/* * Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. * * (c) Copyright 1996 - 2001 Gary Henderson (gary.henderson@ntlworld.com) and * Jerremy Koot (jkoot@snes9x.com) * * Super FX C emulator code * (c) Copyright 1997 - 1999 Ivar (ivar@snes9x.com) and * Gary Henderson. * Super FX assembler emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 zsKnight and _Demo_. * * DSP1 emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 Ivar, _Demo_ and Gary Henderson. * C4 asm and some C emulation code (c) Copyright 2000 zsKnight and _Demo_. * C4 C code (c) Copyright 2001 Gary Henderson (gary.henderson@ntlworld.com). * * DOS port code contains the works of other authors. See headers in * individual files. * * Snes9x homepage: http://www.snes9x.com * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute Snes9x in both binary and * source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, * providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with * all copies and any derived work. * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages * arising from the use of this software. * * Snes9x is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should * seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes * charging money for Snes9x or software derived from Snes9x. * * The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code * should be forwarded to them so everyone can benefit from the modifications * in future versions. * * Super NES and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of * Nintendo Co., Limited and its subsidiary companies. */ #define SCANCODE_K 167 #define SCANCODE_ESC 197 #define SCANCODE_CURSORBLOCKRIGHT 175 #define SCANCODE_CURSORBLOCKLEFT 173 #define SCANCODE_CURSORBLOCKUP 190 #define SCANCODE_CURSORBLOCKDOWN 158 #define SCANCODE_H 165 #define SCANCODE_N 182 #define SCANCODE_J 166 #define SCANCODE_U 150 #define SCANCODE_ENTER 196 #define SCANCODE_SPACE 192 #define SCANCODE_A 160 #define SCANCODE_V 180 #define SCANCODE_Q 144 #define SCANCODE_Z 149 #define SCANCODE_B 181 #define SCANCODE_W 145 #define SCANCODE_S 161 #define SCANCODE_M 183 #define SCANCODE_E 146 #define SCANCODE_X 178 #define SCANCODE_COMMA 184 #define SCANCODE_R 147 #define SCANCODE_D 162 #define SCANCODE_PERIOD 185 #define SCANCODE_T 148 #define SCANCODE_C 179 #define SCANCODE_SLASH 186 #define SCANCODE_Y 177 #define SCANCODE_CURSORRIGHT 206 #define SCANCODE_CURSORLEFT 207 #define SCANCODE_CURSORDOWN 205 #define SCANCODE_CURSORUP 204 #define SCANCODE_KEYPADENTER 195 #define SCANCODE_KEYPADPLUS 222 #define SCANCODE_INSERT 143 #define SCANCODE_REMOVE 188 #define SCANCODE_HOME 189 #define SCANCODE_END 157 #define SCANCODE_PAGEUP 191 #define SCANCODE_PAGEDOWN 159 #define SCANCODE_0 138 #define SCANCODE_1 129 #define SCANCODE_2 130 #define SCANCODE_3 131 #define SCANCODE_4 132 #define SCANCODE_5 133 #define SCANCODE_6 134 #define SCANCODE_7 135 #define SCANCODE_8 136 #define SCANCODE_9 137 #define SCANCODE_BACKSPACE 193 #define SCANCODE_F1 208 #define SCANCODE_F2 209 #define SCANCODE_F3 210 #define SCANCODE_F4 211 #define SCANCODE_F5 212 #define SCANCODE_F6 213 #define SCANCODE_F7 214 #define SCANCODE_F8 215 #define SCANCODE_F9 216 #define SCANCODE_F10 217 #define SCANCODE_F11 198 #define SCANCODE_F12 223 #define SCANCODE_P 153 #define SCANCODE_LESSER 176 #define SCANCODE_PLUS 155