#include "../copyright" #include "seta.h" #include "memmap.h" // Mode 7 scaling constants for all raster lines const int16_t ST010_M7Scale[176] = { 0x0380, 0x0325, 0x02da, 0x029c, 0x0268, 0x023b, 0x0215, 0x01f3, 0x01d5, 0x01bb, 0x01a3, 0x018e, 0x017b, 0x016a, 0x015a, 0x014b, 0x013e, 0x0132, 0x0126, 0x011c, 0x0112, 0x0109, 0x0100, 0x00f8, 0x00f0, 0x00e9, 0x00e3, 0x00dc, 0x00d6, 0x00d1, 0x00cb, 0x00c6, 0x00c1, 0x00bd, 0x00b8, 0x00b4, 0x00b0, 0x00ac, 0x00a8, 0x00a5, 0x00a2, 0x009e, 0x009b, 0x0098, 0x0095, 0x0093, 0x0090, 0x008d, 0x008b, 0x0088, 0x0086, 0x0084, 0x0082, 0x0080, 0x007e, 0x007c, 0x007a, 0x0078, 0x0076, 0x0074, 0x0073, 0x0071, 0x006f, 0x006e, 0x006c, 0x006b, 0x0069, 0x0068, 0x0067, 0x0065, 0x0064, 0x0063, 0x0062, 0x0060, 0x005f, 0x005e, 0x005d, 0x005c, 0x005b, 0x005a, 0x0059, 0x0058, 0x0057, 0x0056, 0x0055, 0x0054, 0x0053, 0x0052, 0x0051, 0x0051, 0x0050, 0x004f, 0x004e, 0x004d, 0x004d, 0x004c, 0x004b, 0x004b, 0x004a, 0x0049, 0x0048, 0x0048, 0x0047, 0x0047, 0x0046, 0x0045, 0x0045, 0x0044, 0x0044, 0x0043, 0x0042, 0x0042, 0x0041, 0x0041, 0x0040, 0x0040, 0x003f, 0x003f, 0x003e, 0x003e, 0x003d, 0x003d, 0x003c, 0x003c, 0x003b, 0x003b, 0x003a, 0x003a, 0x003a, 0x0039, 0x0039, 0x0038, 0x0038, 0x0038, 0x0037, 0x0037, 0x0036, 0x0036, 0x0036, 0x0035, 0x0035, 0x0035, 0x0034, 0x0034, 0x0034, 0x0033, 0x0033, 0x0033, 0x0032, 0x0032, 0x0032, 0x0031, 0x0031, 0x0031, 0x0030, 0x0030, 0x0030, 0x0030, 0x002f, 0x002f, 0x002f, 0x002e, 0x002e, 0x002e, 0x002e, 0x002d, 0x002d, 0x002d, 0x002d, 0x002c, 0x002c, 0x002c, 0x002c, 0x002b, 0x002b, 0x002b }; // H-DMA hack bool seta_hack; //temporary Op04 requirement #include #ifndef PI #define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 #endif ST010_Regs ST010; uint8_t S9xGetST010(uint32_t Address) { if (!(Address & 0x80000)) return 0x80; if ((Address & 0xFFF) == 0x20) return ST010.op_reg; if ((Address & 0xFFF) == 0x21) return ST010.execute; return Memory.SRAM[Address & Memory.SRAMMask]; } const int16_t ST010_SinTable[256] = { 0x0000, 0x0324, 0x0648, 0x096a, 0x0c8c, 0x0fab, 0x12c8, 0x15e2, 0x18f9, 0x1c0b, 0x1f1a, 0x2223, 0x2528, 0x2826, 0x2b1f, 0x2e11, 0x30fb, 0x33df, 0x36ba, 0x398c, 0x3c56, 0x3f17, 0x41ce, 0x447a, 0x471c, 0x49b4, 0x4c3f, 0x4ebf, 0x5133, 0x539b, 0x55f5, 0x5842, 0x5a82, 0x5cb3, 0x5ed7, 0x60eb, 0x62f1, 0x64e8, 0x66cf, 0x68a6, 0x6a6d, 0x6c23, 0x6dc9, 0x6f5e, 0x70e2, 0x7254, 0x73b5, 0x7504, 0x7641, 0x776b, 0x7884, 0x7989, 0x7a7c, 0x7b5c, 0x7c29, 0x7ce3, 0x7d89, 0x7e1d, 0x7e9c, 0x7f09, 0x7f61, 0x7fa6, 0x7fd8, 0x7ff5, 0x7fff, 0x7ff5, 0x7fd8, 0x7fa6, 0x7f61, 0x7f09, 0x7e9c, 0x7e1d, 0x7d89, 0x7ce3, 0x7c29, 0x7b5c, 0x7a7c, 0x7989, 0x7884, 0x776b, 0x7641, 0x7504, 0x73b5, 0x7254, 0x70e2, 0x6f5e, 0x6dc9, 0x6c23, 0x6a6d, 0x68a6, 0x66cf, 0x64e8, 0x62f1, 0x60eb, 0x5ed7, 0x5cb3, 0x5a82, 0x5842, 0x55f5, 0x539b, 0x5133, 0x4ebf, 0x4c3f, 0x49b4, 0x471c, 0x447a, 0x41ce, 0x3f17, 0x3c56, 0x398c, 0x36ba, 0x33df, 0x30fb, 0x2e11, 0x2b1f, 0x2826, 0x2528, 0x2223, 0x1f1a, 0x1c0b, 0x18f8, 0x15e2, 0x12c8, 0x0fab, 0x0c8c, 0x096a, 0x0648, 0x0324, 0x0000, -0x0324, -0x0648, -0x096b, -0x0c8c, -0x0fab, -0x12c8, -0x15e2, -0x18f9, -0x1c0b, -0x1f1a, -0x2223, -0x2528, -0x2826, -0x2b1f, -0x2e11, -0x30fb, -0x33df, -0x36ba, -0x398d, -0x3c56, -0x3f17, -0x41ce, -0x447a, -0x471c, -0x49b4, -0x4c3f, -0x4ebf, -0x5133, -0x539b, -0x55f5, -0x5842, -0x5a82, -0x5cb3, -0x5ed7, -0x60ec, -0x62f1, -0x64e8, -0x66cf, -0x68a6, -0x6a6d, -0x6c23, -0x6dc9, -0x6f5e, -0x70e2, -0x7254, -0x73b5, -0x7504, -0x7641, -0x776b, -0x7884, -0x7989, -0x7a7c, -0x7b5c, -0x7c29, -0x7ce3, -0x7d89, -0x7e1d, -0x7e9c, -0x7f09, -0x7f61, -0x7fa6, -0x7fd8, -0x7ff5, -0x7fff, -0x7ff5, -0x7fd8, -0x7fa6, -0x7f61, -0x7f09, -0x7e9c, -0x7e1d, -0x7d89, -0x7ce3, -0x7c29, -0x7b5c, -0x7a7c, -0x7989, -0x7883, -0x776b, -0x7641, -0x7504, -0x73b5, -0x7254, -0x70e2, -0x6f5e, -0x6dc9, -0x6c23, -0x6a6d, -0x68a6, -0x66cf, -0x64e8, -0x62f1, -0x60eb, -0x5ed7, -0x5cb3, -0x5a82, -0x5842, -0x55f5, -0x539a, -0x5133, -0x4ebf, -0x4c3f, -0x49b3, -0x471c, -0x447a, -0x41cd, -0x3f17, -0x3c56, -0x398c, -0x36b9, -0x33de, -0x30fb, -0x2e10, -0x2b1f, -0x2826, -0x2527, -0x2223, -0x1f19, -0x1c0b, -0x18f8, -0x15e2, -0x12c8, -0x0fab, -0x0c8b, -0x096a, -0x0647, -0x0324 }; const unsigned char ST010_ArcTan[32][32] = { { 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80 }, { 0x80, 0xa0, 0xad, 0xb3, 0xb6, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbd, 0xbd, 0xbd, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbe, 0xbe, 0xbe, 0xbe, 0xbe, 0xbe, 0xbe, 0xbe, 0xbe, 0xbe, 0xbf, 0xbf, 0xbf, 0xbf }, { 0x80, 0x93, 0xa0, 0xa8, 0xad, 0xb0, 0xb3, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbc, 0xbc, 0xbc, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbd, 0xbd, 0xbd, 0xbd, 0xbd, 0xbd, 0xbd }, { 0x80, 0x8d, 0x98, 0xa0, 0xa6, 0xaa, 0xad, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xba, 0xba, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbc, 0xbc, 0xbc }, { 0x80, 0x8a, 0x93, 0x9a, 0xa0, 0xa5, 0xa8, 0xab, 0xad, 0xaf, 0xb0, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb8, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xb9, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xba, 0xba, 0xba, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbb }, { 0x80, 0x88, 0x90, 0x96, 0x9b, 0xa0, 0xa4, 0xa7, 0xa9, 0xab, 0xad, 0xaf, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb6, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb8, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xb9, 0xb9, 0xb9, 0xb9 }, { 0x80, 0x87, 0x8d, 0x93, 0x98, 0x9c, 0xa0, 0xa3, 0xa6, 0xa8, 0xaa, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xb0, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb6, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb7, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb8, 0xb8 }, { 0x80, 0x86, 0x8b, 0x90, 0x95, 0x99, 0x9d, 0xa0, 0xa3, 0xa5, 0xa7, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb6, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb7 }, { 0x80, 0x85, 0x8a, 0x8f, 0x93, 0x97, 0x9a, 0x9d, 0xa0, 0xa2, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa8, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, 0xb0, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb5, 0xb5, 0xb5 }, { 0x80, 0x85, 0x89, 0x8d, 0x91, 0x95, 0x98, 0x9b, 0x9e, 0xa0, 0xa0, 0xa4, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, 0xb0, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb4, 0xb4 }, { 0x80, 0x84, 0x88, 0x8c, 0x90, 0x93, 0x96, 0x99, 0x9b, 0x9e, 0xa0, 0xa2, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xb0, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb2, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb3 }, { 0x80, 0x84, 0x87, 0x8b, 0x8e, 0x91, 0x94, 0x97, 0x9a, 0x9c, 0x9e, 0xa0, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xae, 0xaf, 0xb0, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb2 }, { 0x80, 0x83, 0x87, 0x8a, 0x8d, 0x90, 0x93, 0x96, 0x98, 0x9a, 0x9c, 0x9e, 0xa0, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xae, 0xaf, 0xb0, 0xb0, 0xb0, 0xb1 }, { 0x80, 0x83, 0x86, 0x89, 0x8c, 0x8f, 0x92, 0x94, 0x96, 0x99, 0x9b, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0xa0, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xae, 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xb0 }, { 0x80, 0x83, 0x86, 0x89, 0x8b, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x93, 0x95, 0x97, 0x99, 0x9b, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xad, 0xae, 0xae, 0xaf }, { 0x80, 0x83, 0x85, 0x88, 0x8b, 0x8d, 0x90, 0x92, 0x94, 0x96, 0x98, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9d, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xad, 0xae }, { 0x80, 0x83, 0x85, 0x88, 0x8a, 0x8c, 0x8f, 0x91, 0x93, 0x95, 0x97, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad }, { 0x80, 0x82, 0x85, 0x87, 0x89, 0x8c, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x92, 0x94, 0x96, 0x97, 0x99, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac }, { 0x80, 0x82, 0x85, 0x87, 0x89, 0x8b, 0x8d, 0x8f, 0x91, 0x93, 0x95, 0x96, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab }, { 0x80, 0x82, 0x84, 0x86, 0x88, 0x8a, 0x8c, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x92, 0x94, 0x95, 0x97, 0x98, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa }, { 0x80, 0x82, 0x84, 0x86, 0x88, 0x8a, 0x8c, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x91, 0x93, 0x94, 0x96, 0x97, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9 }, { 0x80, 0x82, 0x84, 0x86, 0x88, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8d, 0x8f, 0x90, 0x92, 0x94, 0x95, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8 }, { 0x80, 0x82, 0x84, 0x86, 0x87, 0x89, 0x8b, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x91, 0x93, 0x94, 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa6, 0xa7 }, { 0x80, 0x82, 0x84, 0x85, 0x87, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8c, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x91, 0x92, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa5, 0xa6 }, { 0x80, 0x82, 0x83, 0x85, 0x87, 0x88, 0x8a, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8f, 0x90, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa5 }, { 0x80, 0x82, 0x83, 0x85, 0x86, 0x88, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa4 }, { 0x80, 0x82, 0x83, 0x85, 0x86, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x90, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4 }, { 0x80, 0x82, 0x83, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3 }, { 0x80, 0x81, 0x83, 0x84, 0x86, 0x87, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x90, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa1, 0xa2 }, { 0x80, 0x81, 0x83, 0x84, 0x86, 0x87, 0x88, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa1 }, { 0x80, 0x81, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1 }, { 0x80, 0x81, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0x9f, 0xa0 } }; int16_t ST010_Sin(int16_t Theta) { return ST010_SinTable[(Theta >> 8) & 0xff]; } int16_t ST010_Cos(int16_t Theta) { return ST010_SinTable[((Theta + 0x4000) >> 8) & 0xff]; } void ST010_OP01(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t* x1, int16_t* y1, int16_t* Quadrant, int16_t* Theta) { if ((x0 < 0) && (y0 < 0)) { *x1 = -x0; *y1 = -y0; *Quadrant = -0x8000; } else if (x0 < 0) { *x1 = y0; *y1 = -x0; *Quadrant = -0x4000; } else if (y0 < 0) { *x1 = -y0; *y1 = x0; *Quadrant = 0x4000; } else { *x1 = x0; *y1 = y0; *Quadrant = 0x0000; } while ((*x1 > 0x1f) || (*y1 > 0x1f)) { if (*x1 > 1) *x1 >>= 1; if (*y1 > 1) *y1 >>= 1; } if (*y1 == 0) *Quadrant += 0x4000; *Theta = (ST010_ArcTan[*y1][*x1] << 8) ^ *Quadrant; } void ST010_Scale(int16_t Multiplier, int16_t X0, int16_t Y0, int* X1, int* Y1) { *X1 = X0 * Multiplier << 1; *Y1 = Y0 * Multiplier << 1; } void ST010_Multiply(int16_t Multiplicand, int16_t Multiplier, int* Product) { *Product = Multiplicand * Multiplier << 1; } void ST010_Rotate(int16_t Theta, int16_t X0, int16_t Y0, int16_t* X1, int16_t* Y1) { *X1 = (Y0 * ST010_Sin(Theta) >> 15) + (X0 * ST010_Cos(Theta) >> 15); *Y1 = (Y0 * ST010_Cos(Theta) >> 15) - (X0 * ST010_Sin(Theta) >> 15); } void SETA_Distance(int16_t Y0, int16_t X0, int16_t* Distance) { if (X0 < 0) X0 = -X0; if (Y0 < 0) Y0 = -Y0; *Distance = ((X0 * 0x7af0) + 0x4000) >> 15; } void ST010_SortDrivers(uint16_t Positions, uint16_t Places[32], uint16_t Drivers[32]) { bool Sorted; uint16_t Temp; if (Positions > 1) do { Sorted = true; int i; for (i = 0; i < Positions - 1; i++) if (Places[i] < Places[i + 1]) { Temp = Places[i + 1]; Places[i + 1] = Places[i]; Places[i] = Temp; Temp = Drivers[i + 1]; Drivers[i + 1] = Drivers[i]; Drivers[i] = Temp; Sorted = false; } Positions--; } while (!Sorted); } #define ST010_WORD(offset) (Memory.SRAM[offset + 1] << 8) | Memory.SRAM[offset] void S9xSetST010(uint32_t Address, uint8_t Byte) { if (!(Address & 0x80000)) { ST010.control_enable = true; return; } //printf("Write %06X:%02X\n", Address, Byte); if ((Address & 0xFFF) == 0x20 && ST010.control_enable) ST010.op_reg = Byte; if ((Address & 0xFFF) == 0x21 && ST010.control_enable) ST010.execute = Byte; else Memory.SRAM[Address & Memory.SRAMMask] = Byte; if (ST010.execute & 0x80) { switch (ST010.op_reg) { // Sorts Driver Placements // // Input // 0x0024-0x0025 : Positions // 0x0040-0x007f : Places // 0x0080-0x00ff : Drivers // Output // 0x0040-0x007f : Places // 0x0080-0x00ff : Drivers // case 0x02: { #if defined(FAST_LSB_WORD_ACCESS) && !defined(ANDROID) /* TODO - FIXME */ ST010_SortDrivers(*(int16_t*)&Memory.SRAM[0x0024], (uint16_t*)(Memory.SRAM + 0x0040), (uint16_t*)(Memory.SRAM + 0x0080)); #else uint16_t Places[32]; uint16_t Positions = ST010_WORD(0x0024); int Pos, Offset; Offset = 0; for (Pos = 0; Pos < Positions; Pos++) { Places[Pos] = ST010_WORD(0x0040 + Offset); Offset += 2; } ST010_SortDrivers(Positions, Places, (uint16_t*)(Memory.SRAM + 0x0080)); Offset = 0; for (Pos = 0; Pos < Positions; Pos++) { Memory.SRAM[0x0040 + Offset] = (uint8_t)(Places[Pos]); Memory.SRAM[0x0041 + Offset] = (uint8_t)(Places[Pos] >> 8); Offset += 2; } #endif break; } // Two Dimensional Coordinate Scale // // Input // 0x0000-0x0001 : X0 (signed) // 0x0002-0x0003 : Y0 (signed) // 0x0004-0x0005 : Multiplier (signed) // Output // 0x0010-0x0013 : X1 (signed) // 0x0014-0x0017 : Y1 (signed) // case 0x03: { #if defined(FAST_LSB_WORD_ACCESS) && !defined(ANDROID) /* TODO - FIXME */ ST010_Scale(*(int16_t*)&Memory.SRAM[0x0004], *(int16_t*)&Memory.SRAM[0x0000], *(int16_t*)&Memory.SRAM[0x0002], (int*)&Memory.SRAM[0x0010], (int*)&Memory.SRAM[0x0014]); #else int x1, y1; ST010_Scale(ST010_WORD(0x0004), ST010_WORD(0x0000), ST010_WORD(0x0002), &x1, &y1); Memory.SRAM[0x0010] = (uint8_t)(x1); Memory.SRAM[0x0011] = (uint8_t)(x1 >> 8); Memory.SRAM[0x0012] = (uint8_t)(x1 >> 16); Memory.SRAM[0x0013] = (uint8_t)(x1 >> 24); Memory.SRAM[0x0014] = (uint8_t)(y1); Memory.SRAM[0x0015] = (uint8_t)(y1 >> 8); Memory.SRAM[0x0016] = (uint8_t)(y1 >> 16); Memory.SRAM[0x0017] = (uint8_t)(y1 >> 24); #endif break; } // 16-bit Multiplication // // Input // 0x0000-0x0001 : Multiplcand (signed) // 0x0002-0x0003 : Multiplier (signed) // Output // 0x0010-0x0013 : Product (signed) // case 0x06: { #if defined(FAST_LSB_WORD_ACCESS) && !defined(ANDROID) /* TODO - FIXME */ ST010_Multiply(*(int16_t*)&Memory.SRAM[0x0000], *(int16_t*)&Memory.SRAM[0x0002], (int*)&Memory.SRAM[0x0010]); #else int Product; ST010_Multiply(ST010_WORD(0x0000), ST010_WORD(0x0002), &Product); Memory.SRAM[0x0010] = (uint8_t)(Product); Memory.SRAM[0x0011] = (uint8_t)(Product >> 8); Memory.SRAM[0x0012] = (uint8_t)(Product >> 16); Memory.SRAM[0x0013] = (uint8_t)(Product >> 24); #endif break; } // Mode 7 Raster Data Calculation // // Input // 0x0000-0x0001 : Angle (signed) // Output // 0x00f0-0x024f : Mode 7 Matrix A // 0x0250-0x03af : Mode 7 Matrix B // 0x03b0-0x050f : Mode 7 Matrix C // 0x0510-0x066f : Mode 7 Matrix D // case 0x07: { int16_t data; int32_t offset = 0; int16_t Theta = ST010_WORD(0x0000); int32_t line; for (line = 0; line < 176; line++) { // Calculate Mode 7 Matrix A/D data data = ST010_M7Scale[line] * ST010_Cos(Theta) >> 15; Memory.SRAM[0x00f0 + offset] = (uint8_t)(data); Memory.SRAM[0x00f1 + offset] = (uint8_t)(data >> 8); Memory.SRAM[0x0510 + offset] = (uint8_t)(data); Memory.SRAM[0x0511 + offset] = (uint8_t)(data >> 8); // Calculate Mode 7 Matrix B/C data data = ST010_M7Scale[line] * ST010_Sin(Theta) >> 15; Memory.SRAM[0x0250 + offset] = (uint8_t)(data); Memory.SRAM[0x0251 + offset] = (uint8_t)(data >> 8); if (data) data = ~data; Memory.SRAM[0x03b0 + offset] = (uint8_t)(data); Memory.SRAM[0x03b1 + offset] = (uint8_t)(data >> 8); offset += 2; } // Shift Angle for use with Lookup table Memory.SRAM[0x00] = Memory.SRAM[0x01]; Memory.SRAM[0x01] = 0x00; break; } // Two dimensional Coordinate Rotation // // Input // 0x0000-0x0001 : X0 (signed) // 0x0002-0x0003 : Y0 (signed) // 0x0004-0x0005 : Angle (signed) // Output // 0x0010-0x0011 : X1 (signed) // 0x0012-0x0013 : Y1 (signed) // case 0x08: { #if defined(FAST_LSB_WORD_ACCESS) && !defined(ANDROID) /* TODO - FIXME */ ST010_Rotate(*(int16_t*)&Memory.SRAM[0x0004], *(int16_t*)&Memory.SRAM[0x0000], *(int16_t*)&Memory.SRAM[0x0002], (int16_t*)&Memory.SRAM[0x0010], (int16_t*)&Memory.SRAM[0x0012]); #else int16_t x1, y1; ST010_Rotate(ST010_WORD(0x0004), ST010_WORD(0x0000), ST010_WORD(0x0002), &x1, &y1); Memory.SRAM[0x0010] = (uint8_t)(x1); Memory.SRAM[0x0011] = (uint8_t)(x1 >> 8); Memory.SRAM[0x0012] = (uint8_t)(y1); Memory.SRAM[0x0013] = (uint8_t)(y1 >> 8); #endif break; } // Input // 0x0000-0x0001 : DX (signed) // 0x0002-0x0003 : DY (signed) // Output // 0x0010-0x0011 : Angle (signed) // case 0x01: { Memory.SRAM[0x0006] = Memory.SRAM[0x0002]; Memory.SRAM[0x0007] = Memory.SRAM[0x0003]; #if defined(FAST_LSB_WORD_ACCESS) && !defined(ANDROID) /* TODO - FIXME */ ST010_OP01(*(int16_t*)&Memory.SRAM[0x0000], *(int16_t*)&Memory.SRAM[0x0002], (int16_t*) &Memory.SRAM[0x0000], (int16_t*) &Memory.SRAM[0x0002], (int16_t*) &Memory.SRAM[0x0004], (int16_t*) &Memory.SRAM[0x0010]); #else int16_t x1, y1, Quadrant, Theta; ST010_OP01(ST010_WORD(0x0000), ST010_WORD(0x0002), &x1, &y1, &Quadrant, &Theta); Memory.SRAM[0x0000] = (uint8_t)(x1); Memory.SRAM[0x0001] = (uint8_t)(x1 >> 8); Memory.SRAM[0x0002] = (uint8_t)(y1); Memory.SRAM[0x0003] = (uint8_t)(y1 >> 8); Memory.SRAM[0x0004] = (uint8_t)(Quadrant); Memory.SRAM[0x0005] = (uint8_t)(Quadrant >> 8); Memory.SRAM[0x0010] = (uint8_t)(Theta); Memory.SRAM[0x0011] = (uint8_t)(Theta >> 8); #endif break; } // calculate the vector length of (x,y) case 0x04: { int16_t square, x, y; #if defined(FAST_LSB_WORD_ACCESS) && !defined(ANDROID) /* TODO - FIXME */ x = *((int16_t*)Memory.SRAM); y = *((int16_t*)&Memory.SRAM[2]); #else x = Memory.SRAM[0] | (Memory.SRAM[1] << 8); y = Memory.SRAM[2] | (Memory.SRAM[3] << 8); #endif square = (int16_t)sqrt((double)(y * y + x * x)); //SETA_Distance( x,y,square ); #if defined(FAST_LSB_WORD_ACCESS) && !defined(ANDROID) /* TODO - FIXME */ *((int16_t*)&Memory.SRAM[0x10]) = square; #else Memory.SRAM[0x10] = (uint8_t)(square); Memory.SRAM[0x11] = (uint8_t)(square >> 8); #endif break; } // calculate AI orientation based on specific guidelines case 0x05: { int dx, dy; int16_t a1, b1, c1; uint16_t o1; bool wrap = false; // target (x,y) coordinates int16_t ypos_max = ST010_WORD(0x00C0); int16_t xpos_max = ST010_WORD(0x00C2); // current coordinates and direction int32_t ypos = Memory.SRAM[0xC4] | (Memory.SRAM[0xC5] << 8) | (Memory.SRAM[0xC6] << 16) | (Memory.SRAM[0xC7] << 24); int32_t xpos = Memory.SRAM[0xC8] | (Memory.SRAM[0xC9] << 8) | (Memory.SRAM[0xCA] << 16) | (Memory.SRAM[0xCB] << 24); uint16_t rot = Memory.SRAM[0xCC] | (Memory.SRAM[0xCD] << 8); // physics uint16_t speed = ST010_WORD(0x00D4); uint16_t accel = ST010_WORD(0x00D6); uint16_t speed_max = ST010_WORD(0x00D8); // special condition acknowledgment int16_t system = ST010_WORD(0x00DA); int16_t flags = ST010_WORD(0x00DC); // new target coordinates int16_t ypos_new = ST010_WORD(0x00DE); int16_t xpos_new = ST010_WORD(0x00E0); // mask upper bit xpos_new &= 0x7FFF; // get the current distance dx = xpos_max - (xpos >> 16); dy = ypos_max - (ypos >> 16); // quirk: clear and move in9 Memory.SRAM[0xD2] = 0xFF; Memory.SRAM[0xD3] = 0xFF; Memory.SRAM[0xDA] = 0; Memory.SRAM[0xDB] = 0; // grab the target angle ST010_OP01(dy, dx, &a1, &b1, &c1, (int16_t*)&o1); // check for wrapping //if((o1<0x6000 && rot>0xA000) || // (rot<0x6000 && o1>0xA000)) //if(o1 0x8000) { o1 += 0x8000; rot += 0x8000; wrap = true; } //o1=0x0000; //rot=0xFF00; uint16_t old_speed; old_speed = speed; // special case if (abs(o1 - rot) == 0x8000) speed = 0x100; // slow down for sharp curves else if (abs(o1 - rot) >= 0x1000) { uint32_t slow = abs(o1 - rot); slow >>= 4; // scaling speed -= slow; } // otherwise accelerate else { speed += accel; if (speed > speed_max) { // clip speed speed = speed_max; } } // prevent negative/positive overflow if (abs(old_speed - speed) > 0x8000) { if (old_speed < speed) speed = 0; else speed = 0xff00; } // adjust direction by so many degrees // be careful of negative adjustments if ((o1 > rot && (o1 - rot) > 0x80) || (o1 < rot && (rot - o1) >= 0x80)) { if (o1 < rot) rot -= 0x280; else if (o1 > rot) rot += 0x280; } // turn off wrapping if (wrap) rot -= 0x8000; // now check the distances (store for later) dx = (xpos_max << 16) - xpos; dy = (ypos_max << 16) - ypos; dx >>= 16; dy >>= 16; // if we're in so many units of the target, signal it if ((system && (dy <= 6 && dy >= -8) && (dx <= 126 && dx >= -128)) || (!system && (dx <= 6 && dx >= -8) && (dy <= 126 && dy >= -128))) { // announce our new destination and flag it xpos_max = xpos_new & 0x7FFF; ypos_max = ypos_new; flags |= 0x08; } // update position xpos -= (ST010_Cos(rot) * 0x400 >> 15) * (speed >> 8) << 1; ypos -= (ST010_Sin(rot) * 0x400 >> 15) * (speed >> 8) << 1; // quirk: mask upper byte xpos &= 0x1FFFFFFF; ypos &= 0x1FFFFFFF; Memory.SRAM[0x00C0] = (uint8_t)(ypos_max); Memory.SRAM[0x00C1] = (uint8_t)(ypos_max >> 8); Memory.SRAM[0x00C2] = (uint8_t)(xpos_max); Memory.SRAM[0x00C3] = (uint8_t)(xpos_max >> 8); Memory.SRAM[0x00C4] = (uint8_t)(ypos); Memory.SRAM[0x00C5] = (uint8_t)(ypos >> 8); Memory.SRAM[0x00C6] = (uint8_t)(ypos >> 16); Memory.SRAM[0x00C7] = (uint8_t)(ypos >> 24); Memory.SRAM[0x00C8] = (uint8_t)(xpos); Memory.SRAM[0x00C9] = (uint8_t)(xpos >> 8); Memory.SRAM[0x00CA] = (uint8_t)(xpos >> 16); Memory.SRAM[0x00CB] = (uint8_t)(xpos >> 24); Memory.SRAM[0x00CC] = (uint8_t)(rot); Memory.SRAM[0x00CD] = (uint8_t)(rot >> 8); Memory.SRAM[0x00D4] = (uint8_t)(speed); Memory.SRAM[0x00D5] = (uint8_t)(speed >> 8); Memory.SRAM[0x00DC] = (uint8_t)(flags); Memory.SRAM[0x00DD] = (uint8_t)(flags >> 8); break; } default: printf("Unknown Op\n"); break; } // lower signal: op processed ST010.op_reg = 0; ST010.execute = 0; } }