#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "scaler.h" #include "font_drawing.h" #include "sound_output.h" #include "video_blit.h" #include "config.h" #include "menu.h" t_config option; uint32_t emulator_state = 0; extern uint8_t exit_snes; static char home_path[256], save_path[256], sram_path[256], conf_path[256], rtc_path[256]; static uint32_t controls_chosen = 0; extern SDL_Surface *sdl_screen; extern char GameName_emu[512]; extern void SRAM_file(char* path, uint_fast8_t state); extern void RTC_Save(char* path, uint_fast8_t state); extern void SaveState(char* path, uint_fast8_t state); extern void SRAM_Save(char* path, uint_fast8_t state); static uint8_t selectpressed = 0; static uint8_t save_slot = 0; static const int8_t upscalers_available = 2 #ifdef SCALE2X_UPSCALER +1 #endif ; static void SaveState_Menu(uint_fast8_t load_mode, uint_fast8_t slot) { char tmp[512]; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s/%s_%d.sts", save_path, GameName_emu, slot); SaveState(tmp,load_mode); } static void SRAM_Menu(uint_fast8_t load_mode) { char tmp[512]; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s/%s.srm", sram_path, GameName_emu); SRAM_Save(tmp,load_mode); } static void RTC_Menu(uint_fast8_t load_mode) { char tmp[512]; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s/%s.rtc", rtc_path, GameName_emu); RTC_Save(tmp,load_mode); } static void config_load() { uint_fast8_t i; char config_path[512]; FILE* fp; snprintf(config_path, sizeof(config_path), "%s/%s.cfg", conf_path, GameName_emu); fp = fopen(config_path, "rb"); if (fp) { fread(&option, sizeof(option), sizeof(int8_t), fp); fclose(fp); } else { /* Default mapping for Horizontal */ option.config_buttons[0][0] = SDLK_UP; // UP option.config_buttons[0][1] = SDLK_RIGHT; // RIGHT option.config_buttons[0][2] = SDLK_DOWN; // DOWN option.config_buttons[0][3] = SDLK_LEFT; // LEFT option.config_buttons[0][4] = SDLK_LCTRL; // A option.config_buttons[0][5] = SDLK_LALT; // B option.config_buttons[0][6] = SDLK_SPACE; // X option.config_buttons[0][7] = SDLK_LSHIFT; // Y option.config_buttons[0][8] = SDLK_TAB; // L option.config_buttons[0][9] = SDLK_BACKSPACE; // R option.config_buttons[0][10] = SDLK_RETURN; // START option.config_buttons[0][11] = SDLK_ESCAPE; // SELECT option.fullscreen = 1; } } static void config_save() { FILE* fp; char config_path[512]; snprintf(config_path, sizeof(config_path), "%s/%s.cfg", conf_path, GameName_emu); fp = fopen(config_path, "wb"); if (fp) { fwrite(&option, sizeof(option), sizeof(int8_t), fp); fclose(fp); } } static const char* Return_Text_Button(uint32_t button) { switch(button) { /* UP button */ case 273: return "DPAD UP"; break; /* DOWN button */ case 274: return "DPAD DOWN"; break; /* LEFT button */ case 276: return "DPAD LEFT"; break; /* RIGHT button */ case 275: return "DPAD RIGHT"; break; /* A button */ case 306: return "A"; break; /* B button */ case 308: return "B"; break; /* X button */ case 304: return "X"; break; /* Y button */ case 32: return "Y"; break; /* L button */ case 9: return "L"; break; /* R button */ case 8: return "R"; break; /* Power button */ case 279: return "L2"; break; /* Brightness */ case 51: return "R2"; break; /* Volume - */ case 38: return "Volume -"; break; /* Volume + */ case 233: return "Volume +"; break; /* Start */ case 13: return "Start"; break; /* Select */ case 27: return "Select"; break; default: return "Unknown"; break; case 0: return "..."; break; } } static void Input_Remapping() { SDL_Event Event; char text[50]; uint32_t pressed = 0; int32_t currentselection = 1; int32_t exit_input = 0; uint32_t exit_map = 0; while(!exit_input) { pressed = 0; SDL_FillRect( backbuffer, NULL, 0 ); while (SDL_PollEvent(&Event)) { if (Event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { switch(Event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_UP: currentselection--; if (currentselection < 1) { if (currentselection > 9) currentselection = 12; else currentselection = 9; } break; case SDLK_DOWN: currentselection++; if (currentselection == 10) { currentselection = 1; } break; case SDLK_LCTRL: case SDLK_RETURN: pressed = 1; break; case SDLK_ESCAPE: option.config_buttons[controls_chosen][currentselection - 1] = 0; break; case SDLK_LALT: exit_input = 1; break; case SDLK_LEFT: if (currentselection > 9) currentselection -= 9; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: if (currentselection < 10) currentselection += 9; break; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: controls_chosen = 1; break; case SDLK_TAB: controls_chosen = 0; break; default: break; } } } if (pressed) { SDL_Delay(1); switch(currentselection) { default: exit_map = 0; while( !exit_map ) { SDL_FillRect( backbuffer, NULL, 0 ); print_string("Please press button for mapping", TextWhite, TextBlue, 37, 108, backbuffer->pixels); bitmap_scale(0,0,320,240,sdl_screen->w,sdl_screen->h,320,0,(uint16_t* restrict)backbuffer->pixels,(uint16_t* restrict)sdl_screen->pixels); while (SDL_PollEvent(&Event)) { if (Event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { if (Event.key.keysym.sym != SDLK_RCTRL) { option.config_buttons[controls_chosen][currentselection - 1] = Event.key.keysym.sym; exit_map = 1; } } } SDL_Flip(sdl_screen); } break; } } if (currentselection > 12) currentselection = 12; if (controls_chosen == 0) print_string("Player 1", TextWhite, 0, 100, 10, backbuffer->pixels); else print_string("Player 2", TextWhite, 0, 100, 10, backbuffer->pixels); print_string("Press [A] to map to a button", TextWhite, TextBlue, 50, 210, backbuffer->pixels); print_string("Press [B] to Exit", TextWhite, TextBlue, 85, 225, backbuffer->pixels); snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "UP : %s\n", Return_Text_Button(option.config_buttons[controls_chosen][0])); if (currentselection == 1) print_string(text, TextRed, 0, 5, 25+2, backbuffer->pixels); else print_string(text, TextWhite, 0, 5, 25+2, backbuffer->pixels); snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "DOWN : %s\n", Return_Text_Button(option.config_buttons[controls_chosen][1])); if (currentselection == 2) print_string(text, TextRed, 0, 5, 45+2, backbuffer->pixels); else print_string(text, TextWhite, 0, 5, 45+2, backbuffer->pixels); snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "LEFT : %s\n", Return_Text_Button(option.config_buttons[controls_chosen][2])); if (currentselection == 3) print_string(text, TextRed, 0, 5, 65+2, backbuffer->pixels); else print_string(text, TextWhite, 0, 5, 65+2, backbuffer->pixels); snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "RIGHT: %s\n", Return_Text_Button(option.config_buttons[controls_chosen][3])); if (currentselection == 4) print_string(text, TextRed, 0, 5, 85+2, backbuffer->pixels); else print_string(text, TextWhite, 0, 5, 85+2, backbuffer->pixels); snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "A : %s\n", Return_Text_Button(option.config_buttons[controls_chosen][4])); if (currentselection == 5) print_string(text, TextRed, 0, 5, 105+2, backbuffer->pixels); else print_string(text, TextWhite, 0, 5, 105+2, backbuffer->pixels); snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "B : %s\n", Return_Text_Button(option.config_buttons[controls_chosen][5])); if (currentselection == 6) print_string(text, TextRed, 0, 5, 125+2, backbuffer->pixels); else print_string(text, TextWhite, 0, 5, 125+2, backbuffer->pixels); snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "X : %s\n", Return_Text_Button(option.config_buttons[controls_chosen][6])); if (currentselection == 7) print_string(text, TextRed, 0, 5, 145+2, backbuffer->pixels); else print_string(text, TextWhite, 0, 5, 145+2, backbuffer->pixels); snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "Y : %s\n", Return_Text_Button(option.config_buttons[controls_chosen][7])); if (currentselection == 8) print_string(text, TextRed, 0, 5, 165+2, backbuffer->pixels); else print_string(text, TextWhite, 0, 5, 165+2, backbuffer->pixels); snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "L : %s\n", Return_Text_Button(option.config_buttons[controls_chosen][8])); if (currentselection == 9) print_string(text, TextRed, 0, 5, 185+2, backbuffer->pixels); else print_string(text, TextWhite, 0, 5, 185+2, backbuffer->pixels); snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "R : %s\n", Return_Text_Button(option.config_buttons[controls_chosen][9])); if (currentselection == 10) print_string(text, TextRed, 0, 165, 25+2, backbuffer->pixels); else print_string(text, TextWhite, 0, 165, 25+2, backbuffer->pixels); snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "START : %s\n", Return_Text_Button(option.config_buttons[controls_chosen][10])); if (currentselection == 11) print_string(text, TextRed, 0, 165, 45+2, backbuffer->pixels); else print_string(text, TextWhite, 0, 165, 45+2, backbuffer->pixels); snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "SELECT : %s\n", Return_Text_Button(option.config_buttons[controls_chosen][11])); if (currentselection == 12) print_string(text, TextRed, 0, 165, 65+2, backbuffer->pixels); else print_string(text, TextWhite, 0, 165, 65+2, backbuffer->pixels); bitmap_scale(0,0,320,240,sdl_screen->w,sdl_screen->h,320,0,(uint16_t* restrict)backbuffer->pixels,(uint16_t* restrict)sdl_screen->pixels); SDL_Flip(sdl_screen); } config_save(); } void Menu() { char text[50]; int16_t pressed = 0; int16_t currentselection = 1; SDL_Rect dstRect; SDL_Event Event; Set_Video_Menu(); /* Save sram settings each time we bring up the menu */ SRAM_Menu(0); RTC_Menu(0); while (((currentselection != 1) && (currentselection != 6)) || (!pressed)) { pressed = 0; SDL_FillRect( backbuffer, NULL, 0 ); print_string("SNESEmu - Built on " __DATE__, TextWhite, 0, 5, 15, backbuffer->pixels); if (currentselection == 1) print_string("Continue", TextRed, 0, 5, 45, backbuffer->pixels); else print_string("Continue", TextWhite, 0, 5, 45, backbuffer->pixels); snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "Load State %d", save_slot); if (currentselection == 2) print_string(text, TextRed, 0, 5, 65, backbuffer->pixels); else print_string(text, TextWhite, 0, 5, 65, backbuffer->pixels); snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "Save State %d", save_slot); if (currentselection == 3) print_string(text, TextRed, 0, 5, 85, backbuffer->pixels); else print_string(text, TextWhite, 0, 5, 85, backbuffer->pixels); if (currentselection == 4) { switch(option.fullscreen) { case 0: print_string("Scaling : Native", TextRed, 0, 5, 105, backbuffer->pixels); break; case 1: print_string("Scaling : Stretched", TextRed, 0, 5, 105, backbuffer->pixels); break; case 2: print_string("Scaling : Bilinear", TextRed, 0, 5, 105, backbuffer->pixels); break; case 3: print_string("Scaling : EPX/Scale2x", TextRed, 0, 5, 105, backbuffer->pixels); break; } } else { switch(option.fullscreen) { case 0: print_string("Scaling : Native", TextWhite, 0, 5, 105, backbuffer->pixels); break; case 1: print_string("Scaling : Stretched", TextWhite, 0, 5, 105, backbuffer->pixels); break; case 2: print_string("Scaling : Bilinear", TextWhite, 0, 5, 105, backbuffer->pixels); break; case 3: print_string("Scaling : EPX/Scale2x", TextWhite, 0, 5, 105, backbuffer->pixels); break; } } if (currentselection == 5) print_string("Input remapping", TextRed, 0, 5, 125, backbuffer->pixels); else print_string("Input remapping", TextWhite, 0, 5, 125, backbuffer->pixels); if (currentselection == 6) print_string("Quit", TextRed, 0, 5, 145, backbuffer->pixels); else print_string("Quit", TextWhite, 0, 5, 145, backbuffer->pixels); print_string("Libretro Fork by gameblabla", TextWhite, 0, 5, 205, backbuffer->pixels); print_string("Credits: Snes9x dev team, libretro", TextWhite, 0, 5, 225, backbuffer->pixels); while (SDL_PollEvent(&Event)) { if (Event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { switch(Event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_UP: currentselection--; if (currentselection == 0) currentselection = 6; break; case SDLK_DOWN: currentselection++; if (currentselection == 7) currentselection = 1; break; case SDLK_END: case SDLK_RCTRL: case SDLK_LALT: pressed = 1; currentselection = 1; break; case SDLK_LCTRL: case SDLK_RETURN: pressed = 1; break; case SDLK_LEFT: switch(currentselection) { case 2: case 3: if (save_slot > 0) save_slot--; break; case 4: option.fullscreen--; if (option.fullscreen < 0) option.fullscreen = upscalers_available; break; } break; case SDLK_RIGHT: switch(currentselection) { case 2: case 3: save_slot++; if (save_slot == 10) save_slot = 9; break; case 4: option.fullscreen++; if (option.fullscreen > upscalers_available) option.fullscreen = 0; break; } break; default: break; } } else if (Event.type == SDL_QUIT) { currentselection = 6; pressed = 1; } } if (pressed) { switch(currentselection) { case 5: Input_Remapping(); break; case 4 : option.fullscreen++; if (option.fullscreen > upscalers_available) option.fullscreen = 0; break; case 2 : SaveState_Menu(1, save_slot); currentselection = 1; break; case 3 : SaveState_Menu(0, save_slot); currentselection = 1; break; default: break; } } bitmap_scale(0,0,320,240,sdl_screen->w,sdl_screen->h,320,0,(uint16_t* restrict)backbuffer->pixels,(uint16_t* restrict)sdl_screen->pixels); SDL_Flip(sdl_screen); } SDL_FillRect(sdl_screen, NULL, 0); SDL_Flip(sdl_screen); #ifdef SDL_TRIPLEBUF SDL_FillRect(sdl_screen, NULL, 0); SDL_Flip(sdl_screen); #endif if (currentselection == 6) { exit_snes = 1; } /* Switch back to emulator core */ emulator_state = 0; Set_Video_InGame(); } static void Cleanup(void) { #ifdef SCALE2X_UPSCALER if (scale2x_buf) SDL_FreeSurface(scale2x_buf); #endif if (sdl_screen) SDL_FreeSurface(sdl_screen); if (backbuffer) SDL_FreeSurface(backbuffer); // Deinitialize audio and video output Audio_Close(); SDL_Quit(); } void Init_Configuration() { snprintf(home_path, sizeof(home_path), "%s/.snesemu", getenv("HOME")); snprintf(conf_path, sizeof(conf_path), "%s/conf", home_path); snprintf(save_path, sizeof(save_path), "%s/sstates", home_path); snprintf(sram_path, sizeof(sram_path), "%s/sram", home_path); snprintf(rtc_path, sizeof(sram_path), "%s/rtc", home_path); /* We check first if folder does not exist. * Let's only try to create it if so in order to decrease boot times. * */ if (access( home_path, F_OK ) == -1) { mkdir(home_path, 0755); } if (access( save_path, F_OK ) == -1) { mkdir(save_path, 0755); } if (access( conf_path, F_OK ) == -1) { mkdir(conf_path, 0755); } if (access( sram_path, F_OK ) == -1) { mkdir(sram_path, 0755); } if (access( rtc_path, F_OK ) == -1) { mkdir(rtc_path, 0755); } /* Load sram file if it exists */ SRAM_Menu(1); RTC_Menu(1); config_load(); }