path: root/core/bgdi/src/main.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core/bgdi/src/main.c')
1 files changed, 339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/bgdi/src/main.c b/core/bgdi/src/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9d99c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/bgdi/src/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+ * Copyright © 2006-2016 SplinterGU (Fenix/Bennugd)
+ * Copyright © 2002-2006 Fenix Team (Fenix)
+ * Copyright © 1999-2002 José Luis Cebrián Pagüe (Fenix)
+ *
+ * This file is part of Bennu - Game Development
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ * arising from the use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ * appreciated but is not required.
+ *
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ *
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
+ * distribution.
+ *
+ */
+ */
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "bgdi.h"
+#include "bgdrtm.h"
+#include "xstrings.h"
+#include "dirs.h"
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static char * dcb_exts[] = { ".dcb", ".dat", ".bin", NULL };
+static int standalone = 0; /* 1 only if this is an standalone interpreter */
+static int embedded = 0; /* 1 only if this is a stub with an embedded DCB */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * FUNCTION : main
+ *
+ * Main function
+ *
+ * INT n: ERROR LEVEL to return to OS
+ *
+ * No value
+ *
+ */
+int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
+ char * filename = NULL, dcbname[ __MAX_PATH ], *ptr, *arg0, *ext ;
+ int i, j, ret = -1;
+ file * fp = NULL;
+ INSTANCE * mainproc_running;
+ dcb_signature dcb_signature;
+ /* disable stdout buffering */
+ setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, BUFSIZ );
+ /* get my executable name */
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ if ( strlen( argv[0] ) < 4 || strncmpi( &argv[0][strlen( argv[0] ) - 4], ".exe", 4 ) )
+ {
+ arg0 = malloc( strlen( argv[0] ) + 5 );
+ sprintf( arg0, "%s.exe", argv[0] );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ arg0 = strdup( argv[0] );
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ }
+ ptr = arg0 + strlen( arg0 );
+ while ( ptr > arg0 && ptr[-1] != '\\' && ptr[-1] != '/' ) ptr-- ;
+ appexename = strdup( ptr );
+ /* get executable full pathname */
+ fp = NULL;
+ appexefullpath = getfullpath( arg0 );
+ if ( ( !strchr( arg0, '\\' ) && !strchr( arg0, '/' ) ) )
+ {
+ struct stat st;
+ if ( stat( appexefullpath, &st ) || !S_ISREG( st.st_mode ) )
+ {
+ char *p = whereis( appexename );
+ if ( p )
+ {
+ char * tmp = calloc( 1, strlen( p ) + strlen( appexename ) + 2 );
+ free( appexefullpath );
+ sprintf( tmp, "%s/%s", p, appexename );
+ appexefullpath = getfullpath( tmp );
+ free( tmp );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* get pathname of executable */
+ ptr = strstr( appexefullpath, appexename );
+ appexepath = calloc( 1, ptr - appexefullpath + 1 );
+ strncpy( appexepath, appexefullpath, ptr - appexefullpath );
+ standalone = ( strncmpi( appexename, "bgdi", 4 ) == 0 ) ;
+ /* add binary path */
+ file_addp( appexepath );
+ if ( !standalone )
+ {
+ /* Hand-made interpreter: search for DCB at EOF */
+ fp = file_open( appexefullpath, "rb0" );
+ if ( fp )
+ {
+ file_seek( fp, -( int )sizeof( dcb_signature ), SEEK_END );
+ file_read( fp, &dcb_signature, sizeof( dcb_signature ) );
+ if ( strcmp( dcb_signature.magic, DCB_STUB_MAGIC ) == 0 )
+ {
+ ARRANGE_DWORD( &dcb_signature.dcb_offset );
+ embedded = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ filename = appexefullpath;
+ }
+ if ( standalone )
+ {
+ /* Calling BGDI.EXE so we must get all command line params */
+ for ( i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( argv[i][0] == '-' )
+ {
+ j = 1 ;
+ while ( argv[i][j] )
+ {
+ if ( argv[i][j] == 'd' ) debug++;
+ if ( argv[i][j] == 'i' )
+ {
+ if ( argv[i][j+1] == 0 )
+ {
+ if ( i == argc - 1 )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "You must provide a directory" ) ;
+ exit( 0 );
+ }
+ file_addp( argv[i+1] );
+ i++ ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ file_addp( &argv[i][j + 1] ) ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ j++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !filename )
+ {
+ filename = argv[i] ;
+ if ( i < argc - 1 ) memmove( &argv[i], &argv[i+1], sizeof( char* ) * ( argc - i - 1 ) ) ;
+ argc-- ;
+ i-- ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !filename )
+ {
+ printf( BGDI_VERSION "\n"
+ "Bennu Game Development Interpreter\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Copyright (c) 2006-2016 SplinterGU (Fenix/BennuGD)\n"
+ "Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Fenix Team (Fenix)\n"
+ "Copyright (c) 1999-2002 José Luis Cebrián Pagüe (Fenix)\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Usage: %s [options] <data code block file>[.dcb]\n"
+ "\n"
+ " -d Activate DEBUG mode (several -d for increment debug level)\n"
+ " -i dir Adds the directory to the PATH\n"
+ "\n"
+ "This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n"
+ "warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n"
+ "arising from the use of this software.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n"
+ "including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n"
+ "freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n"
+ "\n"
+ " 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n"
+ " claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n"
+ " in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n"
+ " appreciated but is not required.\n"
+ "\n"
+ " 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n"
+ " misrepresented as being the original software.\n"
+ "\n"
+ " 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source\n"
+ " distribution.\n"
+ , appexename ) ;
+ return -1 ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Initialization (modules needed before dcb_load) */
+ string_init() ;
+ init_c_type() ;
+ /* Init application title for windowed modes */
+ strcpy( dcbname, filename ) ;
+ ptr = filename + strlen( filename );
+ while ( ptr > filename && ptr[-1] != '\\' && ptr[-1] != '/' ) ptr-- ;
+ appname = strdup( ptr ) ;
+ if ( strlen( appname ) > 3 )
+ {
+ char ** dcbext = dcb_exts, *ext = &appname[ strlen( appname ) - 4 ];
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ if ( !strncmpi( ext, ".exe", 4 ) )
+ {
+ *ext = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ while ( dcbext && *dcbext )
+ {
+ if ( !strncmpi( ext, *dcbext, 4 ) )
+ {
+ *ext = '\0';
+ break;
+ }
+ dcbext++;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef __DEBUG__
+printf( "appname %s\n", appname);
+printf( "appexename %s\n", appexename);
+printf( "appexepath %s\n", appexepath);
+printf( "appexefullpath %s\n", appexefullpath);
+printf( "dcbname %s\n", dcbname);
+ if ( !embedded )
+ {
+ /* First try to load directly (we expect myfile.dcb) */
+ if ( !dcb_load( dcbname ) )
+ {
+ char ** dcbext = dcb_exts;
+ int dcbloaded = 0;
+ while ( dcbext && *dcbext )
+ {
+ strcpy( dcbname, appname ) ;
+ strcat( dcbname, *dcbext ) ;
+ if (( dcbloaded = dcb_load( dcbname ) ) ) break;
+ dcbext++;
+ }
+ if ( !dcbloaded )
+ {
+ printf( "%s: doesn't exist or isn't version %d DCB compatible\n", filename, DCB_VERSION >> 8 ) ;
+ return -1 ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dcb_load_from( fp, dcbname, dcb_signature.dcb_offset );
+ }
+ /* If the dcb is not in debug mode */
+ if ( dcb.data.NSourceFiles == 0 ) debug = 0;
+ /* Initialization (modules needed after dcb_load) */
+ sysproc_init() ;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ HWND hWnd = /*GetForegroundWindow()*/ GetConsoleWindow();
+ DWORD dwProcessId;
+ GetWindowThreadProcessId( hWnd, &dwProcessId );
+ if ( dwProcessId == GetCurrentProcessId() ) ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_HIDE );
+ argv[0] = filename;
+ bgdrtm_entry( argc, argv );
+ if ( mainproc )
+ {
+ mainproc_running = instance_new( mainproc, NULL ) ;
+ ret = instance_go_all() ;
+ }
+ bgdrtm_exit( ret );
+ free( appexename );
+ free( appexepath );
+ free( appexefullpath );
+ free( appname );
+ return ret;