The various ship queues used in the game:

	Contains fleet information, ship template and other info about the
	  alien races present in the game. All races are present that are
	  defined by the enum in races.h that defines NUM_AVAILABLE_RACES,
	  except for, technically, SAMATRA_SHIP. URQUAN_PROBE_SHIP is a
	  very incomplete 'race'.
	Elements are of type FLEET_INFO.
	Filled in InitGameStructures().
	Partially included in savegames.

	The fleet accompanying the flagship (escorts).
	Elements are of type SHIP_FRAGMENT.
	which_side is always GOOD_GUY here.
	Partially included in savegames.

	List of templates for all the ships that are available in SuperMelee.
	Elements are of type MASTER_SHIP_INFO.
	Sorted on the (abbreviated) race name (see doc/devel/racestrings).
	Filled in LoadMasterShipList().

	The npc ships in an encounter, or list of ship groups when in IP;
	  empty otherwise.
	Elements are of type SHIP_FRAGMENT. IP group list will most likely
	  change to contain GROUP_INFO instead.
	For encounters with an infinite number of ships, the queue consists
	of a single ship with ShipInfo.crew_level set to (BYTE)~0.
	and the side that this ship is on.
	Partially included in savegames.

	Contains the ships participating in a battle for each player.
	Elements are of type STARSHIP.
	Filled in BuildBattle().
	RaceDescPtr points to a loaded ship's descriptor once the ship data
	  is loaded in spawn_ship(); NULL otherwise.

Other queues:

	Queue of game events.
	Elements are of type EVENT.

	Display queue. This contains all visible elements; everything
	that floats in TrueSpace, HyperSpace/QuasiSpace, battle.
	Elements are of type ELEMENT.

	Contains information regarding the black globes flying around
	in HyperSpace.
	Elements are of type ENCOUNTER.

Initial version of this document created by Serge van den Boom, on 2006-03-08.