#include "../copyright" #include #include #include #include "snes9x.h" #include "cheats.h" #include "memmap.h" static bool S9xAllHex(const char* code, int32_t len) { int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) if ((code [i] < '0' || code [i] > '9') && (code [i] < 'a' || code [i] > 'f') && (code [i] < 'A' || code [i] > 'F')) return false; return true; } const char* S9xProActionReplayToRaw(const char* code, uint32_t* address, uint8_t* byte) { uint32_t data = 0; if (strlen(code) != 8 || !S9xAllHex(code, 8) || sscanf(code, "%x", &data) != 1) return "Invalid Pro Action Replay code - should be 8 hex digits in length."; *address = data >> 8; *byte = (uint8_t) data; return NULL; } const char* S9xGoldFingerToRaw(const char* code, uint32_t* address, bool* sram, uint8_t* num_bytes, uint8_t bytes[3]) { int32_t i; char tmp [15]; if (strlen(code) != 14) return "Invalid Gold Finger code should be 14 hex digits in length."; strncpy(tmp, code, 5); tmp [5] = 0; if (sscanf(tmp, "%x", address) != 1) return "Invalid Gold Finger code."; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int32_t byte; strncpy(tmp, code + 5 + i * 2, 2); tmp [2] = 0; if (sscanf(tmp, "%x", &byte) != 1) break; bytes [i] = (uint8_t) byte; } *num_bytes = i; *sram = code [13] == '1'; return NULL; } const char* S9xGameGenieToRaw(const char* code, uint32_t* address, uint8_t* byte) { char new_code [12]; static char* real_hex = "0123456789ABCDEF"; static char* genie_hex = "DF4709156BC8A23E"; uint32_t data = 0; int32_t i; if (strlen(code) != 9 || *(code + 4) != '-' || !S9xAllHex(code, 4) || !S9xAllHex(code + 5, 4)) return "Invalid Game Genie(tm) code - should be 'xxxx-xxxx'."; strcpy(new_code, "0x"); strncpy(new_code + 2, code, 4); strcpy(new_code + 6, code + 5); for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) { int32_t j; if (islower(new_code [i])) new_code [i] = toupper(new_code [i]); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { if (new_code [i] == genie_hex [j]) { new_code [i] = real_hex [j]; break; } } if (j == 16) return "Invalid hex-character in Game Genie(tm) code"; } sscanf(new_code, "%x", &data); *byte = (uint8_t)(data >> 24); *address = ((data & 0x003c00) << 10) + ((data & 0x00003c) << 14) + ((data & 0xf00000) >> 8) + ((data & 0x000003) << 10) + ((data & 0x00c000) >> 6) + ((data & 0x0f0000) >> 12) + ((data & 0x0003c0) >> 6); return NULL; }