (BANDS_INTERSECT(Bands[0], Bands[1])) OR_BANDS(Bands[0], Bands[0], Bands[1]) else B = 2; } else if (BANDS_INTERSECT(Win1[0], Win2[1])) { Bands[B++] = Win2[0]; OR_BANDS(Bands[B], Win1[0], Win2[1]); B++; } else { Bands[0] = Win2[0]; Bands[1] = Win1[0]; Bands[2] = Win2[1]; B = 3; } } } } else if (Window2Enabled == 1) { if (BAND_EMPTY(Win2[0])) { // Window 2 defines an empty range - just // use window 1 as the clipping (which // could also be empty). B = Window1Enabled; memmove (Bands, Win1, sizeof(Win1[0]) * Window1Enabled); } else { // Window 1 has two bands and Window 2 has one. // Neither is an empty region. if (BANDS_INTERSECT(Win2[0], Win1[0])) { OR_BANDS(Bands[0], Win2[0], Win1[0]) if (BANDS_INTERSECT(Win2[0], Win1[1])) OR_BANDS(Bands[1], Win2[0], Win1[1]) else Bands[1] = Win1[1]; B = 1; if (BANDS_INTERSECT(Bands[0], Bands[1])) OR_BANDS(Bands[0], Bands[0], Bands[1]) else B = 2; } else if (BANDS_INTERSECT(Win2[0], Win1[1])) { Bands[B++] = Win1[0]; OR_BANDS(Bands[B], Win2[0], Win1[1]); B++; } else { Bands[0] = Win1[0]; Bands[1] = Win2[0]; Bands[2] = Win1[1]; B = 3; } } } else { // Both windows have two bands OR_BANDS(Bands[0], Win1[0], Win2[0]); OR_BANDS(Bands[1], Win1[1], Win2[1]); B = 1; if (BANDS_INTERSECT(Bands[0], Bands[1])) OR_BANDS(Bands[0], Bands[0], Bands[1]) else B = 2; } break; case CLIP_AND: if (Window1Enabled == 1) { // Window 1 has one band if (BAND_EMPTY(Win1[0])) Bands [B++] = Win1[0]; else if (Window2Enabled == 1) { if (BAND_EMPTY (Win2[0])) Bands [B++] = Win2[0]; else { AND_BANDS(Bands[0], Win1[0], Win2[0]); B = 1; } } else { AND_BANDS(Bands[0], Win1[0], Win2[0]); AND_BANDS(Bands[1], Win1[0], Win2[1]); B = 2; } } else if (Window2Enabled == 1) { if (BAND_EMPTY(Win2[0])) Bands[B++] = Win2[0]; else { // Window 1 has two bands. AND_BANDS(Bands[0], Win1[0], Win2[0]); AND_BANDS(Bands[1], Win1[1], Win2[0]); B = 2; } } else { // Both windows have two bands. AND_BANDS(Bands[0], Win1[0], Win2[0]); AND_BANDS(Bands[1], Win1[1], Win2[1]); B = 2; if (BANDS_INTERSECT(Win1[0], Win2[1])) { AND_BANDS(Bands[2], Win1[0], Win2[1]); B = 3; } else if (BANDS_INTERSECT(Win1[1], Win2[0])) { AND_BANDS(Bands[2], Win1[1], Win2[0]); B = 3; } } break; case CLIP_XNOR: invert = !invert; // Fall... case CLIP_XOR: if (Window1Enabled == 1 && BAND_EMPTY(Win1[0])) { B = Window2Enabled; memmove (Bands, Win2, sizeof(Win2[0]) * Window2Enabled); } else if (Window2Enabled == 1 && BAND_EMPTY(Win2[0])) { B = Window1Enabled; memmove (Bands, Win1, sizeof(Win1[0]) * Window1Enabled); } else { uint32 p = 0; uint32 points [10]; uint32 i; invert = !invert; // Build an array of points (window edges) points [p++] = 0; for (i = 0; i < Window1Enabled; i++) { points [p++] = Win1[i].Left; points [p++] = Win1[i].Right; } for (i = 0; i < Window2Enabled; i++) { points [p++] = Win2[i].Left; points [p++] = Win2[i].Right; } points [p++] = 256; // Sort them qsort ((void *) points, p, sizeof (points [0]), IntCompare); for (i = 0; i < p; i += 2) { if (points [i] == points [i + 1]) continue; Bands [B].Left = points [i]; while (i + 2 < p && points [i + 1] == points [i + 2]) { i += 2; } Bands [B++].Right = points [i + 1]; } } break; } if (invert) { int b; int j = 0; int empty_band_count = 0; // First remove all empty bands from the list. for (b = 0; b < B; b++) { if (!BAND_EMPTY(Bands[b])) { if (b != j) Bands[j] = Bands[b]; j++; } else empty_band_count++; } if (j > 0) { if (j == 1) { j = 0; // Easy case to deal with, so special case it. if (Bands[0].Left > 0) { pClip->Left[j][w] = 0; pClip->Right[j++][w] = Bands[0].Left + 1; } if (Bands[0].Right < 256) { pClip->Left[j][w] = Bands[0].Right; pClip->Right[j++][w] = 256; } if (j == 0) { pClip->Left[j][w] = 1; pClip->Right[j++][w] = 0; } } else { // Now sort the bands into order B = j; qsort ((void *) Bands, B, sizeof (Bands [0]), BandCompare); // Now invert the area the bands cover j = 0; for (b = 0; b < B; b++) { if (b == 0 && Bands[b].Left > 0) { pClip->Left[j][w] = 0; pClip->Right[j++][w] = Bands[b].Left + 1; } else if (b == B - 1 && Bands[b].Right < 256) { pClip->Left[j][w] = Bands[b].Right; pClip->Right[j++][w] = 256; } if (b < B - 1) { pClip->Left[j][w] = Bands[b].Right; pClip->Right[j++][w] = Bands[b + 1].Left + 1; } } } } else { // Inverting a window that consisted of only // empty bands is the whole width of the screen. // Needed for Mario Kart's rear-view mirror display. if (empty_band_count) { pClip->Left[j][w] = 0; pClip->Right[j][w] = 256; j++; } } pClip->Count[w] = j; } else { for (int j = 0; j < B; j++) { pClip->Left[j][w] = Bands[j].Left; pClip->Right[j][w] = Bands[j].Right; } pClip->Count [w] = B; } } else { // Only one window enabled so no need to perform // complex overlap logic... if (Window1Enabled) { if (invert) { int j = 0; if (Window1Enabled == 1) { if (Win1[0].Left <= Win1[0].Right) { if (Win1[0].Left > 0) { pClip->Left[0][w] = 0; pClip->Right[0][w] = Win1[0].Left; j = 1; } if (Win1[0].Right < 256) { pClip->Left[j][w] = Win1[0].Right; pClip->Right[j++][w] = 256; } if (j == 0) { pClip->Left[0][w] = 1; pClip->Right[0][w] = 0; j = 1; } } else { pClip->Left[0][w] = 0; pClip->Right[0][w] = 256; j = 1; } } else { pClip->Left [0][w] = Win1[0].Right; pClip->Right[0][w] = Win1[1].Left; j = 1; } pClip->Count [w] = j; } else { for (uint32 j = 0; j < Window1Enabled; j++) { pClip->Left [j][w] = Win1[j].Left; pClip->Right [j][w] = Win1[j].Right; } pClip->Count [w] = Window1Enabled; } } else if (Window2Enabled) { if (invert) { int j = 0; if (Window2Enabled == 1) { if (Win2[0].Left <= Win2[0].Right) { if (Win2[0].Left > 0) { pClip->Left[0][w] = 0; pClip->Right[0][w] = Win2[0].Left; j = 1; } if (Win2[0].Right < 256) { pClip->Left[j][w] = Win2[0].Right; pClip->Right[j++][w] = 256; } if (j == 0) { pClip->Left[0][w] = 1; pClip->Right[0][w] = 0; j = 1; } } else { pClip->Left[0][w] = 0; pClip->Right[0][w] = 256; j = 1; } } else { pClip->Left [0][w] = Win2[0].Right; pClip->Right[0][w] = Win2[1].Left + 1; j = 1; } pClip->Count [w] = j; } else { for (uint32 j = 0; j < Window2Enabled; j++) { pClip->Left [j][w] = Win2[j].Left; pClip->Right [j][w] = Win2[j].Right; } pClip->Count [w] = Window2Enabled; } } } if ((w != 5) && (pClip->Count [5])) { //if //{ // Colour window enabled. Set the // clip windows for all remaining backgrounds to be // the same as the colour window. if (pClip->Count [w] == 0) { pClip->Count [w] = pClip->Count [5]; for (int i = pClip->Count[w]-1; i >= 0 ; i--) { pClip->Left [i][w] = pClip->Left [i][5]; pClip->Right [i][w] = pClip->Right [i][5]; } } else { // Intersect the colour window with the bg's // own clip window. int i, j; //for (i = 0; i < pClip->Count [w]; i++) for (i = pClip->Count [w] - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) { //for (j = 0; j < pClip->Count [5]; j++) for (j = pClip->Count [5] - 1; j >= 0 ; j--) { if((pClip->Left[i][w] >= pClip->Left[j][5] && pClip->Left[i][w] < pClip->Right[j][5]) || (pClip->Left[j][5] >= pClip->Left[i][w] && pClip->Left[j][5] < pClip->Right[i][w])){ // Found an intersection! pClip->Left[i][w]=MAX(pClip->Left[i][w], pClip->Left[j][5]); pClip->Right[i][w]=MIN(pClip->Right[i][w], pClip->Right[j][5]); goto Clip_ok; } } // no intersection, nullify it pClip->Left[i][w]=1; pClip->Right[i][w]=0; Clip_ok: j=0; // dummy statement } } //} } } // if (w == 5 | ... } // if (!Settings.DisableGraphicWindows) } void ComputeClipWindows () { // Main screen // - Colour window if ((GFX.r2130_s & 0xc0) == 0xc0) { // The whole of the main screen is switched off, // completely clip everything. for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { IPPU.Clip [0].Count [i] = 1; IPPU.Clip [0].Left [0][i] = 1; IPPU.Clip [0].Right [0][i] = 0; } } else if (GFX.r2130_s & 0xc0) ComputeClipWindow(((GFX.r2130_s & 0xc0) == 0x40), 5, 1, &IPPU.Clip [0]); else IPPU.Clip[0].Count[5] = 0; // - Objs ComputeClipWindow(FALSE, 4, (GFX.r212c_s & GFX.r212e_s & (1 << 4)), &IPPU.Clip [0]); // - Backgrounds ComputeClipWindow(FALSE, 3, (GFX.r212c_s & GFX.r212e_s & (1 << 3)), &IPPU.Clip [0]); ComputeClipWindow(FALSE, 2, (GFX.r212c_s & GFX.r212e_s & (1 << 2)), &IPPU.Clip [0]); ComputeClipWindow(FALSE, 1, (GFX.r212c_s & GFX.r212e_s & (1 << 1)), &IPPU.Clip [0]); ComputeClipWindow(FALSE, 0, (GFX.r212c_s & GFX.r212e_s & (1 << 0)), &IPPU.Clip [0]); // Sub screen // - Colour window if ((GFX.r2130_s & 0x30) == 0x30) { // The sub-screen is switched off, completely // clip everything. for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { IPPU.Clip [1].Count [i] = 1; IPPU.Clip [1].Left [0][i] = 1; IPPU.Clip [1].Right [0][i] = 0; } } else if (GFX.r2130_s & 0x30) ComputeClipWindow(((GFX.r2130_s & 0x30) == 0x10), 5, 1, &IPPU.Clip [1]); else IPPU.Clip[1].Count[5] = 0; // - Objs ComputeClipWindow(FALSE, 4, (GFX.r212d_s & GFX.r212f_s & (1 << 4)), &IPPU.Clip [1]); // - Backgrounds ComputeClipWindow(FALSE, 3, (GFX.r212d_s & GFX.r212f_s & (1 << 3)), &IPPU.Clip [1]); ComputeClipWindow(FALSE, 2, (GFX.r212d_s & GFX.r212f_s & (1 << 2)), &IPPU.Clip [1]); ComputeClipWindow(FALSE, 1, (GFX.r212d_s & GFX.r212f_s & (1 << 1)), &IPPU.Clip [1]); ComputeClipWindow(FALSE, 0, (GFX.r212d_s & GFX.r212f_s & (1 << 0)), &IPPU.Clip [1]); PPU.RecomputeClipWindows = FALSE; }