path: root/source/c4emu.cpp
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1 files changed, 1020 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/c4emu.cpp b/source/c4emu.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8fcce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/c4emu.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1020 @@
+ Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator.
+ (c) Copyright 1996 - 2002 Gary Henderson (gary.henderson@ntlworld.com) and
+ Jerremy Koot (jkoot@snes9x.com)
+ (c) Copyright 2001 - 2004 John Weidman (jweidman@slip.net)
+ (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Brad Jorsch (anomie@users.sourceforge.net),
+ funkyass (funkyass@spam.shaw.ca),
+ Joel Yliluoma (http://iki.fi/bisqwit/)
+ Kris Bleakley (codeviolation@hotmail.com),
+ Matthew Kendora,
+ Nach (n-a-c-h@users.sourceforge.net),
+ Peter Bortas (peter@bortas.org) and
+ zones (kasumitokoduck@yahoo.com)
+ C4 x86 assembler and some C emulation code
+ (c) Copyright 2000 - 2003 zsKnight (zsknight@zsnes.com),
+ _Demo_ (_demo_@zsnes.com), and Nach
+ C4 C++ code
+ (c) Copyright 2003 Brad Jorsch
+ DSP-1 emulator code
+ (c) Copyright 1998 - 2004 Ivar (ivar@snes9x.com), _Demo_, Gary Henderson,
+ John Weidman, neviksti (neviksti@hotmail.com),
+ Kris Bleakley, Andreas Naive
+ DSP-2 emulator code
+ (c) Copyright 2003 Kris Bleakley, John Weidman, neviksti, Matthew Kendora, and
+ Lord Nightmare (lord_nightmare@users.sourceforge.net
+ OBC1 emulator code
+ (c) Copyright 2001 - 2004 zsKnight, pagefault (pagefault@zsnes.com) and
+ Kris Bleakley
+ Ported from x86 assembler to C by sanmaiwashi
+ SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code
+ (c) Copyright 2002 Matthew Kendora with research by
+ zsKnight, John Weidman, and Dark Force
+ S-DD1 C emulator code
+ (c) Copyright 2003 Brad Jorsch with research by
+ Andreas Naive and John Weidman
+ S-RTC C emulator code
+ (c) Copyright 2001 John Weidman
+ ST010 C++ emulator code
+ (c) Copyright 2003 Feather, Kris Bleakley, John Weidman and Matthew Kendora
+ Super FX x86 assembler emulator code
+ (c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 zsKnight, _Demo_, and pagefault
+ Super FX C emulator code
+ (c) Copyright 1997 - 1999 Ivar, Gary Henderson and John Weidman
+ SH assembler code partly based on x86 assembler code
+ (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Marcus Comstedt (marcus@mc.pp.se)
+ Specific ports contains the works of other authors. See headers in
+ individual files.
+ Snes9x homepage: http://www.snes9x.com
+ Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute Snes9x in both binary and
+ source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee,
+ providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with
+ all copies and any derived work.
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages
+ arising from the use of this software.
+ Snes9x is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should
+ seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes
+ charging money for Snes9x or software derived from Snes9x.
+ The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code
+ should be forwarded to them so everyone can benefit from the modifications
+ in future versions.
+ Super NES and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of
+ Nintendo Co., Limited and its subsidiary companies.
+ #include <config.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "snes9x.h"
+#include "sar.h"
+#include "memmap.h"
+#include "ppu.h"
+#include "c4.h"
+void S9xInitC4 ()
+ // Stupid zsnes code, we can't do the logical thing without breaking
+ // savestates
+// Memory.C4RAM = &Memory.FillRAM [0x6000];
+ memset(Memory.C4RAM, 0, 0x2000);
+uint8 S9xGetC4 (uint16 Address)
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if(Settings.BGLayering) printf("%02x from %04x\n", Memory.C4RAM[Address-0x6000], Address);
+ return (Memory.C4RAM [Address-0x6000]);
+static uint8 C4TestPattern [12 * 4] =
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x80, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f,
+ 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0xff,
+ 0x7f, 0x00, 0xff, 0x7f,
+ 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0xff,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xff,
+ 0xff, 0xfe, 0x00, 0x01,
+ 0x00, 0xff, 0xfe, 0x00
+static void C4ConvOAM(void){
+ uint8 *OAMptr=Memory.C4RAM+(Memory.C4RAM[0x626]<<2);
+ for(uint8 *i=Memory.C4RAM+0x1fd; i>OAMptr; i-=4){
+ // Clear OAM-to-be
+ *i=0xe0;
+ }
+ uint16 globalX, globalY;
+ uint8 *OAMptr2;
+ int16 SprX, SprY;
+ uint8 SprName, SprAttr;
+ uint8 SprCount;
+ globalX=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x0621);
+ globalY=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x0623);
+ OAMptr2=Memory.C4RAM+0x200+(Memory.C4RAM[0x626]>>2);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x625]!=0) printf("$6625=%02x, expected 00\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x625]);
+ if((Memory.C4RAM[0x626]>>2)!=Memory.C4RAM[0x629]) printf("$6629=%02x, expected %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x629], (Memory.C4RAM[0x626]>>2));
+ if(((uint16)Memory.C4RAM[0x626]<<2)!=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x627)) printf("$6627=%04x, expected %04x\n", READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x627), ((uint16)Memory.C4RAM[0x626]<<2));
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x0620]!=0){
+ SprCount=128-Memory.C4RAM[0x626];
+ uint8 offset=(Memory.C4RAM[0x626]&3)*2;
+ for(int prio=0x30; prio>=0; prio-=0x10){
+ uint8 *srcptr=Memory.C4RAM+0x220;
+ for(int i=Memory.C4RAM[0x0620]; i>0 && SprCount>0; i--, srcptr+=16){
+ if((srcptr[4]&0x30)!=prio) continue;
+ SprX=READ_WORD(srcptr)-globalX;
+ SprY=READ_WORD(srcptr+2)-globalY;
+ SprName=srcptr[5];
+ SprAttr=srcptr[4] | srcptr[0x06]; // XXX: mask bits?
+ uint8 *sprptr=S9xGetMemPointer(READ_3WORD(srcptr+7));
+ if(*sprptr!=0){
+ int16 X, Y;
+ for(int SprCnt=*sprptr++; SprCnt>0 && SprCount>0; SprCnt--, sprptr+=4){
+ X=(int8)sprptr[1];
+ if(SprAttr&0x40){ // flip X
+ X=-X-((sprptr[0]&0x20)?16:8);
+ }
+ X+=SprX;
+ if(X>=-16 && X<=272){
+ Y=(int8)sprptr[2];
+ if(SprAttr&0x80){
+ Y=-Y-((sprptr[0]&0x20)?16:8);
+ }
+ Y+=SprY;
+ if(Y>=-16 && Y<=224){
+ OAMptr[0]=X&0xff;
+ OAMptr[1]=(uint8)Y;
+ OAMptr[2]=SprName+sprptr[3];
+ OAMptr[3]=SprAttr^(sprptr[0]&0xc0); // XXX: Carry from SprName addition?
+ *OAMptr2 &= ~(3<<offset);
+ if(X&0x100) *OAMptr2 |= 1<<offset;
+ if(sprptr[0]&0x20) *OAMptr2 |= 2<<offset;
+ OAMptr+=4;
+ SprCount--;
+ offset=(offset+2)&6;
+ if(offset==0) OAMptr2++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(SprCount>0){
+ OAMptr[0]=(uint8)SprX;
+ OAMptr[1]=(uint8)SprY;
+ OAMptr[2]=SprName;
+ OAMptr[3]=SprAttr;
+ *OAMptr2 &= ~(3<<offset);
+ if(SprX&0x100) *OAMptr2 |= 3<<offset;
+ else *OAMptr2 |= 2<<offset;
+ OAMptr+=4;
+ SprCount--;
+ offset=(offset+2)&6;
+ if(offset==0) OAMptr2++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // XXX: Copy to OAM? I doubt it.
+static void C4DoScaleRotate(int row_padding){
+ int16 A, B, C, D;
+ // Calculate matrix
+ int32 XScale=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f8f);
+ if(XScale&0x8000) XScale=0x7fff;
+ int32 YScale=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f92);
+ if(YScale&0x8000) YScale=0x7fff;
+ if(READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80)==0)
+ { // no rotation
+ // XXX: only do this for C and D?
+ // XXX: and then only when YScale is 0x1000?
+ A=(int16)XScale;
+ B=0;
+ C=0;
+ D=(int16)YScale;
+ }
+ else if(READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80)==128){ // 90 degree rotation
+ // XXX: Really do this?
+ A=0;
+ B=(int16)(-YScale);
+ C=(int16)XScale;
+ D=0;
+ } else if(READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80)==256){ // 180 degree rotation
+ // XXX: Really do this?
+ A=(int16)(-XScale);
+ B=0;
+ C=0;
+ D=(int16)(-YScale);
+ } else if(READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80)==384){ // 270 degree rotation
+ // XXX: Really do this?
+ A=0;
+ B=(int16)YScale;
+ C=(int16)(-XScale);
+ D=0;
+ } else {
+ A=(int16)SAR(C4CosTable[READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80)&0x1ff]*XScale, 15);
+ B=(int16)(-SAR(C4SinTable[READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80)&0x1ff]*YScale, 15));
+ C=(int16)SAR(C4SinTable[READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80)&0x1ff]*XScale, 15);
+ D=(int16)SAR(C4CosTable[READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80)&0x1ff]*YScale, 15);
+ }
+ // Calculate Pixel Resolution
+ uint8 w=Memory.C4RAM[0x1f89]&~7;
+ uint8 h=Memory.C4RAM[0x1f8c]&~7;
+// printf("%dx%d XScale=%04x YScale=%04x angle=%03x\n", w, h, XScale, YScale, READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80)&0x1ff);
+// printf("Matrix: [%10g %10g] [%04x %04x]\n", A/4096.0, B/4096.0, A&0xffff, B&0xffff);
+// printf(" [%10g %10g] [%04x %04x]\n", C/4096.0, D/4096.0, C&0xffff, D&0xffff);
+ // Clear the output RAM
+ memset(Memory.C4RAM, 0, (w+row_padding/4)*h/2);
+ int32 Cx=(int16)READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f83);
+ int32 Cy=(int16)READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f86);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x1f97]!=0) printf("$7f97=%02x, expected 00\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f97]);
+ if((Cx&~1)!=w/2 || (Cy&~1)!=h/2) printf("Center is not middle of image! (%d, %d) != (%d, %d)\n", Cx, Cy, w/2, h/2);
+ // Calculate start position (i.e. (Ox, Oy) = (0, 0))
+ // The low 12 bits are fractional, so (Cx<<12) gives us the Cx we want in
+ // the function. We do Cx*A etc normally because the matrix parameters
+ // already have the fractional parts.
+ int32 LineX=(Cx<<12) - Cx*A - Cx*B;
+ int32 LineY=(Cy<<12) - Cy*C - Cy*D;
+ // Start loop
+ uint32 X, Y;
+ uint8 byte;
+ int outidx=0;
+ uint8 bit=0x80;
+ for(int y=0; y<h; y++){
+ X=LineX;
+ Y=LineY;
+ for(int x=0; x<w; x++){
+ if((X>>12)>=w || (Y>>12)>=h){
+ byte=0;
+ } else {
+ uint32 addr=(Y>>12)*w+(X>>12);
+ byte=Memory.C4RAM[0x600+(addr>>1)];
+ if(addr&1) byte>>=4;
+ }
+ // De-bitplanify
+ if(byte&1) Memory.C4RAM[outidx]|=bit;
+ if(byte&2) Memory.C4RAM[outidx+1]|=bit;
+ if(byte&4) Memory.C4RAM[outidx+16]|=bit;
+ if(byte&8) Memory.C4RAM[outidx+17]|=bit;
+ bit>>=1;
+ if(bit==0){
+ bit=0x80;
+ outidx+=32;
+ }
+ X+=A; // Add 1 to output x => add an A and a C
+ Y+=C;
+ }
+ outidx+=2+row_padding;
+ if(outidx&0x10){
+ outidx&=~0x10;
+ } else {
+ outidx-=w*4+row_padding;
+ }
+ LineX+=B; // Add 1 to output y => add a B and a D
+ LineY+=D;
+ }
+static void C4DrawLine(int32 X1, int32 Y1, int16 Z1,
+ int32 X2, int32 Y2, int16 Z2, uint8 Color){
+ // Transform coordinates
+ C4WFXVal=(short)X1;
+ C4WFYVal=(short)Y1;
+ C4WFZVal=Z1;
+ C4WFScale=Memory.C4RAM[0x1f90];
+ C4WFX2Val=Memory.C4RAM[0x1f86];
+ C4WFY2Val=Memory.C4RAM[0x1f87];
+ C4WFDist=Memory.C4RAM[0x1f88];
+ C4TransfWireFrame2();
+ X1=(C4WFXVal+48)<<8;
+ Y1=(C4WFYVal+48)<<8;
+ C4WFXVal=(short)X2;
+ C4WFYVal=(short)Y2;
+ C4WFZVal=Z2;
+ C4TransfWireFrame2();
+ X2=(C4WFXVal+48)<<8;
+ Y2=(C4WFYVal+48)<<8;
+ // get line info
+ C4WFXVal=(short)(X1>>8);
+ C4WFYVal=(short)(Y1>>8);
+ C4WFX2Val=(short)(X2>>8);
+ C4WFY2Val=(short)(Y2>>8);
+ C4CalcWireFrame();
+ X2=(int16)C4WFXVal;
+ Y2=(int16)C4WFYVal;
+ // render line
+ for(int i=C4WFDist?C4WFDist:1; i>0; i--)
+ { //.loop
+ if(X1>0xff && Y1>0xff && X1<0x6000 && Y1<0x6000)
+ {
+ uint16 addr=((X1&~0x7ff) + (Y1&~0x7ff)*12 + (Y1&0x700))>>7;
+ addr=(((Y1>>8)>>3)<<8)-(((Y1>>8)>>3)<<6)+(((X1>>8)>>3)<<4)+((Y1>>8)&7)*2;
+ uint8 bit=0x80>>((X1>>8)&7);
+ Memory.C4RAM[addr+0x300]&=~bit;
+ Memory.C4RAM[addr+0x301]&=~bit;
+ if(Color&1) Memory.C4RAM[addr+0x300]|=bit;
+ if(Color&2) Memory.C4RAM[addr+0x301]|=bit;
+ }
+ X1+=X2;
+ Y1+=Y2;
+ }
+static void C4DrawWireFrame(void)
+ uint8 *line=S9xGetMemPointer(READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80));
+ uint8 *point1, *point2;
+ int16 X1, Y1, Z1;
+ int16 X2, Y2, Z2;
+ uint8 Color;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if(READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f8f)&0xff00ff) printf("wireframe: Unexpected value in $7f8f: %06x\n", READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f8f));
+ if(READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1fa4)!=0x001000) printf("wireframe: Unexpected value in $7fa4: %06x\n", READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1fa4));
+ for(int i=Memory.C4RAM[0x0295]; i>0; i--, line+=5){
+ if(line[0]==0xff && line[1]==0xff){
+ uint8 *tmp=line-5;
+ while(line[2]==0xff && line[3]==0xff) tmp-=5;
+ point1=S9xGetMemPointer((Memory.C4RAM[0x1f82]<<16) | (tmp[2]<<8) | tmp[3]);
+ } else {
+ point1=S9xGetMemPointer((Memory.C4RAM[0x1f82]<<16) | (line[0]<<8) | line[1]);
+ }
+ point2=S9xGetMemPointer((Memory.C4RAM[0x1f82]<<16) | (line[2]<<8) | line[3]);
+ X1=(point1[0]<<8) | point1[1];
+ Y1=(point1[2]<<8) | point1[3];
+ Z1=(point1[4]<<8) | point1[5];
+ X2=(point2[0]<<8) | point2[1];
+ Y2=(point2[2]<<8) | point2[3];
+ Z2=(point2[4]<<8) | point2[5];
+ Color=line[4];
+ C4DrawLine(X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, Color);
+ }
+static void C4TransformLines(void){
+ C4WFX2Val=Memory.C4RAM[0x1f83];
+ C4WFY2Val=Memory.C4RAM[0x1f86];
+ C4WFDist=Memory.C4RAM[0x1f89];
+ C4WFScale=Memory.C4RAM[0x1f8c];
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x1f8a]!=0x90) printf("lines: $7f8a = %02x, expected 90\n", READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f8a));
+ // transform vertices
+ uint8 *ptr=Memory.C4RAM;
+ {
+ for(int i=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80); i>0; i--, ptr+=0x10)
+ {
+ C4WFXVal=READ_WORD(ptr+1);
+ C4WFYVal=READ_WORD(ptr+5);
+ C4WFZVal=READ_WORD(ptr+9);
+ C4TransfWireFrame();
+ // displace
+ WRITE_WORD(ptr+1, C4WFXVal+0x80);
+ WRITE_WORD(ptr+5, C4WFYVal+0x50);
+ }
+ }
+ WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x600, 23);
+ WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x602, 0x60);
+ WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x605, 0x40);
+ WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x600+8, 23);
+ WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x602+8, 0x60);
+ WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x605+8, 0x40);
+ ptr=Memory.C4RAM+0xb02;
+ uint8 *ptr2=Memory.C4RAM;
+ {
+ for(int i=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0xb00); i>0; i--, ptr+=2, ptr2+=8)
+ {
+ C4WFXVal=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+(ptr[0]<<4)+1);
+ C4WFYVal=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+(ptr[0]<<4)+5);
+ C4WFX2Val=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+(ptr[1]<<4)+1);
+ C4WFY2Val=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+(ptr[1]<<4)+5);
+ C4CalcWireFrame();
+ WRITE_WORD(ptr2+0x600, C4WFDist?C4WFDist:1);
+ WRITE_WORD(ptr2+0x602, C4WFXVal);
+ WRITE_WORD(ptr2+0x605, C4WFYVal);
+ }
+ }
+static void C4BitPlaneWave(){
+ static uint16 bmpdata[]={
+ 0x0000, 0x0002, 0x0004, 0x0006, 0x0008, 0x000A, 0x000C, 0x000E,
+ 0x0200, 0x0202, 0x0204, 0x0206, 0x0208, 0x020A, 0x020C, 0x020E,
+ 0x0400, 0x0402, 0x0404, 0x0406, 0x0408, 0x040A, 0x040C, 0x040E,
+ 0x0600, 0x0602, 0x0604, 0x0606, 0x0608, 0x060A, 0x060C, 0x060E,
+ 0x0800, 0x0802, 0x0804, 0x0806, 0x0808, 0x080A, 0x080C, 0x080E
+ };
+ uint8 *dst=Memory.C4RAM;
+ uint32 waveptr=Memory.C4RAM[0x1f83];
+ uint16 mask1=0xc0c0;
+ uint16 mask2=0x3f3f;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if(READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80) != Memory.C4RAM[waveptr+0xb00]) printf("$7f80=%06x, expected %02x\n", READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80), Memory.C4RAM[waveptr+0xb00]);
+ for(int j=0; j<0x10; j++){
+ do {
+ int16 height=-((int8)Memory.C4RAM[waveptr+0xb00])-16;
+ for(int i=0; i<40; i++){
+ uint16 tmp=READ_WORD(dst+bmpdata[i]) & mask2;
+ if(height>=0){
+ if(height<8){
+ tmp|=mask1&READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0xa00+height*2);
+ } else {
+ tmp|=mask1&0xff00;
+ }
+ }
+ WRITE_WORD(dst+bmpdata[i], tmp);
+ height++;
+ }
+ waveptr=(waveptr+1)&0x7f;
+ mask1=(mask1>>2)|(mask1<<6);
+ mask2=(mask2>>2)|(mask2<<6);
+ } while(mask1!=0xc0c0);
+ dst+=16;
+ do {
+ int16 height=-((int8)Memory.C4RAM[waveptr+0xb00])-16;
+ for(int i=0; i<40; i++){
+ uint16 tmp=READ_WORD(dst+bmpdata[i]) & mask2;
+ if(height>=0){
+ if(height<8){
+ tmp|=mask1&READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0xa10+height*2);
+ } else {
+ tmp|=mask1&0xff00;
+ }
+ }
+ WRITE_WORD(dst+bmpdata[i], tmp);
+ height++;
+ }
+ waveptr=(waveptr+1)&0x7f;
+ mask1=(mask1>>2)|(mask1<<6);
+ mask2=(mask2>>2)|(mask2<<6);
+ } while(mask1!=0xc0c0);
+ dst+=16;
+ }
+static void C4SprDisintegrate()
+ uint8 width, height;
+ uint32 StartX, StartY;
+ uint8 *src;
+ int32 scaleX, scaleY;
+ int32 Cx, Cy;
+ width=Memory.C4RAM[0x1f89];
+ height=Memory.C4RAM[0x1f8c];
+ Cx=(int16)READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80);
+ Cy=(int16)READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f83);
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if((Cx&~1)!=width/2 || (Cy&~1)!=height/2) printf("Center is not middle of image for disintegrate! (%d, %d) != (%d, %d)\n", Cx, Cy, width/2, height/2);
+ scaleX=(int16)READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f86);
+ scaleY=(int16)READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f8f);
+ StartX=-Cx*scaleX+(Cx<<8);
+ StartY=-Cy*scaleY+(Cy<<8);
+ src=Memory.C4RAM+0x600;
+ memset(Memory.C4RAM, 0, width*height/2);
+ for(uint32 y=StartY, i=0; i<height; i++, y+=scaleY)
+ {
+ for(uint32 x=StartX, j=0; j<width; j++, x+=scaleX)
+ {
+ if((x>>8)<width && (y>>8)<height && (y>>8)*width+(x>>8)<0x2000)
+ {
+ uint8 pixel=(j&1)?(*src>>4):*src;
+ int idx=(y>>11)*width*4+(x>>11)*32+((y>>8)&7)*2;
+ uint8 mask=0x80>>((x>>8)&7);
+ if(pixel&1) Memory.C4RAM[idx]|=mask;
+ if(pixel&2) Memory.C4RAM[idx+1]|=mask;
+ if(pixel&4) Memory.C4RAM[idx+16]|=mask;
+ if(pixel&8) Memory.C4RAM[idx+17]|=mask;
+ }
+ if(j&1) src++;
+ }
+ }
+static void S9xC4ProcessSprites()
+ switch(Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d])
+ {
+ case 0x00: // Build OAM
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+// printf("00 00 Build OAM!\n");
+ C4ConvOAM();
+ break;
+ case 0x03: // Scale/Rotate
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+// printf("00 03 Scale/Rotate!\n");
+ C4DoScaleRotate(0);
+ break;
+ case 0x05: // Transform Lines
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+// printf("00 05 Transform Lines!\n");
+ C4TransformLines();
+ break;
+ case 0x07: // Scale/Rotate
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+// printf("00 07 Scale/Rotate!\n");
+ C4DoScaleRotate(64);
+ break;
+ case 0x08: // Draw wireframe
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+// printf("00 08 Draw wireframe!\n");
+ C4DrawWireFrame();
+ break;
+ case 0x0b: // Disintegrate
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ printf("00 0b Disintegrate!\n");
+ C4SprDisintegrate();
+ break;
+ case 0x0c: // Wave
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+// printf("00 0b Wave!\n");
+ C4BitPlaneWave();
+ break;
+ default:
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ printf ("Unknown C4 sprite command (%02x)\n", Memory.C4RAM [0x1f4d]);
+ break;
+ }
+void S9xSetC4 (uint8 byte, uint16 Address)
+ int i;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if(Settings.BGLayering) printf("%02x to %04x\n", byte, Address);
+ Memory.C4RAM [Address-0x6000] = byte;
+ if (Address == 0x7f4f)
+ {
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]==0x0e && byte<0x40 && (byte&3)==0)
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ printf("Test command %02x 0e used!\n", byte);
+ Memory.C4RAM[0x1f80]=byte>>2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (byte)
+ {
+ case 0x00: // Sprite
+ S9xC4ProcessSprites();
+ break;
+ case 0x01: // Draw wireframe
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ //printf("01 Draw wireframe used!\n");
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]!=8) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 08 for command 01 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]);
+ memset(Memory.C4RAM+0x300, 0, 16*12*3*4);
+ C4DrawWireFrame();
+ break;
+ case 0x05: // Propulsion (?)
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ printf("05 Propulsion (?)!\n");
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]!=2) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 02 for command 05 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]);
+ {
+ int32 tmp=0x10000;
+ if(READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f83)){
+ tmp=SAR((tmp/READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f83))*READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f81), 8);
+ }
+ WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80, (uint16)tmp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x0d: // Set vector length
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ printf("0d Set vector length!\n");
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]!=2) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 02 for command 0d %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]);
+ C41FXVal=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80);
+ C41FYVal=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f83);
+ C41FDistVal=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f86);
+ C4Op0D();
+ WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f89, C41FXVal);
+ WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f8c, C41FYVal);
+ break;
+ case 0x10: // Polar to rectangluar
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+// printf("10 Polar->Rect!\n");
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]!=2) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 02 for command 10 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]);
+ {
+ int32 tmp=SAR((int32)READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f83)*C4CosTable[READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80)&0x1ff]*2, 16);
+ WRITE_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f86, tmp);
+ tmp=SAR((int32)READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f83)*C4SinTable[READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80)&0x1ff]*2, 16);
+ WRITE_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f89, (tmp-SAR(tmp, 6)));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x13: // Polar to rectangluar
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+// printf("13 Polar->Rect!\n");
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]!=2) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 02 for command 13 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]);
+ {
+ int32 tmp=SAR((int32)READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f83)*C4CosTable[READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80)&0x1ff]*2, 8);
+ WRITE_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f86, tmp);
+ tmp=SAR((int32)READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f83)*C4SinTable[READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80)&0x1ff]*2, 8);
+ WRITE_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f89, tmp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x15: // Pythagorean
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ printf("15 Pythagorean!\n");
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]!=2) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 02 for command 15 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]);
+ C41FXVal=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80);
+ C41FYVal=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f83);
+ C41FDist=(int16)sqrt((double)C41FXVal*C41FXVal + (double)C41FYVal*C41FYVal);
+ WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80, C41FDist);
+ break;
+ case 0x1f: // atan
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+// printf("1f atan!\n");
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]!=2) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 02 for command 1f %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]);
+ C41FXVal=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80);
+ C41FYVal=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f83);
+ C4Op1F();
+ WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f86, C41FAngleRes);
+ break;
+ case 0x22: // Trapezoid
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+// printf("22 Trapezoid!\n");
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]!=2) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 02 for command 22 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]);
+ int16 angle1=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f8c)&0x1ff;
+ int16 angle2=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f8f)&0x1ff;
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ if(C4CosTable[angle1]==0) fprintf(stderr, "22 Trapezoid: Invalid tangent! angle1=%d\n", angle1);
+ if(C4CosTable[angle2]==0) fprintf(stderr, "22 Trapezoid: Invalid tangent! angle2=%d\n", angle2);
+ int32 tan1=(C4CosTable[angle1]!=0)?((((int32)C4SinTable[angle1])<<16)/C4CosTable[angle1]):0x80000000;
+ int32 tan2=(C4CosTable[angle2]!=0)?((((int32)C4SinTable[angle2])<<16)/C4CosTable[angle2]):0x80000000;
+ int16 y = READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f83) - READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f89);
+ int16 left, right;
+ for(int j=0; j<225; j++)
+ {
+ if(y>=0)
+ {
+ left = SAR((int32)tan1*y, 16) -
+ READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80) +
+ READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f86);
+ right = SAR((int32)tan2*y, 16) -
+ READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80) +
+ READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f86) +
+ READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f93);
+ if(left<0 && right<0){
+ left=1;
+ right=0;
+ } else if(left<0){
+ left=0;
+ } else if(right<0){
+ right=0;
+ }
+ if(left>255 && right>255){
+ left=255;
+ right=254;
+ } else if(left>255){
+ left=255;
+ } else if(right>255){
+ right=255;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ left=1;
+ right=0;
+ }
+ Memory.C4RAM[j+0x800] = (uint8)left;
+ Memory.C4RAM[j+0x900] = (uint8)right;
+ y++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x25: // Multiply
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ printf("25 Multiply!\n");
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]!=2) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 02 for command 25 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]);
+ {
+ int32 foo=READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80);
+ int32 bar=READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f83);
+ foo*=bar;
+ WRITE_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80, foo);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x2d: // Transform Coords
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+// printf("2d Transform Coords!\n");
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]!=2) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 02 for command 2d %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]);
+ if(READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f8f)&0xff00ff) printf("2d transform coords: Unexpected value in $7f8f: %06x\n", READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f8f));
+ if(READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f8c)!=0x001000) printf("0d transform coords: Unexpected value in $7f8c: %06x\n", READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f8c));
+ C4WFXVal=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f81);
+ C4WFYVal=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f84);
+ C4WFZVal=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f87);
+ C4WFX2Val=Memory.C4RAM[0x1f89];
+ C4WFY2Val=Memory.C4RAM[0x1f8a];
+ C4WFDist=Memory.C4RAM[0x1f8b];
+ C4WFScale=READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f90);
+ C4TransfWireFrame2();
+ WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80, C4WFXVal);
+ WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f83, C4WFYVal);
+ break;
+ case 0x40: // Sum
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ printf("40 Sum!\n");
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]!=0x0e) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 0e for command 40 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]);
+ {
+ uint16 sum=0;
+ for(int i=0; i<0x800; sum+=Memory.C4RAM[i++]);
+ WRITE_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80, sum);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x54: // Square
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ printf("54 Square!\n");
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]!=0x0e) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 0e for command 54 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]);
+ {
+ int64 a=SAR((int64)READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f80)<<40, 40);
+ // printf("%08X%08X\n", (uint32)(a>>32), (uint32)(a&0xFFFFFFFF));
+ a*=a;
+ // printf("%08X%08X\n", (uint32)(a>>32), (uint32)(a&0xFFFFFFFF));
+ WRITE_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f83, a);
+ WRITE_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f86, (a>>24));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x5c: // Immediate Reg
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ printf("5c Immediate Reg!\n");
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]!=0x0e) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 0e for command 5c %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]);
+ for (i = 0; i < 12 * 4; i++)
+ Memory.C4RAM [i] = C4TestPattern [i];
+ break;
+ case 0x89: // Immediate ROM
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ printf("89 Immediate ROM!\n");
+ if(Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]!=0x0e) printf("$7f4d=%02x, expected 0e for command 89 %02x\n", Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d], Memory.C4RAM[0x1f4d]);
+ Memory.C4RAM [0x1f80] = 0x36;
+ Memory.C4RAM [0x1f81] = 0x43;
+ Memory.C4RAM [0x1f82] = 0x05;
+ break;
+ default:
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+ printf ("Unknown C4 command (%02x)\n", byte);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (Address == 0x7f47) {
+#ifdef DEBUGGER
+// printf("C4 load memory %06x => %04x, %04x bytes\n", READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f40), READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f45), READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f43));
+ if(byte != 0) printf("C4 load: non-0 written to $7f47! Wrote %02x\n", byte);
+ if(READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f45) < 0x6000 || (READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f45) + READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f43)) > 0x6c00) printf("C4 load: Dest unusual! It's %04x\n", READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f45));
+ memmove(Memory.C4RAM+(READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f45)&0x1fff),
+ S9xGetMemPointer(READ_3WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f40)),
+ READ_WORD(Memory.C4RAM+0x1f43));
+ }
+int16 C4SinTable[512] = {
+ 0, 402, 804, 1206, 1607, 2009, 2410, 2811,
+ 3211, 3611, 4011, 4409, 4808, 5205, 5602, 5997,
+ 6392, 6786, 7179, 7571, 7961, 8351, 8739, 9126,
+ 9512, 9896, 10278, 10659, 11039, 11416, 11793, 12167,
+ 12539, 12910, 13278, 13645, 14010, 14372, 14732, 15090,
+ 15446, 15800, 16151, 16499, 16846, 17189, 17530, 17869,
+ 18204, 18537, 18868, 19195, 19519, 19841, 20159, 20475,
+ 20787, 21097, 21403, 21706, 22005, 22301, 22594, 22884,
+ 23170, 23453, 23732, 24007, 24279, 24547, 24812, 25073,
+ 25330, 25583, 25832, 26077, 26319, 26557, 26790, 27020,
+ 27245, 27466, 27684, 27897, 28106, 28310, 28511, 28707,
+ 28898, 29086, 29269, 29447, 29621, 29791, 29956, 30117,
+ 30273, 30425, 30572, 30714, 30852, 30985, 31114, 31237,
+ 31357, 31471, 31581, 31685, 31785, 31881, 31971, 32057,
+ 32138, 32214, 32285, 32351, 32413, 32469, 32521, 32568,
+ 32610, 32647, 32679, 32706, 32728, 32745, 32758, 32765,
+ 32767, 32765, 32758, 32745, 32728, 32706, 32679, 32647,
+ 32610, 32568, 32521, 32469, 32413, 32351, 32285, 32214,
+ 32138, 32057, 31971, 31881, 31785, 31685, 31581, 31471,
+ 31357, 31237, 31114, 30985, 30852, 30714, 30572, 30425,
+ 30273, 30117, 29956, 29791, 29621, 29447, 29269, 29086,
+ 28898, 28707, 28511, 28310, 28106, 27897, 27684, 27466,
+ 27245, 27020, 26790, 26557, 26319, 26077, 25832, 25583,
+ 25330, 25073, 24812, 24547, 24279, 24007, 23732, 23453,
+ 23170, 22884, 22594, 22301, 22005, 21706, 21403, 21097,
+ 20787, 20475, 20159, 19841, 19519, 19195, 18868, 18537,
+ 18204, 17869, 17530, 17189, 16846, 16499, 16151, 15800,
+ 15446, 15090, 14732, 14372, 14010, 13645, 13278, 12910,
+ 12539, 12167, 11793, 11416, 11039, 10659, 10278, 9896,
+ 9512, 9126, 8739, 8351, 7961, 7571, 7179, 6786,
+ 6392, 5997, 5602, 5205, 4808, 4409, 4011, 3611,
+ 3211, 2811, 2410, 2009, 1607, 1206, 804, 402,
+ 0, -402, -804, -1206, -1607, -2009, -2410, -2811,
+ -3211, -3611, -4011, -4409, -4808, -5205, -5602, -5997,
+ -6392, -6786, -7179, -7571, -7961, -8351, -8739, -9126,
+ -9512, -9896, -10278, -10659, -11039, -11416, -11793, -12167,
+ -12539, -12910, -13278, -13645, -14010, -14372, -14732, -15090,
+ -15446, -15800, -16151, -16499, -16846, -17189, -17530, -17869,
+ -18204, -18537, -18868, -19195, -19519, -19841, -20159, -20475,
+ -20787, -21097, -21403, -21706, -22005, -22301, -22594, -22884,
+ -23170, -23453, -23732, -24007, -24279, -24547, -24812, -25073,
+ -25330, -25583, -25832, -26077, -26319, -26557, -26790, -27020,
+ -27245, -27466, -27684, -27897, -28106, -28310, -28511, -28707,
+ -28898, -29086, -29269, -29447, -29621, -29791, -29956, -30117,
+ -30273, -30425, -30572, -30714, -30852, -30985, -31114, -31237,
+ -31357, -31471, -31581, -31685, -31785, -31881, -31971, -32057,
+ -32138, -32214, -32285, -32351, -32413, -32469, -32521, -32568,
+ -32610, -32647, -32679, -32706, -32728, -32745, -32758, -32765,
+ -32767, -32765, -32758, -32745, -32728, -32706, -32679, -32647,
+ -32610, -32568, -32521, -32469, -32413, -32351, -32285, -32214,
+ -32138, -32057, -31971, -31881, -31785, -31685, -31581, -31471,
+ -31357, -31237, -31114, -30985, -30852, -30714, -30572, -30425,
+ -30273, -30117, -29956, -29791, -29621, -29447, -29269, -29086,
+ -28898, -28707, -28511, -28310, -28106, -27897, -27684, -27466,
+ -27245, -27020, -26790, -26557, -26319, -26077, -25832, -25583,
+ -25330, -25073, -24812, -24547, -24279, -24007, -23732, -23453,
+ -23170, -22884, -22594, -22301, -22005, -21706, -21403, -21097,
+ -20787, -20475, -20159, -19841, -19519, -19195, -18868, -18537,
+ -18204, -17869, -17530, -17189, -16846, -16499, -16151, -15800,
+ -15446, -15090, -14732, -14372, -14010, -13645, -13278, -12910,
+ -12539, -12167, -11793, -11416, -11039, -10659, -10278, -9896,
+ -9512, -9126, -8739, -8351, -7961, -7571, -7179, -6786,
+ -6392, -5997, -5602, -5205, -4808, -4409, -4011, -3611,
+ -3211, -2811, -2410, -2009, -1607, -1206, -804, -402
+int16 C4CosTable[512] = {
+ 32767, 32765, 32758, 32745, 32728, 32706, 32679, 32647,
+ 32610, 32568, 32521, 32469, 32413, 32351, 32285, 32214,
+ 32138, 32057, 31971, 31881, 31785, 31685, 31581, 31471,
+ 31357, 31237, 31114, 30985, 30852, 30714, 30572, 30425,
+ 30273, 30117, 29956, 29791, 29621, 29447, 29269, 29086,
+ 28898, 28707, 28511, 28310, 28106, 27897, 27684, 27466,
+ 27245, 27020, 26790, 26557, 26319, 26077, 25832, 25583,
+ 25330, 25073, 24812, 24547, 24279, 24007, 23732, 23453,
+ 23170, 22884, 22594, 22301, 22005, 21706, 21403, 21097,
+ 20787, 20475, 20159, 19841, 19519, 19195, 18868, 18537,
+ 18204, 17869, 17530, 17189, 16846, 16499, 16151, 15800,
+ 15446, 15090, 14732, 14372, 14010, 13645, 13278, 12910,
+ 12539, 12167, 11793, 11416, 11039, 10659, 10278, 9896,
+ 9512, 9126, 8739, 8351, 7961, 7571, 7179, 6786,
+ 6392, 5997, 5602, 5205, 4808, 4409, 4011, 3611,
+ 3211, 2811, 2410, 2009, 1607, 1206, 804, 402,
+ 0, -402, -804, -1206, -1607, -2009, -2410, -2811,
+ -3211, -3611, -4011, -4409, -4808, -5205, -5602, -5997,
+ -6392, -6786, -7179, -7571, -7961, -8351, -8739, -9126,
+ -9512, -9896, -10278, -10659, -11039, -11416, -11793, -12167,
+ -12539, -12910, -13278, -13645, -14010, -14372, -14732, -15090,
+ -15446, -15800, -16151, -16499, -16846, -17189, -17530, -17869,
+ -18204, -18537, -18868, -19195, -19519, -19841, -20159, -20475,
+ -20787, -21097, -21403, -21706, -22005, -22301, -22594, -22884,
+ -23170, -23453, -23732, -24007, -24279, -24547, -24812, -25073,
+ -25330, -25583, -25832, -26077, -26319, -26557, -26790, -27020,
+ -27245, -27466, -27684, -27897, -28106, -28310, -28511, -28707,
+ -28898, -29086, -29269, -29447, -29621, -29791, -29956, -30117,
+ -30273, -30425, -30572, -30714, -30852, -30985, -31114, -31237,
+ -31357, -31471, -31581, -31685, -31785, -31881, -31971, -32057,
+ -32138, -32214, -32285, -32351, -32413, -32469, -32521, -32568,
+ -32610, -32647, -32679, -32706, -32728, -32745, -32758, -32765,
+ -32767, -32765, -32758, -32745, -32728, -32706, -32679, -32647,
+ -32610, -32568, -32521, -32469, -32413, -32351, -32285, -32214,
+ -32138, -32057, -31971, -31881, -31785, -31685, -31581, -31471,
+ -31357, -31237, -31114, -30985, -30852, -30714, -30572, -30425,
+ -30273, -30117, -29956, -29791, -29621, -29447, -29269, -29086,
+ -28898, -28707, -28511, -28310, -28106, -27897, -27684, -27466,
+ -27245, -27020, -26790, -26557, -26319, -26077, -25832, -25583,
+ -25330, -25073, -24812, -24547, -24279, -24007, -23732, -23453,
+ -23170, -22884, -22594, -22301, -22005, -21706, -21403, -21097,
+ -20787, -20475, -20159, -19841, -19519, -19195, -18868, -18537,
+ -18204, -17869, -17530, -17189, -16846, -16499, -16151, -15800,
+ -15446, -15090, -14732, -14372, -14010, -13645, -13278, -12910,
+ -12539, -12167, -11793, -11416, -11039, -10659, -10278, -9896,
+ -9512, -9126, -8739, -8351, -7961, -7571, -7179, -6786,
+ -6392, -5997, -5602, -5205, -4808, -4409, -4011, -3611,
+ -3211, -2811, -2410, -2009, -1607, -1206, -804, -402,
+ 0, 402, 804, 1206, 1607, 2009, 2410, 2811,
+ 3211, 3611, 4011, 4409, 4808, 5205, 5602, 5997,
+ 6392, 6786, 7179, 7571, 7961, 8351, 8739, 9126,
+ 9512, 9896, 10278, 10659, 11039, 11416, 11793, 12167,
+ 12539, 12910, 13278, 13645, 14010, 14372, 14732, 15090,
+ 15446, 15800, 16151, 16499, 16846, 17189, 17530, 17869,
+ 18204, 18537, 18868, 19195, 19519, 19841, 20159, 20475,
+ 20787, 21097, 21403, 21706, 22005, 22301, 22594, 22884,
+ 23170, 23453, 23732, 24007, 24279, 24547, 24812, 25073,
+ 25330, 25583, 25832, 26077, 26319, 26557, 26790, 27020,
+ 27245, 27466, 27684, 27897, 28106, 28310, 28511, 28707,
+ 28898, 29086, 29269, 29447, 29621, 29791, 29956, 30117,
+ 30273, 30425, 30572, 30714, 30852, 30985, 31114, 31237,
+ 31357, 31471, 31581, 31685, 31785, 31881, 31971, 32057,
+ 32138, 32214, 32285, 32351, 32413, 32469, 32521, 32568,
+ 32610, 32647, 32679, 32706, 32728, 32745, 32758, 32765