#include #include "snes9x.h" #include "soundux.h" #include "memmap.h" #include "apu.h" #include "cheats.h" #include "snapshot.h" #include "display.h" #include "gfx.h" #include "cpuexec.h" #include "spc7110.h" #ifdef PSP #include #else #ifndef PSP_LEGACY_TYPES_DEFINED #define PSP_LEGACY_TYPES_DEFINED typedef uint8_t u8; typedef uint16_t u16; typedef uint32_t u32; typedef uint64_t u64; typedef int8_t s8; typedef int16_t s16; typedef int32_t s32; typedef int64_t s64; #endif #endif #include static retro_log_printf_t log_cb = NULL; static retro_video_refresh_t video_cb = NULL; static retro_input_poll_t poll_cb = NULL; static retro_input_state_t input_cb = NULL; static retro_audio_sample_batch_t audio_batch_cb = NULL; static retro_environment_t environ_cb = NULL; struct retro_perf_callback perf_cb; void retro_set_environment(retro_environment_t cb) { struct retro_log_callback log; environ_cb = cb; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_LOG_INTERFACE, &log)) log_cb = log.log; else log_cb = NULL; environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_PERF_INTERFACE, &perf_cb); } void retro_set_video_refresh(retro_video_refresh_t cb) { video_cb = cb; } void retro_set_audio_sample(retro_audio_sample_t cb) {} void retro_set_audio_sample_batch(retro_audio_sample_batch_t cb) { audio_batch_cb = cb; } void retro_set_input_poll(retro_input_poll_t cb) { poll_cb = cb; } void retro_set_input_state(retro_input_state_t cb) { input_cb = cb; } void retro_set_controller_port_device(unsigned port, unsigned device) {} unsigned retro_api_version() { return RETRO_API_VERSION; } void S9xProcessSound (unsigned int); char *rom_filename = NULL; char *SDD1_pack = NULL; /* * It is only safe to manipulate saved states between frames. */ static bool8 LoadStateNeeded = FALSE; static bool8 SaveStateNeeded = FALSE; static u8 Buf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; #define FIXED_POINT 0x10000 #define FIXED_POINT_SHIFT 16 #define FIXED_POINT_REMAINDER 0xffff void S9xMessage (int /*type*/, int /*number*/, const char *message) { #if 1 #define MAX_MESSAGE_LEN (36 * 3) static char buffer [MAX_MESSAGE_LEN + 1]; printf ("%s\n", message); strncpy (buffer, message, MAX_MESSAGE_LEN); buffer [MAX_MESSAGE_LEN] = 0; S9xSetInfoString (buffer); #endif } void S9xExtraUsage () { /*empty*/ } /* * Release display device */ void S9xDeinitDisplay (void) { #ifdef DS2_DMA if(GFX.Screen) AlignedFree(GFX.Screen, PtrAdj.GFXScreen); #else if(GFX.Screen) free(GFX.Screen); #endif if(GFX.SubScreen) free(GFX.SubScreen); if(GFX.ZBuffer) free(GFX.ZBuffer); if(GFX.SubZBuffer) free(GFX.SubZBuffer); } void S9xInitDisplay (void) { int h = IMAGE_HEIGHT; GFX.Pitch = IMAGE_WIDTH * 2; #ifdef DS2_DMA GFX.Screen = (unsigned char*) AlignedMalloc (GFX.Pitch * h, 32, &PtrAdj.GFXScreen); #else GFX.Screen = (unsigned char*) malloc (GFX.Pitch * h); #endif GFX.SubScreen = (unsigned char*) malloc (GFX.Pitch * h); GFX.ZBuffer = (unsigned char*) malloc ((GFX.Pitch >> 1) * h); GFX.SubZBuffer =(unsigned char*) malloc ((GFX.Pitch >> 1) * h); GFX.Delta = (GFX.SubScreen - GFX.Screen) >> 1; } void S9xParseArg (char **argv, int &i, int argc) { } void S9xParseDisplayArg (char **argv, int &ind, int) { } void S9xExit () { // if(Settings.SPC7110) // (*CleanUp7110)(); // S9xSetSoundMute (TRUE); // S9xDeinitDisplay (); // Memory.SaveSRAM (S9xGetFilename (".srm")); // // S9xSaveCheatFile (S9xGetFilename (".chb")); // cheat binary file // // Do this when loading a cheat file! // Memory.Deinit (); // S9xDeinitAPU (); //#ifdef _NETPLAY_SUPPORT // if (Settings.NetPlay) // S9xNetPlayDisconnect (); //#endif // exit(0); } const char *S9xBasename (const char *f) { const char *p; if ((p = strrchr (f, '/')) != NULL || (p = strrchr (f, '\\')) != NULL) return (p + 1); return (f); } bool8 S9xInitUpdate () { // IPPU.RenderThisFrame = 0; // video_cb(dummy_frame,256,224,512); // return (FALSE); return (TRUE); } extern void NDSSFCDrawFrameAntialiased(void* screen_addr); #ifdef PSP #include #include void S9xDeinitUpdate (int width, int height, bool8 /*sixteen_bit*/) { static unsigned int __attribute__((aligned(16))) d_list[32]; void* const texture_vram_p = (void*) (0x44200000 - (512 * 512)); // max VRAM address - frame size sceKernelDcacheWritebackRange(GFX.Screen, GFX.Pitch*height); sceGuStart(GU_DIRECT, d_list); sceGuCopyImage(GU_PSM_4444, 0, 0, width, height, GFX.Pitch>>1, GFX.Screen, 0, 0, 512, texture_vram_p); sceGuTexSync(); sceGuTexImage(0, 512, 512, 512, texture_vram_p); sceGuTexMode(GU_PSM_5551, 0, 0, GU_FALSE); sceGuTexFunc(GU_TFX_REPLACE, GU_TCC_RGB); sceGuDisable(GU_BLEND); sceGuFinish(); video_cb(texture_vram_p, width, height, GFX.Pitch); } #else void S9xDeinitUpdate (int width, int height, bool8 /*sixteen_bit*/) { video_cb(GFX.Screen, width, height, GFX.Pitch); } #endif void _makepath (char *path, const char *, const char *dir, const char *fname, const char *ext) { if (dir && *dir) { strcpy (path, dir); strcat (path, "/"); } else *path = 0; strcat (path, fname); if (ext && *ext) { strcat (path, "."); strcat (path, ext); } } void _splitpath (const char *path, char *drive, char *dir, char *fname, char *ext) { *drive = 0; char *slash = strrchr ((char*)path, '/'); if (!slash) slash = strrchr ((char*)path, '\\'); char *dot = strrchr ((char*)path, '.'); if (dot && slash && dot < slash) dot = NULL; if (!slash) { strcpy (dir, ""); strcpy (fname, path); if (dot) { *(fname + (dot - path)) = 0; strcpy (ext, dot + 1); } else strcpy (ext, ""); } else { strcpy (dir, path); *(dir + (slash - path)) = 0; strcpy (fname, slash + 1); if (dot) { *(fname + (dot - slash) - 1) = 0; strcpy (ext, dot + 1); } else strcpy (ext, ""); } } void S9xProcessEvents (bool8 block) { } void OutOfMemory () { } const char *S9xGetROMDirectory () { return "./"; } const char *S9xGetSnapshotDirectory () { return "./"; } const char *S9xGetFilename (const char *ex) { static char filename [PATH_MAX + 1]; char drive [_MAX_DRIVE + 1]; char dir [_MAX_DIR + 1]; char fname [_MAX_FNAME + 1]; char ext [_MAX_EXT + 1]; _splitpath (Memory.ROMFilename, drive, dir, fname, ext); strcpy (filename, S9xGetSnapshotDirectory ()); strcat (filename, SLASH_STR); strcat (filename, fname); strcat (filename, ex); return (filename); } const char *S9xGetFilenameInc (const char *e) { return e; #if 0 static char filename [_MAX_PATH + 1]; char drive [_MAX_DRIVE + 1]; char dir [_MAX_DIR + 1]; char fname [_MAX_FNAME + 1]; char ext [_MAX_EXT + 1]; char *ptr; struct stat buf; if (strlen (S9xGetSnapshotDirectory())) { _splitpath (Memory.ROMFilename, drive, dir, fname, ext); strcpy (filename, S9xGetSnapshotDirectory()); strcat (filename, "/"); strcat (filename, fname); ptr = filename + strlen (filename); strcat (filename, "00/"); strcat (filename, e); } else { _splitpath (Memory.ROMFilename, drive, dir, fname, ext); strcat (fname, "00/"); _makepath (filename, drive, dir, fname, e); ptr = strstr (filename, "00/"); } do { if (++*(ptr + 2) > '9') { *(ptr + 2) = '0'; if (++*(ptr + 1) > '9') { *(ptr + 1) = '0'; if (++*ptr > '9') break; } } } while( stat(filename, &buf) == 0 ); return (filename); #endif } void S9xInitInputDevices () { #ifdef JOYSTICK_SUPPORT InitJoysticks (); #endif } void init_sfc_setting(void) { ZeroMemory (&Settings, sizeof (Settings)); #ifdef JOYSTICK_SUPPORT Settings.JoystickEnabled = TRUE; #else Settings.JoystickEnabled = FALSE; #endif Settings.SoundPlaybackRate = 44100; // -> ds2sound.h for defs #ifndef FOREVER_STEREO Settings.Stereo = TRUE; #endif Settings.SoundBufferSize = 512; Settings.CyclesPercentage = 100; Settings.DisableSoundEcho = FALSE; //sound settings Settings.APUEnabled = Settings.NextAPUEnabled = TRUE; // Settings.FixFrequency = 1; Settings.H_Max = SNES_CYCLES_PER_SCANLINE; Settings.SkipFrames = AUTO_FRAMERATE; Settings.ShutdownMaster = TRUE; Settings.FrameTimePAL = 20000; Settings.FrameTimeNTSC = 16667; Settings.DisableMasterVolume = FALSE; Settings.Mouse = TRUE; Settings.SuperScope = TRUE; Settings.MultiPlayer5 = TRUE; Settings.ControllerOption = SNES_JOYPAD; Settings.Transparency = TRUE; #ifndef FOREVER_16_BIT Settings.SixteenBit = TRUE; #endif #ifndef FOREVER_16_BIT_SOUND Settings.SixteenBitSound = TRUE; #endif Settings.SupportHiRes = FALSE; Settings.ThreadSound = FALSE; Settings.SoundSync = TRUE; Settings.AutoSaveDelay = 0; #ifdef _NETPLAY_SUPPORT Settings.NetPlay = FALSE; Settings.ServerName [0] = 0; Settings.Port = NP_DEFAULT_PORT; #endif Settings.ApplyCheats = TRUE; Settings.TurboMode = FALSE; Settings.TurboSkipFrames = 10; Settings.StretchScreenshots = 1; Settings.HBlankStart = (256 * Settings.H_Max) / SNES_HCOUNTER_MAX; } void S9xAutoSaveSRAM () { Memory.SaveSRAM (S9xGetFilename (".srm")); } int game_load_state(char* file) { int flag; flag = 0; if(S9xUnfreezeGame(file) == FALSE) flag = -1; return flag; } int game_save_state(char* file) { int flag; flag = 0; if(S9xFreezeGame(file) == FALSE) flag = -1; S9xAutoSaveSRAM (); return flag; } void game_restart(void) { CPU.Flags = 0; S9xReset (); } int load_gamepak(const char* file) { CPU.Flags = 0; // mdelay(50); // Delete this delay if (!Memory.LoadROM (file)) return -1; S9xReset (); Settings.FrameTime = (Settings.PAL ? Settings.FrameTimePAL : Settings.FrameTimeNTSC); Memory.LoadSRAM (S9xGetFilename (".srm")); // mdelay(50); // Delete this delay S9xLoadCheatFile (S9xGetFilename (".chb")); // cheat binary file, as opposed to text #ifdef _NETPLAY_SUPPORT if (strlen (Settings.ServerName) == 0) { char *server = getenv ("S9XSERVER"); if (server) { strncpy (Settings.ServerName, server, 127); Settings.ServerName [127] = 0; } } char *port = getenv ("S9XPORT"); if (Settings.Port >= 0 && port) Settings.Port = atoi (port); else if (Settings.Port < 0) Settings.Port = -Settings.Port; if (Settings.NetPlay) { int player; if (!S9xNetPlayConnectToServer (Settings.ServerName, Settings.Port, Memory.ROMName, player)) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to connected to Snes9x netplay" " server \"%s\" on port %d.\n", Settings.ServerName, Settings.Port); S9xExit (); } fprintf (stderr, "Connected to \"%s\" on port %d as" " player #%d playing \"%s\"\n", Settings.ServerName, Settings.Port, player, Memory.ROMName); } #endif /* if (snapshot_filename) { int Flags = CPU.Flags & (DEBUG_MODE_FLAG | TRACE_FLAG); if (!S9xLoadSnapshot (snapshot_filename)) exit (1); CPU.Flags |= Flags; } */ // mdelay(50); // Delete this delay return 0; } extern "C" void sfc_main(void); void retro_init (void) { struct retro_log_callback log; enum retro_pixel_format rgb565; if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_LOG_INTERFACE, &log)) log_cb = log.log; else log_cb = NULL; rgb565 = RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565; if(environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_PIXEL_FORMAT, &rgb565) && log_cb) log_cb(RETRO_LOG_INFO, "Frontend supports RGB565 - will use that instead of XRGB1555.\n"); init_sfc_setting(); if (!Memory.Init () || !S9xInitAPU()) OutOfMemory (); S9xInitDisplay (); if (!S9xGraphicsInit()) OutOfMemory (); S9xInitSound (Settings.SoundPlaybackRate, #ifndef FOREVER_STEREO Settings.Stereo, #else TRUE, #endif Settings.SoundBufferSize); #ifdef GFX_MULTI_FORMAT // S9xSetRenderPixelFormat (RGB565); S9xSetRenderPixelFormat (BGR555); #endif #ifdef JOYSTICK_SUPPORT uint32 JoypadSkip = 0; #endif } uint32 S9xReadJoypad (int port) { static const uint32 snes_lut[] = { SNES_B_MASK, SNES_Y_MASK, SNES_SELECT_MASK, SNES_START_MASK, SNES_UP_MASK, SNES_DOWN_MASK, SNES_LEFT_MASK, SNES_RIGHT_MASK, SNES_A_MASK, SNES_X_MASK, SNES_TL_MASK, SNES_TR_MASK }; int i; uint32 joypad = 0; for ( i = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_B; i <= RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R; i++) if (input_cb(port, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, i)) joypad |= snes_lut[i]; return joypad; } //#define FRAMESKIP void retro_run (void) { int i, port; bool updated = false; poll_cb(); // so.sound_switch = 0; S9xSetPlaybackRate(32040); so.mute_sound = FALSE; SoundData.echo_enable = FALSE; S9xMainLoop(); static s16 audio_buf[534 << 1]; S9xMixSamples ((uint8*)audio_buf, 534 << 1); audio_batch_cb(audio_buf, 534); #ifdef FRAMESKIP if (IPPU.RenderThisFrame) IPPU.RenderThisFrame = false; else { video_cb(NULL, 256, 224, GFX.Pitch); IPPU.RenderThisFrame = true; } #endif // if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE_UPDATE, &updated) && updated) // check_variables(); } static unsigned int sync_last= 0; static unsigned int sync_next = 0; static unsigned int skip_rate= 0; void S9xSyncSpeed () { } bool8 S9xOpenSoundDevice (int mode, bool8 stereo, int buffer_size) { return (TRUE); } void S9xGenerateSound () { // static s16 audio_buf[855 << 1]; // S9xMixSamples ((uint8*)audio_buf, 855 << 1); // audio_batch_cb(audio_buf, 855); } void S9xGenerateSound0 () { #ifndef FOREVER_16_BIT_SOUND int bytes_so_far = so.sixteen_bit ? (so.samples_mixed_so_far << 1) : so.samples_mixed_so_far; #else int bytes_so_far = so.samples_mixed_so_far << 1; #endif if (bytes_so_far >= so.buffer_size) return; so.err_counter += so.err_rate; if (so.err_counter >= FIXED_POINT) { // Write this many samples overall int samples_to_write = so.err_counter >> FIXED_POINT_SHIFT; #ifndef FOREVER_STEREO if (so.stereo) #endif samples_to_write <<= 1; int byte_offset = (bytes_so_far + so.play_position) & SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE_MASK; so.err_counter &= FIXED_POINT_REMAINDER; do { int bytes_this_run = samples_to_write; #ifndef FOREVER_16_BIT_SOUND if (so.sixteen_bit) #endif bytes_this_run <<= 1; if (byte_offset + bytes_this_run > SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE) { bytes_this_run = SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE - byte_offset; } if (bytes_so_far + bytes_this_run > so.buffer_size) { bytes_this_run = so.buffer_size - bytes_so_far; if (bytes_this_run == 0) break; } int samples_this_run = bytes_this_run; #ifndef FOREVER_16_BIT_SOUND if (so.sixteen_bit) #endif samples_this_run >>= 1; S9xMixSamples (Buf + byte_offset, samples_this_run); so.samples_mixed_so_far += samples_this_run; samples_to_write -= samples_this_run; #ifndef FOREVER_16_BIT_SOUND bytes_so_far += so.sixteen_bit ? (samples_this_run << 1) : samples_this_run; #else bytes_so_far += samples_this_run << 1; #endif byte_offset = (byte_offset + bytes_this_run) & SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE_MASK; } while (samples_to_write > 0); } } #define SOUND_EMISSION_INTERVAL ((unsigned int) ((((unsigned long long) DS2_BUFFER_SIZE * 1000000) / SND_SAMPLE_RATE) * 3 / 128)) #define TRUE_SOUND_EMISSION_INTERVAL ((((double) DS2_BUFFER_SIZE * 1000000) / SND_SAMPLE_RATE) * 3 / 128) #define SOUND_EMISSION_INTERVAL_ERROR ((int) ((TRUE_SOUND_EMISSION_INTERVAL - SOUND_EMISSION_INTERVAL) * FIXED_POINT)) static unsigned int LastSoundEmissionTime = 0; /* * Accumulated error in the sound emission time. The unit is as follows: * FIXED_POINT = 42.667 microseconds. * As the error goes past FIXED_POINT, the new target for sound emission * becomes 42.667 microseconds LATER. This helps with sound buffer overruns, * correctly dealing with the fact that 42.667 microseconds does not fit * an integer number of times in 1/32000 second (or whatever sampling rate). */ static unsigned int SoundEmissionTimeError = 0; void S9xProcessSound (unsigned int) { } /* const unsigned int keymap[12] = { 0x80, //KEY_A 0x8000, //KEY_B 0x2000, //KEY_SELECT 0x1000, //KEY_START 0x100, //KEY_RIGHT 0x200, //KEY_LEFT 0x800, //KEY_UP 0x400, //KEY_DOWN 0x10, //KEY_R 0x20, //KEY_L 0x40, //KEY_X 0x4000 //KEY_Y }; */ static bool8 SoundToggleWasHeld = FALSE; static bool8 LoadStateWasHeld = FALSE; static bool8 SaveStateWasHeld = FALSE; static bool8 ToggleFullScreenWasHeld = FALSE; #ifdef ACCUMULATE_JOYPAD // These are kept as DS key bitfields until it's time to send them to Snes9x. static uint32 PreviousControls = 0x00000000; static uint32 ControlsPressed = 0x00000000; static uint32 ControlsReleased = 0x00000000; void NDSSFCAccumulateJoypad () { struct key_buf inputdata; ds2_getrawInput(&inputdata); ControlsPressed |= inputdata.key & ~PreviousControls; ControlsReleased |= PreviousControls & ~inputdata.key; } #endif // ACCUMULATE_JOYPAD static int S9xCompareSDD1IndexEntries (const void *p1, const void *p2) { return (*(uint32 *) p1 - *(uint32 *) p2); } void S9xLoadSDD1Data () { } bool8 S9xReadMousePosition (int which1, int &x, int &y, uint32 &buttons) { return (FALSE); } bool8 S9xReadSuperScopePosition (int &x, int &y, uint32 &buttons) { return (TRUE); } bool JustifierOffscreen() { return (FALSE); } void JustifierButtons(uint32& justifiers) { } START_EXTERN_C char* osd_GetPackDir() { static char filename[_MAX_PATH]; memset(filename, 0, _MAX_PATH); if(strlen(S9xGetSnapshotDirectory())!=0) strcpy (filename, S9xGetSnapshotDirectory()); else { char dir [_MAX_DIR + 1]; char drive [_MAX_DRIVE + 1]; char name [_MAX_FNAME + 1]; char ext [_MAX_EXT + 1]; _splitpath(Memory.ROMFilename, drive, dir, name, ext); _makepath(filename, drive, dir, NULL, NULL); } if(!strncmp((char*)&Memory.ROM [0xffc0], "SUPER POWER LEAG 4 ", 21)) { if (getenv("SPL4PACK")) return getenv("SPL4PACK"); else strcat(filename, "/SPL4-SP7"); } else if(!strncmp((char*)&Memory.ROM [0xffc0], "MOMOTETSU HAPPY ",21)) { if (getenv("MDHPACK")) return getenv("MDHPACK"); else strcat(filename, "/SMHT-SP7"); } else if(!strncmp((char*)&Memory.ROM [0xffc0], "HU TENGAI MAKYO ZERO ", 21)) { if (getenv("FEOEZPACK")) return getenv("FEOEZPACK"); else strcat(filename, "/FEOEZSP7"); } else if(!strncmp((char*)&Memory.ROM [0xffc0], "JUMP TENGAIMAKYO ZERO",21)) { if (getenv("SJNSPACK")) return getenv("SJNSPACK"); else strcat(filename, "/SJUMPSP7"); } else strcat(filename, "/MISC-SP7"); return filename; } END_EXTERN_C void retro_deinit (void) { } unsigned retro_get_region (void) { return Settings.PAL ? RETRO_REGION_PAL : RETRO_REGION_NTSC; } void retro_get_system_info(struct retro_system_info *info) { info->need_fullpath = true; info->valid_extensions = "smc|fig|sfc|gd3|gd7|dx2|bsx|swc"; info->library_version = "v1.4"; info->library_name = "SNES9x(CATSFC)"; info->block_extract = false; } void retro_get_system_av_info(struct retro_system_av_info *info) { info->geometry.base_width = 256; info->geometry.base_height = 224; info->geometry.max_width = 512; info->geometry.max_height = 512; info->geometry.aspect_ratio = 4.0 / 3.0; // if (!Settings.PAL) // info->timing.fps = 21477272.0 / 357366.0; // else // info->timing.fps = 21281370.0 / 425568.0; // info->timing.sample_rate = 32040.5; info->timing.fps = 60.0; info->timing.sample_rate = 32040.0; } void retro_reset(void) { } size_t retro_serialize_size(void) { return 0; } bool retro_serialize(void *data, size_t size) { return false; } bool retro_unserialize(const void *data, size_t size) { return false; } void retro_cheat_reset(void) { } void retro_cheat_set(unsigned index, bool enabled, const char *code) { } bool retro_load_game(const struct retro_game_info *game) { Memory.LoadROM(game->path); return true; } bool retro_load_game_special( unsigned game_type, const struct retro_game_info *info, size_t num_info ) { return false; } void retro_unload_game(void) { } void *retro_get_memory_data(unsigned id) { return NULL; } size_t retro_get_memory_size(unsigned id) { return 0; }