/* Title: USB Joystick library Version 0.2 Written by Puck2099 (puck2099@gmail.com), (c) 2006. If you use this library or a part of it, please, let it know. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include /* For the definition of NULL */ #include // For Device open #include #include #include #include // For Device read #include #include /* For the definition of PATH_MAX */ #include #include "usbjoy.h" /* Function: joy_open Opens a USB joystick and fills its information. Parameters: joynumber - Joystick's identifier (0 reserved for GP2X's builtin Joystick). Returns: Filled usbjoy structure. */ struct usbjoy * joy_open (int joynumber) { int fd, i; char path [128]; struct usbjoy * joy = NULL; system ("insmod joydev"); // Loads joydev module if (joynumber == 0) { } else if (joynumber > 0) { sprintf (path, "/dev/input/js%d", joynumber-1); fd = open(path, O_RDONLY, 0); if (fd > 0) { joy = (struct usbjoy *) malloc(sizeof(struct usbjoy)); // Joystick's file descriptor joy->fd = fd; // Set the joystick to non-blocking read mode fcntl(joy->fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); // Joystick's name ioctl(joy->fd, JSIOCGNAME(128*sizeof(char)), joy->name); // Joystick's device sprintf (joy->device, path); // Joystick's buttons ioctl(joy->fd, JSIOCGBUTTONS, &joy->numbuttons); // Joystick's axes ioctl(joy->fd, JSIOCGAXES, &joy->numaxes); // Clean buttons and axes for (i=0; i<32; i++) joy->statebuttons[i] = 0; for (i=0; i<4; i++) joy->stateaxes[i] = 0; } else { printf ("ERROR: No Joystick found\n"); } } return joy; } /* Function: joy_name Returns Joystick's name. Parameters: joy - Selected joystick. Returns: Joystick's name or NULL if struct is empty. */ char * joy_name (struct usbjoy * joy) { if (joy != NULL) return joy->name; else return NULL; } /* Function: joy_device Returns Joystick's device. Parameters: joy - Selected joystick. Returns: Joystick's device or NULL if struct is empty. */ char * joy_device (struct usbjoy * joy) { if (joy != NULL) return joy->device; else return NULL; } /* Function: joy_buttons Returns Joystick's buttons number. Parameters: joy - Selected joystick. Returns: Joystick's buttons or 0 if struct is empty. */ int joy_buttons (struct usbjoy * joy) { if (joy != NULL) return joy->numbuttons; else return 0; } /* Function: joy_axes Returns Joystick's axes number. Parameters: joy - Selected joystick. Returns: Joystick's axes or 0 if struct is empty. */ int joy_axes (struct usbjoy * joy) { if (joy != NULL) return joy->numaxes; else return 0; } /* Function: joy_update Updates Joystick's internal information ( and fields). Parameters: joy - Selected joystick. Returns: 0 - No events registered (no need to update). 1 - Events registered (a button or axe has been pushed). -1 - Error: struct is empty. */ int joy_update (struct usbjoy * joy) { struct js_event events[0xff]; int i, len; int event = 0; if (joy != NULL) { if ((len=read(joy->fd, events, (sizeof events))) >0) { len /= sizeof(events[0]); for ( i=0; istateaxes[JOYLEFT] = joy->stateaxes[JOYRIGHT] = 0; if (events[i].value < 0) joy->stateaxes[JOYLEFT] = 1; else if (events[i].value > 0) joy->stateaxes[JOYRIGHT] = 1; } else if (events[i].number == 1) { joy->stateaxes[JOYUP] = joy->stateaxes[JOYDOWN] = 0; if (events[i].value < 0) joy->stateaxes[JOYUP] = 1; else if (events[i].value > 0) joy->stateaxes[JOYDOWN] = 1; } event = 1; break; case JS_EVENT_BUTTON: joy->statebuttons[events[i].number] = events[i].value; event = 1; break; default: break; } } } } else { event = -1; } return event; } /* Function: joy_getbutton Returns Joystick's button information. Parameters: button - Button which value you want to know (from 0 to 31). joy - Selected joystick. Returns: 0 - Button NOT pushed. 1 - Button pushed. -1 - Error: struct is empty. */ int joy_getbutton (int button, struct usbjoy * joy) { if (joy != NULL) { if (button < joy_buttons(joy)) return joy->statebuttons[button]; else return 0; } else return -1; } /* Function: joy_getaxe Returns Joystick's axes information. Parameters: axe - Axe which value you want to know (see ). joy - Selected joystick. Returns: 0 - Direction NOT pushed. 1 - Direction pushed. -1 - Error: struct is empty. */ int joy_getaxe (int axe, struct usbjoy * joy) { if (joy != NULL) { if (axe < 4) return joy->stateaxes[axe]; else return 0; } else return -1; } /* Function: joy_close Closes selected joystick's file descriptor and detroys it's fields. Parameters: joy - Selected joystick. Returns: 0 - Joystick successfully closed. -1 - Error: struct is empty. */ int joy_close (struct usbjoy * joy) { if (joy != NULL) { close (joy->fd); free (joy); return 0; } else return -1; }