//Copyright (C) 1997-2001 ZSNES Team ( zsknight@zsnes.com / _demo_@zsnes.com ) // //This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or //modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License //as published by the Free Software Foundation; either //version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later //version. // //This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. #ifndef __GP32__ #include #include #endif #include #ifndef __GP32__ #include #include #endif #ifdef __GP32__ #include "gp32_func.h" #endif //#define DebugDSP1 // uncomment some lines to test //#define printinfo //#define debug02 //#define debug0A //#define debug06 #define __OPT__ #define __OPT01__ #define __OPT02__ #define __OPT04__ //was commented on original source (yoyo) #define __OPT06__ #define __OPT0C__ // this optimisation may break pilotwings #define __OPT11__ #define __OPT21__ #define __OPT1C__ #ifdef DebugDSP1 FILE* LogFile = NULL; void Log_Message(char* Message, ...) { char Msg[400]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, Message); vsprintf(Msg, Message, ap); va_end(ap); strcat(Msg, "\r\n\0"); fwrite(Msg, strlen(Msg), 1, LogFile); fflush(LogFile); } void Start_Log(void) { char LogFileName[255]; // [4/15/2001] char *p; strcpy(LogFileName, "dsp1emu.log\0"); LogFile = fopen(LogFileName, "wb"); } void Stop_Log(void) { if (LogFile) { fclose(LogFile); LogFile = NULL; } } #endif /***************************************************************************\ * Math tables * \***************************************************************************/ double* CosTable2; double* SinTable2; int32* CosTable2Fix; int32* SinTable2Fix; #define INCR 2048 #define Angle(x) (((x)/(65536/INCR)) & (INCR-1)) #define AngleFix(x) (((x)>>5) & (INCR-1)) #define Cos(x) ((double) CosTable2[x]) #define Sin(x) ((double) SinTable2[x]) #define CosFix(x) (CosTable2Fix[x]) #define SinFix(x) (SinTable2Fix[x]) #define PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327 double Atan(double x) { if ((x >= 1) || (x <= 1)) return (x / (1 + 0.28 * x * x)); else return (PI / 2 - Atan(1 / x)); } /***************************************************************************\ * DSP1 code * \***************************************************************************/ void InitDSP(void) { #ifdef __OPT__ unsigned int i; CosTable2 = (double*) malloc(INCR * sizeof(double)); SinTable2 = (double*) malloc(INCR * sizeof(double)); CosTable2Fix = (int32*) malloc(INCR * sizeof(int32)); SinTable2Fix = (int32*) malloc(INCR * sizeof(int32)); for (i = 0; i < INCR; i++) { CosTable2[i] = (cos((double)(2 * PI * i / INCR))); SinTable2[i] = (sin((double)(2 * PI * i / INCR))); CosTable2Fix[i] = (65536 * cos((double)(2 * PI * i / INCR))); SinTable2Fix[i] = (65536 * sin((double)(2 * PI * i / INCR))); } #endif #ifdef DebugDSP1 Start_Log(); #endif } short Op00Multiplicand; short Op00Multiplier; short Op00Result; void DSPOp00() { dsp_opcode[0]++; Op00Result = Op00Multiplicand * Op00Multiplier / 32768; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP00 MULT %d*%d/32768=%d", Op00Multiplicand, Op00Multiplier, Op00Result); #endif } signed short Op10Coefficient; signed short Op10Exponent; signed short Op10CoefficientR; signed short Op10ExponentR; float Op10Temp; void DSPOp10() { dsp_opcode[0x10]++; Op10ExponentR = -Op10Exponent; Op10Temp = Op10Coefficient / 32768.0; if (Op10Temp == 0) Op10CoefficientR = 0; else Op10Temp = 1 / Op10Temp; if (Op10Temp > 0) while (Op10Temp >= 1.0) { Op10Temp = Op10Temp / 2.0; Op10ExponentR++; } else while (Op10Temp < -1.0) { Op10Temp = Op10Temp / 2.0; Op10ExponentR++; } Op10CoefficientR = Op10Temp * 32768; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP10 INV %d*2^%d = %d*2^%d", Op10Coefficient, Op10Exponent, Op10CoefficientR, Op10ExponentR); #endif } short Op04Angle; unsigned short Op04Radius; short Op04Sin; short Op04Cos; #ifdef __OPT04__ void DSPOp04() { dsp_opcode[0x04]++; int32 angle; //angle = Angle(Op04Angle); angle = AngleFix(Op04Angle); //Op04Sin = Sin(angle) * Op04Radius; SMULT1616(Op04Sin, SinFix(angle), (int32)Op04Radius) //Op04Cos = Cos(angle) * Op04Radius; SMULT1616(Op04Cos, CosFix(angle), (int32)Op04Radius); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP04 Angle:%d Radius:%d", (Op04Angle / 256) & 255, Op04Radius); Log_Message("OP04 SIN:%d COS:%d", Op04Sin, Op04Cos); #endif } #else void DSPOp04() { double angle; angle = Op04Angle * 2 * PI / 65536.0; Op04Sin = sin(angle) * Op04Radius; Op04Cos = cos(angle) * Op04Radius; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP04 Angle:%d Radius:%d", (Op04Angle / 256) & 255, Op04Radius); Log_Message("OP04 SIN:%d COS:%d", Op04Sin, Op04Cos); #endif } #endif unsigned short Op0CA; short Op0CX1; short Op0CY1; short Op0CX2; short Op0CY2; #ifdef __OPT0C__ void DSPOp0C() { dsp_opcode[0x0C]++; Op0CX2 = (Op0CX1 * Cos(Angle(Op0CA)) + Op0CY1 * Sin(Angle(Op0CA))); Op0CY2 = (Op0CX1 * -Sin(Angle(Op0CA)) + Op0CY1 * Cos(Angle(Op0CA))); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP0C Angle:%d X:%d Y:%d CX:%d CY:%d", (Op0CA / 256) & 255, Op0CX1, Op0CY1, Op0CX2, Op0CY2); #endif } #else void DSPOp0C() { Op0CX2 = (Op0CX1 * cos(Op0CA * 2 * PI / 65536.0) + Op0CY1 * sin(Op0CA * 2 * PI / 65536.0)); Op0CY2 = (Op0CX1 * -sin(Op0CA * 2 * PI / 65536.0) + Op0CY1 * cos(Op0CA * 2 * PI / 65536.0)); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP0C Angle:%d X:%d Y:%d CX:%d CY:%d", (Op0CA / 256) & 255, Op0CX1, Op0CY1, Op0CX2, Op0CY2); #endif } #endif short Op02FX; short Op02FY; short Op02FZ; short Op02LFE; short Op02LES; unsigned short Op02AAS; unsigned short Op02AZS; unsigned short Op02VOF; unsigned short Op02VVA; short Op02CX; short Op02CY; double Op02CXF; double Op02CYF; double ViewerX0; double ViewerY0; double ViewerZ0; double ViewerX1; double ViewerY1; double ViewerZ1; double ViewerX; double ViewerY; double ViewerZ; int ViewerAX; int ViewerAY; int ViewerAZ; double NumberOfSlope; double ScreenX; double ScreenY; double ScreenZ; double TopLeftScreenX; double TopLeftScreenY; double TopLeftScreenZ; double BottomRightScreenX; double BottomRightScreenY; double BottomRightScreenZ; double Ready; double RasterLX; double RasterLY; double RasterLZ; double ScreenLX1; double ScreenLY1; double ScreenLZ1; int ReversedLES; short Op02LESb; double NAzsB, NAasB; double ViewerXc; double ViewerYc; double ViewerZc; double CenterX, CenterY; short Op02CYSup, Op02CXSup; double CXdistance; #define VofAngle 0x3880 short TValDebug, TValDebug2; short ScrDispl; #ifdef __OPT02__ void DSPOp02() { dsp_opcode[0x02]++; ViewerZ1 = -Cos(Angle(Op02AZS)); ViewerX1 = Sin(Angle(Op02AZS)) * Sin(Angle(Op02AAS)); ViewerY1 = Sin(Angle(Op02AZS)) * Cos(Angle(Op02AAS)); #ifdef debug02 printf("\nViewerX1 : %f ViewerY1 : %f ViewerZ1 : %f\n", ViewerX1, ViewerY1, ViewerZ1); getch(); #endif ViewerX = Op02FX - ViewerX1 * Op02LFE; ViewerY = Op02FY - ViewerY1 * Op02LFE; ViewerZ = Op02FZ - ViewerZ1 * Op02LFE; ScreenX = Op02FX + ViewerX1 * (Op02LES - Op02LFE); ScreenY = Op02FY + ViewerY1 * (Op02LES - Op02LFE); ScreenZ = Op02FZ + ViewerZ1 * (Op02LES - Op02LFE); #ifdef debug02 printf("ViewerX : %f ViewerY : %f ViewerZ : %f\n", ViewerX, ViewerY, ViewerZ); printf("Op02FX : %d Op02FY : %d Op02FZ : %d\n", Op02FX, Op02FY, Op02FZ); printf("ScreenX : %f ScreenY : %f ScreenZ : %f\n", ScreenX, ScreenY, ScreenZ); getch(); #endif if (ViewerZ1 == 0)ViewerZ1++; NumberOfSlope = ViewerZ / -ViewerZ1; Op02CX = (short)(Op02CXF = ViewerX + ViewerX1 * NumberOfSlope); Op02CY = (short)(Op02CYF = ViewerY + ViewerY1 * NumberOfSlope); Op02VOF = 0x0000; ReversedLES = 0; Op02LESb = Op02LES; if ((Op02LES >= VofAngle + 16384.0) && (Op02LES < VofAngle + 32768.0)) { ReversedLES = 1; Op02LESb = VofAngle + 0x4000 - (Op02LES - (VofAngle + 0x4000)); } Op02VVA = (short)(Op02LESb * tan((Op02AZS - 0x4000) * 6.2832 / 65536.0)); if ((Op02LESb >= VofAngle) && (Op02LESb <= VofAngle + 0x4000)) { Op02VOF = (short)(Op02LESb * tan((Op02AZS - 0x4000 - VofAngle) * 6.2832 / 65536.0)); Op02VVA -= Op02VOF; } if (ReversedLES) Op02VOF = -Op02VOF; NAzsB = (Op02AZS - 0x4000) * 6.2832 / 65536.0; NAasB = Op02AAS * 6.2832 / 65536.0; if (tan(NAzsB) == 0) NAzsB = 0.1; ScrDispl = 0; if (NAzsB > -0.15) { NAzsB = -0.15; ScrDispl = Op02VVA - 0xFFDA; } CXdistance = 1 / tan(NAzsB); ViewerXc = Op02FX; ViewerYc = Op02FY; ViewerZc = Op02FZ; CenterX = (-sin(NAasB) * ViewerZc * CXdistance) + ViewerXc; CenterY = (cos(NAasB) * ViewerZc * CXdistance) + ViewerYc; Op02CX = (short)CenterX; Op02CY = (short)CenterY; ViewerXc = ViewerX; //-Op02FX); ViewerYc = ViewerY; //-Op02FY); ViewerZc = ViewerZ; //-Op02FZ); CenterX = (-sin(NAasB) * ViewerZc * CXdistance) + ViewerXc; if (CenterX < -32768) CenterX = -32768; if (CenterX > 32767) CenterX = 32767; CenterY = (cos(NAasB) * ViewerZc * CXdistance) + ViewerYc; if (CenterY < -32768) CenterY = -32768; if (CenterY > 32767) CenterY = 32767; TValDebug = (NAzsB * 65536 / 6.28); TValDebug2 = ScrDispl; // if (Op02CY < 0) {Op02CYSup = Op02CY/256; Op02CY = 0;} // if (Op02CX < 0) {Op02CXSup = Op02CX/256; Op02CX = 0;} // [4/15/2001] (ViewerX+ViewerX1*NumberOfSlope); // [4/15/2001] (ViewerY+ViewerY1*NumberOfSlope); // if(Op02LFE==0x2200)Op02VVA=0xFECD; // else Op02VVA=0xFFB2; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP02 FX:%d FY:%d FZ:%d LFE:%d LES:%d", Op02FX, Op02FY, Op02FZ, Op02LFE, Op02LES); Log_Message(" AAS:%d AZS:%d VOF:%d VVA:%d", Op02AAS, Op02AZS, Op02VOF, Op02VVA); Log_Message(" VX:%d VY:%d VZ:%d", (short)ViewerX, (short)ViewerY, (short)ViewerZ); #endif } #else void DSPOp02() { ViewerZ1 = -cos(Op02AZS * 6.2832 / 65536.0); ViewerX1 = sin(Op02AZS * 6.2832 / 65536.0) * sin(Op02AAS * 6.2832 / 65536.0); ViewerY1 = sin(Op02AZS * 6.2832 / 65536.0) * cos(-Op02AAS * 6.2832 / 65536.0); #ifdef debug02 printf("\nViewerX1 : %f ViewerY1 : %f ViewerZ1 : %f\n", ViewerX1, ViewerY1, ViewerZ1); getch(); #endif ViewerX = Op02FX - ViewerX1 * Op02LFE; ViewerY = Op02FY - ViewerY1 * Op02LFE; ViewerZ = Op02FZ - ViewerZ1 * Op02LFE; ScreenX = Op02FX + ViewerX1 * (Op02LES - Op02LFE); ScreenY = Op02FY + ViewerY1 * (Op02LES - Op02LFE); ScreenZ = Op02FZ + ViewerZ1 * (Op02LES - Op02LFE); #ifdef debug02 printf("ViewerX : %f ViewerY : %f ViewerZ : %f\n", ViewerX, ViewerY, ViewerZ); printf("Op02FX : %d Op02FY : %d Op02FZ : %d\n", Op02FX, Op02FY, Op02FZ); printf("ScreenX : %f ScreenY : %f ScreenZ : %f\n", ScreenX, ScreenY, ScreenZ); getch(); #endif if (ViewerZ1 == 0)ViewerZ1++; NumberOfSlope = ViewerZ / -ViewerZ1; Op02CX = (short)(Op02CXF = ViewerX + ViewerX1 * NumberOfSlope); Op02CY = (short)(Op02CYF = ViewerY + ViewerY1 * NumberOfSlope); ViewerXc = ViewerX; //-Op02FX); ViewerYc = ViewerY; //-Op02FY); ViewerZc = ViewerZ; //-Op02FZ); Op02VOF = 0x0000; ReversedLES = 0; Op02LESb = Op02LES; if ((Op02LES >= VofAngle + 16384.0) && (Op02LES < VofAngle + 32768.0)) { ReversedLES = 1; Op02LESb = VofAngle + 0x4000 - (Op02LES - (VofAngle + 0x4000)); } Op02VVA = (short)(Op02LESb * tan((Op02AZS - 0x4000) * 6.2832 / 65536.0)); if ((Op02LESb >= VofAngle) && (Op02LESb <= VofAngle + 0x4000)) { Op02VOF = (short)(Op02LESb * tan((Op02AZS - 0x4000 - VofAngle) * 6.2832 / 65536.0)); Op02VVA -= Op02VOF; } if (ReversedLES) Op02VOF = -Op02VOF; NAzsB = (Op02AZS - 0x4000) * 6.2832 / 65536.0; NAasB = Op02AAS * 6.2832 / 65536.0; if (tan(NAzsB) == 0) NAzsB = 0.1; ScrDispl = 0; if (NAzsB > -0.15) { NAzsB = -0.15; ScrDispl = Op02VVA - 0xFFDA; } CXdistance = 1 / tan(NAzsB); CenterX = (-sin(NAasB) * ViewerZc * CXdistance) + ViewerXc; if (CenterX < -32768) CenterX = -32768; if (CenterX > 32767) CenterX = 32767; Op02CX = (short)CenterX; CenterY = (cos(NAasB) * ViewerZc * CXdistance) + ViewerYc; if (CenterY < -32768) CenterY = -32768; if (CenterY > 32767) CenterY = 32767; Op02CY = (short)CenterY; TValDebug = (NAzsB * 65536 / 6.28); TValDebug2 = ScrDispl; // if (Op02CY < 0) {Op02CYSup = Op02CY/256; Op02CY = 0;} // if (Op02CX < 0) {Op02CXSup = Op02CX/256; Op02CX = 0;} // [4/15/2001] (ViewerX+ViewerX1*NumberOfSlope); // [4/15/2001] (ViewerY+ViewerY1*NumberOfSlope); // if(Op02LFE==0x2200)Op02VVA=0xFECD; // else Op02VVA=0xFFB2; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP02 FX:%d FY:%d FZ:%d LFE:%d LES:%d", Op02FX, Op02FY, Op02FZ, Op02LFE, Op02LES); Log_Message(" AAS:%d AZS:%d VOF:%d VVA:%d", Op02AAS, Op02AZS, Op02VOF, Op02VVA); Log_Message(" VX:%d VY:%d VZ:%d", (short)ViewerX, (short)ViewerY, (short)ViewerZ); #endif } #endif short Op0AVS; short Op0AA; short Op0AB; short Op0AC; short Op0AD; double RasterRX; double RasterRY; double RasterRZ; double RasterLSlopeX; double RasterLSlopeY; double RasterLSlopeZ; double RasterRSlopeX; double RasterRSlopeY; double RasterRSlopeZ; double GroundLX; double GroundLY; double GroundRX; double GroundRY; double Distance; double NAzs, NAas; double RVPos, RHPos, RXRes, RYRes; void GetRXYPos() { double scalar; if (Op02LES == 0) return; NAzs = NAzsB - Atan((RVPos) / (double)Op02LES); NAas = NAasB;// + Atan(RHPos) / (double)Op02LES); if (cos(NAzs) == 0) NAzs += 0.001; if (tan(NAzs) == 0) NAzs += 0.001; RXRes = (-sin(NAas) * ViewerZc / (tan(NAzs)) + ViewerXc); RYRes = (cos(NAas) * ViewerZc / (tan(NAzs)) + ViewerYc); scalar = ((ViewerZc / sin(NAzs)) / (double)Op02LES); RXRes += scalar * -sin(NAas + PI / 2) * RHPos; RYRes += scalar * cos(NAas + PI / 2) * RHPos; } void DSPOp0A() { dsp_opcode[0x0A]++; double x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, m, ypos; if (Op0AVS == 0) { Op0AVS++; return; } ypos = Op0AVS - ScrDispl; // CenterX,CenterX = Center (x1,y1) // Get (0,Vs) coords (x2,y2) RVPos = ypos; RHPos = 0; GetRXYPos(); x2 = RXRes; y2 = RYRes; // Get (-128,Vs) coords (x3,y3) RVPos = ypos; RHPos = -128; GetRXYPos(); x3 = RXRes; y3 = RYRes; // Get (127,Vs) coords (x4,y4) RVPos = ypos; RHPos = 127; GetRXYPos(); x4 = RXRes; y4 = RYRes; // A = (x4-x3)/256 m = (x4 - x3) / 256 * 256; if (m > 32767) m = 32767; if (m < -32768) m = -32768; Op0AA = (short)(m); // C = (y4-y3)/256 m = (y4 - y3) / 256 * 256; if (m > 32767) m = 32767; if (m < -32768) m = -32768; Op0AC = (short)(m); if (ypos == 0) { Op0AB = 0; Op0AD = 0; } else { // B = (x2-x1)/Vs m = (x2 - CenterX) / ypos * 256; if (m > 32767) m = 32767; if (m < -32768) m = -32768; Op0AB = (short)(m); // D = (y2-y1)/Vs m = (y2 - CenterY) / ypos * 256; if (m > 32767) m = 32767; if (m < -32768) m = -32768; Op0AD = (short)(m); } Op0AVS += 1; } short Op06X; short Op06Y; short Op06Z; short Op06H; short Op06V; unsigned short Op06S; /*double ObjPX; double ObjPY; double ObjPZ; double ObjPX1; double ObjPY1; double ObjPZ1; double ObjPX2; double ObjPY2; double ObjPZ2;*/ int32 ObjPX; int32 ObjPY; int32 ObjPZ; int32 ObjPX1; int32 ObjPY1; int32 ObjPZ1; int32 ObjPX2; int32 ObjPY2; int32 ObjPZ2; double DivideOp06; int Temp; int tanval2; #ifdef __OPT06__ void DSPOp06() { dsp_opcode[0x06]++; ObjPX = Op06X - Op02FX; ObjPY = Op06Y - Op02FY; ObjPZ = Op06Z - Op02FZ; // rotate around Z //tanval2 = Angle(-Op02AAS+32768); // tanval2 = (-Op02AAS+32768)/(65536/INCR); //ObjPX1=(ObjPX*Cos(tanval2)+ObjPY*-Sin(tanval2)); //ObjPY1=(ObjPX*Sin(tanval2)+ObjPY*Cos(tanval2)); //ObjPZ1=ObjPZ; tanval2 = AngleFix(-Op02AAS + 32768); SADDMULT1616(ObjPX1, ObjPX, CosFix(tanval2), ObjPY, -SinFix(tanval2)) SADDMULT1616(ObjPY1, ObjPX, SinFix(tanval2), ObjPY, CosFix(tanval2)) ObjPZ1 = ObjPZ; // rotate around X // tanval2 = (-Op02AZS/(65536/INCR)) & 1023; //tanval2 = Angle(-Op02AZS); // tanval2 = (-Op02AZS)/256; /*ObjPX2=ObjPX1; ObjPY2=(ObjPY1*Cos(tanval2)+ObjPZ1*-Sin(tanval2)); ObjPZ2=(ObjPY1*Sin(tanval2)+ObjPZ1*Cos(tanval2));*/ tanval2 = AngleFix(-Op02AZS); ObjPX2 = ObjPX1; SADDMULT1616(ObjPY2, ObjPY1, CosFix(tanval2), ObjPZ1, -SinFix(tanval2)) SADDMULT1616(ObjPZ2, ObjPY1, SinFix(tanval2), ObjPZ1, CosFix(tanval2)) #ifdef debug06 Log_Message("ObjPX2: %f ObjPY2: %f ObjPZ2: %f\n", ObjPX2, ObjPY2, ObjPZ2); #endif ObjPZ2 = ObjPZ2 - Op02LFE; if (ObjPZ2 < 0) { Op06H = (short)(-ObjPX2 * Op02LES / -(ObjPZ2)); //-ObjPX2*256/-ObjPZ2; Op06V = (short)(-ObjPY2 * Op02LES / -(ObjPZ2)); //-ObjPY2*256/-ObjPZ2; //Op06S=(unsigned short)(256*(double)Op02LES/-ObjPZ2); Op06S = (unsigned short)(256 * (int32)Op02LES / -ObjPZ2); } else { Op06H = 0; Op06V = 14 * 16; Op06S = 0xFFFF; } #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP06 X:%d Y:%d Z:%d", Op06X, Op06Y, Op06Z); Log_Message("OP06 H:%d V:%d S:%d", Op06H, Op06V, Op06S); #endif } #else void DSPOp06() { ObjPX = Op06X - Op02FX; ObjPY = Op06Y - Op02FY; ObjPZ = Op06Z - Op02FZ; // rotate around Z tanval = (-Op02AAS + 32768) / 65536.0 * 6.2832; ObjPX1 = (ObjPX * cos(tanval) + ObjPY * -sin(tanval)); ObjPY1 = (ObjPX * sin(tanval) + ObjPY * cos(tanval)); ObjPZ1 = ObjPZ; #ifdef debug06 Log_Message("Angle : %f", tanval); Log_Message("ObjPX1: %f ObjPY1: %f ObjPZ1: %f\n", ObjPX1, ObjPY1, ObjPZ1); Log_Message("cos(tanval) : %f sin(tanval) : %f", cos(tanval), sin(tanval)); #endif // rotate around X tanval = (-Op02AZS) / 65536.0 * 6.2832; ObjPX2 = ObjPX1; ObjPY2 = (ObjPY1 * cos(tanval) + ObjPZ1 * -sin(tanval)); ObjPZ2 = (ObjPY1 * sin(tanval) + ObjPZ1 * cos(tanval)); #ifdef debug06 Log_Message("ObjPX2: %f ObjPY2: %f ObjPZ2: %f\n", ObjPX2, ObjPY2, ObjPZ2); #endif ObjPZ2 = ObjPZ2 - Op02LFE; if (ObjPZ2 < 0) { Op06H = (short)(-ObjPX2 * Op02LES / -(ObjPZ2)); //-ObjPX2*256/-ObjPZ2; Op06V = (short)(-ObjPY2 * Op02LES / -(ObjPZ2)); //-ObjPY2*256/-ObjPZ2; Op06S = (unsigned short)(256 * (double)Op02LES / -ObjPZ2); } else { Op06H = 0; Op06V = 14 * 16; Op06S = 0xFFFF; } #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP06 X:%d Y:%d Z:%d", Op06X, Op06Y, Op06Z); Log_Message("OP06 H:%d V:%d S:%d", Op06H, Op06V, Op06S); #endif } #endif double matrixB[3][3]; double matrixB2[3][3]; double matrixB3[3][3]; double matrixA[3][3]; double matrixA2[3][3]; double matrixA3[3][3]; void MultMatrixB(double result[3][3], double mat1[3][3], double mat2[3][3]) { result[0][0] = (mat1[0][0] * mat2[0][0] + mat1[0][1] * mat2[1][0] + mat1[0][2] * mat2[2][0]); result[0][1] = (mat1[0][0] * mat2[0][1] + mat1[0][1] * mat2[1][1] + mat1[0][2] * mat2[2][1]); result[0][2] = (mat1[0][0] * mat2[0][2] + mat1[0][1] * mat2[1][2] + mat1[0][2] * mat2[2][2]); result[1][0] = (mat1[1][0] * mat2[0][0] + mat1[1][1] * mat2[1][0] + mat1[1][2] * mat2[2][0]); result[1][1] = (mat1[1][0] * mat2[0][1] + mat1[1][1] * mat2[1][1] + mat1[1][2] * mat2[2][1]); result[1][2] = (mat1[1][0] * mat2[0][2] + mat1[1][1] * mat2[1][2] + mat1[1][2] * mat2[2][2]); result[2][0] = (mat1[2][0] * mat2[0][0] + mat1[2][1] * mat2[1][0] + mat1[2][2] * mat2[2][0]); result[2][1] = (mat1[2][0] * mat2[0][1] + mat1[2][1] * mat2[1][1] + mat1[2][2] * mat2[2][1]); result[2][2] = (mat1[2][0] * mat2[0][2] + mat1[2][1] * mat2[1][2] + mat1[2][2] * mat2[2][2]); } short Op01m; short Op01Zr; short Op01Xr; short Op01Yr; short Op11m; short Op11Zr; short Op11Xr; short Op11Yr; short Op21m; short Op21Zr; short Op21Xr; short Op21Yr; double sc, sc2, sc3; #ifdef __OPT01__ void DSPOp01() { dsp_opcode[0x01]++; unsigned short zr, yr, xr; zr = Angle(Op01Zr); xr = Angle(Op01Yr); yr = Angle(Op01Xr); matrixB[0][0] = 1; matrixB[0][1] = 0; matrixB[0][2] = 0; matrixB[1][0] = 0; matrixB[1][1] = Cos(xr); matrixB[1][2] = -Sin(xr); matrixB[2][0] = 0; matrixB[2][1] = Sin(xr); matrixB[2][2] = Cos(xr); matrixB2[0][0] = Cos(yr); matrixB2[0][1] = 0; matrixB2[0][2] = Sin(yr); matrixB2[1][0] = 0; matrixB2[1][1] = 1; matrixB2[1][2] = 0; matrixB2[2][0] = -Sin(yr); matrixB2[2][1] = 0; matrixB2[2][2] = Cos(yr); MultMatrixB(matrixB3, matrixB, matrixB2); matrixB2[0][0] = Cos(zr); matrixB2[0][1] = -Sin(zr); matrixB2[0][2] = 0; matrixB2[1][0] = Sin(zr); matrixB2[1][1] = Cos(zr); matrixB2[1][2] = 0; matrixB2[2][0] = 0; matrixB2[2][1] = 0; matrixB2[2][2] = 1; MultMatrixB(matrixB, matrixB3, matrixB2); sc = ((double)Op01m) / 32768.0; matrixA[0][0] = matrixB[0][0]; matrixA[0][1] = matrixB[0][1]; matrixA[0][2] = matrixB[0][2]; matrixA[1][0] = matrixB[1][0]; matrixA[1][1] = matrixB[1][1]; matrixA[1][2] = matrixB[1][2]; matrixA[2][0] = matrixB[2][0]; matrixA[2][1] = matrixB[2][1]; matrixA[2][2] = matrixB[2][2]; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP01 ZR: %d XR: %d YR: %d", Op01Zr, Op01Xr, Op01Yr); #endif } #else void DSPOp01() { double zr, yr, xr; zr = ((double)Op01Zr) * 6.2832 / 65536; xr = ((double)Op01Yr) * 6.2832 / 65536; yr = ((double)Op01Xr) * 6.2832 / 65536; matrixB[0][0] = 1; matrixB[0][1] = 0; matrixB[0][2] = 0; matrixB[1][0] = 0; matrixB[1][1] = cos(xr); matrixB[1][2] = -sin(xr); matrixB[2][0] = 0; matrixB[2][1] = sin(xr); matrixB[2][2] = cos(xr); matrixB2[0][0] = cos(yr); matrixB2[0][1] = 0; matrixB2[0][2] = sin(yr); matrixB2[1][0] = 0; matrixB2[1][1] = 1; matrixB2[1][2] = 0; matrixB2[2][0] = -sin(yr); matrixB2[2][1] = 0; matrixB2[2][2] = cos(yr); MultMatrixB(matrixB3, matrixB, matrixB2); matrixB2[0][0] = cos(zr); matrixB2[0][1] = -sin(zr); matrixB2[0][2] = 0; matrixB2[1][0] = sin(zr); matrixB2[1][1] = cos(zr); matrixB2[1][2] = 0; matrixB2[2][0] = 0; matrixB2[2][1] = 0; matrixB2[2][2] = 1; MultMatrixB(matrixB, matrixB3, matrixB2); sc = ((double)Op01m) / 32768.0; matrixA[0][0] = matrixB[0][0]; matrixA[0][1] = matrixB[0][1]; matrixA[0][2] = matrixB[0][2]; matrixA[1][0] = matrixB[1][0]; matrixA[1][1] = matrixB[1][1]; matrixA[1][2] = matrixB[1][2]; matrixA[2][0] = matrixB[2][0]; matrixA[2][1] = matrixB[2][1]; matrixA[2][2] = matrixB[2][2]; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP01 ZR: %d XR: %d YR: %d", Op01Zr, Op01Xr, Op01Yr); #endif } #endif #ifdef __OPT11__ void DSPOp11() { dsp_opcode[0x11]++; short zr, yr, xr; zr = Angle(Op11Zr); xr = Angle(Op11Yr); yr = Angle(Op11Xr); matrixB[0][0] = 1; matrixB[0][1] = 0; matrixB[0][2] = 0; matrixB[1][0] = 0; matrixB[1][1] = Cos(xr); matrixB[1][2] = -Sin(xr); matrixB[2][0] = 0; matrixB[2][1] = Sin(xr); matrixB[2][2] = Cos(xr); matrixB2[0][0] = Cos(yr); matrixB2[0][1] = 0; matrixB2[0][2] = Sin(yr); matrixB2[1][0] = 0; matrixB2[1][1] = 1; matrixB2[1][2] = 0; matrixB2[2][0] = -Sin(yr); matrixB2[2][1] = 0; matrixB2[2][2] = Cos(yr); MultMatrixB(matrixB3, matrixB, matrixB2); matrixB2[0][0] = Cos(zr); matrixB2[0][1] = -Sin(zr); matrixB2[0][2] = 0; matrixB2[1][0] = Sin(zr); matrixB2[1][1] = Cos(zr); matrixB2[1][2] = 0; matrixB2[2][0] = 0; matrixB2[2][1] = 0; matrixB2[2][2] = 1; MultMatrixB(matrixB, matrixB3, matrixB2); sc2 = ((double)Op11m) / 32768.0; matrixA2[0][0] = matrixB[0][0]; matrixA2[0][1] = matrixB[0][1]; matrixA2[0][2] = matrixB[0][2]; matrixA2[1][0] = matrixB[1][0]; matrixA2[1][1] = matrixB[1][1]; matrixA2[1][2] = matrixB[1][2]; matrixA2[2][0] = matrixB[2][0]; matrixA2[2][1] = matrixB[2][1]; matrixA2[2][2] = matrixB[2][2]; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP11 ZR: %d XR: %d YR: %d SC: %d", Op11Zr, Op11Xr, Op11Yr, Op11m); #endif } #else void DSPOp11() { double zr, yr, xr; zr = ((double)Op11Zr) * 6.2832 / 65536; xr = ((double)Op11Yr) * 6.2832 / 65536; yr = ((double)Op11Xr) * 6.2832 / 65536; matrixB[0][0] = 1; matrixB[0][1] = 0; matrixB[0][2] = 0; matrixB[1][0] = 0; matrixB[1][1] = cos(xr); matrixB[1][2] = -sin(xr); matrixB[2][0] = 0; matrixB[2][1] = sin(xr); matrixB[2][2] = cos(xr); matrixB2[0][0] = cos(yr); matrixB2[0][1] = 0; matrixB2[0][2] = sin(yr); matrixB2[1][0] = 0; matrixB2[1][1] = 1; matrixB2[1][2] = 0; matrixB2[2][0] = -sin(yr); matrixB2[2][1] = 0; matrixB2[2][2] = cos(yr); MultMatrixB(matrixB3, matrixB, matrixB2); matrixB2[0][0] = cos(zr); matrixB2[0][1] = -sin(zr); matrixB2[0][2] = 0; matrixB2[1][0] = sin(zr); matrixB2[1][1] = cos(zr); matrixB2[1][2] = 0; matrixB2[2][0] = 0; matrixB2[2][1] = 0; matrixB2[2][2] = 1; MultMatrixB(matrixB, matrixB3, matrixB2); sc2 = ((double)Op11m) / 32768.0; matrixA2[0][0] = matrixB[0][0]; matrixA2[0][1] = matrixB[0][1]; matrixA2[0][2] = matrixB[0][2]; matrixA2[1][0] = matrixB[1][0]; matrixA2[1][1] = matrixB[1][1]; matrixA2[1][2] = matrixB[1][2]; matrixA2[2][0] = matrixB[2][0]; matrixA2[2][1] = matrixB[2][1]; matrixA2[2][2] = matrixB[2][2]; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP11 ZR: %d XR: %d YR: %d SC: %d", Op11Zr, Op11Xr, Op11Yr, Op11m); #endif } #endif #ifdef __OPT21__ void DSPOp21() { dsp_opcode[0x21]++; short zr, yr, xr; zr = Angle(Op21Zr); xr = Angle(Op21Yr); yr = Angle(Op21Xr); matrixB[0][0] = 1; matrixB[0][1] = 0; matrixB[0][2] = 0; matrixB[1][0] = 0; matrixB[1][1] = Cos(xr); matrixB[1][2] = -Sin(xr); matrixB[2][0] = 0; matrixB[2][1] = Sin(xr); matrixB[2][2] = Cos(xr); matrixB2[0][0] = Cos(yr); matrixB2[0][1] = 0; matrixB2[0][2] = Sin(yr); matrixB2[1][0] = 0; matrixB2[1][1] = 1; matrixB2[1][2] = 0; matrixB2[2][0] = -Sin(yr); matrixB2[2][1] = 0; matrixB2[2][2] = Cos(yr); MultMatrixB(matrixB3, matrixB, matrixB2); matrixB2[0][0] = Cos(zr); matrixB2[0][1] = -Sin(zr); matrixB2[0][2] = 0; matrixB2[1][0] = Sin(zr); matrixB2[1][1] = Cos(zr); matrixB2[1][2] = 0; matrixB2[2][0] = 0; matrixB2[2][1] = 0; matrixB2[2][2] = 1; MultMatrixB(matrixB, matrixB3, matrixB2); sc3 = ((double)Op21m) / 32768.0; matrixA3[0][0] = matrixB[0][0]; matrixA3[0][1] = matrixB[0][1]; matrixA3[0][2] = matrixB[0][2]; matrixA3[1][0] = matrixB[1][0]; matrixA3[1][1] = matrixB[1][1]; matrixA3[1][2] = matrixB[1][2]; matrixA3[2][0] = matrixB[2][0]; matrixA3[2][1] = matrixB[2][1]; matrixA3[2][2] = matrixB[2][2]; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP21 ZR: %d XR: %d YR: %d", Op21Zr, Op21Xr, Op21Yr); #endif } #else void DSPOp21() { double zr, yr, xr; zr = ((double)Op21Zr) * 6.2832 / 65536; xr = ((double)Op21Yr) * 6.2832 / 65536; yr = ((double)Op21Xr) * 6.2832 / 65536; matrixB[0][0] = 1; matrixB[0][1] = 0; matrixB[0][2] = 0; matrixB[1][0] = 0; matrixB[1][1] = cos(xr); matrixB[1][2] = -sin(xr); matrixB[2][0] = 0; matrixB[2][1] = sin(xr); matrixB[2][2] = cos(xr); matrixB2[0][0] = cos(yr); matrixB2[0][1] = 0; matrixB2[0][2] = sin(yr); matrixB2[1][0] = 0; matrixB2[1][1] = 1; matrixB2[1][2] = 0; matrixB2[2][0] = -sin(yr); matrixB2[2][1] = 0; matrixB2[2][2] = cos(yr); MultMatrixB(matrixB3, matrixB, matrixB2); matrixB2[0][0] = cos(zr); matrixB2[0][1] = -sin(zr); matrixB2[0][2] = 0; matrixB2[1][0] = sin(zr); matrixB2[1][1] = cos(zr); matrixB2[1][2] = 0; matrixB2[2][0] = 0; matrixB2[2][1] = 0; matrixB2[2][2] = 1; MultMatrixB(matrixB, matrixB3, matrixB2); sc3 = ((double)Op21m) / 32768.0; matrixA3[0][0] = matrixB[0][0]; matrixA3[0][1] = matrixB[0][1]; matrixA3[0][2] = matrixB[0][2]; matrixA3[1][0] = matrixB[1][0]; matrixA3[1][1] = matrixB[1][1]; matrixA3[1][2] = matrixB[1][2]; matrixA3[2][0] = matrixB[2][0]; matrixA3[2][1] = matrixB[2][1]; matrixA3[2][2] = matrixB[2][2]; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP21 ZR: %d XR: %d YR: %d", Op21Zr, Op21Xr, Op21Yr); #endif } #endif short Op0DX; short Op0DY; short Op0DZ; short Op0DF; short Op0DL; short Op0DU; short Op1DX; short Op1DY; short Op1DZ; short Op1DF; short Op1DL; short Op1DU; short Op2DX; short Op2DY; short Op2DZ; short Op2DF; short Op2DL; short Op2DU; #define swap(a,b) temp=a;a=b;b=temp; void DSPOp0D() { dsp_opcode[0x0D]++; double a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, det, temp; double a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2, g2, h2, i2, x, y, z; a = matrixA[0][0]; b = matrixA[0][1]; c = matrixA[0][2]; d = matrixA[1][0]; e = matrixA[1][1]; f = matrixA[1][2]; g = matrixA[2][0]; h = matrixA[2][1]; i = matrixA[2][2]; //abc //def //ghi det = a * e * i + b * f * g + c * d * h - g * e * c - h * f * a - i * d * b; if (det == 0) { Op0DF = Op0DX; Op0DL = Op0DY; Op0DU = Op0DZ; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP0D Error! Det == 0"); #endif return; } swap(d, b); swap(g, c); swap(h, f); b = -b; d = -d; f = -f; h = -h; a2 = (e * i - h * f) / det; b2 = (d * i - g * f) / det; c2 = (d * h - g * e) / det; d2 = (b * i - h * c) / det; e2 = (a * i - g * c) / det; f2 = (a * h - g * b) / det; g2 = (b * f - e * c) / det; h2 = (a * f - d * c) / det; i2 = (a * e - d * b) / det; x = Op0DX; y = Op0DY; z = Op0DZ; Op0DF = (short)((x * a2 + y * d2 + z * g2) / 2 * sc); Op0DL = (short)((x * b2 + y * e2 + z * h2) / 2 * sc); Op0DU = (short)((x * c2 + y * f2 + z * i2) / 2 * sc); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP0D X: %d Y: %d Z: %d / F: %d L: %d U: %d", Op0DX, Op0DY, Op0DZ, Op0DF, Op0DL, Op0DU); #endif } void DSPOp1D() { dsp_opcode[0x1D]++; double a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, det, temp; double a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2, g2, h2, i2, x, y, z; a = matrixA2[0][0]; b = matrixA2[0][1]; c = matrixA2[0][2]; d = matrixA2[1][0]; e = matrixA2[1][1]; f = matrixA2[1][2]; g = matrixA2[2][0]; h = matrixA2[2][1]; i = matrixA2[2][2]; //abc //def //ghi det = a * e * i + b * f * g + c * d * h - g * e * c - h * f * a - i * d * b; if (det == 0) { Op1DF = 0; Op1DL = 0; Op1DU = 0; return; } swap(d, b); swap(g, c); swap(h, f); b = -b; d = -d; f = -f; h = -h; a2 = (e * i - h * f) / det; b2 = (d * i - g * f) / det; c2 = (d * h - g * e) / det; d2 = (b * i - h * c) / det; e2 = (a * i - g * c) / det; f2 = (a * h - g * b) / det; g2 = (b * f - e * c) / det; h2 = (a * f - d * c) / det; i2 = (a * e - d * b) / det; x = Op1DX; y = Op1DY; z = Op1DZ; Op1DF = (short)((x * a2 + y * d2 + z * g2) / 2 * sc2); Op1DL = (short)((x * b2 + y * e2 + z * h2) / 2 * sc2); Op1DU = (short)((x * c2 + y * f2 + z * i2) / 2 * sc2); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP1D X: %d Y: %d Z: %d / F: %d L: %d U: %d", Op1DX, Op1DY, Op1DZ, Op1DF, Op1DL, Op1DU); #endif } void DSPOp2D() { dsp_opcode[0x2D]++; double a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, det, temp; double a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2, g2, h2, i2, x, y, z; a = matrixA3[0][0]; b = matrixA3[0][1]; c = matrixA3[0][2]; d = matrixA3[1][0]; e = matrixA3[1][1]; f = matrixA3[1][2]; g = matrixA3[2][0]; h = matrixA3[2][1]; i = matrixA3[2][2]; //abc //def //ghi det = a * e * i + b * f * g + c * d * h - g * e * c - h * f * a - i * d * b; if (det == 0) { Op2DF = 0; Op2DL = 0; Op2DU = 0; return; } swap(d, b); swap(g, c); swap(h, f); b = -b; d = -d; f = -f; h = -h; a2 = (e * i - h * f) / det; b2 = (d * i - g * f) / det; c2 = (d * h - g * e) / det; d2 = (b * i - h * c) / det; e2 = (a * i - g * c) / det; f2 = (a * h - g * b) / det; g2 = (b * f - e * c) / det; h2 = (a * f - d * c) / det; i2 = (a * e - d * b) / det; x = Op2DX; y = Op2DY; z = Op2DZ; Op2DF = (short)((x * a2 + y * d2 + z * g2) / 2 * sc3); Op2DL = (short)((x * b2 + y * e2 + z * h2) / 2 * sc3); Op2DU = (short)((x * c2 + y * f2 + z * i2) / 2 * sc3); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP2D X: %d Y: %d Z: %d / F: %d L: %d U: %d", Op2DX, Op2DY, Op2DZ, Op2DF, Op2DL, Op2DU); #endif } short Op03F; short Op03L; short Op03U; short Op03X; short Op03Y; short Op03Z; short Op13F; short Op13L; short Op13U; short Op13X; short Op13Y; short Op13Z; short Op23F; short Op23L; short Op23U; short Op23X; short Op23Y; short Op23Z; void DSPOp03() { dsp_opcode[0x03]++; double F, L, U; F = Op03F; L = Op03L; U = Op03U; Op03X = (short)((F * matrixA[0][0] + L * matrixA[1][0] + U * matrixA[2][0]) / 2 * sc); Op03Y = (short)((F * matrixA[0][1] + L * matrixA[1][1] + U * matrixA[2][1]) / 2 * sc); Op03Z = (short)((F * matrixA[0][2] + L * matrixA[1][2] + U * matrixA[2][2]) / 2 * sc); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP03 F: %d L: %d U: %d / X: %d Y: %d Z: %d", Op03F, Op03L, Op03U, Op03X, Op03Y, Op03Z); #endif } void DSPOp13() { dsp_opcode[0x13]++; double F, L, U; F = Op13F; L = Op13L; U = Op13U; Op13X = (short)((F * matrixA2[0][0] + L * matrixA2[1][0] + U * matrixA2[2][0]) / 2 * sc2); Op13Y = (short)((F * matrixA2[0][1] + L * matrixA2[1][1] + U * matrixA2[2][1]) / 2 * sc2); Op13Z = (short)((F * matrixA2[0][2] + L * matrixA2[1][2] + U * matrixA2[2][2]) / 2 * sc2); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP13 F: %d L: %d U: %d / X: %d Y: %d Z: %d", Op13F, Op13L, Op13U, Op13X, Op13Y, Op13Z); #endif } void DSPOp23() { dsp_opcode[0x23]++; double F, L, U; F = Op23F; L = Op23L; U = Op23U; Op23X = (short)((F * matrixA3[0][0] + L * matrixA3[1][0] + U * matrixA3[2][0]) / 2 * sc3); Op23Y = (short)((F * matrixA3[0][1] + L * matrixA3[1][1] + U * matrixA3[2][1]) / 2 * sc3); Op23Z = (short)((F * matrixA3[0][2] + L * matrixA3[1][2] + U * matrixA3[2][2]) / 2 * sc3); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP23 F: %d L: %d U: %d / X: %d Y: %d Z: %d", Op23F, Op23L, Op23U, Op23X, Op23Y, Op23Z); #endif } short Op14Zr; short Op14Xr; short Op14Yr; short Op14U; short Op14F; short Op14L; short Op14Zrr; short Op14Xrr; short Op14Yrr; double Op14Temp; void DSPOp14() { dsp_opcode[0x14]++; Op14Temp = (Op14Zr * 6.2832 / 65536.0) + (1 / cos(Op14Xr * 6.2832 / 65536.0)) * ((Op14U * 6.2832 / 65536.0) * cos( Op14Yr * 6.2832 / 65536.0) - (Op14F * 6.2832 / 65536.0) * sin(Op14Yr * 6.2832 / 65536.0)); Op14Zrr = (short)(Op14Temp * 65536.0 / 6.2832); Op14Temp = (Op14Xr * 6.2832 / 65536.0) + ((Op14U * 6.2832 / 65536.0) * sin(Op14Yr * 6.2832 / 65536.0) + (Op14F * 6.2832 / 65536.0) * cos(Op14Yr * 6.2832 / 65536.0)); Op14Xrr = (short)(Op14Temp * 65536.0 / 6.2832); Op14Temp = (Op14Yr * 6.2832 / 65536.0) - tan(Op14Xr * 6.2832 / 65536.0) * ((Op14U * 6.2832 / 65536.0) * cos( Op14Yr * 6.2832 / 65536.0) + (Op14F * 6.2832 / 65536.0) * sin(Op14Yr * 6.2832 / 65536.0)) + (Op14L * 6.2832 / 65536.0); Op14Yrr = (short)(Op14Temp * 65536.0 / 6.2832); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP14 X:%d Y%d Z:%D U:%d F:%d L:%d", Op14Xr, Op14Yr, Op14Zr, Op14U, Op14F, Op14L); Log_Message("OP14 X:%d Y%d Z:%D", Op14Xrr, Op14Yrr, Op14Zrr); #endif } short Op0EH; short Op0EV; short Op0EX; short Op0EY; void DSPOp0E() { dsp_opcode[0x0E]++; // screen Directions UP RVPos = Op0EV; RHPos = Op0EH; GetRXYPos(); Op0EX = RXRes; Op0EY = RYRes; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP0E COORDINATE H:%d V:%d X:%d Y:%d", Op0EH, Op0EV, Op0EX, Op0EY); #endif } short Op0BX; short Op0BY; short Op0BZ; short Op0BS; short Op1BX; short Op1BY; short Op1BZ; short Op1BS; short Op2BX; short Op2BY; short Op2BZ; short Op2BS; void DSPOp0B() { dsp_opcode[0x0B]++; Op0BS = (Op0BX * matrixA[0][0] + Op0BY * matrixA2[0][1] + Op0BZ * matrixA2[0][2]); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP0B"); #endif } void DSPOp1B() { dsp_opcode[0x1B]++; Op1BS = (Op1BX * matrixA2[0][0] + Op1BY * matrixA2[0][1] + Op1BZ * matrixA2[0][2]); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP1B X: %d Y: %d Z: %d S: %d", Op1BX, Op1BY, Op1BZ, Op1BS); Log_Message(" MX: %d MY: %d MZ: %d Scale: %d", (short)(matrixA2[0][0] * 100), (short)(matrixA2[0][1] * 100), (short)(matrixA2[0][2] * 100), (short)(sc2 * 100)); #endif } void DSPOp2B() { dsp_opcode[0x2B]++; Op2BS = (Op2BX * matrixA3[0][0] + Op2BY * matrixA3[0][1] + Op2BZ * matrixA3[0][2]); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP2B"); #endif } short Op08X, Op08Y, Op08Z, Op08Ll, Op08Lh; long Op08Size; void DSPOp08() { dsp_opcode[0x08]++; Op08Size = (Op08X * Op08X + Op08Y * Op08Y + Op08Z * Op08Z) * 2; Op08Ll = Op08Size & 0xFFFF; Op08Lh = (Op08Size >> 16) & 0xFFFF; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP08 %d,%d,%d", Op08X, Op08Y, Op08Z); Log_Message("OP08 ((Op08X^2)+(Op08Y^2)+(Op08X^2))=%x", Op08Size); #endif } short Op18X, Op18Y, Op18Z, Op18R, Op18D; void DSPOp18() { dsp_opcode[0x18]++; double x, y, z, r; x = Op18X; y = Op18Y; z = Op18Z; r = Op18R; r = (x * x + y * y + z * z - r * r); if (r > 32767) r = 32767; if (r < -32768) r = -32768; Op18D = (short)r; #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP18 X: %d Y: %d Z: %d R: %D DIFF %d", Op18X, Op18Y, Op18Z, Op18D); #endif } short Op28X; short Op28Y; short Op28Z; short Op28R; int32 fixed_sqrt(int32 r) { int32 t, b, c = 0; for (b = 0x10000000; b != 0; b >>= 2) { t = c + b; c >>= 1; if (t <= r) { r -= t; c += b; } } return (c); } void DSPOp28() { dsp_opcode[0x28]++; // Op28R=(short)sqrt((double)(Op28X*Op28X+Op28Y*Op28Y+Op28Z*Op28Z)); Op28R = (short)fixed_sqrt((int32)(Op28X * Op28X + Op28Y * Op28Y + Op28Z * Op28Z)); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP28 X:%d Y:%d Z:%d", Op28X, Op28Y, Op28Z); Log_Message("OP28 Vector Length %d", Op28R); #endif } short Op1CAZ; unsigned short Op1CX, Op1CY, Op1CZ; short Op1CXBR, Op1CYBR, Op1CZBR, Op1CXAR, Op1CYAR, Op1CZAR; short Op1CX1; short Op1CY1; short Op1CZ1; short Op1CX2; short Op1CY2; short Op1CZ2; #ifdef __OPT1C__ void DSPOp1C() { dsp_opcode[0x1C]++; short ya, xa, za; ya = Angle(Op1CX); xa = Angle(Op1CY); za = Angle(Op1CZ); // rotate around Z Op1CX1 = (Op1CXBR * Cos(za) + Op1CYBR * Sin(za)); Op1CY1 = (Op1CXBR * -Sin(za) + Op1CYBR * Cos(za)); Op1CZ1 = Op1CZBR; // rotate around Y Op1CX2 = (Op1CX1 * Cos(ya) + Op1CZ1 * -Sin(ya)); Op1CY2 = Op1CY1; Op1CZ2 = (Op1CX1 * Sin(ya) + Op1CZ1 * Cos(ya)); // rotate around X Op1CXAR = Op1CX2; Op1CYAR = (Op1CY2 * Cos(xa) + Op1CZ2 * Sin(xa)); Op1CZAR = (Op1CY2 * -Sin(xa) + Op1CZ2 * Cos(xa)); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP1C Apply Matrix CX:%d CY:%d CZ", Op1CXAR, Op1CYAR, Op1CZAR); #endif } #else void DSPOp1C() { double ya, xa, za; ya = Op1CX / 65536.0 * PI * 2; xa = Op1CY / 65536.0 * PI * 2; za = Op1CZ / 65536.0 * PI * 2; // rotate around Z Op1CX1 = (Op1CXBR * cos(za) + Op1CYBR * sin(za)); Op1CY1 = (Op1CXBR * -sin(za) + Op1CYBR * cos(za)); Op1CZ1 = Op1CZBR; // rotate around Y Op1CX2 = (Op1CX1 * cos(ya) + Op1CZ1 * -sin(ya)); Op1CY2 = Op1CY1; Op1CZ2 = (Op1CX1 * sin(ya) + Op1CZ1 * cos(ya)); // rotate around X Op1CXAR = Op1CX2; Op1CYAR = (Op1CY2 * cos(xa) + Op1CZ2 * sin(xa)); Op1CZAR = (Op1CY2 * -sin(xa) + Op1CZ2 * cos(xa)); #ifdef DebugDSP1 Log_Message("OP1C Apply Matrix CX:%d CY:%d CZ", Op1CXAR, Op1CYAR, Op1CZAR); #endif } #endif