path: root/3rdparty/log/log.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/log/log.c')
1 files changed, 383 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/log/log.c b/3rdparty/log/log.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1cdf2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/log/log.c
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+/* ******************************************** */
+/* File Name: log.c */
+/* Author: (C) 2007-2009 - Juan José Ponteprino */
+/* Description: Loggin API */
+/* License: This code is licenced as LGPL */
+/* ******************************************** */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if WIN32
+#define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <log.h>
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+static char * log_str_priority[] =
+ "EMERG" ,
+ "ALERT" ,
+ "CRIT" ,
+ "ERR" ,
+ "WARN" ,
+ "NOTICE" ,
+ "INFO" ,
+ "DEBUG" ,
+ "N/D"
+static int log_level = -1;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Default Backend */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+static FILE * __log_file_roll( log_be_file_t * _privData )
+ time_t Moment = time( NULL );
+ char MomentStr[ 18 ];
+ struct tm Now ;
+ FILE * filelog;
+ char * nfilename = malloc( strlen( _privData->fullpathname ) + 16 );
+#if WIN32
+ struct tm * _Now = localtime( &Moment );
+ Now = * _Now;
+ localtime_r( &Moment, &Now );
+ fclose( _privData->handle );
+ strftime( MomentStr, sizeof( MomentStr ), "%y%m%d%H%M%S", &Now );
+ sprintf( nfilename, "%s.%s", _privData->fullpathname, MomentStr );
+ rename( _privData->fullpathname, nfilename );
+ free( nfilename );
+ filelog = _privData->handle = fopen( _privData->fullpathname, "a" );
+ if ( !filelog )
+ {
+ filelog = stdout;
+ }
+ return filelog;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+log_t * log_file_be_create()
+ log_t * lt = malloc( sizeof( log_t ) );
+ if ( !lt )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ lt->log_open = log_file_open;
+ lt->log_close = log_file_close;
+ lt->log_write = log_file_write;
+ lt->log_control = log_file_control;
+ return lt;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+void * log_file_open( char * name, int flags )
+ char * p;
+ log_be_file_t * privData = ( log_be_file_t * ) malloc( sizeof( log_be_file_t ) );
+ if ( !privData )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ privData->flags = flags;
+ privData->fullpathname = strdup( name );
+ if ( !privData->fullpathname )
+ {
+ free( privData );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ privData->filename = strrchr( privData->fullpathname, '/' );
+ if (!privData->filename)
+ {
+ privData->filename = strrchr( privData->fullpathname, '\\' );
+ }
+ if ( !privData->filename )
+ privData->filename = privData->fullpathname;
+ else
+ privData->filename++;
+ privData->handle = fopen( name, "a" );
+ if ( !privData->handle )
+ {
+ free( privData->fullpathname );
+ free( privData );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return privData;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+void log_file_close( void * privData )
+ if ( privData && (( log_be_file_t * ) privData )->handle )
+ {
+ free((( log_be_file_t * ) privData )->fullpathname );
+ fclose((( log_be_file_t * ) privData )->handle );
+ free( privData );
+ }
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+void log_file_write( void * privData, int priority, char * message )
+ int doroll = 0;
+ time_t Moment = time( NULL );
+ char MomentStr[ 18 ];
+ struct tm Now ;
+ log_be_file_t * _privData = privData;
+ FILE * filelog = _privData->handle;
+#if WIN32
+ struct tm * _Now = localtime( &Moment );
+ Now = * _Now;
+ localtime_r( &Moment, &Now );
+ if ( !filelog )
+ {
+ filelog = stdout;
+ }
+ if ( _privData->flags & LOG_FILE_ROLL_SIZE_MASK )
+ {
+ long pos = ftell( filelog );
+ if ( pos / 1024 >= ( _privData->flags & LOG_FILE_ROLL_SIZE_MASK ) )
+ {
+ doroll = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( _privData->flags & LOG_FILE_ROLL_DAY )
+ {
+ /* If day of year is different of last log, then roll it
+ (tm_mday is used only for check valid date in internal structs)
+ */
+ if ( Now.tm_yday != _privData->lastTime.tm_yday && _privData->lastTime.tm_mday != 0 )
+ {
+ doroll = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( doroll )
+ {
+ filelog = __log_file_roll( _privData );
+ }
+ if ( priority >= LOG_PRIO_MAX )
+ {
+ priority = LOG_PRIO_NODEF ;
+ }
+ if ( message && * message != '\0' )
+ {
+ strftime( MomentStr, sizeof( MomentStr ), "%y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S", &Now );
+ if ( _privData->flags & LOG_FILE_DISPLAY_FNAME )
+ fprintf( filelog, "%s:%s %7.4f %s %s\n", _privData->filename, MomentStr, clock() / 1000.00, log_str_priority[ priority ], message );
+ else
+ fprintf( filelog, "%s %7.4f %s %s\n", MomentStr, clock() / 1000.00, log_str_priority[ priority ], message );
+ if ( !( _privData->flags & LOG_FILE_DONT_FLUSH ) ) fflush( filelog );
+ }
+ _privData->lastTime = Now;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+void log_file_control( void * privData, long kid, char * args )
+ switch ( kid )
+ {
+ __log_file_roll(( log_be_file_t * ) privData );
+ break;
+ ( ( FILE ** ) args )[0] = ( FILE * )( ( ( log_be_file_t * ) privData )->handle );
+ break;
+ }
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Log core functions */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+int log_open( log_t * backend, char * name, int flags )
+ if ( !backend || !backend->log_open )
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ backend->internalBuffer = malloc( LOG_INIT_INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE );
+ if ( !backend->internalBuffer )
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ backend->privData = backend->log_open( name, flags );
+ if ( !backend->privData )
+ {
+ free( backend->internalBuffer ) ;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1; /* OK */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+void log_close( log_t * backend )
+ if ( backend && backend->privData && backend->log_close )
+ {
+ backend->log_close( backend->privData );
+ if ( backend->internalBuffer )
+ {
+ free( backend->internalBuffer ) ;
+ }
+ }
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+void log_write( log_t * backend, int priority, char * format, ... )
+ /* Suponemos que no necesitamos más de 100 bytes. */
+ int n;
+ va_list ap;
+ if ( !backend || !backend->privData || !backend->internalBuffer || !backend->log_write )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( log_level != -1 && priority > log_level ) return;
+ /* Intenta imprimir en el espacio reservado. */
+ va_start( ap, format );
+ n = vsnprintf( backend->internalBuffer, LOG_INIT_INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE, format, ap );
+ va_end( ap );
+ if ( n <= -1 || n > LOG_INIT_INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE )
+ {
+ char * p, * p1;
+ if (( p = malloc( size ) ) == NULL )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ /* Intenta imprimir en el espacio reservado. */
+ va_start( ap, format );
+ n = vsnprintf( p, size, format, ap );
+ va_end( ap );
+ /* Si ha funcionado, devuelve la cadena. */
+ if ( n > -1 && n < size )
+ {
+ break ;
+ }
+ /* Si no, inténtalo de nuevo con más espacio. */
+ if ( n > -1 ) /* glibc 2.1 */
+ {
+ size = n + 1; /* exactamente lo que se necesita */
+ }
+ else /* glibc 2.0 */
+ {
+ size *= 2; /* el doble del tamaño anterior*/
+ }
+ if (( p1 = realloc( p, size ) ) == NULL )
+ {
+ free( p );
+ return;
+ }
+ p = p1;
+ }
+ backend->log_write( backend->privData, priority, p );
+ free( p );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ backend->log_write( backend->privData, priority, backend->internalBuffer );
+ }
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+void log_control( log_t * backend, long kid, char * args )
+ if ( !backend || !backend->privData || !backend->log_control )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( ( kid & LOG_SYSTEM_CTRL ) == LOG_SYSTEM_CTRL )
+ {
+ switch ( kid )
+ {
+ case LOG_LEVEL:
+ log_level = ( int ) args;
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ backend->log_control(( void * )( backend->privData ), kid, args );
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+FILE * log_get_handle( log_t * backend )
+ log_be_file_t * _privData;
+ _privData = ( log_be_file_t * ) backend->privData;
+ return ( FILE *) _privData->handle;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */