//Copyright Paul Reiche, Fred Ford. 1992-2002 /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "gfxintrn.h" INTERSECT_CODE _clip_line (const RECT *pClipRect, BRESENHAM_LINE *pLine) { COORD p; COORD x0, y0, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax; SIZE abs_delta_x, abs_delta_y; INTERSECT_CODE intersect_code; xmin = pClipRect->corner.x; ymin = pClipRect->corner.y; xmax = pClipRect->corner.x + pClipRect->extent.width - 1; ymax = pClipRect->corner.y + pClipRect->extent.height - 1; if (pLine->first.x <= pLine->second.x) pLine->end_points_exchanged = FALSE; else { p = pLine->first.x; pLine->first.x = pLine->second.x; pLine->second.x = p; p = pLine->first.y; pLine->first.y = pLine->second.y; pLine->second.y = p; pLine->end_points_exchanged = TRUE; } if (pLine->first.x > xmax || pLine->second.x < xmin || (pLine->first.y > ymax && pLine->second.y > ymax) || (pLine->first.y < ymin && pLine->second.y < ymin)) return ((INTERSECT_CODE)0); intersect_code = INTERSECT_NOCLIP; x0 = y0 = 0; abs_delta_x = (pLine->second.x - pLine->first.x) << 1; abs_delta_y = (pLine->second.y - pLine->first.y) << 1; pLine->abs_delta_x = abs_delta_x; pLine->abs_delta_y = abs_delta_y; if (abs_delta_y == 0) { if (pLine->first.x < xmin) { pLine->first.x = xmin; intersect_code |= INTERSECT_LEFT; } if (pLine->second.x > xmax) { pLine->second.x = xmax; intersect_code |= INTERSECT_RIGHT; } } else if (abs_delta_x == 0) { if (abs_delta_y < 0) { p = pLine->first.y; pLine->first.y = pLine->second.y; pLine->second.y = p; pLine->abs_delta_y = abs_delta_y = -abs_delta_y; } if (pLine->first.y < ymin) { pLine->first.y = ymin; intersect_code |= INTERSECT_TOP; } if (pLine->second.y > ymax) { pLine->second.y = ymax; intersect_code |= INTERSECT_BOTTOM; } } else { COORD x1, y1; p = pLine->first.x; x1 = pLine->second.x - p; xmin = xmin - p; xmax = xmax - p; p = pLine->first.y; if (abs_delta_y > 0) { y1 = pLine->second.y - p; ymin = ymin - p; ymax = ymax - p; } else { y1 = p - pLine->second.y; ymin = p - ymin; ymax = p - ymax; p = ymin; ymin = ymax; ymax = p; abs_delta_y = -abs_delta_y; } if (abs_delta_x > abs_delta_y) { SIZE half_dx; half_dx = abs_delta_x >> 1; if (x0 < xmin) { if ((y0 = (COORD)(((long)abs_delta_y * (x0 = xmin) + half_dx) / abs_delta_x)) > ymax) return ((INTERSECT_CODE)0); intersect_code |= INTERSECT_LEFT; } if (x1 > xmax) { if ((y1 = (COORD)(((long)abs_delta_y * (x1 = xmax) + half_dx) / abs_delta_x)) < ymin) return ((INTERSECT_CODE)0); intersect_code |= INTERSECT_RIGHT; } if (y0 < ymin) { if ((x0 = (COORD)(((long)abs_delta_x * (y0 = ymin) - half_dx + (abs_delta_y - 1)) / abs_delta_y)) > xmax) return ((INTERSECT_CODE)0); intersect_code |= INTERSECT_TOP; intersect_code &= ~INTERSECT_LEFT; } if (y1 > ymax) { if ((x1 = (COORD)(((long)abs_delta_x * ((y1 = ymax) + 1) - half_dx + (abs_delta_y - 1)) / abs_delta_y) - 1) < xmin) return ((INTERSECT_CODE)0); intersect_code |= INTERSECT_BOTTOM; intersect_code &= ~INTERSECT_RIGHT; } } else { SIZE half_dy; half_dy = abs_delta_y >> 1; if (y0 < ymin) { if ((x0 = (COORD)(((long)abs_delta_x * (y0 = ymin) + half_dy) / abs_delta_y)) > xmax) return ((INTERSECT_CODE)0); intersect_code |= INTERSECT_TOP; } if (y1 > ymax) { if ((x1 = (COORD)(((long)abs_delta_x * (y1 = ymax) + half_dy) / abs_delta_y)) < xmin) return ((INTERSECT_CODE)0); intersect_code |= INTERSECT_BOTTOM; } if (x0 < xmin) { if ((y0 = (COORD)(((long)abs_delta_y * (x0 = xmin) - half_dy + (abs_delta_x - 1)) / abs_delta_x)) > ymax) return ((INTERSECT_CODE)0); intersect_code |= INTERSECT_LEFT; intersect_code &= ~INTERSECT_TOP; } if (x1 > xmax) { if ((y1 = (COORD)(((long)abs_delta_y * ((x1 = xmax) + 1) - half_dy + (abs_delta_x - 1)) / abs_delta_x) - 1) < ymin) return ((INTERSECT_CODE)0); intersect_code |= INTERSECT_RIGHT; intersect_code &= ~INTERSECT_BOTTOM; } } pLine->second.x = pLine->first.x + x1; pLine->first.x += x0; if (pLine->abs_delta_y > 0) { pLine->second.y = pLine->first.y + y1; pLine->first.y += y0; } else { INTERSECT_CODE y_code; pLine->second.y = pLine->first.y - y1; pLine->first.y -= y0; y_code = (INTERSECT_CODE)(intersect_code & (INTERSECT_TOP | INTERSECT_BOTTOM)); if (y_code && y_code != (INTERSECT_TOP | INTERSECT_BOTTOM)) intersect_code ^= (INTERSECT_TOP | INTERSECT_BOTTOM); } } if (!(intersect_code & INTERSECT_ALL_SIDES)) { if (abs_delta_x > abs_delta_y) pLine->error_term = -(SIZE)(abs_delta_x >> 1); else pLine->error_term = -(SIZE)(abs_delta_y >> 1); } else { intersect_code &= ~INTERSECT_NOCLIP; if (abs_delta_x > abs_delta_y) pLine->error_term = (SIZE)((x0 * (long)abs_delta_y) - (y0 * (long)abs_delta_x)) - (abs_delta_x >> 1); else pLine->error_term = (SIZE)((y0 * (long)abs_delta_x) - (x0 * (long)abs_delta_y)) - (abs_delta_y >> 1); } return (pLine->intersect_code = intersect_code); }