/* * Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. * * (c) Copyright 1996 - 2001 Gary Henderson (gary.henderson@ntlworld.com) and * Jerremy Koot (jkoot@snes9x.com) * * Super FX C emulator code * (c) Copyright 1997 - 1999 Ivar (ivar@snes9x.com) and * Gary Henderson. * Super FX assembler emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 zsKnight and _Demo_. * * DSP1 emulator code (c) Copyright 1998 Ivar, _Demo_ and Gary Henderson. * C4 asm and some C emulation code (c) Copyright 2000 zsKnight and _Demo_. * C4 C code (c) Copyright 2001 Gary Henderson (gary.henderson@ntlworld.com). * * DOS port code contains the works of other authors. See headers in * individual files. * * Snes9x homepage: http://www.snes9x.com * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute Snes9x in both binary and * source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, * providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with * all copies and any derived work. * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages * arising from the use of this software. * * Snes9x is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should * seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes * charging money for Snes9x or software derived from Snes9x. * * The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code * should be forwarded to them so everyone can benefit from the modifications * in future versions. * * Super NES and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of * Nintendo Co., Limited and its subsidiary companies. */ #ifndef _memmap_h_ #define _memmap_h_ #include "snes9x.h" #ifdef FAST_LSB_WORD_ACCESS #define READ_WORD(s) (*(uint16 *) (s)) #define READ_DWORD(s) (*(uint32 *) (s)) #define WRITE_WORD(s, d) *(uint16 *) (s) = (d) #define WRITE_DWORD(s, d) *(uint32 *) (s) = (d) #define READ_3WORD(s) ((*(uint32 *) (s)) & 0x00FFFFFF) #define WRITE_3WORD(s, d) *(uint16 *) (s) = (uint16) (d), \ *((uint8 *) (s) + 2) = (uint8) ((d) >> 16) #else #define READ_WORD(s) ( *(uint8 *) (s) |\ (*((uint8 *) (s) + 1) << 8)) #define READ_DWORD(s) ( *(uint8 *) (s) |\ (*((uint8 *) (s) + 1) << 8) |\ (*((uint8 *) (s) + 2) << 16) |\ (*((uint8 *) (s) + 3) << 24)) #define WRITE_WORD(s, d) *(uint8 *) (s) = (d), \ *((uint8 *) (s) + 1) = (d) >> 8 #define WRITE_DWORD(s, d) *(uint8 *) (s) = (uint8) (d), \ *((uint8 *) (s) + 1) = (uint8) ((d) >> 8),\ *((uint8 *) (s) + 2) = (uint8) ((d) >> 16),\ *((uint8 *) (s) + 3) = (uint8) ((d) >> 24) #define WRITE_3WORD(s, d) *(uint8 *) (s) = (uint8) (d), \ *((uint8 *) (s) + 1) = (uint8) ((d) >> 8),\ *((uint8 *) (s) + 2) = (uint8) ((d) >> 16) #define READ_3WORD(s) ( *(uint8 *) (s) |\ (*((uint8 *) (s) + 1) << 8) |\ (*((uint8 *) (s) + 2) << 16)) #endif #define MEMMAP_BLOCK_SIZE (0x1000) #define MEMMAP_NUM_BLOCKS (0x1000000 / MEMMAP_BLOCK_SIZE) #define MEMMAP_BLOCKS_PER_BANK (0x10000 / MEMMAP_BLOCK_SIZE) #define MEMMAP_SHIFT 12 #define MEMMAP_MASK (MEMMAP_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) #define MEMMAP_MAX_SDD1_LOGGED_ENTRIES (0x10000 / 8) bool8_32 LoadROM (const char *); void InitROM (bool8_32); bool8_32 LoadSRAM (const char *); bool8_32 SaveSRAM (const char *); bool8_32 MemoryInit (); void MemoryDeinit (); void FreeSDD1Data (); void WriteProtectROM (); void FixROMSpeed (); void MapRAM (); void MapExtraRAM (); char *Safe (const char *); void LoROMMap (); void LoROM24MBSMap (); void SRAM512KLoROMMap (); void SRAM1024KLoROMMap (); void SufamiTurboLoROMMap (); void HiROMMap (); void SuperFXROMMap (); void TalesROMMap (bool8_32); void AlphaROMMap (); void SA1ROMMap (); void BSHiROMMap (); bool8_32 AllASCII (uint8 *b, int size); int ScoreHiROM (bool8_32 skip_header); int ScoreLoROM (bool8_32 skip_header); void ApplyROMFixes (); void CheckForIPSPatch (const char *rom_filename, bool8_32 header, int32 *rom_size); const char *TVStandard (); const char *Speed (); const char *StaticRAMSize (); const char *MapType (); const char *MapMode (); const char *KartContents (); const char *Size (); const char *Headers (); const char *ROMID (); const char *CompanyID (); uint32 caCRC32(uint8 *array, uint32 size); enum { MAP_PPU, MAP_CPU, MAP_DSP, MAP_LOROM_SRAM, MAP_HIROM_SRAM, MAP_NONE, MAP_DEBUG, MAP_C4, MAP_BWRAM, MAP_BWRAM_BITMAP, MAP_BWRAM_BITMAP2, MAP_SA1RAM, MAP_LAST }; enum { MAX_ROM_SIZE = 0x600000 }; typedef struct { uint8 *RAM; uint8 *ROM; uint8 *VRAM; uint8 *SRAM; uint8 *BWRAM; uint8 *FillRAM; uint8 *C4RAM; bool8_32 HiROM; bool8_32 LoROM; uint16 SRAMMask; uint8 SRAMSize; uint8 *Map [MEMMAP_NUM_BLOCKS]; uint8 *WriteMap [MEMMAP_NUM_BLOCKS]; uint32 MemorySpeed [MEMMAP_NUM_BLOCKS]; uint8 BlockIsRAM [MEMMAP_NUM_BLOCKS]; uint8 BlockIsROM [MEMMAP_NUM_BLOCKS]; char ROMName [ROM_NAME_LEN]; char ROMId [5]; char CompanyId [3]; uint8 ROMSpeed; uint8 ROMType; uint8 ROMSize; int32 ROMFramesPerSecond; int32 HeaderCount; uint32 CalculatedSize; uint32 CalculatedChecksum; uint32 ROMChecksum; uint32 ROMComplementChecksum; uint8 *SDD1Index; uint8 *SDD1Data; uint32 SDD1Entries; uint32 SDD1LoggedDataCountPrev; uint32 SDD1LoggedDataCount; uint8 SDD1LoggedData [MEMMAP_MAX_SDD1_LOGGED_ENTRIES]; char ROMFilename [_MAX_PATH]; }CMemory; START_EXTERN_C extern CMemory Memory; extern uint8 *SRAM; extern uint8 *ROM; extern uint8 *RegRAM; void S9xDeinterleaveMode2 (); void S9xSaveSRAM (void); END_EXTERN_C void S9xAutoSaveSRAM (); #ifdef NO_INLINE_SET_GET uint8 S9xGetByte (uint32 Address, struct SCPUState *); uint16 S9xGetWord (uint32 Address, struct SCPUState *); void S9xSetByte (uint8 Byte, uint32 Address, struct SCPUState * ); void S9xSetWord (uint16 Byte, uint32 Address, struct SCPUState *); void S9xSetPCBase (uint32 Address, struct SCPUState *); uint8 *S9xGetMemPointer (uint32 Address); uint8 *GetBasePointer (uint32 Address); #else #ifndef INLINE #define INLINE inline #endif #include "getset.h" #endif // NO_INLINE_SET_GET #endif // _memmap_h_