path: root/core/bgdc/src/codeblock.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/bgdc/src/codeblock.c')
1 files changed, 426 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/bgdc/src/codeblock.c b/core/bgdc/src/codeblock.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d99808f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/bgdc/src/codeblock.c
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+ * Copyright © 2006-2016 SplinterGU (Fenix/Bennugd)
+ * Copyright © 2002-2006 Fenix Team (Fenix)
+ * Copyright © 1999-2002 José Luis Cebrián Pagüe (Fenix)
+ *
+ * This file is part of Bennu - Game Development
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ * arising from the use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ * appreciated but is not required.
+ *
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ *
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
+ * distribution.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "bgdc.h"
+ * FUNCTION : codeblock_postprocess
+ *
+ * After every codeblock has been completed (all the source code is
+ * compiled), update a codeblock with all things that couldn't be
+ * done before. This function does the following:
+ *
+ * - Updates all user procedure/function calls with the process
+ * number instead of its identifier id. Emits a compiler error
+ * if a process what user but never defined.
+ *
+ * - Updates all jumps so that they go to absolute opcode offsets
+ * inside the procedure, instead of refering to the label table
+ *
+ * This function will be called once for each existing code block.
+ *
+ * PARAMS :
+ * code Pointer to the codeblock to modify
+ *
+ * None
+ */
+void codeblock_postprocess (CODEBLOCK * code)
+ int * ptr = code->data ;
+ PROCDEF * proc, * my = procdef_search_by_codeblock( code ) ;
+ while (ptr < code->data + code->current)
+ {
+ if ( !libmode && ( *ptr == MN_CALL || *ptr == MN_PROC || *ptr == MN_TYPE ))
+ {
+ proc = procdef_search(ptr[1]) ;
+ if (!proc || !proc->defined)
+ {
+ token.type = IDENTIFIER ;
+ token.code = ptr[1] ;
+ /* Patch so linecount gets right */
+ line_count = identifier_line(token.code) ;
+ current_file = identifier_file(token.code) ;
+ compile_error (MSG_UNDEFINED_PROC) ;
+ }
+ ptr[1] = proc->typeid ;
+ }
+ if ( !my->imported )
+ {
+ if (*ptr == MN_JUMP || *ptr == MN_NCALL ||
+ *ptr == MN_JFALSE || *ptr == MN_JTFALSE ||
+ *ptr == MN_JTRUE || *ptr == MN_JTTRUE ||
+ *ptr == MN_JNOCASE || *ptr == MN_CLONE ||
+ *ptr == MN_EXITHNDLR || *ptr == MN_ERRHNDLR
+ )
+ {
+ ptr++ ;
+ if (*ptr == -1)
+ {
+// *ptr = 0;
+ ptr++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (code->labels[*ptr] == -1)
+ {
+ token.type = LABEL ;
+ token.code = code->labelsextra[*ptr].name ;
+ /* Patch so linecount gets right */
+ line_count = code->labelsextra[*ptr].line ;
+ current_file = code->labelsextra[*ptr].file ;
+ compile_error ("Undefined label") ;
+ }
+ *ptr = code->labels[*ptr] ;
+ ptr++ ;
+ continue ;
+ }
+ if (*ptr == MN_REFALSE)
+ {
+ *ptr++ = MN_JFALSE ;
+ *ptr = code->loops[*ptr*2] ;
+ ptr++ ;
+ continue ;
+ }
+ if (*ptr == MN_REPEAT || *ptr == MN_RETRUE)
+ {
+ *ptr = (*ptr == MN_REPEAT ? MN_JUMP : MN_JTRUE) ;
+ ptr++ ;
+ *ptr = code->loops[*ptr*2] ;
+ ptr++ ;
+ continue ;
+ }
+ if (*ptr == MN_BREAK || *ptr == MN_BRFALSE)
+ {
+ *ptr = (*ptr == MN_BREAK ? MN_JUMP : MN_JFALSE) ;
+ ptr++ ;
+ *ptr = code->loops[*ptr*2 + 1] ;
+ ptr++ ;
+ continue ;
+ }
+ }
+ ptr+=MN_PARAMS(*ptr)+1 ;
+ }
+ * FUNCTION : codeblock_init
+ *
+ * Initializes a new code block and allocates initial data
+ * for all its internal structs.
+ *
+ * PARAMS :
+ * c Pointer to the codeblock to initialize
+ *
+ * None
+ */
+void codeblock_init(CODEBLOCK * c)
+ c->data = (int *) calloc (64, sizeof(int)) ;
+ c->reserved = 64 ;
+ c->loops = (int *) calloc (16, sizeof(int)) ;
+ c->loop_reserved = 8 ;
+ c->loop_count = 1 ;
+ c->loop_active = 0 ;
+ c->labels = (int *) calloc (16, sizeof(int)) ;
+ c->labelsextra = (struct _labelsextra *) calloc (16, sizeof(struct _labelsextra)) ;
+ c->label_count = 0 ;
+ c->label_reserved = 16 ;
+ c->current = 0 ;
+ c->previous = 0 ;
+ c->previous2 = 0 ;
+ if (!c->data || !c->loops || !c->labels || !c->labelsextra)
+ {
+ fprintf (stdout, "CODEBLOCK: out of memory\n") ;
+ exit (1) ;
+ }
+ * FUNCTION : codeblock_alloc
+ * codeblock_loop_alloc
+ * codeblock_label_alloc
+ *
+ * Internal functions that alloc more memory for an
+ * internal data of the code block. Shouldn't be used
+ * outside this module.
+ *
+ * PARAMS :
+ * c Pointer to the codeblock
+ * count Additional size in number of members
+ *
+ * None
+ */
+void codeblock_alloc (CODEBLOCK * c, int count)
+ c->reserved += count ;
+ c->data = (int *) realloc (c->data, c->reserved * sizeof(int)) ;
+ if (!c->data)
+ {
+ fprintf (stdout, "CODEBLOCK: out of memory\n") ;
+ exit (1) ;
+ }
+static void codeblock_loop_alloc (CODEBLOCK * c, int count)
+ c->loop_reserved += count ;
+ c->loops = (int *) realloc (c->loops, c->loop_reserved * sizeof(int) * 2) ;
+ if (!c->loops)
+ {
+ fprintf (stdout, "CODEBLOCK: out of memory\n") ;
+ exit (1) ;
+ }
+static void codeblock_label_alloc (CODEBLOCK * c, int count)
+ c->label_reserved += count ;
+ c->labels = (int *) realloc (c->labels, c->label_reserved * sizeof(int)) ;
+ c->labelsextra = (struct _labelsextra *) realloc (c->labelsextra, c->label_reserved * sizeof(struct _labelsextra)) ;
+ if (!c->labels)
+ {
+ fprintf (stdout, "CODEBLOCK: out of memory\n") ;
+ exit (1) ;
+ }
+int codeblock_loop_add (CODEBLOCK * c)
+ return c->loop_count++ ;
+void codeblock_loop_start (CODEBLOCK * c, int loop, int begin)
+ if (c->loop_reserved <= loop)
+ codeblock_loop_alloc (c, loop + 8 - c->loop_reserved) ;
+ if (c->loop_count <= loop)
+ c->loop_count = loop+1 ;
+ c->loops[loop*2] = begin ;
+void codeblock_loop_end (CODEBLOCK * c, int loop, int end)
+ if (c->loop_reserved <= loop)
+ codeblock_loop_alloc (c, loop + 8 - c->loop_reserved) ;
+ if (c->loop_count <= loop)
+ c->loop_count = loop+1 ;
+ c->loops[loop*2+1] = end ;
+int codeblock_label_add (CODEBLOCK * c, int identifier)
+ if (c->label_count == c->label_reserved) codeblock_label_alloc (c, c->label_count + 16) ;
+ c->labels[c->label_count] = -1;
+ c->labelsextra[c->label_count].name = identifier;
+ c->labelsextra[c->label_count].file = current_file;
+ c->labelsextra[c->label_count].line = line_count;
+ c->label_count++ ;
+ return c->label_count - 1 ;
+void codeblock_label_set (CODEBLOCK * c, int label, int offset)
+ c->labels[label] = offset ;
+int codeblock_label_get (CODEBLOCK * c, int label)
+ return c->labels[label] ;
+int codeblock_label_get_id_by_name (CODEBLOCK * c, int identifier)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < c->label_count; i++) if (c->labelsextra[i].name != -1 && c->labelsextra[i].name == identifier) return i;
+ return -1;
+void codeblock_stepback (CODEBLOCK * c)
+ int code = c->data[c->previous];
+ int param = 0;
+ if (MN_PARAMS(code) > 0)
+ param = c->data[c->previous+1];
+ if (c->previous != c->previous2)
+ {
+ c->current = c->previous;
+ c->previous = c->previous2;
+ codeblock_add (c, code, param);
+ }
+CODEBLOCK_POS codeblock_pos(CODEBLOCK * c)
+ p.current = c->current;
+ p.previous = c->previous;
+ p.previous2 = c->previous2;
+ return p;
+void codeblock_setpos(CODEBLOCK * c, CODEBLOCK_POS p)
+ c->current = p.current;
+ c->previous = p.previous;
+ c->previous2 = p.previous2;
+void codeblock_add_block (CODEBLOCK * c, CODEBLOCK_POS from, CODEBLOCK_POS to)
+ if (c->current+(to.current - from.current)+2 >= c->reserved)
+ codeblock_alloc (c, (to.current - from.current + 34) & 0x1F) ;
+ memcpy (c->data + c->current, c->data + from.current, 4*(to.current - from.current));
+ c->current += to.current - from.current;
+ c->previous = c->current - (to.current - to.previous);
+ if (to.current - from.current > 2)
+ c->previous2 = c->current - (to.current - to.previous2);
+ else
+ c->previous2 = c->previous;
+void codeblock_add (CODEBLOCK * c, int code, int param)
+ if (!c) return ;
+ if (MN_PARAMS(code) == 0 && param)
+ fprintf (stdout, "WARNING: mnemonic 0x%02X don't get params\n", code) ;
+ if (c->current > 0)
+ {
+ if (code == MN_ARRAY && c->data[c->previous] == MN_PUSH)
+ {
+ c->data[c->previous] = MN_INDEX ;
+ c->data[c->previous+1] *= param ;
+ codeblock_stepback(c);
+ return ;
+ }
+ else if (code == MN_ADD && c->data[c->previous] == MN_PUSH)
+ {
+ c->data[c->previous] = MN_INDEX ;
+ codeblock_stepback(c);
+ return ;
+ }
+ else if (code == MN_SUB && c->data[c->previous] == MN_PUSH)
+ {
+ c->data[c->previous] = MN_INDEX ;
+ c->data[c->previous+1] = -c->data[c->previous+1] ;
+ codeblock_stepback(c);
+ return ;
+ }
+ else if ((code & MN_MASK) == MN_INDEX)
+ {
+ if (c->data[c->previous] == MN_INDEX)
+ {
+ c->data[c->previous+1] += param ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ if ((c->data[c->previous] & MN_MASK) == MN_GLOBAL
+ || (c->data[c->previous] & MN_MASK) == MN_LOCAL
+ || (c->data[c->previous] & MN_MASK) == MN_PUBLIC
+ || (c->data[c->previous] & MN_MASK) == MN_REMOTE_PUBLIC
+ || (c->data[c->previous] & MN_MASK) == MN_PRIVATE
+ || (c->data[c->previous] & MN_MASK) == MN_REMOTE)
+ {
+ c->data[c->previous+1] += param ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (code == MN_POP)
+ {
+ switch (c->data[c->previous] & MN_MASK)
+ {
+ case MN_LET:
+ c->data[c->previous] = MN_LETNP | (c->data[c->previous] & ~MN_MASK);
+ return ;
+ case MN_CALL:
+ c->data[c->previous] = MN_PROC ;
+ return ;
+ case MN_SYSCALL:
+ c->data[c->previous] = MN_SYSPROC ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((code & MN_MASK) == MN_PTR)
+ {
+ /* Mismo caso */
+ switch (c->data[c->previous] & MN_MASK)
+ {
+ case MN_PRIVATE:
+ c->data[c->previous] = MN_GET_PRIV | (code & ~MN_MASK) ;
+ return ;
+ case MN_LOCAL:
+ c->data[c->previous] = MN_GET_LOCAL | (code & ~MN_MASK) ;
+ return ;
+ case MN_PUBLIC:
+ c->data[c->previous] = MN_GET_PUBLIC | (code & ~MN_MASK) ;
+ return ;
+ c->data[c->previous] = MN_GET_REMOTE_PUBLIC | (code & ~MN_MASK) ;
+ return ;
+ case MN_GLOBAL:
+ c->data[c->previous] = MN_GET_GLOBAL | (code & ~MN_MASK) ;
+ return ;
+ case MN_REMOTE:
+ c->data[c->previous] = MN_GET_REMOTE | (code & ~MN_MASK) ;
+ return ;
+ case MN_PUSH:
+ return ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ c->previous2 = c->previous;
+ c->previous = c->current ;
+ c->data[c->current++] = code ;
+ if (MN_PARAMS(code) > 0) {
+ c->data[c->current++] = param ;
+ }
+ if (c->current+2 >= c->reserved) codeblock_alloc (c, 32) ;