/* * Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. * * (c) Copyright 1996 - 2001 Gary Henderson (gary.henderson@ntlworld.com) and * Jerremy Koot (jkoot@snes9x.com) * * Super FX C emulator code * (c) Copyright 1997 - 1999 Ivar (ivar@snes9x.com) and * Gary Henderson. * Super FX assembler emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 zsKnight and _Demo_. * * DSP1 emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 Ivar, _Demo_ and Gary Henderson. * C4 asm and some C emulation code (c) Copyright 2000 zsKnight and _Demo_. * C4 C code (c) Copyright 2001 Gary Henderson (gary.henderson@ntlworld.com). * * DOS port code contains the works of other authors. See headers in * individual files. * * Snes9x homepage: http://www.snes9x.com * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute Snes9x in both binary and * source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, * providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with * all copies and any derived work. * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages * arising from the use of this software. * * Snes9x is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should * seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes * charging money for Snes9x or software derived from Snes9x. * * The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code * should be forwarded to them so everyone can benefit from the modifications * in future versions. * * Super NES and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of * Nintendo Co., Limited and its subsidiary companies. */ #include #include #ifdef __linux //#include #endif #include "snes9x.h" #include "memmap.h" #include "cpuexec.h" #include "ppu.h" #include "display.h" #include "cheats.h" #include "apu.h" #include "sa1.h" #include "srtc.h" #include "sdd1.h" #include "fxemu.h" extern FxInit_s SuperFX; static uint8 bytes0x2000 [0x2000]; extern bool8 ROMAPUEnabled; static bool8_32 AllASCII (uint8 *b, int size) { int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (b[i] < 32 || b[i] > 126) return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); } static int ScoreHiROM (bool8_32 skip_header) { int score = 0; int o = skip_header ? 0xff00 + 0x200 : 0xff00; if ((Memory.ROM [o + 0xdc] + (Memory.ROM [o + 0xdd] << 8) + Memory.ROM [o + 0xde] + (Memory.ROM [o + 0xdf] << 8)) == 0xffff) score += 2; if (Memory.ROM [o + 0xda] == 0x33) score += 2; if ((Memory.ROM [o + 0xd5] & 0xf) < 4) score += 2; if (!(Memory.ROM [o + 0xfd] & 0x80)) score -= 4; if (Memory.CalculatedSize > 1024 * 1024 * 3) score += 4; if ((1 << (Memory.ROM [o + 0xd7] - 7)) > 48) score -= 1; if (!AllASCII (&Memory.ROM [o + 0xb0], 6)) score -= 1; if (!AllASCII (&Memory.ROM [o + 0xc0], ROM_NAME_LEN - 1)) score -= 1; return (score); } static int ScoreLoROM (bool8_32 skip_header) { int score = 0; int o = skip_header ? 0x7f00 + 0x200 : 0x7f00; if ((Memory.ROM [o + 0xdc] + (Memory.ROM [o + 0xdd] << 8) + Memory.ROM [o + 0xde] + (Memory.ROM [o + 0xdf] << 8)) == 0xffff) score += 2; if (Memory.ROM [o + 0xda] == 0x33) score += 2; if ((Memory.ROM [o + 0xd5] & 0xf) < 4) score += 2; if (Memory.CalculatedSize <= 1024 * 1024 * 16) score += 2; if (!(Memory.ROM [o + 0xfd] & 0x80)) score -= 4; if ((1 << (Memory.ROM [o + 0xd7] - 7)) > 48) score -= 1; if (!AllASCII (&Memory.ROM [o + 0xb0], 6)) score -= 1; if (!AllASCII (&Memory.ROM [o + 0xc0], ROM_NAME_LEN - 1)) score -= 1; return (score); } static char *Safe (const char *s) { static char *safe = NULL; static int safe_len = 0; int len = strlen (s); if (!safe || len + 1 > safe_len) { if (safe) free ((char *) safe); safe = (char *) malloc (safe_len = len + 1); } int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (s [i] >= 32 && s [i] < 127) safe [i] = s[i]; else safe [i] = '?'; } safe [len] = 0; return (safe); } /**********************************************************************************************/ /* Init() */ /* This function allocates all the memory needed by the emulator */ /**********************************************************************************************/ bool8_32 MemoryInit () { Memory.RAM = (uint8 *) malloc (0x20000); Memory.SRAM = (uint8 *) malloc (0x20000); Memory.VRAM = (uint8 *) malloc (0x10000); Memory.ROM = (uint8 *) malloc (MAX_ROM_SIZE + 0x200 + 0x8000); Memory.FillRAM = NULL; IPPU.TileCache [TILE_2BIT] = (uint8 *) malloc (MAX_2BIT_TILES * 128); IPPU.TileCache [TILE_4BIT] = (uint8 *) malloc (MAX_4BIT_TILES * 128); IPPU.TileCache [TILE_8BIT] = (uint8 *) malloc (MAX_8BIT_TILES * 128); IPPU.TileCached [TILE_2BIT] = (uint8 *) malloc (MAX_2BIT_TILES); IPPU.TileCached [TILE_4BIT] = (uint8 *) malloc (MAX_4BIT_TILES); IPPU.TileCached [TILE_8BIT] = (uint8 *) malloc (MAX_8BIT_TILES); if (!Memory.RAM || !Memory.SRAM || !Memory.VRAM || !Memory.ROM || !IPPU.TileCache [TILE_2BIT] || !IPPU.TileCache [TILE_4BIT] || !IPPU.TileCache [TILE_8BIT] || !IPPU.TileCached [TILE_2BIT] || !IPPU.TileCached [TILE_4BIT] || !IPPU.TileCached [TILE_8BIT]) { MemoryDeinit (); return (FALSE); } // FillRAM uses first 32K of ROM image area, otherwise space just // wasted. Might be read by the SuperFX code. Memory.FillRAM = Memory.ROM; // Add 0x8000 to ROM image pointer to stop SuperFX code accessing // unallocated memory (can cause crash on some ports). Memory.ROM += 0x8000; Memory.C4RAM = Memory.ROM + 0x400000 + 8192 * 8; ROM = Memory.ROM; SRAM = Memory.SRAM; RegRAM = Memory.FillRAM; SuperFX.pvRegisters = &Memory.FillRAM [0x3000]; SuperFX.nRamBanks = 1; SuperFX.pvRam = SRAM; SuperFX.nRomBanks = (2 * 1024 * 1024) / (32 * 1024); SuperFX.pvRom = (uint8 *) Memory.ROM; memset (IPPU.TileCached [TILE_2BIT], 0, MAX_2BIT_TILES); memset (IPPU.TileCached [TILE_4BIT], 0, MAX_4BIT_TILES); memset (IPPU.TileCached [TILE_8BIT], 0, MAX_8BIT_TILES); Memory.SDD1Data = NULL; Memory.SDD1Index = NULL; return (TRUE); } void MemoryDeinit () { if (Memory.RAM) { free ((char *) Memory.RAM); Memory.RAM = NULL; } if (Memory.SRAM) { free ((char *) Memory.SRAM); Memory.SRAM = NULL; } if (Memory.VRAM) { free ((char *) Memory.VRAM); Memory.VRAM = NULL; } if (Memory.ROM) { Memory.ROM -= 0x8000; free ((char *) Memory.ROM); Memory.ROM = NULL; } if (IPPU.TileCache [TILE_2BIT]) { free ((char *) IPPU.TileCache [TILE_2BIT]); IPPU.TileCache [TILE_2BIT] = NULL; } if (IPPU.TileCache [TILE_4BIT]) { free ((char *) IPPU.TileCache [TILE_4BIT]); IPPU.TileCache [TILE_4BIT] = NULL; } if (IPPU.TileCache [TILE_8BIT]) { free ((char *) IPPU.TileCache [TILE_8BIT]); IPPU.TileCache [TILE_8BIT] = NULL; } if (IPPU.TileCached [TILE_2BIT]) { free ((char *) IPPU.TileCached [TILE_2BIT]); IPPU.TileCached [TILE_2BIT] = NULL; } if (IPPU.TileCached [TILE_4BIT]) { free ((char *) IPPU.TileCached [TILE_4BIT]); IPPU.TileCached [TILE_4BIT] = NULL; } if (IPPU.TileCached [TILE_8BIT]) { free ((char *) IPPU.TileCached [TILE_8BIT]); IPPU.TileCached [TILE_8BIT] = NULL; } FreeSDD1Data (); } void FreeSDD1Data () { if (Memory.SDD1Index) { free ((char *) Memory.SDD1Index); Memory.SDD1Index = NULL; } if (Memory.SDD1Data) { free ((char *) Memory.SDD1Data); Memory.SDD1Data = NULL; } } /**********************************************************************************************/ /* LoadROM() */ /* This function loads a Snes-Backup image */ /**********************************************************************************************/ bool8_32 LoadROM (const char *filename) { unsigned long FileSize = 0; int retry_count = 0; STREAM ROMFile; bool8_32 Interleaved = FALSE; bool8_32 Tales = FALSE; char dir [_MAX_DIR + 1]; char drive [_MAX_DRIVE + 1]; char name [_MAX_FNAME + 1]; char ext [_MAX_EXT + 1]; char fname [_MAX_PATH + 1]; int i; memset (&SNESGameFixes, 0, sizeof(SNESGameFixes)); SNESGameFixes.SRAMInitialValue = 0x60; memset (bytes0x2000, 0, 0x2000); CPU.TriedInterleavedMode2 = FALSE; Memory.CalculatedSize = 0; again: _splitpath (filename, drive, dir, name, ext); _makepath (fname, drive, dir, name, ext); #ifdef __WIN32__ memmove (&ext [0], &ext[1], 4); #endif int32 TotalFileSize = 0; { if ((ROMFile = OPEN_STREAM (fname, "rb")) == NULL) return (FALSE); strcpy (Memory.ROMFilename, fname); Memory.HeaderCount = 0; uint8 *ptr = Memory.ROM; bool8_32 more = FALSE; do { FileSize = READ_STREAM (ptr, MAX_ROM_SIZE + 0x200 - (ptr - Memory.ROM), ROMFile); CLOSE_STREAM (ROMFile); int calc_size = (FileSize / 0x2000) * 0x2000; if ((FileSize - calc_size == 512 && !Settings.ForceNoHeader) || Settings.ForceHeader) { memmove (ptr, ptr + 512, calc_size); Memory.HeaderCount++; FileSize -= 512; } ptr += FileSize; TotalFileSize += FileSize; int len; if (ptr - Memory.ROM < MAX_ROM_SIZE + 0x200 && (isdigit (ext [0]) && ext [1] == 0 && ext [0] < '9')) { more = TRUE; ext [0]++; #ifdef __WIN32__ memmove (&ext [1], &ext [0], 4); ext [0] = '.'; #endif _makepath (fname, drive, dir, name, ext); } else if (ptr - Memory.ROM < MAX_ROM_SIZE + 0x200 && (((len = strlen (name)) == 7 || len == 8) && strncasecmp (name, "sf", 2) == 0 && isdigit (name [2]) && isdigit (name [3]) && isdigit (name [4]) && isdigit (name [5]) && isalpha (name [len - 1]))) { more = TRUE; name [len - 1]++; #ifdef __WIN32__ memmove (&ext [1], &ext [0], 4); ext [0] = '.'; #endif _makepath (fname, drive, dir, name, ext); } else more = FALSE; } while (more && (ROMFile = OPEN_STREAM (fname, "rb")) != NULL); } if (Memory.HeaderCount == 0) S9xMessage (S9X_INFO, S9X_HEADERS_INFO, "No ROM file header found."); else { if (Memory.HeaderCount == 1) S9xMessage (S9X_INFO, S9X_HEADERS_INFO, "Found ROM file header (and ignored it)."); else S9xMessage (S9X_INFO, S9X_HEADERS_INFO, "Found multiple ROM file headers (and ignored them)."); } int hi_score = ScoreHiROM (FALSE); int lo_score = ScoreLoROM (FALSE); if (Memory.HeaderCount == 0 && !Settings.ForceNoHeader && ((hi_score > lo_score && ScoreHiROM (TRUE) > hi_score) || (hi_score <= lo_score && ScoreLoROM (TRUE) > lo_score))) { memmove (Memory.ROM, Memory.ROM + 512, TotalFileSize - 512); TotalFileSize -= 512; S9xMessage (S9X_INFO, S9X_HEADER_WARNING, "Try specifying the -nhd command line option if the game doesn't work\n"); } Memory.CalculatedSize = (TotalFileSize / 0x2000) * 0x2000; memset (Memory.ROM + Memory.CalculatedSize, 0, MAX_ROM_SIZE - Memory.CalculatedSize); // Check for cherryroms.com DAIKAIJYUMONOGATARI2 if (Memory.CalculatedSize == 0x500000 && strncmp ((const char *)&Memory.ROM [0x40ffc0], "DAIKAIJYUMONOGATARI2", 20) == 0 && strncmp ((const char *)&Memory.ROM [0x40ffb0], "18AE6J", 6) == 0 && memcmp (&Memory.ROM[0x40ffb0], &Memory.ROM [0xffb0], 0x30)) { memmove (&Memory.ROM[0x100000], Memory.ROM, 0x500000); memmove (Memory.ROM, &Memory.ROM[0x500000], 0x100000); } Interleaved = Settings.ForceInterleaved || Settings.ForceInterleaved2; if (Settings.ForceLoROM || (!Settings.ForceHiROM && lo_score >= hi_score)) { Memory.LoROM = TRUE; Memory.HiROM = FALSE; // Ignore map type byte if not 0x2x or 0x3x if ((Memory.ROM [0x7fd5] & 0xf0) == 0x20 || (Memory.ROM [0x7fd5] & 0xf0) == 0x30) { switch (Memory.ROM [0x7fd5] & 0xf) { case 1: if (strncmp ((char *) &Memory.ROM [0x7fc0], "TREASURE HUNTER G", 17) != 0) Interleaved = TRUE; break; case 2: #if 0 if (!Settings.ForceLoROM && strncmp ((char *) &ROM [0x7fc0], "SUPER FORMATION SOCCE", 21) != 0 && strncmp ((char *) &ROM [0x7fc0], "Star Ocean", 10) != 0) { LoROM = FALSE; HiROM = TRUE; } #endif break; case 5: Interleaved = TRUE; Tales = TRUE; break; } } } else { if ((Memory.ROM [0xffd5] & 0xf0) == 0x20 || (Memory.ROM [0xffd5] & 0xf0) == 0x30) { switch (Memory.ROM [0xffd5] & 0xf) { case 0: case 3: Interleaved = TRUE; break; } } Memory.LoROM = FALSE; Memory.HiROM = TRUE; } // More if (!Settings.ForceHiROM && !Settings.ForceLoROM && !Settings.ForceInterleaved && !Settings.ForceInterleaved2 && !Settings.ForceNotInterleaved && !Settings.ForcePAL && !Settings.ForceSuperFX && !Settings.ForceDSP1 && !Settings.ForceSA1 && !Settings.ForceC4 && !Settings.ForceSDD1) { if (strncmp ((char *) &Memory.ROM [0x7fc0], "YUYU NO QUIZ DE GO!GO!", 22) == 0) { Memory.LoROM = TRUE; Memory.HiROM = FALSE; Interleaved = FALSE; } else if (strncmp ((char *) &Memory.ROM [0x7fc0], "SP MOMOTAROU DENTETSU2", 22) == 0) { Memory.LoROM = TRUE; Memory.HiROM = FALSE; Interleaved = FALSE; } else if (Memory.CalculatedSize == 0x100000 && strncmp ((char *) &Memory.ROM [0xffc0], "WWF SUPER WRESTLEMANIA", 22) == 0) { int cvcount; memmove (&Memory.ROM[0x100000] , Memory.ROM, 0x100000); for (cvcount = 0; cvcount < 16; cvcount++) { memmove (&Memory.ROM[0x8000 * cvcount], &Memory.ROM[0x10000 * cvcount + 0x100000 + 0x8000], 0x8000); memmove (&Memory.ROM[0x8000 * cvcount + 0x80000], &Memory.ROM[0x10000 * cvcount + 0x100000], 0x8000); } Memory.LoROM = TRUE; Memory.HiROM = FALSE; memset (Memory.ROM + Memory.CalculatedSize, 0, MAX_ROM_SIZE - Memory.CalculatedSize); } } if (!Settings.ForceNotInterleaved && Interleaved) { CPU.TriedInterleavedMode2 = TRUE; S9xMessage (S9X_INFO, S9X_ROM_INTERLEAVED_INFO, "ROM image is in interleaved format - converting..."); int nblocks = Memory.CalculatedSize >> 16; #if 0 int step = 64; while (nblocks <= step) step >>= 1; nblocks = step; #endif uint8 blocks [256]; if (Tales) { nblocks = 0x60; for (i = 0; i < 0x40; i += 2) { blocks [i + 0] = (i >> 1) + 0x20; blocks [i + 1] = (i >> 1) + 0x00; } for (i = 0; i < 0x80; i += 2) { blocks [i + 0x40] = (i >> 1) + 0x80; blocks [i + 0x41] = (i >> 1) + 0x40; } Memory.LoROM = FALSE; Memory.HiROM = TRUE; } else if (Settings.ForceInterleaved2) { for (i = 0; i < nblocks * 2; i++) { blocks [i] = (i & ~0x1e) | ((i & 2) << 2) | ((i & 4) << 2) | ((i & 8) >> 2) | ((i & 16) >> 2); } } else { bool8_32 t = Memory.LoROM; Memory.LoROM = Memory.HiROM; Memory.HiROM = t; for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) { blocks [i * 2] = i + nblocks; blocks [i * 2 + 1] = i; } } uint8 *tmp = (uint8 *) malloc (0x8000); if (tmp) { for (i = 0; i < nblocks * 2; i++) { int j; for (j = i; j < nblocks * 2; j++) { if (blocks [j] == i) { memmove (tmp, &Memory.ROM [blocks [j] * 0x8000], 0x8000); memmove (&Memory.ROM [blocks [j] * 0x8000], &Memory.ROM [blocks [i] * 0x8000], 0x8000); memmove (&Memory.ROM [blocks [i] * 0x8000], tmp, 0x8000); uint8 b = blocks [j]; blocks [j] = blocks [i]; blocks [i] = b; break; } } } free ((char *) tmp); } hi_score = ScoreHiROM (FALSE); lo_score = ScoreLoROM (FALSE); if ((Memory.HiROM && (lo_score >= hi_score || hi_score < 0)) || (Memory.LoROM && (hi_score > lo_score || lo_score < 0))) { if (retry_count == 0) { S9xMessage (S9X_INFO, S9X_ROM_CONFUSING_FORMAT_INFO, "ROM lied about its type! Trying again."); Settings.ForceNotInterleaved = TRUE; Settings.ForceInterleaved = FALSE; retry_count++; goto again; } } } FreeSDD1Data (); InitROM (Tales); S9xInitCheatData (); S9xApplyCheats (); S9xReset (); return (TRUE); } void S9xDeinterleaveMode2 () { S9xMessage (S9X_INFO, S9X_ROM_INTERLEAVED_INFO, "ROM image is in interleaved format - converting..."); int nblocks = Memory.CalculatedSize >> 15; int step = 64; while (nblocks <= step) step >>= 1; nblocks = step; uint8 blocks [256]; int i; for (i = 0; i < nblocks * 2; i++) { blocks [i] = (i & ~0x1e) | ((i & 2) << 2) | ((i & 4) << 2) | ((i & 8) >> 2) | ((i & 16) >> 2); } uint8 *tmp = (uint8 *) malloc (0x8000); if (tmp) { for (i = 0; i < nblocks * 2; i++) { int j; for (j = i; j < nblocks * 2; j++) { if (blocks [j] == i) { memmove (tmp, &Memory.ROM [blocks [j] * 0x8000], 0x8000); memmove (&Memory.ROM [blocks [j] * 0x8000], &Memory.ROM [blocks [i] * 0x8000], 0x8000); memmove (&Memory.ROM [blocks [i] * 0x8000], tmp, 0x8000); uint8 b = blocks [j]; blocks [j] = blocks [i]; blocks [i] = b; break; } } } free ((char *) tmp); } InitROM (FALSE); S9xReset (); } void InitROM (bool8_32 Interleaved) { SuperFX.nRomBanks = Memory.CalculatedSize >> 15; Settings.MultiPlayer5Master = Settings.MultiPlayer5; Settings.MouseMaster = Settings.Mouse; Settings.SuperScopeMaster = Settings.SuperScope; Settings.DSP1Master = Settings.ForceDSP1; Settings.SuperFX = FALSE; Settings.SA1 = FALSE; Settings.C4 = FALSE; Settings.SDD1 = FALSE; Settings.SRTC = FALSE; memset (Memory.BlockIsRAM, 0, MEMMAP_NUM_BLOCKS); memset (Memory.BlockIsROM, 0, MEMMAP_NUM_BLOCKS); SRAM = Memory.SRAM; memset (Memory.ROMId, 0, 5); memset (Memory.CompanyId, 0, 3); if (Memory.HiROM) { Memory.SRAMSize = Memory.ROM [0xffd8]; strncpy (Memory.ROMName, (char *) &Memory.ROM[0xffc0], ROM_NAME_LEN - 1); Memory.ROMSpeed = Memory.ROM [0xffd5]; Memory.ROMType = Memory.ROM [0xffd6]; Memory.ROMSize = Memory.ROM [0xffd7]; Memory.ROMChecksum = Memory.ROM [0xffde] + (Memory.ROM [0xffdf] << 8); Memory.ROMComplementChecksum = Memory.ROM [0xffdc] + (Memory.ROM [0xffdd] << 8); memmove (Memory.ROMId, &Memory.ROM [0xffb2], 4); memmove (Memory.CompanyId, &Memory.ROM [0xffb0], 2); // Try to auto-detect the DSP1 chip if (!Settings.ForceNoDSP1 && (Memory.ROMType & 0xf) >= 3 && (Memory.ROMType & 0xf0) == 0) Settings.DSP1Master = TRUE; Settings.SDD1 = Settings.ForceSDD1; if ((Memory.ROMType & 0xf0) == 0x40) Settings.SDD1 = !Settings.ForceNoSDD1; if (Settings.BS) BSHiROMMap (); else if ((Memory.ROMSpeed & ~0x10) == 0x25) TalesROMMap (Interleaved); else if ((Memory.ROMSpeed & ~0x10) == 0x22 && strncmp (Memory.ROMName, "Super Street Fighter", 20) != 0) { AlphaROMMap (); } else HiROMMap (); } else { Memory.HiROM = FALSE; Memory.SRAMSize = Memory.ROM [0x7fd8]; Memory.ROMSpeed = Memory.ROM [0x7fd5]; Memory.ROMType = Memory.ROM [0x7fd6]; Memory.ROMSize = Memory.ROM [0x7fd7]; Memory.ROMChecksum = Memory.ROM [0x7fde] + (Memory.ROM [0x7fdf] << 8); Memory.ROMComplementChecksum = Memory.ROM [0x7fdc] + (Memory.ROM [0x7fdd] << 8); memmove (Memory.ROMId, &Memory.ROM [0x7fb2], 4); memmove (Memory.CompanyId, &Memory.ROM [0x7fb0], 2); strncpy (Memory.ROMName, (char *) &Memory.ROM[0x7fc0], ROM_NAME_LEN - 1); Settings.SuperFX = Settings.ForceSuperFX; if ((Memory.ROMType & 0xf0) == 0x10) Settings.SuperFX = !Settings.ForceNoSuperFX; // Try to auto-detect the DSP1 chip if (!Settings.ForceNoDSP1 && (Memory.ROMType & 0xf) >= 3 && (Memory.ROMType & 0xf0) == 0) Settings.DSP1Master = TRUE; Settings.SDD1 = Settings.ForceSDD1; if ((Memory.ROMType & 0xf0) == 0x40) Settings.SDD1 = !Settings.ForceNoSDD1; if (Settings.SDD1) S9xLoadSDD1Data (); Settings.C4 = Settings.ForceC4; if ((Memory.ROMType & 0xf0) == 0xf0 && (strncmp (Memory.ROMName, "MEGAMAN X", 9) == 0 || strncmp (Memory.ROMName, "ROCKMAN X", 9) == 0)) { Settings.C4 = !Settings.ForceNoC4; } if (Settings.SuperFX) { //SRAM = ROM + 1024 * 1024 * 4; SuperFXROMMap (); Settings.MultiPlayer5Master = FALSE; //Settings.MouseMaster = FALSE; //Settings.SuperScopeMaster = FALSE; Settings.DSP1Master = FALSE; Settings.SA1 = FALSE; Settings.C4 = FALSE; Settings.SDD1 = FALSE; } else if (Settings.ForceSA1 || (!Settings.ForceNoSA1 && (Memory.ROMSpeed & ~0x10) == 0x23 && (Memory.ROMType & 0xf) > 3 && (Memory.ROMType & 0xf0) == 0x30)) { Settings.SA1 = TRUE; Settings.MultiPlayer5Master = FALSE; //Settings.MouseMaster = FALSE; //Settings.SuperScopeMaster = FALSE; Settings.DSP1Master = FALSE; Settings.C4 = FALSE; Settings.SDD1 = FALSE; SA1ROMMap (); } else if ((Memory.ROMSpeed & ~0x10) == 0x25) TalesROMMap (Interleaved); else if (strncmp ((char *) &Memory.ROM [0x7fc0], "SOUND NOVEL-TCOOL", 17) == 0 || strncmp ((char *) &Memory.ROM [0x7fc0], "DERBY STALLION 96", 17) == 0) { LoROM24MBSMap (); Settings.DSP1Master = FALSE; } else if (strncmp ((char *) &Memory.ROM [0x7fc0], "THOROUGHBRED BREEDER3", 21) == 0 || strncmp ((char *) &Memory.ROM [0x7fc0], "RPG-TCOOL 2", 11) == 0) { SRAM512KLoROMMap (); Settings.DSP1Master = FALSE; } else if (strncmp ((char *) &Memory.ROM [0x7fc0], "DEZAEMON ", 10) == 0) { Settings.DSP1Master = FALSE; SRAM1024KLoROMMap (); } else if (strncmp ((char *) &Memory.ROM [0x7fc0], "ADD-ON BASE CASSETE", 19) == 0) { Settings.MultiPlayer5Master = FALSE; Settings.MouseMaster = FALSE; Settings.SuperScopeMaster = FALSE; Settings.DSP1Master = FALSE; SufamiTurboLoROMMap(); Memory.SRAMSize = 3; } else if ((Memory.ROMSpeed & ~0x10) == 0x22 && strncmp (Memory.ROMName, "Super Street Fighter", 20) != 0) { AlphaROMMap (); } else LoROMMap (); } int power2 = 0; int size = Memory.CalculatedSize; while (size >>= 1) power2++; size = 1 << power2; uint32 remainder = Memory.CalculatedSize - size; uint32 sum1 = 0; uint32 sum2 = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) sum1 += Memory.ROM [i]; for (i = 0; i < (int) remainder; i++) sum2 += Memory.ROM [size + i]; if (remainder) { //for Tengai makyou if (Memory.CalculatedSize == 0x500000 && Memory.HiROM && strncmp ((const char *)&Memory.ROM[0xffb0], "18AZ", 4) == 0 && !memcmp(&Memory.ROM[0xffd5], "\x3a\xf9\x0d\x03\x00\x33\x00", 7)) sum1 += sum2; else sum1 += sum2 * (size / remainder); } sum1 &= 0xffff; Memory.CalculatedChecksum = caCRC32(&Memory.ROM[0], Memory.CalculatedSize); if (Settings.ForceNTSC) Settings.PAL = FALSE; else if (Settings.ForcePAL) Settings.PAL = TRUE; else if (Memory.HiROM) // Country code Settings.PAL = Memory.ROM [0xffd9] >= 2; else Settings.PAL = Memory.ROM [0x7fd9] >= 2; if (Settings.PAL) { Settings.FrameTime = Settings.FrameTimePAL; Memory.ROMFramesPerSecond = 50; } else { Settings.FrameTime = Settings.FrameTimeNTSC; Memory.ROMFramesPerSecond = 60; } Memory.ROMName[ROM_NAME_LEN - 1] = 0; if (strlen (Memory.ROMName)) { char *p = Memory.ROMName + strlen (Memory.ROMName) - 1; while (p > Memory.ROMName && *(p - 1) == ' ') p--; *p = 0; } if (Settings.SuperFX) { CPU.Memory_SRAMMask = 0xffff; Memory.SRAMSize = 16; } else { CPU.Memory_SRAMMask = Memory.SRAMSize ? ((1 << (Memory.SRAMSize + 3)) * 128) - 1 : 0; } IAPU.OneCycle = ONE_APU_CYCLE; Settings.Shutdown = Settings.ShutdownMaster; SetDSP = &DSP1SetByte; GetDSP = &DSP1GetByte; ApplyROMFixes (); sprintf (Memory.ROMName, "%s", Safe (Memory.ROMName)); sprintf (Memory.ROMId, "%s", Safe (Memory.ROMId)); sprintf (Memory.CompanyId, "%s", Safe (Memory.CompanyId)); sprintf (String, "\"%s\" [%s] %s, %s, Type: %s, Mode: %s, TV: %s, S-RAM: %s, ROMId: %s Company: %2.2s", Memory.ROMName, (Memory.ROMChecksum + Memory.ROMComplementChecksum != 0xffff || Memory.ROMChecksum != sum1) ? "bad checksum" : "checksum ok", MapType (), Size (), KartContents (), MapMode (), TVStandard (), StaticRAMSize (), Memory.ROMId, Memory.CompanyId); S9xMessage (S9X_INFO, S9X_ROM_INFO, String); } void FixROMSpeed () { int c; for (c = 0x800; c < 0x1000; c++) { if (Memory.BlockIsROM [c]) Memory.MemorySpeed [c] = (uint8) CPU.FastROMSpeed; } } void WriteProtectROM () { memmove ((void *) Memory.WriteMap, (void *) Memory.Map, sizeof (Memory.Map)); int c; for (c = 0; c < 0x1000; c++) { if (Memory.BlockIsROM [c]) Memory.WriteMap [c] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; } } void MapRAM () { int c; // Banks 7e->7f, RAM for (c = 0; c < 16; c++) { Memory.Map [c + 0x7e0] = Memory.RAM; Memory.Map [c + 0x7f0] = Memory.RAM + 0x10000; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x7e0] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x7f0] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x7e0] = FALSE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x7f0] = FALSE; } // Banks 70->77, S-RAM for (c = 0; c < 0x80; c++) { Memory.Map [c + 0x700] = (uint8 *) MAP_LOROM_SRAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x700] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x700] = FALSE; } } void MapExtraRAM () { int c; // Banks 7e->7f, RAM for (c = 0; c < 16; c++) { Memory.Map [c + 0x7e0] = Memory.RAM; Memory.Map [c + 0x7f0] = Memory.RAM + 0x10000; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x7e0] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x7f0] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x7e0] = FALSE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x7f0] = FALSE; } // Banks 70->73, S-RAM for (c = 0; c < 16; c++) { Memory.Map [c + 0x700] = SRAM; Memory.Map [c + 0x710] = SRAM + 0x8000; Memory.Map [c + 0x720] = SRAM + 0x10000; Memory.Map [c + 0x730] = SRAM + 0x18000; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x700] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x700] = FALSE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x710] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x710] = FALSE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x720] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x720] = FALSE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x730] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x730] = FALSE; } } void LoROMMap () { int c; int i; // Banks 00->3f and 80->bf for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { Memory.Map [c + 0] = Memory.Map [c + 0x800] = Memory.RAM; Memory.Map [c + 1] = Memory.Map [c + 0x801] = Memory.RAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x800] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 1] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x801] = TRUE; Memory.Map [c + 2] = Memory.Map [c + 0x802] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 3] = Memory.Map [c + 0x803] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 4] = Memory.Map [c + 0x804] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 5] = Memory.Map [c + 0x805] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; if (Settings.DSP1Master) { Memory.Map [c + 6] = Memory.Map [c + 0x806] = (uint8 *) MAP_DSP; Memory.Map [c + 7] = Memory.Map [c + 0x807] = (uint8 *) MAP_DSP; } else if (Settings.C4) { Memory.Map [c + 6] = Memory.Map [c + 0x806] = (uint8 *) MAP_C4; Memory.Map [c + 7] = Memory.Map [c + 0x807] = (uint8 *) MAP_C4; } else { Memory.Map [c + 6] = Memory.Map [c + 0x806] = (uint8 *) bytes0x2000 - 0x6000; Memory.Map [c + 7] = Memory.Map [c + 0x807] = (uint8 *) bytes0x2000 - 0x6000; } for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i] = Memory.Map [i + 0x800] = &Memory.ROM [(c << 11) % Memory.CalculatedSize] - 0x8000; Memory.BlockIsROM [i] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x800] = TRUE; } for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { int ppu = i & 15; Memory.MemorySpeed [i] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x800] = ppu >= 2 && ppu <= 3 ? ONE_CYCLE : SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; } } if (Settings.DSP1Master) { // Banks 30->3f and b0->bf for (c = 0x300; c < 0x400; c += 16) { for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i] = Memory.Map [i + 0x800] = (uint8 *) MAP_DSP; Memory.BlockIsROM [i] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x800] = FALSE; } } } // Banks 40->7f and c0->ff for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { for (i = c; i < c + 8; i++) Memory.Map [i + 0x400] = Memory.Map [i + 0xc00] = &Memory.ROM [(c << 11) % Memory.CalculatedSize]; for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) Memory.Map [i + 0x400] = Memory.Map [i + 0xc00] = &Memory.ROM [((c << 11) + 0x200000) % Memory.CalculatedSize - 0x8000]; for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x400] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0xc00] = SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x400] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0xc00] = TRUE; } } if (Settings.DSP1Master) { for (c = 0; c < 0x100; c++) { Memory.Map [c + 0xe00] = (uint8 *) MAP_DSP; Memory.MemorySpeed [c + 0xe00] = SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0xe00] = FALSE; } } MapRAM (); WriteProtectROM (); } void HiROMMap () { int c; int i; // Banks 00->3f and 80->bf for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { Memory.Map [c + 0] = Memory.Map [c + 0x800] = Memory.RAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x800] = TRUE; Memory.Map [c + 1] = Memory.Map [c + 0x801] = Memory.RAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 1] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x801] = TRUE; Memory.Map [c + 2] = Memory.Map [c + 0x802] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 3] = Memory.Map [c + 0x803] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 4] = Memory.Map [c + 0x804] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 5] = Memory.Map [c + 0x805] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; if (Settings.DSP1Master) { Memory.Map [c + 6] = Memory.Map [c + 0x806] = (uint8 *) MAP_DSP; Memory.Map [c + 7] = Memory.Map [c + 0x807] = (uint8 *) MAP_DSP; } else { Memory.Map [c + 6] = Memory.Map [c + 0x806] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; Memory.Map [c + 7] = Memory.Map [c + 0x807] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; } for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i] = Memory.Map [i + 0x800] = &Memory.ROM [(c << 12) % Memory.CalculatedSize]; Memory.BlockIsROM [i] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x800] = TRUE; } for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { int ppu = i & 15; Memory.MemorySpeed [i] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x800] = ppu >= 2 && ppu <= 3 ? ONE_CYCLE : SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; } } // Banks 30->3f and b0->bf, address ranges 6000->7fff is S-RAM. for (c = 0; c < 16; c++) { Memory.Map [0x306 + (c << 4)] = (uint8 *) MAP_HIROM_SRAM; Memory.Map [0x307 + (c << 4)] = (uint8 *) MAP_HIROM_SRAM; Memory.Map [0xb06 + (c << 4)] = (uint8 *) MAP_HIROM_SRAM; Memory.Map [0xb07 + (c << 4)] = (uint8 *) MAP_HIROM_SRAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [0x306 + (c << 4)] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [0x307 + (c << 4)] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [0xb06 + (c << 4)] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [0xb07 + (c << 4)] = TRUE; } // Banks 40->7f and c0->ff for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i + 0x400] = Memory.Map [i + 0xc00] = &Memory.ROM [(c << 12) % Memory.CalculatedSize]; Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x400] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0xc00] = SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x400] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0xc00] = TRUE; } } MapRAM (); WriteProtectROM (); } void TalesROMMap (bool8_32 Interleaved) { int c; int i; uint32 OFFSET0 = 0x400000; uint32 OFFSET1 = 0x400000; uint32 OFFSET2 = 0x000000; if (Interleaved) { OFFSET0 = 0x000000; OFFSET1 = 0x000000; OFFSET2 = 0x200000; } // Banks 00->3f and 80->bf for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { Memory.Map [c + 0] = Memory.Map [c + 0x800] = Memory.RAM; Memory.Map [c + 1] = Memory.Map [c + 0x801] = Memory.RAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x800] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 1] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x801] = TRUE; Memory.Map [c + 2] = Memory.Map [c + 0x802] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 3] = Memory.Map [c + 0x803] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 4] = Memory.Map [c + 0x804] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 5] = Memory.Map [c + 0x805] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 6] = Memory.Map [c + 0x806] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; Memory.Map [c + 7] = Memory.Map [c + 0x807] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i] = &Memory.ROM [((c << 12) + OFFSET0) % Memory.CalculatedSize]; Memory.Map [i + 0x800] = &Memory.ROM [((c << 12) + OFFSET0) % Memory.CalculatedSize]; Memory.BlockIsROM [i] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x800] = TRUE; } for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { int ppu = i & 15; Memory.MemorySpeed [i] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x800] = ppu >= 2 && ppu <= 3 ? ONE_CYCLE : SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; } } // Banks 30->3f and b0->bf, address ranges 6000->7ffff is S-RAM. for (c = 0; c < 16; c++) { Memory.Map [0x306 + (c << 4)] = (uint8 *) MAP_HIROM_SRAM; Memory.Map [0x307 + (c << 4)] = (uint8 *) MAP_HIROM_SRAM; Memory.Map [0xb06 + (c << 4)] = (uint8 *) MAP_HIROM_SRAM; Memory.Map [0xb07 + (c << 4)] = (uint8 *) MAP_HIROM_SRAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [0x306 + (c << 4)] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [0x307 + (c << 4)] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [0xb06 + (c << 4)] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [0xb07 + (c << 4)] = TRUE; } // Banks 40->7f and c0->ff for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { for (i = c; i < c + 8; i++) { Memory.Map [i + 0x400] = &Memory.ROM [((c << 12) + OFFSET1) % Memory.CalculatedSize]; Memory.Map [i + 0x408] = &Memory.ROM [((c << 12) + OFFSET1) % Memory.CalculatedSize]; Memory.Map [i + 0xc00] = &Memory.ROM [((c << 12) + OFFSET2) % Memory.CalculatedSize]; Memory.Map [i + 0xc08] = &Memory.ROM [((c << 12) + OFFSET2) % Memory.CalculatedSize]; Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x400] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x408] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0xc00] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0xc08] = TRUE; Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x400] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0xc00] = SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x408] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0xc08] = SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; } } MapRAM (); WriteProtectROM (); } void AlphaROMMap () { int c; int i; // Banks 00->3f and 80->bf for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { Memory.Map [c + 0] = Memory.Map [c + 0x800] = Memory.RAM; Memory.Map [c + 1] = Memory.Map [c + 0x801] = Memory.RAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x800] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 1] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x801] = TRUE; Memory.Map [c + 2] = Memory.Map [c + 0x802] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 3] = Memory.Map [c + 0x803] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 4] = Memory.Map [c + 0x804] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 5] = Memory.Map [c + 0x805] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 6] = Memory.Map [c + 0x806] = (uint8 *) MAP_DSP; Memory.Map [c + 7] = Memory.Map [c + 0x807] = (uint8 *) MAP_DSP; for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i] = Memory.Map [i + 0x800] = &Memory.ROM [c << 11] - 0x8000; Memory.BlockIsROM [i] = TRUE; } for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { int ppu = i & 15; Memory.MemorySpeed [i] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x800] = ppu >= 2 && ppu <= 3 ? ONE_CYCLE : SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; } } // Banks 40->7f and c0->ff for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i + 0x400] = &Memory.ROM [(c << 12) % Memory.CalculatedSize]; Memory.Map [i + 0xc00] = &Memory.ROM [(c << 12) % Memory.CalculatedSize]; Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x400] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0xc00] = SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x400] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0xc00] = TRUE; } } MapRAM (); WriteProtectROM (); } void SuperFXROMMap () { int c; int i; // Banks 00->3f and 80->bf for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { Memory.Map [c + 0] = Memory.Map [c + 0x800] = Memory.RAM; Memory.Map [c + 1] = Memory.Map [c + 0x801] = Memory.RAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x800] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 1] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x801] = TRUE; Memory.Map [c + 2] = Memory.Map [c + 0x802] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 3] = Memory.Map [c + 0x803] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 4] = Memory.Map [c + 0x804] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 5] = Memory.Map [c + 0x805] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 6] = Memory.Map [c + 0x806] = (uint8 *) MAP_DSP; Memory.Map [c + 7] = Memory.Map [c + 0x807] = (uint8 *) MAP_DSP; for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i] = Memory.Map [i + 0x800] = &Memory.ROM [c << 11] - 0x8000; Memory.BlockIsROM [i] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x800] = TRUE; } for (i = c; i < c + 8; i++) { int ppu = i & 15; Memory.MemorySpeed [i] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x800] = ppu >= 2 && ppu <= 3 ? ONE_CYCLE : SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; } } // Banks 40->7f and c0->ff for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i + 0x400] = Memory.Map [i + 0xc00] = &Memory.ROM [(c << 12) % Memory.CalculatedSize]; Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x400] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0xc00] = SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x400] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0xc00] = TRUE; } } // Banks 7e->7f, RAM for (c = 0; c < 16; c++) { Memory.Map [c + 0x7e0] = Memory.RAM; Memory.Map [c + 0x7f0] = Memory.RAM + 0x10000; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x7e0] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x7f0] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x7e0] = FALSE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x7f0] = FALSE; } // Banks 70->71, S-RAM for (c = 0; c < 32; c++) { Memory.Map [c + 0x700] = SRAM + (((c >> 4) & 1) << 16); Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x700] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x700] = FALSE; } // Banks 00->3f and 80->bf address ranges 6000->7fff is RAM. for (c = 0; c < 0x40; c++) { Memory.Map [0x006 + (c << 4)] = (uint8 *) SRAM - 0x6000; Memory.Map [0x007 + (c << 4)] = (uint8 *) SRAM - 0x6000; Memory.Map [0x806 + (c << 4)] = (uint8 *) SRAM - 0x6000; Memory.Map [0x807 + (c << 4)] = (uint8 *) SRAM - 0x6000; Memory.BlockIsRAM [0x006 + (c << 4)] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [0x007 + (c << 4)] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [0x806 + (c << 4)] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [0x807 + (c << 4)] = TRUE; } // Replicate the first 2Mb of the ROM at ROM + 2MB such that each 32K // block is repeated twice in each 64K block. for (c = 0; c < 64; c++) { memmove (&Memory.ROM [0x200000 + c * 0x10000], &Memory.ROM [c * 0x8000], 0x8000); memmove (&Memory.ROM [0x208000 + c * 0x10000], &Memory.ROM [c * 0x8000], 0x8000); } WriteProtectROM (); } void SA1ROMMap () { int c; int i; // Banks 00->3f and 80->bf for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { Memory.Map [c + 0] = Memory.Map [c + 0x800] = Memory.RAM; Memory.Map [c + 1] = Memory.Map [c + 0x801] = Memory.RAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x800] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 1] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x801] = TRUE; Memory.Map [c + 2] = Memory.Map [c + 0x802] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 3] = Memory.Map [c + 0x803] = (uint8 *) &Memory.FillRAM [0x3000] - 0x3000; Memory.Map [c + 4] = Memory.Map [c + 0x804] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 5] = Memory.Map [c + 0x805] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 6] = Memory.Map [c + 0x806] = (uint8 *) MAP_BWRAM; Memory.Map [c + 7] = Memory.Map [c + 0x807] = (uint8 *) MAP_BWRAM; for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i] = Memory.Map [i + 0x800] = &Memory.ROM [c << 11] - 0x8000; Memory.BlockIsROM [i] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x800] = TRUE; } for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { int ppu = i & 15; Memory.MemorySpeed [i] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x800] = ppu >= 2 && ppu <= 3 ? ONE_CYCLE : SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; } } // Banks 40->7f for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) Memory.Map [i + 0x400] = (uint8 *) &Memory.SRAM [(c << 12) & 0x1ffff]; for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x400] = SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x400] = FALSE; } } // c0->ff for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i + 0xc00] = &Memory.ROM [(c << 12) % Memory.CalculatedSize]; Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0xc00] = SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0xc00] = TRUE; } } for (c = 0; c < 16; c++) { Memory.Map [c + 0x7e0] = Memory.RAM; Memory.Map [c + 0x7f0] = Memory.RAM + 0x10000; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x7e0] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x7f0] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x7e0] = FALSE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x7f0] = FALSE; } WriteProtectROM (); #ifdef USE_SA1 // Now copy the map and correct it for the SA1 CPU. memmove ((void *) SA1_WriteMap, (void *) Memory.WriteMap, sizeof (Memory.WriteMap)); memmove ((void *) SA1_Map, (void *) Memory.Map, sizeof (Memory.Map)); // Banks 00->3f and 80->bf for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { SA1_Map [c + 0] = SA1_Map [c + 0x800] = &Memory.FillRAM [0x3000]; SA1_Map [c + 1] = SA1_Map [c + 0x801] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; SA1_WriteMap [c + 0] = SA1_WriteMap [c + 0x800] = &Memory.FillRAM [0x3000]; SA1_WriteMap [c + 1] = SA1_WriteMap [c + 0x801] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; } // Banks 60->6f for (c = 0; c < 0x100; c++) SA1_Map [c + 0x600] = SA1_WriteMap [c + 0x600] = (uint8 *) MAP_BWRAM_BITMAP; #endif // USE_SA1 Memory.BWRAM = Memory.SRAM; } void LoROM24MBSMap () { int c; int i; // Banks 00->3f and 80->bf for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { Memory.Map [c + 0] = Memory.Map [c + 0x800] = Memory.RAM; Memory.Map [c + 1] = Memory.Map [c + 0x801] = Memory.RAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x800] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 1] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x801] = TRUE; Memory.Map [c + 2] = Memory.Map [c + 0x802] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 3] = Memory.Map [c + 0x803] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 4] = Memory.Map [c + 0x804] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 5] = Memory.Map [c + 0x805] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 6] = Memory.Map [c + 0x806] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; Memory.Map [c + 7] = Memory.Map [c + 0x807] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i] = Memory.Map [i + 0x800] = &Memory.ROM [c << 11] - 0x8000; Memory.BlockIsROM [i] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x800] = TRUE; } for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { int ppu = i & 15; Memory.MemorySpeed [i] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x800] = ppu >= 2 && ppu <= 3 ? ONE_CYCLE : SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; } } // Banks 00->3f and 80->bf for (c = 0; c < 0x200; c += 16) { Memory.Map [c + 0x800] = Memory.RAM; Memory.Map [c + 0x801] = Memory.RAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x800] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x801] = TRUE; Memory.Map [c + 0x802] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 0x803] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 0x804] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 0x805] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 0x806] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; Memory.Map [c + 0x807] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i + 0x800] = &Memory.ROM [c << 11] - 0x8000 + 0x200000; Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x800] = TRUE; } for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { int ppu = i & 15; Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x800] = ppu >= 2 && ppu <= 3 ? ONE_CYCLE : SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; } } // Banks 40->7f and c0->ff for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { for (i = c; i < c + 8; i++) Memory.Map [i + 0x400] = Memory.Map [i + 0xc00] = &Memory.ROM [(c << 11) + 0x200000]; for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) Memory.Map [i + 0x400] = Memory.Map [i + 0xc00] = &Memory.ROM [(c << 11) + 0x200000 - 0x8000]; for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x400] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0xc00] = SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x400] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0xc00] = TRUE; } } MapExtraRAM (); WriteProtectROM (); } void SufamiTurboLoROMMap () { int c; int i; // Banks 00->3f and 80->bf for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { Memory.Map [c + 0] = Memory.Map [c + 0x800] = Memory.RAM; Memory.Map [c + 1] = Memory.Map [c + 0x801] = Memory.RAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x800] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 1] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x801] = TRUE; Memory.Map [c + 2] = Memory.Map [c + 0x802] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 3] = Memory.Map [c + 0x803] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 4] = Memory.Map [c + 0x804] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 5] = Memory.Map [c + 0x805] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; if (Settings.DSP1Master) { Memory.Map [c + 6] = Memory.Map [c + 0x806] = (uint8 *) MAP_DSP; Memory.Map [c + 7] = Memory.Map [c + 0x807] = (uint8 *) MAP_DSP; } else { Memory.Map [c + 6] = Memory.Map [c + 0x806] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; Memory.Map [c + 7] = Memory.Map [c + 0x807] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; } for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i] = Memory.Map [i + 0x800] = &Memory.ROM [c << 11] - 0x8000; Memory.BlockIsROM [i] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x800] = TRUE; } for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { int ppu = i & 15; Memory.MemorySpeed [i] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x800] = ppu >= 2 && ppu <= 3 ? ONE_CYCLE : SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; } } if (Settings.DSP1Master) { // Banks 30->3f and b0->bf for (c = 0x300; c < 0x400; c += 16) { for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i] = Memory.Map [i + 0x800] = (uint8 *) MAP_DSP; Memory.BlockIsROM [i] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x800] = FALSE; } } } // Banks 40->7f and c0->ff for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { for (i = c; i < c + 8; i++) Memory.Map [i + 0x400] = Memory.Map [i + 0xc00] = &Memory.ROM [(c << 11) + 0x200000]; for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) Memory.Map [i + 0x400] = Memory.Map [i + 0xc00] = &Memory.ROM [(c << 11) + 0x200000 - 0x8000]; for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x400] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0xc00] = SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x400] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0xc00] = TRUE; } } if (Settings.DSP1Master) { for (c = 0; c < 0x100; c++) { Memory.Map [c + 0xe00] = (uint8 *) MAP_DSP; Memory.MemorySpeed [c + 0xe00] = SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0xe00] = FALSE; } } // Banks 7e->7f, RAM for (c = 0; c < 16; c++) { Memory.Map [c + 0x7e0] = Memory.RAM; Memory.Map [c + 0x7f0] = Memory.RAM + 0x10000; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x7e0] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x7f0] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x7e0] = FALSE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x7f0] = FALSE; } // Banks 60->67, S-RAM for (c = 0; c < 0x80; c++) { Memory.Map [c + 0x600] = (uint8 *) MAP_LOROM_SRAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x600] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x600] = FALSE; } WriteProtectROM (); } void SRAM512KLoROMMap () { int c; int i; // Banks 00->3f and 80->bf for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { Memory.Map [c + 0] = Memory.Map [c + 0x800] = Memory.RAM; Memory.Map [c + 1] = Memory.Map [c + 0x801] = Memory.RAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x800] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 1] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x801] = TRUE; Memory.Map [c + 2] = Memory.Map [c + 0x802] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 3] = Memory.Map [c + 0x803] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 4] = Memory.Map [c + 0x804] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 5] = Memory.Map [c + 0x805] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 6] = Memory.Map [c + 0x806] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; Memory.Map [c + 7] = Memory.Map [c + 0x807] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i] = Memory.Map [i + 0x800] = &Memory.ROM [c << 11] - 0x8000; Memory.BlockIsROM [i] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x800] = TRUE; } for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { int ppu = i & 15; Memory.MemorySpeed [i] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x800] = ppu >= 2 && ppu <= 3 ? ONE_CYCLE : SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; } } // Banks 40->7f and c0->ff for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { for (i = c; i < c + 8; i++) Memory.Map [i + 0x400] = Memory.Map [i + 0xc00] = &Memory.ROM [(c << 11) + 0x200000]; for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) Memory.Map [i + 0x400] = Memory.Map [i + 0xc00] = &Memory.ROM [(c << 11) + 0x200000 - 0x8000]; for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x400] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0xc00] = SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x400] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0xc00] = TRUE; } } MapExtraRAM (); WriteProtectROM (); } void SRAM1024KLoROMMap () { int c; int i; // Banks 00->3f and 80->bf for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { Memory.Map [c + 0] = Memory.Map [c + 0x800] = Memory.Map [c + 0x400] = Memory.Map [c + 0xc00] = Memory.RAM; Memory.Map [c + 1] = Memory.Map [c + 0x801] = Memory.Map [c + 0x401] = Memory.Map [c + 0xc01] = Memory.RAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x800] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x400] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0xc00] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 1] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x801] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x401] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0xc01] = TRUE; Memory.Map [c + 2] = Memory.Map [c + 0x802] = Memory.Map [c + 0x402] = Memory.Map [c + 0xc02] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 3] = Memory.Map [c + 0x803] = Memory.Map [c + 0x403] = Memory.Map [c + 0xc03] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 4] = Memory.Map [c + 0x804] = Memory.Map [c + 0x404] = Memory.Map [c + 0xc04] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 5] = Memory.Map [c + 0x805] = Memory.Map [c + 0x405] = Memory.Map [c + 0xc05] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; Memory.Map [c + 6] = Memory.Map [c + 0x806] = Memory.Map [c + 0x406] = Memory.Map [c + 0xc06] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; Memory.Map [c + 7] = Memory.Map [c + 0x807] = Memory.Map [c + 0x407] = Memory.Map [c + 0xc07] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i] = Memory.Map [i + 0x800] = Memory.Map [i + 0x400] = Memory.Map [i + 0xc00] = &Memory.ROM [c << 11] - 0x8000; Memory.BlockIsROM [i] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x800] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x400] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0xc00] = TRUE; } for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { int ppu = i & 15; Memory.MemorySpeed [i] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x800] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x400] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0xc00] = ppu >= 2 && ppu <= 3 ? ONE_CYCLE : SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; } } MapExtraRAM (); WriteProtectROM (); } void BSHiROMMap () { int c; int i; // Banks 00->3f and 80->bf for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { Memory.Map [c + 0] = Memory.Map [c + 0x800] = Memory.RAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x800] = TRUE; Memory.Map [c + 1] = Memory.Map [c + 0x801] = Memory.RAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 1] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x801] = TRUE; Memory.Map [c + 2] = Memory.Map [c + 0x802] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 3] = Memory.Map [c + 0x803] = (uint8 *) MAP_PPU; Memory.Map [c + 4] = Memory.Map [c + 0x804] = (uint8 *) MAP_CPU; // XXX: How large is SRAM?? Memory.Map [c + 5] = Memory.Map [c + 0x805] = (uint8 *) Memory.SRAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 5] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x805] = TRUE; Memory.Map [c + 6] = Memory.Map [c + 0x806] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; Memory.Map [c + 7] = Memory.Map [c + 0x807] = (uint8 *) MAP_NONE; for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i] = Memory.Map [i + 0x800] = &Memory.ROM [(c << 12) % Memory.CalculatedSize]; Memory.BlockIsROM [i] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x800] = TRUE; } for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { int ppu = i & 15; Memory.MemorySpeed [i] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x800] = ppu >= 2 && ppu <= 3 ? ONE_CYCLE : SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; } } // Banks 60->7d offset 0000->7fff & 60->7f offset 8000->ffff PSRAM // XXX: How large is PSRAM? for (c = 0x600; c < 0x7e0; c += 16) { for (i = c; i < c + 8; i++) { Memory.Map [i] = &Memory.ROM [0x400000 + (c << 11)]; Memory.BlockIsRAM [i] = TRUE; } for (i = c + 8; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i] = &Memory.ROM [0x400000 + (c << 11) - 0x8000]; Memory.BlockIsRAM [i] = TRUE; } } // Banks 40->7f and c0->ff for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { for (i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { Memory.Map [i + 0x400] = Memory.Map [i + 0xc00] = &Memory.ROM [(c << 12) % Memory.CalculatedSize]; Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0x400] = Memory.MemorySpeed [i + 0xc00] = SLOW_ONE_CYCLE; Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0x400] = Memory.BlockIsROM [i + 0xc00] = TRUE; } } MapRAM (); WriteProtectROM (); } const char *TVStandard () { return (Settings.PAL ? "PAL" : "NTSC"); } const char *Speed () { return (Memory.ROMSpeed & 0x10 ? "120ns" : "200ns"); } const char *MapType () { return (Memory.HiROM ? "HiROM" : "LoROM"); } const char *StaticRAMSize () { static char tmp [20]; if (Memory.SRAMSize > 16) return ("Corrupt"); sprintf (tmp, "%dKb", (CPU.Memory_SRAMMask + 1) / 1024); return (tmp); } const char *Size () { static char tmp [20]; if (Memory.ROMSize < 7 || Memory.ROMSize - 7 > 23) return ("Corrupt"); sprintf (tmp, "%dMbits", 1 << (Memory.ROMSize - 7)); return (tmp); } const char *KartContents () { static char tmp [30]; static const char *CoPro [16] = { "DSP1", "SuperFX", "OBC1", "SA-1", "S-DD1", "S-RTC", "CoPro#6", "CoPro#7", "CoPro#8", "CoPro#9", "CoPro#10", "CoPro#11", "CoPro#12", "CoPro#13", "CoPro#14", "CoPro-Custom" }; static const char *Contents [3] = { "ROM", "ROM+RAM", "ROM+RAM+BAT" }; if (Memory.ROMType == 0) return ("ROM only"); sprintf (tmp, "%s", Contents [(Memory.ROMType & 0xf) % 3]); if ((Memory.ROMType & 0xf) >= 3) sprintf (tmp, "%s+%s", tmp, CoPro [(Memory.ROMType & 0xf0) >> 4]); return (tmp); } const char *MapMode () { static char tmp [4]; sprintf (tmp, "%02x", Memory.ROMSpeed & ~0x10); return (tmp); } const char *ROMID () { return (Memory.ROMId); } void ApplyROMFixes () { ROMAPUEnabled = 0; DSP1.version = 0; //Settings.HBlankStart = (256 * Settings.H_Max) / SNES_HCOUNTER_MAX; if (strncmp(Memory.ROMName, "DUNGEON MASTER", 14) == 0) { DSP1.version = 1; SetDSP=&DSP2SetByte; GetDSP=&DSP2GetByte; } //OAM hacks because we don't fully understand the //behavior of the SNES. //possibly an RTO issue? //part of Fred's club is drawn over his face. if(strncmp(Memory.ROMName, "THE FLINTSTONES TTOSM", 21)==0) { SNESGameFixes.Flintstones=true; } if(strncmp(Memory.ROMName, "SUPER MARIO KART", 16)==0 || strncmp(Memory.ROMName, "F-ZERO", 6)==0) { SNESGameFixes.Mode7Hack=true; } //Totally wacky display... //seems to need a disproven behavior, so //we're definitely overlooking some other bug? if(strncmp(Memory.ROMName, "UNIRACERS", 9)==0) SNESGameFixes.Uniracers=true; // Enable S-RTC (Real Time Clock) emulation for Dai Kaijyu Monogatari 2 Settings.SRTC = ((Memory.ROMType & 0xf0) >> 4) == 5; Settings.StrikeGunnerOffsetHack = strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "STRIKE GUNNER") == 0 ? 7 : 0; CPU.NMITriggerPoint = 4; if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "CACOMA KNIGHT") == 0) CPU.NMITriggerPoint = 25; // These games complain if the multi-player adaptor is 'connected' if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "TETRIS&Dr.MARIO") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "JIGSAW PARTY") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "SUPER PICROSS") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "KIRBY NO KIRA KIZZU") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "BLOCK") == 0 || strncmp (Memory.ROMName, "SUPER BOMBLISS", 14) == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "ABOJ") == 0) { Settings.MultiPlayer5Master = FALSE; Settings.MouseMaster = FALSE; Settings.SuperScopeMaster = FALSE; } // Games which spool sound samples between the SNES and sound CPU using // H-DMA as the sample is playing. if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "EARTHWORM JIM 2") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "PRIMAL RAGE") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "CLAY FIGHTER") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "ClayFighter 2") == 0 || strncasecmp (Memory.ROMName, "MADDEN", 6) == 0 || strncmp (Memory.ROMName, "NHL", 3) == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "WEAPONLORD") == 0) { Settings.Shutdown = FALSE; } // Stunt Racer FX if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "CQ ") == 0 || // Illusion of Gaia strncmp (Memory.ROMId, "JG", 2) == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "GAIA GENSOUKI 1 JPN") == 0) { IAPU.OneCycle = 13; ROMAPUEnabled |= 2; CPU.APU_APUExecuting |= 2; } // RENDERING RANGER R2 if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AVCJ") == 0 || // Star Ocean strncmp (Memory.ROMId, "ARF", 3) == 0 || // Tales of Phantasia strncmp (Memory.ROMId, "ATV", 3) == 0 || // Act Raiser 1 & 2 strncasecmp (Memory.ROMName, "ACTRAISER", 9) == 0 || strncasecmp (Memory.ROMName, "ActRaiser", 9) == 0 || // I kown both sentences are supposed to be equivalent each other but they aren't on my compiler // Soulblazer strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "SOULBLAZER - 1 USA") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "SOULBLADER - 1") == 0 || strncmp (Memory.ROMName, "SOULBLAZER 1",12) == 0 || // Terranigma strncmp (Memory.ROMId, "AQT", 3) == 0 || // Robotrek strncmp (Memory.ROMId, "E9 ", 3) == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "SLAP STICK 1 JPN") == 0 || // ZENNIHON PURORESU2 strncmp (Memory.ROMId, "APR", 3) == 0 || // Bomberman 4 strncmp (Memory.ROMId, "A4B", 3) == 0 || // UFO KAMEN YAKISOBAN strncmp (Memory.ROMId, "Y7 ", 3) == 0 || strncmp (Memory.ROMId, "Y9 ", 3) == 0 || // Panic Bomber World strncmp (Memory.ROMId, "APB", 3) == 0 || ((strncmp (Memory.ROMName, "Parlor", 6) == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "HEIWA PARLOR!MINI8") == 0 || strncmp (Memory.ROMName, "SANKYO Fever! フィーバー!", 21) == 0) && strcmp (Memory.CompanyId, "A0") == 0) || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "DARK KINGDOM") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "ZAN3 SFC") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "HIOUDEN") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "テンシノウタ") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "FORTUNE QUEST") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "FISHING TO BASSING") == 0 || strncmp (Memory.ROMName, "TOKYODOME '95BATTLE 7", 21) == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "OHMONO BLACKBASS") == 0) { IAPU.OneCycle = 15; // notaz: strangely enough, these games work properly with my hack enabled if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AVCJ") != 0) ROMAPUEnabled |= 2; CPU.APU_APUExecuting |= 2; } if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "BATMAN--REVENGE JOKER") == 0) { Memory.HiROM = FALSE; Memory.LoROM = TRUE; LoROMMap (); } Settings.StarfoxHack = strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "STAR FOX") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "STAR WING") == 0; Settings.WinterGold = strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "FX SKIING NINTENDO 96") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "DIRT RACER") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "Stunt Race FX") == 0 || Settings.StarfoxHack; Settings.ChuckRock = strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "CHUCK ROCK") == 0; Settings.Dezaemon = strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "DEZAEMON") == 0; if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "RADICAL DREAMERS") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "TREASURE CONFLIX") == 0) { int c; for (c = 0; c < 0x80; c++) { Memory.Map [c + 0x700] = Memory.ROM + 0x200000 + 0x1000 * (c & 0xf0); Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x700] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x700] = FALSE; } for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { Memory.Map [c + 5] = Memory.Map [c + 0x805] = Memory.ROM + 0x300000; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 5] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x805] = TRUE; } WriteProtectROM (); } Settings.H_Max = (SNES_CYCLES_PER_SCANLINE * Settings.CyclesPercentage) / 100; // A Couple of HDMA related hacks - Lantus if ((strcmp(Memory.ROMName, "SFX SUPERBUTOUDEN2")==0) || (strcmp(Memory.ROMName, "ALIEN vs. PREDATOR")==0) || (strcmp(Memory.ROMName, "STONE PROTECTORS")==0) || (strcmp(Memory.ROMName, "SUPER BATTLETANK 2")==0)) Settings.H_Max = (SNES_CYCLES_PER_SCANLINE * 130) / 100; if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "ASRJ") == 0 && Settings.CyclesPercentage == 100) // Street Racer Settings.H_Max = (SNES_CYCLES_PER_SCANLINE * 95) / 100; // Power Rangers Fight if (strncmp (Memory.ROMId, "A3R", 3) == 0 || // Clock Tower strncmp (Memory.ROMId, "AJE", 3) == 0) Settings.H_Max = (SNES_CYCLES_PER_SCANLINE * 103) / 100; if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AWVP") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AWVE") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AWVJ") == 0) { // Wrestlemania Arcade #if 0 if (Settings.CyclesPercentage == 100) Settings.H_Max = (SNES_CYCLES_PER_SCANLINE * 140) / 100; // Fixes sound #endif Settings.WrestlemaniaArcade = TRUE; } // Theme Park - disable offset-per-tile mode. if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "ATQP") == 0) Settings.WrestlemaniaArcade = TRUE; if (strncmp (Memory.ROMId, "A3M", 3) == 0 && Settings.CyclesPercentage == 100) // Mortal Kombat 3. Fixes cut off speech sample Settings.H_Max = (SNES_CYCLES_PER_SCANLINE * 110) / 100; if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "\x0bd\x0da\x0b2\x0d4\x0b0\x0bd\x0de") == 0 && Settings.CyclesPercentage == 100) Settings.H_Max = (SNES_CYCLES_PER_SCANLINE * 101) / 100; if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "WILD TRAX") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "YOSSY'S ISLAND") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "YOSHI'S ISLAND") == 0) CPU.TriedInterleavedMode2 = TRUE; // Start Trek: Deep Sleep 9 if (strncmp (Memory.ROMId, "A9D", 3) == 0 && Settings.CyclesPercentage == 100) Settings.H_Max = (SNES_CYCLES_PER_SCANLINE * 110) / 100; Settings.APURAMInitialValue = 0xff; if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "キュウヤク・メガミテンセイ") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "KENTOUOU WORLDCHAMPIO") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "TKO SUPERCHAMPIONSHIP") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "TKO SUPER CHAMPIONSHI") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "IHATOVO STORY") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "WANDERERS FROM YS") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "SUPER GENTYOUHISHI") == 0 || // Panic Bomber World strncmp (Memory.ROMId, "APB", 3) == 0) { Settings.APURAMInitialValue = 0; } Settings.DaffyDuck = strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "DAFFY DUCK: MARV MISS") == 0; Settings.HBlankStart = (256 * Settings.H_Max) / SNES_HCOUNTER_MAX; #ifdef USE_SA1 SA1.WaitAddress = NULL; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = NULL; SA1.WaitByteAddress2 = NULL; /* Bass Fishing */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "ZBPJ") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x0093f1 >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x93f1; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.FillRAM + 0x304a; } /* DAISENRYAKU EXPERTWW2 */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AEVJ") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x0ed18d >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0xd18d; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.FillRAM + 0x3000; } /* debjk2 */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "A2DJ") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x008b62 >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x8b62; } /* Dragon Ballz HD */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AZIJ") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x008083 >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x8083; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.FillRAM + 0x3020; } /* SFC SDGUNDAMGNEXT */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "ZX3J") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x0087f2 >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x87f2; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.FillRAM + 0x30c4; } /* ShougiNoHanamichi */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AARJ") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0xc1f85a >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0xf85a; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.SRAM + 0x0c64; SA1.WaitByteAddress2 = Memory.SRAM + 0x0c66; } /* KATO HIFUMI9DAN SYOGI */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "A23J") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0xc25037 >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x5037; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.SRAM + 0x0c06; SA1.WaitByteAddress2 = Memory.SRAM + 0x0c08; } /* idaten */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AIIJ") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0xc100be >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x00be; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.SRAM + 0x1002; SA1.WaitByteAddress2 = Memory.SRAM + 0x1004; } /* igotais */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AITJ") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x0080b7 >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x80b7; } /* J96 DREAM STADIUM */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AJ6J") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0xc0f74a >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0xf74a; } /* JumpinDerby */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AJUJ") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x00d926 >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0xd926; } /* JKAKINOKI SHOUGI */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AKAJ") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x00f070 >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0xf070; } /* HOSHI NO KIRBY 3 & KIRBY'S DREAM LAND 3 JAP & US */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AFJJ") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AFJE") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x0082d4 >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x82d4; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.SRAM + 0x72a4; } /* KIRBY SUPER DELUXE JAP */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AKFJ") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x008c93 >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x8c93; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.FillRAM + 0x300a; SA1.WaitByteAddress2 = Memory.FillRAM + 0x300e; } /* KIRBY SUPER DELUXE US */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AKFE") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x008cb8 >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x8cb8; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.FillRAM + 0x300a; SA1.WaitByteAddress2 = Memory.FillRAM + 0x300e; } /* SUPER MARIO RPG JAP & US */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "ARWJ") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "ARWE") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0xc0816f >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x816f; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.FillRAM + 0x3000; } /* marvelous.zip */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AVRJ") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x0085f2 >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x85f2; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.FillRAM + 0x3024; } /* AUGUSTA3 MASTERS NEW */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AO3J") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x00dddb >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0xdddb; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.FillRAM + 0x37b4; } /* OSHABERI PARODIUS */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AJOJ") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x8084e5 >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x84e5; } /* PANIC BOMBER WORLD */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "APBJ") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x00857a >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x857a; } /* PEBBLE BEACH NEW */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AONJ") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x00df33 >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0xdf33; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.FillRAM + 0x37b4; } /* PGA EUROPEAN TOUR */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AEPE") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x003700 >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x3700; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.FillRAM + 0x3102; } /* PGA TOUR 96 */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "A3GE") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x003700 >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x3700; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.FillRAM + 0x3102; } /* POWER RANGERS 4 */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "A4RE") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x009899 >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x9899; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.FillRAM + 0x3000; } /* PACHISURO PALUSUPE */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AGFJ") == 0) { // Never seems to turn on the SA-1! } /* SD F1 GRAND PRIX */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AGFJ") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x0181bc >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x81bc; } /* SHOUGI MARJONG */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "ASYJ") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x00f2cc >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0xf2cc; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.SRAM + 0x7ffe; SA1.WaitByteAddress2 = Memory.SRAM + 0x7ffc; } /* shogisai2 */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AX2J") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0x00d675 >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0xd675; } /* SHINING SCORPION */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "A4WJ") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0xc048be >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x48be; } /* SHIN SHOUGI CLUB */ if (strcmp (Memory.ROMId, "AHJJ") == 0) { SA1.WaitAddress = SA1_Map [0xc1002a >> MEMMAP_SHIFT] + 0x002a; SA1.WaitByteAddress1 = Memory.SRAM + 0x0806; SA1.WaitByteAddress2 = Memory.SRAM + 0x0808; } #endif // USE_SA1 // Additional game fixes by sanmaiwashi ... if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "SFX ナイトガンダムモノガタリ 1") == 0) { bytes0x2000 [0xb18] = 0x4c; bytes0x2000 [0xb19] = 0x4b; bytes0x2000 [0xb1a] = 0xea; } if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "GOGO ACKMAN3") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "HOME ALONE") == 0) { // Banks 00->3f and 80->bf int c; for (c = 0; c < 0x400; c += 16) { Memory.Map [c + 6] = Memory.Map [c + 0x806] = Memory.SRAM; Memory.Map [c + 7] = Memory.Map [c + 0x807] = Memory.SRAM; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 6] = Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x806] = FALSE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 7] = Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x807] = FALSE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 6] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x806] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 7] = Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x807] = TRUE; } WriteProtectROM (); } if (strncmp (Memory.ROMName, "SWORD WORLD SFC", 15) == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "SFC カメンライダー") == 0) { IAPU.OneCycle = 15; SNESGameFixes.NeedInit0x2137 = TRUE; ROMAPUEnabled |= 2; CPU.APU_APUExecuting |= 2; } if (strncmp (Memory.ROMName, "SHIEN THE BLADE CHASE", 21) == 0) SNESGameFixes.Old_Read0x4200 = TRUE; if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "ゴジラ カイジュウダイケッセン") == 0) SNESGameFixes.NeedInit0x2137 = TRUE; if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "UMIHARAKAWASE") == 0) SNESGameFixes.umiharakawaseFix = TRUE; if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "ALIENS vs. PREDATOR") == 0) SNESGameFixes.alienVSpredetorFix = TRUE; if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "demon's blazon") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "demon's crest") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "ROCKMAN X") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "MEGAMAN X") == 0) { // CAPCOM's protect // Banks 0x808000, 0x408000 are mirroring. int c; for (c = 0; c < 8; c++) Memory.Map [0x408 + c] = Memory.ROM - 0x8000; } if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "スーパーファミスタ") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "スーパーファミスタ 2") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "ZENKI TENCHIMEIDOU") == 0 || strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "GANBA LEAGUE") == 0) { SNESGameFixes.APU_OutPorts_ReturnValueFix = TRUE; } // HITOMI3 if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "HITOMI3") == 0) { Memory.SRAMSize = 1; CPU.Memory_SRAMMask = Memory.SRAMSize ? ((1 << (Memory.SRAMSize + 3)) * 128) - 1 : 0; } if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "goemon 4") == 0) SNESGameFixes.SRAMInitialValue = 0x00; if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "PACHISLO ケンキュウ") == 0) SNESGameFixes._0x213E_ReturnValue = 1; if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "ザ マージャン トウハイデン") == 0) SNESGameFixes.TouhaidenControllerFix = TRUE; if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "DRAGON KNIGHT 4") == 0) { // Banks 70->7e, S-RAM int c; for (c = 0; c < 0xe0; c++) { Memory.Map [c + 0x700] = (uint8 *) MAP_LOROM_SRAM; Memory.BlockIsRAM [c + 0x700] = TRUE; Memory.BlockIsROM [c + 0x700] = FALSE; } WriteProtectROM (); } if (strncmp (Memory.ROMName, "LETs PACHINKO(", 14) == 0) { IAPU.OneCycle = 15; ROMAPUEnabled |= 2; CPU.APU_APUExecuting |= 2; if (!Settings.ForceNTSC && !Settings.ForcePAL) { Settings.PAL = FALSE; Settings.FrameTime = Settings.FrameTimeNTSC; Memory.ROMFramesPerSecond = 60; } } if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "FURAI NO SIREN") == 0) SNESGameFixes.SoundEnvelopeHeightReading2 = TRUE; #if 0 if(strcmp (ROMName, "XBAND JAPANESE MODEM") == 0) { for (c = 0x200; c < 0x400; c += 16) { for (int i = c; i < c + 16; i++) { Map [i + 0x400] = Map [i + 0xc00] = &ROM[c * 0x1000]; MemorySpeed [i + 0x400] = MemorySpeed [i + 0xc00] = 8; BlockIsRAM [i + 0x400] = BlockIsRAM [i + 0xc00] = TRUE; BlockIsROM [i + 0x400] = BlockIsROM [i + 0xc00] = FALSE; } } WriteProtectROM (); } #endif #define RomPatch(adr,ov,nv) \ if (ROM [adr] == ov) \ ROM [adr] = nv // Love Quest if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "LOVE QUEST") == 0) { RomPatch (0x1385ec, 0xd0, 0xea); RomPatch (0x1385ed, 0xb2, 0xea); } // Nangoku Syonen Papuwa Kun if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "NANGOKUSYONEN PAPUWA") == 0) RomPatch (0x1f0d1, 0xa0, 0x6b); // Tetsuwan Atom if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "Tetsuwan Atom") == 0) { RomPatch (0xe24c5, 0x90, 0xea); RomPatch (0xe24c6, 0xf3, 0xea); } // Oda Nobunaga if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "SFC ODA NOBUNAGA") == 0) { RomPatch (0x7497, 0x80, 0xea); RomPatch (0x7498, 0xd5, 0xea); } // Super Batter Up if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "Super Batter Up") == 0) { RomPatch (0x27ae0, 0xd0, 0xea); RomPatch (0x27ae1, 0xfa, 0xea); } // Super Professional Baseball 2 if (strcmp (Memory.ROMName, "SUPER PRO. BASE BALL2") == 0) { RomPatch (0x1e4, 0x50, 0xea); RomPatch (0x1e5, 0xfb, 0xea); } } const uint32 crc32Table[256] = { 0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba, 0x076dc419, 0x706af48f, 0xe963a535, 0x9e6495a3, 0x0edb8832, 0x79dcb8a4, 0xe0d5e91e, 0x97d2d988, 0x09b64c2b, 0x7eb17cbd, 0xe7b82d07, 0x90bf1d91, 0x1db71064, 0x6ab020f2, 0xf3b97148, 0x84be41de, 0x1adad47d, 0x6ddde4eb, 0xf4d4b551, 0x83d385c7, 0x136c9856, 0x646ba8c0, 0xfd62f97a, 0x8a65c9ec, 0x14015c4f, 0x63066cd9, 0xfa0f3d63, 0x8d080df5, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x4c69105e, 0xd56041e4, 0xa2677172, 0x3c03e4d1, 0x4b04d447, 0xd20d85fd, 0xa50ab56b, 0x35b5a8fa, 0x42b2986c, 0xdbbbc9d6, 0xacbcf940, 0x32d86ce3, 0x45df5c75, 0xdcd60dcf, 0xabd13d59, 0x26d930ac, 0x51de003a, 0xc8d75180, 0xbfd06116, 0x21b4f4b5, 0x56b3c423, 0xcfba9599, 0xb8bda50f, 0x2802b89e, 0x5f058808, 0xc60cd9b2, 0xb10be924, 0x2f6f7c87, 0x58684c11, 0xc1611dab, 0xb6662d3d, 0x76dc4190, 0x01db7106, 0x98d220bc, 0xefd5102a, 0x71b18589, 0x06b6b51f, 0x9fbfe4a5, 0xe8b8d433, 0x7807c9a2, 0x0f00f934, 0x9609a88e, 0xe10e9818, 0x7f6a0dbb, 0x086d3d2d, 0x91646c97, 0xe6635c01, 0x6b6b51f4, 0x1c6c6162, 0x856530d8, 0xf262004e, 0x6c0695ed, 0x1b01a57b, 0x8208f4c1, 0xf50fc457, 0x65b0d9c6, 0x12b7e950, 0x8bbeb8ea, 0xfcb9887c, 0x62dd1ddf, 0x15da2d49, 0x8cd37cf3, 0xfbd44c65, 0x4db26158, 0x3ab551ce, 0xa3bc0074, 0xd4bb30e2, 0x4adfa541, 0x3dd895d7, 0xa4d1c46d, 0xd3d6f4fb, 0x4369e96a, 0x346ed9fc, 0xad678846, 0xda60b8d0, 0x44042d73, 0x33031de5, 0xaa0a4c5f, 0xdd0d7cc9, 0x5005713c, 0x270241aa, 0xbe0b1010, 0xc90c2086, 0x5768b525, 0x206f85b3, 0xb966d409, 0xce61e49f, 0x5edef90e, 0x29d9c998, 0xb0d09822, 0xc7d7a8b4, 0x59b33d17, 0x2eb40d81, 0xb7bd5c3b, 0xc0ba6cad, 0xedb88320, 0x9abfb3b6, 0x03b6e20c, 0x74b1d29a, 0xead54739, 0x9dd277af, 0x04db2615, 0x73dc1683, 0xe3630b12, 0x94643b84, 0x0d6d6a3e, 0x7a6a5aa8, 0xe40ecf0b, 0x9309ff9d, 0x0a00ae27, 0x7d079eb1, 0xf00f9344, 0x8708a3d2, 0x1e01f268, 0x6906c2fe, 0xf762575d, 0x806567cb, 0x196c3671, 0x6e6b06e7, 0xfed41b76, 0x89d32be0, 0x10da7a5a, 0x67dd4acc, 0xf9b9df6f, 0x8ebeeff9, 0x17b7be43, 0x60b08ed5, 0xd6d6a3e8, 0xa1d1937e, 0x38d8c2c4, 0x4fdff252, 0xd1bb67f1, 0xa6bc5767, 0x3fb506dd, 0x48b2364b, 0xd80d2bda, 0xaf0a1b4c, 0x36034af6, 0x41047a60, 0xdf60efc3, 0xa867df55, 0x316e8eef, 0x4669be79, 0xcb61b38c, 0xbc66831a, 0x256fd2a0, 0x5268e236, 0xcc0c7795, 0xbb0b4703, 0x220216b9, 0x5505262f, 0xc5ba3bbe, 0xb2bd0b28, 0x2bb45a92, 0x5cb36a04, 0xc2d7ffa7, 0xb5d0cf31, 0x2cd99e8b, 0x5bdeae1d, 0x9b64c2b0, 0xec63f226, 0x756aa39c, 0x026d930a, 0x9c0906a9, 0xeb0e363f, 0x72076785, 0x05005713, 0x95bf4a82, 0xe2b87a14, 0x7bb12bae, 0x0cb61b38, 0x92d28e9b, 0xe5d5be0d, 0x7cdcefb7, 0x0bdbdf21, 0x86d3d2d4, 0xf1d4e242, 0x68ddb3f8, 0x1fda836e, 0x81be16cd, 0xf6b9265b, 0x6fb077e1, 0x18b74777, 0x88085ae6, 0xff0f6a70, 0x66063bca, 0x11010b5c, 0x8f659eff, 0xf862ae69, 0x616bffd3, 0x166ccf45, 0xa00ae278, 0xd70dd2ee, 0x4e048354, 0x3903b3c2, 0xa7672661, 0xd06016f7, 0x4969474d, 0x3e6e77db, 0xaed16a4a, 0xd9d65adc, 0x40df0b66, 0x37d83bf0, 0xa9bcae53, 0xdebb9ec5, 0x47b2cf7f, 0x30b5ffe9, 0xbdbdf21c, 0xcabac28a, 0x53b39330, 0x24b4a3a6, 0xbad03605, 0xcdd70693, 0x54de5729, 0x23d967bf, 0xb3667a2e, 0xc4614ab8, 0x5d681b02, 0x2a6f2b94, 0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b, 0x2d02ef8d }; //CRC32 for char arrays uint32 caCRC32(uint8 *array, uint32 size) { register uint32 crc32 = 0xFFFFFFFF; register uint32 i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { crc32 = ((crc32 >> 8) & 0x00FFFFFF) ^ crc32Table[(crc32 ^ array[i]) & 0xFF]; } return ~crc32; } #include "getset.h"