#include "snes9x.h" #include "memmap.h" #include "ppu.h" #include "cpuexec.h" #include "display.h" #include "gfx.h" #include "apu.h" extern struct SLineData LineData[240]; extern struct SLineMatrixData LineMatrixData [240]; extern uint8 Mode7Depths [2]; #define M7 19 /* void DrawBGMode7Background16 (uint8 *Screen, int bg, int depth) { RENDER_BACKGROUND_MODE7ADDSUB (depth, GFX.ScreenColors [b & 0xff]); } */ #ifdef __DEBUG__ #define DMSG(rop) printf("Rendering Mode7 w/prio, ROp: " rop ", R:%d, r2130: %d, bg: %d\n", PPU.Mode7Repeat, GFX.r2130 & 1, bg) #else #define DMSG(rop) #endif void DrawBGMode7Background16R0 (uint8 *Screen, int bg, int depth); void DrawBGMode7Background16R1R2 (uint8 *Screen, int bg, int depth); void DrawBGMode7Background16R3 (uint8 *Screen, int bg, int depth); void DrawBGMode7Background16 (uint8 *Screen, int bg, int depth) { DMSG("opaque"); CHECK_SOUND(); if (GFX.r2130 & 1) { if (IPPU.DirectColourMapsNeedRebuild) S9xBuildDirectColourMaps (); GFX.ScreenColors = DirectColourMaps [0]; } else GFX.ScreenColors = IPPU.ScreenColors; switch (PPU.Mode7Repeat) { case 0: DrawBGMode7Background16R0(Screen, bg, depth); return; case 3: DrawBGMode7Background16R3(Screen, bg, depth); return; default: DrawBGMode7Background16R1R2(Screen, bg, depth); return; } } #define M7C 0x1fff void DrawBGMode7Background16R3 (uint8 *Screen, int bg, int depth) { uint8 *VRAM1 = Memory.VRAM + 1; int aa, cc; int startx; uint32 Left = 0; uint32 Right = 256; uint32 ClipCount = GFX.pCurrentClip->Count [0]; int32 HOffset; int32 VOffset; int32 CentreX; int32 CentreY; uint8 *d; uint16 *p; int dir; int yy; int xx; int yy3; int xx3; int BB; int DD; uint32 Line; uint32 clip; uint8 b; uint8 *Depth; if (!ClipCount) ClipCount = 1; Screen += GFX.StartY * GFX_PITCH; Depth = GFX.DB + GFX.StartY * GFX_PPL; struct SLineMatrixData *l = &LineMatrixData [GFX.StartY]; for (Line = GFX.StartY; Line <= GFX.EndY; Line++, Screen += GFX_PITCH, Depth += GFX_PPL, l++) { HOffset = ((int32) LineData[Line].BG[0].HOffset << M7) >> M7; VOffset = ((int32) LineData[Line].BG[0].VOffset << M7) >> M7; CentreX = ((int32) l->CentreX << M7) >> M7; CentreY = ((int32) l->CentreY << M7) >> M7; if (PPU.Mode7VFlip) yy = 255 - (int) Line; else yy = Line; yy += VOffset - CentreY; xx = HOffset - CentreX; BB = l->MatrixB * yy + (CentreX << 8); DD = l->MatrixD * yy + (CentreY << 8); yy3 = ((yy + CentreY) & 7) << 4; for (clip = 0; clip < ClipCount; clip++) { if (GFX.pCurrentClip->Count [0]){ Left = GFX.pCurrentClip->Left [clip][0]; Right = GFX.pCurrentClip->Right [clip][0]; if (Right <= Left) continue; } p = (uint16 *) Screen + Left; d = Depth + Left; if (PPU.Mode7HFlip) { startx = Right - 1; aa = -l->MatrixA; cc = -l->MatrixC; dir = -1; } else { startx = Left; aa = l->MatrixA; cc = l->MatrixC; dir = 1; } xx3 = (startx + HOffset); if (dir == 1) { asm volatile ( "1: \n" " ldrb r0, [%[d]] \n" " mov r3, %[AA], asr #18 \n" " cmp %[depth], r0 \n" " bls 4f \n" " orrs r3, r3, %[CC], asr #18 \n" " bne 2f \n" " \n" " mov r3, %[CC], asr #11 \n" " mov r1, %[AA], asr #11 \n" " add r3, r1, r3, lsl #7 \n" " mov r3, r3, lsl #1 \n" " ldrb r3, [%[VRAM], r3] \n" " \n" " and r1, %[CC], #(7 << 8) \n" " add r3, %[VRAM], r3, lsl #7 \n" " and r0, %[AA], #(7 << 8) \n" " add r3, r3, r1, asr #4 \n" " add r3, r3, r0, asr #7 \n" " \n" " ldr r1, %[daa] \n" " ldrb r0, [r3, #1] \n" " add %[AA], %[AA], r1 \n" " movs r0, r0, lsl #2 \n" " ldrne r1, [%[colors], r0] \n" " add %[xx3], %[xx3], #1 \n" " strneb %[depth], [%[d]] \n" " ldr r0, %[dcc] \n" " strneh r1, [%[p]] \n" " \n" " add %[CC], %[CC], r0 \n" " add %[d], %[d], #1 \n" " add %[p], %[p], #2 \n" " subs %[x], %[x], #1 \n" " bne 1b \n" " b 3f \n" "2: \n" //" and r1, %[yy3], #7 \n" " and r0, %[xx3], #7 \n" //" mov r3, r1, lsl #4 \n" " add r3, %[yy3], r0, lsl #1 \n" " \n" " add r3, %[VRAM], r3 \n" " ldrb r0, [r3, #1] \n" " movs r0, r0, lsl #2 \n" " ldrne r1, [%[colors], r0] \n" " strneb %[depth], [%[d]] \n" " strneh r1, [%[p]] \n" "4: \n" " ldr r0, %[daa] \n" " ldr r1, %[dcc] \n" " add %[xx3], %[xx3], #1 \n" " add %[AA], %[AA], r0 \n" " add %[CC], %[CC], r1 \n" " add %[p], %[p], #2 \n" " add %[d], %[d], #1 \n" " subs %[x], %[x], #1 \n" " bne 1b \n" "3: \n" : : [x] "r" (Right - Left), [AA] "r" (l->MatrixA * (startx + xx) + BB), [CC] "r" (l->MatrixC * (startx + xx) + DD), [daa] "m" (aa), [dcc] "m" (cc), [VRAM] "r" (Memory.VRAM), [colors] "r" (GFX.ScreenColors), [p] "r" (p), [d] "r" (d), [depth] "r" (depth), //[dir] "r" (dir), [yy3] "r" (yy3), [xx3] "r" (xx3) : "r0", "r1", "r3", "cc" ); } else { asm volatile ( "1: \n" " ldrb r0, [%[d]] \n" " mov r3, %[AA], asr #18 \n" " cmp %[depth], r0 \n" " bls 4f \n" " orrs r3, r3, %[CC], asr #18 \n" " bne 2f \n" " \n" " mov r3, %[CC], asr #11 \n" " mov r1, %[AA], asr #11 \n" " add r3, r1, r3, lsl #7 \n" " mov r3, r3, lsl #1 \n" " ldrb r3, [%[VRAM], r3] \n" " \n" " and r1, %[CC], #(7 << 8) \n" " add r3, %[VRAM], r3, lsl #7 \n" " and r0, %[AA], #(7 << 8) \n" " add r3, r3, r1, asr #4 \n" " add r3, r3, r0, asr #7 \n" " \n" " ldr r1, %[daa] \n" " ldrb r0, [r3, #1] \n" " add %[AA], %[AA], r1 \n" " movs r0, r0, lsl #2 \n" " ldrne r1, [%[colors], r0] \n" " add %[xx3], %[xx3], #-1 \n" " strneb %[depth], [%[d]] \n" " ldr r0, %[dcc] \n" " strneh r1, [%[p]] \n" " \n" " add %[CC], %[CC], r0 \n" " add %[d], %[d], #1 \n" " add %[p], %[p], #2 \n" " subs %[x], %[x], #1 \n" " bne 1b \n" " b 3f \n" "2: \n" //" and r1, %[yy3], #7 \n" " and r0, %[xx3], #7 \n" //" mov r3, r1, lsl #4 \n" " add r3, %[yy3], r0, lsl #1 \n" " \n" " add r3, %[VRAM], r3 \n" " ldrb r0, [r3, #1] \n" " movs r0, r0, lsl #2 \n" " ldrne r1, [%[colors], r0] \n" " strneb %[depth], [%[d]] \n" " strneh r1, [%[p]] \n" "4: \n" " ldr r0, %[daa] \n" " ldr r1, %[dcc] \n" " add %[xx3], %[xx3], #-1 \n" " add %[AA], %[AA], r0 \n" " add %[CC], %[CC], r1 \n" " add %[p], %[p], #2 \n" " add %[d], %[d], #1 \n" " subs %[x], %[x], #1 \n" " bne 1b \n" "3: \n" : : [x] "r" (Right - Left), [AA] "r" (l->MatrixA * (startx + xx) + BB), [CC] "r" (l->MatrixC * (startx + xx) + DD), [daa] "m" (aa), [dcc] "m" (cc), [VRAM] "r" (Memory.VRAM), [colors] "r" (GFX.ScreenColors), [p] "r" (p), [d] "r" (d), [depth] "r" (depth), //[dir] "r" (dir), [yy3] "r" (yy3), [xx3] "r" (xx3) : "r0", "r1", "r3", "cc" ); } } } } void DrawBGMode7Background16R1R2 (uint8 *Screen, int bg, int depth) { int aa, cc; int startx; uint32 Left = 0; uint32 Right = 256; uint32 ClipCount = GFX.pCurrentClip->Count [0]; int32 HOffset; int32 VOffset; int32 CentreX; int32 CentreY; uint8 *d; uint16 *p; int yy; int xx; int BB; int DD; uint32 Line; uint32 clip; uint8 b; uint32 AndByY; uint32 AndByX = 0xffffffff; if (Settings.Dezaemon && PPU.Mode7Repeat == 2) AndByX = 0x7ff; AndByY = AndByX << 4; AndByX = AndByX << 1; uint8 *Depth; if (!ClipCount) ClipCount = 1; Screen += GFX.StartY * GFX_PITCH; Depth = GFX.DB + GFX.StartY * GFX_PPL; struct SLineMatrixData *l = &LineMatrixData [GFX.StartY]; for (Line = GFX.StartY; Line <= GFX.EndY; Line++, Screen += GFX_PITCH, Depth += GFX_PPL, l++) { HOffset = ((int32) LineData[Line].BG[0].HOffset << M7) >> M7; VOffset = ((int32) LineData[Line].BG[0].VOffset << M7) >> M7; CentreX = ((int32) l->CentreX << M7) >> M7; CentreY = ((int32) l->CentreY << M7) >> M7; if (PPU.Mode7VFlip) yy = 255 - (int) Line; else yy = Line; yy += VOffset - CentreY; xx = HOffset - CentreX; BB = l->MatrixB * yy + (CentreX << 8); DD = l->MatrixD * yy + (CentreY << 8); for (clip = 0; clip < ClipCount; clip++) { if (GFX.pCurrentClip->Count [0]){ Left = GFX.pCurrentClip->Left [clip][0]; Right = GFX.pCurrentClip->Right [clip][0]; if (Right <= Left) continue; } p = (uint16 *) Screen + Left; d = Depth + Left; if (PPU.Mode7HFlip) { startx = Right - 1; aa = -l->MatrixA; cc = -l->MatrixC; } else { startx = Left; aa = l->MatrixA; cc = l->MatrixC; } asm volatile ( "1: \n" " ldrb r0, [%[d]] \n" " mov r3, %[AA], asr #18 \n" " cmp %[depth], r0 \n" " bls 2f \n" " orrs r3, r3, %[CC], asr #18 \n" " bne 2f \n" " \n" " ldr r1, %[AndByY] \n" " ldr r0, %[AndByX] \n" " and r1, r1, %[CC], asr #4 \n" " and r0, r0, %[AA], asr #7 \n" " \n" " and r3, r1, #0x7f \n" " sub r3, r1, r3 \n" " add r3, r3, r0, asr #4 \n" " add r3, r3, r3 \n" " ldrb r3, [%[VRAM], r3] \n" " and r1, r1, #0x70 \n" " \n" " add r3, %[VRAM], r3, lsl #7 \n" " \n" " and r0, r0, #14 \n" " add r3, r3, r1 \n" " add r3, r3, r0 \n" " \n" " ldrb r0, [r3, #1] \n" " add %[AA], %[AA], %[daa] \n" " movs r0, r0, lsl #2 \n" " ldrne r1, [%[colors], r0] \n" " strneb %[depth], [%[d]] \n" " add %[CC], %[CC], %[dcc] \n" " strneh r1, [%[p]] \n" " add %[p], %[p], #2 \n" " add %[d], %[d], #1 \n" " subs %[x], %[x], #1 \n" " bne 1b \n" " b 3f \n" "2: \n" " add %[AA], %[AA], %[daa] \n" " add %[CC], %[CC], %[dcc] \n" " add %[p], %[p], #2 \n" " add %[d], %[d], #1 \n" " subs %[x], %[x], #1 \n" " bne 1b \n" "3: \n" : : [x] "r" (Right - Left), [AA] "r" (l->MatrixA * (startx + xx) + BB), [CC] "r" (l->MatrixC * (startx + xx) + DD), [daa] "r" (aa), [dcc] "r" (cc), [VRAM] "r" (Memory.VRAM), [colors] "r" (GFX.ScreenColors), [p] "r" (p), [d] "r" (d), [depth] "r" (depth), [AndByX] "m" (AndByX), [AndByY] "m" (AndByY) : "r0", "r1", "r3", "cc" ); } } } void DrawBGMode7Background16R0 (uint8 *Screen, int bg, int depth) { uint8 *VRAM1 = Memory.VRAM + 1; int aa, cc; int startx; uint32 Left; uint32 Right; uint32 ClipCount = GFX.pCurrentClip->Count [0]; int32 HOffset; int32 VOffset; int32 CentreX; int32 CentreY; uint16 *p; uint8 *d; int yy; int xx; int BB; int DD; uint32 Line; uint32 clip; struct SLineMatrixData *l; uint8 *Depth; Left = 0; Right = 256; if (!ClipCount) ClipCount = 1; l = &LineMatrixData [GFX.StartY]; Screen += GFX.StartY * GFX_PITCH; Depth = GFX.DB + GFX.StartY * GFX_PPL; for (Line = GFX.StartY; Line <= GFX.EndY; Line++, Screen += GFX_PITCH, Depth += GFX_PPL, l++) { HOffset = ((int32) LineData[Line].BG[0].HOffset << M7) >> M7; VOffset = ((int32) LineData[Line].BG[0].VOffset << M7) >> M7; CentreX = ((int32) l->CentreX << M7) >> M7; CentreY = ((int32) l->CentreY << M7) >> M7; if (PPU.Mode7VFlip) yy = 255 - (int) Line; else yy = Line; /*yy += (VOffset - CentreY) % 1023; xx = (HOffset - CentreX) % 1023; */ yy += ((VOffset - CentreY) << (32-10+1)) >> (32-10+1) ; xx = ((HOffset - CentreX) << (32-10+1)) >> (32-10+1); BB = l->MatrixB * yy + (CentreX << 8); DD = l->MatrixD * yy + (CentreY << 8); for (clip = 0; clip < ClipCount; clip++) { if (GFX.pCurrentClip->Count [0]){ Left = GFX.pCurrentClip->Left [clip][0]; Right = GFX.pCurrentClip->Right [clip][0]; if (Right <= Left) continue; } p = (uint16 *) Screen + Left; d = Depth + Left; if (PPU.Mode7HFlip) { startx = Right - 1; aa = -l->MatrixA; cc = -l->MatrixC; } else { startx = Left; aa = l->MatrixA; cc = l->MatrixC; } asm volatile ( " b 1f \n" //"7: \n" // AndByX //" .word (0x3ff << 1) \n" "8: \n" // AndByY " .word (0x3ff << 4) \n" " \n" "1: \n" " ldr r3, 8b \n" " ldrb r0, [%[d]] \n" " and r1, r3, %[CC], asr #4 \n" " cmp %[depth], r0 \n" " bls 2f \n" //" ldr r0, 7b \n" " mov r0, r3, asr #3 \n" " and r3, r1, #0x7f \n" " and r0, r0, %[AA], asr #7 \n" " sub r3, r1, r3 \n" " add r3, r3, r0, asr #4 \n" " add r3, r3, r3 \n" " ldrb r3, [%[VRAM], r3] \n" " \n" " and r1, r1, #0x70 \n" " add r3, %[VRAM], r3, lsl #7 \n" " \n" " and r0, r0, #14 \n" " add r3, r3, r1 \n" " add r3, r3, r0 \n" " \n" " ldrb r0, [r3, #1] \n" " movs r0, r0, lsl #2 \n" " ldrne r1, [%[colors], r0] \n" " strneb %[depth], [%[d]] \n" " strneh r1, [%[p]] \n" " \n" "2: \n" " add %[AA], %[AA], %[daa] \n" " add %[CC], %[CC], %[dcc] \n" " add %[p], %[p], #2 \n" " add %[d], %[d], #1 \n" " subs %[x], %[x], #1 \n" " bne 1b \n" : : [x] "r" (Right - Left), [AA] "r" (l->MatrixA * (startx + xx) + BB), [CC] "r" (l->MatrixC * (startx + xx) + DD), [daa] "r" (aa), [dcc] "r" (cc), [VRAM] "r" (Memory.VRAM), [colors] "r" (GFX.ScreenColors), [p] "r" (p), [d] "r" (d), [depth] "r" (depth) : "r0", "r1", "r3", "cc" ); } } }